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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Right off let me say that this link was amazing to me. I found this person who, apparently, has located just about every color swatch on the internet that relates to Color Analysis and Spring. Our very own, CJW, had his website kind of sort of "ripped off" by this person, but I think (again) that it's just a collection of swatches from all over the place. Look at it if you want to; don't look at it if you think it would be confusing… especially lovely ladies of other seasons who have joined us. There's no point in getting a bunch of confusion introduced. I think that Kim, Debbie, Linda, and I are the only FIRE ladies here. So this particular link doesn't really apply to anyone else.




Debbie. Is one of these the Light Spring that you feel most comfortable with? I tell you, FIRE ladies, I'm glad that I got my CJW input when I did. There is just a world of confusion out there. My recent experience with that stupid dress has shaken my confidence, just a bit. You know it can be tenuous, at best. :eek:

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Try looking at this picture, Pam. This is my new Light Spring fan. It looked like the pictures you linked was a compilation of many different color analysis websites. One I had heard of but had never seen the swatches until now.


I think if a person is more like you and Kim, probably Linda too, and can SEE your best colors, this may not be necessary, but for me, I did need the extra help of honing in on my bestest colors. I still have every color of the rainbow nearly, and lots more brown/gray tones, think sea lion (is it a grayish brown or a brownish gray) for my neutrals. I have an attachment that I'll try to find.


Let's see if this will post correctly--


L-Sp Color Definitions (light, bright, and clear. All spring colors have yellow CORE COLOR added to them. Not gold.

Milkshake colors are LSp.

Key Words: blossom, candy, peachy, milky, raw salad colors,


(NOT TSp-Candy, Popsicle, Lollipops)


LSp is yellower and a touch clearer (less gray) than LSu.


TMIT - Lightness!

(Light could mean not dark, and also not heavy, not complicated, not aggressive, and good-humored.)

Saturation is medium.

Neutral warm heat level.

Overall value is Light.

No dark + dark. Always a light.

Colored coats & jackets. Darker colors for suits: blues, greens, gray, tan and bright navy.


No tortoiseshell.


YES to Shiny fabrics-silk.


Too dark color on Light Spring and oldness happens. Yuck!


Neutrals - grays, brown, taupes no darker than hair color


All colors look like they were photographed in the sun.


3 great colors: all LSp aqua/turquoise

very light yellow green

clear blue, not purple enough to be periwinkle

purple, transforming


Beige - Rice Krispies


Blue - has a trace of violet


Brown - colors of beer with no orange

(NOT darker than a hazelnut)


Camel - yellow undertone (not gold)

Light Caramel


Gray - sunlight on pebbles (yellowy)

(NOT steel or B&W)

(Sometimes) Taupe


Green - green onion (NOT avocado)

Light grasshopper green

Wear green. Excellent!


TSp v. TA: Orange creamsicle & citrus (NOT Pumpkin)


Peach - cooked cold shrimp ring


Pink - Flamingo


Purple - Iris purple (NOT royal purple)



White - cauliflower / whipping cream


Yellow - daffodils, jellybeans


Sorry this is so long, but posting from my phone is a POS and I had to correct the link.

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Obviously my edit button timed out. This is my new fan of colors. The picture is close but not quite right. The pinks seem a little off so I know it didn't transfer exactly right, but is very close. If you search Pinterest for light spring you will find many, many pins. Some I agree are light spring and some just get kinda close. I pick and chose what I think fits best.

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The two above are both of the entire wheel. Trying to get good color.



The two below are my colors spread out a little better to see the darkest colors nearest the inside of the wheel. They are hard to see so I've duplicated 7.1A. I hope they are true to life in color.



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Ok. So this is sooo funny. The link I sent was a lighter brighter than my color wheel/swatch fan. The pictures I took were a little darker than my swatch fan.


Pam, can you take all of the above, put them in a pot, stir or shake well and then, just take your best shot! Oh, this is so funny! DH has been cleaning up supper dishes and is nearly finished and I'm still not being helpful here. I love it!


Why don't you just find my Pinterest page and look there? It would be easiest. Not sure it would have been this much fun though. LOL

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And for our AIR friends...


This Navy is AIR:




There are several shirt styles in the store in this color right now. Short sleeved tees, camis, etc. I wanted it to be Earth navy...I REALLY wanted it to be Earth navy...alas...no such luck. It aged me horribly when I held it up to me...and then when I took it away and revealed the Earth shirt I was wearing...my skin magically morphed into a lovely (if I say so myself) healthy glow that appeared 5-10 years younger...


Also...there was a lot of versions of "Marsala" (Pantone's 2015 color of the year) and "Dried Herb"...and most were AIR...they did not make ME glow and they weren't clear.


Looking at the Pantone colors for Fall 2015, I think that the navy in the store is a representation of "Reflecting Pond."


Get 'em while you can! This should be a great season for AIR to stock up on some great basics in non-gray.


Hmm I had a dress that color years ago. I wore it until it started coming apart. I thought air had to be all powdery pastels. I need to go back and read everything again. Lol. That's great tho, not a fan of the pastels. Occasionally I find one I like, but usually they seem too "bright". I think I'm starting to understand the "muted" thing.

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Hi cross blue! I think I'm air, I'm still not sure. But I find the topic fascinating. The ladies are very helpful. Sometimes it seems so simple, and then I read more and I'm more confused than ever! But its fun anyway!


Yes it is fun. I have always just bought clothes because I like them and they fit - never really thought that much about color. When I was working (retired software developer) I wore jeans and tshirts and when we started travelling a few years ago that was about all I had. Wish I had found these ladies to help me 'perk up my wardrobe' before. Now I have more 'nice' clothes but I am sure a lot of them don't fit the air colors.

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Ah they call you Per! Haha I'm shrinking too. Scrolled back to the cute grandkids pic! What darlings! Love the lapis necklace. Gold earings? I rarely wear gold, I never thought it looked right on me. But then I LOVE silver, so maybe I'm just biased. I'm in the same boat. All I own now are yshirts, jeans and shorts with a few sun dresses. I need a wardrobe perk up too.

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Heads up: The Vivienne Files post for today is a summer capsule wardrobe in beautiful warm ivories and soft browns. I can easily envision how different accent colors for accessories could create some dramatically different looks:




Am I correct in thinking that with the right pieces, this could easily work for FIRE or AIR as well?



The previous post about the Pantone colors for fall is also fun.

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Good morning, Lovely Ladies.


It never hurts to revisit the basics time and again. So, here's just a quick little recap of some really basic color thoughts.


First of all, don't be confused about the fact that all colors can be warm… or can be cool. There is a lot of early discussion about what we learned in our fingerpainting class about cool colors (blue!) and warm colors (yellow!), but none of that particular understanding applies to the colors that we see in the fabrics that are used to make our clothes. The simple fact is that there really doesn't exist (or it's so rare as to be nonexistent) a true, neutral (neither warm nor cool) color in fabric.


There is always an undertone.


It's the undertone that will let us know whether a particular color is warm or is cool.


Simple Rule of Thumb. If you're looking for a cool color, you need to see whether the undertone supports the feeling of being cool. What is meant by that? I think the easiest way for me to see if something is cool is to analyze whether it is appropriate to describe the color as more "sunny." So, for example… red. A sunny, warm red is leaning towards being orange. In a cool red you can detect a bit of blue or bluish purple. So a warm color has an undertone of yellow, orange… and looks really good with gold jewelry! A cool color has an undertone of gray, silver, white… if it's muted you might even feel like calling it "ashy" and looks really good with silver jewelry.


To test your eye about picking up undertones, one thing we learned to do as part of the learning process was to see if the color looked better with gold or silver jewelry. That was really helpful and could help with a process of elimination.


Aoknkentucky - these are all the colors that I get told are my best colors. Guess it's the difference with a bit of makeup between being a fire/air/earth, sigh. Melody


OK? Now? We all know that this isn't a Statement. Of. Truth. The makeup does not determine what season you are. You can use makeup to camouflage the effect that a non-optimal color selection will make on your skin. There's no denying the skill that makeup artistry can bring to the equation of making you look your best. But to say it determines your season? No.


If you look better with colors that just simply, basically, and flat out… don't appeal to you… don't make your heart sing… and you wish that you were another type of skin so that you could pull off wearing the color that you WANT to WEAR no matter what… then you can try really hard to use makeup to hide the fact that the color isn't doing you any favors.


I remember when I was analyzed as a season… back when Color Me Beautiful was the only show in town. They said I was a SUMMER (like they told Kim she was a SUMMER) or in CJW's vocabulary… an AIR. If you can imagine the effort I employed to try to change the effect on cool, muted color on my skin. Well, we've all seen what happens to my skin and it's ashy, gray tone when I wear muted colors. Anyway, a makeup artist gave me a green-toned primer and a pink foundation to try to put color into my face… so much effort…


So what was my next step? Coloring my hair, of course! And what did I choose? An ash blonde, of course! And, how did that make my skin look?


No one is going to be surprised if I say that at this point, I abandoned the whole color theory because it sure didn't seem to be helping me out one bit, in the mirror.


It wasn't that I loved AIR colors and wanted to make them work. But, I do have the experience of TRYING to make something that wasn't suitable for me… work. And I failed at it.


Putting on all that makeup… didn't make me AIR.


Look at CJW's site and those Before/After pics. Most of the Before pics are showing women who are wearing makeup, in a season that wasn't suitable to bring out their best. That's what makes the working with seasonal color so compelling. A lot of the After pics are without makeup. And the After pics look fabulous by comparison.


And that's the whole point.

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Heads up: The Vivienne Files post for today is a summer capsule wardrobe in beautiful warm ivories and soft browns. I can easily envision how different accent colors for accessories could create some dramatically different looks:




Am I correct in thinking that with the right pieces, this could easily work for FIRE or AIR as well?



The previous post about the Pantone colors for fall is also fun.


I hadn't had time yet to check in at TVF, Margaret. Thanks! This is great!


This my friends, is Light Spring perfection!!! I'm working toward having my version of core pieces in these colors. Then I will keep my best color items for that occasional pop of color that I crave. I read somewhere that light warm neutrals could be my best look. When I looked through my closets (two side by sides) and arranged them by color, I put all my cream, khaki, brown through gray in one closet and then started my colors in ROYBGP order in the other closet. Yes, indeedy, one whole closet necessary for the neutrals.


I have a problem. Hello, everyone. My name is Debbie and I am a person with too many clothes.


I'm not ready to Marie Kondo my wardrobe, but I will be taking a hard look at what has and hasn't been worn this summer and decide whether to keep or release into the wild my unworn summer items. It is time.


I don't want to add confusion to ladies trying to make sense of newly discovered color information, but this link was a real eye-opener for me when I first read it, so I'm including it here. As always, your mileage may vary, and not everything written applies to every single person, but it is positive, direct (which I appreciate very much) and I hope it helps someone else here. Even if you glance over the different break-downs of each season and just read it as the four main seasons, there is a world of useful uplifting info here.



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Pam, what I really meant to say was, without makeup, I don't care what color I have on, I fade into the woodwork (no eyebrows). I actually have on a black top today & went to get my haircut, hairstylist said, your eyes really sparkle when you wear black. I most often wear either bright or jewel colors, seldom wear black by my face. I've got the sites bookmarked to read after this weekend. 60th anniversary of Pikes Peak Marathon, busy times. I guess I'll figure this color thing out sometime. Melody

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Oh, Granny… so sorry.


The whole Summer, Spring, Autumn, Winter are just labels that Color Me Beautiful put on people… way way back in time when rocks were just pebbles. My Grandma Mary used to say something was "older than rocks." So, Summer is cool, muted while Autumn is warm, muted and Winter is cool, clear or bright while Spring is warm, clear or bright.


Our CJW, who used to discuss color theory with us in his bachelor days (he's now a husband and father of two adorable girls), is the individual who put together the fire/earth/air/ice website.


He just introduced the labels that we are all using here. Air = cool, muted. Earth = warm, muted. Fire = warm, clear or bright. Ice = cool, clear or bright. You might find the Air, Earth, Fire, Ice labels in some other website because I've noticed that some of these color analysts have used some of CJW's work. But, typically…. these labels are just used here.


Out in the world… most sites still refer to Seasonal colors, like Summer (our Air) or Spring (our Fire).


I hope this cleared that up for you.


Debbie, that site is amazing in its depth of communication. I started to read and then decided I needed to get some coffee and slow down in order to absorb what I was reading. In the meantime, I clicked on a link that looked interesting and, voila!, information that was absolutely perfect for what I was trying to say. Here's the info described much more eloquently and, like you say, direct.




Melody, I think that the only way that you're really going to have any certainty is to talk to a professional color analyst in your area that you can physically go to and get questions answered. The only other thing to suggest is to see if CJW is still actively helping from his website, but that would involve pictures again, etc, without makeup and trying to find appropriate color tops. The local person would have swatches for you and a draping procedure. That's about the only way that you're going to know what season you are. As helpful as we try to be here, we're all just expressing opinion and doing our best and that comes with a certain limitation.

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Thanks Joby - and everyone else for making me feel so welcome. I will continue to post here and on the earth threads - you are such a great group - hope to meet at least a few of you on future cruises\travel.


Our next trip is in late Oct - we'll spend a week in Genoa (do a few day trips), then take a bus to Marseilles for a 9 night cruise on the CDF Horizon.




We did a transatlantic on this ship in April, from Santo Domingo to Barcelona - loved the ship - so we booked the Med cruise and another transatlantic for spring 2016.


Per, this looks like such an interesting itinerary. I have been checking into Pullmantur and CDF itineraries; I am a little concerned with my inability to speak fluent Spanish or French. Are you fluent in French? I am aware that announcements would be made in English, but I wonder about being in any sort of emergency situation (not begging trouble, just being realistic) and not being fluent in the language that is of first choice on board. From what I read about CDF ships, they are heavily cruised by French people. I think that would be fabulous, especially if the expectations of the French for food would be met!


What is your spring TA?

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Thanks member! Sorry I can't remember names. It takes forever to sink in nowadays. Realistically, I despise clothes shopping. For me, I just want some basic guidelines to figure out what colors to buy. I've fallen into a rut, need some change. I don't/won't buy much per year. I just replace what's worn and buy something new if it really strikes my fancy. But I do really enjoy reading all the color theory/info and everyone's fun attitude towards figuring it out. Both the "yay perfect" moments and the "eh, not quite right" ones. I learned long ago the colors inside my home influenced my attitude, I think it's just a fascinating subject.

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Good morning, Lovely Ladies.


It never hurts to revisit the basics time and again. So, here's just a quick little recap of some really basic color thoughts.




There is always an undertone.


It's the undertone that will let us know whether a particular color is warm or is cool.


Simple Rule of Thumb. If you're looking for a cool color, you need to see whether the undertone supports the feeling of being cool. What is meant by that? I think the easiest way for me to see if something is cool is to analyze whether it is appropriate to describe the color as more "sunny." So, for example… red. A sunny, warm red is leaning towards being orange. In a cool red you can detect a bit of blue or bluish purple. So a warm color has an undertone of yellow, orange… and looks really good with gold jewelry! A cool color has an undertone of gray, silver, white… if it's muted you might even feel like calling it "ashy" and looks really good with silver jewelry.


And that's the whole point.


Thank you. That makes it easier to grasp. I had to go to the fabric store today for more thread - making lots of baby room items. I wandered around looking at fabric colors - when you see all the different shades it is easier to tell what is warm and what is cool. Perhaps I will make a trip to one of the paint stores and get color cards - that might help too.


While out shopping, I picked up this gray skirt:



My husband loves these long skirts - at least he loves them when he sees them on slim young girls :) Is this a good air color?


Yesterday I also found this scarf at a thrift shop for $1 - if it's a bad color it will go in the dress-up basket for my granddaughters.



Granddaughters - I get asked to sew lots of Hallowe'en costumes - here are a few pics of some some of the things I have made for them. The oldest girls prefer to fashion their own costumes now but the little one still likes the ones I make.



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Great shopping!!!


That scarf is fabulous! Wonderfully AIRy.


Yes...the gray skirt is a good AIR color.


What you noticed about how it is easier to tell if colors are cooler or warmer when they are all together is exactly right. Technically...it is very difficult to look at a color all alone and make a claim about it. Usually, when we have a point of comparison...we can see if a color is warmer or cooler.


That's why many people use color charts when they go shopping. It can help to have a control...especially when you are dealing with artificial indoor light that can seriously affect the way that colors look in the store. I've purchased certain things in the store thinking that I was buying whatever color only to get into the natural light outside and see that it wasn't quite the color that I thought it was.


The color charts can act like your own portable test...see if the color that you are looking at blends into your color chart...or does it look warmer or cooler? (depending on what color chart you have).


For whatever reason...it seems that a lot of navy out there is cool and muted...AIR. The navy in your scarf looks great. Same with the purple. It blends with the navy...and the neutral color has a "mushroom" quality to it that usually indicates AIR to me.


The big kicker is that it looks FABULOUS on you!


What I find so interesting is that your lovely cool colors really bring up a warmth in your skin! It's kind of crazy like that...how peachy you look in your cool, muted colors.


Love you in blue too...

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Per, this looks like such an interesting itinerary. I have been checking into Pullmantur and CDF itineraries; I am a little concerned with my inability to speak fluent Spanish or French. Are you fluent in French? I am aware that announcements would be made in English, but I wonder about being in any sort of emergency situation (not begging trouble, just being realistic) and not being fluent in the language that is of first choice on board. From what I read about CDF ships, they are heavily cruised by French people. I think that would be fabulous, especially if the expectations of the French for food would be met!


What is your spring TA?


The food was great!


I took French in HS but I have forgotten 99% of it. We lived in a predominantly English town when I was younger. I moved to Ottawa after I graduated from community college in 2000 (a new software development job for me) but I didn't need French for the job and I didn't pick up much during the time I lived there. My husband always says he speaks English and rubbish.


We found there was no need for French on the ship - there were many English speaking passengers - might not be the case for the Med cruise - and I think more staff spoke English than French. There was one emergency on the TA last spring - someone went overboard. All the emergency announcements were made in English, French and Spanish. In fact, the first announcement that was only for crew members - an 'Oscar starboard' alert - was English.


Someone asked a similar question about CDF and I responded on the following thread:




Here is a thread with reviews of the TA last spring - I made a few posts here too. Some people liked the ship - some didn't. It was eventful!




The TA next spring leaves St. Maarten Mar 28. There are 9 sea days total, one day in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal and one day in Gibraltar, thence Barcelona. We are not sure what we are doing once we get to Barcelona - we spent a week there in 2013 - so we will probably hop on a train and head somewhere else.

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Since Debbie is a Light Spring and doesn't feel that she looks good in darker colors and she, specifically, mentioned that she didn't feel fabulous in Chico's chocolate… and I do! I think that Chico's Chocolate Chip (which is even darker saturation than the color they called "chocolate") makes me feel wonderful… it's the color I was wearing in Paris at my champagne brunch at Dimanche… I immediately think that I must be either a True Spring or a Bright Spring. Don't know. Makes my head spin, just slightly.


I almost can't believe I'm saying this? Do you think we'd benefit from another attempt at Color Parties?



I brought this quote over from the EARTH thread since I wanted to talk more about Bright Spring/True Spring/Light Spring.



Oh, wow. I guess I'm game if everyone else is. Since I feel comfortable that I have a few good items, I'd be willing to post some of what I know are best for me together with some of my not-so-good-but-I'm keeping-them-for-a-while items, but my photo skills may skew the control.


Pam, Bright Spring can wear black (in small amounts and not near the face) with a Hot almost True Pink color. Think a predominantly Hot Pink patterned top. I'm thinking you should shoot for seeing if you have any True Spring colors to post and compare. When it came to my final few drapes, we knew it wasn't True Spring (not sure why, but there was a reason. It may have been the red drapes test), so the final step was to see if it was Bright Spring or Light Spring. Light Spring won the day and is supposedly rare. My analyst was excited because she hasn't tested many Light Springs and dark-haired LSp at that. My consolation that day was knowing that since I had a rare coloring, it was no wonder I kept getting it wrong. I'd never even realized you could have LIGHT and clear and bright together. It sounded like opposite world in a way. My colors might even lean a little into Lightest Summer but the most important thing (TMIT) for me is Light. Like just a drop of white has been added but a healthy dose of yellow has been added.


I think of True Spring as the CJW color card colors.


With the knowledge that just like you can lean from any of the four seasons into another: FIRE/Spring forward into AIR/Summer or backward into ICE/Winter, EARTH/Autumn can fall forward into ICE/Winter or backward into AIR/Summer, and so forth, if you want to get even more narrow within your search, there must be an even more narrow area that leans one direction or the other between the 12 colors.


ICE/Winter cannot combine with AIR/Summer and FIRE/Spring cannot combine with EARTH/Autumn. It isn't that way in nature and it just won't work here. Here's the wheel in the 12 color order:


Deep Winter -- True Winter -- Bright Winter -- Bright Spring -- True Spring-- Light Spring -- Light Summer -- True Summer -- Soft Summer -- Soft Autumn -- True Autumn -- Deep Autumn and back to Deep Winter for the full circle.


This has been fascinating to me and I am so glad to talk with you all about it.

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I was going to quote you, Debbie… and then I realized that we apparently are having a coffee break together so I'll just continue on…


The second I saw you say that True Spring can wear black… I thought "Not me!" and then you said, but not near the face and only in small amounts. Bear with me, because this puzzles me just a little bit. If a color doesn't appear anywhere near my face, wouldn't it be acceptable to wear most colors in small amounts as long as it goes with the colors of my outfit and doesn't affect my facial skin tone? I realize that we have other places with skin (LOL), like arms and legs, that are exposed to the effect of the colors that we're wearing. Anyway, chat with me a bit more about this idea.


Oh boy. A mission to divide my closet into different spectrums of Spring. Oy vey. And, I'm not Jewish.


I'll share with you the reason(s) that I want to explore this further. I feel like I'm on a sort of slippery slope, if you will. I know that I will never, ever revert back to completely ignoring what colors I purchase. Since we're on a cruise forum, I'll just say "that ship has sailed." I understand the effect that color has on my overall appearance and I won't ignore that, at all. The reason that I abandoned the color theory application before is that I wasn't given a proper appraisal and was dressing all wrong with a purposeful intent. That was just so disheartening. I don't feel that way, at all.


I'm finding it hard to put into words what I'm thinking and feeling. I guess the easiest way to sum it all up is just to say that I'd like to learn even more. I think that I've taken what I know about as far as I can apply it… and now I'd like to extend that knowledge.


On another subject. I've never managed to complete the Style Statement activity. That is just so difficult for me. I haven't completed everything that I need to in order to have a succinct statement, but I do know one thing… I want an element of FUN in what I wear… what I have around me. I don't want to be clownish or… actually, anything that someone would point to and categorize or easily label. Just Fun. I think that's why I was drawn to my Chat-Tees (still in my closet, survived Kon Mari!)… and other items of clothing that speak to my heart.


I think, also, that I'm coming up on another milestone birthday. It seems that birthdays have a way of making us become introspective. Believe it or not! I feel like I have a bit of luxury of time, at the moment. I can indulge in some significant personal time in much the same way that I indulged in full "spa" days when I was a teenager. I spent my summers laying out in the backyard on a blanket and imagining what animal shapes the clouds took. Let me tell you. Being a teenage girl in Texas had its moments! Anyway, I've got a lot of Personal Me Time that I can use to: figure out better makeup applications that will modernize my "look" and figure out my travel wardrobe so that I can go on longer vacations without the burden of "too much" luggage! These two items are my primary goals, at the moment.


Finding my "Bestest" colors…. fits right in with my current intent.


Game on!


Kim? Where are you in this? I know Linda is incredibly busy and might have to RSVP-Regret to this Color Party. BTW. Everyone is extended an invitation, right Debbie? The only rules are that you have to come to the party without makeup and leave your inhibitions at the door. Cocktails all around. We're here to have fun, socialize, and see what we can learn from each other.


For the ladies who are newer to this activity, please realize that we've been having this discussion for almost 6 YEARS! Yes, years! We were on another thread for almost a year, where we learned what season we were. Then, Kim decided to start THIS thread where we could discuss, with other FIREs, the progress we were making. Then, Anita decided to start HER thread, where EARTH ladies could discuss their progress. Then, we started exchanging a bunch of communication between the two threads and, now, sometimes we forget whose "house" we're visiting when we start talking. This communication has been a long, long process.


We're so happy that other ladies, interested in color theory, have joined us in conversation. I wish that Marie (Porthopper) would chime in with us, as I know she's enthusiastic about fashion. Shout out to Marie, if you're reading! I don't know if I've taken the time to appropriately welcome everyone. As they say at the Academy Awards, "please forgive me for not mentioning your names; you know who you are!" :D

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