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Elevator Incident on Rhapsody of the Seas


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I'm glad the ship's crew did their job and ensured your safety. I'm glad that they made sure the ladder was put up correctly and that a crew member jumped in with you to make you feel safe.


In my view, I'd be SO GLAD I GOT OUT ALIVE AND SAFE I wouldn't care for anything else, exept for thanking everyone profusely. Your view is distorted if you want a reward for being the one who was saved.

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I'm glad the ship's crew did their job and ensured your safety. I'm glad that they made sure the ladder was put up correctly and that a crew member jumped in with you to make you feel safe.


In my view, I'd be SO GLAD I GOT OUT ALIVE AND SAFE I wouldn't care for anything else, exept for thanking everyone profusely. Your view is distorted if you want a reward for being the one who was saved.


That would kinda of like someone starting a fire then getting thanked for rescuing somebody in the burning house:rolleyes:


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Geez, I just don't get it. The whole point is the OP encountered a MINOR inconvenience. Nowhere in the post does it say they were 'claustrophobic' or even missed a show or a Portofino reservation.


I swear if my dinner takes 25 minutes instead of 22, I will DEMAND 50% off my next cruise and the option of marrying the Captain's first born daughter.


I am truly sick and tired of everyone trying to complain to get something free.


If you are compensated great, go tell everyone. If you are not then don't cruise with that company anymore and spend your money where you perceive it is wanted.



I'm not going to flame you, with the shield it would be futile anyway!!:D I will say, though, that I can't see how any regular adult would find the very scary experience that was posted (being stuck, no contact, having to climb an unstable ladder, climb out through an opening between floors, etc) and call it minor. :confused: Do you also consider a car accident where one wasn't injured but was trapped in their car and required assistance to get out a minor inconvienence equatable to dinner arriving 3 minutes late? I guess we just have different ideas of what's an acceptable 'inconvienence'.

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Miamiyogi's reference to 'a minor inconvenience' is unforgiveable.....


...And two ladies in the elevator, physically could not have done so.




To the OP, thank you for reading my boring post on lift safety. BTW I did compliment you on a great post. I could go on and on on how you were never in any danger. The service folks on your cruise ship surely would much rather get you out quickly than explain the whole mechanics of it. The use of the ladder was necessary to ensure you didn't hurt yourself. Its just I think must people here got the vibe that you felt entitled to something maybe we are reading your sentiments incorrectly.


As to this poster, if you could not climb out, there are other methods of getting you out of the lift safely.


The thing here is PERCEIVED danger. There was NEVER any danger, this you can be assured of. Most people pray and get nervous before an airplane ride because they PERCEIVE they are in danger. But they don't think of praying for their lives before taking a bath:


Chances of dying in a airplane crash=1 in 502,440

Chances of dying in a bathroom accident=1 in 11,079

Chances of dying from falling of a ladder=1 in 7,990


Chances of Yogi getting flamed in this thread 1 in 1

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To the OP, thank you for reading my boring post on lift safety. BTW I did compliment you on a great post. I could go on and on on how you were never in any danger. The service folks on your cruise ship surely would much rather get you out quickly than explain the whole mechanics of it. The use of the ladder was necessary to ensure you didn't hurt yourself. Its just I think must people here got the vibe that you felt entitled to something maybe we are reading your sentiments incorrectly.


As to this poster, if you could not climb out, there are other methods of getting you out of the lift safely.


The thing here is PERCEIVED danger. There was NEVER any danger, this you can be assured of. Most people pray and get nervous before an airplane ride because they PERCEIVE they are in danger. But they don't think of praying for their lives before taking a bath:


Chances of dying in a airplane crash=1 in 502,440

Chances of dying in a bathroom accident=1 in 11,079

Chances of dying from falling of a ladder=1 in 7,990


Chances of Yogi getting flamed in this thread 1 in 1


You can't possibly be serious.What a ridiculous and poorly thought out post.YOU LEFT OUT CHANCES OF yOGI DYING FROM GETTING FLAMED -ZERO


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Which posters are "trying to complain to get something free?








Thanks for the welcome...I really appreciate it.


As for who wants something for free? How about:



“A small gift would have made her feel a little bit more appreciated.”



“A trashy bottle or strawbs isn't compensation - its an acknowledgment from a concerned organisation whose guests have had an unpleasant experience on their premises.”



“Would a free drink or a plate of the strawberries killed RCI?”



“Champagne would've been NICER, but I'll take what I can get.”



“I'm surprised RC didn't apologize to you or offer you something.”



“I think a bottle of something or a plate of chocolate covered strawberrys showing up in your cabin would have shown RCL to be a class act”



“Certainly a small compensation would have been a nice thing.”



And a dozen others...

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I'm glad the ship's crew did their job and ensured your safety. I'm glad that they made sure the ladder was put up correctly and that a crew member jumped in with you to make you feel safe.


In my view, I'd be SO GLAD I GOT OUT ALIVE AND SAFE I wouldn't care for anything else, exept for thanking everyone profusely. Your view is distorted if you want a reward for being the one who was saved.


Wow, this thing is still goin' strong! Go figure! I would have thought that the ship's crew did their job by ensuring that the elevators were in proper working order before a passenger got stuck, but my expectations could be too high for the cruiseline.


The commercials for the cruise promise everything from soup to nuts ... the pampering, the non stop fun, the relaxation and so forth. There is a reason that the advertising campaign isn't promising that the crew will do their job by making sure that you will get out alive and safe.

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Then, nothing more happened. Royal Caribbean could have/should have delivered a bottle of champagne to my cabin or to my dinner table or given me some small amount of shipboard credit, I think. Nothing more happened. No note came from the captain, the cruise director or even the ship safety officer. Nothing. Nada.


Since you didn't get a bottle of champagne, a free cruise, a Diamond membership in C&A or an apologize from the captain, I suggest that you sue the cruise line.

Claim that you are scared of ever going inside elevators again and say that you can settle out of court if RCI only pays you a few hundred millions...

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Thanks for the welcome...I really appreciate it.


As for who wants something for free? How about:



“A small gift would have made her feel a little bit more appreciated.”



“A trashy bottle or strawbs isn't compensation - its an acknowledgment from a concerned organisation whose guests have had an unpleasant experience on their premises.”



“Would a free drink or a plate of the strawberries killed RCI?”



“Champagne would've been NICER, but I'll take what I can get.”



“I'm surprised RC didn't apologize to you or offer you something.”



“I think a bottle of something or a plate of chocolate covered strawberrys showing up in your cabin would have shown RCL to be a class act”



“Certainly a small compensation would have been a nice thing.”



And a dozen others...


No-one, except Miamiyogi obviously, would equate a 50c bottle of sparkly or a few strawberries, with the word 'compensation'!!


Ever heard of "Its the thought that counts"? Could have just been a note from the Hotel Director.


Compensation would be three free cruises and coupons for your lifetime:D:D


The strawbs etc. are just a 'feel better' token. An appreciation that your customer has had an unpleasant experience due to a malfunction of your equipment.


I can assure you that the plates of strawbs are being handed out all over the ship for trivial problems. The point most on here 'get', is that being stuck in a lift is not trivial to many people.


And whoever said you can't get hurt in a lift.............



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Thanks for the welcome...I really appreciate it.


As for who wants something for free? How about:



“A small gift would have made her feel a little bit more appreciated.”



“A trashy bottle or strawbs isn't compensation - its an acknowledgment from a concerned organisation whose guests have had an unpleasant experience on their premises.”



“Would a free drink or a plate of the strawberries killed RCI?”



“Champagne would've been NICER, but I'll take what I can get.”



“I'm surprised RC didn't apologize to you or offer you something.”



“I think a bottle of something or a plate of chocolate covered strawberrys showing up in your cabin would have shown RCL to be a class act”



“Certainly a small compensation would have been a nice thing.”



And a dozen others...


But Yogi, No one complained to the Cruise line to get something for free. Most of those suggestions you quoted were referencing the perception that in a case such as getting caught in an elevator alone and having to be rescued, one mght expect an apology or at least that someone would inquire after them. A small token gift by the Cruise Line is a goodwill gesture and good customer relations. But none of that happened and hence the OP brought her experience here.


My feeling on this is that RCI dropped the ball and didn't provide excellent customer service which I hope is what they strive to do for all guests.


If a Cruise Line offered one a bottle of Champagne in exchange for getting caught, alone, in one of their elevators and having to be rescued would anyone take them up on their offer? I highly doubt it. This was certainly much more than an inconvenience.





P.S. Where can I get one of those Flame Deflection Shieldings? Not that I would ever need one.......

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Thanks for the welcome...I really appreciate it.


As for who wants something for free? How about:



“Champagne would've been NICER, but I'll take what I can get.”


YOIKS! Don't read into my post something that's not there at ALL. *I* said I was hurt on a scuba trip. I didn't tell ANYONE from RCI that anything happened because it had nothing to do with them. Yet I DID receive a call out of the blue from RCI insisting I see the ship's doctor and a second call (if I remember correctly) seeing if I was okay.


What happened to the OP happened ON the ship and she was barely acknowledged.


I said the phone call was QUITE surprising and VERY nice and completely unexpected. My comment that "champagne would've been nicer" was pretty much a joke. I likey me champagne and would take that over a phone call from ANYONE I know, lol.

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No-one, except Miamiyogi obviously, would equate a 50c bottle of sparkly or a few strawberries, with the word 'compensation'!!


Ever heard of "Its the thought that counts"? Could have just been a note from the Hotel Director.


Compensation would be three free cruises and coupons for your lifetime:D:D


The strawbs etc. are just a 'feel better' token. An appreciation that your customer has had an unpleasant experience due to a malfunction of your equipment.


I can assure you that the plates of strawbs are being handed out all over the ship for trivial problems. The point most on here 'get', is that being stuck in a lift is not trivial to many people.


And whoever said you can't get hurt in a lift.............






That is a scary article you referenced.




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I think that everyone is really missing a major point that needs to be made.....


The cruise contract states quite clearly that RCI makes no warranty as to the sea worthiness of its ships. That clause probably covers the working condition of its elevators too.... and the expectations that one should have for compensation.:D

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I guess I'm still thinking about this ... and wondering what would happen to the reviews is the bar is lowered this much. Wouldn't need reviews. Probably wouldn't need discussion boards either. If you got home alive, it was a good cruise. Nothing more to report.



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I guess I'm still thinking about this ... and wondering what would happen to the reviews is the bar is lowered this much. Wouldn't need reviews. Probably wouldn't need discussion boards either. If you got home alive, it was a good cruise. Nothing more to report.


If the ship sinks and you didn't make it, then it's your fault for not being able to swim in open seas. Of course, you should have stayed home or try another line, knowing this. Hmmmmm, wait a second, this would be a good reason to stay home or find another line;)

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Wow...seems to me the OP wasn't really looking for anything but recognition that something happened and they were sorry, and even said so. Talk about people not being allowed to have their own opinions. She didn't say anything about suing just that she was disappointed nothing acknowledged it. Maybe that is what is wrong with this world. Something happens to someone and unless they lose a limb or a hurt it doesn't matter. Geez, a small note asking if things were ok would have been enough to make the OP feel like they cared.

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If the ship sinks and you didn't make it, then it's your fault for not being able to swim in open seas. Of course, you should have stayed home or try another line, knowing this. Hmmmmm, wait a second, this would be a good reason to stay home or find another line;)

that does guarantee the seaworthiness of its ships

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I guess I'm still thinking about this ... and wondering what would happen to the reviews is the bar is lowered this much. Wouldn't need reviews. Probably wouldn't need discussion boards either. If you got home alive, it was a good cruise. Nothing more to report.

Too funny!:p

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That is a scary article you referenced.





Colleen - that was a couple of weeks before we cruised - imagine how we felt stuck in that darn elevator? And boy, was it hot after about 25 minutes.


The person who said elevators are totally safe and cannot fail - do some searches. And the person who says the ship's systems can't fail - ridiculous. We all know that mechanical thingies can fail - but that wasn't the point of the post.


The point is some acknowledgment. In our case, I think that Company policy wasn't followed, as I can't believe that the Company would allow this, so I am not blaming Company Policy.


But in the OP's case, where I believe Guest Relations knew what had happened, this should have merited at least a gesture, such as given to problems in the restaurants.


Not sure how long we can continue this thread, as most of us believe that a few choccie strawbs would have been appropriate given the circumstances.:D:D But it has been fun.


I will now go in the glass elevators although I hate heights, but less claustrophobic to be stuck in one of those, rather than the metal boxes.

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Colleen - that was a couple of weeks before we cruised - imagine how we felt stuck in that darn elevator? And boy, was it hot after about 25 minutes.


The person who said elevators are totally safe and cannot fail - do some searches. And the person who says the ship's systems can't fail - ridiculous. We all know that mechanical thingies can fail - but that wasn't the point of the post.


The point is some acknowledgment. In our case, I think that Company policy wasn't followed, as I can't believe that the Company would allow this, so I am not blaming Company Policy.


But in the OP's case, where I believe Guest Relations knew what had happened, this should have merited at least a gesture, such as given to problems in the restaurants.


Not sure how long we can continue this thread, as most of us believe that a few choccie strawbs would have been appropriate given the circumstances.:D:D But it has been fun.


I will now go in the glass elevators although I hate heights, but less claustrophobic to be stuck in one of those, rather than the metal boxes.


And At least while you are stuck you have the option of taking in the sights on tthe Royal Promenade or watching the ocean depending upon which class of ship you are on.

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And At least while you are stuck you have the option of taking in the sights on tthe Royal Promenade or watching the ocean depending upon which class of ship you are on.


and depending on what you are doing in the elevator could speed up the process to get you out


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