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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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Crap, I just lost my whole reply. Well, here goes again!


Kim...it looks like you are just copying and pasting the picture into your post. You can do that and see it because your computer has it somehow. I bet if you were to log on to the forum from a different computer, you also wouldn't be able to see it. Where did you find the picture?



I took the picture with my phone, sent it to my email copied and pasted here on the FIRE thread from my email. I also tried to use the icon above of the mountain with the little square in the upper right side. I am NOT a 'puter genius--what can I do?



Melody, that looks kind of creepy, especially since it was all in your foot. Prayers for a good re-recover :)


My name is Debbie. I sit at a computer all day and I am computer illiterate. How's that for making a person feel good about themselves.
Love you :*



Otherwise, plan us up, girlfriend! February will be here before you know it.
Can't wait!!!!!



Another problem I am having on here is that I don't get notifications of replies to threads I am subscribed to any more. I have tried to unsubscribe, resubscribe and make sure my instant notification button is on. Any help our there 'puter geniuses????????

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So. Kim. Your computer can access your email and show you the photo, but the internet in general does not have access to your email so it cannot show the photo. You need to upload the photo to someplace on the internet (like a Photobucket) and THEN you can show us the photo. :D

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I'll be in Bonaire the first week of December (14 night Celebrity Eclipse). I'll report back on the flamingos & my new Tribord full face snorkel mask! Melody


Thanks a million, Melody. BFF heard the best place to see flamingos was Aruba and plans to report back, so with any luck, I'll see them one place or the other when I have your information too. One couple had that type of mask on one of our recent excursions. They were very excited about them. I'd like to hear your report about the mask as well.


Sally, I looked up Jungle Gardens. It looked like lots of fun for the grands. If we are ever in the area, I'd love to take them there. My little flamingo aficionado has seen flamingos at various zoos, but wants to see Pink flamingos. I wasn't aware that there were two different colors of flamingos, but I have been schooled in all things flamingo. She is so crazy about them that her room decor is--yep, pink flamingos. When her parents think she's old enough to go with us, I'd love for her first cruise to include seeing a large flock of pinks in a natural setting.


Anita, we weren't picked in the 2014 campsite lottery but an older couple was diagnosed with what turned out to be a fatal illness for the wife and were refunded their site just before camping season. Because we had asked to be put on a waiting list, they called us and we moved our camper from our 21 day full hook-up E/W/S site to the site where you, Pam and Kim visited. That was 2014 wasn't it? That has been our only hiccup since we began seasonal camping in 2006. My pink flamingo aficionado spent the night with us for the first time when she was six-weeks old. In. The. Camper.


I usher at our performing arts center and tonight is the Riverdance performance. Because I don't have time to go home and change after work, I'm wearing my monkey suit (minus the name-tag and maroon bow-tie). I enjoy the volunteer position, but not so much the uniform color choices because I know I look like death warmed over in my long-sleeved White button-down shirt and Black pants. I try to cover as much of the outfit as possible to tone down the icy cool colors. Today I'm wearing my blue jean jacket and a scarf that's turquoise with warm pink and yellow accents. The scarf covers the open area of the jacket quite nicely. Since the the cold steady rainfall snuck up on the weather forecasters today, I'm glad to have a jacket, even if it looks a little casual for the office. What?!!? Isn't it casual Friday? LOL The boss is out of town today. I know--I'm such a rebel!

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That was 2014 wasn't it?


This is how it goes...

Let's see...DS is in 10th grade...and we moved the summer after 7th grade, so we moved almost 3 years ago...and the summer we moved was the year that we all went camping together...I remember us all talking about the up and coming move...so, yep! 2014.;p

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This is how it goes....


This was my version of the math...

We camped last year and the year before in #60 and the year before that was the only year we were in #62 at the back of the cul-de-sac and when y'all came to visit, so, yep! 2014 is right. LOL


Kim, I remember when I first started trying to post our FIRE greens and had that trouble. I'd never used Photobucket before. I haven't tried to upload any of my own pictures for a very long time. Does Photobucket still exist?

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Hi, Ladies.


I'm sitting here, doing a little bit of coughing (hope it goes away soon) and trying to get my thoughts collected so I can even discuss some of them. I'm just all over the place with my current thinking!


Anyway, we got back from an extensive, exhausting trip to New Zealand/Australia. I'll tell you more about it as I had quite a few epiphanies (if you can call my aha moments that!) during and a bit after the trip. I know that what I experienced on this trip has changed my thinking! I don't know if it will "stick", so to speak, but I'm just kind of shaking my hand at some of the issues I had.


Anyway, it's a long story as to why, but we're leaving again in a few days... and this time for the Caribbean! I'm so happy to be going to warmth and beach and beautiful water.


Right now, I have to go on a walk to get my 10,000 steps in for the day. This is a bit of a tease post; I'll be back soon to elaborate. I have been reading everyone's posts and following along. I've been like the silent guest in the back of the room!

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This is how it goes...

Let's see...DS is in 10th grade...and we moved the summer after 7th grade, so we moved almost 3 years ago...and the summer we moved was the year that we all went camping together...I remember us all talking about the up and coming move...so, yep! 2014.;p


Here's my version:


Me: Anita, what year was that?


Anita: 2014


Me: OK

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Travel Thoughts.


Warning: This might get a bit negative because I'm really struggling with my flight experiences. I'm uncertain if the flights were difficult just because of the airline that I chose? That would be Hawaiian Airlines because they're an easy carrier that's moderately priced. It might have been because of the flight times? Not a lot of choice in that and I did the best I could in analyzing body clock-time vs time zone time to figure out the least "worst" choice in not good options. Maybe it was all just a Series. Of. Unfortunate. Events. Anyway, here's my story.


Hawaiian Airlines. We started the trip in what I would not so affectionally describe as an ungodly hour. Our ExecuCar to the airport arrived at 5:40am so that we could get to Phoenix Sky Harbor 90 minutes before our 8:00am flight to Honolulu. This is a 7-hour flight, with the time zone change we arrive in Honolulu at noon. The flight is too early for us to have a "proper" breakfast so I pack us a banana muffin as well as a chicken sandwich in our carry on. We do manage to at least grab a breakfast drink of choice (hot chocolate and coffee) before we board the plane. I'm so glad we did this preparation because (a) how in the world did Hawaiian Air manage to make such a horrible cup of Kona coffee?!? and (b) the food provided was inedible. We arrived at our destination absolutely starving. A muffin and sandwich doesn't stay around when it's really 3pm on a body clock!


The Honolulu Airport is one of the worst airports we visit. It's interminable walking in open air areas. I suppose that super happy people who are going on vacation might absolutely love this aspect. But, being hungry... being tired... it was just something to have to get done. We made our way to the hotel by taking a shared shuttle. Wonderful check in experience! Our room was ready! And we got upgraded to a fabulous ocean front room AND placed on the Concierge Level, so we had access to a morning breakfast and evening drinks and appetizers. Nothing to complain about there! Except.... wait for it. The weather. The weather started to play a recurring theme in some of my problems. I bring it up because I'd really like to hear from you ladies what you would have done with this circumstance? We had booked into Honolulu for 2 nights just so we could break up our flight times and try to have some body clock adjustments to time zone changes. It was meant to be a time where we could get some sun, walk along the beach, eat good food, and relax. We managed the last two items; we did eat good food and we did relax. But, we got no sun and no beach walks in torrential, tropical rain.


We headed back to the Honolulu Airport in a downpour. Our flight was at 3:04pm. We had to check out and be on the shuttle at noon. We thought we could get a decent meal at the airport but we didn't manage to accomplish that. This is very unfortunate because it did set us up for a less than wonderful long haul flight. The problem is that I couldn't check in online because of New Zealand visa issues. We didn't need a New Zealand visa, but New Zealand wanted to make certain that we were actually leaving their country. You would think Hawaiian Air could have handled this, wouldn't you? We had reservations on a flight from Australia with them so why couldn't they put the 2+2 together? What happened is that I had to get into a fairly long line at the gate and show them my SetSail Pass to prove that I wasn't staying in New Zealand beyond their 90-day visitor requirement. No big deal. It just took away the time for food.


I had purchased Premium Economy with Hawaiian Air. This was a huge waste of money. I couldn't have cared about the free drinks, but I thought we would be getting entertainment, better food, and comfortable seats. I have flown Premium Economy on Delta and truly believe that the value is in that upgrade. Not so, Hawaiian Air. My entertainment monitor was broken. Food inedible. And the seats were about as uncomfortable as coach. This was an 8 hour 45 minute flight. We arrived in Auckland at 10:45pm... the next day. Now, this actually wasn't a bad flight. I didn't expect to sleep. I may have napped because I was so incredibly bored with no entertainment on the flight. Body clock math... this wasn't bad. Body clock thought is was almost midnight. I was definitely tired. Didn't care that it was the next calendar day. This aspect of the flight was OK with me.


The weirdest thing is that when we landed we had the most bizarre fumigation procedure I've ever experienced. The flight attendants told us that everyone had to remain in their seats. If anyone got up, the agricultural inspector would start the process over and we would be even more delayed. So, the flight attendants came by and opened up all the overhead bins. The oriental passengers in our cabin area immediately put on face masks! Must have had this happen to them before! Anyway, a flight attendant came by with an aerosol can in each hand and sprayed the overhead bin area. Then, an inspector came on board and walked down the aisles. She indicated that we could go and then... unbelievable!... a fly appeared doing a lazy figure 8 in front of her face. She immediately locked up the airplane's door and we had to wait for 15 minutes until the fly dropped dead at her feet. No one can make up a stupid story like this!


It took us 2-1/2 hours to collect our luggage and go through customs and through agricultural inspection. I was so tired. Everywhere were signs about declaring any food. Also, declaring if you had done any walking on nature trails and those shoes were either on your feet or in your carry on. There were bins everywhere for you to discard anything that New Zealand didn't want you to bring in. If you didn't declare an item and it was subsequently found, the fine was $300 (if I'm remembering correctly). So, of course we get to the inspector for our declaration and I tell them we have nothing. And, then my husband says "what about the nuts?" Nuts?!? OMG. We have nuts! We have peanuts and almonds and a LaraBar... and I completely forgot. So, we amended our declaration and I asked if she needed us to trash them. She said that we were fine and no worries. OK. That was an exciting moment.


We were at our hotel by 1am, New Zealand time. Fuzzy math can't do the body clock time. Just exhausted and threw myself into bed. My DH isn't that way; he has to prepare items for the next morning and do his standard bedtime rituals. No amount of begging makes it go any faster. I think I was asleep before lights were out.


Next flight was the one from Sydney to Honolulu. This was the most horrendous flight experience I've ever had. We've done this once before with only a slight variation. When we flew this route before, we were in Economy and we left Sydney 2 hours earlier.


What I didn't tell you is that we left Sydney in torrential rain. We had a late checkout from the hotel, but we still had to be out of the room by 1:00pm. We got some lunch. We tried to figure out something to do with our time, but the weather was a huge impediment. It wasn't a light drizzle. Again, we're talking about one of those pounding rains that hit the sidewalk and bounce up to soak the bottom half of your pants. Just difficult to maneuver. What to do? What would you do?!? We got to the airport way before we could check in our luggage and had to wait for a few hours sitting with our bags. We then had to wait for 3 hours before boarding the plane. We found a lovely place to have a good meal. But the time just seemed interminable while sitting there, twiddling our thumbs and trying to keep up our spirits.


This time, I thought I was doing us a favor by being in Premium Economy. An absolute joke. OK, here's my complaints. My DH's seat was broken and wouldn't recline. Mine would move slightly but there was an impediment (an oxygen canister or something that looked like an oxygen canister) behind my seat. We left at 9:20pm. They started a beverage service at 9:45pm. They put inedible food in front of us at 10:30pm. Literally inedible. We had no choice of entrees and the fish smelled very, very fishy as soon as you lifted the cover. Not happening. At 11:00pm, they came by with duty-free shopping brochures. At 11:15pm, they came by with Customs Declaration Forms. They wouldn't give me a bottle of water because they didn't have any. Ask me how that lady in first class got all that water. Oh wait. That's right. Moving on.


I tried to sleep. I have a travel pillow, eye mask, noise cancelling headphones, fleece blanket. The noise cancelling headphones cancelled out the engine noise but did nothing to silence the lunatic lady sitting two seats behind me. And, when I say lunatic, I mean that so literally. She was hysterical. Something was very funny. So funny. Hysterical, hyena laughter. And card playing. And card shuffling. And this went on and on and on. Omigosh, what a miserable flight.


They never dimmed the lights in the cabin. Never.


We were scheduled to arrive at 10:25am. Three hours before the arrival time, they started preparing food for first class. Lots of pot banging. Lots of noise. The smell of burning coffee. First class service started at 8:00am. Our cabin had breakfast service starting at 8:45am. If I do the body clock math, what happened was that there was literally only 5 hours of a 10 hour flight that there wasn't something going on that would allow you to sleep. Between the movements of the flight attendants and the noise of passengers and the cabin lights.... sleep wasn't going to happen easily. I was mentally exhausted when we arrived in Honolulu.


Shared shuttle got us to our hotel. And, again, our hotel really pulled through for us! I told the lovely receptionist that I just needed to get horizontal. Just a chaise lounge by the pool. She offered me the use of a room in the hotel for 30 minutes to take a shower and change into more appropriate clothes for pool lounging. How wonderful! And, that's what I did. Just cat napped basically all day by the pool. It wasn't restful sleep. It was more like the sleep you get when you've had a nighttime cold capsule, if you know what I mean. It didn't refresh.


One more flight to get home. The next day we left at 1:00pm. Another 6 hour flight (tail wind!). Arrival at 10:00pm, but only 7:00pm body clock time. Not bad. An oversold flight. Lots of requests for volunteers. Not happening from these two people! It was OK. I had low expectations and they were met. Am I now getting cranky?


There was an amazing woman on this flight, sitting across the aisle from me. The configuration on the plane was a 2-4-2, and she was sitting with this gorgeous baby boy (6 months) on her lap, lap baby. The entire flight. We were about 7 rows from first class. Baby in first class who was unhappy! So unhappy. Our baby was a good little traveler. Cute as a button and quite a flirt. My DH said that he was about ready to tell him that I was way too old for him. HA! Anyway, after quite a bit of flirting, his mom finally said to me, "he's quite taken with you." I said that he must know I need some hugs. Lo and behold, she let me hold that precious baby. So, we ended up having a nice conversation. Here's the topper: she told me that she has a 5-year old daughter as well and that they have family plans to visit Italy on a HIKING trip with the kids, in June. They plan to walk about 8 miles a day, between different lodging in Tuscany. They've done this type of trip before, with their daughter when she was 2. Here's their travel plans. Flight from Anchorage to Seattle, followed by a flight to Heathrow, followed by a flight to Rome, followed by a train ride to Florence, Italy..... IN THE SAME DAY. Start to Finish. Anchorage to Florence. Are you kidding me?!?


What's going on with me? I've become a travel "something that I can't quite put my finger on" person who can't tolerate the whole travel experience. I don't know what to do to make this better for me, physically and mentally. Of course, I know it would be better (in theory) if I paid for business class or tried to get some travel miles to cash in for first class. But, let's be realistic. That's not in the budget


This trip was a ride to further points of the Earth and more adventure. I have no problems with the domestic flights across our country and I've been OK on the flights that I take to Europe. But, right now, I'm really concerned because our next planned trip is coming back from Japan. At this moment in time, I can't imagine how I'll handle another one of those overnight flights. I've been searching and searching for any daylight flights from Tokyo, but they simply don't exist. At least, none do that make any sense. Right now, it looks like ANOTHER flight from Tokyo to Honolulu. It CAN'T be on Hawaiian. It just can't. But, they've go the best flight schedule.


I need a drink.


This is my flight rant. Next up.... luggage!


Seriously. I'd love to hear what any of you would suggest to make any of this any easier.

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So Pam, think of a 38 hour flight, in a military transport plane, with 3 kids who have never flown before, flying into a typhoon. Yup, I know exactly what you mean, flying back & forth from Asia is not for the faint hearted. I swore if I did it again, it would be one of two ways, in first class or in a casket. Melody



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Pam, I snorted when I read your version of what year it was. Literally snorted!


But the travel? Oh. My. Goodness! I can't imagine being so miserable (and I would have been miserable if I were you) while trying to enjoy a trip. Was New Zealand/Australia a good trip?


I don't think I'd be a bit of help in planning better/easier travel. If my flight is longer than 2 hours, I usually take one of my prescription muscle relaxer. I am guaranteed to go to sleep in 20 minutes no matter what is happening around me and I'll sleep at least 1-2 hours. Longer if conditions are good. If conditions aren't good, I can take up to three per day--and I would!

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Pam , Something happens to most of us at a certain age . In our minds we still love the big adventures but our bodies say no way . When i was in my 40's I could have handled all of that and been fine now just the thought of those flights make me need a nap .It is sad that we finally have the time and the money but not the endurance .Who ever said wait till retirement for big trips should be slapped silly .

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Pam , Something happens to most of us at a certain age . In our minds we still love the big adventures but our bodies say no way . When i was in my 40's I could have handled all of that and been fine now just the thought of those flights make me need a nap .It is sad that we finally have the time and the money but not the endurance .Who ever said wait till retirement for big trips should be slapped silly .






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Debbie and Kim!


My brain finally engaged and I realized that you are sailing on the Navigator of the Seas in February.


I'm boarding the Navigator on April 9th. I'm doing a short little 5-day, followed by the 9-day leg. I wonder if we're going on the same itinerary? The 9-day is Labadee, Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire out of Miami. Debbie, have you seen all those flamingo pictures posted by people doing Navigator reviews? I'm pretty sure that you're going to be able to see flamingoes on that island. I've seen some reviews where people have rented golf carts and taken tours of the island in both directions. It looks like fun. I'm going to see if anyone that we're sailing with is up for that so I'll be able to tell you of any "for sure" flamingo sightings.


Other than flamingoes, is there anything you ladies would like for me to pay particular attention to on this trip?

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Anita said that my flight woe posting came off as a little sad. You know, really, I was just trying to be factual about my thoughts and feelings. I think Sailor Sally really said it all. The mind is willing, but the body just has it's own needs and I think that I really need to honor that. So, consequently, I've been doing a bit of searching to find an alternative to the Japan cruise in September. Where are all those people who say that you can get a good price on cruises if you want to book closer to the sailing? I'd like to speak with them and figure out how they come to that conclusion!




Luggage! Another potentially sad topic.


I think Sailor Sally has already chimed in a number of times with her luggage recommendations. I distinctly remember you saying, Sally, that you put together your wardrobe and then put anything back into the closet that won't fit in ONE suitcase. Does that mean the proverbial one checked luggage suitcase? Do you also have a carry on that you take into the cabin with you? And a heavy a$$ purse?!?


My DH did some due diligent research and found TravelPro MAX-Lite luggage that is seriously light for its size. When we received them, it was easy to figure out where the weight was lifted: the hardware wasn't as sturdy nor the handles as sturdy and there were several specialty items like suit carrier inserts that were missing. It was still worth the loss of weight, though, to go ahead and keep them.


Then came the realization that another thing missing was the straps that would allow you to tether the different suitcases together for transport. No worries, he found some straps that would do the job at The Container Store. The problem with them was their length. Again, we figured it out. The situation was that it took both of us to get the luggage tethered. DH had to hold the smaller suitcase up so that I could thread the strap through the handles and cinch it. No. Big. Deal. (in theory).


So, we traveled on this 37-day trip with each of us handling a 25" suitcase that weighed in at about 33.6 lbs. And, a 21" suitcase that weighed in at 20 lbs. And, a duffel bag that went with us into the cabin that weighed about 12 to 14 lbs. And, I had my PacSafe purse that, fully packed, weighed around 8 lbs. So, to be clear, we each had a 25" suitcase, a 21" suitcase, a duffel... and I also had a purse.


Ladies... this is TOO. MUCH. WEIGHT. When I had those suitcases cinched together and put the duffel bag on top, it really didn't matter that I was rolling it. It was a beast. And, then with the PacSafe purse slung around my shoulders, it was just nothing that I want to ever, ever, ever experience again.


Even with all the help that you get from porters and shuttle drivers, you still have to manhandle those bags. Even with valets bringing the bags to your room, you still have to deal with them. It's not happening ever again. I don't care how long the trip is, I'm packing in ONE CHECKED suitcase. I'm carrying a PURSE into the air craft.


I mean it.


OK, I know that words are spoken and the follow through is sometimes lacking, but there's just no way that I'm going to be able to travel with this much burden.... ever, ever again.


What do you think? Think I can do it? I have a 17-day trip coming up in a few days. ONE CHECKED SUITCASE. And.... my purse. I mean it. I'll prove it. I'll come back and let you know I did it.

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I only pack one medium size checked bag no matter how long the trip is . I then have a soft (think Vera Bradley tote ) that I put my small hand bag in .That is it .If I need to send out laundry I do but I have travelled for three weeks through Europe and the South Pacific with that and never needed more . I am leaving in 22 days for 22days and that is what I am taking .For trips under a week I just take a Carry on suit case and my tote .The reason I can do this is almost all my clothes are from Jill so they mix and match even the scarves go with several items .I also only pack a minimal amount of shoes .

Edited by Sailor_Sally
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Same as Sally. One suitcase each & one tote (backpack for Les). Now if we're bringing our full snorkel stuff maybe a carry on suitcase for that instead of tote



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Debbie and Kim! I wonder if we're going on the same itinerary? The 9-day is Labadee, Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire out of Miami. Debbie, have you seen all those flamingo pictures posted by people doing Navigator reviews? I'm pretty sure that you're going to be able to see flamingoes on that island. I've seen some reviews where people have rented golf carts and taken tours of the island in both directions. It looks like fun. I'm going to see if anyone that we're sailing with is up for that so I'll be able to tell you of any "for sure" flamingo sightings.


Thanks! Pam. I'll let Kim chime in, but I'm pretty all sure (Anita) that it's the same trip. 9 days, MIA, Labadee, Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba, yep. I haven't seen recent reviews. Thanks. I'll go look when I've finished here. I looked several months ago and decided golf carts sounded fun, but I'm not certain we can go north AND south all in the same time period. I'd like to know if you think we could manage both or need to pick just one direction. That's my quandry. I don't want to miss out. Shopaholics have FOMO (fear of missing out). I'm afraid that's me on a trip.


I didn't think you sounded sad. Just stating facts as you perceived them. Miserable is miserable and there's not much way to sugar coat the situation.


I feel your luggage woes. I had a similar luggage issue during our last cruise. I told Kim at the airport that I wouldn't "do THAT again!" I didn't weigh any of them, but had a (25"?) check-in suitcase, a (21") carry on and my (100 lb?) tote/purse. My tote would not work cross-body, so like you said--Too. Much. Weight.!!! Kim had two small rolling bags, both looked carry-on size, her cross-body baby purse and away she went. I felt like a pack-mule!!! If I can go to Alaska with a carry-on and a cross-body diaper-bag, I can go anywhere. I'm not taking that much stuff ever again. It was too stinking heave to lug, rollers or no rollers. By the time I got it all from one spot to another for porters, etc., my neck, shoulder and back were all screaming at me to put that junk down!!! Luckily, DH swapped out the heavier and packable and let me take lighter and roller-able, but then I felt guilty.


Next time, I'll take Melody's and Sally's advice. What fits in the carry-on and a cross-body bag will make the trip and that will just have to be good enough.


Enjoy your next trip, Pam, but I'd still like to hear about this one. Did your outfits "spark joy" or did wish for anything other than less to haul?

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Debbie, let me know if you don't find those Navigator reviews that I saw. One discussed the golf cart rental in Bonaire and said that they took off in the morning on one direction, came back to the ship for lunch, then took off in the other direction. So they actually saw both areas of the island which they said was very doable.


Ok, to answer your question.... oh man, this theme of me being absolutely blindsided on this trip continues....


So. In looking at the weather forecast, I knew that we were going to have sunny warm temperatures in Hawaii, followed by rainy cooler temperatures in new Zealand, with rainy warmer temperatures in the South Pacific and sunny HOT temperatures in Sydney. Or so I thought. When I planned for those rainy days, I was envisioning needing to have clothes for cooler temperatures and a rain jacket and an umbrella. So, ultimately, about a third of my wardrobe (that I had to carry around with me because my DH wouldn't let me go find a clothing donation dumpster anywhere saying that I would be "sorry" when I got back home!).... yes, about a third of my wardrobe was very ill suited to my weather conditions. Why?!? Because that darn rain made everything HOT and MUGGY. So, the heavier weight pants and the 3/4-length sweater tops and the long-sleeved rash guards... well, let's just say that the only other time I was so hot was when I wore polar fleece for subzero temperatures in the 60-degree temps in Alaska!


That was problem #1.


On, to.... problem #2. I brought some pants and, of course, coordinating tops for those. Something happened on this cruise that hasn't really happened to me before. I think it was about the fifth day in (and keep in mind that this is a 24-day B2B cruise length), I couldn't button my pants. It wasn't that they were uncomfortable to button.... literally, I couldn't button my pants. So, because I couldn't wear those pants, that made all the coordinating tops to them pretty superfluous. I had plenty of tops to coordinate with a couple pairs of capris that I brought. So, basically, when I came home and separated what I actually wore and created a discard pile of what I didn't wear? The discard pile had 3 pairs of pants and 8 tops and 2 cardigans and a jacket. I didn't weigh them. But, wow, did that prove that I overpacked or what?!? The tops were either brought to wear with the pants that didn't fit or were just too heavy for the weather conditions. I mean, basically, 3 pairs of pants and 8 tops is enough to get you through a week.


And, I noticed that because I had way, way too many "options" from which to choose, I just did the same thing on the cruise that I do at home. You guessed it. Wore the same items over and over again. What I discovered (why haven't I had this smack my face before now?) was that ultimately: (1) I didn't want to wear anything that had a buttoned waistband and (2) comfort was the ultimate decision maker on what I was going to put on first thing in the day.


It's that the dining room closed by breakfast at 9:00am on port days and 9:30am on sea days. I wanted to go grab a fantastic latte. I just wanted to get out of bed and do the basic (very basic) requirements to make myself presentable to the world. Then, I wanted to hurry down for my latte and get into the dining room for a decent breakfast. I didn't want to wander around the buffet. So, literally, I wanted to just pull a sheath dress over my body and call it done. I didn't want to fuss with putting on bottoms and coordinating a top. It was just too much bother. Don't I sound slightly whiny? But, it's the truth!


You know what I've been doing since I got home? Shopping!!! I've been on the hunt for midi- or maxi-dresses that don't hit anywhere on my body but my shoulders. Hey, I can wear the same dress more than once on a cruise! And, I know that I can.... because I did! I don't care about this idea of coordinating tops and bottoms. That's just too much work and not comfortable enough for my current thinking.


I feel like I'm shaking things up for myself. What's going on? Is there a new moon or something?


Sally, you mentioned the South Pacific? Did you enjoy your time there? I have to say that I didn't think the South Pacific was all that.... wonderful. I would much rather have been in the Caribbean. For me, that part of the world is definitely a One And Done.

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Debbie, I check a bag & have a tote to carry on


Pam, I lived in Okinawa Japan for 3 years & traveled extensively while I was there. I concur, give me the Caribbean anytime. Melody



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My Late husband always wanted to go to the South Pacific so we did . One week in Tahiti ,one week in Moorea and one week in Bora Bora . It was a trip like your last one . We drove from New Jersey to JFK than flew to La then flew to Tahiti and had a five hour wait until we could board a ferry to Moorea ( no sleep forever ). It was an interesting experience but one and done to travel all that time to basically get to a beach was just nuts .

I know the answer to your breakfast problem because I had that same problem with hotel breakfasts . Get two decent work out outfits add a ball cap if hair is an issue . You look like you just came from a run and very presentable plus they can be washed in the sink .

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