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Shame on you Adam Goldstein-CEO RCI

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I think people are missing the point that, yes, this is not the fault of the cruise line, but (most) airlines are going the extra mile to provide good customer service. I heard on the radio this morning that they have lost over 1 billion dollars due to this volcano, but they are still TRYING to help people out. If Royal Caribbean isn't doing their part to provide customer service, then I agree, shame on them. Perhaps a 100% full refund isn't the right way to handle it either, but at least a credit on a future cruise?


I've worked in customer service for years, and it is never as black and white as the written policy is... you are dealing with human beings, sometimes with people who have saved up for years for a vacation with your company. I worked for an airline, and although we wouldn't give away the world due to a weather problem, we TRIED to help out a fellow human being that could EASILY be us. Yeah, yeah you can purchase insurance, but should you really anticipate a natural disaster such as this in a place that isn't exactly close to where you're going?


Have a little sympathy people ... and bend the rules to provide service to the people who pay your bills each month.



THe difference in this case between the airlines and the cruiselines is the airlines are directly effected and they actually couldn´t provide the service purchased, so of course they have to work with the customer, provide help and give refunds.

Now the cruiselines operate as usual and they can provide the service they sold to customers. Those cruises are still sailing. The cruiselines do provide the customer service to those that booked flights with them.

For those that didn´t book the flights for them, what are they supposed to do? Those people have to deal with the airline about the canceled flights and RCI only has a contract with those people starting at the pier.

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you can't tell me there is not 1 travel agent in the entire (beautiful) country of Belgium that could not arrange air/sea package?


btw, I was not talking about you when I mentioned UK. That was in reference to the OP. And RC does offer air/sea packages out of UK.



No RCCL doesn't offer the package there at all!!

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As long as the ship is departing as schedule, it's up to the passenger to get to the ship on time if they made independent travel arrangements. If you don't insurance against delayed or canceled travel arrangements...well that's the passenger's problem not RCCL. It's the same situation many Princess passengers had when they couldn't get to Santiago, Chile due to the earthquake and had independent air arrangement. It's an act of God and as far as the cruise lines are concerned if you don't purchase travel insurance they will not refund your cruise portion of your trip as long as the ship is sailing as scheduled. Airlines are letting you rebooked or refunding you because they aren't flying. That's not the case with the cruise line. With some insurance policies if you cancel and it's not for a covered reason or for any reason you can get a cruise credit up to 90% of what you paid to apply to a future travel. It's really a fairness issue...why should someone get a refund when others purchased insurance to cover such an unfortunate event. The question always comes down who should pay for "an act of God" and as far as the cruise lines are concerned; it's the passenger (with insurance to reimburse them for any losses.)

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You will note my D+ status so believe me when I tell you that they do not offer air /Cruise on All UK departures.


I book 2-4 a year and it depends entirely on the starting point of the cruise AND what agreements RCCL have with the airlines on the chosen route.


Back to my original post, too much conjecture and misinformation.:D





Cy is right. RCI do not offer air/cruise on all routes -sometimes they do not offer from the smaller airports - Inverness for example.

They also buy a certain number of seats only on a route -and as the saying goes 'when they're gone, they're gone'

The Dubai sailing was very popular especially with those from the North and Scotland because of Emirates direct departures from airports such as Newcastle, Manchester and Edinburgh so these did sell out very quickly.

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I think people are missing the point that, yes, this is not the fault of the cruise line, but (most) airlines are going the extra mile to provide good customer service. I heard on the radio this morning that they have lost over 1 billion dollars due to this volcano, but they are still TRYING to help people out. If Royal Caribbean isn't doing their part to provide customer service, then I agree, shame on them. Perhaps a 100% full refund isn't the right way to handle it either, but at least a credit on a future cruise?


I've worked in customer service for years, and it is never as black and white as the written policy is... you are dealing with human beings, sometimes with people who have saved up for years for a vacation with your company. I worked for an airline, and although we wouldn't give away the world due to a weather problem, we TRIED to help out a fellow human being that could EASILY be us. Yeah, yeah you can purchase insurance, but should you really anticipate a natural disaster such as this in a place that isn't exactly close to where you're going?


Have a little sympathy people ... and bend the rules to provide service to the people who pay your bills each month.



I get what your saying but let me set the record straight here. I work for one of the airlines that are "going the extra mile" by providing refunds and changing itineraries without fees. That's because we have thousands of passengers stranded all over the world and we're trying to free up seats to accomodate as many as we could as fast as we can. These policies are only offered to those whose cities are affected. Madrid and Lisbon have been unaffected. We are not paying for hotels, meals and and other essentials. If you are out of money, you are out of luck, that is where the Red Cross comes in. Also, now that the airspace is openning up the fare rules are being put back in place. In this instance, the airlines are not operationg, but the cruise lines are. When the tables are turned and the ship arrives to the port late causing you to miss your flight and you have a non refundable airline ticket, you have to buy a new one. The airline doesn't care, nor should they. This is what you agree to under the cruise line contract, and the airlines contract of carriage and such. Remember Cruise lines, Airlines, Hotels are business, and are in business to make money. There are regulations and policies in place to protect the consumer from them causing you undo circumstances. But for circumstances beyond their control - one word - insurance. By the way, and don't kid yourself, the hotels are gladly not charging for cancellations, they are charging premium rates for stranded people. :rolleyes:

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Cy is right. RCI do not offer air/cruise on all routes -sometimes they do not offer from the smaller airports - Inverness for example.

They also buy a certain number of seats only on a route -and as the saying goes 'when they're gone, they're gone'

The Dubai sailing was very popular especially with those from the North and Scotland because of Emirates direct departures from airports such as Newcastle, Manchester and Edinburgh so these did sell out very quickly.


Regardless. My original point still stands.


If the tour company(RC in this case) or your TA can't provide travel insurance that covers a "package" deal, meaning, if I can't get there, the entire cost will be refunded, then don't book that particular deal. Find another tour company or TA that will be able to cover "exceptional circumstances" or do different vacations.


But, if you think you're all that, you're better than most TAs, you have booked enough vacations that you know better, you took a gamble to save few bucks, etc... then don't whine if something goes wrong.


The cruiselines are not charity organizations. They need to pay salaries, suppliers, fuel and port charges, etc. etc.... and since they are sailing they will welcome anybody that booked and showed up on time for sailing.


You personal situation is none of their concern.


I know I'm repeating myself, but what if passengers from Chicago that decided on booking their own air got caught in a freak snow/ice storm and could not get a flight out to Miami to make their cruise?


What's the difference?


These things don't happen on a daily basis, but they do happen.


Should the cruiselines have an understanding that it's "special circumstance" and refund the money?

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While reading through the rest of this, has the great Swine Flu outbreak came to mind for anyone?!:p


Actually it does come to mind and because it was such a large issue (at the time ) and was internationally effecting everyone many hotels that were operating and flights that were STILL flying did give people refunds and credits. In fact my family got a full refund from the airline, hotel, and rental car going to Cancun. Now was it their fault that the media and everyone else created such hype about the stupid swine flu??? No, but they did try and make accommodations for those who were affected and could not get to the hotels and flights.


Now the volcanic ash is a REAL issue for many people. There are many hotels and resorts giving credit and refunds to those European travelers who are affected by the volcanic ash issue. So why can't Royal do the same? If the whole world recognizes that this has been a crisis and that hundreds and thousands of people have been affected why can't Royal? How are they any different from any of the big resorts that have decided to give future credit to those affected? Yes it is thier decision and legally they do not have to but for good ole customer loyaty it would seem they would take a more empathetic approach.

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Now the volcanic ash is a REAL issue for many people. There are many hotels and resorts giving credit and refunds to those European travelers who are affected by the volcanic ash issue. So why can't Royal do the same? If the whole world recognizes that this has been a crisis and that hundreds and thousands of people have been affected why can't Royal? How are they any different from any of the big resorts that have decided to give future credit to those affected? Yes it is thier decision and legally they do not have to but for good ole customer loyaty it would seem they would take a more empathetic approach.


RCL is different because the ship is sailing.

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RCL is different because the ship is sailing.


I am sorry what do you mean? They are still operating as normal? Yes I understand that. But a lot of the big resorts that are operating normally are trying to offer credits to be used in the furture. My brother in law was affected by this issue and recieved a future credit from a resort to be used by the Oct 31st. It just seems that approach would have been more Royal "like".

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I think RCI is being short-sighted. Corporations sometimes need to eat losses in order to maintain their image. Watching out for their profit short term over the backs of customers is not going to help them in the long run and there is nothing a company can do to buy their image back. The least they should do is give to OP a partial refund in the form of a voucher or something.

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There are always going to be people who are in a less, and more, severe predicament than any of us find ourselves. That does not make a predicament any less meaningful to the person experiencing it. I'm sure things are tough form you in Spain and for many others in European airports. I would also bet that if one were to give Haitians the choice of living in Port-Au-Prince or Heathrow airport for two weeks. Many would take the luxury vacation in the airport. People do not typically rank their circumstances in relation to others'.


And yes I did over react to your post. I did miss the begining and I apologize. But it does seem that whenever anyone vents about a problem here that they are bound to get jumped on. And it often is not done gently. That is just my perspective.


And thank you for your courteous reply to me.:p

OB, she is a very courteous person. Unlike me!:D



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I think RCI is being short-sighted. Corporations sometimes need to eat losses in order to maintain their image. Watching out for their profit short term over the backs of customers is not going to help them in the long run and there is nothing a company can do to buy their image back. The least they should do is give to OP a partial refund in the form of a voucher or something.


I totally agree with you.


To the OP, don't give up on RCI just yet. I suspect that once the get a clear picture of how many customers were affected, what the insurance companies will/will not cover, and what the total cost will be, they will offer some sort compensation. However small it may be. The reality is, they still want your business. Europe is a huge market for them. I know as an American, I would be weary booking a Europeon cruise in the future if they do not offer something back to their customers. (and no, I would probably not pay those inflated air-sea package prices. I would just choose not go.) Just as I suspect many Europen customers may not want to do business with them as well. In the long run, it would be a small loss to maintain their customer loyality and continue to attract new cruisers. No they don't have to, and yes you booked your own air, and yes you should have insurance that covers Icelandic Volcanos, and on and on and on......



Good luck to you, hopefully you get at least a partial credit for a future cruise.

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There seems to be some misunderstanding between US and UK posters with regards to the role of a travel agent. In the UK, purchasing all items through one travel agent doesn't therefore class what you have purchased as a package and provide the cover offered by ATOL.


I am also finding it quite disappointing how often statements along the line of "you should have adequate insurance" are made. I took out travel insurance, it was as full a policy as was available, I paid extra to have a slightly higher level of cover. What I didn't take into account is that if an insurance company decides too they can refuse a claim as it isn't "specifically covered". So, no, it didn't say in my policy that I was covered if I failed to make my cruise because of volcanic ash but seen as I had never even heard of volcanic ash stopping flying out of the UK (and that's with 15 years working in the aviation industry) it wasn't something that occurred to me - or I even knew about if I'm honest.


So, no I didn't book a fly/cruise package because I work for the airline. I did however take, what I considered to be appropriate action to protect myself and my family. I personally totally understand why RCI aren't refunding / rebooking but I am fuming that my insurance won't pay out.

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At least with a future cruise credit RCL can still keep the money and travelers can still have a vacation. And RCL would even eventually get all that onboard spending that they love so much because they won't get it if the passengers never get to take the cruise. I understand that they will still be loosing money but a credit seems like the most logical way to help the customer out with out totally loosing your shirt. Just my humble opinion. ;)

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Sorry, but I have to disagree.


Its awful that your entire holiday has been ruined by this volcanic activity - we are in Spain, hoping to return home soon and I do sympathise. But don't blame Royal Caribbean. You made your choices.


Presumably your insurance excluded this type of occurrence?


I know that from now on, insurance will exclude volcanic activity.


But this does not involve just one night like the hotels!! Its an empty cabin through no fault of the cruiseline and it was there if you wanted it.


On the other hand, RCI may reconsider its decision. Has been known to do that.


Lesson to be learnt for ALL of us - just like taking cruiseline port tours - the cruiselines look after you if you book the whole package through them. Costs a bit more sometimes - but this is like insurance which you have to pay for.


They have not failed - the cabin is yours!!


We are here in Spain and will have to eat all the costs for any delays as have many others. Some are facing huge bills on their credit cards which they are unable to pay!!


You took a gamble on making all your own reservations and not doing it all through the cruiseline in order to save money - it didn't pay off - the gamble failed - not Royal Caribbean's fault.


We are worried sitting here in Spain wondering if we will get home - at least you are home safe and sound.


Sorry, but I am more concerned for those families stranded at ports and the elderly and infirm who are seriously at risk.


However, you may well make the cruise as the airports are now open - good luck with that.



Actually, you are mistaken. according to the cruise critic news article dated 3/5/2010 titled "are sea/air packages worth the money?", the answer is NO. you see even if you book your airfare through the cruise line they are not obligated to get you to the ship. read the article, its very interesting.

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Actually, you are mistaken. according to the cruise critic news article dated 3/5/2010 titled "are sea/air packages worth the money?", the answer is NO. you see even if you book your airfare through the cruise line they are not obligated to get you to the ship. read the article, its very interesting.


That's absolutely true - but so far, they have always, as far as I am aware, stepped up to the plate!! Mind you, the cruise contract excludes everything - including the ship sinking!!


And the answer from everyone who booked a sea/air package involved in the present cancellations, must be YES and they are certainly getting their moneysworth!!! So I think the answer is a definite YES, they are worth the money - sorry CruiseCritic News Desk!!




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So, no I didn't book a fly/cruise package because I work for the airline. I did however take, what I considered to be appropriate action to protect myself and my family. I personally totally understand why RCI aren't refunding / rebooking but I am fuming that my insurance won't pay out.


I would be upset also, that is the whole reason that you buy insurance!


I am sorry that your insurance company is doing that to you.

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There seems to be some misunderstanding between US and UK posters with regards to the role of a travel agent. In the UK, purchasing all items through one travel agent doesn't therefore class what you have purchased as a package and provide the cover offered by ATOL.


I am also finding it quite disappointing how often statements along the line of "you should have adequate insurance" are made. I took out travel insurance, it was as full a policy as was available, I paid extra to have a slightly higher level of cover. What I didn't take into account is that if an insurance company decides too they can refuse a claim as it isn't "specifically covered". So, no, it didn't say in my policy that I was covered if I failed to make my cruise because of volcanic ash but seen as I had never even heard of volcanic ash stopping flying out of the UK (and that's with 15 years working in the aviation industry) it wasn't something that occurred to me - or I even knew about if I'm honest.


So, no I didn't book a fly/cruise package because I work for the airline. I did however take, what I considered to be appropriate action to protect myself and my family. I personally totally understand why RCI aren't refunding / rebooking but I am fuming that my insurance won't pay out.[/quote]



Well Said, I too work for an airline and book the same way. I also take insuranse for the same reason. RCL owes no one anything since their operations are not affected. If one does not have insurance, well you gambled and lost. The airlines are being proactive since their operations are affected the most and are doing what they have to do. And I emphasize "have to" do to get their ops back to normal. But the insurance companies that refuse to pay out on policies should be up for criminal review. :cool:

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I think this is worse then you think. I have the impression RCI are re-selling the cabins where customers are missing flights, sometimes to people who can not get home. One couple on a criuse we were on were offered a cabin on Liberty of the Sea after they could not get home.


If RCI are making money from stranded passengers they should use this to give refunds.



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I think this is worse then you think. I have the impression RCI are re-selling the cabins where customers are missing flights, sometimes to people who can not get home. One couple on a criuse we were on were offered a cabin on Liberty of the Sea after they could not get home.


If RCI are making money from stranded passengers they should use this to give refunds.




Are hotels booking rooms? What is the difference? Unfortunately due to TSA requirements in the USA they can't sell cabins when people don't show up because the manifest is closed a couple of days prior to sailing. How do they know someone from Scotland (for example) isn't going to show up?


Misplaced Anger... so much of it here and so much more to come. :cool:



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and just when I thought CC was starting to get a little boring....................





How come all this anger is at RCL when its the insurance companies that are not covering the event---how come no one thinks they should "step up"


life happens and this certainly proves you can't cover all bases or forsee all problems---but why is it always someone elses responsibity---maybe instead of a fuel surchage we RCI could have a fee to cover acts of god for which we are not responsible charge---


a ruined vacation is terrible--but I still do not see where it is an RCL problem if your insurance will not cover it--and they(Royal) is loosing money--bingo ,booze, photos, crew tips, etc.----


it just plain--stuff happens





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I think this is worse then you think. I have the impression RCI are re-selling the cabins where customers are missing flights, sometimes to people who can not get home. One couple on a criuse we were on were offered a cabin on Liberty of the Sea after they could not get home.


If RCI are making money from stranded passengers they should use this to give refunds.



And why we should believe your "impression" is fact? Is it even conceivable to you that there were unsold staterooms on the ship and wouldn't you expect that, if that were so, they might offer them to passengers who were unable to get home from their previous cruise.:rolleyes: Of course no need to deal with facts when you can base your comments on "impressions".

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