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Babies in the dining room


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While I'm sure most of us would LIKE to do that... remember... a person who would let that go on long enough to get you to say something is likely to be a low-class hick who thinks it's their ship and they will do what ever they please, and if you don't like it you can kiss where they sit.


The correct response is to snicker and point at them.


LOVE IT!! Now all I have to do is get DS to make me a "snicker and point" avatar! Size Large. Wish we'd have taken your advice a couple of weeks ago at Red Lobster....! We chose to be civil on the premises, however, but the language we used in the car on the way home, I will not repeat, because it's not lady-like.

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Babies in the dining room


I haven't seen them on the menu. But I'm sure they'd make them well done, There might be a BYOB charge. Up on the Sun Deck, babies can be used for bait for trolling for seafood. However the Skeet Shooting option of the past is not available.

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I completely agree with the OP - if your child is screaming please be respectful and take them out of there! A few years ago we had something similar happen. We had the 8:30 seating and a family a few tables over came in about 30-45 minutes late every night - usually after 9pm. They had two sons about 8 or 10 years old and an infant. Soon after they would sit down, the baby would start wailing every night - probably because it was past time for the child to be in bed! The older boys would make fun of the waiters, throw things at each other and across the table, and constantly yell at the waiters to bring them more stuff. I was completely appalled at this whole family. I could see the looks on the waiters' faces each night as they were not only very late throwing everything off and keeping the waiters working longer, but they were rude and obnoxious besides. The parents didn't seem to care at all. :mad:


As far as toddlers (or older) running around and not staying seated at the table, this is a HUGE safety hazard. Years ago in my waitress days, I rounded the corner out of the restaurant kitchen with two orders fajitas - you know - the ones that come sizzling on the smoking hot cast-iron skillet? About that time a little girl who had been literally running laps around the restaurant bar ran right in front of me and tripped me. I started to fall and threw the skillets against the back wall in order to keep a hot skillet from landing on the child as i fell. The sad part is, you know that these parents would be the first ones to sue if their little darling were hurt. Meanwhile the people whose food I was carrying had to have their dinner recooked and mom and dad of the little girl actually laughed when I fell.:mad: So next time you think the toddlers are just being kids by running around a restaurant - please consider the safety of your child as well as that of the staff.

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I don't know how any parent can just ignore crying. A baby crying cuts through me like a knife. If it was my own child I worried about them getting on people's nerves. Someone else's baby I worry about what is wrong with the child.


I do expect people to take their child from a situation if they are intruding on others. I don't have a right to scream and yell in a public place and neither does my child.


When I traveled frequently for work I always prayed that I would not be stuck on a long plane ride with a crying child. However, when it did happen I had nothing but sympathy for the parents. That's one situation where you just can't get up and leave and some babies just don't travel well.

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I completely agree with the OP - if your child is screaming please be respectful and take them out of there! A few years ago we had something similar happen. We had the 8:30 seating and a family a few tables over came in about 30-45 minutes late every night - usually after 9pm. They had two sons about 8 or 10 years old and an infant. Soon after they would sit down, the baby would start wailing every night - probably because it was past time for the child to be in bed! The older boys would make fun of the waiters, throw things at each other and across the table, and constantly yell at the waiters to bring them more stuff. I was completely appalled at this whole family. I could see the looks on the waiters' faces each night as they were not only very late throwing everything off and keeping the waiters working longer, but they were rude and obnoxious besides. The parents didn't seem to care at all. :mad:


As far as toddlers (or older) running around and not staying seated at the table, this is a HUGE safety hazard. Years ago in my waitress days, I rounded the corner out of the restaurant kitchen with two orders fajitas - you know - the ones that come sizzling on the smoking hot cast-iron skillet? About that time a little girl who had been literally running laps around the restaurant bar ran right in front of me and tripped me. I started to fall and threw the skillets against the back wall in order to keep a hot skillet from landing on the child as i fell. The sad part is, you know that these parents would be the first ones to sue if their little darling were hurt. Meanwhile the people whose food I was carrying had to have their dinner recooked and mom and dad of the little girl actually laughed when I fell.:mad: So next time you think the toddlers are just being kids by running around a restaurant - please consider the safety of your child as well as that of the staff.


You are a bigger person than I am. I would have taken 2 big bowls of refried beans and dumped them on the parents heads. Luckily I have never been a waitress but had a friend who worked at a BBQ restaurant. If her customers were rude, she would dump BBQ sauce on them. I am not kidding.

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I'm in my mid-50's, and it seems to be the generation (or half generation) after me that are not the best at parenting. Is it that my generation indulged their children too much, and their children now don't want to take responsibliity for their kids behavior?


You can tell by a toddler's whiny cry that they are tired, but the parents refuse to let the cry inconvenience them (the parents) whether it be shopping at Target or in a dining room. And of course most of us are too polite to say anything (or too afraid we'll set off a crazy person).


I have no answers.


Holly in south jersey

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Why are these kind of posts started? I'm guessing it's just to state an opinion, because it's not going to stop anyone from doing what they are doing. Besides, EVERYONE on this board seems to do the "right thing". NO ONE one these boards have unruly teenagers, kids on heelys, kids unsupervised, bad toddlers, or excessively crying babies. Sure, some people may take their kids out of school for a cruise, but other than that, everyone does the right thing.


But yes, I agree with the statement that crying children should be removed. However, I don't agree with people saying they shouldn't be there at all. There are cruises/restaurants/vacations that can be taken to avoid children; if they are really that big of a problem to the ears.

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wow, i can't imagine that.


babies cry, toddlers fuss.


i don't know when a dining room was ever considered adults only! in a movie theatre i would expect people to leave if their child misbehaved but in the dining room? throwing a fit/tantrum, yes, i could see leaving with the child for some discipline...but a baby crying! no way should they be expected to leave. if children do not start out at an early age learning how to behave properly, then you'll end up with an older kid misbehaving.


i certainly would not expect anyone to take their child out of the dining room for crying. it's a baby! you were actually one too once...and i bet you cried even in a dining room.

Glad I'm not going on the Liberty April 10th. But just in case: are you early or late dining?

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If a baby cries for more than 5 minutes than they should take them out of the dining room. Same thing if toddlers get tired and cranky, don't let them run around the tables, take them out. The MDR is not Mcdonalds. Yes children need to learn how to behave in a fancy restaurant but an infant is to young for that lesson, so are most 2 & 3 yr olds. That is why they have Camp Carnival, take the little ones there and enjoy your meal.


If a baby cries for 1 second, it is time to remove them.

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I agree.


I also think that adults who act like idiots, have zero manners, talk too loud, laugh too loud, or cackle should also be removed from the dining room.

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I don't know how any parent can just ignore crying. A baby crying cuts through me like a knife. If it was my own child I worried about them getting on people's nerves. Someone else's baby I worry about what is wrong with the child.


I do expect people to take their child from a situation if they are intruding on others. I don't have a right to scream and yell in a public place and neither does my child.


When I traveled frequently for work I always prayed that I would not be stuck on a long plane ride with a crying child. However, when it did happen I had nothing but sympathy for the parents. That's one situation where you just can't get up and leave and some babies just don't travel well.


You should have seen the looks I got on a flight from Seattle to Denver when the flight staff helped me board alone with my twin 4 month olds and 3 year old a few years back...if looks could kill...and I knew they were all thinking...not my plane dear god. When we got to the other end, the flight staff and at least 20 passengers commented on how they were so shocked that none of the kids made a peep and they felt bad for thinking the worst lol...I know exactly what you mean though, because when I used to fly prior to children, I thought the same thing!


As for the OP...I have 3 kids current ages 6, 3 and 3...NEVER in a million years would I stay in the dining room if one of them blew a gasket at the table...when they were babies, we left if they started crying, and now, they certainly do not leave the table for any reason other than the bathroom and if they decide to deviate from the rules, the dinner is over for them and the van awaits. Unfortunately, too many parents think that disturbing others is completely ok because they paid to be there, or they just don't care...its sad. I certainly wouldn't want to be on a cruise **** getting the stink eye from all the passengers that recognized me from the night befores dining room with the obnixous kids...its not like you can get away from the passengers like you can at a resturant in your hometown. I comes down to people are downright rude these days.

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I bet most of the people who do not want to hear crying babies, and think that babies are in an adult area like in a restuarant or on a ship at all for that matter are probably people who were born prior to 1964. Truth is when we old farts were young, going to a restuarant or out to dinner didn't happen every day. Restaurants were for adults. And only if they couldn't find a sitter for us did we get to go out. OR it was a really special occasion, and even then the babies(who don't eat grown up food anyway) stayed home with a sitter.

Something happened in the 70's, like women's liberation, and all of a sudden it was OK to take baby every where. They are just little people,right? and we all kind of agreed. And then cruising became popular, it used to be a form of transportation from point A to point B, and now cruising is a form of vacation that takes you from point A back to point A. And since society had been forced to acknowedge babies as little people who just weren't old enough to know what was going on, then babies got to cruise too.

There are just enough of us old farts out there that spend money on an adult(we acknowledge where we are, some of the time) adventure, and think that screaming babies are disruptive to our serenity. Doesn't mean we hate kids. Doesn't mean we hate babies. Just means that even though someone who has a child(paid just as much to go on a cruise as everyone else)is responsible for the child, and they are responsible for the child's actions.(That's what a parent is, responsible for their child). So if their baby starts screaming, in order not to offend the people around them, they remove the noisemaker from the scene until the noise maker gets quieted down.

In truth, babies are not little adults. People bring them on cruises because they want a vacation...baby doesn't care where he or she is, as long as mommy is there with them. It's just that in the days of the dinosaur, babies didn't come with the mommies. This was an adult adventure. Somewhere in the last 40 years, that all changed. Does it mean that it's OK since traveling with baby has changed that everyone has to hear them cry and scream? Guess what. The answer is NO.

I am not a hard arse, I just pay money to go on vacation for my own serenity. If my serenity is messed with in a public area I can remove myself from it. But when it's in the dining room, unless all of the rest of us leave, it is the parents job to remove the screaming one from the room. This is what being thoughtful means.;)

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When my son cries in the dining room' date=' we excuse ourselves. When he cries in a resturant on land, we excuse ourselves. A ship is not "adults only", besides, babies are paying the 3rd passenger rate so they have as much business being their as the next person.[/quote']



Thank you for removing your child but no one said a ship is adults only. Even though a baby is a paying passenger that doesn't mean they should be allowed to disrupt others. For instance, I as a paying smoking customer know I can't just plop down and light up in a none smoking area just because I have paid too. Know your limitations. We all have them for whatever reason.

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I agree.


I also think that adults who act like idiots, have zero manners, talk too loud, laugh too loud, or cackle should also be removed from the dining room.


I was wondering how many posts it would take until someone had something to say about adults, lol. It's kind of like other threads when people complain about kids, others complain about drunk adults etc.


I knew it was just a matter of time. You didn't prove me wrong.


PS I do think crying children should be removed from the dining room. But, then again, I think crying adults should be too.,

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Actually, it seems the answer is yes.


I don't agree. I don't think I'm THAT lucky...I think most people are very considerate in this regard because Of the 12 cruises I have been on, not ONCE did a baby scream and cry in the dining room. Also, we go out to dinner quite often and I can't recall a time when a baby disrupted my dinner to the point where I would notice.


I truly believe every poster on this board that says they will remove their crying child from a room, because I lbelieve most people do.

BUT, it only takes that one who doesn't to ruin your meal.


I bet most of the people who do not want to hear crying babies, and think that babies are in an adult area like in a restuarant or on a ship at all for that matter are probably people who were born prior to 1964. Truth is when we old farts were young, going to a restuarant or out to dinner didn't happen every day. Restaurants were for adults. And only if they couldn't find a sitter for us did we get to go out. OR it was a really special occasion, and even then the babies(who don't eat grown up food anyway) stayed home with a sitter.

Something happened in the 70's, like women's liberation, and all of a sudden it was OK to take baby every where. They are just little people,right? and we all kind of agreed. And then cruising became popular, it used to be a form of transportation from point A to point B, and now cruising is a form of vacation that takes you from point A back to point A. And since society had been forced to acknowedge babies as little people who just weren't old enough to know what was going on, then babies got to cruise too.

There are just enough of us old farts out there that spend money on an adult(we acknowledge where we are, some of the time) adventure, and think that screaming babies are disruptive to our serenity. Doesn't mean we hate kids. Doesn't mean we hate babies. Just means that even though someone who has a child(paid just as much to go on a cruise as everyone else)is responsible for the child, and they are responsible for the child's actions.(That's what a parent is, responsible for their child). So if their baby starts screaming, in order not to offend the people around them, they remove the noisemaker from the scene until the noise maker gets quieted down.

In truth, babies are not little adults. People bring them on cruises because they want a vacation...baby doesn't care where he or she is, as long as mommy is there with them. It's just that in the days of the dinosaur, babies didn't come with the mommies. This was an adult adventure. Somewhere in the last 40 years, that all changed. Does it mean that it's OK since traveling with baby has changed that everyone has to hear them cry and scream? Guess what. The answer is NO.

I am not a hard arse, I just pay money to go on vacation for my own serenity. If my serenity is messed with in a public area I can remove myself from it. But when it's in the dining room, unless all of the rest of us leave, it is the parents job to remove the screaming one from the room. This is what being thoughtful means.;)




I was wondering how many posts it would take until someone had something to say about adults, lol. It's kind of like other threads when people complain about kids, others complain about drunk adults etc.


I knew it was just a matter of time. You didn't prove me wrong.


PS I do think crying children should be removed from the dining room. But, then again, I think crying adults should be too.,


LOL.. I agree.

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I don't agree. I don't think I'm THAT lucky...I think most people are very considerate in this regard because Of the 12 cruises I have been on, not ONCE did a baby scream and cry in the dining room. Also, we go out to dinner quite often and I can't recall a time when a baby disrupted my dinner to the point where I would notice.


I truly believe every poster on this board that says they will remove their crying child from a room, because I lbelieve most people do.

BUT, it only takes that one who doesn't to ruin your meal.

I was only responding to what the OP posted. If it's going to happen there's not much you can do about it unfortunately.

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I was only responding to what the OP posted. If it's going to happen there's not much you can do about it unfortunately.


and I was just disagreeing because the answer doesn't seem to be 'yes'. The vast majority of people here agree with the OP and like I stated, I think off the boards, the vast majority of parents do as well...at least that is my opinion from my experiences.

Do you often experience ruined dinners from wailing babies? :confused: Maybe you do.....if so you would have a different opinion.



Actually, come to think of it, I have more experineces with toddlers and young kids running around tables (not on a cruise, but in restaurants)

That is equally annoying.


I do agree that there isn't much you can do about it. I wouldn't say anything...but I likely would toss a dirty look.

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