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15 miles from Labadee !!!!


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I can't understand why people think it would be improper to go to

Labadee, but would have no problem lounging on a beach on the next island.


Don't you see that depriving these people of employment is the last thing we should be doing right now?!


Go, enjoy, and tip generously.

Just to put things in their proper perspective, Labadee employees approximately 500 Haitians. The population of Haiti, at least prior to the earthquake, is 9.7 million.


That said, I would imagine out of the 500, they have family and friends who have perished in this disaster. If you go, yes, tip generously or as the expression goes, 'pay it forward'. ;)

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I know you all keep insisting RCI has donated one million dollars CASH and I've read all the statements from RCI but no where does it say CASH. While I am not in any way negating the fact RCI has stepped up to the plate and are working diligently to help, the stated one million dollar figure is ALL donations combined. I have done an exhaustive search on the internet to see if there was a million dollar CASH donation and no where does it say there is/was. I have to hand it to RCI, their legal department really uses semantics brilliantly!


As I understand it, the donation is in the form of food relief such as rice, beans, cooking oil, etc and not cold, hard cash. The food will be distributed for RCI by Food for the Poor. Each ship that docks at Labadee will deliver such food supplies. I can't remember where I read that.

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I still think RCI's commitment to Labadee and Haiti is beneficial for the country. Let's not forget the $55 million they invested there for the new pier that was constructed for the destination.


Which, might I add, is probably exttemely beneficial for the aid being delivered with each ship that goes.

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Big whoopee doo that RC employs 230 Haitians. Thats nothing compared to the thousands and thousands of dollars that they make everytime the ship stops there. 300 more employed in the market place..I cant see that, there were not that many booths. If RC really is donating ALOT of relief supplies then let them stop. But we dont know exactly what they are offloading. If they would let passengets bring donations to leave there with a responsible party that would distribute it to the earthquake areas then let them stop there. I do believe RC is taking advantage of Haiti and making a ton more money off Labadee than they are contributing. The Haitian government is so corrupt, exactly who did RC make these deals with. I doubt the population in Haiti with the exception of the 230 workers and the market vendors are benefiting from this. Yes they should make some profit but not take advantage. The people of Haiti are going to get more desperate in the weeks to come and just because RC has hired security doesnt mean you will be safe there so that might change wether they stop at Labadee or not. I can see desperate rioting if they know RC is taking supplies to shore. 55 million is alot to spend to make Labadee paradise, think what that would of bought if half of that would of been donated to the red cross instead of building an ugly cement dock or a zip line. I just think RC owes Haiti alot more than they are probably giving.


Maybe they'll come and eat your brain. Nevermind, apparently word went out earlier that you either don't have one or it does not work.

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Just got back from the FOS western that was scheduled to stop at Labadee the day of the earthquake. We showed up but it was pouring rain and the Captain cancelled the stop due to flooding and a forecast for solid rain all day.


So we got a sea day instead. At 4:40 pm we were almost on top of the fault line when it happened. Captain made an announcement about the 7.0 earthquake (nothing about the tsunami alert). They set up a donation well outside Cafe Promenade and you could contribute to the Haiti Aid fund using you sea pass card.

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We will be on the Jan. 30 Navigator sailing and I hope they are still going to Labadee. We plan to get off, as we always do. We will tip very heavily to the guy that moves our chair for us, even if he doesn't move it, we will tip him. We will also buy some trinkets in the market. Maybe we won't even take the trinkets, just give the workers some money to use to buy whatever they can.


I think what RC is doing is great. There is always tragedy in the world. People take cruises every day, and do they stop to think of the fighting in the middle east and the tragedy going on there? There are many third world countries with starving people every day. If people feel guilty, they should stay home and send their cruise dollars to the relief efforts of some of these countries. At least we are helping (maybe in a very small way) with the relief effort for the people of Haiti.


So do the cruisers that are going now to Labadee and not getting off the ship feel guilty last time they were in Haiti? There were still thousands of Haitians starving before. Yes, it is a great tragedy what the earthquake has done there, but we are trying to help with the relief effort by supporting the stop in Labadee and doing our part while we are there.


geez man have read the paper??


there are TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND people DEAD. thats 200,000. and you are going to tip 'very heavily' to the person that moves your chair?? are you sick??? you disgust me.


how narcissistic can you be? to honestly enjoy yourself and feel that you have contributed by giving some tips is crazy.


anybody who is on that island enjoying themselves while devastation is close by has some serious karma coming back to them.


get off the ship by all means, donate money, do what you can.


but tipping the guy is moves your chair while get suntan is just plain F$#^ up

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I have a question for those of you that are so full of guilt and have so many issues with cruise ships stopping somewhere that has had a major natural disaster, or even stopping in countries with massive poverty. Why exactly do you cruise? If you feel so bad, stop cruising and give all your vacation money away. For that matter, how can you sleep in your nice bed in your home everynight with people around the world without beds? Where does it stop? BTW, socialism does not work and that's what a couple of posters seem to be inferring by their "guilt" posts. And, I'm not just talking about this thread, I'm referring to a couple of posters on multiple threads. I hear lots of "I can't lay on the beach while people are suffering", but these are from people who have obviously laid on other beaches at other times in countries where people are suffering. There will always be famine, war, suffering, hunger, etc. You can choose to dwell on it and feel badly all the time or you can do what you can, donate what you can and continue to vacation and spend money in countries that are entirely supported by tourism, which in the end is what will be of greater help to everyone.


its no wonder americans get such a bad rap???


how can you think like that. we're talking one of the worst natural disasters EVER.


turn on the television and look at some of the images. to lay on the beach knowing what people an hour away are going through is nuts.


this devastation cannot be compared to anything else in recent times except the tsunami in SE Asia.


all we're saying is give it some time.

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An excellent and perceptive first post, welcome to the boards


I have to say that RCI is getting bad press here in the UK, with at least two of the quality papers going big on its decision to visit Labadee while the living and dead are still being unearthed from the rubble, no doubt the tabloid press will soon follow suit - whatever excuse you make, it's showing Americans in a bad light - ignorant, uncaring, and with a deep lack of common decency and compassion for the injured, dead and bereaved - would it hurt RCI that much to stay away even for just a short while as a show of respect?


EXACTLY-thank you


is it only non-americans that see this??

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What are those words to big for you to handle!


You should listen to the President speak more often. He loves to use "unprecedented" in all of his speeches. Earthquakes are not new to this world and the aftermaths of an earthquake are not unprecedented. Actually a catostrophic disaster in a third world country is usally about the same as what is occurring in Haiti. It is hardlt unprecedented.

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is no wonder americans get such a bad rap???


how can you think like that. we're talking one of the worst natural disasters EVER.


turn on the television and look at some of the images. to lay on the beach knowing people are going through that is nuts.


this devastation cannot be compared to anything else in recent times except the tsunami in SE Asia.


all we're saying is give it some time.


The largest donations of relief wil come from America, easily and clearly the most generous nation on this earth. So if this disaaster was in China, would it be acceptable to go to Labadee? People are still suffering but further away.


How much time?

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is no wonder americans get such a bad rap???


how can you think like that. we're talking one of the worst natural disasters EVER.


turn on the television and look at some of the images. to lay on the beach knowing people are going through that is nuts.


this devastation cannot be compared to anything else in recent times except the tsunami in SE Asia.


all we're saying is give it some time.



So what are you doing? Are you giving up everything you enjoy doing for the next three weeks because it is wrong to enjoy yourself while others are suffering? ( Well for some little bit of time,at least.)


If you intend to spend your life, like Mother Theresa, devoted entirely to helping the poorest, most destitute of the earth, then good for you, and please feel free to lecture the rest of us on how to behave.


If, on the other hand, you are simply going to go on enjoying your relatively pampered life, at a slightly greater distance from the tragedy in Haiti, then maybe you need to revisit the meaning of the word hypocrisy.

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The largest donations of relief wil come from America, easily and clearly the most generous nation on this earth. So if this disaaster was in China, would it be acceptable to go to Labadee? People are still suffering but further away.


How much time?


yes it would be okay to go to China as it has nothing to do with labadee.


let me put it this way. if you had an earthquake around your house and lost your entire family. if they were still buried under the destruction- would you still have a pool party in your backyard the next week??


yes the people should still go to labadee and yes the ships should dock. but passengers should not be getting off and 'playing' on the beach like nothing happened.

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So what are you doing? Are you giving up everything you enjoy doing for the next three weeks because it is wrong to enjoy yourself while others are suffering? ( Well for some little bit of time,at least.)


If you intend to spend your life, like Mother Theresa, devoted entirely to helping the poorest, most destitute of the earth, then good for you, and please feel free to lecture the rest of us on how to behave.


If, on the other hand, you are simply going to go on enjoying your relatively pampered life, at a slightly greater distance from the tragedy in Haiti, then maybe you need to revisit the meaning of the word hypocrisy.


yes i actually agree with you on that. i have done nothing to help. i have booked a cruise (not to labadee) in an expensive suite.


BUT if we were going to labadee i would NOT be getting off the ship to tip the guy who moves my chair. i would just donate and provide help in any way i could.


my point is NOT that we should all give up our lives but that you shouldnt be suntanning in the backyard of mass devastation.


and if you cant understand that then you got a problem.

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im outta this thread. i've said my piece. nobody will change their minds either way.


for those of you who cant wait to go to labadee and enjoy themselves on the beach and private cabanas i hope you have a blast.


i'll be thinking about the 200,000 dead people, their families and millions of homeless people- even if you wont.

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yes it would be okay to go to China as it has nothing to do with labadee.


let me put it this way. if you had an earthquake around your house and lost your entire family. if they were still buried under the destruction- would you still have a pool party in your backyard the next week??


yes the people should still go to labadee and yes the ships should dock. but passengers should not be getting off and 'playing' on the beach like nothing happened.


Labadee is on the other side of the island from Port Au Prince, not exactly in their backyard.


People should get off at Labadee but not play on the beach? What do you expect them to do then? I think, just maybe, you have never been there.

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What up drama queen? worst disaster ever? The tsunami you wrote about was far worst. The problem is that, while the images are terrible, there is not a damn thing the average person can do except give money. tipping that guy that moved your chair puts money into his pockets.




ignorance AGAIN.


tsunami had about 200,000 dead. this had about 200,000 dead.


this will rank as one of the top 5 natural disasters in history.


maybe you should get some education

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im outta this thread. i've said my piece. nobody will change their minds either way.


for those of you who cant wait to go to labadee and enjoy themselves on the beach and private cabanas i hope you have a blast.


i'll be thinking about the 200,000 dead people, their families and millions of homeless people- even if you wont.


All that thinking you are going to be doing about the people will not do crap to help them. The people getting off at Labadee handing over tips will likely have a greater impact then all that thinkking you will do.


I will have a great time and gladly hand over some extra in tips. See, I'm doing something to help while you sit at home and think. So stay home and think alot. Maybe someone, somewhere, on this great planet will be helped by your thoughts.

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ignorance AGAIN.


tsunami had about 200,000 dead. this had about 200,000 dead.


this will rank as one of the top 5 natural disasters in history.


maybe you should get some education


Nah, I'll just stay home and think. It really helps those suffering to think about them instead of actually helping them.


Maybe I will get educated. Maybe I'll become a certified public accountant or nuclear engineer. Not sure how me getting educated will help people in Haiti but I'll consider your advice.

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im outta this thread. i've said my piece. nobody will change their minds either way.


for those of you who cant wait to go to labadee and enjoy themselves on the beach and private cabanas i hope you have a blast.


i'll be thinking about the 200,000 dead people, their families and millions of homeless people- even if you wont.


Bye Bye! :)

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im outta this thread. i've said my piece. nobody will change their minds either way.


for those of you who cant wait to go to labadee and enjoy themselves on the beach and private cabanas i hope you have a blast.


i'll be thinking about the 200,000 dead people, their families and millions of homeless people- even if you wont.


You'll be thinking about them in your expensive suite on another cruise? And that will make a difference to them how?


No doubt the distance you put between yourself and tragedy will make you feel better, fair enough, but let's not pretend it is out of concern or respect for the victims of the earthquake that you are staying away. From where I stand, it is simply your own comfort that is motivating you.

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sure wish i was on a cruise scheduled to stop in labadee in the next 2 weeks!!!! With so many people from pop headed north to cap haitian looking for food, shelter, and water it seems that the passengers have even a much better chance to contribute than before. First off, everyone gets off the ship and heads to the market and buys a trinket at an outrageous price. And add a few dollars to the price. Then tip someone on the beach for carrying their bag. It has been reported that food that is not eaten by the passengers is taken home by the haitians working at labadee. So passengers - don't eat while on labadee. Have a big breakfast, head back to the ship for a slice of pizza for lunch, and enjoy your dinner on board. Leave the food that is prepared at labadee for your enjoyment to be taken by the haitians. Some of it will find it's way to the shelters. You can do without it. Also, leave a few unopen bottles of water with the haitians. And if you are on a cruise that rci is donating profits from that stop to charity, well buy an excursion. You don't have to go on it, just buy it. Or donate that money to one of the charities that are helping out.

Honestly, you can get off the ship, contribute, and have a subdued day.

I also would probably leave several pair of brand new pairs of flip flops on the beach. Not to mention a few new t-shirts and whatever. New and unused.


excellent post !!!

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