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no breakfast before getting off ship!


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Not Carnivals fault but Homeland security I guess.


We did luggage express since our flight was at 2pm from FLL and were going to disembark at our leisure to kill time.


Just got out of the shower at a little before 8am when the phone rang. It was guest services telling us to bring our stuff and our sail and sign card immediately as we had to get off the ship right away.


We asked why but they would not tell us anything, they just repeated we must get off the ship immediately and after we got off we could not get back on.


Went down not knowing if it was a family emergency or what and were escorted to customs into a room and told to sit and wait.


Carnival put our cards into the machine as we were leaving and it started buzzing and saying STOP! I didn't need the attention.:p


Finally a customs guy comes over and makes us empty our pockets, remove my hat and step back as he proceeded to open our luggage and check everything and my wifes purse.


Asked if we claimed everything on our customs form etc.


After all this he says we can repack the suitcases and were free to go.


Why Carnival just couldn't tell us what was going on is the confusing part.


After reading how that woman was falsely arrested a few weeks back all sorts of things were going through my mind.


So we got to the airport and got a dose of reality a little sooner than we anticipated as we had to buy our own breakfast for the first time in a week.:rolleyes:



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Wow! Sorry that happened to you. Glad we are driving to Charleston for our cruise and not flying! We had similar experience about 6 years ago when we bought a truck on eBay and had to fly one way to Houston to pick it up and drive it home.


You would have thought we were terrorists the way we were treated by the TSA. Not a fun time! They had us pulled aside going through our stuff and asking a bunch of questions.


Turned out fine, but very aggravating! :confused:

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Not Carnivals fault but Homeland security I guess.


We did luggage express since our flight was at 2pm from FLL and were going to disembark at our leisure to kill time.


Just got out of the shower at a little before 8am when the phone rang. It was guest services telling us to bring our stuff and our sail and sign card immediately as we had to get off the ship right away.


We asked why but they would not tell us anything, they just repeated we must get off the ship immediately and after we got off we could not get back on.


Went down not knowing if it was a family emergency or what and were escorted to customs into a room and told to sit and wait.


Carnival put our cards into the machine as we were leaving and it started buzzing and saying STOP! I didn't need the attention.:p


Finally a customs guy comes over and makes us empty our pockets, remove my hat and step back as he proceeded to open our luggage and check everything and my wifes purse.


Asked if we claimed everything on our customs form etc.


After all this he says we can repack the suitcases and were free to go.


Why Carnival just couldn't tell us what was going on is the confusing part.


After reading how that woman was falsely arrested a few weeks back all sorts of things were going through my mind.


So we got to the airport and got a dose of reality a little sooner than we anticipated as we had to buy our own breakfast for the first time in a week.:rolleyes:




What did they search? I thought luggage express sent your luggage with out you having to deal with it.

Luv's Crusin'

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Wow! Sorry that happened to you. Glad we are driving to Charleston for our cruise and not flying! We had similar experience about 6 years ago when we bought a truck on eBay and had to fly one way to Houston to pick it up and drive it home.


You would have thought we were terrorists the way we were treated by the TSA. Not a fun time! They had us pulled aside going through our stuff and asking a bunch of questions.


Turned out fine, but very aggravating! :confused:


It's easy to forget those procedures and policies are in place to protect you and the rest of the public.


It's also easy to let it bother you if you are singled out. But, anyone that is innocent should accept it and appreciate the job these people do. I would be honored to experience it.

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That is nice :mad: that they "randomly" pick someone to HARASS. I believe your story, but don't like the way it played out for you. Why Carnival was involved in such a way is confusing -- basically throwing you to the wolves. The last morning is not the most pleasant anyway. WOW.


We were HARASSED by customs when we got off the ship in Miami a few months ago -- I think it was an NCL sailing. The ONLY thing we bought was a ring for Cheryl in one of the ports. It was something like $1,600. Evidently that amount is very close to the limit two people could claim without duty or something. We handed him the form and he said "is that all you bought"? We replied yes. He said "do you have the receipt". I replied yes. He asked to see it. I indicated that it was somewhere in one of our 4 bags, but was not sure exactly where. He said we must produce it - and that either we needed to get it, or he would search our luggage for it. Fortunately it was in our main carry off bag - the first one we checked. We, no doubt, appeared suspicious :rolleyes:. I asked what would happen if we did not have the receipt, he said he would keep the ring. I asked what would have happened had we not claimed anything - he asked if I wanted to change my customs form... saying that he would still keep the ring. I told him that this is the kind of treatment we get for being honest.


Once before I had a guy (customs) say, "nice watch, did you just buy it"? They obviously go fishing from time to time. Am I supposed to carry a receipt for EVERYTHING that we have as PROTECTION... so that we don't have to forfeit whatever it is that they are focused on?? !!


I know that they have a job to do, but... ! :confused:



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It's easy to forget those procedures and policies are in place to protect you and the rest of the public.


It's also easy to let it bother you if you are singled out. But, anyone that is innocent should accept it and appreciate the job these people do. I would be honored to experience it.



You are in the distinct minority.... more power to you!



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The customs guy said we were randomly picked but it was a little unnerving they way they handled it.




It would have been nice if the CCL person that called you in the morning had told you that instead of just telling you you need to get off NOW.


You seem pretty calm about this...that's very admirable. I'd have been pissed. I would have been concerned about a family emergency or something as well and would have been pretty stressed.


That is nice that they "randomly" pick someone to HARASS. I believe your story, but don't like the way it played out for you. Why Carnival was involved in such a way is confusing -- basically throwing you to the wolves. The last morning is not the most pleasant anyway. WOW.




We were HARASSED by customs when we got off the ship in Miami a few months ago -- I think it was an NCL sailing. The ONLY thing we bought was a ring for Cheryl in one of the ports. It was something like $1,600. Evidently that amount is very close to the limit two people could claim without duty or something. We handed him the form and he said "is that all you bought"? We replied yes. He said "do you have the receipt". I replied yes. He asked to see it. I indicated that it was somewhere in one of our 4 bags, but was not sure exactly where. He said we must produce it - and that either we needed to get it, or he would search our luggage for it. Fortunately it was in our main carry off bag - the first one we checked. We, no doubt, appeared suspicious . I asked what would happen if we did not have the receipt, he said he would keep the ring. I asked what would have happened had we not claimed anything - he asked if I wanted to change my customs form... saying that he would still keep the ring. I told him that this is the kind of treatment we get for being honest.




Once before I had a guy (customs) say, "nice watch, did you just buy it"? They obviously go fishing from time to time. Am I supposed to carry a receipt for EVERYTHING that we have as PROTECTION... so that we don't have to forfeit whatever it is that they are focused on?? !!




I know that they have a job to do, but... !









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You are in the distinct minority.... more power to you!




Which, btw, makes absolutely no sense. Small price to pay for safety/security.


The unfortunately thing is, the same people complaining about having to experience it, would likely be the first ones to complain that these organizations aren't doing enough to protect everyone when something goes wrong.

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I'd like to know how they pick these random people. I flew from British Columbia to Toronto a couple months ago with a layover in Calgary. I was randomly picked for a pat down search where I boarded in BC and 35 minutes later in Calgary I was again randomly picked for a pat down search. These weren't custom officers, airport security, but it is still very unnerving and to have it done twice within one hour!!! The officer in Calgary told me they just randomly pick male, female, male, female with no other factors involved. Maybe it's the shirt colour for the day???

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I'm confused. Is this a TSA issue, a Carnival issue, or a Customs issue? (I'm not clear on who does/did what.) Maybe everyone could have handled it better.

I also would have thought your luggage would have already been gone to the airport. Did you go ahead and have them deliver it to airport for you since you had paid for that?

Not a fun way to end a cruise, but it's one you won't forget!

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They do have some strange procedures.


But they are doing a good job of protecting us from terrorism so cannot complain.


Which, btw, makes absolutely no sense. Small price to pay for safety/security.




Safety/security is one thing.. but most of what happens when cruise ships return (and customs) has to do with what you claim (duty) and drugs I would think. I don't see terrorists trying to get a dirty bomb or something back through customs on a cruise ship.


Oh yes .. there was the time that they wanted to confiscate a cricket fashioned out of a palm frond that we had picked up in Cozumel for fear of mites. The first customs person acted like she had just busted the French Connection (first day on the job I suppose, LOL). Fortunately the guy behind her came forward, looked closely at it and asked us at which port we bought it. I replied Cozumel and he said to her that those were not a problem.


It REALLY depends on who you get (which line you get in). With the woman I mentioned above, that cute souvenir would have gone in the trash (incinerated?), whereas the other fellow actually applied a little knowledge. ALL ARE NOT EQUAL... it's a roulette game to be sure. A vast majority are well intentioned caring people, others just like to use their authority to bully and intimidate... I would imagine many of us have run into cops that are that way as well - we can't do without police, but there are always a few bad eggs. I "found" one of those early on! :rolleyes:



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My husband and I have had to fly a great deal for our jobs. I have been pulled aside, put through a machine and frisked-questioned many times at airport security checks because someone with a similar name is on a risk list. I now expect it. I have also been on a flight where we had an engine on fire and had to make an emergency landing. Also I was in a plane where after seating everyone, everyone was taken off the plane and the plane was searched, then we waited for another plane. It made me 8 hours late getting home but I got home and that mattered to me. On one international flight after boarding 3 young men were removed from the flight by security, I do not know why-but we got safely home and that was most important. There have been times when when one of us has to travel for several weeks in a row and so safety is very important to us. I do not care how much security I have to endure if it makes it safer to travel. I'm sorry this couple had to leave the ship without eating but it's a small price to pay for safe travel in these difficult times.

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Which, btw, makes absolutely no sense. Small price to pay for safety/security.


The unfortunately thing is, the same people complaining about having to experience it, would likely be the first ones to complain that these organizations aren't doing enough to protect everyone when something goes wrong.


I have no problem with being searched or detained or delayed in order to keep me safe. What the OP described to me however is NOT acceptable.

There is no reason CCL should have not informed them what was going on....just barking orders to get off the ship 'NOW' is not OK.


Also what Tom described going through with customs is not acceptable. It had nothing to do with his safety or anyone else's.

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It's easy to forget those procedures and policies are in place to protect you and the rest of the public.


It's also easy to let it bother you if you are singled out. But, anyone that is innocent should accept it and appreciate the job these people do. I would be honored to experience it.


That may be the intent, however none, not a single one, of the procedures instituted by TSA does anything to improve our security from terrorism. These procedures are all window dressing as the political hacks who have run this cabinet level agency since its inception either have no clue as to what really needs to be done or have not the will to start performing real security checks.


TSA would also be much less offensive to me if they did not make up the rules as they go along. I know I will be challenged on this, but strong evidence appears every day at any airport that this is true.



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... I'm sorry this couple had to leave the ship without eating but it's a small price to pay for safe travel in these difficult times.


I think that they should have stormed the ship and handcuffed these people! :D


Their suitcases were already off... where was the "security" risk?


Planes and cruise ships should not be confused with one another. I also agree that one can't be too safe on a plane... I would much rather be inconvenienced or delayed rather them have a memorial devoted to our flight!



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That may be the intent, however none, not a single one, of the procedures instituted by TSA does anything to improve our security from terrorism. These procedures are all window dressing as the political hacks who have run this cabinet level agency since its inception either have no clue as to what really needs to be done or have not the will to start performing real security checks.


TSA would also be much less offensive to me if they did not make up the rules as they go along. I know I will be challenged on this, but strong evidence appears every day at any airport that this is true.




Right there with you...


The lasting impact from terror is that society is willing to accept all sorts of changes WITHOUT QUESTION... many of which have nothing to do with REAL safety. We risk not seeing the forest for the trees!


What politician (interested in keeping their job) would be willing to stand up and try to reign in HUGE WASTES of $ if it was heading to a SACRED department like "Homeland Security"? If you question it, you are obviously on the side of the terrorists. To question is to be unpatriotic.


In reality, NOT to question is the problem!



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Am I supposed to carry a receipt for EVERYTHING that we have as PROTECTION... so that we don't have to forfeit whatever it is that they are focused on?? !!





Sorry Tom but yes you are supposed to have all receipts on hand for your customs declaration.


As for the OP, I can't really blame Carnival for cooperating with Customs 150%. Customs has the power to make things really miserable for them.

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It's easy to forget those procedures and policies are in place to protect you and the rest of the public.


It's also easy to let it bother you if you are singled out. But, anyone that is innocent should accept it and appreciate the job these people do. I would be honored to experience it.


I may understand it but I would never appreciate the experience ... Are you serious?


If so they are training our local police on a new body cavity check procedure in my town if you are interested.

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I'd like to know how they pick these random people. I flew from British Columbia to Toronto a couple months ago with a layover in Calgary. I was randomly picked for a pat down search where I boarded in BC and 35 m


I too was randomly picked to pat down, they went thru my purse, embarssing to pull out klenex.


It must have been the day for older blond women. I minded because they didnt have a chair to sit in to put my track shoes back on and tie them plus now all the overhead bins were now taken and it was a hassle to find a place for my carry on... good thing I had arrived 2 hours early to make sure I was first on the plane. .. now I was one of the last 2.


I personally think if they are looking for terrorists, they should pick people more likely to be terrorists. Im for profiling.

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Y'all are confusing security searches with customs searches (what the OP went through).


The latter is concerned primarily with finding contraband and/or making sure Uncle Sam gets his due.


I'm wondering if one of the dogs got a false positive off the OPs "expressed" luggage.

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