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Stores that carry "FIRE" season clothing


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O yeah, I know I've been remiss on this thread.. So much going on..

I had a wonderful time on our cruise, but the photos are so few and subpar i hate to post any. And my computer is giving me fits right now..I need a new one and since MS XP is going away I guess I'll have to bite the bullet as they drag me screaming and kicking down the street and get a new one soon, but it will have to wait until late fall.

I've been really busy getting ready for Alaska! Been shopping and OMG! I can't believe I have to buy smaller sizes than I thought! YIPPEE!!!!:D DH is thrilled that I am looking so much better. I am waiting for a few things I ordered to show up and as soon as I get everything set I'll try to get pics...I'm so bad about that..it's so frustrating for me as my house is not conducive to photo taking. With the time change, I may be able to get a few photos in before it gets to dark in the evenings after work now. WE shall see!


Anyway, KIM - I LOVE your frames! I think they look really great on you or rather YOU look GREAT in them!!!! I also worked in this field, and I know how hard it is to get frames to fit these days. As long as they aren't hitting your cheeks when you smile, I think you can wear them and look great! The color is perfect, the style is perfect for your face and bridge. I think they're great..IMHO!!!!:p I only wish I could find a pair like them! I had to get new ones last year and the selection was just awful and I had to settle for something I really didn't want, but everyone in the office said looked nice on...I don't wear them except at home as I wear my contacts ALL the time.


Will try to catch up later!

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Thanks for the comments :)


Glad to hear from you, Linda. Post your pictures anyway, would love to see them. So glad to hear that you're feeling better! Are you still on the nutrition diet you were on before Christmas? Alaska is sooooo on my list to go to. PLEASE do a pictodiary on your cruise!!!


Pam, did you suggest to your friend that she contact CJW? It seems like that would kill two birds with one stone--it would take the guess work away from you and also give her a nudge toward dressing in her seasonal colors. Just a thought.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Ladies... if you've been reading along on the EARTH thread then you know that I'm leaving on a cruise in a few days... with ANITA and family!!!! Such fun in my future!!


Everyone here is so busy, busy, busy. You'd think we'd have time to chat! I must be the only one addicted to the internet. I think I sit in front of my computer a few hours a day, for sure. I probably won't be on after today, so I'm just hoping that things are going well for everybody. Debbie, I so want to hear about the wedding plans and how things are going with you. Kim, I'm unfamiliar with the practice of Lent so I don't know when you'll be able to get back here and let everyone know the decision on the glasses. Linda, are you still planning for Alaska? Just a general catchup would be nice!


I don't know about pictodiaries this cruise. We'll do our best. But, this cruise is more about relaxation, exercise, a shift into a spa mentality and healthy lifestyle with particular attention to the body and biomechanics...


We are all meeting in Ft Lauderdale on Saturday and will have something fun happening on Saturday night. Right now, we think we'll head out to an Irish Bar. On Sunday, we're going to tour the waterways of Ft Lauderdale and act like tourists. Board the Celebrity Constellation on Monday for a short, 5-day cruise. Our ports of call are Cozumel (Nachi Cocum) and Key West. When we return to Ft Lauderdale on Saturday, Anita and family will head back home and we will stay on the ship for a U-turn cruise, with a couple of friends who will join us on the second leg of our cruise. After those 5 days, we will come back and head out for a leisurely visit with Anita before returning home. Lots and lots of fun for us.


When we return, it will only be about 5 weeks until our Official Meet and Greet! Looking forward to that, as well. Today is my hair appointment... which always means the official beginning of the countdown in HOURS for me! :D

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Kim, I'm unfamiliar with the practice of Lent so I don't know when you'll be able to get back here and let everyone know the decision on the glasses.




Lent is the 40 days before Easter (actually before Good Friday). As Catholics, we tend to give up something of importance to us, usually a food or an activity or a bad habit or something that reminds us that this a a time of penitence. I gave up all but 1 hour/day of Internet time. I have been spreading my hour around--I check email, browse some forums that I like, browse in general. I can't get much done in an hour:)


Hope you guys have a great trip!

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, has it been this long since someone has posted...

I love the photo of you all at the meetngreet! Kim, Pam, Debbie and Anita- you all look TERRIFIC!! So sad I missed all the fun! BUT I had a ton of fun with my sister!

Packing has started for my Alaska adventure next week. :D:eek: It so hard to to believer it's almost here! How time has flown! I am going to try to get pics of outfits before they are packed but can't make any promises as my 'puter is giving me more fits lately...I think Microsoft has put a jinx on my XP, since they quit supporting it! I have never had the problems I'm having now...pop ups galore, freezes and unable at times to download or upload photos. What gives!? They just want us all to spend more money we don't have! :mad: Rant over!!!!

Anyway I will try tonight and tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.

I have read and re-read the Alaska thread for clothing ideas. I am going to wear layers as everyone suggests, but I know I'm gonna be too hot! These hot flashes have gotten worse lately. I'm not comfortable in anything unless I have a breeze blowing on me!!!

I was thinking I'd start with a tank top under a short or long sleeved top or blouse, under a hoodie or sweater, under a fleece jacket, under my rain jacket. I can see myself looking like the "Stay Puff Mashmallow Man" wondering the streets.:eek:

As for bottoms I'm wearing jeans. I have 3 pairs of stretchy jeans-( I'm wearing one pair on the plane), 2 pair of dress/work slacks. 2 pair of bermuda shorts and a pair of zip-off pants to shorts. I think that should be plenty. Maybe to many, I don't know. I overthink things sometimes and then begin doubting myself. We have decided to forgo formal nights (2) on the ship. Anyway those are the plans for now, until things go in the suitcase and I may purge a few selections.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Linda...I hope I catch you before you leave!! Have an absolutely FABULOUS vacation!! Safe travels. Rest. Relax. Enjoy. Gaze in wonder. I hope the time DOESN'T fly...but I'm looking forward to hearing all about your trip when you get back!

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Linda, We did miss having you with us for the meetNgreet, but time spent with your sister was soooo much more important. Hopefully, you and others can make it for our Second Annual EARTH and FIRE MeetNGreet. Details to be ironed out later.


I too hope you have a fabulous vacation in Alaska. I'm sure you have your plans set firmly in place, but please wander through the areas outside the dining rooms before the doors are opened for service. We noticed that what the diners actually wore to dinner on our Alaska cruise was MUCH more relazed than our warmer climate cruises have been. Your mileage may vary, but it's worth a casual stroll through the people waiting to be seated before you make your way up to the buffet.


Our port time was very short on one of our port days, and we had been specifically asked during the previous night's meal by the waiter and both helpers to please come to the dining room if we were running late. They said it didn't matter if we didn't have time to change, and evidently, this was normal with this itinerary. We hadn't planned it that way, but boarded the ship with no time to change before our early seating time. If DH and I had been at a table with unfamiliar people, I'm not sure if we would have tried it, but because our table only included four other people that we were travelling with, we made the decision to go as we were dressed, jeans and all. I re-tied the scarf around my neck, fluffed my hair as best I could, put a little color on my lips, and waltzed right in. We arrived at the dining room and realized that everyone we could see from our table were similarly dressed. We did not feel awkward or out of place.


We had plenty of cool breezes! Cami or tank, short, 3/4 or long sleeved top, fleece vest and raincoat over jeans w/without silk long-johns, scarf around my neck was my go-to for port days. Light-weight backpack for DH to carry with 2 water bottles inside were replaced by our coats and vests as the day got warmer. If the port-day was long enough, we put the vests and sometimes the coats back on and DH carried an empty backpack back on board (unless we had souvenirs.)


Please let us know about your trip when you return. DH and I loved Alaska and would go back tomorrow. Hope your trip is equally splendiferous! --Debbie

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  • 2 weeks later...

in my thoughts....


planning a safari with Kim....


Waiting patiently for pictures from everyone.


In the meantime, if anyone needs some SPF clothing or a swim dress, Athleta has a new color called Coral Sunset and Light Coral Sunset. It's a fabulous color! I got the Pacifica UPF Shirt and the Coastline Swim Dress. Good purchase! So, Kim, if you need any sunscreen protective clothing for Africa, I'd recommend a quick look at the site as this color is making its way into the sale/clearance section.

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Thanks for the shout-out about Coral Sunset, Pam. I really like the quick-dry cover-up skirt I used this past weekend at the waterpark, so I've decided my future purchases for the campground will be more technical-type fabrics. They will definitely be used cruising too. Off to see what's still available.

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Hi, everybody,


It seems like so much has happened since our Meet 'N Greet, but when I sit down and think about it I still have a surreal feeling... like... did that REALLY happen?!? LOL.


What I remember the most about our time at the "lake" was watching the transformation in Debbie's face... skin tone, sparkly eyes, rosy lips... when she was draping herself in her many scarves. Wow. What a learning experience that was for me! I realize that when we get it right... really, really right... there's simply no question that we have on the BEST color for us! What happens is that we really want to "like" something and think that it "should" work... and when that happens, we start second-guessing ourself and thinking that we should be able to make that one work so we trick ourselves... or talk ourselves into... that particular item.


What is so, so hard is that there are simply clothes that we need and sometimes we just can't find them in our colors. I know this because I've been on a major, major hunt for items for my upcoming TA.


This is a real issue for me because of the nature of the trip. We are going on the Oasis of the Seas, bringing her from Ft Lauderdale to Barcelona. I don't know why it's taking so long to transit the Atlantic on the Oasis, but it (literally) is taking twice as long as other TransAtlantics I've cruised. We will have 10 straight sea days before we make the port of Malaga. Then, one more sea day to arrive in Barcelona. That is going to be one slow, moving ship.


All those sea days! I'm having to figure out what I really want to wear on board. After we land in Barcelona, we are doing an extended post-cruise with a week in Barcelona, followed by ten days in Paris.


I panicked! We were going to take the high-speed train from Barcelona to Paris, which is a ride that lasts for 6-1/2 hours. I've been looking, every day, for the schedule to extend to our time so that I could pre-buy the tickets. Well, as I was looking at the schedule for last week, an alert came over the website that said the trains were on strike and wouldn't be running for the ENTIRE week. They gave a way to figure out how you could use your ticket and when I looked at that... well, the only train running between Barcelona and Paris was the slow rail train that would take 18+ hours! This just made me so uneasy that I ended up booking a flight, on Air France.


Now, here's our issue. We have a maximum of 26 lbs of carryon, which includes EVERYTHING... our carry on, personal item, purse! EVERYTHING. (per person). Of course, we could check more than one bag (and pay the fee), but this restriction has prompted me to try to just get by with a 24" checked bag, and a carryon tote.


So, I've been weighing my clothes! Now, not only is it about the fit and the color, it's about the weight! And, by the weight, I mean the actual ounces of each item of clothing!


So, Anita came up with an absolutely brilliant invention. Along the lines of the travel vest that has an incredible number of pockets to put items for carryon purposes.... for WOMEN only!!!... the airline PREGNANCY bodysuit. A perfect pouch to stuff additional items of clothing! ROFLMAO!!!


In the meantime, I'm thinking... and weighing... and laughing!!!


For now, though... I think I can do this! I've got my wardrobe planned for the post-cruise portion. I'll let you guys in on my efforts as I continue.


In the meantime, I'm hoping to see some Alaskan pictures from Linda. And to hear from Kim how the safari plans are coming along. Debbie? Come on now, you've got to get a cruise in your future!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Good to hear from everyone!


Nothing much to report from here, just counting the days until our trip :)


Please give a full report when you return, Kim. I felt like I had been to Tanzania after you returned from your previous trip. Can't wait to see the southern portion from your perspective. Your camera skills are much better than mine (or my DH). Our cruise pictures are never post-worthy.


Pam, I can't wait to see your travel vest. Please model it for us after Anita finishes your bodysuit. I'm sure you've read the many articles available online about condensing and compacting what you take in your luggage. I think some of the ideas suggested are fascinating!


I decided a few years ago that I needed to be responsible for my own luggage and not depend on DH to be my pack mule. I've taken warm weather cruises with no problem and short fall vacations to the mountains, but my best test was when I traveled to Alaska with only a carry-on roller and a diaper-bag purse.


Because DH has a c-pap machine, he is already schlepping 3 bags for himself. Someone mentioned that I could be responsible for the two smallest bags, but I can't hand-carry that much weight. Chronic neck/back issues means that I can't lift, pull or carry lots of weight any more, so it's easiest for me to pull a smaller bag with the max-sized purse that can be hooked over the handle or carried cross body. This way I can maneuver wherever and whenever.


If I can do Alaska and be gone from home 10 days, I'm sure you've got this figured out with no problem, girlfriend! Please keep us updated. I've got this mental picture thing going in my mind. Oh, wow!


Linda, have you caught your breath yet? I'd love to hear what you thought of Alaska.


DB, DSIL, DH, DS, DSGF and I anchored on the lake to watch the July 4th fireworks in almost the same spot our Meet N Greet crew was in. While everyone else seemed eager to be up close and personal at various locations up and down the shore, we sat back at a distance and could see fireworks from five different locations up and down the water. Just enough moon to reflect on the water, and just enough large booms to know we were close enough but not too close to the action. No crowds. Just peaceful, calm water and lots of pretty bursts of color in the sky. If you ever have the chance to watch fireworks from the water, please, please, take the opportunity. It's something you won't soon forget. --Debbie

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Hey, Debbie,


Thank you so much for the link you posted on the Barcelona brunch ideas. The one restaurant, Marmalade, is very close to our hotel! And, that link sent me on a grand tour through some Barcelona options for breakfast that include omelettes, eggs benedict, french toast, pancakes! Woot woot! So, we are taken care of for our breakfast and I'm very relieved.


ALSO. That link sent me on a grand tour of Barcelona Happy Hours! For the price of a drink, anywhere from 5E to 6E, for certain days of the week (Tuesday, Thursday finds so far), you get FREE buffet tapas! What's not to like?!? It's a type of meal that they call After Work. So reminds me of the happy hours in Silicon Valley, years and years ago.


So, I'm slowly finding the things that I need. Of course, it's easy to find the Michelin-stars and the highest rated and $$$$ places to dine. But, I want to find the local places with good food and people who live in Barcelona, not the ones visiting Barcelona. Right, natives... I think they're called "natives."


Anyway, just a thank you to you. Still waiting on news about Alaska and some trip descriptions. Waiting, waiting, waiting....


<whispers> Was that an invitation to a July fireworks display on the lake next year?!? Just wondering. <end whisper> Actually, Anita's anniversary is the 5th of July, so she might not be able to make it... darn the luck.... :D

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Well, since the pontoon doesn't belong to me, I can't offer a trip on the water. But I have access to the man that can and I'm thinking it could be arranged. However, a repeat Meet N Greet weekend is definitely offered. I feel almost guilty to have everyone travel except me again, but am more than happy to host our Second Annual. It would definitely be fun!


So glad the info worked out. You research like I do. One link leads to another, then another and before too long, you've found a whole lot of info. Glad it turned out so well for you.

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Hey everyone!!!! I am refreshed somewhat so will try to get a few posts in. WAIT NO MORE!

WARNING!!! What you are about to see may offend and is for adult viewing and reading only!!! Please keep your children away from the computer!!!

So, we were to be part of a group of 18 from our area going to Alaska, but after much investagatin I decided that DH and I should go a day early. I wasn't comfortable with the late flight arrival time in Anchorage (12:30am) Monday morning with our tour starting at 7:00am that same morning.

Now, for some reason Royal Carribbean will not book you a flight or hotel one day before your cruisetour! You have to book that yourself, so ok...So, I had my TA book us flight from Pittsburgh to Anchorage....Flights are through Delta from this area...ok....so Flight and hotel in Anchorage was booked for Saturday June 14 even though we were arriving Sunday June 15. Our tour to start Monday June 16.

Our DS picked us up at noon on Saturday, June 14 and drove us to the airport for our 5:30pm flight to connecting flight from Minn/St Paul to Anchorage.

Getting through security was a breeze for me as I had a TSA precheck, but not so for DH. Guess he didn't smile enough..He wasn't in the best of moods that day. Anyway we get to gate area and decide we better grab something to eat as no food on flights. First photo... des1g7.jpg

I told you these were offensive!

Anyway, tomato red v-neck top with tomato red sweater and no, it is not a set. It just worked out that way. You will see this sweater a lot! Good thing that photo was taken, because I looked no where near this by the time we got to Anchorage, Alaska some 14 hours later!!!!!

Our flight was delayed in MN due to lightning storms & new crew changeover, so we never got to Anchorage until 3:30am their time- keep in mind Anchorage is 5 hours behind us! By this time we had been up almost 24 hours without sleep!!!!

And to top it off, DH's bag was not on our flight!!! NOT such a great start!! Filed claim for bag and got a kit for DH because he didn't listen to me and put his meds and kit in his carryon...he wanted to be macho man and not have his carryon weight him down! hahhah-back-fired big time!!! Next time he will listen... Anyway, we get a cab and get to Marriott Downtown Anchorage at 4 am. I got stuck in the revolving door...Go figure!!!! Set alarm for 9am and fell into bed!!!! End of day 1!!!!

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<whispers> Was that an invitation to a July fireworks display on the lake next year?!? Just wondering. <end whisper> Actually, Anita's anniversary is the 5th of July, so she might not be able to make it... darn the luck.... :D


Not to butt in, but our lake in northern NJ does its fireworks the last weekend in June... and my boat holds 8 comfortably. The cottage sleeps 8, more if you want to sleep on a blow-up or rough it camping in the yard. The water is plenty warm for swimming and tubing by then, and we have two kayaks. If I tempt you to my place for the next M&G then I can't miss it, right??


p.s. Linda that red is awesome on you :)

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YAY!!! Oh I'm so excited to hear about ALASKA!!!


I agree...lovely red on you, Linda!


Seriously rough start to your trip! OMG. The deal with not taking medication in a carry on...this would have made me insane.


MARGARET!!! Oh I'm all over that invitation! Cottage accommodations? Boat? Kayak? If everyone could deal with travel to NJ...that sounds like fun. I haven't been to NJ in years and years...the only time I went was when I was very young...I flew with my Great Grandma to visit my Grandma and Grandpa one summer. I don't recall being there too long and don't recall that much about NJ because I was so young, except that they lived in an area of NJ that was covered in pine trees IIRC.


If beds are provided...and we don't need to pack all the camping gear, then we could research various travel options. We'd have to get this firmed up enough in advance in order to have the most options and take advantage of any sales...


More, Linda!

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YAY!!! Oh I'm so excited to hear about ALASKA!!!


I agree...lovely red on you, Linda!


Seriously rough start to your trip! OMG. The deal with not taking medication in a carry on...this would have made me insane.


MARGARET!!! Oh I'm all over that invitation! Cottage accommodations? Boat? Kayak? If everyone could deal with travel to NJ...that sounds like fun. I haven't been to NJ in years and years...the only time I went was when I was very young...I flew with my Great Grandma to visit my Grandma and Grandpa one summer. I don't recall being there too long and don't recall that much about NJ because I was so young, except that they lived in an area of NJ that was covered in pine trees IIRC.


If beds are provided...and we don't need to pack all the camping gear, then we could research various travel options. We'd have to get this firmed up enough in advance in order to have the most options and take advantage of any sales...


More, Linda!


Like. Like! LIKE!!!

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Linda, That picture is so NOT offensive!!! Wow, what a stressful start to your vacation. No wonder you feel wiped out and need to get yourself sorted now that you're home. I so hope that the rest of the vacation turns into a vacation for you! Eagerly awaiting next installment.


I'm telling you... losing luggage. Holy Mother of Carry On Philosophy. As if I could ever make that work. For all those people who love their carry ons only, I can only say that we don't approach our vacations in quite the same way.


I hope your friends didn't have quite the same level of effort to arrive in Anchorage. It's something to consider when you think of getting to Alaska, that's for sure.


Anyway, back to the picture. I think the tomato red color is just one of our "safe" colors to wear. Can you imagine how tired you would have looked if you hadn't been wearing one of our go-to colors?!? :eek: An o'dark-thirty arrival in Anchorage just doesn't sound fabulous. And I can imagine your poor, tired self getting stuck in the revolving door. Been there! So hoping that the vacation was worth all the pre-arrival shenanigans.....

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Well, I lost my whole post! Just another clink in my armor which is getting pretty holey right about now! Now to remember what I had written :confused:

Anyway, I was tired and discombobulated (is there such a word?) We both were..Lack of sleep does a lot to my mind and body...I need a loony bin!!! It wasn't the end of day, just the beginning. I was so confused when I woke up 4 hours later... thought it was Monday and tour was to begin...I began freaking out... DH had to remind me it was still Sunday...sooo... we grabbed a shower and dressed..felt a little better..(but DH wouldn’t feel better until he got his luggage) and we went down to hotel lobby to check out and then check back in. They were nice enough to let us keep same room. (Think they were really worried we'd freak out on them!) Anyway no sign of luggage....We were to meet RC rep around noon, so that didn't leave us much time to do any sightseeing and we just headed back to room to try and rest some. NOT HAPPENIN'! I can't relax...DH is grumbling about his #(@* luggage...This is not a pleasant hotel room, let me tell you! Can I start the trip over?!? I stare out the window of 1224 at the harbor in Anchorage and dream.... 2a9toya.jpg

Finally it's noon so we head down to lobby again...no rep, he'll be here at 1:00.. Really? So we just hang out in the lobby and outside the hotel and wait...Yep, it's 1:00 and he's here. We check in with rep only to be told he's not our rep! We have to meet with OUR tour guide at 3:00...OOOOOKKKKKKAAAAYYYY!!!!! Can you tell I'm getting a little more stressed about now? DH is still grumbling.....I'm getting major stress...

We decide to leave the hotel in search of some sustenance (FOOD and DRINK-by this time I need to find a BIG BOTTLE of Something!!) No luck, it’s Father’s Day, everything is packed! Wait for tables is 45min to 1 hr. Mood just got worse! So back to hotel we go to grab something at the café there.

Finally at 3:00 we meet with OUR group tour guide for the land portion of our trip.. She has heard about our luggage dilemma and gives us some other news- The rest of the Indiana group isn't coming in tonight! Their flight was cancelled in Pittsburgh!!!! Part of the group (one couple) would be arriving sometime Monday afternoon, the rest Tuesday sometime.... Talk about the universe trying to tell you something!!!!! BUT, at least WE were in Alaska!!! So, I’m not such an OCD planner for nothing!!!

It’s now 3:45 and we’re finally able to leave the hotel to do some sightseeing. Walked to 5th Ave and then to Visitors Center to catch the Trolley Tour.. They gave us a coupon book for shopping downtown and 4:15 time slot. While we were waiting for the Trolley Tour, we shopped a little and I met this guy......amfb4n.jpg Notice the orange snow fence? That was all over downtown as they were repairing the streets. All main crosswalks were blocked and you had to walk to the end of the block to cross the street, then back up and continue your walk on the main street..Must of walked 10 miles! Trolley tour was ok...travelled around downtown and out to Earthquake Park, “Star” the reindeer, housing developments, airport, school…etc…Nothing "earth shattering", but informative. We stopped in a few shops that were open on the walk back to hotel and then back to room and the message light on the phone is blinking….Front desk telling us luggage has arrived??? NOPE…Message is from TA at home who tells us she understands DH’s luggage was delivered and rest of group not coming until later…didn’t know when!!! Funny we had just asked at desk if luggage was here and told nope….. So back down to lobby and advise them of message that luggage was delivered and where was it?? Bellboy had it!!!!! He had tried calling our home number and no answer!!! I just looked at him and said “Where am I?” Anyway…. Yippeee Skipppyyyyy!!!! Grabbed bag and back to room before it disappeared again!!!! Transferred stuff to carryon and now Off to bed…Summer solstice has played enough havoc!!!:p

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Aw. Linda! At least DH's luggage came.


Love the picture of you with the bear. I like the aqua and the red together. I decorated DS' bedroom like that in our Lenexa house. Aqua blue walls and the linens were all red. It's a great combo.


You and Laurie have talked about losing your posts. I don't know what happens. With my laptop, I have randomly hit a key and then everything disappears and I'm back on the thread and my reply to thread window is gone...if I hit the forward button, I usually am able to get my window back with everything that I typed in the box still there. FYI.

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