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Future of the HAL Message Board?


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I think it will ultimately depend on number of members and core demographic. Most companies, mine included, track social media for opinions, complaints, and trends. We have a very small group of people who monitors Twitter and Face Book as one part of their job responsibilities, looking for any mention of our company. When people have complaints or good experiences they are likely to post that info and share with their friends via social media.

HAL is known to monitor these boards. They would be wise to monitor Twitter and FB as well, and I'm quite sure they are already doing that.

Over time, perhaps CC will lose its influence on HAL to FB and Twitter. Right now though, I think HAL would find more of its core member on CC than FB and Twitter, simply because this site has been around longer and is more familiar to many of HAL's usual demographic. One thing that sets Twitter and FB apart from CC is lack of censorship. That may or may not be beneficial to HAL as a business tool, but I can tell you that although my company has a traditional message board dedicated to it, that board certainly doesn't hold the clout that FB and Twitter do.

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I'm one of the three or four people left in the world that really doesn't enjoy 'doing' Facebook. I have an account there so I can see some friends photos but I probably don't even go there more than once in three or four weeks.


Hopefully, we'll continue to have this great site to talk about HAL cruising for long time to come.


I don't enjoy the Facebook thing either. DH likes it, I really don't get it.

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it may be "normal" but i have no desire to be a part of it. getting emails from friends that ask me to become their friend? well, if you cant time time to call or write or email....how friendly (on a personal basis) are you?


too many scary things "out there" facebook is not worth the time and effort to me at all.

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...I don't like others just being able to see what I'm saying...


You just did...right here on CC. ;)


... but I cannot understand being so against something you don't even use.


Hmmm...sounds familiar. Could it be CC members bashing ships or cruiselines they've never experienced? :D

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George F. Will has an interesting article in Newsweek, entitled " Robert Weissenstein's Exhilaration". Mr. Wiessenstein is the chief investment officer with Credit Suisse Private Banking, who believes the world is in the midst of an "accelerating process of pervasive global restructuring - regional, industrial, and behavioral."


Here are the final two paragraphs of Mr. Will's article, pertinent to the discussion here. I find them fascinating:


"Today, three years is an eternity. In October 2007, 81 percent of Facebook’s 50 million users were younger than 24. Today, 45 percent of its more than 500 million users are 35 or older. What starts in a Harvard dorm room can quickly conquer the world.



Three million iPods were sold in 2.5 years; 3 million Kindles were sold in two years; 3 million iPads were sold in 80 days; 3 million iPhones were sold in three weeks. What exhilarates Weissenstein is the certainty that there will always be a next new thing, and that it will not be new for long."

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In addition, I've found that there are just as many Ether-Bullies there as there are elsewhere - No they won't post to your wall, but they'll make comments on the walls of organizations or businesses that you "like", and some of them get downright nasty in a way that makes you long for the "good old days" of moderated web forums like CC...

...then again, I find myself here and wish I could "Like" or "Unlike" a post that someone else has made.


Excellent observations. I agree that the CC mods have these boards locked down pretty tight. This makes for a safe (albeit bland & inane at times) sandbox but unfortunately prevents the natural “thinning of the herd” that you get elsewhere on the internet (and some good folks get banned or otherwise lose interest in the process). I’ve found the “meanies” on CC to be generally dim-witted and I doubt would last a minute a typical internet board.


Think twice, be nice! :)


…and what a great addition the Like/Unlike buttons would be here on CC.

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I think it will ultimately depend on number of members and core demographic. Most companies, mine included, track social media for opinions, complaints, and trends. We have a very small group of people who monitors Twitter and Face Book as one part of their job responsibilities, looking for any mention of our company. When people have complaints or good experiences they are likely to post that info and share with their friends via social media.

HAL is known to monitor these boards. They would be wise to monitor Twitter and FB as well, and I'm quite sure they are already doing that.

Over time, perhaps CC will lose its influence on HAL to FB and Twitter. Right now though, I think HAL would find more of its core member on CC than FB and Twitter, simply because this site has been around longer and is more familiar to many of HAL's usual demographic. One thing that sets Twitter and FB apart from CC is lack of censorship. That may or may not be beneficial to HAL as a business tool, but I can tell you that although my company has a traditional message board dedicated to it, that board certainly doesn't hold the clout that FB and Twitter do.


Very good post, but you probably scared the heck out of a few people here with the facts about FB's influence on HAL surpassing that of CC. :eek:

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Let and let live. First, I still can't figure out for the life of me why everyone who doesn't want to use FB is so defensive about it.


And second, I honestly don't get the comparison or the concern that somehow CC will go away because of FB. CC is for finding detailed information about cruising. You really can't do that at all on FB. And CC was never meant to be a gathering place for your friends; FB is.


Third, if anyone thinks they are all that anonymous here on CC anymore (except for a few who share absolutely nothing about themselves, never show up for a roll call, never meet up with other CCers on ships), they are wrong. I see a lot more sharing of inner selves here on CC than I've seen on FB ever!


I can understand some people resisting a new technology and either not wanting to try it or being afraid to' date=' but I cannot understand being so against something you don't even use. Personally I think they are missing in on a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, but just don't understand the anti-FB attitude.[/quote']


This is it exactly. As I mentioned, I fought it for a long time even after I joined! But once you understand it, you see what a great way it is to keep in touch with everyone on a daily basis. You could never do it through emails or phone calls without sitting at your computer or phone the entire day. I know some people here do that, but (as you said) "I have a life":)


and this CC sit is adequate. I don't twit or do any of that stuff. I do have a life.


Actually, it's because we all have a life that FB works for us. It's a quick easy way to keep in touch with friends and family without spending your day on the computer or on the phone.


CC is not a friend-making place for the most part (although I have made a few friends here). While you can find an infinite amount of cruising info here that is very helpful, most of the time threads turn into a debate about just about everything ... everyone gangs up on others and it often becomes an ugly shouting match; not a whole lot of "friendly" going on.:rolleyes:


it may be "normal" but i have no desire to be a part of it. getting emails from friends that ask me to become their friend? well, if you cant time time to call or write or email....how friendly (on a personal basis) are you?


too many scary things "out there" facebook is not worth the time and effort to me at all.


That depends on who you choose to friend on FB. I friend friends. Sure, you can collect friends there just like people collect number of posts here, but it doesn't make either more important. If you know who your friending, there's nothing dangerous about it.


I think there's some pretty scary stuff going on right here. And in my time on FB not one "scary" thing has happened to me. Can't say the same for CC.

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Let and let live. First, I still can't figure out for the life of me why everyone who doesn't want to use FB is so defensive about it.


I see this a lot with my friends, but you don't hear the younger people saying anything negative about FB. I hope I never get to the point where I say "I have no use" for a certain technology. Once you quit learning to expand your horizons, then it's over, IMO.


In our business I can't tell you how many 50-60 and older people, mostly men, come to us looking for a job, but we can't hire them because they've failed to keep up with computer technology. And now they are hosed. They don't want to go back to learn what they need to be employable by us, or many businesses, so they in a bad spot. We hear "I don't see any need for that" a lot. I realize this is a different kettle of corn, but my point is if you're going to stay connected, you've got to expand your horizons. I remember when email was the big thing ... now it seems almost obsolete. But to each his own. I gave it a try and I am glad I did. I have enough friends and family that FB really works for me when it comes to keeping in touch. :)



As I mentioned, I fought it for a long time even after I joined! But once you understand it, you see what a great way it is to keep in touch with everyone on a daily basis. You could never do it through emails or phone calls without sitting at your computer or phone the entire day. I know some people here do that, but (as you said) "I have a life":)


I did the same thing. I wasn't real excited about figuring this out, but I want to keep up with everyone else, so I did it and I am thrilled that I did. We have relatives and friends all over the world and I just simply do not have the time to call them, email them, or even text them all ... nor do they have the time. FB allows me to keep in touch and see what's going on with a lot of people in a small amount of time.




CC is not a friend-making place for the most part (although I have made a few friends here). While you can find an infinite amount of cruising info here that is very helpful, most of the time threads turn into a debate about just about everything ... everyone gangs up on others and it often becomes an ugly shouting match; not a whole lot of "friendly" going on.:rolleyes:


There is a ton of info here, that's for sure. I've seem one too many newbie come along with a simple question only to be raked over the coals. That's what anonymity allows.



I think there's some pretty scary stuff going on right here. And in my time on FB not one "scary" thing has happened to me. Can't say the same for CC.


How true. What's amusing is how some people jump to side with some of the bullies. lol Just wait until you have a different opinion. We all know how the bully works ... it's no different that what goes on in a school playground. These types of forums are all some people know. It's their turf ... and they don't like their toes stepped on.


Back to lurking where it's safe ... :)

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We are so much alike! I really fought this but it's such a wonderful thing that I now so glad I took the time to learn the new technology. If you don't keep up, you'll be left behind. :)



Maybe we're long lost twins?? Or clones?? :D:D

Must be something, because I agree with everything you've ever said here, on this thread and others. (you nailed it about the bullies) ;)

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I have a Facebook page, signed up to meet up with some old classmates, but that's about it. I post something once in awhile, put up pics for my friends to see and view pics from my friends.


I do know some people who are very obsessive about facebook. Personally, I really don't care that you are drinking a cup of coffee. :p Seriously, you have nothing more important to say than "coffee, I need coffee" ? I think the same about Twitter.


I do not think I have checked out any retail Facebook sites. I really don't think I would use that as a viable way to check out a store, cruise, or anything else. For me, it is a place to check in with friends occasionally.

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this is very true.


it may be "normal" but i have no desire to be a part of it. getting emails from friends that ask me to become their friend? well, if you cant time time to call or write or email....how friendly (on a personal basis) are you?


too many scary things "out there" facebook is not worth the time and effort to me at all.

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The Company I work for is doing the samething. Use fb and twitter to track social media for opinions, complaints, and trends. We also have a very small group of people who monitors them both looking for any mention of our company. When people have complaints or good experiences they are likely to post that info and share with their friends via social media. To stay current with product trends/likes and dislikes.



I think it will ultimately depend on number of members and core demographic. Most companies, mine included, track social media for opinions, complaints, and trends. We have a very small group of people who monitors Twitter and Face Book as one part of their job responsibilities, looking for any mention of our company. When people have complaints or good experiences they are likely to post that info and share with their friends via social media.


HAL is known to monitor these boards. They would be wise to monitor Twitter and FB as well, and I'm quite sure they are already doing that.


Over time, perhaps CC will lose its influence on HAL to FB and Twitter. Right now though, I think HAL would find more of its core member on CC than FB and Twitter, simply because this site has been around longer and is more familiar to many of HAL's usual demographic. One thing that sets Twitter and FB apart from CC is lack of censorship. That may or may not be beneficial to HAL as a business tool, but I can tell you that although my company has a traditional message board dedicated to it, that board certainly doesn't hold the clout that FB and Twitter do.

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I surely hope not. We don't even have access as I get as far as registering and can't bring myself to give so much personal information. With the security breeches they've had, I've been glad not to be involved. That said, it seems like most people I know are on it and we are left out of the communications. I know companies need to keep up with the younger generation in terms of advertising and it seems social networking sites are "in". HAL, however, has a loyal customer base of people who are not of the Facebook era...maybe not even the internet era. It would not serve them well to have "Facebook only" specials that ignore their loyal base. (When I was at the Mariner reception on the Veendam, the captain said that one cruise he had had only four people who were NOT Mariners so he invited them, too.) Embrace the new...but don't neglect the old (literally) that pay the fares year in and year out.

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I have a Facebook account and also enjoy Cruisecritic alot.

Like so many others have stated, my primary usage for Facebook is to keep in touch with classmates,friends who live out of town, cruise buddies, and co-workers.

My "friends" list is rather small compared to most people I know (only have about 55 people).

I work with alot of people in their 20's and early 30's. They express almost everything via Facebook. Some of it can fluff items and others are tibits about what's going on at work.

Recently, one of my co-workers was on a cruise and she updated from the time she was checking in until she left the boat. Right at the minute update on the Lido lunch, to walking about in the port area is on Facebook. Pictures of her and boyfriend enjoying the beach, formal night, a drink at the bar is posted right when it happen. To her this site is stone age and too slow for her group.

I think that Cruisecritic will never go away. This site is so helpful with alot of insight and easy to backtrack info. I just think that the average person on this site are older than the average Facebook crowd.

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............. I hope I never get to the point where I say "I have no use" for a certain technology. Once you quit learning to expand your horizons, then it's over, IMO.




There is a ton of info here, that's for sure. I've seem one too many newbie come along with a simple question only to be raked over the coals. That's what anonymity allows.



TT, to your first point ... me, too. When you start shutting out you start shutting down:). I don't like the next step from there!;)


And to your 2nd point, in a nutshell that's why I shy away from posting for the most part. But every once in a while, I can't stop myself.:D


The best part of FB is you never have to lurk ... you know you're among friends:).

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Well I am an avid Facebook user and have to say that I totally agree with Heather.


Facebook will certainly not do anything to eliminate Cruise Critic, if anything Facebook has probably helped to grow the number of users. Facebook can be an excellent tool for business and communication with family and friends. In just the last couple of weeks I have connected with about 8 poeple that I have not seen for well over 30 years.

As for Cruise Critic, I do not have time to read posts on all the different areas/chat boards of Cruise Critic but because I see their posts on Facebook I get links to items that may be of interest to me and can go check them out. I find I am far more informed than I ever was.


I agree that I tried Twitter but just cannot get into the short limited number of words that really does not tell me much. I believe that Twitter will eventually merge into Facebook. Hard to tell what we will be doing for social networking 5 years from now but if you don't attempt to use Facebook you really do not know what you are missing.

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As someone who doesn't currently use Facebook, I'm just curious how do you find it is less time consuming to keep up with others than email? Several people have mentioned that -- but if I send a quick email (with or without photos) to a "group" of friends, it seems to me it'd be just as easy as putting that info on Facebook. Plus, if someone emails me back, I'm always on email so I will see it sooner than if I have to go to Facebook and look for updates....?


Am I missing something?

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