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Everything posted by Oceanwench

  1. Love Rachel! We saw her on the April TA on Rotterdam. Very talented!
  2. Do you remember how they ended each meal by bringing out a big plate of pink cotton candy?
  3. I hope the chicken parm will be on the new menu. We really enjoyed it! We'll be on Rotterdam April 3.
  4. Rotterdam has a dedicated library space on Deck 2 -- the OP is sailing on Rotterdam. Explorations Cafe is up in the Crow's Nest.
  5. Pinnacle Class brought me back to HAL. Had an aft cabin on Rotterdam for a TA and I loved it! Booked another for this year, and one on NS for next year. I'd been cruising on NCL for several years with kids and grandkids -- a better fit for all. But when I am adulting, I'm staying on Pinnacle ships.
  6. Scotland! I'm looking at that one. Has lots of interesting ports.
  7. I wish people would read better! The Rolling Stone Rock Room has nothing to do with the Rolling Stones! It's sponsored by Rolling Stone magazine. That said, it's a venue playing classic rock. Many songs are from the '60s and '70s. Songs I grew up with -- and I am old! LOL (Do the math!) On Rotterdam, the Rock Room was always busy -- and we were sailing at half capacity. The musicians were extremely talented. One of our group was a professional musician, and he appreciated the band's skills. They played a variety of music from the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, Tom Petty, etc. We booked another cruise on Rotterdam, because we enjoyed the Rock Room so much. The ship has a separate venue for BB King Club, and that was popular as well. HAL could eliminate the piano duo -- our ears bled at their bleating!
  8. Thank you for doing this! We never aim to get to the 15-drink limit. That's not the reason we get the HIA package. For us, it makes sense because -- as demonstrated above -- it's economical. We drink specialty coffees every day. DH has a beer or two at lunch. We have a drink with dinner. We go to the RS Rock Room (or BB King) until it closes, and have drinks there -- usually the specialty drinks of the venue. Those add up to much more than the $50/day charge of HIA.
  9. We moved up via Club Orange from a verandah cabin (don't remember category) to an aft-facing verandah for our TA next spring. Very easy to do, and we are thrilled!
  10. After final payment, HAL will put the accessible suites into the general inventory, so they can be assigned to people with guarantees. There are difference in these cabins, but I cannot remember them. My late husband and I stayed in accessible suites many years ago.
  11. We ordered a gallon on both of our cruises this year. We were charged almost $7 each time. No big deal. Not worth lugging a gallon to the ship!
  12. My sister recently asked me what to do with her tiles. I told her to donate to a thrift shop. I've seen some in second-hand stores. I have a big pile of them, many repeats. They just collect dust!
  13. Just upgraded to an aft verandah via CO. $15 a day for a 16-day cruise next year. We had to pay at the time we added it. I'm not sure of what veranda category we had before, but it wasn't the lowest.
  14. We called the number someone posted above and spoke to someone at HAL. She said Club Orange was available, $15/pp per day. She also upgraded us to an aft verandah. She said she'd notify our TA of the changes. We did get charged another $30 pp for insurance ...
  15. My TA is saying $25 or $35 pp per day on our cruise, which is 16 days in length. I'd be willing to do it if it were $15 pp, just for the upgrade to a better cabin within the category.
  16. How does one even get the offer? I've never had one. Do I not gamble enough?
  17. You could sit at the bar across the way and have it delivered to you, then walk out with it. I've seen people do that.
  18. Hoping things will change before then! I think they will.
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