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Mitsugirly's extensive back to belly sun & sky review


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The hut where they rent the bikes at. While I'm not interested in doing anything like this now...because I can't =Sakari, I would love to do it some time in the future when Sakari gets big enough to ride the bikes. She knows how to ride a bike, just not of this size. So some day it will be fun to go off exploring on the bikes down the malecon.









They had an area next to us with a lady who gave massages.






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I made it back to the hubby and told him how beautiful the place was and then bask in the glory of me finding it making him agree that it was an awesome choice and I did an awesome job. (He always agrees no matter what lol).


Sakari ran back out to the water like if she was a fish out of water and couldn't wait to get back in before she lost consciousness.








At this time, the hubby already decided that to heck with the time, we're on vacation time and we were ready for the good drinks. We ordered some drinks and he decided why not have a "snack" as well and ordered some nachos. I headed out to the water with Sakari because she said there were fish everywhere.


There were some sorta huge rocks right by the shore...I mean RIGHT by there and you could basically lay on your belly with your face in the water to see part of them. We looked around that area and found tons of fish everywhere.


Some Sergeant Majors:




THEN I CAME UPON THIS....The sideways fish, flounder. It's the very first time I have seen one while snorkeling (I have seen them at the huge pay aquariums like Ripleys in Gatlinburg and other places, but never on my own).


He was sitting in the sand really still and of course, trying to blend in and hide with his eyeball sticking up and watching me get closer and closer.








I guess he caught word that this cruise I had picked up something I shouldn't have and I was getting too close for his comfort, so he decided to move to the other side of the rock...like we weren't going to follow him or anything. HA!






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A few fish in some of the sea grass areas.






This caught my eye and I'm not sure what it is. The outside of it kinda reminded me of a flamingo tongued snail, but I'm really not sure and it was very hard to get my camera focused on it with the sea grass in the way.




Sakari found a conch shell and had to show me and then quickly put it back.





We decided to head on out a little further (at least to the point that she was either able to touch or didn't have to swim far before touching the bottom again). For the most part, it's fairly shallow (as in an adult can stand up in most of the area) and we located this little guy, who was blending in pretty good. Can you see him? Can you see him??





He was just the cutest little thing. I love these little long horned cowfishes. The way their little fins flutter reminds me of a hummingbird. I use to have one of these in my salt water aquarium and I have loved them since then. Only this one was a lot bigger than the one I had in my tank of course.






Sakari kept finding what I called sea grapes, but I might be wrong. She swore they were fish eggs and continued with that story the rest of the day no matter what I told her.



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Obviously by the crystal clear blue water, there's plenty of sand in the area too.





A rainbow wrasse





Several groups on surgeon fish were in the area.








Sakari discovered that she had a few friends following her around. They went everywhere she went and wouldn't leave her alone.




Everywhere she swam, they swam. Everywhere she stood, they were right there surrounding her feet starring at her. It was funny to watch and she was fascinated by them. Anyone know what type of fish they are?




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I know she secretly wishes she was a fish.





Yep, they're still there Sakari. You can't out swim them.







Finding some interesting looking shells.




We found a crab





And then he found us...puttem up, you messing with me? Go ahead, I double crab dare you...arms wide open and ready for us. Come at me bro!






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We headed back in and daddy was waiting on us.





I drank the rest of my drink and ordered another round. The hubby had received his nachos and they looked and WAS yummy!!!!




One thing I noticed at this point, while eating, drinking and still walking around in circles taking pictures because I just can't stay still...there was a sign on our palapa that said service. I started messing with it and discovered that it turned. Hmmm, ok, so I guess that's how you let them know you need something. Ours had been stuck on "Service" since we got there. Maybe that's why we were getting so many drinks and food. LOL Worked for me!




I decided after this many drinks, I needed to find the restroom and headed over toward the main restaurant building area.


Across the malecon I go...





They had a cute little covered restaurante here and some swings at the bar area. Cute.








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Going into the restroom, Sakari decided she wants a door just like this some day and then ask me if we'd be able to collect enough shells for it. I told her she better get busy and find more because she was off to a slow start.








They had a locker area right outside the restrooms and between the restrooms and the dining area. I would later be told they were $2 to rent. Not bad.










When I came out of the restaurant, I decided to do a little more exploring while I was waiting on my food to come (I had ordered after tasting the hubbys yummy nachos).


I headed back toward the entrance building where I first came in.








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One more glance over at the palapas where the hubby was. I imagined he'd wonder for a little bit why it was taking me so long to return, but then again, he knows me so well and knows that no matter where I go (even to the restroom) I take my camera. And if I have my camera, I'm more than likely wondering off somewhere for some more pictures. It's just a given with me.








A few weird chairs at the restaurant.







Yes, they do have FREE wifi here. It worked pretty good and could be used even down at the beach. Did I mention is was FA-REEEE!!!








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When I arrived back to the palapa, the hubby must have got his belly full.




My yummy drink had arrived





And so had my yummy food as well.




Now, I DON'T like tomatos. I don't like them so much that I normally won't order things like spaghetti at restaurants, instead I'll have alfredo. When I eat pizza, you can could it with the sauce on it and I'm fine, but I will pull back the cheese and toppings and "scrape" the sauce off. However, I could eat the tomoto and onion salsa all day long if I could. Oh my gosh it's just SO GOOD.


Here's the menus. I do have to tell you that a majority of the staff here either only speak Spanish or a limited amount of English that it's sometimes hard to communicate with them. Nino did not speak any English and when he tried to talk to us when we first got there, I immediately said "no hablo espanol" when he started talking to us. For some reason, he acted like he didn't understand that either and just kept talking in spanish (I know a few choice words and phrases) and could tell he was asking me questions that I couldn't answer. That's when he handed us off to what would become our waiter, who did speak pretty good english...Roberto. He was a terrific host, server...and I would find out later, the head chef as well.


Anyhow, why am I telling you this? Because the menus are in Spanish as well. Thank you taco bell for at least teaching me what some of these things are and how you spell them so that I could pick them out on a spanish menu. (I might add that after so many visits to Mexico over the years, I absolutely refuse to eat at Taco B(h)ell anymore. I want real Mexican!









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They also serve breakfast too!





I finished my plate (and probably even licked the plate clean when I didn't think others were watching), downed the rest of my drink, told the hubby I was going "drunk snorkeling" (then he got that worried look on his face, but I was only kidding) and pointed all the way out at the rocks and said "that's where I'm headed!!! Keep an eye on your daughter and hopefully I'll return"


Since I really didn't know what was out there or how deep it was, I really didn't want to struggle with Sakari tagging along (as much as I hate to snorkel alone). I don't mind if both of us going out that she's with us because we tag team watching her and helping her out when needed. But just me...it's too much unless I know I can stand in the water. She's never happy about this, but some friends come along in the water and off she went to play.


I figured I would "just for the heck of it" start by laying on my belly again and scooting around the rocks by the shore...to my surprise, I found a pretty LARGE pipefish, or at least that's what he looked like, but a very large version of anything I had seen before. Like huge. Like really really huge. The biggest one I have seen while snorkeling huge.


I really hate when you take pictures and from the pictures it can't really show you how big something is and to me, they usually look pretty small in the pictures.


But look at the rock...which was more like a huge bolder (hopefully I'll have pictures of it somewhere later in the review looking at it from above the water) then look at the size of him. He was really long.









The snout on him was long as well.




Then I started to head out over the grassy area.


I found all these shells in the same area. I thought that was weird that they were all grouped together.





Then I ran across my favorite little guy again. Still hanging out in the same area.



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A um...fish





I came up out of the water for a moment to glance over at the beautiful Sun, still waiting in port and jealous that I was having such a wonderful day without her.





I looked back to see how far I was from the shore.




Hmm, not bad, I could still touch the bottom so let's continue.


I ran across this lobster. He thought I didn't see him.







Then things started to get a little more interesting.





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We headed back to the room to finish the little bit of unpacking I still had left to do and daddy fell asleep watching t.v.


For some odd reason, I decided I didn't like what he was "not" watching at the time and switched the channel. What did I see?????? THE FRICKEN BRIDGE IN THE FRONT CAMERA!!!! OOHHHH EEEMMMM GEEEEE!!! I completely forgot about passing under the bridge in approximatley 2 hours after departure. What was I thinking. I started up my panic mode, grabbed my camera and told Sakari "LET'S GO!!!" We raced up to the pool deck and right as well walked out the doors, this is what I seen:





We were already passing right under it!! D*(&%^@!#*)*&^%!!!!!! Grrr, I couldn't believe it.


I was able to get some pictures after we passed under, but still, not what I was wanting!












I was officially hitting myself in the forehead now for not remembering this.


After returning to the room, Sakari found us a little present under the bed:




Yes, that's exactly what you think it is...boys underwear left behind! Glad to know they clean so well.


Also, this is the first time that we have came to our room and didn't have ANY ice in our ice bucket. I really needed some caffeine and of course my soda wasn't cold yet since it was only day 1. I called housekeeping and they did not answer. I called customer service and ask them about getting some ice and they said they don't fill ice buckets until the evening. Now I know I have had ice in my bucket before the evening on the other cruises.


I also told customer service about the dirty underwear left in our room. They sent a manager to our room and he ask where it was, I pointed on the floor and he reached down and picked it up...without gloves. I wanted to puke a little in my mouth, but hey, his hands not mine.


I might also add that if I can't get something done, I'll do it myself. I located a cart with a cooler filled with ice and went in and got it myself!!!







Kim we were on the Gem Oct 18 and, in searching for my aunt's keycard and lanyard she lost somewhere in the cabin, I came out from under her bed with a pair of black undies that were neither hers or my Mom's.

Edited by spacewoman
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Thanks so much for the compliment. :)




Thanks and I'm glad you enjoyed Playa Mia. Was it a busy day there? I have heard that it can get busy with a lot of ships in port, but we were lucky and didn't experience a busy day.


I always hate the pictures that the ship photographer takes. There's always some eyes shut, they have you standing facing the sun-so squinty eyes, someone not looking...it's always something. I know have NOT purchased a lot of them because of those reasons. If they only understood that they could probably make a lot more money if they took the time to make sure the pics didn't catch eyes closed or at least took 2 pictures...just in case.


Thanks for the congrats on nursing. It was a long hard road, but I finally made it. I actually started my first nursing job "officially" today.



No Playa Mia was not busy we practically had the water slide all to ourselves all day and the eating pavilion was empty and there were plenty of chairs on the beach to choose from which was the busiest spot of the day. I thought the people there were so nice and I felt very relaxed all day and the grounds were exceptionally clean. I would go back there again for sure.


I never really thought the cruise pictures were that bad BUT yours are so much better now I can see how bad there are. I am definitely a terrible photographer and yours amaze me.


Well another congrats for getting your first official nursing job. Excellent.

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Great review as usual. I can't wait to hear about the "furries". If it is what I think it is, hilarious and a little "ewww" that they were hugging children. I'll patiently wait for you to tell us. :D:D


Thanks for joining me and hmmm, I'm now wondering about your comment "eww". LOL



YAY finally caught up so I better subscribe to not miss whats new!



Thanks for another AH-MAZING review. I have never sailed NCL and not sure when if I will but I can't miss one of your reviews. I'm still so bummed that CCL did not treat you right in the Camp part. We have had nothing but great camp experiences but I know if you wont hold it against them if you ever take another chance.


Thanks again for all the time you put into this for us your loyal readers!!


Aww, thanks for coming to this review and enjoying it. It's ok about the Camp Carnival. I'm over it. It won't stop me from trying Carnival again and it definitely won't stop me from having her try the kids club again. I definitely don't hold it against Carnival...unless the program is so ho-hum like the Dream was. I really hope that there's more activities on the next one instead of just watching tv. I'm kinda excited to see the new "Suess" they have now. That would be fun!!!

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Hi! Thank you for the detailed review. I will eventually read the whole thing, but right now, I'm trying to decide if I want to change sides of the ship for our cruise in 9 days. There are still lots of empty cabins.


We are on the Sun. I was wondering which side of the outdoor decks is the smoking side. I can't remember and I don't want to start an argument on a thread with a title that includes the word smoke. Do you remember?


Thanks so much!

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Not sure what part of Ohio you are from but a quick google of Ohio glass blowing came up with about dozen places hopefully one is near you. I will warn you working with glass is not cheap. I currently pay $80.00 an hour for studio time the place I go. I think a 4 hour beginners glass is about $150. I'm sure someone around you has student classes and rates


Oh ouch. That's a little more than I'm willing to do at this time. Maybe some day.


Kim we were on the Gem Oct 18 and, in searching for my aunt's keycard and lanyard she lost somewhere in the cabin, I came out from under her bed with a pair of black undies that were neither hers or my Mom's.


Yikes. I'm glad I'm not the only one but then I wonder just how clean they get these rooms after each faily is in there. Yikes!!!! :eek:

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Hi! Thank you for the detailed review. I will eventually read the whole thing, but right now, I'm trying to decide if I want to change sides of the ship for our cruise in 9 days. There are still lots of empty cabins.


We are on the Sun. I was wondering which side of the outdoor decks is the smoking side. I can't remember and I don't want to start an argument on a thread with a title that includes the word smoke. Do you remember?


Thanks so much!


The smoking side is the PORT side, just off of where Moderno's is on the pool deck. (At least it was in the past).

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No Playa Mia was not busy we practically had the water slide all to ourselves all day and the eating pavilion was empty and there were plenty of chairs on the beach to choose from which was the busiest spot of the day. I thought the people there were so nice and I felt very relaxed all day and the grounds were exceptionally clean. I would go back there again for sure.


I never really thought the cruise pictures were that bad BUT yours are so much better now I can see how bad there are. I am definitely a terrible photographer and yours amaze me.


Well another congrats for getting your first official nursing job. Excellent.


So glad that you had a wonderful day at Playa Mia. That's awesome that it wasn't crowded.


Thanks for the comments about the pictures. I'm blushing. :o


Hi! Thank you for the detailed review. I will eventually read the whole thing, but right now, I'm trying to decide if I want to change sides of the ship for our cruise in 9 days. There are still lots of empty cabins.


We are on the Sun. I was wondering which side of the outdoor decks is the smoking side. I can't remember and I don't want to start an argument on a thread with a title that includes the word smoke. Do you remember?


Thanks so much!


In all honesty, it's not going to matter which side is the smoking side because you take the elevators up to the 11th floor and the elevators are located in the middle of the ship. So, it's the same distance to walk to them no matter which side you are on. ;)


However, if you were trying to get closer, then toward the back of the ship would be the best bet and less distance to walk.


It's on the same side as the gym (unless they still have it moved from our cruise because of someone working out complaining), which would make it on the port side. But once again, it really doesn't matter. Then the other is in the back of the 12th floor all the way across...so once again, it really wouldn't matter which side you are on. :D

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The smoking side is the PORT side, just off of where Moderno's is on the pool deck. (At least it was in the past).



It must move around a lot because on our cruise, it started off on the port side and then switched to the starboard side by the end of the cruise. We didn't have smoking by Moderno's, it was closest to the door by the exercise room and was only a very small section.


It sounds like they just move it around all the time. :eek:

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Thank you to both of you. Sorry to hi-jack your review. It is definitely helpful and enjoyable.


My daughter has asthma triggered by cigarette smoke and I would like to avoid smoke coming up from the promenade and onto our balconies.


Thanks again!

Edited by alwalaska
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Thank you to both of you. Sorry to hi-jack your review. It is definitely helpful and enjoyable.


My daughter has asthma triggered by cigarette smoke and I would like to avoid smoke coming up from the promenade and onto our balconies.


Thanks again!


I don't think you have to worry about that. They don't allow smoking on the promenade deck anymore. You will only have to worry about the casino I guess. (Deck 7) ;)

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