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Charge for a carry on!


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They say they are going to lower the price of fares to offset the cost of checking bags. What!! :confused::confused::confused:.[/quote


Doesn't make any sense to me.:confused:

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Governments....local, county, state and the Feds have all found a way into the pockets of the airlines....which means you!

So, if they charge a fee for luggage, it is not subject to the:

Departure tax

Landing tax

Security tax, departure

Security tax, arrival

the standard Federal Tax

the undefined tax

the we are gonna get your money tax


so, this might work!!!!


And besides, this may get the CLOWN that thinks his steamer trunk will fit in the overhead to check the stupid thing!

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Well I just looked at their website to see if the price for flights needed in Sept have dropped and actually they have gone up sooooo I did a little number crunching and it is cheaper for me to fly Southwest for 3 people by $300 after all of spirits fees...what a bunch of crap

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My wife and I have flown Spirit from NY to Myrtle Beach 2-3 times a year for years. We tolerated all their BS fees (including the $4.50 charge they levy for the privelege of taking our money online) becuase the value was still there but this is the end just on principle.


It's too bad really because we love Myrtle but if the public just goes along with it, we'll see it on all the airlines. I'm hoping Spirit loses market share in drastic numbers.



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Good. If the airlines are going to charge for luggage, they should charge for all luggage including carry-on luggage. The amount and size of "stuff" that people now lug on the airplane is absolutely rediculous. It now takes twice as long to board the plane because of all the stuff people bring on. On our flight home two weeks ago on US Air they were practically begging people to gate check their carry-ons because there were to many people carrying luggage on.

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We used to fly Spirit years ago,a small nice friendly carrier back in the early 90's.

When They started CHARGING for your seat?????That was it for us.:mad:

So in theory,You can book your ticket,go to the airport,check in,and have the agent tell you,Sorry,Flight is overbooked!You should have bought your seat???

Bad Business=Less,and less peeps using it.

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Good. If the airlines are going to charge for luggage, they should charge for all luggage including carry-on luggage. The amount and size of "stuff" that people now lug on the airplane is absolutely rediculous. It now takes twice as long to board the plane because of all the stuff people bring on. On our flight home two weeks ago on US Air they were practically begging people to gate check their carry-ons because there were to many people carrying luggage on.

The airlines brought this on themselves by charging for checking luggage. No one fore saw these issues with boarding and the plane being stuffed to the ceiling with luggage? How much are these airline executives being paid? Plenty of us here said this was going to happen when charges first started appearing and we are getting paid nothing.

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My husband travels weekly and his carrier of choice is Spirit out of Atlantic City. We only live minutes away and the convience is what keeps so many people using AC. I am appalled that Spirt now feels it is necessary to charge MORE for the carry on. After all we pay for the seat (and still can't figure that out where would you go without one, the wing?) the internet booking fee, and luggage and now we will have to pay for the carry on. Perhaps they should stop it all and just charge us a decent fee and get it over with. I have no problem checking my bags, however, they have lost 2 of them already and they are in luggage heaven (as they never showed up anywhere according to Sprirt). Last month they tried to force me to check my carry-on, which I did not have any tags on because I was carrying it, poor sot couldn't find a tag and NO way were they getting it without one. I refused to allow them to even touch it as I had everything I needed in it.

I guess we will become frequent flyers with Air Tran or back to PHILLY for us. Of course we could all just ship our stuff via UPS and say stuff it. Sounds like a plan for me.

Wonder if all those $9 flights finally became a financial liabilty for them.

Of course they have outsourced everything to India to save/make money, I guess even that wasn't enough.

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They say they are going to lower the price of fares to offset the cost of checking bags. What!! :confused::confused::confused:.


cuz we try and check most bags so its less to cart around connection airports. Yes we run the risk of lost bags, but so far so good. ( all airlines ) :rolleyes:

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Governments....local, county, state and the Feds have all found a way into the pockets of the airlines....which means you!

So, if they charge a fee for luggage, it is not subject to the:

Departure tax

Landing tax

Security tax, departure

Security tax, arrival

the standard Federal Tax

the undefined tax

the we are gonna get your money tax


That's a REALLY interesting theory! :) I guess my only thought is I can't believe the recipients of those taxes would let 'em get away with it. (why not lower the ticket cost in half and tack it all back on fees then?) I suppose it's also possible that those fees are already wrapped up inside the $25 and we may not see them itemized. You know the airline isn't paying it without passing it along.

Just wondering out loud. Interesting thought!

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My husband travels weekly and his carrier of choice is Spirit out of Atlantic City. We only live minutes away and the convience is what keeps so many people using AC. I am appalled that Spirt now feels it is necessary to charge MORE for the carry on. After all we pay for the seat (and still can't figure that out where would you go without one, the wing?) the internet booking fee, and luggage and now we will have to pay for the carry on. Perhaps they should stop it all and just charge us a decent fee and get it over with. I have no problem checking my bags, however, they have lost 2 of them already and they are in luggage heaven (as they never showed up anywhere according to Sprirt). Last month they tried to force me to check my carry-on, which I did not have any tags on because I was carrying it, poor sot couldn't find a tag and NO way were they getting it without one. I refused to allow them to even touch it as I had everything I needed in it.

I guess we will become frequent flyers with Air Tran or back to PHILLY for us. Of course we could all just ship our stuff via UPS and say stuff it. Sounds like a plan for me.

Wonder if all those $9 flights finally became a financial liabilty for them.

Of course they have outsourced everything to India to save/make money, I guess even that wasn't enough.


Just an FYI, you should make all your luggage identifiable with 2 luggage tags on the outside of the case, plus one on the inside. A copy of your itinerary would work well, along with emergency numbers.


Luggage tags can be torn off the suitcase, the only luggage that is truly lost forever from its owner are the ones that are not identifiable.


And...make sure you have removed any old tags and scan bars (sometimes they put them on the bottom of the case) before checking in for your flight. The baggage crew depends on this information and they are not mind readers if there is more than one flight or cruise tag on the bag.


Edit to add, I think it sucks that any airline is charging for carry ons. But, are they doing this because people are trying to take on too large/too heavy pieces?

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Ryanair is now going to initiate a "Pay to Pee" program. Yes, there will be a charge to use the lavatories!








I've read about it before...weird. But, at least it's only on flights that are an hour or less.


I don't care for the confined space of airline loos, so I always go before boarding.

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My wife and I recently had the misfortune of flying home on US Airways after our recent cruise. Not only did they charge us $50 for our two checked bags, but when we arrived at the gate they announced that because the flight was full, they needed at least 10 passengers to voluntarily check their carryons (at no charge). My wife was among those who did so and when we arrived at Logan airport, her carryon did not. It supposedly arrived later that evening but wasn't delivered to our home until the next evening. Last time she will be a "good guy" and this incident just strengthened our decision to fly Jet Blue whenever possible in the future.:rolleyes:

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The airlines brought this on themselves by charging for checking luggage. No one fore saw these issues with boarding and the plane being stuffed to the ceiling with luggage? How much are these airline executives being paid? Plenty of us here said this was going to happen when charges first started appearing and we are getting paid nothing.

Sometimes I think that the "experts" who come up with these policies have never flown themselves. Anyone with the least amount of intelligence could have predicted this situation but I guess intelligence isn't a necessary attribute in order to become an executive at some airlines and other corporations.:rolleyes:

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The airlines brought this on themselves by charging for checking luggage. No one fore saw these issues with boarding and the plane being stuffed to the ceiling with luggage? How much are these airline executives being paid? Plenty of us here said this was going to happen when charges first started appearing and we are getting paid nothing.


I don't totally disagree with you, but people have brought over sized luggage onto the planes forever. It didn't just start when the airlines started charging to check luggage. How many times have any of us tried to put something in the overhead above our seat only to find it full because some Yahoo in row 22 brought his suitcase, his wife's, his kid's etc. and put them wherever he felt like it? It has gone on for a very long time. It seemed unfair when flight attendants would ask me or someone with nothing but a small carry-on with meds etc. if we could put them under the seat so others could put their humongous suitcases in the overhead.


I am glad to see that these people will now have to pay, just as I have to to check a suitcase. I know many of these travelers feel they are more important than the rest of us and that if they get on before someone else, they are "entitled" to using anyone's/everyone's space.



It takes a long time to board the planes with all the excess luggage, so now, hopefully, all airlines will follow suit and then we can all board in a lesser amount of time and all have somewhere to put our true carry-ons.


As usual, those who took advantage of a situation ruined it for everyone else. I have my flame retardant suit on, so flame away!

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I don't totally disagree with you, but people have brought over sized luggage onto the planes forever. It didn't just start when the airlines started charging to check luggage. How many times have any of us tried to put something in the overhead above our seat only to find it full because some Yahoo in row 22 brought his suitcase, his wife's, his kid's etc. and put them wherever he felt like it? It has gone on for a very long time. It seemed unfair when flight attendants would ask me or someone with nothing but a small carry-on with meds etc. if we could put them under the seat so others could put their humongous suitcases in the overhead.


I am glad to see that these people will now have to pay, just as I have to to check a suitcase. I know many of these travelers feel they are more important than the rest of us and that if they get on before someone else, they are "entitled" to using anyone's/everyone's space.



It takes a long time to board the planes with all the excess luggage, so now, hopefully, all airlines will follow suit and then we can all board in a lesser amount of time and all have somewhere to put our true carry-ons.


As usual, those who took advantage of a situation ruined it for everyone else. I have my flame retardant suit on, so flame away!


You are correct. This practice certainly preceded the charges, but it increased dramatically once the charges were applied. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knew that this would be the case. I think the common thread of the comments that were made when the charges were first announced was along the lines of: "Well if you think that there are people bringing totally oversized bags on the plane with them now, you can expect that the problem will become even worse when they start charging to check baggage."

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My 2 LOST bags were Taged, the outside was wrapped completely with a strap (with our names inprinted on them, inside the luggage we had our travel plans, address, phones, email etc.) Whoever took them is now enjoying my clothing (all dirty), my hair products, makeup, etc. everything that I could not put into my carry on. I CHECKED them myself and placed the tags on them at the airport. BOTH TIMES....So I am not sure what else I could have done to ensure that I got them back to me. The only reason my carry on did not have a luggage tag was because the AGENT removed it (accidently but, to late to correct at the airport), so NO WAY was I checking it.

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My wife and I recently had the misfortune of flying home on US Airways after our recent cruise. Not only did they charge us $50 for our two checked bags, but when we arrived at the gate they announced that because the flight was full, they needed at least 10 passengers to voluntarily check their carryons (at no charge). My wife was among those who did so and when we arrived at Logan airport, her carryon did not. It supposedly arrived later that evening but wasn't delivered to our home until the next evening. Last time she will be a "good guy" and this incident just strengthened our decision to fly Jet Blue whenever possible in the future.:rolleyes:


I attempt to avoid USless Airways at all costs.:eek:

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My husband travels weekly and his carrier of choice is Spirit out of Atlantic City. We only live minutes away and the convience is what keeps so many people using AC. I am appalled that Spirt now feels it is necessary to charge MORE for the carry on. After all we pay for the seat (and still can't figure that out where would you go without one, the wing?) the internet booking fee, and luggage and now we will have to pay for the carry on. Perhaps they should stop it all and just charge us a decent fee and get it over with. I have no problem checking my bags, however, they have lost 2 of them already and they are in luggage heaven (as they never showed up anywhere according to Sprirt). Last month they tried to force me to check my carry-on, which I did not have any tags on because I was carrying it, poor sot couldn't find a tag and NO way were they getting it without one. I refused to allow them to even touch it as I had everything I needed in it.

I guess we will become frequent flyers with Air Tran or back to PHILLY for us. Of course we could all just ship our stuff via UPS and say stuff it. Sounds like a plan for me.

Wonder if all those $9 flights finally became a financial liabilty for them.

Of course they have outsourced everything to India to save/make money, I guess even that wasn't enough.


I agree with you completely. But shipping your luggage ahead via UPS is going to be EXPENSIVE! Recenty I had to return a pair of shoes I ordered and it cost me $10 just for that one small package. Rediculous!!!!

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Did anybody else see that Spirit Air Lines is going to start charging for carry ons. $45.00 a bag. What a joke! Hopefully the major carriers don't follow.


only on about 5 other threads. might want to consider looking at what is posted (or doing a search) before starting a new thread.

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