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Comfortable shoes on formal night


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I wear an orthoses (ankle brace) and it doesn't go into anything but a certain brand of sneaker. I have a white pair for casual and a black pair for formal. so, that is what I wear for Formal night with a long skirt or a pair of long wide leg pants. No one has ever said anything to me so far and I don't think that they would be crass enough to do so.



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My feet swell up when we cruise so I purchase one size larger shoes. I also have a pair of ecco dress wedgies with velcro across the anckels and toes. Purchased the sandals in 2001 for our first cruise. They have seen their day, but I cannot let go. :D Slides are nice also. On formal nights I have my comfy shoes with toes exposed. Looks good to me. I do admire those beautiful high heeled shoes. But not on my feet.:)



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I wonder if anyone has my dilemma. We are about to embark on our 23rd cruise. I have always had a hard time finding comfortable shoes because of problem feet. I am retired, living in a rural area, and do not own fancy shoes. The dressy sandals that I wore for years on formal night have, unfortunately, met their demise. I have shopped everywhere and can’t find anything comfortable that would go all evening. I have just about decided to bring a pair of black canvas sandals (!) that are casual and hope that no one notices. My outfit is dressy black pants (not a dress) with a ruffled, lacy top. I also have glittery jackets that go with the pants and are very formal. I can’t believe that I am the only one with this problem. Any thoughts……..




Judith, you are not alone! My feet swell so bad when I cruise that I end up wearing a pair of flat rubber sandals that have a velcro closure. Like you I wear dressy pants and nice tops but my dress shoes just don't fit! I have never had a problem with anyone even noticing what's on my feet!!!!


Find a pair of black sandals that have wings that just cross over the top of your feet above the toes and connects with velcro. Don't even worry about it! Have fun!:)


ps. I do get a pedicure before my cruises so my toesies look decent.

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First of all, I also have to chime in and praise Crocs. Most people think that Crocs are just the big clog style, but they are soooooo mistaken. If you check out their website, Crocs.com you will see many new styles that are fashionable and all are comfortable. I own at least a dozen in different styles.

Now, I have trouble with arthritis and swelling feet. I have discovered a shoe line called "Cloudwalkers." They are sold at Avenue stores and at Avenue.com online. You can also see them in catalogs. They have many styles and heel heights. All have a padding in the sole that keep them comfy to walk in all night...and they are relatively inexpensive. I recently got a pair with stretchy straps for when my feel swell. On our Alaska cruise, they were the only evening pair of shoes I brought with me. I discovered shoe clips. Shoe clips can change the look of your shoe and can dress them up for formal nights. They also give you flexibility without creating bulk in your suitcase. They are also inexpensive.;)

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Try a pair of good quality fancy flip flops or sandels. Ones with good foot support, arch and toe. Try the Shoe Mill or if you have an upscale department store in your area try their sale rack right now.

Mine are silver with silver beading & if the ship is rocking on formal night you won't miss a thing, You'll be sure footed all the way.

Have a great cruise in your wonderful shoes.

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People hate my casual clothes, but probablly would applaud mt shoes if we will be dancing that evening.


I also have foot problems from time to time, and have to wear black sneakers due to foot problems. I do not think anyone will complain about your shoes if its due to foot problems.


Would anyone complain about some one wearing a foot cast if medically necessary??????


I have a leg brace that I have been wearing now for quite a number of years due to an injury to my left leg, foot and ankle. The ONLY shoe I have found that works with the brace is one specific pair of New Balance sneakers. (You wouldnt know I am wearing a brace if you saw me so sometime I get funny looks in the fancier restaurants or the theater here in NYC but I could care less. I have learned with this injury not to judgmental in the least bit).


Also, I have to buy 2 pair of New Balance to accomodate my brace. I buy one pair in a size 8Med and one pair in a 9Wide. (No, I dont have 4 feet). I need a different size and width for my left and my right feet.


My brace will absolutely not fit into any shoe. Do I care in the least bit, no? Why? I'm cruising and I am just so glad I am able to go.

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It was helpful to hear others have problems with feet and wondered what they do. There were many responses from women but it is my husband that has a terrible problem with his feet. He has been wearing tennis shoes with his suits to work. If he tries to put on real formal shoes he will not be able to walk the next day! Any other man with this problem and what do they do with a tux!?????


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I wonder if anyone has my dilemma. We are about to embark on our 23rd cruise. I have always had a hard time finding comfortable shoes because of problem feet. I am retired, living in a rural area, and do not own fancy shoes. The dressy sandals that I wore for years on formal night have, unfortunately, met their demise. I have shopped everywhere and can’t find anything comfortable that would go all evening. I have just about decided to bring a pair of black canvas sandals (!) that are casual and hope that no one notices. My outfit is dressy black pants (not a dress) with a ruffled, lacy top. I also have glittery jackets that go with the pants and are very formal. I can’t believe that I am the only one with this problem. Any thoughts……..




Oh, can I ever relate.....


My feet are also ruined from wearing 3 7/8 spike heels for 40 years..all day..almost every day. Along with my feet, count the ankles, knees and hips in there. And, of course, where does arthritis choose to settle? You guessed it. I stopped wearing heels about 8 years ago which certainly was too late. I will never own another pair.


Like you, I wear black dressy pants and have a couple of dressy tops which work very well for the formal occasions. I bought a plain pair of black FLATS - in some places, they are called "flat pumps". I bought them at Payless.... Just plain with no gimcracks on them.....


Not only do they look great with the dressy pants outfit...but, you can also wear them in the dining room on other nights with more casual outfits.


Just another tip that might help. Try the W (wide) width in your size.


Good Luck.

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I also have problems with shoes. Especially closed ones. I have extremely narrow heels, but one foot is slightly wider than the other due to an injury years ago. Sandals work best for me. And low heels too. On our last cruise, on our third formal night, I decided to wear my casual, flat sandals instead of my dressy black ones. I knew the dressy ones will hurt. Hubby also decided to wear regular shoes instead of his "dress" ones.


I don't think anyone would notice your feet. And if anyone does, shame on them!


BTW, I wore white "ballerina" slippers on my wedding day instead of shoes. Even danced in them. Only changed to regular shoes when I changed to my travelling outfit.

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First of all, I also have to chime in and praise Crocs. Most people think that Crocs are just the big clog style, but they are soooooo mistaken. If you check out their website, Crocs.com you will see many new styles that are fashionable and all are comfortable. I own at least a dozen in different styles.


Now, I have trouble with arthritis and swelling feet. I have discovered a shoe line called "Cloudwalkers." They are sold at Avenue stores and at Avenue.com online. You can also see them in catalogs. They have many styles and heel heights. All have a padding in the sole that keep them comfy to walk in all night...and they are relatively inexpensive. I recently got a pair with stretchy straps for when my feel swell. On our Alaska cruise, they were the only evening pair of shoes I brought with me. I discovered shoe clips. Shoe clips can change the look of your shoe and can dress them up for formal nights. They also give you flexibility without creating bulk in your suitcase. They are also inexpensive.;)


I have looked in numerous shoe stores for shoe clips and the clerk just gives me a vacant stare and says "what are shoe clips". Where do you find them?

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I wonder if anyone has my dilemma. We are about to embark on our 23rd cruise. I have always had a hard time finding comfortable shoes because of problem feet. I am retired, living in a rural area, and do not own fancy shoes. The dressy sandals that I wore for years on formal night have, unfortunately, met their demise. I have shopped everywhere and can’t find anything comfortable that would go all evening. I have just about decided to bring a pair of black canvas sandals (!) that are casual and hope that no one notices. My outfit is dressy black pants (not a dress) with a ruffled, lacy top. I also have glittery jackets that go with the pants and are very formal. I can’t believe that I am the only one with this problem. Any thoughts……..




I know I posted already and I know I am a woman but honestly, it shouldnt matter the gender with this issue. I cannot wear anything but sneakers right now with the brace. I even go for job interviews in sneakers. I dont have a choice.


I know this sounds kinda cheesy but it's the substance of the person that matters, not what they are wearing. Your hubby should feel comfortable on the cruise and not worry about issues involving his shoes. Maybe a black sneaker would work? (I smetimes wear those with a black suit for interviews).


As long as he is dressed neatly, no one will give him a second look. It took me such a long time to learn that but sometimes we get so wrapped up in the fact that others might be 'looking' at us, but in actuality, no one really is or if they are, they shouldn't be.

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I wear Capparos they have so many pretty styles and they are very, very comfortable. I can wear them all night long. They come in many different heel height's and you can get them online if you can't get to a store.


Just google caparrosshoes, zappos or DSW shoes.

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It was helpful to hear others have problems with feet and wondered what they do. There were many responses from women but it is my husband that has a terrible problem with his feet. He has been wearing tennis shoes with his suits to work. If he tries to put on real formal shoes he will not be able to walk the next day! Any other man with this problem and what do they do with a tux!?????



I'd suggest a pair of black tennis shoes (track shoes, whatever.. :D). Much like for women, no one is likely to notice, and if they do, why care??

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I have plantar fascitis, which means I need arch support, and Clark's have been a Godsend. They have styles for men and women, both with and without arch support. They have a lot of flat shoes (sort of like ballerina slippers) that are really designed to be walking shoes. I bought a pair before a trip to Paris and walked all over Paris in them. I also have a pair of their black sandals with arch support and about a 1" heel that I swear are unbelievably comfortable. My work commute now includes 40 minutes of walking daily, and I just wear Clark's instead of changing from sneakers to dress shoes. Their styles tend to be a bit casual/clunky but, as others have said, foot health is more important than looks.

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From someone who will be wearing four inch heels in the evenings just from choice girls I would say wear what you find comfortable and don't worry about what anyone else thinks the health of your feet is much more important.

I can only get away with wearing heels as I normally wear Doc Martin Boots to work but I will suffer for my vanity after so - enjoy your shoes.

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Well, I must put in my opinion! I am very picky about what I wear and frankly tennis, athletic shoes would not do it for me! HOWEVER...my husband is a podiatrist and I have bought both Taryn Rose and Stuart Weitzman shoes from Nordstroms at his suggestion. These are heels that come in various styles and widths. They are pricey, but you only need to buy one pair in black! Try them out!

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I wonder if anyone has my dilemma. We are about to embark on our 23rd cruise. I have always had a hard time finding comfortable shoes because of problem feet. I am retired, living in a rural area, and do not own fancy shoes. The dressy sandals that I wore for years on formal night have, unfortunately, met their demise. I have shopped everywhere and can’t find anything comfortable that would go all evening. I have just about decided to bring a pair of black canvas sandals (!) that are casual and hope that no one notices. My outfit is dressy black pants (not a dress) with a ruffled, lacy top. I also have glittery jackets that go with the pants and are very formal. I can’t believe that I am the only one with this problem. Any thoughts……..





Buy and wear what’s comfortable for you. If anyone was to comment negatively...let’s just say they need to get a life!!

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I, too, suffer from foot ailments. I have very flat feet, and have had really bad plantar fascitis in the past. I wear orthodics all the time. I have discovered I can wear a flat shoe or a very small heel. I try to fit my orthodics in them, but it has taken me a while to find the right shoe. I have two sets of orthodics - one is much less bulky, and that helps. Foot pain is so horrible.....it can really ruin a good time. Men have no clue what we go through! Sometimes we have to plan our entire outfit around our shoes! Lol!!

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I usually wear dressy shoes to the dining room on formal nights but change into Isotoner satin slippers for the remainder of the evening. Macy's definitely carries them, and I'm sure you can find them elsewhere or online. The particular style that I have come in black, white, ivory, and pink.


Bon Voyage!


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I wear a pair of rhinestone flipflops for formal nights. They have about a 1 3/4 inch wedge and are very comfortable to wear all evening. They are Yellow Box shoes and I got them from zappos.com. I agree that evening shoes should be comfortable. I haven't worn heels for about 15 years!

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I, too, have foot and knee problems, with toes on one foot and heel on the other. I cannot wear any closed shoe, so wear clunky SAS sandals day and night. With a long skirt, or black pants and glitzy top, no one has ever said anything. I don't know if anyone has ever noticed, or not, but my high heel wearing days are over. (I still drool over them when passing a shoe store, or in magazines.........) :)

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