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Total ban on smoking? Yes or no



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I misread information when booking our cruise on the Serenade and thought smoking was only allowed on the starboard side of the ship. We therefore booked our balcony cabin mid ship on the port side. We were excited that we would be able to experience each port as we sailed in and out. I found out while on the ship that the rule only applied to public areas and all balconies were smoking areas. All the smokers were out on their balconies with the same intention as us. We paid for a balcony that we were rarely able to use due to smoking on both sides of us. Unless someone is able to direct us to a balcony cabin that never gets second hand smoke, we won't be booking another balcony. It would be great if someone could come up with a solution that worked so that smokers and non-smokers could all enjoy the benefits of a balcony. I just stay away from public smoking areas on the ship but the balcony issue is one I can only avoid by not booking one.

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....... I just stay away from public smoking areas on the ship but the balcony issue is one I can only avoid by not booking one.


You could always book the very 1st balcony forward on the deck that way no balconies will be in front of you thus none of that deadly, obnoxious, killer, second hand smoke will prevent you from going out on the balcony! As a matter of fact CCL could book all non-smokers in the forward most cabins only that way us demented sicko smokers won't prevent you all from using your balcony since we smoke on ours 24/7 and never sleep waiting to ruin your vacation by blowing smoke in your face at every opportunity. :rolleyes:;):p

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The facts are the facts and whether or not I like them or not is not the issue. I was simply trying to say that a person should not paint their opinion with such a large brush. The poster's statement was that only lower classed people smoked. I was only trying to prove that there are exceptions to every rule.


And...by the way...I HAVE seen celebrities on a cruise :p


Have a great day, all! Happy cruising!


I think you're missing the point. The original question was about banning smoking on the entire ship. In order for this to be profitable, the cruise line would need to have a large base of non-smoking passengers.


You don't make these economic decisions on the exceptions, but rather on the generalization. And the generalization is that the more educated and affluent a person is, the less likely they are to be smokers. Obviously, there are many exceptions, but you don't base company policy on the exceptions.


This means that the more mainstream lines such as RCL, Carnival, etc. will not likely be able to support a non-smoking policy. It just won't work financially.


Hopefully, at some point in the future, smoking becomes so unpopular that it will be economically vialbe to ban smoking shipwide. I just don't think we are realistically at that point now, at least for the mainstream cruise lines.


If any line were going to make it work, it would have to be one of the higher end lines.

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We've been talking about cigarettes mostly, but what about cigars and pipes? There has been a general ban of cigar and pipe smoking in all public areas for quite a while now. I'm curious why cigarettes are OK but cigars and pipes are not. I think ships have maybe one or two public areas wheree cigars and pipes are allowed. Are cigars and pipes allowed in cabins? On balconies? Frankly, if I have to smell smoke, I'd rather smell pipe smoke. And I've been known to light up a cigar once in a while -- maybe once a year or so -- especially on a cruise where we can get a Cuban cigar at a port-of-call.

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You could always book the very 1st balcony forward on the deck that way no balconies will be in front of you thus none of that deadly, obnoxious, killer, second hand smoke will prevent you from going out on the balcony! As a matter of fact CCL could book all non-smokers in the forward most cabins only that way us demented sicko smokers won't prevent you all from using your balcony since we smoke on ours 24/7 and never sleep waiting to ruin your vacation by blowing smoke in your face at every opportunity. :rolleyes:;):p


As someone who quit smoking several years ago and still realizes that everyone should have rights, including smokers, I was trying to be polite and didn't realize I had somehow labelled you all with such offensive names. My point is that there must be some solution that would work so that everyone could enjoy a balcony. I had smokers on both sides so I know for a fact that being farther forward would not have worked. I also realize that you are not out there 24/7 waiting to pounce but the odds are there are sometimes during the day that we all like to be on our balconies! Blowing smoke in my face...just an extreme response don't you think...

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As someone who quit smoking several years ago and still realizes that everyone should have rights, including smokers, I was trying to be polite and didn't realize I had somehow labelled you all with such offensive names. My point is that there must be some solution that would work so that everyone could enjoy a balcony. I had smokers on both sides so I know for a fact that being farther forward would not have worked. I also realize that you are not out there 24/7 waiting to pounce but the odds are there are sometimes during the day that we all like to be on our balconies! Blowing smoke in my face...just an extreme response don't you think...


I was only trying add in sarcasm:rolleyes: due to some previous posters' remarks about how awful we smokers are. The blowing in the face was actually posted on this thread but revised to have drifted from 3 feet away. I just goes to illustrate the problem. Most smokers if addressed in a civil manner will gladly move or wait to light up. When they (non-smokers) want to restrict an entire ship, that goes over the line. Obviously nonsmokers don't want to give up their right to smoke-free air but smokers also don't want to give up their freedom of choice (good or bad). RCI and most cruiselines try to placate everybody by making options for both groups, but you always get the few that have to have it ONLY THEIR way without regards to anyone else on the boat. Well, I abide by the cruiseline's rules and not smoking 24/7 on my balcony or in nonsmoking venues if the nonsmokers can't accept that ....

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We've been talking about cigarettes mostly, but what about cigars and pipes? There has been a general ban of cigar and pipe smoking in all public areas for quite a while now. I'm curious why cigarettes are OK but cigars and pipes are not. I think ships have maybe one or two public areas wheree cigars and pipes are allowed. Are cigars and pipes allowed in cabins? On balconies? Frankly, if I have to smell smoke, I'd rather smell pipe smoke. And I've been known to light up a cigar once in a while -- maybe once a year or so -- especially on a cruise where we can get a Cuban cigar at a port-of-call.


I know there are a few boats with dedicated cigar bars. We were on the Brilliance recently and they have nice cigar bar. The Coral Princess also has a dedicated cigar bar. I always enjoy a nice Habano while in the Carib and always abide by the boats' rules as to where to smoke them.

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We've been talking about cigarettes mostly, but what about cigars and pipes? There has been a general ban of cigar and pipe smoking in all public areas for quite a while now. I'm curious why cigarettes are OK but cigars and pipes are not. I think ships have maybe one or two public areas wheree cigars and pipes are allowed. Are cigars and pipes allowed in cabins? On balconies? Frankly, if I have to smell smoke, I'd rather smell pipe smoke. And I've been known to light up a cigar once in a while -- maybe once a year or so -- especially on a cruise where we can get a Cuban cigar at a port-of-call.

Cigars are allowed to be smoked on balconies. We have asked and they are allowed. We are non smokers.

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Here's a twist on an old theme. What if EVERY Cruise Line was designated no smoking (or maybe setup a lounge like the airports have).


Would you give up cruising?


If every cruise line was designated no smoking? Say good-bye to about half the fleet. :D

No smoker will knowingly step foot on a non smoking ship. There are too many other vacation choices besides cruising and the cruise lines know this. Their competition isn't just other lines/ships.

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Cigars are allowed to be smoked on balconies. We have asked and they are allowed. We are non smokers.



Not according to RCCL's Smoking policy on their web-site. It reads in part:


Pipe and cigar smoking is only permitted within the Cigar lounge. (If no Cigar lounge exists on a particular ship, there will be a designated area for pipe and cigar smoking).


Here is the link for the RCCL policy:



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There is a great thread on smoking/not smoking in Casinos going on. Great debate from both sides.


I am a firm believer that Royal Caribbean reads these threads.


Let us keep this simple. If you are for a total smoking ban vote: Yes

If you are not, vote: No.


No sitting on the fence with maybe. No additional comments. Save that for the other threads. No multiple votes.


I will NOT be keeping count. RCCL will have their staff doing the math.


I will not vote now but will sign on later so as not to lead the witness.


Get your vote out there.


Do you want a total ban on smoking?


YES or NO.

RCCL reads these boards, but if you really want a change on the smoking policy you should write them about it. I've following this thread and I decided to email Adam Goldstein and tell him about our experience on the Oasis. We loved the Oasis, we are already booked on the Allure, but we felt that the Oasis has the worst smoking policy. I can cruise without going to a disco or the Casino, but the Promenade should be a smoke free area, and that's not possible if they allow smoking in Boleros.

Well I received a call from RCCL the day after I emailed them, and I explained the situation to a really nice lady. I told her that many people complained about this situation during our cruise, but she told me that many people complain there but they don't follow up with emails. She also told me that if they receive many written complains something will be done. Well, If you didn't like all the smoke on the RP, please write an email, they might change their policy on the Allure...

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Pipe and cigar smoking is only permitted within the Cigar lounge. (If no Cigar lounge exists on a particular ship, there will be a designated area for pipe and cigar smoking).


Thanks. That's what I thought. So if it is OK to limit cigars and pipes to one or two lounges, why not the same for cigarettes? I bet eventually this happens -- smoking only in selected closed-off lounges. I remember in the 1950's and early 60's when smoking was allowed just about everywhere. Then movie theaters started having "left side for smoking" sections. Airplanes started having "back of plane for smoking". Later, smoking was banned on airplane flights less than 2 hours long. Today, smoking is not allowed in airplanes or movie theaters at all. And most office buildings are no smoking. We seem to be banning smoking in the USA more and more each year -- Dallas is totally non smoking in public places. I'm not saying any of this is right or wrong -- just stating facts. So maybe the same cigar and pipe lounges will eventually become the only areas available for smoking. That seems to be the direction.


Look, I'm not telling smokers to not smoke. But cigarette smoke is not a pleasant smell to me. As I said before, it really bothers when someone sits at the casino slot machine right next to mine and then lights up. It would also bother me if someone sat next to me and had not bathed, or passed gas, or had on lot of cheap cologne. (And all of theses have happened to me at some time.) The smell of cigarette smoke is just as offensive to me as the other smells. I bet I'm not alone in this opinion.

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If every cruise line was designated no smoking? Say good-bye to about half the fleet. :D

No smoker will knowingly step foot on a non smoking ship. There are too many other vacation choices besides cruising and the cruise lines know this. Their competition isn't just other lines/ships.



We certainly wouldnt cruise on any line that banned smoking totaly and we spend in the region of £5000/$7500 a year on cruising could any cruise line afford to loose 40 to 50% of customers, because they wouldnt gain any extra customers because the ship was non smoking

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Not according to RCCL's Smoking policy on their web-site. It reads in part:


Pipe and cigar smoking is only permitted within the Cigar lounge. (If no Cigar lounge exists on a particular ship, there will be a designated area for pipe and cigar smoking).


Here is the link for the RCCL policy:




That is what we thought, but the front desk said differently when we went to ask. We were on big ships, so they had a cigar lounge.

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That is what we thought, but the front desk said differently when we went to ask. We were on big ships, so they had a cigar lounge.



In BC there is no smoking in any public place, so we notice it right away. Maybe there will be special smoking lounges in the future...........

We always book a balcony and would love non-smoking on the balconies. Even moving it seems to drift into the cabin with the door open.


On the Mariner in Jan. there is no smoking in the Pub in the Promenade now and what a joy to be able to enjoy the great singer nightly there!!!:) :)

No smoke smells in the Promenade either!!! Just what filters up from the Casino below..............

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If every cruise line was designated no smoking? Say good-bye to about half the fleet. :D

No smoker will knowingly step foot on a non smoking ship. There are too many other vacation choices besides cruising and the cruise lines know this. Their competition isn't just other lines/ships.


Just out of curiosity, name another vacation option comparable to cruising for the same comparable cost/value?


These were the same arguments for bowling alleys, restaurants and other public places. However, it will only work if ALL cruise lines adopted the policy not just a few.


I'd also be curious to know if anyone (cruiseline or other professional association) has done a survey to determine the percentage of smokers on any particular sailing. For example, if a Freedom Class ship holds between 3600 - 4200 how many are smokers? Half? 25%? 10%?

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Just out of curiosity, name another vacation option comparable to cruising for the same comparable cost/value?


many land based good quality AI resorts can be much cheaper then a cruise.

If you factor cruise price

money spent on excursions

final sea pass bill

trust me-much cheaper.

Yes -you are not going to many islands and you are in one place. Very different then cruising-just as wonderful as a cruise in its own way but some -yes-cheaper.

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No, but I would and do respect restrictions.

Thought: Lets consider the crew also. Lets put a % on smoking crew members. I do not hold data but I think this is a big something RC would have to consider. Afterall, a ban includes crew.


I have been on 3 Bridge Tours and an Engine Control Room Tour (Celebrity after the change in their smoking policy) only to find ashtrays and cigarette packets all over the place. 1 rule for one, 1 rule for everybody else me thinks. :rolleyes:

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We certainly wouldnt cruise on any line that banned smoking totaly and we spend in the region of £5000/$7500 a year on cruising could any cruise line afford to loose 40 to 50% of customers, because they wouldnt gain any extra customers because the ship was non smoking


If there were two equal cruises, I'd go on the non-smoking one even if it cost a bit more, but other than the balcony smoking (which makes the balcony much less pleasant and ends up in my room besides) the smoking on most cruises I've been on hasn't really bothered me, even on Costa in Europe there have never been so many smokers that I can't avoid it. If I gambled it would bother me more, but the only reason I go through the casino at all is it's sometimes the most direct route.

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Just out of curiosity, name another vacation option comparable to cruising for the same comparable cost/value?


These were the same arguments for bowling alleys, restaurants and other public places. However, it will only work if ALL cruise lines adopted the policy not just a few.


I'd also be curious to know if anyone (cruiseline or other professional association) has done a survey to determine the percentage of smokers on any particular sailing. For example, if a Freedom Class ship holds between 3600 - 4200 how many are smokers? Half? 25%? 10%?


There are AI's all over the Caribbean and Mexico offering tremendous value for the vacation dollar. Just remember land based vacations are different than cruises. I've done a lot of both and, for us, the AI's are a far better deal than cruises, no comparison actually as alcohol is included, amongst many other items. We like doing both but have much, much more experience on land, only 5 cruises to date.

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I have been on 3 Bridge Tours and an Engine Control Room Tour (Celebrity after the change in their smoking policy) only to find ashtrays and cigarette packets all over the place. 1 rule for one, 1 rule for everybody else me thinks. :rolleyes:


So if they ban smoking on the Bridge and Engine Control Room then smoking should be banned shipwide.


"1 rule for one, 1 rule for everybody else me thinks.":D

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One solution to the issue. Create a smoking lounge on each deck (or every other deck) just like airports have. All smokers would have a place to light up without being too inconvenienced (just like airports).


They could even put in a few slot machines and a bar area.

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many land based good quality AI resorts can be much cheaper then a cruise.

If you factor cruise price

money spent on excursions

final sea pass bill

trust me-much cheaper.

Yes -you are not going to many islands and you are in one place. Very different then cruising-just as wonderful as a cruise in its own way but some -yes-cheaper.

First, shore excursions should not be considered, a good AI also has them. But, aside from that, whether the AI is cheaper depends largely on the size of your bar bill on the cruise.
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