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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. Yeah, indeed he is one scary dude. Always taunting you that he will be watching you from down on the beach under your condo as well. 😄 😄
  2. These are definitely red meat eaters down here in South America. 😉
  3. The second part of the tour was a visit to a large winery about 35 miles away from the city. The WC pax were there in their 4 big bus tour finishing up when we got there. I am sure they had fun, and had a great show going on, but made me very happy to have the little private wine tasting lunch and tour of the winery later with just the nine of us. 🙂 One crew member from the shops sat next to me. She was totally adorable and interesting to talk to. The lunch was a carnivore's dream come true with nice wines to pair with. 😄 And found a lively "bartender" in the cellar.
  4. Great tour yesterday. A bit long in the seat of the little van, but interesting tour of the city of Montevideo. Very happy to see a healthy city here in Uruguay versus what we experienced in Brazil. We were lucky to have a tour that was a total of 9 pax (including us). Simple, clean and newer little 15 pax touring van. Really nice guide. Some beautiful parks and statues. The one building was built/designed by a man that used to live in Dubai. Ummm...yeah, I can see that. 😉 Found an interesting fellow photographer really into his work as well. 😄
  5. LOL...too funny! Thanks! 😉 Unfortunately yet another ambulance on the pier again when we docked here in Buenos Aires. 😞
  6. Yeah, it's been getting louder all the time. Not sure why. Bucky takes his hearing aids out and it's still too loud indeed. Me...will be using my ear plugs from now on with the concert type shows.
  7. Montevideo Uruguay. Looks like some interesting buildings in the city. Tour today is a city tour with winery visit and winery lunch. I think it's the type of mass tourism type wineries with bus loads of visitors, but should be fun.
  8. Coming into Montevideo now...big seaside/port city. Two rivers dump into this large harbor, so the water has turned very brown. Geography: Montevideo on the mouth of the harbor, Buenos Aires much further up into the harbor, of which we will be doing an overnight tomorrow, and TAD for most. Was told about 300 pax will be leaving the cruise tomorrow, and 466 are coming on board...thus net gain of approx. 166 pax. We had around 60 children from Miami, will be 66 total after BA. Passed the MSC cruise ship going back out. Hmmm...wonder where the cocktail lounges are located on that ship? 😉 😁
  9. Oh no you don't...you old dog you.... You get to live a long life, since you are too tough to go early. 😄
  10. Oh I wish, but will leave it go. She is not worth it. They say you can't fix stupid...and IMHO...you can't fix rude and inconsiderate either. 😠 The hearing in my right ear is a bit better now, still sore, but getting better. And I will have my ear plugs with me at the next concert we go to. 🙂 Thanks my friend!
  11. Now that is nice of you for sure! 🥰 I did find my left over ear plugs (I usually wear on an overnight "red eye" flight) in the side pocket of my carry on bag. Will take them to a music show next time. The hearing in my right ear is coming back. Still a little muffled, and still a bit sore...but better. 🙂 Tonight is a comic. We always sit middle of the theater for that...harder to pick on us. 😄
  12. Ahh..thanks. I just can't help to comfort someone when needed. She thanked me again later on the next day when I saw her again. That was sweet as well. 🙂
  13. Indeed...do it while you can. I remember the pictures you showed of your Mom. She was always the perfect picture of a lady ....as is Pauline. 🙂
  14. Was another Alpha Alpha Alpha call this morning again. Deck 9 cabin this time. Hope that person is OK as well.
  15. Geez..I hope so. I am buying ear plugs at the next port. And probably sitting further down from the "walk in from the bar and sit at the closest seat" types. Though I think she just needed to stay with outdoor rock concerts. Ouch...my ear still hurts. 😞
  16. Just walked out of the show tonight after two sets. Some rather obviously drunken woman was screaming and had a high pitch whistle behind us seated in the handicapped area (and no she was not handicapped). I turned around at end of the first song set and asked her politely not to do that "This is not a rock concert" I told her. She cursed at me. She did it more loudly at the end of the next set. I had to walk out. Unfortunately I have lost the hearing now in my right ear. Hopefully it will heal. Why do people do that?
  17. Thank you. 🙂 I think he has tamed out now...errr...at least I hope so. 😉
  18. I about freaked out when I heard that cabin number. Way too close to yours. 😮 Happy you are both OK. Thanks for chiming in.
  19. Yup, that is what I said. Our bodies just don't bounce back again as quickly. Just please give me 3 more good years to finish off our international travels...and I will be happy and grateful. 🙂
  20. There was one we saw taken off in Rio...not sure about the other two ambulances.
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