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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. Thank you for the suggestion. Courtesy of Mr Amazon I now have one arriving tomorrow!
  2. Cruising in Alaska on any line is normally very relaxed hence the lack of formal wear. There are even discussions on the Cunard board about how dressed down people can be, shock horror. The queues look pretty dreadful sorry you're having to deal with all that. From my nightmare Arvia experience last year you have every bit of my sympathy! I do not understand how the management of these ships think this is acceptable and rather than just treating it as the norm should at least acknowledge their existence and apologise. Personally I've always found Princess very formulaic, ie every ship has the same vibe and entertainment etc. Americans in particular seem to like that, familiarity making them comfortable. Clearly your inner David Attenborough is getting another great treat with the whales. After the white rhino sighting in Africa in January could I suggest you book a cruise taking in India in an effort to add a Bengal tiger to your list of rare animal sightings? I'm glad that the wonders of Alaska and Canada are offering you a sight of someone other than the backs and behinds of the US residents onboard !
  3. That's more than I've just paid Cunard and their price includes a gratuity of 15%.
  4. All good ideas. I'm very nervous about it being some noisy after my Arvia nightmare. I think I really would not be able to cope a second time. Still at least I'd be in the UK and could get off without the flight complications!
  5. Just had an interesting time researching these on Queen Anne. I'm intrigued by Deck 8 forward where there are two inside cabins 8019 and 8023 all by themselves. What is in that big white area, I'm particularly interested as I've been allocated a cabin immediately below it on Deck 7.
  6. We.must be of the same.mindset! My front garden is lined with my Mum and Dad's roses and a couple are over 70 years old. They never need a lot of care a wash down with Fairy Liquid a couple of times a year. I started my collection when we first got married in our small maisonette garden and they sort of multiplied. I keep saying I've no room but still find room when the impulse takes me. I seek out roses with names of family members and for some reason the family keeps growing - two more babies due in June and September so no doubt two more no room roses.
  7. They are "Eye" Rose's. Yellow one is Eye of the Tiger, mauve one is In Your Eyes and the last one is Eyes on You. I have a climber not yet out which is called For Your Eyes Only. You are correct on Blue for You. Mine is a standard too. We love standard roses and have twelve of them. The earliest to flower is a very old variety Canary Bird and it is a weeping standard.
  8. We are awaiting thunderstorms from Wales with a yellow warning. Nice and warm at the moment and grass has been mowed and weeding completed for the first time in 3 weeks! I have over 100 roses in the gardens and the earliest bloom is normally the first week in April - Grandpa Dickson. We always have roses in bloom as I've learned which bloom later to ensure lots of blooms until early November.
  9. So I can't order a glass of wine and a bottle of water together? I drink water alongside the wine as a habit I picked up in Austria.
  10. Presumably if you are two you need to show two cruise cards? Many years ago I recall what was Disney World's nightclub venue insisting two wristbands to buy a drink so if you gad a table or seat you lost it. I assume Cunard's waiters will be proactive unlike on my P&O cruise where a Wetherspoon approach was adopted on outside decks, ie queue at the bar to order and then queue to collect your drinks!
  11. Roses, someone wanted roses. I can offer you these currently in my garden!
  12. As a matter of interest how can you find out which cabins have the "landscape" layout?
  13. Yes, I'd thought they were errors and my husband got very uptight about being told he needed assistance, you may recall I started a thread when it first started. However both cruise lines will not remove the requirement for one to one from the bookings stating they consider it mandatory, hence I resubmitted for the other two saying yes. I felt we would be damned if we did and damned if we didn't. The tender test sounds much better.
  14. I agree but there are four cruises, 2 P&O and 2 Cunard. One P&O and one Cunard state required one to one the other on each line says not required. I have subsequently filled in new forms for the other two cruises stating we need it. Interestingly it is the two oldest bookings saying it is compulsory whereas the newer ones state not mandatory. The first of these sailings is not until August on Aurora so we shall see. As an aside Cunard require a tender test which will be carried out privately once onboard P&O however say unnecessary.
  15. It may indeed say this but I have out of four bookings two bookings as stated elsewhere in the thread which the booking agent at P&O has marked our reservation as minimum requirement one to one assistance. This is for a man who uses a stick no more than two or three times a year. I queried why the other bookings do not have this requirement and the answer is neither P&O or Cunard can explain why the same passenger with the same mobility/illness is required to have one to one assistance on one cruise but not another. Hence my personal interest in all this as I have personal concerns about the confusions arising on this issue.
  16. The trouble is that for the OP the problem did exist. My devil's advocate question about insurance cover was simply that, to highlight there is a very grey area with the situation. Most of the stories hitting the press are due to the passengers not filling in the forms and unfortunately that's their own fault. I don't doubt for one moment that in my pretend scenario pressure could be put on the insurer to get them to pay out but that would most likely end up being time consuming and stressful for the person involved. On the other hand if P&O are applying very strict rules the information should be in plain and simple language. The current form is confusing to many. For instance, while walking sticks etc are mobility aids most people do not have that description spring to mind and may not believe they need to complete the form in such a way that one to one assistance is required, and yet that apparently is what P&O feel is the minimum level that walking stick users should request. I have looked back at the form provided to us by Celebrity for our December cruise. It is far better and more importantly easy to understand. Celebrity-Guest-Special-Needs-Form.pdf
  17. So we are back to Mr Edinburgh and I'm sorry this is a P&o rule and we don't cover that. Sorry P... off .... So are they actually telling these people sorry we won't carry you????
  18. While the issue is being discussed here generically, some very prominent points are being missed in the OP's case. 1. He and his travel agent DID notify at the time of booking about his wheelchair use and DID complete the mobility form to advise of the fact the chair was being provided by Mobility at Sea. 2. P&O do not acknowledge receipt of his form. This could have had implications for the OP on arrival to board if they claimed they never received it. Looking at my own cruise personaliser the only indication you get the form has been submitted is a statement next to the passengers name: "You previously submitted the questionnaire on 30 March 2024", however the individual does not get any acknowledgement of what this submission amounts to, basically you have no idea what level of assistance P&O are going to provide, if there is anything they might query, or even if the information provided is noted. You are left in total limbo, most normal people would, I believe, expect some sort of acknowledgement that their needs are noted however nothing is offered either on the cruise personaliser or by any other means. Therefore it was not unreasonable for the OP to think it may not gave been received and to therefore resubmit the form. 3. As david63 says above circumstances change after booking. The onboard needs section states: "Please note: if you submit a new questionnaire, it will remove any information previously submitted. Therefore ensure you complete a new questionnaire in full with all of your requirements". This has extremely interesting connotations for anyone who resubmits a form or indeed fills it in for the first time late into their booking after a change of circumstances. Clearly the OP completing the form a second time has triggered the refusal of his wheelchair and presumably this is because the section I mention here has triggered a message to the onboard needs team that we have a man here who needs double handed assistance and we have no one to offer it. Answer: tell him no wheelchair. This clause therefore becomes extremely relevant to each and every one of us, able bodied as well. What would P&O do in this scenario: I book a cruise today, departing December 2025. I am able bodied, have nothing to notify on booking and am happy all is well. Unfortunately come October 2025 I trip on the kerb and damage my leg resulting in a period in plaster and physio after it heals. The medical advice is that I can go on my holiday but I now need to have a temporary wheelchair ashore to help my leg continue it's good progress. I therefore fill in the form and contact P&O in November. The next answer is vital. P&O inform me, sorry you're too late we have no spaces for your chair. What are my options? Nowhere does it mention if it would be a refund of my money on cancellation, so the next port of call is your insurer. Interestingly I've just tried three major insurers for their take on this and have been told if my medical advisers stated I could travel they most likely would not pay out under medical. So do I stand to lose my money or what? Clearly something P&O need to answer but it's nowhere in the Frequently Asked Questions.
  19. Thank you. Yes I will be buying the large bottles for my cabin but as I drink copious amounts of water and tea during a day I will be taking full advantage of my gifted from OH drinks package. I generally carry water with me everywhere and easily manage 2 litres a day so the small bottles will be very useful to accomplish this. Not too worried about the alcoholic 15 minute rule as I take forever over my beer and wine. Cocktails however ... oops!
  20. Back home and guess what ..... yes it's been raining, yes it's cold, yes I'm bloomin' fed up already! Packing today. Looked at the forecast for my destinations two days ago and sorted stuff accordingly. Just looked again and everything has changed. So deliberations. Do I really need my big raincoat or will a hiking one suffice, are three sweaters and two hoodie over the top, is it jeans or should I risk my lightweight trousers and skirts, boots, trainers, sandals ... aaarrrrggg
  21. Thank you. This drinks package thing is a whole new world to me on Cunard and a bit of a minefield everywhere! Celebrity let me have as many as I wanted with no 15 minute rules, on the other hand Princess said no limit but took the lids off.
  22. I love a silly question, so here goes: Re the small bottles in the drinks package do I have to wait 15 minutes before ordering each one or if I drink one on site can I take another away? Do these bottles have the lids on or do they remove them on delivery?
  23. Yes, a rest is now on the cards. Hopefully back for the July Festival at Newmarket - he loves the July Course. He has had three races in quick succession and the general opinion is that he wasn't too happy today. Funnily enough for a northern trained horse he seems to prefer the southern tracks! Not too disappointed, as always just glad to see him safely back from his exploits. Good to know he seems fine and lives to fight another day. Now going to rush home tomorrow to do the packing, normally stop off in Leeds to visit the family but am snubbing them this time!
  24. Good morning all. Well so far I've not brought the rain up north with me but there is a shower forecast around midday. Fingers crossed for the good going to last and that Dutch Decoy finally gets his head in front for a much deserved win. Hopefully lovely York will be lucky. Hope everyone is in good health and had a restful night. Wherever you are, whatever your plans have a great day and may the sun shine for us all!
  25. The only thing I would add is if you were to choose Queen Anne the 10% introductory reduction ends on 4 June. Cunard have over 70 cruises sold out through 2024 and 2025 and so as a result I would expect the price to rise from the current level by more than that 10%. Princess go on general sale next week, 23 May 2024. Presumably their itineraries are now available on good travel agent sites. Good luck whatever you choose, I'm sure it will be great on any of the ships.
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