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Trouble on Navigator

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Update on student's condition: I understand from a friend that the young man in question is "slowly improving" and I hope that he continues to do so.


I believe it would be a violation of the family's privacy to say anything more about his condition on a public message board, so that is all I can really say out of respect for them.


This is very good news. Thank you for the update.

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I said to DH that I wished that specialist physicians could be voluntarily registered on the ship when traveling. For obvious reasons they can not treat or examine patients (liability or the cruise line and their home practices/institutions in terms of malpractice), but they could be very valuable unofficial consults for the ship's internist. Alas, probably would open a legal can of worms, but I sat there the next morning thinking it really stunk that this happened and DH, a neurologist with trauma training, might have been able to help. Blech.:(


Just curious....if they are there voluntarily and just trying to offer help, wouldn't they be protected under Good Samaritan, or does Good Samaritan not apply to trained professionals? :confused:

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The Good Samaritan laws protect medically trained professionals us in the U.S., but vary state by state. Perhaps not out at sea, but I'm not a lawyer.


Unfortunately, the reality of it is that if you do something -- that opens you up to possible litigation, even under the Good Samaritan laws. If you do nothing...well, no one knows you were there.


Of course, I'd still be happy to help, though I'm sure there is no way even the simplest of surgical procedures could be done on a ship.

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Just curious....if they are there voluntarily and just trying to offer help, wouldn't they be protected under Good Samaritan, or does Good Samaritan not apply to trained professionals? :confused:

A couple of years ago we were on a Med cruise and an older gentelman choked on a cherry tomato. This gentelman had throat surgery a couple of weeks before the cruise and when the waiter tried to use the Heimlich maneuver it didnt work out. Well, in that cruise a large group of anesthesiologist were having a meeting and two of them rushed to help this gentelman and saved his life. Believe me, if you have an airway obstruction an anesthesiologist is probably the best person to have around.

When you travel with doctors, they usually bring many medicines, suture kits, IV bags, etc. On a baltic cruise one of our friends daughter ate too much pizza and hot dogs and her dad, an anesthesiologist, gave her IV fluids on their cabin. Before that cruise I never thought about bringing that kind of things to a cruise, now we do.

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From MrsBGCruiser85: It's my understanding that those blue nets placed over the pools are simply there as a sign that the pool is OFF LIMITS and closed...they are not intended as safety nets or anything of the sort. (from a crew member on this same navigator cruise as the accident)


This being said---why does it matter what pool, where he jumped from, etc. There is a young man who was involved in a tragic accident on the navigator, whether it was his own negligence and personal responsiblility (which is where my opinion lies!)....or if the "blame" goes to RCCL for any reason. That's not for us to decide or care about. Simply say a prayer for his health and his family to cope with it and stop the silly flame/arguments about questionable facts. :-)

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From MrsBGCruiser85: It's my understanding that those blue nets placed over the pools are simply there as a sign that the pool is OFF LIMITS and closed...they are not intended as safety nets or anything of the sort. (from a crew member on this same navigator cruise as the accident)


This being said---why does it matter what pool, where he jumped from, etc. There is a young man who was involved in a tragic accident on the navigator, whether it was his own negligence and personal responsiblility (which is where my opinion lies!)....or if the "blame" goes to RCCL for any reason. That's not for us to decide or care about. Simply say a prayer for his health and his family to cope with it and stop the silly flame/arguments about questionable facts. :-)



Beautifully said.........blessings to the young man for a full recovery, blessings to his parents/family/friends for what they are currently experiencing.

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A couple of years ago we were on a Med cruise and an older gentelman choked on a cherry tomato. This gentelman had throat surgery a couple of weeks before the cruise and when the waiter tried to use the Heimlich maneuver it didnt work out. Well, in that cruise a large group of anesthesiologist were having a meeting and two of them rushed to help this gentelman and saved his life. Believe me, if you have an airway obstruction an anesthesiologist is probably the best person to have around.

When you travel with doctors, they usually bring many medicines, suture kits, IV bags, etc. On a baltic cruise one of our friends daughter ate too much pizza and hot dogs and her dad, an anesthesiologist, gave her IV fluids on their cabin. Before that cruise I never thought about bringing that kind of things to a cruise, now we do.


I hope you are not a Proctologist!:eek:

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When you travel with doctors, they usually bring many medicines, suture kits, IV bags, etc...Before that cruise I never thought about bringing that kind of things to a cruise, now we do.


Wow. I'm not doubting you, but that does sound like the exception rather than the rule. My DH is a Doc and I've traveled with plenty of other Docs and never seen that. In fact, LOL, I'm the one in charge of medication and first aid supplies on our trips. Go figure!


Now I have a new conversation topic when I meet doctors on cruise ships! "So I've heard some Docs carry x, y, z with them while traveling, what supplies did you bring with you...?":) Bet I'll get some interesting answers!

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Wow. I'm not doubting you, but that does sound like the exception rather than the rule. My DH is a Doc and I've traveled with plenty of other Docs and never seen that. In fact, LOL, I'm the one in charge of medication and first aid supplies on our trips. Go figure!


Now I have a new conversation topic when I meet doctors on cruise ships! "So I've heard some Docs carry x, y, z with them while traveling, what supplies did you bring with you...?":) Bet I'll get some interesting answers!

Good to know that the Duke student is doing better. As I said, I never thought that bringing an IV bag will be a good idea, but it worked for our friend. One of my best friend's husband is a general surgeon, and she is the one that packs the medications and first aid supplies like you do. But she always brings sutures, anesthetics, etc. If I need a couple of sutures during a cruise I'll like a board certified surgeon to take care of me and not the ship doctor.

Another friend was on a plane from Italy to Miami, when an announcement was made asking for a doctor. Well, they took her to the back of the airplane and a guy was on the floor in a lot of pain. Three doctors showed up and decided to introduce themselves. The first female doctor said that she was Dr. XX an internist from Brazil, my friend said she was Dr. YY a rehumatologist from Miami, and then the only male doctor said. "I'm doctor ZZ, OBYN, it was very nice to meet all of you, good bye". :)

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Again, sorry for not providing specific details, but I want to respect the family's privacy.


The young man in question continues to improve and is out of the ICU.


Thank you Jane - more prayers being sent his way.

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Again, sorry for not providing specific details, but I want to respect the family's privacy.


The young man in question continues to improve and is out of the ICU.


Completely understand and respect that you feel that way. However, there are many people on this board who are sending prayers and good wishes for the poor guy and his family so, if you don't mind, please keep us informed with any info you feel you can share. And thank you :)

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When you travel with doctors, they usually bring many medicines, suture kits, IV bags, etc. On a baltic cruise one of our friends daughter ate too much pizza and hot dogs and her dad, an anesthesiologist, gave her IV fluids on their cabin. Before that cruise I never thought about bringing that kind of things to a cruise, now we do.


Am I the only one who thinks that IV fluids for a pizza and hot dog OD is weird?

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Completely understand and respect that you feel that way. However, there are many people on this board who are sending prayers and good wishes for the poor guy and his family so, if you don't mind, please keep us informed with any info you feel you can share. And thank you :)


Let's not forget that a member of the victim's family asked us to stop posting on this board and let it go. While I know we all mean well, and hope he's doing well, it's none of our business.

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Am I the only one who thinks that IV fluids for a pizza and hot dog OD is weird?


Yea...I thought it would be more on the line of a blood transfusion followed by a course of radiation theropy.;) But then again I don't gorge myself on pizza and hot dogs.

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My two older kids were on the Navigator and saw the whole thing happen. He did actually jump from the pool side as they relayed it to me. He was ground level with the pool and probably thought the net would catch him. The thing that troubles me most about the whole thing is why that the security net didn't prevent him from hitting the bottom of the pool. Why wasn't it strong enough to catch a person up to 300 pounds+ ??? It is easy for anyone to try to cast blame on a kid for one poor decision... BUT what if anyone one of those kids had fallen in or were accidentally pushed in??? THAT NET SHOULD PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY NOT JUST BE THERE FOR SHOW!!

Then the medical professional in me also wants to know what the hell was a crew member thinking touching him without proper medical training??? He could have caused the kids death or permanent paralysis by turning him over the way he did without a c-collar and backboard ready to go with the ships medical staff present!! OK I have said my 2 cents worth so can someone please provide some update on how the guy is doing so I can hopefully give my kids some kind of good news on his condition. They were pretty upset and saddened by this event. Our sincerest prayers and best wishes to his parents, siblings and extended family for his speedy and complete recovery!!


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My two older kids were on the Navigator and saw the whole thing happen. He did actually jump from the pool side as they relayed it to me. He was ground level with the pool and probably thought the net would catch him. The thing that troubles me most about the whole thing is why that the security net didn't prevent him from hitting the bottom of the pool. Why wasn't it strong enough to catch a person up to 300 pounds+ ??? It is easy for anyone to try to cast blame on a kid for one poor decision... BUT what if anyone one of those kids had fallen in or were accidentally pushed in??? THAT NET SHOULD PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY NOT JUST BE THERE FOR SHOW!!

Then the medical professional in me also wants to know what the hell was a crew member thinking touching him without proper medical training??? He could have caused the kids death or permanent paralysis by turning him over the way he did without a c-collar and backboard ready to go with the ships medical staff present!! OK I have said my 2 cents worth so can someone please provide some update on how the guy is doing so I can hopefully give my kids some kind of good news on his condition. They were pretty upset and saddened by this event. Our sincerest prayers and best wishes to his parents, siblings and extended family for his speedy and complete recovery!!



Have you read this entire thread? I don't mean to be harsh, but there have been updates, and as you know as a health care professional, it is none of our business how this poor young man is doing. His family came on here and asked us to end the thread. I am sorry that your kids saw it happen--that must have been traumatizing--but rehashing it is not going to help him get better. We don't know what he was thinking. We don't know anything other than he's really hurt. We all hope he's ok, but it's not our business.

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A simple he is improving would do well to make traumatized kids feel better an event that involved them as well as the injured boy...which makes it just as "personal" to them. No one is violating his HIPAA rights by having some concern, asking how he was doing and hoping he was improving. I went back and read a couple of pages after your sour response and the family asked this thread to be stopped because of insensitive people saying mean things about their loved one instead of offering well wishes and prayers. I apologize to anyone who was bothered by the fact that I don't have hours to sit and read through dozens of these pages of posts. I figured the last page would have had the most recent update about his status if anyone knew how he was doing. It is my kids business...they were right there and involved at the scene...It would make them feel better to know he was improving and doing better at any level ...So maybe Bluegurl obviously you have lots of time to sit around read every page of every thread and respond to them all, good for you.... As for your perspective, I wouldn't simply characterize it as harsh I found it to be quite ignorant, self righteous and maybe even it provides you some sense of importance that your tactless existence lacks (to act like the self appointed internet thread police with a huge chip on your shoulder) . It's sour nasty people just like you that remind me why I avoid forums like this. Go ahead and waste your time replying for I won't be back here to read it because quite frankly I couldn't give a rat's tail what you think.

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A simple he is improving would do well to make traumatized kids feel better an event that involved them as well as the injured boy...which makes it just as "personal" to them. No one is violating his HIPAA rights by having some concern, asking how he was doing and hoping he was improving. I went back and read a couple of pages after your sour response and the family asked this thread to be stopped because of insensitive people saying mean things about their loved one instead of offering well wishes and prayers. I apologize to anyone who was bothered by the fact that I don't have hours to sit and read through dozens of these pages of posts. I figured the last page would have had the most recent update about his status if anyone knew how he was doing. It is my kids business...they were right there and involved at the scene...It would make them feel better to know he was improving and doing better at any level ...So maybe Bluegurl obviously you have lots of time to sit around read every page of every thread and respond to them all, good for you.... As for your perspective, I wouldn't simply characterize it as harsh I found it to be quite ignorant, self righteous and maybe even it provides you some sense of importance that your tactless existence lacks (to act like the self appointed internet thread police with a huge chip on your shoulder) . It's sour nasty people just like you that remind me why I avoid forums like this. Go ahead and waste your time replying for I won't be back here to read it because quite frankly I couldn't give a rat's tail what you think.


Welcome to Cruise Critic. The first post at the top of the page (which was the last page of the thread when you posted it) contains a link to a post which is an update of his condition.

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The Good Samaritan laws protect medically trained professionals us in the U.S., but vary state by state. Perhaps not out at sea, but I'm not a lawyer.


Unfortunately, the reality of it is that if you do something -- that opens you up to possible litigation, even under the Good Samaritan laws. If you do nothing...well, no one knows you were there.


Of course, I'd still be happy to help, though I'm sure there is no way even the simplest of surgical procedures could be done on a ship.


Untrue, under law (Good Samaritan law) if you are acting on good faith, you cannot be sued for anything.

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Absolutely should none of us be pointing fingers, blaming anyone or saying shame on you. It should be Shame on us for not seeing the tragedy in this entire episode. I am 52 years old and I remember being young and goofy but certainly it should not have the consequences that have happened to this young man or the people that witnessed this tragedy. My prayers go out to all those that have been forever changed by this and also to the people that need to humble themselves and reach inside to find some compassion. None of us are afterall, immune to such occurences.

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