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NCL Hell - Beware

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Replies in red. I too am very sorry to hear this happened to you but travel insurance (which I understand is mandatory for UK citizens) should cover the cost of getting to the next port and although NCL's staff could have better explained things onboard and provided you with a bit more assistance, they really had no other choice.


Why are you presuming it was embarkation day? They said it was a FULL DAY in Barcelona...the first full day. That suggests a preceding partial day (embarkation day).



1 - If he did not tell NCL, then nothing would happen because they would assume that all passengers had a valid passport and would tell the next country that was true.


2 - Once he told NCL, they would probably be required to notify the authorities in the next port, and may have to ask him to disembark there. I am sure each country has different rules.


Personally, if I thought enough ahead I would not tell NCL and would just deal with upon arrival at the next port, or do whatever I could do via the internet.


You have an obligation to immediately report the loss of a passport and attempting to enter another country without one is serious. Since NCL is acting as his agent in representing his passport details to the authorities of the next country, you would have an obligation to advise NCL.





I agree that NCL's hands were tied regarding the fact that a passport was needed for further travel, but why didn't NCL notify their port agent and have the port agent help the passenger the rest of the day and next day??


We don't know that they didn't.

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I do not find it odd that someone comes here, and their first post is negative.


If I, say, went on an Apple Vacation, and had a horrible experience, I may seek out a message board regarding Apple Vacations to voice my displeasure with the vacation package, and to solicit advice and understanding from others who had been on an Apple Vacation.


Is this not plausible?


If you are planning an Apple Vacation, why would you not research them before you even book? It's not nearly as helpful after the fact.

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I am not planning an Apple Vacation. I just used Appple as an example. No matter how much one plans, researches, etc., things can go wrong.


Just like an airline. You may have had 20 great flights, and then one flight fron hell. It happens. And, this I speak from experience, as a former USAirways employee.


When things do go wrong, I think it is only human to want to "talk" about your bad experience.

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I am not planning an Apple Vacation. I just used Appple as an example. No matter how much one plans, researches, etc., things can go wrong.


Just like an airline. You may have had 20 great flights, and then one flight fron hell. It happens. And, this I speak from experience, as a former USAirways employee.


When things do go wrong, I think it is only human to want to "talk" about your bad experience.


I think the point was, why could they not find CC until they wanted to vent about their cruise? Why not find it before when doing research. Had they used CC boards, they most likely would have known about pickpockets in Barcelona.

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The reason for the comment about the 'first' post is because it seems as if 95% of first posts are negative ones where the OP never returns to comment or explain further. Regular CC members often wonder why members don't post the first time with a positive or with a neutral question or as a reply to someone else. Too many first posts are extremely negative stories. This seems to be yet another first post negative with no return of the OP.


I suspect that the Better Business Bureau has the same experience. Not many people call the BBB to talk about a great experience at Macys (for example). Most people call the BBB because they feel they were not treated fairly. I doubt the BBB discounts their complaint because the first time they heard from them was "negative."


I think people have a perfect right to vent about something they feel just wasn't right. Hopefully after venting they will continue to post on CC and become active members..unless, of course, they are run off by the responsers they receive.:rolleyes:

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Why are you presuming it was embarkation day? They said it was a FULL DAY in Barcelona...the first full day. That suggests a preceding partial day (embarkation day).





Yes it does, unless their first "full day" in Barcelona included a hotel stay the night before the cruise. Since the Jade has been turning around in Barcelona since Nov. I think it's safe to say it was embarkation day or this complaint is severely outdated.

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I think the point was, why could they not find CC until they wanted to vent about their cruise? Why not find it before when doing research. Had they used CC boards, they most likely would have known about pickpockets in Barcelona.



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I think the point was, why could they not find CC until they wanted to vent about their cruise? Why not find it before when doing research. Had they used CC boards, they most likely would have known about pickpockets in Barcelona.


That is a valid point. There is a lot to be learned here. Fellow travelers are THE best source of information.


Do you think it possible for someone to just read, and not join and post. (Can you do that?) I wonder if there are lurkers who only come out and post when something like this happens?


I just don't like to question the validity of new cruise critic members. For me, it is not a very lady like way to welcome anyone. JMHO

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I am not planning an Apple Vacation. I just used Appple as an example. No matter how much one plans, researches, etc., things can go wrong.


Just like an airline. You may have had 20 great flights, and then one flight fron hell. It happens. And, this I speak from experience, as a former USAirways employee.


When things do go wrong, I think it is only human to want to "talk" about your bad experience.


Of course things "can" go wrong. But we all know that the more pre-event research there is, the smaller is the chance of something going wrong.


Someone with no prior posts is someone who was not here posting (researching) beforehand.


Also...when things DO go wrong, you need to be able to place approriate blame. It is NOT NCL's fault that Barcelona has pickpockets. The petty crime there is well-known and easy to learn about on this board. Additionally, as the OP pointed out, it is also well known from other sources. A simple search was all that was needed to warn the OP and possibly prevent trouble.


And you can want to talk about your experience all you want. We also can talk about our feelings and our interpretations of your experience.


Something for people who find themselves not liking the way in which others might choose to reply to a posting to consider: If you don't like or don't want to hear what others say, either don't post at all or place a review of your cruise experience in the REVIEW SECTION where it belongs and NO REPLIES are permitted.


However, if you choose to post here, you are opening the floor to comments...and as a wise Cruise Critic member once said....


"This is a forum - not a support group. We do not "owe" anyone unconditional acceptance of their opinions."

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That is a valid point. There is a lot to be learned here. Fellow travelers are THE best source of information.


Do you think it possible for someone to just read, and not join and post. (Can you do that?) I wonder if there are lurkers who only come out and post when something like this happens?


I just don't like to question the validity of new cruise critic members. For me, it is not a very lady like way to welcome anyone. JMHO


Yes people can lurk, but I think it would be a hard to thing to "lurk" without finding out the basics for the ports you'll be visiting. They mention no previous research on CC, while I don't question the validity of their statement as it all sounds plausible to me, I thought it would be good to point out well known facts so that others, and hopefully OP can learn from this experience.


Of course things "can" go wrong. But we all know that the more pre-event research there is, the smaller is the chance of something going wrong. and the best way to react if they do.


Someone with no prior posts is someone who was not here posting (researching) beforehand. See above comments


Also...when things DO go wrong, you need to be able to place approriate blame. It is NOT NCL's fault that Barcelona has pickpockets. The petty crime there is well-known and easy to learn about on this board. Additionally, as the OP pointed out, it is also well known from other sources. A simple search was all that was needed to warn the OP and possibly prevent trouble.


And you can want to talk about your experience all you want. We also can talk about our feeling and our interpretation of your experience.


If you don't like or don't want to hear what others say, either don't post at all or place a review of your cruise experience in the REVIEW SECTION where it belongs and NO REPLIES are permitted.


However, if you choose to post here, you are opening the floor to comments...and as a wise Cruise Critic member once said....


"This is a forum - not a support group. We do not "owe" anyone unconditional acceptance of their opinions." love it

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The reason for the comment about the 'first' post is because it seems as if 95% of first posts are negative ones where the OP never returns to comment or explain further. Regular CC members often wonder why members don't post the first time with a positive or with a neutral question or as a reply to someone else. Too many first posts are extremely negative stories. This seems to be yet another first post negative with no return of the OP.



First posts commonly being negative is understandable to me.. Most people don't wade into the waters with a "first post" unless they have something to say. Whether it be a pressing question, or a horrible experience that they need to vent/warn people about. Above all, that first post is about needing help/assistance from the regular posters on the board.


To make a first post as a positive one, it usually means they're not asking questions or needing advice/help on a terrible situation they just went through. I know wading in with a "first post" can be intimidating on a board such as this, so often they wait until they absolutely need to say something. As for it being only one post, that too is understandable. I certainly wouldn't have wanted to make additional posts after being welcomed with comments like that.


Personally, i think that instead of snarking about first posts and the subsequent replies (like mine) in discussing first posts and the reasons behind them, A LOT LESS time and effort could be made on everyone's part, by simply addressing the question/advice/help the first post was about!


And on that note, here is my advice to the OP:


1. It's up to the individual to guard against pick pockets. If you were pick pocketed, you didn't do a good enough job protecting your stuff. I protect my stuff to the point i would have to get all out mugged before they could get at it.


2. NCL has to go by the law and if prohibiting your husband from boarding was manditory, then you can't expect them to bend the law for you.


3. That being said, i think NCL's treatment of you was terrible. At the very least, as others have mentioned, they should have provided you with contact numbers and instructions on who to talk to and how to go about rectifying the situation. The ship's port liaison person should also have assisted in anyway they could have. They should have at least appeared to be compassionate about your situation. A little kindness goes a LONG way as far as PR is concerned. They might have kept you as a repeat customer if they had made the effort.


4. I don't, howerver, feel NCL needs to be out of pocket for any expenses you incurred on something that was not their fault.

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However, if you choose to post here, you are opening the floor to comments...and as a wise Cruise Critic member once said....


"This is a forum - not a support group. We do not "owe" anyone unconditional acceptance of their opinions."



Yup, everyone is *allowed* to voice their opinions. However, it shouldn't really give anyone license to be rude, snotty or condescending. You (in the general sense) can disagree with someone and still be respectful.


Like something *I* have often said.. "The anonymity of the internet does not give you the right to act like a jack*ss."

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You are right. It is very confusing. Also, they had this conversation with the reception desk 20 minutes before sailing. I am not sure I doubt what we've been told, I just don't think we've heard the whole story and I KNOW more conversation was had with reception than was reported here because other details were revealed in the review posted on another site.


I believe NCL should have offered some assistance, but I'm not convinced they didn't. Again, and I know I've said it a few times now (as it seems to get lost in the discussion), but the OP's primary concern seemed to be the lack of warning, not the lack of assistance. If you are sailing from a city, you need to know about it before you board.


How much warning can NCL give? They were in the embarkation city. Once I'm on board the ship, I don't care how much crime is in the city that I just travelled through. It might be nice to know a week later when I get off, but I have time to learn that.

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How much warning can NCL give? They were in the embarkation city. Once I'm on board the ship, I don't care how much crime is in the city that I just travelled through. It might be nice to know a week later when I get off, but I have time to learn that.


I hope you understand that I agree with you. My point was that the OP should have done her research in advance and not be blaming NCl for not telling them. But mostly my point is that since that seems to be her primary complaint I don't think NCL treated her as badly as everyone seems to be assuming. I think it feels that way to her because it was naturally a very upsetting situation. But if they had been that callous, she wouldn't be focusing on the lack of warning, but the lack of help once it occurred.

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Dear fellow cruisers, i am writing this post to highlight a very distressing and alarming incident that happened to us while cruising the Med on the NCL Jade.

On the 30th May while sightseeing on our first full day in Barcelona my husband had his wallet stolen by pickpockets, we were waiting in the 'City tour bus' queue line at the 'blue line' connection point near Las Ramblas.


I used a search engine and input 'Barcelona pickpockets' whereby i learnt Barcelona is the number one pickpocket capital in the world. Reported thefts numbered 6000 from May to September 2009, horrendous statistics which largely go unknown to tourists.


Shame on you NCL


Having been pickpocketed (pickedpocket?) before, I empathize with your story... Nothing is worse than the feeling of reaching into your pocket and realizing your wallet is gone.


However, what you should've done is used that search engine BEFORE stepping onto foreign soil... before even stepping onto the ship. Moreover, NCL is extra-ordinarily careful about telling their guests about the perils of each port. We were cautioned in many of the stops in the Caribbean, Rome, Cannes, Pisa, really all of Europe.....


A little research might have saved you all that hassle and expense.


On some level, given that this is your first post, I lend less credence to your story than if someone with 3000 posts had told it. For the folks on this board, our immediate instinct is to write off the horror stories and bad reviews of a person who decides to grace the boards for the very first time.


This site is chock full of advice, tips and suggestions to help you enjoy your cruise in a safe satisfying way. Perhaps if you would've lurked a little more carefully, you might've had your husbands stuff in the neck wallet with a metal cord running through the strap like I had when My Lee and I cruised out of Barcelona last November.


Good Luck. I hope I haven't been too harsh...

And I thank you

JWK: Now taking questions....


PS.... How is NCL at fault in all of this? I'm just asking. What should they have done, taken your word you were who you said you were, in Barcelona, home of thieves, liars, and ruffians?

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Steamboats: this is actually different per EU-country. For example, in the Netherlands, a driving license is considered proper ID. In Germany, it is different since most people have a Reisepass and a Personalausweis, so they don't need the addition option of the driving license. And by the way, did you know that by law in Germany, you do not actually have to have your ID on you at all times? Under German law, it is enough that you escort the police to the place where you keep your ID (home, hotelroom, car, etc) and show the ID to them there.


I know it´s different within Europe (I have studied law too and my main business is administrative law).


By the age of 16 you are required to possess an ID by law in Germany and you´re required to show your ID to proove your identity. The law does not say you have to carry it with you but if you don´t want to have any troubles (like being escorted back home by the police) you better should carry it with you :D. Anyway we are talking about traveling within the EU and even with Schengen you are required to carry a legal ID for traveling (many Germans do forget about this when they are going to Italy or Austria by car thinking "no border controls - no ID or passport required").



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BTW I remember discussions about an ID for the UK but just saw that the new government is to skip the whole thing. Did they ever start giving out IDs?




No. The ID card thing although I thought it quite reasonable upset far too many people and was never going to fly in the UK. The new government has called a halt to the wastage of further cash trying to pursue this scheme.

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.... What should they have done, taken your word you were who you said you were, in Barcelona, home of thieves, liars, and ruffians?


If he had already checked in his picture was in the ships computer or he wouldn't have been allowed to get on...

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However, what you should've done is used that search engine BEFORE stepping onto foreign soil... before even stepping onto the ship.


I agree 100% with this statement. We are sailing on the Jade's 12-day Med itinerary this November and booked almost one year in advance. We started researching what we wanted to see almost immediately. When doing that research, numerous warnings came up about the pickpockets and other dangers in Barcelona (and the other ports). The fact is that this kind of danger exists anywhere, and while it is unfortunate that it happened to the OP, the OP should be thankful that nothing worse happened.


We sailed on the Sun last November in South America. There was an older couple from our ship that was mugged and beaten up. It could be worse than being merely inconvenienced that your credit cards and passport were stolen.


One needs to consider the risks associated with traveling and prepare for them as best they can. The only way to do that is by doing your research in advance. My opinion is that it is in way NCL's responsibility to make sure that cruise passengers have done their due diligence to become aware of potential hazards in the port cities.


I'm sorry this happened to the OP, but a very good lesson was learned here. If the OP wants to feel that NCL is somehow responsible, that's fine. I just believe there should be some personal responsibility in this, as well.

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what you should've done is used that search engine BEFORE stepping onto foreign soil... before even stepping onto the ship. Moreover, NCL is extra-ordinarily careful about telling their guests about the perils of each port. We were cautioned in many of the stops in the Caribbean, Rome, Cannes, Pisa, really all of Europe.....


A little research might have saved you all that hassle and expense.


I agree with this as well. But what the OP admits on another forum is that they did not take the precautions they normally are wise enough to take. They slept late after a night of drinking and so rushed out in the a.m. I am not criticizing this - I've been guilty a "few" times myself ;)- but to say that additional warning from NCL could have made a difference is disingenuous. They knew the right precautions to take, but failed to take them.

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No. The ID card thing although I thought it quite reasonable upset far too many people and was never going to fly in the UK. The new government has called a halt to the wastage of further cash trying to pursue this scheme.





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thats awful and SHAME of NCL. My uncle had his passport stolen while on the Way to board the Celebrity Solstice last summer in Europe also. The taxi they were in was held up and they were robbed luggage and all.


Once they go to the Ship Celebrity helped them, it was embarkation day. Since they had completed online check in and had provided passport info that helped Celebrity they said. They contacted the Canadian Embassy in a future port of call and said they would have a car set up to take them to the embassy once they arrived in that port of call. I think there was a port before then they were just not allowed off! But Celebrity took care of them from start to finish. Gave them free clothes helped them with everything, even arranging to get some meds that were needed, and helped contact the insurance company at no cost of the phone call to my uncle and aunt.


I am sure that it could have just been the person making the call that day on NCL but thats awful just awful!!!!!

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I know it´s different within Europe (I have studied law too and my main business is administrative law).


By the age of 16 you are required to possess an ID by law in Germany and you´re required to show your ID to proove your identity. The law does not say you have to carry it with you but if you don´t want to have any troubles (like being escorted back home by the police) you better should carry it with you :D. Anyway we are talking about traveling within the EU and even with Schengen you are required to carry a legal ID for traveling (many Germans do forget about this when they are going to Italy or Austria by car thinking "no border controls - no ID or passport required").





Celebrity is taking all passengers passport son our upcoming med cruise in July we got a notice, and they are keeping them. We had this happen on the NCL sun and star before and had to line up to get them back at a certain port.

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