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oil hits $82 a barrel


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Just a few facts to mix in with your commentary..


Who makes the most off a gallon of gasoline?

The Federal Goverment: Next time at the pump, look at the tax you pay per gallon.

How obscene are the profits of the average evil oil company? 7%

Does Your company, employer, etc earn 7%?


It is easy to add up the total dollars, next time take that jaded news report and translate how much tax is collected....It runs 4.5 to 5 times the amount the oil company makes.


So, before you buy the mantra of the evil oil company, follow the money!!!!


Don't like the fule surcharge?

Call your benevolent Congress, ask them to stop spending..They have destroyed the value of the US dollar. That is why oil had rocketed back up!

No, it is not some evil Corporation out to destroy your life...it is your government spending your granchildren's future.

Oasis? Are you kidding? Do you have a clue as to how cruise ships are built and paid for? RCI does not fund the ship until it is accepted from the shipyard after it meets the minimum standards pre-agreed to upon initiation of construction.


ExonMobil has paid out dividends this year of $1.27 per share of common stock..And their 4th quarter dividend will be announced at the end of Oct...

If you honestly believe the Oil Companies are only making a 7% profit, I have a bridge for sale you may be interested in..:D

Check out this site:




ExxonMobil's dividend payments to shareholders have grown at an average annual rate of 5.5% over the last 27 years.

Their stock closed at $74.44 today up $1.13 which is about 1 1/2 %...An excellent dividend return for stockholders...


Many companies including Carnival Corp. have suspended dividends the past two years..

If the oil companies were not making money hand over fist, their stockholders would not get these excellent dividends each year..

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ExonMobil has paid out dividends this year of $1.27 per share of common stock..And their 4th quarter dividend will be announced at the end of Oct...


If you honestly believe the Oil Companies are only making a 7% profit, I have a bridge for sale you may be interested in..:D


What does dividends have to do with a company's profit margin?!? :confused:


While the other poster was a little off with the 7%, ExonMobil (XOM) has a profit margin of 8.7%. This is not opinion, but this is factual information. The oil companies have a rather small profit margin compared to many industries, but recently have still made massive profits because of the extremely high volume. If you sell a whole lot of something, it does not matter if you only make a little money off of each individual unit of sale - it adds up! However oil companies have not always had huge profits, they have had periods of losses as well.


Here is a link showing pertinent stats about XOM including their profit margin: http://moneycentral.msn.com/companyreport?Symbol=XOM

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The weak US dollar (and economy) is what is driving the price of oil up right now. Oil is priced in US Dollars, so relatively...it has gone up in price.


When you look at other currencies based on gold (ounces of gold)...they haven't risen that much. It's just that the US dollar has fallen so much.


This is what happens when you print money out of thin air to pay off your debts. The last 9 years have been devastating to the US, and for that matter...the world. Bush took a budget surplus, and turned it into the biggest debt the world has ever seen. Obama hasn't done the right thing either...I think Ron Paul might have been the only financial hope for the US last election, and I hope his motion to audit the Federal Reserve Bank goes ahead.


The real criminals behind this were turning the screws back in 1913 when they created the Federal Reserve Bank. The dollar is only worth 3% of what it was worth back then...and your money is loaned to your government AT INTEREST. When the Fed gets audited, you'll start to see how much wealth has been stolen from you.


This video does a really good job of explaining what's happening with our money right now, and where it comes from.




And, if you're a Wells Fargo customer...hope you're ready for the "bank holiday" next week. Times are tough...but the fun hasn't even started yet. The markets are set to crash again, and the run on the dollar this winter is just about ready to get underway.


Look for a new global currency soon, and start buying precious metals and non-US assets while you still can. The USA is finished as a superpower...hate to say it.



Thank you for a most insightful post.........and, unfortunately, also the truth.


We are taking a few cruises just before the s*** hits the fan. This country has no clue for the down turn that it's in for.


I wish that I could believe in something else, but the handwriting is on the wall.......and within 2 to 3 years, as we are going today, we will be a 3rd rate nation.


I pray that someone has the good sense to turn this around before it's too late........and that is just around the corner.


Stepping down from my soap box.


Oh.....soon the fuel surcharges won't make any difference!!



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BINGO! Texasmunk is spot on! The dollar has been hammered... Wait and see what inflation is going to do next year. :mad:


I agree. Why did they start a random EXPENSIVE war and destroy our dollar while bringing down the whole economy???? I want my Clinton dollar back!!!

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ExonMobil has paid out dividends this year of $1.27 per share of common stock..And their 4th quarter dividend will be announced at the end of Oct...


If you honestly believe the Oil Companies are only making a 7% profit, I have a bridge for sale you may be interested in..:D


Check out this site:




ExxonMobil's dividend payments to shareholders have grown at an average annual rate of 5.5% over the last 27 years.


Their stock closed at $74.44 today up $1.13 which is about 1 1/2 %...An excellent dividend return for stockholders...


Many companies including Carnival Corp. have suspended dividends the past two years..


If the oil companies were not making money hand over fist, their stockholders would not get these excellent dividends each year..


Hey, I'm one of those evil stockholders in the form of a 401K holder. What the hell is wrong with making a profit. That's what is funding my retirement until the idiots in Washington, D. C. get their way with things. Funny, at least Exxon pays their taxes, unlike Charlie Rangel. 7% is still a small profit, but if multiplied out over several billions of dollars in trade, it becomes a large sum, nevertheless, it's still only 7%. Why is it so bad to make a profit anymore?

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Hey, I'm one of those evil stockholders in the form of a 401K holder. What the hell is wrong with making a profit. That's what is funding my retirement until the idiots in Washington, D. C. get their way with things. Funny, at least Exxon pays their taxes, unlike Charlie Rangel. 7% is still a small profit, but if multiplied out over several billions of dollars in trade, it becomes a large sum, nevertheless, it's still only 7%. Why is it so bad to make a profit anymore?


Hear! Hear!!!!! Bravo Wraithe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I agree. Why did they start a random EXPENSIVE war and destroy our dollar while bringing down the whole economy???? I want my Clinton dollar back!!!


Actually, you need to look at Clinton's 1st 2 years. He was giving speeches stating that would have 200 to 300 billion dollar deficits for years.



It was only after the Democrats lost the congress and the senate in 94 that we ended up with mostly gridlock. That is what cut the growth in spending and allowed the economy to catch up.



Bush inherited a mild recession, and then we had the hits of 911 and Katrina. With two wars, it's surprising we only had a $400 billion deficit.

Amazing what tax cuts for everyone will do.


The current recession didn't start until over a year after the Democrats won control of the congress and the senate, and then sat on their hands doing nothing. Funny how the bad economy then help them win the white house.

The average unemployment numbers under Bush's first 6 years where lower than under any of Clinton's 6 years.


Of course we now have a $ 1.4 trillion deficit, and maybe an even larger one next year. Funny how these same people complained about $400 billion.



Anyways, we now return to your regularly scheduled cruise discussion.....



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Hey, I'm one of those evil stockholders in the form of a 401K holder. What the hell is wrong with making a profit. That's what is funding my retirement until the idiots in Washington, D. C. get their way with things. Funny, at least Exxon pays their taxes, unlike Charlie Rangel. 7% is still a small profit, but if multiplied out over several billions of dollars in trade, it becomes a large sum, nevertheless, it's still only 7%. Why is it so bad to make a profit anymore?



Agree profits are needed...without them who would have invested in the building or RCCL et al without whom we would have to find other vacations.


Those who whine about Exxon profit margins should look at Microsoft or some of the other companies who in many years have had profits North of 40%. I don't see many complaining about those companies...


Ultimately we may all face higher overall cruise fares if oil goes up and stays up...it will help if we have a mild winter as the oil used to heat can be used for diesel etc...

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What does dividends have to do with a company's profit margin?!? :confused:


While the other poster was a little off with the 7%, ExonMobil (XOM) has a profit margin of 8.7%. This is not opinion, but this is factual information. The oil companies have a rather small profit margin compared to many industries, but recently have still made massive profits because of the extremely high volume. If you sell a whole lot of something, it does not matter if you only make a little money off of each individual unit of sale - it adds up! However oil companies have not always had huge profits, they have had periods of losses as well.


Here is a link showing pertinent stats about XOM including their profit margin: http://moneycentral.msn.com/companyreport?Symbol=XOM


When companies make huge profits they pay their shareholders larger dividends..When those profits decline the dividends are either smaller or none at all..


I commented on this statement by Texasmunk:

Quote How obscene are the profits of the average evil oil company? 7%..Unquote

My answer to him was, if he really believes that the oil companies are only making a 7% profit I have a bridge to sell..

He never mentioned profit margins...Your mentioning the profit margin of 8.7 % does not correlate with his statement..

You alsoreadily admit that the major oil companies have made massive profits because of the high volume sales.. It's the oil speculators, who are driving up the prices & their huge profits & the oil companies love it!

I quoted a statement, directly from Exonmobil's Web site to shareholders which stated..

Quote ExxonMobil's dividend payments to shareholders have grown at an average annual rate of 5.5% over the last 27 years. Unquote

In my mind that means EexonMobil has sustained large profits over the last 27 years in order for their average annual payment to shareholders to have grown at an averge annual rate of 5.5%...

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When companies make huge profits they pay their shareholders larger dividends..When those profits decline the dividends are either smaller or none at all..


I commented on this statement by Texasmunk:

Quote How obscene are the profits of the average evil oil company? 7%..Unquote


My answer to him was, if he really believes that the oil companies are only making a 7% profit I have a bridge to sell..


He never mentioned profit margins...Your mentioning the profit margin of 8.7 % does not correlate with his statement..






With all due respect, you are providing some very strong opinions on a topic where you have little to no knowledge. Dividends are by no means directly correlated to profits. Many companies make insane profits and pay no dividends. Other comapnies lose money, yet still pay out a dividend. Although profit is one factor involved with dividends, it is just one of many factors. And Texasmunk clearly was referring to profit margins; you should have known that. Likewise there are far greater reasons than speculators in terms of the recent run up of oil; the weakening U.S. dollar is a far bigger factor.

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What is the reasoning behind the prices of oil increasing now? All I hear is demand is low and inventories are up. And we're now going far away from peak driving season which is summer. What gives? Greed, I guess.


Speculation. People tend to hedge their investments with oil and gold when the dollar goes down.

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Actually, you need to look at Clinton's 1st 2 years. He was giving speeches stating that would have 200 to 300 billion dollar deficits for years.



It was only after the Democrats lost the congress and the senate in 94 that we ended up with mostly gridlock. That is what cut the growth in spending and allowed the economy to catch up.



Bush inherited a mild recession, and then we had the hits of 911 and Katrina. With two wars, it's surprising we only had a $400 billion deficit.

Amazing what tax cuts for everyone will do.


The current recession didn't start until over a year after the Democrats won control of the congress and the senate, and then sat on their hands doing nothing. Funny how the bad economy then help them win the white house.

The average unemployment numbers under Bush's first 6 years where lower than under any of Clinton's 6 years.


Of course we now have a $ 1.4 trillion deficit, and maybe an even larger one next year. Funny how these same people complained about $400 billion.



Anyways, we now return to your regularly scheduled cruise discussion.....




Actually, I could be wrong because I am young but I can't recall Clinton bailing out a single bank. I would love to have a small recession right now. What I recall is him paying off debt and Bush entering two wars and not helping the victims of Katerina for days. I do think one war was justified, but now I am paying fuel surcharges, etc. because of his foolishness. Also, a debt of $400 million dollars???? What do we have to show for that? Bin Ladin? Weapons of mass destruction found? What did we just spend $400 million dollars on??? I am not surprised unemployment was low for Bush when Clinton laid the ground work for it.


Did cruise lines do fuel surcharges during the Clinton years? I was not aware...I was still traveling on my parents dollar at that time.

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I am in no way referencing the post directly above me, and I do not like to get involved in threads that have politics, but i am tired of reading in various threads that when Clinton left office we were in a budget surplus, implying that we had no debt (some people truly believe this). Towards the end of his term, Clinton did have a yearly budget surplus (which means that for a single year, the US did not spend more than it brought in, and may have brought in more than was spent). But even that is fictitious, because so many things are left off budget when calculating these figures.


During the Clinton administration, national debt increased from a little over $4 trillion to $5.6 Trillion, which is roughly a 40% increase in debt.


During the Bush administration, national debt increased from a little over $5.6 trillion to a little over $10 trillion, basically doubling it.


Reference http://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports/pd/histdebt/histdebt.htm

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Hey, I'm one of those evil stockholders in the form of a 401K holder. What the hell is wrong with making a profit. That's what is funding my retirement until the idiots in Washington, D. C. get their way with things. Funny, at least Exxon pays their taxes, unlike Charlie Rangel. 7% is still a small profit, but if multiplied out over several billions of dollars in trade, it becomes a large sum, nevertheless, it's still only 7%. Why is it so bad to make a profit anymore?



Well said!

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