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Anyone else get frustrated with all the complaints about kids?


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We have cruised on Carnival probably about 7 times over the years. My kids have cruised several times each. I know they aren't perfect but overall they're well-behaved kids. I just get tired of reading all the complaints about kids being on the boats. I mean really why are the complainers on Carnival if mass crowds of people bother them or they don't like families. Head over to another line... Or maybe I should just lock my kids up until they are 18 then let them out and see how they behave. Am I by myself here? Just frustrated...

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Yes, there are people who love to complain about kids, regardless of how they behave or how well their parents parent them onboard and in general. In many cases, it's unwarranted and rude. You're not out of line and I understand your frustrations. You are obviously the type of parent who cares about how your children behave, who doesn't allow them to run wild, and who is aware that parenting duties don't end at embarkation. I can see why you'd react strongly to some of the negative attitudes.


OTOH, there are other sides to the stories. Sadly, some parents think that a cruise is a vacation from parenting and sadly, first-hand experience with that is why some people have such negative impressions of children onboard. There are children and teens who make cruises miserable for other passengers. There are parents who say outright, "It's a ship; they can't get into trouble or get lost; I paid for them to cruise, so they can do whatever they want; the rest of you just shut up and deal with it." I believe those parents are not the majority, but there are enough of them to be noticed and remembered (not in a good way).


I'd venture to say that most children onboard are well behaved and a pleasure to see. We've honestly never had a really bad experience with children onboard. One time, two young teen girls literally knocked me over as they rushed around a corner during a scavenger hunt. Now, had they made rude comments or simply continued on their way, I would not have been happy. But these girls stopped, helped me, and apologized. I quickly told them I was fine and to just be a tad more observant on blind corners and sent them on their way with a smile. I smiled because they acted in a way that showed they were being raised to respect others. Unfortunately, there really are kids who are allowed to be out of control onboard. Sometimes when they get into groups, they take on the group mentality of believing they are both invisible (and thus, won't get caught) and above the rules. Just as unfortunately, there are parents who refuse to remove their screaming babies from the dining room or show or other activity; parents who insist that their children are "very mature" and should be allowed to do fill-in-the-blank, even though it is clearly stated as not for children; and parents who believe that families with young children "own" cruising and are being nice in allowing others to cruise on "their" ships.


Yes, the mass market lines are family friendly, which is a wonderful thing. But families with children are not the only demographic the lines market to attract. If they were, then the lines wouldn't do ads about how romantic cruising is, they wouldn't include those lovely "intimate" photos on the brochures, they wouldn't offer romance/anniversary/honeymoon package, and they wouldn't include venues onboard that are targeted to adults. I think cruising can be a fabulous family vacation. I also think that there needs to be respect from all sides. Parents need to respect that not everyone thinks their children are as wonderful and darling as they do; children need to be parented onboard and required to behave appropriately; adults who cruise without children need to respect that parents and children belong onboard too. (BTW, by "behave appropriately" I do not mean children should be seen and not heard. Children will be and need to be allowed to be children. They need to play and have fun and be messy and all that great stuff. But they also need to sit properly at dinner and not scream or run around, becoming a tripping hazard for waiters and other passengers; they need to understand that it is not okay to use the elevators as play rooms or the stairs as a gathering place or the hottubs as a snorkel excursion; and their parents need to make sure that rules are followed, even while everyone has a great time playing.)


The other thing is that some adults simply prefer to cruise when fewer children are likely to be onboard. Some parents seem to take it personally and get insulted by it. The thing is that many, if not most, of those people are parents who are either cruising without their children to have couples rejuvination or who, like us, have raised their children and don't care to cruise when many children are onboard. We want families with children to enjoy their cruises and we love hearing great stories about it. But because we don't care to experience it first-hand so much, we never cruise during the summer or over holidays or when children are likely to be out of school. We don't want to be on a cruise ship where 40% of the passengers are younger than 18. That doesn't make us "child haters," and I resent it when anyone claims it does. (I don't mean you loan_girl, I'm just making a point about how sometimes parents think anyone who doesn't love cruising with children must be a non-parent child hater, when the reverse is usually true.)


It saddens me that some people go to such extremes. There really is room onboard for everyone and it does come down to respect. You're not alone in feeling that some people attact parents and children just for the sake of doing it. That kind of thing is inappropriate and belittles all parents and their children. I wonder if some people post the way they do because they can be annonymous on a forum. Hard to say. I hope your actual onboard experiences have been good ones.



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Your post reminds me of an incident that happened when we went on a NCL cruise without our kids (5 of them between the ages of 7 and 13 now, so I'm pretty kid tolerant). We were in an adult hot tub with an older couple, and this little girl, around the age of 5, kept jumping in and splashing us, over and over. Where was her mom? Taking pictures of her doing this. However, I think the reason why this stood out to me is that it was the exception, rather than the norm.

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I see it as EVERYONE needs to behave appropriately. While we can't control adults who behave badly,(as much as I would like to!) I think many people feel that at the minimum, parents should be accountable for their kids behavior and should be teaching their kids how to act in different situations. (Unfortunately, many parents give up this job-and not only when on a cruise!)

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Yes, there are people who love to complain about kids, regardless of how they behave or how well their parents parent them onboard and in general. In many cases, it's unwarranted and rude. You're not out of line and I understand your frustrations. You are obviously the type of parent who cares about how your children behave, who doesn't allow them to run wild, and who is aware that parenting duties don't end at embarkation. I can see why you'd react strongly to some of the negative attitudes.


OTOH, there are other sides to the stories. Sadly, some parents think that a cruise is a vacation from parenting and sadly, first-hand experience with that is why some people have such negative impressions of children onboard. There are children and teens who make cruises miserable for other passengers. There are parents who say outright, "It's a ship; they can't get into trouble or get lost; I paid for them to cruise, so they can do whatever they want; the rest of you just shut up and deal with it." I believe those parents are not the majority, but there are enough of them to be noticed and remembered (not in a good way).


I'd venture to say that most children onboard are well behaved and a pleasure to see. We've honestly never had a really bad experience with children onboard. One time, two young teen girls literally knocked me over as they rushed around a corner during a scavenger hunt. Now, had they made rude comments or simply continued on their way, I would not have been happy. But these girls stopped, helped me, and apologized. I quickly told them I was fine and to just be a tad more observant on blind corners and sent them on their way with a smile. I smiled because they acted in a way that showed they were being raised to respect others. Unfortunately, there really are kids who are allowed to be out of control onboard. Sometimes when they get into groups, they take on the group mentality of believing they are both invisible (and thus, won't get caught) and above the rules. Just as unfortunately, there are parents who refuse to remove their screaming babies from the dining room or show or other activity; parents who insist that their children are "very mature" and should be allowed to do fill-in-the-blank, even though it is clearly stated as not for children; and parents who believe that families with young children "own" cruising and are being nice in allowing others to cruise on "their" ships.


Yes, the mass market lines are family friendly, which is a wonderful thing. But families with children are not the only demographic the lines market to attract. If they were, then the lines wouldn't do ads about how romantic cruising is, they wouldn't include those lovely "intimate" photos on the brochures, they wouldn't offer romance/anniversary/honeymoon package, and they wouldn't include venues onboard that are targeted to adults. I think cruising can be a fabulous family vacation. I also think that there needs to be respect from all sides. Parents need to respect that not everyone thinks their children are as wonderful and darling as they do; children need to be parented onboard and required to behave appropriately; adults who cruise without children need to respect that parents and children belong onboard too. (BTW, by "behave appropriately" I do not mean children should be seen and not heard. Children will be and need to be allowed to be children. They need to play and have fun and be messy and all that great stuff. But they also need to sit properly at dinner and not scream or run around, becoming a tripping hazard for waiters and other passengers; they need to understand that it is not okay to use the elevators as play rooms or the stairs as a gathering place or the hottubs as a snorkel excursion; and their parents need to make sure that rules are followed, even while everyone has a great time playing.)


The other thing is that some adults simply prefer to cruise when fewer children are likely to be onboard. Some parents seem to take it personally and get insulted by it. The thing is that many, if not most, of those people are parents who are either cruising without their children to have couples rejuvination or who, like us, have raised their children and don't care to cruise when many children are onboard. We want families with children to enjoy their cruises and we love hearing great stories about it. But because we don't care to experience it first-hand so much, we never cruise during the summer or over holidays or when children are likely to be out of school. We don't want to be on a cruise ship where 40% of the passengers are younger than 18. That doesn't make us "child haters," and I resent it when anyone claims it does. (I don't mean you loan_girl, I'm just making a point about how sometimes parents think anyone who doesn't love cruising with children must be a non-parent child hater, when the reverse is usually true.)


It saddens me that some people go to such extremes. There really is room onboard for everyone and it does come down to respect. You're not alone in feeling that some people attact parents and children just for the sake of doing it. That kind of thing is inappropriate and belittles all parents and their children. I wonder if some people post the way they do because they can be annonymous on a forum. Hard to say. I hope your actual onboard experiences have been good ones.



Well said! I really appreciate hearing that side too. I am a parent that requires my children to sit at dinner, not run in the halls, not play on the elevators, and esp because of their ages not roam alone on the ship. I just was frustrated on our last cruise of a couple of people dirty looks as soon as they saw us with 3 kids... I'm sure when I get a break (hopefully sometime soon) with my hubby, sans the kids I would love some peace and quiet too!

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I don't understand why folks even NOTICE kids that aren't theirs.....if I don't have children with me, yes, I'm happy!!!!--BUT I don't care if YOU bring yours! As long as I don't have to take care of them, why would your kids bother me?

I just don't get it!

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I don't understand why folks even NOTICE kids that aren't theirs.....if I don't have children with me, yes, I'm happy!!!!--BUT I don't care if YOU bring yours! As long as I don't have to take care of them, why would your kids bother me?

I just don't get it!



I agree. Long before I had kids I was always confused by people complaining about kids on the airplane. For me, if I was traveling for work and I saw a child (especially a little baby) it would make me smile. And if a baby was crying, I would try to make a funny face or something or just give the Mama a smile to try to make HER feel better. Now that I have a child, I try my best to make sure my 3 year old doesn't bother anyone, but I'm still wondering why people mind having children around. To each his/her own, I guess...

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I felt the same thing while perusing the Carnival boards... seems like they really cater to families, so why would you be surprised at seeing so many. But, I like the balanced approached the op have said... many parents let their kids get away with way too much (although I would probably be an offender to some since I DO let my kid ride up and down in elevators as long as he's not interfering with other passengers. :p) And frankly it's an issue for obnoxious people in general... not just parents. I'm much more tolerant of badly behaved kids than badly behaved adults who absolutely should know better.


It reminds me of the last time we were at DisneyWorld with our 2 year old DS... I heard some snotty comment as we were leaving that they wished people weren't allowed to bring strollers to Disney since they get in the way. Ummm... kinda the crowd that Disney caters to, so get used to the strollers, dude! :D (this was all said in my head of course and granted there is still a respect issue of trying not to get in people's way, but when someone is cutting in and out of traffic on the way out to Disney, you can't help it if your stroller is in his way).

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Ohhhh you must have been hanging around the Carnival board. ;) There are some serious kid bashers over there. They need to realize that Carnival is not Windstar.


I used to get more frustrated. Now I just stay off of that board. :p


As far as behavior onboard -- we have only run into one or two stray comments. One time after the pirate parade, I was watching Adventure Ocean getting into into the elevator with the counselors - some old bitty said to her companion "I came on this cruise to get away from THAT!"


Never missing a chance to open my mouth I said "Funny, I came on this cruise to get away from grumpy old ladies, yet, here YOU are!" :cool:

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Honest I have yet to cruise with horrid kids, have read stories and had one encounter with one kid who thought I was looking at him. That boy and I came to an understanding when he went off on me. Teased him the rest of the curise when I saw him. I think I gave him more attention than his parents.

Have more problems with kids on planes for cruises whose parents don't bring them things to do. Flying is the most boring thing one can do. Gotta be heck for a kid. Ignore the boards when it comes to kids.

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... For me, if I was traveling for work and I saw a child (especially a little baby) it would make me smile. And if a baby was crying, I would try to make a funny face or something or just give the Mama a smile to try to make HER feel better...


Kudos to you! Great attitude. I'll take the liberty of thanking you on behalf of all us Moms who have been in this situation!

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I agree. Long before I had kids I was always confused by people complaining about kids on the airplane. For me, if I was traveling for work and I saw a child (especially a little baby) it would make me smile. And if a baby was crying, I would try to make a funny face or something or just give the Mama a smile to try to make HER feel better. Now that I have a child, I try my best to make sure my 3 year old doesn't bother anyone, but I'm still wondering why people mind having children around. To each his/her own, I guess...


For me, each situation is different. For example, if there's a baby in front of us and the baby is screaming (as babies do sometimes, especially in new situations and with ear pressure), my reaction will depend on the parents. If they are trying to soothe/comfort the baby, then we will let them know with an empathetic smile and word that we understand what it's like and are not going to be upset about it. OTOH, if the adults are ignoring the baby or glaring at those around them, then I'm going to be irritated. If there is a 5-y/o behind us who is overly excited and the parents are working to calm him/her a tad, then we will not be upset. OTOH, if there is a 5-y/o behind me who is kicking my seatback and pounding on the tray table and playing loud video games and if I've asked the child to stop and if the parents do nothing but give me dirty looks as if I'm unreasonable in not wanting my back kicked and pounded through the seat, then I'm going to be more than irritated.


There have been only a few times on flights, business and pleasure combined, where I've been affected negatively by children on the plane. One time a mother allowed her sick child to vomit on the tray table and floor without making the slightest attempt to get out an airsick bag or clean up or stop the obviously distressed child from shrieking while pounding my seat. The child had tried to tell his mother that he didn't feel good, but she ignored him. Excuse me? That's the most extreme situation I've ever encountered. Fortunately, such things are very rare or, at least, they are very rare in my experience. If that wouldn't bother or affect you, more power to you. The smell of the vomit, which oozed under my seat, made me nauseous and the pounding gave me a headache! (Note: The flight attendents came quickly to help, so it wasn't horrible for the entire flight.)


It's funny you mention flying. Our lovely daughter was lamenting to me the other day that she's concerned about taking her own baby on a trans-Atlantic flight because (1) they're long, (2) our young toddler granddaughter is as much as handful as her mother was (mostly in a good way--curious, active, strong personality), and (3) other passengers would probably frown on a mom who is traveling with her 15-m/o toddler asking for extra alcohol beverages to relieve stress. I said that as long as she was trying to "contain" our beautiful granddaughter's behavior, anyone who has ever traveled with an infant or very young child (which, of course, includes me and her father), would instead say, "Why don't you let me entertain your little one while you enjoy that extra glass of wine?";)


I'm happy for anyone who has never encountered extremely poorly behaved children; I really am. We're fortunate not to have experienced it often. We don't generally notice other people's children unless they are either doing something cute or absolutely being little terrors (with parents who are doing nothing to stop the behavior). It is wrong, IMO, to assume that anyone who has been bothered by very ill-behaved children--who do exist--must be intolerant or overly sensitive.


The bottom line is that some people will always dislike having children onboard, regardless of whether those children have ever or will ever do anything to bother them. There are people who really aren't happy unless they have something to be upset about. I have to wonder how anyone can spend that much energy being angry on vacation (or any other time really). I'd rather spend my limited energy on positive things and would rather assume that children onboard will be a pleasure and not a pain.



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Ohhhh you must have been hanging around the Carnival board. ;) There are some serious kid bashers over there. They need to realize that Carnival is not Windstar.


I used to get more frustrated. Now I just stay off of that board. :p


As far as behavior onboard -- we have only run into one or two stray comments. One time after the pirate parade, I was watching Adventure Ocean getting into into the elevator with the counselors - some old bitty said to her companion "I came on this cruise to get away from THAT!"


Never missing a chance to open my mouth I said "Funny, I came on this cruise to get away from grumpy old ladies, yet, here YOU are!" :cool:


Excellent come back!!!! Seems some just like to complain no mater what is going on.

We were on a cruise and our daughter (at the time 4 yrs old) was laying in a chair around the pool area in the shade reading her favorite Dora book and not making a sound. There was a couple behind us giving us the "I can't believe she's here look." Takes all kinds and I just ignore and make sure they see how much fun I'm having.

Don't let it bother you because these people ALWAYS find something to complain about and they are probably the ones that try to get in an elevator w/out letting the people out first (my pet peeve if you couldn't tell :p).

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Love that comeback cruisinmama06. Going on Princess for our first time with our 2 kids. My dh and I have been on Princess w/o the kids 3 times. Saw a post regarding our cruise asking if many kids would be on board and commented on it. Found out the the lady who started the post loved kids but some of the people who responded to her post enjoyed traveling w/o children and were quite negative. It all seems to stem from a negative experience that they had. I hear stories of patrents allowing their children to run wild on the ship and not even check on them. What kind of parents do this? This was only a 7 yr old. Could not believe it. Cruises are not a babysitting service. It seems like some people use the kids club in that manner. I want to be with my kids on the cruise. God knows a time will come soon when they don't want to spend time with me.

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Yes there are some obnoxious kids out there -- but there are also a seriously large number of obnoxious adults out there as well. It is a case of selective perception.


An adult Pax will do something seriously obnoxious -- like holding the elevator for their spouse who "just had to run back to the cabin to get the camera" and the other passengers on the elevator don't assume that all 40-something Braves fans who wear socks with their sandals (or whatever) are obnoxious brats and don't feel it necessary to post on every thread how the middle-aged pax just ruined their cruise. One mis-begotten 12YO hits extra elevator buttons as a prank, and now ALL kids are evil!

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Just my 2 cents but I think much of the problem comes from people who are not used to be around children finding themselves "confined" with them 24 hours a day. This includes many parents as well as others on the cruise ship or airplane. On another thread a poster made the comment that working parents aren't used to be around their kids 24 hours a day and doing so is exhausting. I think this explains a lot. For better or for worse most parents, especially those that can afford a vacation like a cruise, work full time and rely on sitters, daycare providers, teachers, etc to watch their kids. Going from that situation to a 24 hour immersion in parenting is tough. As a stay at home mom my dd and I have developed a sort of shorthand - a look or just the way I say her name let's her know that her behavior needs to change. Parents who are not around their kids full time don't always have that. They often have to start from scratch on the vacation to establish boundaries, set limits, etc. Some parents don't understand this and either don't try or just get frustrated and give up. The vacation really can't be much fun in those situations. Other passengers who aren't around kids a lot also have to experience this. They may have been exposed to poorly behaved children whose parents are not accepting responsibility or they may experience well behaved kids who are just being kids. If I hear a group of little girls giggling I smile. Others who aren't used to it may just consider it noise that should be stopped. Respect, responsibility and remembering that you (parent, child or childless passenger alike) are not the only ones on board goes a long way.


As I said, just my 2 cents...

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As a very frequent flyer, and twice a year cruiser I've seen and heard EVERYTHING!! Luckily I have an amazing 'flying toddler' and all of the comments that are said when boarding the plane are quickly reversed when deplaning: "I didn't even hear a peep out of her", "What a well behaved child", etc. It is just so frustrating...why did you have to say anything at all, you don't know me or my child!?!?


I've been sneered at using an elevator on a cruise ship with my child in a stroller, been sneered at carrying my child in a stroller down the stairs on a cruise ship, you just can't win with the child haters. It's best to ignore them.


Now, as for the parents who just go on vacation and pay no attention to their terrible children while flying, cruising or just out in public, it KILLS ME!!!!


I've had so many child stories, some of the best ones come to mind:


- Waiting in line at the post office, mother and daughter (about 2.5 years old) was just really bored and starting to lose it, mother just let her cry, scream, run around, etc. I showed her some toddler games I had on my iPhone and the child was perfect...all she wanted was some attention! Mother just looked the other way the whole time and didn't say a word to me or her daughter.


- On a redeye flight there was a baby behind us (crying) and my daughter (then 2.5) stands up on the seat, looks at the baby, looks back at me.. "Mommy, why is that baby crying? I want to go to sleep and she's too loud!" It was the funniest thing...I am worried I am breeding a child hater!


- On another flight, my daughter complained to me about the man behind us who was listening to his iPod sooooo loudly that we could hear it, in the row in front of him, over the roar of the airplane! We tried giving him the stink eye, but it didn't work. I swear some adults are worse than children!


I believe that it all comes down to stereotyping and we are all punished because of the actions of a few. The best we can do is be ambassadors to traveling with children and spread the world that not all 'breeders' are terrible!

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I think it's very much about how the parents handle their kids and those around them. Unfortunately, while chances are, the majority of parents are considerate to the people around them and take care of their kids, ensure reasonable behavior, there are always a few who don't. These are the kids and parents that get remembered and become the negative stereotype that is associated w/ kids - the absentee parents whose children are in the pool splashing everyone or are running around the elevator, the parents who do nothing about their child kicking the back of an airplane seat, the parents who are in the movie theater late in the evening in an R rated film w/ their tired or scared baby/toddler who is screaming through the whole movie, the parents who are absorbed in whatever they are doing and not paying any attention to their child, etc. I've had my share of experiences where I usually want to snarl at the parents. Luckily, I've also seen plenty of parents who are taking care of their children, paying attention to them, and trying to be considerate. Kids aren't always little angels, but when I see a parent trying their best, I try to be understanding and sympathetic, especially now that we are going through the same with our own.

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As far as behavior onboard -- we have only run into one or two stray comments. One time after the pirate parade, I was watching Adventure Ocean getting into into the elevator with the counselors - some old bitty said to her companion "I came on this cruise to get away from THAT!"


Never missing a chance to open my mouth I said "Funny, I came on this cruise to get away from grumpy old ladies, yet, here YOU are!" :cool:


LOL, I wouldnt be able to resist a comeback like that either.


My kids are well behaved, they are very shy & quiet and have good manners, mostly in part because they know the worse thing they can do is embarrass us in public. They have been taught since they were toddlers to act appropriately in public, Im not saying they are perfect angels, but it is very rare for them to act up when we are out.


We havent really had many issues on the cruises, although I had one lady feel the need to tell me "she was a teacher and kids should be in school" while we were in the check in line. I couldnt help myself and asked "why she wasnt at school teaching"? Never heard another word from her...


But yeah, I agree with what beachchick said, there needs to be a mutual respect and understanding between all cruisers.

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The kids don't bother me at all. Probably because I have kids of my own. Sometimes the parents do because they don't teach their kids manners. I mean they will let their kids run right over you and not say a thing. I know when I was at Disney last year this kid (about 7 or 8) almost caused me to drop a tray of food because he was running around. He did not say excuse me or anything and his mom did not say a word. A few minutes later he slapped his mother in the face and she did NOTHING. I just stood there stunned for a minute or two. Anyway, I understand that kids will be kids but I wish more parents would at least try to tell their child how to behave in public. Other than that no problems at all. Kids should have fun on vacation too! ;)

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Ohhhh you must have been hanging around the Carnival board. ;) There are some serious kid bashers over there. They need to realize that Carnival is not Windstar.


I used to get more frustrated. Now I just stay off of that board. :p


As far as behavior onboard -- we have only run into one or two stray comments. One time after the pirate parade, I was watching Adventure Ocean getting into into the elevator with the counselors - some old bitty said to her companion "I came on this cruise to get away from THAT!"


Never missing a chance to open my mouth I said "Funny, I came on this cruise to get away from grumpy old ladies, yet, here YOU are!" :cool:


Oh, that is sooo good!:D I get the feeling that you're "mouthy" in just the right way. Some people are beyond comprehension. I mean, we don't like being around out of control children (or adults, for that matter), but the pirate parade? Excuse me? This is one of the AO activities that is fun for the kids and the adults who watch it. Sheesh.


The kids don't bother me at all. Probably because I have kids of my own. Sometimes the parents do because they don't teach their kids manners. I mean they will let their kids run right over you and not say a thing. I know when I was at Disney last year this kid (about 7 or 8) almost caused me to drop a tray of food because he was running around. He did not say excuse me or anything and his mom did not say a word. A few minutes later he slapped his mother in the face and she did NOTHING. I just stood there stunned for a minute or two. Anyway, I understand that kids will be kids but I wish more parents would at least try to tell their child how to behave in public. Other than that no problems at all. Kids should have fun on vacation too! ;)


Funny, it seems to me that it is the responsibility, the "job" if you will, of parents to not just "try to tell" their kids appropriate behavior. It's the parents responsibility to teach them how to behave in public and in private. It is their job to teach their children what is good fun and good play and what is not.


Yep, kids should have fun on vacation. Absolutely and without question. I would simply hold them to a standard similar to what I want/expect from adults: Your fun and play should not negatively affect those around you. Now, I do not mean that children should be quiet little angels. No way! I do mean that they need to know when it's okay to get a little crazy (and loud and messy and all the wonderful things kids do and that we adults sometimes forget) and when it's not.


Also, you'll find that most of the people who notice poorly behaved children onboard are also parents and sometimes grandparents. It's not as if we don't know what it's like to have kids or that we haven't been around them or that we're intolerant. It's that extremely bad behavior is something that bothers most people. But you're right that it's the parents I usually want to strangle (figuratively speaking), rather than the children. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world (I know); it is also one of the most rewarding. (I'm learning that it's true that being a grandparent is all of the fun with much less of the work.) What some people seem to ignore or forget is that parenting is a responsibility that requires hard work, consistency, and the willingness to be "the bad guy" (and not a child's "best friend"). Good parents generally have loving, happy, and friendly relationships with their children, but the children also know who is in charge and they know that there are consequences for misbehavior.


There certainly are people who are very intolerant of children, period. Sad, really. I don't understand some people. They seem to spend so much of their lives complaining, unhappy, and angry about something. And to complain or be upset about something that hasn't even happened is nonsensical. It's one thing to be angry that a child (or adult) has done something that would upset a reasonable person. It's quite another to assume that a child (or adult) will do something to upset them at some point and act as if this unknown future event has already happened.:rolleyes:



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I am going on our first cruise in April, so I do not have any first hand knowledge from that, but having five children I have been to plenty of places where I have recieved dirty looks. Just last week I took my kids out for Chinese food and I had an older woman staring at us the entire time with a dirty look on her face. My kids were behaving. I mean they were not being mute, but they weren't acting up. That irritates me so much. I usually will ask if I can help them with something. That usually stops the gawking ;)

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I've seen both sides of the coin where kids on cruises are concerned. I've been on cruises where the kids were so out of control that they were throwing feces in the pool, set off a stink bomb in the disco and got into food fights in the main dining room and buffet. But I've also seen kids who were so wonderful, polite and well behaved that it made your heart smile. I just returned from a cruise where the kids were great. I'm disabled and more times than I can count I encountered kids who held the door open for me, held the elevator door and knew how to say please and thank you. No one minds kids like that. Unfortunately, many of today's parents are so busy being a friend to their kids that they forget to teach them respect and manners. It doesn't take a lot of time to teach kids how to be polite and respectful.

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