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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. See post #996. I posted a picture of the certificate...though name not showing to protect the innocent. 😄
  2. Oh yeah...I think this has something to do with it. 😄 Though I really don't like calling her a pig...the Radiance ladies have always had a fond spot in my heart...but there is only so much you can do when she gets run down with lack of love and care. 😞
  3. Unfortunately...now they are both broken...as is a bit too many things on this ship (that IMHO should have been sent to dry dock for a month of reno before they sent her out on this WC).
  4. Just booked Viking Orion for 2026, that starts in Hong Kong. Trying to make things easier on ourselves, simply booked the pre cruise extension, 2 nights in Hong Kong. Since we are going to book our own flights (using up frequent flyer miles) this was the easy way to have Viking transfer service. Now I don't have to worry about where the ship is docked. 😉
  5. Our app showed the same. It was not until we boarded Serenade did the actual menu come up...and sometimes it acts a bit pissy at times too. But usually it is spot on. 🙂
  6. Ok...we have officially crossed over. And Captain Stig is doing a "victory lap". Having crossed south of the equator, he has turned the ship around crossing back north and then will head back south again. Blasting the ship's horn in celebration each time. 😄 And indeed was exactly at 9 am as predicted. Though technically I have already been south of the equator (honey moon in New Zealand in 1996), this is the first time I have been on a cruise ship doing so. ☺️ Still going to get that new pair of earrings. 😇
  7. Just about there!! Looks like it will be sooner than 9 am. Will I feel any different? 😉
  8. Found this on the bed when we got back to the cabin last night. Quite the collection of goodies!
  9. Merry Christmas to everyone!! 🤶 We are about to cross the equator. Was told around 9 am ship's time. Though we are ahead of Miami time by 2 hours......having had two time changes. It's light by 5:30 am. Off to breakfast in a bit. Another day at sea.
  10. Aww...thanks! Can't help trying to comfort those that need it...human nature I think. 🙂 And Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. 🎅
  11. The so called "British Finest" Beetle tribute had the most lackluster audience I have ever seen. Me for one. They tried...but IMHO...did not make the cut. Oh well. Some probably enjoyed it. One strange thing that happened...as we were walking down to our seats before the show...Etta May was talking to another couple. I quickly thanked her for the great show. She totally surprised me with telling me she thought she did a horrible job. And was quite upset at it, saying she hated the new program she brought out. OK...left her to her conversation with the couple. Spotted her later down front during the show on her own. Was able to make my way down to see her. Sat with her for a bit, put my arm around her and assured her that her show was fantastic, I loved it and thought she was a wonderful comic. She actually had tears in her eyes. Such a wonderful lady! Glad I had the chance to meet her in person. 🙂
  12. Totally different from the MDR tonight. Your picture looks good...forgot to take my phone...the MDR version...not so great. 😞
  13. I did...and happy I did so. Already the Beef Wellington was quite salty. The gravy would have made it worse!
  14. That does look good...though I might have them serve the gravy on the side...seems drowned in it?
  15. Oh no...I can't stand "mystery meat" turkey. Uggh...indeed that stuff they mix in a giant blender and form into a blob in a bag when they boil it. Yuck!! 😜
  16. I came real close to having that chocolate milk shake like thing splashed all over me...the others closer to the kid...did not get as lucky. Yuck.
  17. LOL...we did have the "Royal Burger" a few nights ago that was offered in the MDR for dinner. It was indeed very yummy! And this coming from one that buys "Impossible Veggie Burgers" to grill out at home. 😄
  18. Funny...Bucky seems to think the same thing....either that or it is a way for him to get out of cooking. Though he does make a great spaghetti sauce when I let him into my kitchen. ☺️ I personally designed my kitchen to make it into my "woman cave" when we remodeled it. 🙂 He loves the little garage as his personal domain. 😄
  19. I seem to remember it offered in 150? Or was it Chops. Indeed, not even sure if I have had it..but if I did, had to be years ago. Always fun to try new things. 🥰
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