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Vineyard View

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Everything posted by Vineyard View

  1. Thank you for these suggestions. I have the referral credit you are mentioning. I appreciate this. The roll call is pretty quiet. I have been researching private tours on a couple websites. We generally do this or DIY. There is one port we may take a ship excursion due to the relatively remote small local, combined with tender. I again thank you. Least of my concerns now is if we will be dressed appropriately.
  2. Thank you techno - I feel like I initiated the launch of flame throwers. It was a simple, honest question. Oh well, I am not going be concerned. I know that we are pretty darned classy dressers…
  3. I did NOT mean to ruffle feathers with the question of wearing upscale, collared short sleeve quality shirts (think silk, etc) in a warm Mediterranean climate. I should have clarified and stated ‘in addition to long sleeves’. I had already looked up on Seabourn’s website what the dress requirements are. It states ‘collared dress shirt’. After reading all these responses, I actually perused the definition of “collared dress shirt”. Several websites clearly state that in warm climates short sleeve collared dress shirts are appropriate. We are new to Seabourn. I was simply trying to understand expectations. I was not trying to step outside of the rules or stated dress codes. If Seabourn’s printed dress code was more specific I would not have asked. If it stated ‘long sleeve collared dress shirts”, there would not have been question. I specifically said warm Mediterranean weather, which was the main reason to even ask. DH cuts a fine look when he dresses and enjoys dressing up. Based on all the responding comments, then he will pack more long sleeve. I guess, thank you.
  4. Last year Viking used this terminal. This year Seabourn and a couple others are using it. We sail from there in May. You cannot freely embark nor disembark from where the ships dock in Fusina. They will bus you to wherever that cruise line does, such as Maritima, or the Airport for example. We have been informed that we will meet at the cruise terminal in Venice that was used prior to the changes, and then be transferred to the ship.
  5. Years back we spent a week on the Amalfi Coast. Was awesome. I think that each town has its own special ‘magic’. Agree that Ravello is pretty special. Positano is unique. But then, each of them are. We’ve been to Sorrento twice, and in hindsight once was enough. The road along the coast is pretty slow going. Not one you want your guide to rush on. If you dock at 1:00, and need to be back to sail by 7:00, then realistically you might want to choose a couple places that are of most interest to you and have a little time in each. If you try several, you will be pretty rushed without the opportunity to really enjoy any. But that’s just my thoughts. The Amalfi is impossible to not enjoy! Have a great time
  6. We totally agree. We generally do anyways. Just will up the volume! Ha! Italy is always fun wine shopping, but looking forward to Croatia wine exploring. I am reading some nice reviews. France and Spain are winners for sure! Brought a case on years back when we had a lengthy cruise and had pre stay in Barcelona. Their Rojas!
  7. Not trying to flame the jean conversation again. DH won’t be wearing, but I am curious about this. In warmer weather climates, Mediterranean, do men often wear short sleeve, but higher end, button/collared shirts with nice slacks? Not on formal night, but regular.
  8. And that is a real disappointment. Not sure their reasoning
  9. Grand European is a fantastic itinerary. We sailed it 10 years ago - holy moly! Ha! Anyways, we met life long friends, had the best time in ports. We travelled in Spring. Low water levels were not an issue. So much beautiful scenery and great places to explore. DH and I were just discussing whether we might want to do this one again, maybe Holland/tulips…or Oceans…..but Spring is our favorite time, or we might jump on this one.
  10. Cat lover, thanks for further clarifying what we have decided to do with bringing some on board. I now know, and can act accordingly. Yours is the second suggestion regarding the Somme. I will certainly remember these tips as we have found out on other lines that can make a difference. Two buck chuck….that was quite the wine! Ha! I was involved in the industry at that time. You never knew which ‘juice ‘ went into making it. Was marketing genius though! We plan on having a marvelous time! Knowing these nits up front helps better pre-planning. We tend to pay up on wine…..it won’t be a deal breaker. Super excited for first cruise since Covid. Been WAY too long! And we are also very much looking forward to experiencing Seabourn….wine and all! That part is totally fixable.
  11. Easy to do. We had absolutely no issues when we were there late 2019. The beaches are lovely, and so were the people. Have fun! we didn’t think about renting a car as Fletcher suggests, but I wouldn’t hesitate to do that either if we ever return
  12. Well, I started to type something…..but there just are no words. Well, there are, but I really better button it! Holy moly. As Mr Luxury has suggested, I had better count on purchasing bottles! And bringing on board. So glad I asked prior and didn’t walk on board blind.
  13. I think that I had better add this one to Seabourn notes on my phone. I don’t know I will remember this, and it’s a great tip. Thank you!
  14. I don’t believe that a first time Seabourn guest receives any discounts off the bottles? I know what to expect now. Doesn’t match the description from Seabourn, but it is what it is. It’s okay to be disappointed in advertising that doesn’t ring true. It’s okay to raise a voice or concern. It Seabourn pax do not do this, nothing will change - but that Avenue won’t happen via CC. It needs to happen directly to Seabourn. I think it’s fair to do that.
  15. I am not expecting the true definition of “premium”’ wines complimentary. But I did not expect supermarket $10-$15 wines. I would expect that on Princess
  16. We enjoy bubbles. We enjoy a glass of white on a warm day - 95% of the time we drink Red. That would be very disappointing to only have three. I would hope that there were decent reds available by the bottle at reasonable prices, however in researching Seabourn they point out “ultra luxurious personalized service is a way of life. Never lift a finger while you are a guest of ours, unless it’s to signal a waiter for another bottle of vintage Bordeaux from the stocked wine cellar”, also - “complimentary premium spirits and fine wines available on board at all times” - these are published quotes that are on Seabourn’s website. I have to say that the included wines shown on this thread have no place, as on zero, in the “fine wines” category. It is disappointing. It apparently is a big change from the Seabourn of past, so maybe the marketing materials need to be adjusted to reflect actual product offerings. I recognize that supply chains have been disrupted for a lot of things in life. Living in a recognized wine region, I can attest to no wine supply chain issues here! So while bottles and cans, as mentioned previously, may be in short supply, the wineries aren’t discussing this, and the availability of wine has not diminished. Another record harvest was recently announced. So it’s puzzling - unless it just all boils down to cost cutting.
  17. This triggered a thought because it makes sense. I wonder what wines are being offered on HAL and Princess
  18. Thank you for this tip. I will also look at that option. Of course knowing wines on board change regularly with most lines, knowing what is offered once on board helps steer the direction. We will bring a few when we embark and take it from there. Cannot wait to finally sail again!
  19. It is difficult finding privates. It’s sad actually. We always found our guides to be highly educated individuals with a passion for what they did. It seems most have had to move on in order to survive during Covid. I wonder if they will venture back at one point. I hope that they do, for them and for travelers. I believe that they not only seemed to enjoy, but I hope that it provided a fair/good income. Vis - agree. Seems the best option would be to take a boat excursion around the island and visit beautiful beaches and caves. I am just not so sure that the water will be warm enough last of May for swimming. Oh well. We will make the best of it and enjoy being on vacation. Thank you for checking for me.
  20. I agree that we need a thread on unusual itineraries. It’s hard to get information on “off the beaten path” ports. I’ve tried to find more on Koper, but also a small island in Croatia - Vis. Result = Crickets. It’s not the only one. There are several on this upcoming trip. Part of the attraction of this itinerary are the unusual ports. Yes, I look at the ship excursions to get an idea of what might be of interest. In the past, pre Covid, there were independent tours more readily available than there appears to be now. I could find them here as well as on TA. Maybe it’s just me and I am missing the more up to date places to find these options. Thank you for your feedback on Piran. I think of it weren’t our last port on our trip, I might be more inclined to push it. As it stands, I quite honestly haven’t decided yet - and that is okay. I do know if we were to visit again we would likely want to travel further out because I feel fairly certain that staying close by in Piran and Koper will be a “one and done”.
  21. I believe we should clear customs at CDG - and yes..…we’ve experienced air traffic controller, bus, and train strikes. Sat on a train in Italy years back in the middle of the country for quite some time. They decided to strike, and just stopped the train! Same with Bus and airports. It’s interesting. But we do love Italy and looking forward to what this next adventure brings!
  22. Thank you for this further feedback. That intensive Spain itinerary really does look lovely - and some ports we haven’t been. Totally agree with you about Viking itineraries. Mediterranean are the same year after year, and we’ve already been to a lot of them on Viking. I am reading that a lot of lines are struggling with being at pre Covid standards. Glad you enjoyed Koper. It seems that several smaller lines are going here, so it could likely be a repeat in the future should we be fortunate enough to find ourselves with travel continued!
  23. It’s bottom barrel zin. Winery isn’t far from here but on the ‘tourist tour’ list - i think in part because of their low price points (for a reason IMHO)…..not on any of the locals visiting or member list!
  24. That seems more in line with what I had thought I would encounter on Seabourn for the first time. It is for sure more in line with how they present themselves from a marketing standpoint.
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