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British Airways Strike !!


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My flight on BA was just cancelled (7 days before departure!) creating absolute havoc in terms of our ability to get to our cruise next week on the Celebrity Equinox.


Anyone else here get messed up by this?:confused:


Here's a brief rant....


British Airways just announced a series of strikes over 20 days at the beginnig of the busy holiday season. This right after a volcano has made a mess of everything just weeks before and continues to do so!


The main reason they are striking for 20 days, disrupting millions of passengers, is that BA decided their employee's travel perk was too costly. Apparently all employees can fly themselves and their family for 10% of the regular fare. That perk is being taken away. In my opinion, that's a pretty good perk, but like bonus checks, it is a bonus and management should have to make adjustments to bonuses especially when it means life or death of the company itself.


I tell you, the British Public will not sypathize with this kind of arrogance. This Global Recession is hurting everybody, everyone is sacrificing. The other thing is that this strike is over the time period of the UK's school holiday. So it hurts the kids. People may have just scrapped up enough $$ to take their family for a quick vacation and are now met with a strike that may destroy said vacation for reasons of sheer greed. It's not right, and it surely is NOT BRITISH.:mad:

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We are schedules to fly BA to Istanbul on 9th June and I am hoping that it gets sorted before then. Both sides appear to be playing hard ball. BA staff do enjoy some of the best benefits and pay in the airline industry so I can well understand why the management need to put some limits on there terms and conditions especially in the current climate. However, Willie Walsh seems hell bent on destroying UNITE and the passengers at the end of the day wiil be the ones to suffer if it is not resolved very soon


I remain sat here with my fingers crossed.

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...and today the new Government has decided to get involved, so anything could happen!! The way it looks to me, UNITE won't be happy until they have put BA out of business and lost all their members their jobs in the process!



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As I understand it the only ones to have travel perks taken away are the strikers. Apparantly they were warned before the strike that this would happen if the strike went ahead. My friends husband works for BA (not cabin crew or senior management) and his travel concessions remain in place. We have BA flights for our Autumn cruise but booked them with X so if this is still going on then I assume the cruise line would swap us to another airline. Unless anyone knows different???

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So sorry to hear your flight has been cancelled and I do hope you are able to re-schedule...we are due to fly BA to Miami next Wednesday for our Century TA. They fly twice daily and fortunately for us, our flight has been confirmed with the pm flight being cancelled due to the strike. Now it has just been announced that the volcanic ash problem has returned and airports in the South East (UK) are subject to closure from tomorrow and into next week....I am beginning to think this cruise wasn't meant to be:(



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Just to put people in the picture re BA. The OP is correct in that the info re taking away perks.

Prior to the March strikes WIllie Walsh CEO of BA stated that if cabin crew were to strike they would lose these perks. The Strikers knew the deal but for those who went ahead and striked despite this are now grumbling.

The origional issue was that BA wanted to cut the cabin crew on a 747 from 15 - 14. This number is greater than most Airlines eg Virgin I think this is correct have 12 on a similar.

BA Cabin Crew are the best paid of all the UK Airlines. Virgin pay £14,000 and BA basic is I think £23K or possibly 27k They aslo have extra perks like what they are paid when they are abroad if a flight is delayed they earn a lot extra for that time. The Senior Flight Attendant can earn as much as £64,000,

I have no axe to grind other than as a BA passenger,


Now to the info. I too am caught up in the Strike. I will be travelling on the 22nd May next Saturday. BA have got me transferred on to an American Airlines flight. We could have flown with BA the previous day and X would pay the extra night flight.

I am happy and I know that BA and X worked very hard to find the best solution for me in fact all I can say is well done to both of them!!!


BA are now going to Court on Monday on the grounds that Unite did not follow the correct proceedures in the ballot not sure of the exact details.

I called BA this am and it is now on their web site that should the strike and our flight is reinstated then we will be able to transfer back to our origional flight.

I believe contrary to what I have heard that Walsh is absolutely correct to take a stand on this. This Union are putting their members jobs at risk as well as threatening to bring the Company down.

Interesting to read that one of the Union senior members was in Cuba for the May Day parades!!


Incidentally my Cruise booked for the 19th April on the T/A crossing was grounded due to the Volcanic issue. This BTB Solstice cruise is the replacement for this and now the Strike issue.

Do I believe that BA are wrong in refusing to give in ABSOLUTELY NOT. I think people have to stand up and be counted and in any case should the Strike action go ahead I know that BA have and will continue to do everything they can to protect their customers and find a solution for them.

No I have no connection with either Unions or BA but do feel strongly about this. It is a case of thinking of what is right rather than to be selfish and only consider myself.

Some may flame me for this but so be it!





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You are right Sue&Steve all the morning flights are on and the afternoon one cancelled. We were on the afternoon flight but on Thursday X and BA did a great job for me. I was sending emails back and forward to the CSM and the Flight Department Team Leader.

Our problem was that there are 3 of us travelling and because they were booked at different booking ref 2 of us were initailly on the AA flight and JUne was on the BA flight for the 21st. All I can say is WELL DONE X AND BA



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You are right Sue&Steve all the morning flights are on and the afternoon one cancelled. We were on the afternoon flight but on Thursday X and BA did a great job for me. I was sending emails back and forward to the CSM and the Flight Department Team Leader.

Our problem was that there are 3 of us travelling and because they were booked at different booking ref 2 of us were initailly on the AA flight and JUne was on the BA flight for the 21st. All I can say is WELL DONE X AND BA




Sue, so glad that this has worked out for you after losing out on your TA in April. Enjoy every moment of your B2B:)



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In my panic on the morning of the cancellation, I actually double booked a flight to London, and found out later that BA was able to get me to Rome approx. the same time through Air France. :mad: Lesson learned, but seriously, it was impossible to get through to BA for the entire day, and even when I did (about 8pm PST), I was literally on hold for another 2 hours. Upsetting is an understatement. Now I just want to look forward to a relaxing cruise. We are still counting on BA to get us home. Fingers crossed! :D

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It is hard to be sympathic to a union that decides to strike for only a limited number of days over a holiday period with the objective of disrupting the max. number of passengers. IMO they have a right to go on strike, but they should either go on strike and stay out until the negotiations are complete or stay on the job.

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Glad to hear that BA have got you on an Air France flight. My own gut instinct is that these strikes will not go the distance!

Perhaps the first lot?? Or the Court will find in favour of BA which is what happened back December 2009.

Even if this planned first 5 days which involves my flight I feel confident that by the time I come back 6th June this will be resolved.

Your flight is not until June 1st, As I have said should that strike be called off as with us this week I can revert back to the origional BA flight and will do.

I was very fortunate in that I had already been in correspondence with CSM re another issue and when she emailed my back said don't hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do for you.

There was no you have booked through a TA as per normal. With the CSM and the Flight Dept Team Leader it made it relatively easy but a long day emailing back and forth all day.

At one point I emailed the TL to say that there were 3 Business class seats on the 22nd morning flight.

Email back to say BA were only allowing them to book in economy! DRAT!!

At this time she told me that a member of her team had found another seat on AA but it was very expensive so she needed her Manager to OK it.

I would say if you have booked flights with X they will have a lot more clout with BA than I would have as an individual. This was why I used that route. I did speak to BA and gave them my Mobile no and email address and checked up a few times with them.

It was a hard and stressful day but HEY I am on my way DV and keep that Volcanic ash away from me.

News this evening is they are predicting that there will be problems Sunday - Tuesday over south of England and Spain etc. It is only a prediction.

For anyone out there who has a flight booked don't worry just stick with it and they will sort it out for you.


Good luck.



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I would say if you have booked flights with X they will have a lot more clout with BA than I would have as an individual. This was why I used that route. I did speak to BA and gave them my Mobile no and email address and checked up a few times with them.





Thanks for the detailed explanation of the resolution of your issues. The more that happens, the happier we are to continue booking flights through X. There is enough stress in this world without trying to project manage your own holidays.


I hope that you have no problems with the ash and a great cruise.



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Just to put people in the picture re BA. The OP is correct in that the info re taking away perks.

Prior to the March strikes WIllie Walsh CEO of BA stated that if cabin crew were to strike they would lose these perks. The Strikers knew the deal but for those who went ahead and striked despite this are now grumbling.

The origional issue was that BA wanted to cut the cabin crew on a 747 from 15 - 14. This number is greater than most Airlines eg Virgin I think this is correct have 12 on a similar.

BA Cabin Crew are the best paid of all the UK Airlines. Virgin pay £14,000 and BA basic is I think £23K or possibly 27k They aslo have extra perks like what they are paid when they are abroad if a flight is delayed they earn a lot extra for that time. The Senior Flight Attendant can earn as much as £64,000,

I have no axe to grind other than as a BA passenger,


Now to the info. I too am caught up in the Strike. I will be travelling on the 22nd May next Saturday. BA have got me transferred on to an American Airlines flight. We could have flown with BA the previous day and X would pay the extra night flight.

I am happy and I know that BA and X worked very hard to find the best solution for me in fact all I can say is well done to both of them!!!


BA are now going to Court on Monday on the grounds that Unite did not follow the correct proceedures in the ballot not sure of the exact details.

I called BA this am and it is now on their web site that should the strike and our flight is reinstated then we will be able to transfer back to our origional flight.

I believe contrary to what I have heard that Walsh is absolutely correct to take a stand on this. This Union are putting their members jobs at risk as well as threatening to bring the Company down.

Interesting to read that one of the Union senior members was in Cuba for the May Day parades!!


Incidentally my Cruise booked for the 19th April on the T/A crossing was grounded due to the Volcanic issue. This BTB Solstice cruise is the replacement for this and now the Strike issue.

Do I believe that BA are wrong in refusing to give in ABSOLUTELY NOT. I think people have to stand up and be counted and in any case should the Strike action go ahead I know that BA have and will continue to do everything they can to protect their customers and find a solution for them.

No I have no connection with either Unions or BA but do feel strongly about this. It is a case of thinking of what is right rather than to be selfish and only consider myself.

Some may flame me for this but so be it!





Sue - an excellant balanced appraisal of the situation.

I am totally behind Mr Walsh and I cannot believe these people are hell bent on destroying the company at a time when the economy is in recession. They do not have any support or sympathy from members of the British public.

As a BA frequent flyer with loads of miles, I try and fly BA as often as possible. I believe they offer an excellant product at competative prices.

It is a shame Mrs Thatcher didn't sort out the unions when she had a chance.:rolleyes:

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Sue - an excellant balanced appraisal of the situation.

I am totally behind Mr Walsh and I cannot believe these people are hell bent on destroying the company at a time when the economy is in recession. They do not have any support or sympathy from members of the British public.

As a BA frequent flyer with loads of miles, I try and fly BA as often as possible. I believe they offer an excellant product at competative prices.

It is a shame Mrs Thatcher didn't sort out the unions when she had a chance.:rolleyes:

And, I am sure you are aware of what she said about socialism-the major problem is that after awhile, you run out of other people's money.

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Thanks Albert and Project Girl!

Like you Albert I prefer to fly BA and wanted a direct flight to Miami. When we booked this Cruise just around the 22nd April X had no contract seats left with BA so we each paid a £265 supplement for our tickets.

My own gut instinct is that next week may well be cancelled. If it like December and the Court upheld BA then if BA have the facts correct then the Court will rule again in BA favour.


Right now I am just so happy to be going off on holiday and was looking at my dresses printing Express passes and even writing labels!!

Everything other than the dresses in already in the suitcases from the last!!

packing situation.

We decided that this time around we would take a taxi to Heathrow. About 200-250 miles maybe? I wanted to try and cut the risks down by not having a domestic flight in case of a strike these could well be the ones most likely to be effected. We could have gone down on the morning but I decided that we would go down the day before and booked 3 rooms for us at the Radisson. Yes we are 3 travelling with rooms for single occupancy on the Ship as well. It is expensive to do this but I think we all need our own space!!


Surely as you say fate could not intervene again!! or lightening strike for a 3rd time!!


Have a good weekend everyone!



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Thanks Albert and Project Girl!

Like you Albert I prefer to fly BA and wanted a direct flight to Miami. When we booked this Cruise just around the 22nd April X had no contract seats left with BA so we each paid a £265 supplement for our tickets.

My own gut instinct is that next week may well be cancelled. If it like December and the Court upheld BA then if BA have the facts correct then the Court will rule again in BA favour.


Right now I am just so happy to be going off on holiday and was looking at my dresses printing Express passes and even writing labels!!

Everything other than the dresses in already in the suitcases from the last!!

packing situation.

We decided that this time around we would take a taxi to Heathrow. About 200-250 miles maybe? I wanted to try and cut the risks down by not having a domestic flight in case of a strike these could well be the ones most likely to be effected. We could have gone down on the morning but I decided that we would go down the day before and booked 3 rooms for us at the Radisson. Yes we are 3 travelling with rooms for single occupancy on the Ship as well. It is expensive to do this but I think we all need our own space!!


Surely as you say fate could not intervene again!! or lightening strike for a 3rd time!!


Have a good weekend everyone!






Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Keep us informed.



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My flight on BA was just cancelled (7 days before departure!) creating absolute havoc in terms of our ability to get to our cruise next week on the Celebrity Equinox.


Anyone else here get messed up by this?:confused:


Here's a brief rant....


British Airways just announced a series of strikes over 20 days at the beginnig of the busy holiday season. This right after a volcano has made a mess of everything just weeks before and continues to do so!


The main reason they are striking for 20 days, disrupting millions of passengers, is that BA decided their employee's travel perk was too costly. Apparently all employees can fly themselves and their family for 10% of the regular fare. That perk is being taken away. In my opinion, that's a pretty good perk, but like bonus checks, it is a bonus and management should have to make adjustments to bonuses especially when it means life or death of the company itself.


I tell you, the British Public will not sypathize with this kind of arrogance. This Global Recession is hurting everybody, everyone is sacrificing. The other thing is that this strike is over the time period of the UK's school holiday. So it hurts the kids. People may have just scrapped up enough $$ to take their family for a quick vacation and are now met with a strike that may destroy said vacation for reasons of sheer greed. It's not right, and it surely is NOT BRITISH.:mad:


Uh, you realize it's the union that is striking right? You realize this is not managements fault right? But rather due to the greed of a union that thinks it's better to put a company out of business than to give up a perk.

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The dreaded ASH is back and today there are many closed Airports in the UK and Ireland closed.

Heathrow Gatwick etc are still open but the ash is due to hit them later in the day. We are being told that it should improve by Tuesday.

One of the friends I am going on my cruise next week has had her flight home from Dublin cancelled and she is coming back by Ferry and Train. She won't be off the Ferry until just after Midnight and will not be able to get a train until 6am.

Nightmare for her!



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British Airways this evening won an injunction again Unite and for now the strike is off. The Union say that tomorrow they will appeal!

BA are saying that tomorrow they will be starting to reinstate flights and that things should be back to normal by the weekend.

I am hoping to fly with BA on Saturday but will fly with AA if need be.



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Although this is good news, I worry that it is only temporary, shifting the problem along the calendar a little [again] and, perhaps, delaying the eventually resolution. I cannot help thinking that it just increases the uncertainty and what is required is resolution.



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I agree but for now the only outstanding issue is the reinstatement of the perks eg cheap travel. The other issues have been agreed.

I think that this will be resolved even if BA reach a comprise with the Union to perhaps take away these perks for say 1 year.

BA did state that if they took industrial action and the people involved knew this but they went on strike in any case.

I think for everybody to save face something like this could be the answer.

The new Transport Minister as well as ACAS are now involved on both sides so I hope that they can agree a settlement that is acceptable to all.



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I agree but for now the only outstanding issue is the reinstatement of the perks eg cheap travel. The other issues have been agreed.

I think that this will be resolved even if BA reach a comprise with the Union to perhaps take away these perks for say 1 year.

BA did state that if they took industrial action and the people involved knew this but they went on strike in any case.

I think for everybody to save face something like this could be the answer.

The new Transport Minister as well as ACAS are now involved on both sides so I hope that they can agree a settlement that is acceptable to all.






I hope you are right.



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