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Everything posted by cheeseheads4ever

  1. I’ve been checking but am stuck in the 15% off Elite status forever. Thought I was missing something.
  2. I thought you couldn’t wait that long to buy insurance through the cruise line but I could be wrong..
  3. So if you have a cruise booked you check in plan my cruise (app) and if you don’t do you just go to Celebrity site after signing in? Just making sure I’m not missing something…
  4. Sounds like that’s what happened… unfortunately passed on deal today. Will try next week. i truly thank you all.
  5. Well today was the last day of our courtesy hold on our stateroom for our cruise the end of November. We called today to ask a few questions. One being the written itinerary says one of the stops was Grand Turks (Turks and Caicos). On the actual map of the itinerary it shows Grand Cayman. Hmm? The customer service person after our repeated explanations that they didn’t match didn’t understand and made up some unrealistic reason which made no sense. Every question we asked she didnt know the answer or offer to volunteer to transfer us to someone that could answer the questions. Finally after getting a headache we both said we will try back later. After an hour we call back again and get another customer service person. She was easier to understand but again could not give answers that were for sure answers. So reluctantly we gave up just tired and stressed. These weren’t hard questions. We were going to book today. So disappointed… Questions were where are we cruising to? Grand Turk or Grand Cayman? Refundable or non refundable deposit details, AARP Discount, upgrading drink package, she said we couldn’t upgrade? A few others but something a customer service person should know. We were looking forward to cruising with a HAL again. Please don’t bring up get a TA. We’ve booked 15 cruises on our own but not with HAL. Sorry I had to vent.
  6. So is what I’m hearing is that Club Orange is worth the money. $25 each per day? I think!
  7. Just a couple more questions. Hope you are settling in at home.. What is the Orange Club all about? is it worth it? Tried to read about it but a lot of priority stuff which is ok but doesn’t float my boat enough to spend more money. As far as entrees in MDR can you get extra appetizers and an entree if you want? Just in case ai can’t make my mind up. I understand some things like lobster are extra. If you have any other tips please pass on. I very much appreciate your help!
  8. Nice review! We just became Elite. Just a couple questions we are going on Reflection in a couple weeks. Sounds like the continental breakfast was good. Were able to get specialty coffees due to your Elite status? As far as Elite Happy Hour was it hard to get a drink? Was it watered down? Was it at all bars? Not that you went to all bars but just curious what you heard. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. The thing I’m so impressed about on this report not only for the incredible job you have did with pictures and detailed info is the LOVE your DH has for his mother. Not a doubt about this. there’s not a day goes by I wished I was in his place on a cruise ship sitting next to my mother having a drink. So impressed by your report. You should be so proud of your DH. Hopefully I haven’t missed anything… Looking forward to our cruise on Rotterdam in November. Thanks again for the great job detailing your vacation…
  10. Just checking in on the Orange Party. I’m guessing you dress up in Orange but anything else I need to know about participating? In the BB King Blues Club? As I stated in another thread we are coming back to HAL after a 10 year absence and are very excited about it.. Any help would be appreciated…
  11. Thanks so much MaryBethV for the very informative information. Again we love your report you have did an incredible job with pictures and detailed information. Last time we sailed on HAL was 10 years ago on Westerdam. We had a fabulous time at the BB King Blues Club. We are seriously looking at booking the Rotterdam for a November Birthday cruise for my DW. We have until the 10th for a courtesy hold. I was surprised the deposit was $1200. Seems high. We have cruised our past 10-12 cruises on Celebrity and just feel like it was time for a change. I realize all cruise lines have made cutbacks but just need something different. Thanks again for all your help!
  12. Loving your report. We haven’t cruised on HAL for 12 years. Can you please let me know what the costs are for the specialty dining restaurants. We have a cruise on hold and want to see how much extra the dining is. What restaurants you’d recommend? I am struggling to find pricing. How would you compare to Celebrity Cruises? Thanks for any help you can give us.
  13. Just inquiring about what fellow Blue Chip Members are seeing as of late for offers coming from Celebrity. Last year we were getting FREE offer's all the time and did book a couple for this year. But as of January 2024 we’ve been getting offers like $50-$100 off a room. Is anyone else seeing this change in offers? Just checking!
  14. What A Market, Great pictures and you are making me hungry. We’ve did the lobster cooked table side many times and absolutely loved it. Maybe I’m forgetting is the lobster you are showing in the picture the entree? I see you have lamb chops as well. we are on a reflection in a month and first night we are in Murano’s for you guessed it…tableside cooked lobster… Enjoy your cruise….
  15. Thanks for the report. Also very sorry to hear about your friend Susie. I’m happy you still went on the cruise. I’m sure she is proud of you for going. We are going on Reflection March 24th. So looking forward to that. Enjoy the rest of your cruise and know she is looking down on you with a smile.
  16. With elite status do you get any bottled water or do you have to bring your yeti and get it out of a fountain?
  17. Thanks for the info. Didn’t know they had a website. Yes you got a good deal. congrats!
  18. Charla, Thanks so much for the incredible cruise report. We are on Reflection in a month. Do you recall the names of any of the bartenders at the martini Bar? Just curious!
  19. Last year we got or should I say my DW got free cruises through the blue chip club. Since the first of the year we only get $200 off a room through Blue Chip. Was your Blue Chip offer for a free room? Not to be nosey. Just curious. Congrats by the way.
  20. Yes one of my questions was about putting my favorite soda and some decent water in a smaller suitcase with a luggage tag and giving it to the porter. Could I just wheel it upto my room? Maybe I’m overthinking this..
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