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Future of the HAL Message Board?


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i'm one of the three or four people left in the world that really doesn't enjoy 'doing' facebook. I have an account there so i can see some friends photos but i probably don't even go there more than once in three or four weeks.


Hopefully, we'll continue to have this great site to talk about hal cruising for long time to come.



ditto !! :)

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This has been a very interesting thread to follow. I started with Facebook about a year ago and didn't understand it at all. Now I am on there every day. To me, Facebook is nothing like this board and I'm sure it will never take the place of boards like this. For me, Facebook has become a way to reconnect and stay in touch with many friends with whom otherwise I wouldn't be in touch with as such. I have had many FB "friends" that I have gotten rid of and many that are soon on the way out. That is the nice thing about it...if someone does things you don't like, you are in control...you can block them or completely get rid of them so you don't have to deal with them anymore.


Just like everything else, this goes to prove the old saying "different strokes for different folks".


For me...I just wonder what is next after the internet...won't the internet ever get full that we need to have something afterward???? Just food for thought. :) :)

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Wow, this is a thread I never thought I'd read on CC. Quite illuminating as to the number of people who use FB.


I'm another. I use it to keep in contact with friends and family all over the world. My partner is a much more occasional user than I am and is always complaining that he can't tell friends anything because I've made a comment about it on FB:rolleyes:.


As a number of users have said it's your settings that determine who and who can't see what you posts, your pictures etc. I am a 'friends only' kinda guy. None of this 'friends of friends' business.


As others have said, we too don't have birthdays, phone numbers, address visible, not even to our friends. Those that should have those details have them. No reason to give identity thieves (who seem to be able to hack into anything these days) an easier job.


Regarding emails - you can send private messages via FB (no-one else can read, they're not posted in your feed) so for those who don't like to share their email address, strangely enough FB gives them this option.


I actually find I don't need to keep in constant contact with everyone - I used to be a mad emailer - because so many of our friends are now on FB. Now we all know what's going on in each other's lives (if we choose to share it) and when we feel like chatting, we just pick up at that phone, or even better Skype each other, over VoIP of course:D

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I really don't find facebook interesting at all. I could easily do without it.


You have to choose the right friends:). Then it can be really fun and very interesting. Also, as I mentioned, it's invaluable for keeping up with family if they're all over the country like mine is.


.................then again, I find myself here and wish I could "Like" or "Unlike" a post that someone else has made.


I still wish we could "unlike" on Facebook, but maybe it's better we can't:D


I think Facebook is waaaaaay to personal. As another poster said, you lose your anonymity.


Anybody can see who your friends and family are. And you can go to anyones page and see who is sending them messages, etc. I go there very limited number of times, maybe once a month. When I get an email that one of my family or friends have sent me a message. Then I always ask them why they just didn't email me, why go to Facebook to send it.


If they counted on me, they'd be out of business. I'm not interested in playing their games and I don't like others just being able to see what I'm saying or doing.


Reading this thread it seems to me the people who have negative feelings about Facebook are the people who haven't really gotten into it, didn't immediately take to it for whatever reason, and therefore didn't learn all the ins and outs of avoiding any pitfalls.


"Everyone" cannot see everything if you have your settings right.


As for the games, none come up on my page. I have all that turned off. I click on "hide" when a new game comes up ... very easy to avoid all the silliness, but if you like it, it's there for you.


As everyone has said ... apples and oranges. There's plenty of room for both venues and FB poses no threat to CC.

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WOW! Thanks for all the feedback. I post on CC mostly to be helpful but occasionally to voice my opinion or chat on a roll call (be sociable ;)). I rarely get on Facebook - mostly to see highlights of a nephew's soccer game or new pictures of a cousin's baby. I don't have anything personal on my page. Occasionally it's fun to see what people are up to, but sometimes I think people post just because.


In it's current form, Facebook doesn't have a good format for posting questions and answers. Searching for anything is horrible! However, I have noticed that people do post questions about cruising on Facebook in order to get information. Overall, not that many people seem to know about Cruise Critic compared to Facebook.


There are so many different interests represented on Facebook that I started to wonder if it (or another social-type site) could evolve into something that will replace various message boards. Everyone wants something that "does it all". The cell phone has become a web brower, clock, calculator, TV, etc. I'm still waiting for the combination fridge/oven/dishwasher. :D

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I'm with you. If I want my friends to see pictures, i e-mail them.



Virtually none of my friends have email addresses anymore - everyone just uses the private message function in their Facebook.


Personally I find the discussions on Facebook to be much more civilized than on message boards because everyone's real name is attached. You can't hide behind a nickname and post nasty things.

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Virtually none of my friends have email addresses anymore - everyone just uses the private message function in their Facebook.


Personally I find the discussions on Facebook to be much more civilized than on message boards because everyone's real name is attached. You can't hide behind a nickname and post nasty things.



If I want to see pictures of my kids and family, I use FB account. None of them email me anything these days. It's either on FB, or I get a text.


I agree ... you can't hide behind a hat on FB. If you're nasty, everyone will know. I think that's why some people like posting on forums ... they can hide behind their name and bully people around. Not that all people on forums are bullies, they aren't, but it's a perfect place for one who has those tendencies to operate. It's like a hit and run!


I was one of those people that wanted nothing to do with FB, but I didn't know what it was, and was a tad bit intimidated by the thought of setting up my account. I love it now!

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I'm one of the three or four people left in the world that really doesn't enjoy 'doing' Facebook. I have an account there so I can see some friends photos but I probably don't even go there more than once in three or four weeks.


Hopefully, we'll continue to have this great site to talk about HAL cruising for long time to come.


Add me to the list. CC is an awesome forum. Really don't like Facebook at all.

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I'm with you. If I want my friends to see pictures, i e-mail them.



It's just so much easier to look at pictures on Facebook! You can look at dozens in a short time. And you get to see other friend's and family's comments ... it's more like getting together.


It does take time to get used to all the ins and outs of FB, but if you take the time to figure it all out it really is a great site.



I agree ... you can't hide behind a hat on FB..........................


I was one of those people that wanted nothing to do with FB, but I didn't know what it was, and was a tad bit intimidated by the thought of setting up my account. I love it now!


Well ... some of us can hide behind a hat!!!:D


You're so right. You have to get to know what FB is all about to enjoy it. I was SO intimidated in the beginning, but now it's a breeze.


Still ... completely different animal than CC and one cannot take the place of the other because CC is all about cruising and FB is about everything. Definitely room for both:)

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Ehh.. Technology changes all of the time. There is always some new hot thing right around the corner.


How many people here used mailing lists, usenet, and irc back in the early 1990s? Heck, how about gopher?


Even lots of forum sites use different forum software over the years. Things change. Needs change.


My father had to explain the concept of party lines to me one day. Now, there are four year olds walking around with cell phones.

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I have a confession. I'm another one who thought I'd never, ever get an account on Facebook, I thought who needs it?! I can just email or call my friends, so much easier.....


Then my daughter's mother-in-law asked me to join. Seems that she was way more up to date with my daughter's life than I was.... :rolleyes: That did it, I couldn't have that, jealous person that I am! :p Since my kids post dozens of pictures and videos every week, I'm now totally in the loop. Not to mention the old long-lost friends I wouldn't have found since I didn't know their email addresses to "just email or call them".


I agree with Heather when she said it appears that most people who don't like FB don't understand it and how the security settings work. I've set mine at the highest possible standards and am satisfied. You have much more control than you may think.


And twinkletoes my kids are the same, it's either Facebook or texts. I learned how to text and FB because of my kids. :D My son texted me the other day to let me know there would be a video of him on his FB page. So I've been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century and love it now. :D

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It's pretty funny to read all the opinions, for and against, concerning FB. Personally, I enjoy FB for the same reasons others have already stated... it's a great way to share almost continually in my out-of-state children's day to day activities, it's a great way to view and share pictures and videos, and it has reconnected me with many, many old friends and distant family that I would never have found and kept in communication with otherwise. I have my security settings maxed out... only friends can view my information. I don't play games, download the applications, nor click on all those "likes". And I hide all the games, applications, gifts, quizzes, etc. that my friends use, so I don't have to continually receive posts concerning these activities. Also, I am not a friend collector. My FB friends really are my friends, so I am interested in the things they are involved in, no matter how common and day-to-day the activities.

Do I think FB will take the place of CC? Not in it's current form. But I think there is a very real possiblity that eventually a social networking sight may morph into something that could take the place of CC. As things stand right now, I believe comparing FB and CC is a bit like comparing apples to oranges.. they are totally different animals.

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Wow. Can't say I get that at all. You actually think CC is normal? It's fun and normal if you're not addicted to it and fortunately I've kicked the habit, but at a price.


Do you know what it's done to some people? Probably not because they're not here anymore. Until you get the hang of it and can disconnect from it, this can be a very hurtful, judgmental place. I've seen people come and go here; many are my friends. Someone very dear to many of us here told me she just left here and filled her off time on Facebook instead because it was just so much more fun without the pettiness. Only reason I'm still here is that much of CC is helpful, some is fun, and I've learned how to just let it be.


Facebook on the other hand is great fun and you get to pick and choose who you're chatting with. Granted, there are a lot of young people who have literally thousands of so called friends on FB so they can get in a heap of trouble, but that's another issue altogether.


I got drawn to FB by my younger friends and family. I fought it tooth and nail until I learned how to "play" it. I'm careful who I friend and I don't hesitate to "de-friend" (although I only had to do it twice). I learned to get the settings right, check them regularly, and I make sure that I write absolutely nothing there that I mind having get out just in case.


It's a wonderful way to catch up with friends and family all over the world, see photos of their children and families, and basically find out what's going on in their lives. Most fun is always seeing the absolute latest photos and videos of all the little ones in my life that I wouldn't see otherwise.


On Facebook most of us are real people with real names ... not just an often faceless body with a made-up name hiding behind a keyboard able to slice away at whoever you want whenever you want. I had one very old friend from the 60's defriend me when he found out he didn't like my politics. I'm fine with that because he didn't slice away at me, tell me I was stupid or crazy ... he just retreated. I get that and it's okay:).


I check in on FB every day, but rarely for more than 5 or 10 minutes, and I get a quick read on just about everyone. If I want to know more, I send a private message, call or email.


At the same time you can become a "fan" of favorite cruise lines, airlines, stores, news shows, even weather ... the list is endless.


To suggest that there's something abnormal about Facebook just means you really haven't taking advantage of all it has to offer or eliminated anything that is distasteful to you or doesn't interest you. For instance I click on "hide" for all the silly games lots of my friends like to play ... just not for me.


But it will never take the place of Cruise Critic because it's a completely different animal. If someone has just decided to take their spare time over to Facebook instead of here, it's just because they like the climate a little better over there:).


But Cruise Critic will definitely live on and be a valuable asset to many cruise travelers down the road. Facebook can never replace the benefits of CC. It's just another avenue to walk down.


Amazing how that happens. I've had two friends defriend me for the same reason I believe...they're not my friends any longer so that's what I suspect anyway...one from high school; the other a college friend.


I find Facebook very useful and fun...and next time I'm at Barnes and Noble, will buy the book "Facebook for Dummies" to set up a page for our inn. In fact, the chamber of commerce recently had a a seminar on how to benefit from social networking...unfortunately we've left the island for the winter so couldn't attend.

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I can understand some people resisting a new technology and either not wanting to try it or being afraid to, but I cannot understand being so against something you don't even use. Personally I think they are missing in on a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, but just don't understand the anti-FB attitude.

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I am not a Luddite but I do not have a Facebook page. I choose to remain off the "grid". Not to sound paranoid or anything, but with all the personal information posted on Facebook, it will be very easy to round you up if and when the time comes. :eek:

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I guess I'm the odd one out, it appears. FB is quite useful to me--we have friends and family stretched over several continents and time zones. Most work and have little time to send emails to each individual with pictures, updates, etc. FB gives me the opportunity to keep up with all of them--it's wonderful to stay up to date and know what is happening. I have been able to reconnect with people I'd lost touch with and I consider that a blessing. I've also been able to *ignore* those with whom I prefer to stay out of touch... ;) I don't post that often but I enjoy reading what my friends and family have to say and see everyone's pictures.


My info is incorrect (birthdate, etc). Those who know me know the truth. Otherwise I can stay quite anonymous....


Message boards, facebook, email, texting--life is fluid and changing...


I agree with you. I've been "talking" to folks I haven't seen in years since they live so far away. It's a wonderful tool to use. It helps me keep in touch with family and friends. There are so many tools on Facebook that help you plan a reunion, exchange photos, and learn about subjects that you would not necessarily research. Of course, one must be careful about disclosing personal info, but it's just a matter of common sense.:)



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And twinkletoes my kids are the same, it's either Facebook or texts. I learned how to text and FB because of my kids. :D My son texted me the other day to let me know there would be a video of him on his FB page. So I've been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century and love it now. :D


We are so much alike! I really fought this but it's such a wonderful thing that I now so glad I took the time to learn the new technology. If you don't keep up, you'll be left behind. :)

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This reminds me of *certain* people who call the newspaper asking for information, and if I even suggest that they could find the answer on the Internet, they shriek "I don't have a computer!"


Like it's a demon-infested machine that might capture their souls! :eek:


Really, FB can be a useful tool ... and if you don't like it, don't feel the need to insult those of us who do.


Of course on FB you can only count friends ... not your number of posts.

Maybe that's why some don't like it?

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this reminds me of *certain* people who call the newspaper asking for information, and if i even suggest that they could find the answer on the internet, they shriek "i don't have a computer!"


like it's a demon-infested machine that might capture their souls! :eek:


Really, fb can be a useful tool ... And if you don't like it, don't feel the need to insult those of us who do.


Of course on fb you can only count friends ... Not your number of posts.

Maybe that's why some don't like it?


I completely agree.....:D :D

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It's just so much easier to look at pictures on Facebook! You can look at dozens in a short time. And you get to see other friend's and family's comments ... it's more like getting together.


It does take time to get used to all the ins and outs of FB, but if you take the time to figure it all out it really is a great site.




Well ... some of us can hide behind a hat!!!:D


You're so right. You have to get to know what FB is all about to enjoy it. I was SO intimidated in the beginning, but now it's a breeze.


Still ... completely different animal than CC and one cannot take the place of the other because CC is all about cruising and FB is about everything. Definitely room for both:)


I love that pink hat! :)


I agree ... CC and FB are two completely different forms of interacting with others on a computer. They both have their place in my world. I behave the same on my FB as I do on CC. I try to be nice to all as I do in my life. I'm sure some of the bully posters behave the same way in their world as they do here, but when you can be anonymous, it's a lot easier to get away with things like that on a forum because the anonymity allows people to be whatever they want to be ... good or bad.


I visit several forums (not just cruising) and there's always a clique of people that more or less rule the roost. They run off a lot of people, but there's always a fresh batch of newbies that come along. All it takes is being tossed under the bus and they'll eventually "get it." lol And they will go under the bus. All you have to do is disagree and .... it's over. lol


Anymore, I just look for the info I am looking for and don't bother posting.

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