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Beware!! Westerdam Capt. Waits for noboby


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E. Finally he gets NO SYMPATHY for being an idiot and not only attempting to bribe a aritime Officer, but for being an even bigger one for coming here and believing most CC members would feel sympathy for him.




Wow! Anger issues I think. This really reaches the lowest level of discourse when we stoop to calling people idiots.


Also, to call the offer of $1000 a bribe is a real leap. A bribe would be something you try to hide and there is no proof that this happened. It would more correctly been called an offer to the cruise line,not the officer directly.

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And do you wonder WHY the cost of Ship Excursions are so high? It is IN CASE such an event happens they do not then have to put the cost of remaining at port or any other costs onto those of us who made it to the ship on time.


Read the other 4 pages, specifically the OP's lack of remorse and name calling. Read where I posted not only the correct times that OUR ship left and photos that are dated that show no passengers running etc... The Guy out and out lied and got caught trying to place the blame.





Good Lord, Joan.

I find it interesting that this is so very important to you.


I am really curious as to how the mob, er, majority of posters to this thread, would/will feel if op comes back in a contrite manner, apologizes for his arrogant ways, says, "I've learned so much from you all. Should I miss the ship again, I shall never blame anyone but myself again".


Really, how will your life improve if OP does this? What will you get from it? Will you sleep better tonight? Will you be able to say to yourself, "well, that's another person who learned today?" Is that it? I just don't get what all the fuss is about. There are boors, and blamers, dorks and turds all over the place. What is all this drama about? I really have to wonder why so many are so indignant that this guy portrayed himself as less than brilliant? Why get so bent out of shape? "Prove him wrong, I have the truth, the facts, he lied, he can't deny it". So what? I encounter people like him every day....I'm sure I've even ACTED like him maybe after sufferring a seriously embarassing disappointment (and not been able to admit it at first).....but maybe I'm the dork....I just don't get what all the fuss is about.

I am just trying to understand, really, what is there to gain in all this? And no need to tell me to 'pass on by' if I don't like this thread. Quite the contrary.....it's really quite fascinating.

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Wow! Anger issues I think. This really reaches the lowest level of discourse when we stoop to calling people idiots.


Also, to call the offer of $1000 a bribe is a real leap. A bribe would be something you try to hide and there is no proof that this happened. It would more correctly been called an offer to the cruise line,not the officer directly.



Yes I do have anger issues when people do not pay attention to the facts and then blame others and start calling names.


And once again, I quote the OP: "I offered $1000.00 to lower the gangway back down ( the ship was still docked, just untied with gangway lifted) or even tender me out and again the Captain stated that he waits for no one." Unquote If that is not an attempted bribe to a Maritime Officer, then what is? Whether it was the Captain or another Ship's Officer.


Just keep in mind, I have the photos, I was there and he was not anywhere near the ship, nor could he see the ship or gangway, I COULD! And took photos of it all. As they say, the proof is in the pudding.


In case you did not see the photos and time line here is the link again: http://abqreunion2008.com/SPECIAL/



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And once again, I quote the OP: "I offered $1000.00 to lower the gangway back down ( the ship was still docked, just untied with gangway lifted) or even tender me out and again the Captain stated that he waits for no one." Unquote If that is not an attempted bribe to a Maritime Officer, then what is? Whether it was the Captain or another Ship's Officer.


Just keep in mind, I have the photos, I was there and he was not anywhere near the ship, nor could he see the ship or gangway, I COULD! And took photos of it all. As they say, the proof is in the pudding.


In case you did not see the photos and time line here is the link again: http://abqreunion2008.com/SPECIAL/




He obviously was offering the money to the officer as the representitve of the cruise line. He was offering the money to the cruise line ,not the officer. It's laughable to call that a bribe. And I did not look at your photos before and I have no intention now as I never defended the OP so your photos were not something I was interested in.

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Yes I do have anger issues when people do not pay attention to the facts and then blame others and start calling names.





So the fact that he called posters here names excuses you? Ok ,I guess that makes sense if you live by the two wrongs make a right theory. Of course you could have risen above it all and turned the other cheek.

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So the fact that he called posters here names excuses you? Ok ,I guess that makes sense if you live by the two wrongs make a right theory. Of course you could have risen above it all and turned the other cheek.



Totally ok to call someone an idiot. I have the proof! I have the facts! You can not refute the truth!

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He obviously was offering the money to the officer as the representitve of the cruise line. He was offering the money to the cruise line ,not the officer.
Sorry, I totally disagree. He was offering money to the person standing there to put the gangway out again.


Main Entry: bribe

Pronunciation: \ˈbrīb\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, morsel given to a beggar, bribe, from Anglo-French, morsel

Date: 15th century

1 : money2_bing.gif or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

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I have to admit this is a very well written post, but it does state the obvious and in my opinion was just a long route to get to your final paragraph in which you showed compassion and shook your finger at him at the same time.


Thank you. And, in part, you're correct: my post did state the obvious. Or, at least, it was obvious to me and to several others on this thread. Sadly, it wasn't obvious to the OP or to a few others ... which was one of the reasons why I wrote it. I was also in hopes that a little pastoral advice might pierce through the OP's sense of indignation.


Sadly, I'm not hopeful.

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Thank you. And, in part, you're correct: my post did state the obvious. Or, at least, it was obvious to me and to several others on this thread. Sadly, it wasn't obvious to the OP or to a few others ... which was one of the reasons why I wrote it. I was also in hopes that a little pastoral advice might pierce through the OP's sense of indignation.


Sadly, I'm not hopeful.


Fair enough,and just so you know ,it was obvious to me also. As I've stated before I am in no way defending the OP just disappointed at the piling on and pack mentality that has taken place here. It's makes many here look as bad as the OP.

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Sorry, I totally disagree. He was offering money to the person standing there to put the gangway out again.


That's ok if you disagree and I will adjust that part of my argument if you show me where it's stated that it happened that way. This is a quote from the OP.


"And for those that say they were watching and didn't see me running, that is because I was stopped/detained by Aruba port authority which was communicating with the Captain and ship as they were looking for me"


It appears he was not near the gangway to offer someone standing there a bribe . It actually appears that he was communicating with the ship through a third party,so the Port Authority would have been the ones offering the bribe through the OP . However,if you show me different I will adjust that part of my argument,but that will not change my opinion about the tone of this thread.

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Fair enough,and just so you know ,it was obvious to me also. As I've stated before I am in no way defending the OP just disappointed at the piling on and pack mentality that has taken place here. It's makes many here look as bad as the OP.


As I posted earlier, this thread has been like watching a Train Wreck: it has a strange attraction. A lot of good people (many good friends) have posted their opinions, and some of those opinions have been very strongly stated. While I certainly agree with the content of many of the criticisms, I would have preferred a different approach.


That being said, I'm not sure how we were supposed to have responded. Given that the majority of the people posting on this thread agreed contrary to the OP, it was probably a foregone conclusion that their responses would be interpreted as being "piling on" and "pack mentality."

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I'm going to preface this post with the fact that I saw this post from day one before there were any replies. I really wanted to reply to the OP and felt so badly for him, but knew that the reality was that he was in the wrong, but didn't see it.


I've followed this post and seen some sympathetic replies down to some outright nasty replies. I don't know how people can be so mean and callous, but people have a right to express themselves any way they choose on here. That's the beauty of the boards I guess.


I just want to say that while I do appreciate everyone's point of view, it truly shows how people can get so nasty over something so little as one person posting something they don't agree with on here. I'm so disappointed in so many people I thought were great contributors to this board. My view of this board is now clouded by this whole debacle.

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I'm going to preface this post with the fact that I saw this post from day one before there were any replies. I really wanted to reply to the OP and felt so badly for him, but knew that the reality was that he was in the wrong, but didn't see it.


I've followed this post and seen some sympathetic replies down to some outright nasty replies. I don't know how people can be so mean and callous, but people have a right to express themselves any way they choose on here. That's the beauty of the boards I guess.


I just want to say that while I do appreciate everyone's point of view, it truly shows how people can get so nasty over something so little as one person posting something they don't agree with on here. I'm so disappointed in so many people I thought were great contributors to this board. My view of this board is now clouded by this whole debacle.


No kidding. And what is really unfortunate is that those few who are most vocal and defensive regarding their own replies to this stupidity, can't see their own behaviour as being fairly similar to that which they are rallying against in the first place.....never wrong, can't admit to their role, etc, etc. (Wish I could say it more eloquently, or sensibly than that. ) Why all the fuss? I asked this a page or 2 ago, but think my post got lost in it all, or overlooked. Really, why all the foot stomping and angry tirades? A lack of fibre indeed!


It is late and this whole pitchfork and torch parade makes me sad for humanity. And I'm quite sure someone, somewhere, is insisting that their over-the-top anger (at a total stranger who made a giant error in coming here to vent)....is completely rational and totally justified and they are therefore not responsible for their reactions: If the OP hadn't been so arrogant, than I wouldn't have to be so mad!! How's that for blame?

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No kidding. And what is really unfortunate is that those few who are most vocal and defensive regarding their own replies to this stupidity, can't see their own behaviour as being fairly similar to that which they are rallying against in the first place.....never wrong, can't admit to their role, etc, etc. (Wish I could say it more eloquently, or sensibly than that. ) Why all the fuss? I asked this a page or 2 ago, but think my post got lost in it all, or overlooked. Really, why all the foot stomping and angry tirades? A lack of fibre indeed!


It is late and this whole pitchfork and torch parade makes me sad for humanity. And I'm quite sure someone, somewhere, is insisting that their over-the-top anger (at a total stranger who made a giant error in coming here to vent)....is completely rational and totally justified and they are therefore not responsible for their reactions: If the OP hadn't been so arrogant, than I wouldn't have to be so mad!! How's that for blame?


I indicated earlier that I was finished with this thread. However, like others, I have been drawn to reading it, even now.


My respects to Jo-Bob, mmbruce, RevNeal and others who have compassion for the poor OP.


Maybe I am incorrect, but I do not recall anyone, anyone, who defended the OP's actions. Several voiced compassion and sorrow for the OP and his family, but did not defend him for being late, nor agree that his attitude was correct.


So why the continued fervor, seemingly not only against the OP but also against anyone who has compassion for him and family?


Has anyone here on this thread been damaged by the OP? Has anyone suffered a loss of finances? Has anyone been physically hurt?


The OP is long gone. This thread should be closed. Anyway, that's my opinion.


Bob :cool:

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Just like to point out that we didn't lose any time getting to the next port, nor would we have had we waited. Aruba was our last port of call, then two sea days and back in FLL, where most of us were required to leave the ship. Darn. Carolyn


No, but leaving late means less time to get to the next port, so having to travel faster, thus burning more fuel. And fuel is not cheap by any means, the additional cost is definitely more than the $1000 the guy was offering...

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BUT I am here to volunteer to be the Black Sheepie. I don't mind, really. So can I please be the black sheepie, please?


I was wondering who would volunteer to be our "black sheep!" Welcome to the herd. Your benefits include all the benefits listed in the Special Touches thread plus you get to count sheeple at night and "baaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" yourself to sleep. ;) I like the idea of a "sheeple dinner, however!


Sorry Savannahgirl,


CVPENDS granted me Black Sheeple status some pages back. :cool:


However, the positions of both Dark and Light Grey Sheeple are still available. :rolleyes:


And as this thread demonstrates, one Black Sheeple alone could not tend to this growing herd. So Dark Grey and Light Grey Sheeple(s) will have their work cut out for them ;)


I am particularly looking forward to the benefits of "Sheepledom" :)


These will all be enumerated when when our Official By-Laws are published three pages hence. :eek:


r. (AKA The Black Sheeple)

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I only read the first 8 pages of this thread before skipping to the end. I am appalled by the general nastiness of the posters here. The gloating at the op's misfortune is base and vulgar. How nice for you that you are all so perfect! How tidy and flawless your lives must be! How much fun it seems to be for you to congratulate each other on your own virtue while belittling and castigating the op....


The reality is that cruise ships wait all the time for cruise booked excursrion passengers and have obviously figured out how to get even the late pax aboard. Yes, of course the op "should" have been on time. But, clearly the Captian could have boarded him (and would have boarded him had he been on a HAL booked excursion). Yes, the captian was within his "rights" to blow the op off, but it wasn't kind and can't be surprising that the op was upset by it.


I am amazed that after the first 30 posters tried to make the op feel as badly as possible that the next hundred or so felt compelled to file on....




There was absolutely no "misfortune" of the OP at all, merely stupidity and self-centeredness as far as the original occurrence, and a heavy dose of arrogance in his postings here.


As has been stated in many ways and for many reasons in many posts on this thread, some of them being rapidly retreating tide and prohibitive expense, the Captain could not wait.

If it were to have been necessary due to a HAL tour returning late, it would have meant at least 6 hours delay due to the tides plus risking the Azipods bottoming in the shallow port. So in that (unnecessary) eventuality, HAL most likely would have waited off shore and tendered out their tour passengers. All of this was easily learned from fully reading this thread.


As for piling on: Hardly !

If every passenger he would have inconvenienced and every employee of HAL he insulted were to have posted here, this thread would be many multiples longer.



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B. My photos clearly show there was NO ONE running to catch the ship!

The OP made a mistake.


However, you are reading too much into what your photographs 'show'.


They show what was happening for the fraction of a second that the exposure took. They do not show that 'there was no one running to catch the ship'. You could only show that if you had recorded a video over the whole of the relevant time of the whole of the relevant area.

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The OP made a mistake.


However, you are reading too much into what your photographs 'show'.


They show what was happening for the fraction of a second that the exposure took. They do not show that 'there was no one running to catch the ship'. You could only show that if you had recorded a video over the whole of the relevant time of the whole of the relevant area.

Oh, please...Don't you think Joanie was on her balcony watching, poised to take the picture of any runner that appeared? If there had been one, she would have his picture...Carolyn

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Why on Earth would anyone want to stand on a balcony with a camera watching for a runner? Weird!


And just how do you think those videos posted on YouTube got taken ?? :confused:


Certain ports (with Senor Frogs) are better for this than others. :cool:

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