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Posts posted by jollyjoyce

  1. Thanks for the tip. Website not playing ball for me either, & gift dept telephone line now closed. Let's hope they still offer the same rate in the morning...



    Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app


    I tried online again and it worked so have another try.

  2. Any UK cruisers sailing soon can still buy onboard credit at the old Celebrity rate of $1.44 compared to the current rate in UK of about $1.32. Don't know how long this will last but I just bought some this morning


    Hi, can you tell me how you did this...Imtried but it wouldn't accept my reservation number on My Celebrity.


  3. After many, many emails etc. I started to get emails from Azamara.

    However they have stopped and I only found out about the BOGOHP promotion from here on Cruise Critic.

    I have the name of a consultant so, I wrote and asked why I was not getting these emails.

    The reply was that, Azamara's system does not allow promotional e mails to go out to customers who already have a booking!!!!!!!

    This, of course, assumes that you only want to book one cruise and seems to me, very short sighted.

    She did say she would pass on my comments but, Bonnie, could you check this out? as it just doesn't seem right.



    We were getting offers emails too...but they have stopped!! I contacted Nicole who s supposed to be looking into it.

    I despair of Azamara...and Celebrity....surely it's not rocket science in this day and age to get website, promotional emails etc sent to folks who have spent a LOT of £s over the years. We have cruises booked with both....

  4. I paid yesterday and went into 'My Azamara' and filled in all the necessary documentation.

    I then had to accept the cruise contract.

    Before I left the site, I had the option to have my documents delivered electronically or as paper, so I suspect my luggage tag will be with that when delivered.



    About 40 days before the cruise the edocs usually become available in My Azamara.

    There should be a link at the bottom of the page for you to order luggage tags....although ours never came last time and lots have had problems ! I have read recently that they are being delivered again.

    I will order them at that point and go from there!! There is always a page in the edocs with a dummy luggage tag so you can always copy that if needs be....which is what a lot of folks do anyway.

    If all else fails, the porters will put them on for you at the pier.


  5. Open note to Celebrity Cruises -




    Please stop spending days and nights in the smelliest, least friendly of the Eastern Med ports - Piraeus.




    If anyone's not been to Athens then read this sentence and stop - It's a lovely place, some really interesting sights but it's lost a lot of greek character away from the Acropolis, Temple of Zeus etc.




    Still here - good. We had the misfortune to cancel Istanbul overnight - no complaints, I get it - safety first and if I were responsible for all of those souls I'd probably have done the same. However someone decided overnight in Piraeus would be a good idea.




    There is nothing in Athens worth a second day and no evening atmosphere to speak of, especially when there are so many gorgeous islands - pick any! - which would offer many more options for guests. I can only presume it's cheap to go there otherwise why do Celebrity insist on doing this.




    We arrived in the port, planning a day out to another island- Greece was in a transport strike - no guarantees on ferries so no trip for us.




    We opened the balcony door and closed it - if I wanted a holiday (vacation) in a chemical plant or oil refinery I'd book one and it went downhill from there. The chemical smog did not disperse for the whole 2 days. Did I complain on board - no - the ship crew could do nothing about it after all. The second day was the same - except the ship was packed, I lost count of how many times I heard people saying there was nothing to go and do - of course it was a port day so no entertainment to speak of until late afternoon.




    My wife has asthma- by the end of our time there she was as ill with it as I've ever seen it - 36 hours of refinery smog will do that to you but at least we got to sail away - some folks have to live in it!




    If I can I will post a photo of our sailaway - the yellow smog clearly visible in the evening haze. This was not an isolated incident - every time we go to Piraeus it's the same depressing mess and smog.






    So come one Celebrity - lets start a campaign - no more heavily polluted ports and definitely no more Piraeus




    (I know but a man can dream).






    I totally agree with you. We did HOHO bus last year...having been before...and never got off the bus!

    Dirty, graffiti, beggars........ok The Acropolis is stunning but was covered in scaffolding...



    We disembarked in Athens the following day.......stood outside waiting for our transport for 2 hours in the sunshine after Celebrity booted us out to get ready for next cruise...which I Totally understand but animals are treated better in UK.

    Not somewhere I ever wish to visit again.

  6. The old system worked if everyone actually tipped the staff but this assures that they do. The staff works very hard to make your vacation a success. I always give the cabin staff a tip on the front end of my trip in addition to whatever the daily tip is.


    Well actually you still have the option of adjusting daily gratuities onboard so what's the difference? Other than apathy?

    The only difference that I can see with compulsory grats is that ALL staff get something whether they have contact with you or not. Even the dishwashers and cleaners who wash the handrails..... etc...who do a totally admiral job and not recognised normally...I hope they get a share.

    I am from the UK and truthfully do not agree with compulsory grants and I Do NoT give extra at the end of the cruise unless someone goes over and above what they are paid to do.


    Now everyone is prepaying tips . On the last night and morning the room attendant and waiters kind of lurk looking for additional tips as if you have left nothing.


    Go back to the old system of envelops and tip what you really thought the service deserved.


    I totally agree. Service is service.

  8. We are on the next Quest cruise from Southampton to the Baltic. We are not part of a charter so I'm not sure if that is correct. If they were going to drydock, it seems like it would be between the end of the current cruise and the beginning of ours which leaves on June 11.


    Sorry, the cruise we are on with Jackie isn't until September, and the charter starts 24th September. Didn't mean to confuse anyone!

    Hope all is well with your cruise.

  9. As for the shower curtain, that is certainly an interesting approach. Personally, unlike others, I have never had problems with a "clingy" curtain on board, but that may reflect that, generally, I notice my body simply seems to not hold the same attractive powers that it used to have.



    Sorry nordski but that really made me smile...I know the feeling !!

    Must admit I have never found it a problem either.

  10. Get his game together? From what I have seen of Mr Twynam I'd say he definitely has his game together. Promotional material is rarely 100% up to date and correct. There is far too much knowledge on this board. That's the only real problem!





    I think that Richard T is by far the best thing that has ever happened to Az UK and I have been in contact with him on a few ocassions......always quickly and efficiently resolved.

    My point was that if Az are going to issue promo material...it should be correct every time. Never since we started cruising with Az, and a long time before RT joined them, have men been required to wear jackets anywhere on Quest or Journey.... And he should know that!

    It isn't that there is too mch knowledge on this board that's the problem, it's that people are always assumed to be being critical when they have valid observations to make......and it's as if nobody is allowed an opinion unless it s a positive one. Surely things only improve by us all having valid opinions and voicing them, as surely we are allowed to do on this board.


  11. Anyone notice that they used old footage of one of the ships - painted a beautiful gleaming white?


    Yes, I noticed too but decided not to post for fear of being " shot down in flames" by certain people on the Az boards...if the cap fits....the part about men's jackets was incorrect too. Richard T really should get his game together if he wants to have this kind of publicity.

    I am a very loyal Az customer...

    Shoot me down then!

  12. A shame that the film and sound weren't co- ordinated.

    What I did find interesting was that Richard Twynam said that their cruises are very popular with repeat guests. He used as his example Quest's voyage from Southampton to Montreal where 'frequent guests want to cruise again with passengers that they have previously met on the ships, hence the voyage filled up very quickly.'


    And that was rubbish....that cruise sold so quickly because it is a"1 off" cruise due to repositioning for a charter...an itinery they would never normally do....which was exciting to those of us who cruise with Az regularly and are looking for something that little bit different....which it is!

    Sorry Richard T

  13. Hi, I too have never seen any mention of the drinks package in the cruise planner. Does anybody know where to find it on your booking page? i dont doubt it will be on our cruisepass when we board but it would be reassuring to see it on the website.

    Many Thanks


    Login to My Celebrity.....go to manage reservation...under cruise extras click order history. It shows the drinks package...certainly on mine.

    I did upgrade my (just mine though!!) drinks to Pemium so maybe that's why it's showing. I never looked before I upgraded!

    Hope this helps.

  14. Spreadsheet updated to include posts from 2013-2016 (up to Message #290)




    Differs slightly from S-Class spreadsheet - additional columns for:


    • Year of review (in case there has been a refurb/dry dock),
    • Message #, so if you want to view photos or the original post - you have a search feature, and
    • “Media” column (Yes/No) to indicate if photos, or links to photos/videos were within the post.




    Thank you Heather, extremely useful info. Must have taken you ages. Very much appreciated.


  15. As uktog says they will give you half an hour free internet to do this. Ask at Guest Relations.




    Info is a bit late for LuAnn though Phil. Pity if she had something she wanted to share with Az. Hope she filled in the Q a couple of days into the cruise.

  16. It is more than mean. It is not a case of it not costing Celebrity when you call them, they actually make money from these calls. [i spent some hours I will never see again some while ago ploughing through the small print on the BT website to find the information that no ones wants you to know.]


    In addition, yet again the email from Celebrity advising of the new email address was addressed to my husband when it is ME that does all the cruise booking, all the correspondence with Celebrity and is the 1st named on all of our cruises. I would not object if we both got these emails but to send them just to my husband is an insult.




    I totally agree with everything you have said. Same happens in our house!!

  17. We are boarding in Dubai, does anyone know if there is any chance of buying champagne or white sparkling wine at the airport or is this completely out of the question? I am aware they have strict laws re alcohol and it's available in restaurants and clubs but unsure if it's available on general sale If so our only option is to bring it from the uk. Happy to drink provided red but am aware any white sparkly is not included in the package and I do like a drink of sparkly before dinner.


    You can buy duty free on arrival in Dubai Airport no problem.

  18. It seems ridiculous that this label malarkey even exists. Considering the cost of a cruise, surely labels should be automatically sent to us. After all when on board, labels are readily provided for disembarkation!


    I totally agree. I was in correspondence with Richard Twynam's office directly about this back in December before our last cruise on Az. Was lead to believe it was a temporary problem...obviously not!!

    We used to be able to order the and receive them no problem.

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