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OMG--This was so embarrassing


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I don't even know if I want to tell the entire Internet of my stupidity, but if it helps one person in not repeating my blunder it might be useful.


On Monday November 8th as we went through security to embark on the Century, my husband had his swiss army knife taken. Duh, you can't have that packed in your carry-on. They handed him a receipt so he could pick it up at the end of the cruise and off we went.


Fast forward to yesterday as we got off the ship and I offered to run into the security office and reclaim his knife. Once at the counter the girl asked me for ID. I reached into my purse and to my horror, I realized that I'd left my wallet right outside the safe in the cabin. PANIC!!


I'd like to note that I have never ever left anything behind on a cruise ship before. I always look in all the cabinets, drawers and under the bed prior to leaving. I just didn't look around the safe area as my husband had grabbed our passports and I didn't even think...


Anyway, I knew I was going to be stuck standing in that little area while someone retrieved the wallet and brought it down through customs. That's if the wallet was still there....and that's if someone was honest enough not to pilfer through it and grab the couple hundred dollars that was inside.


An hour and a half later a celebrity representive arrived with my wallet in hand...contents intact. Thank goodness we weren't trying to rush for a plane!! Also thank goodness that my husband had been stupid enough to pack a swiss army knife in his carryon or I never would have thought to look for my purse till hours later.


Just a lesson in not leaving something behind...security at embarking and disambarking is tight and there are only a few who can cross the threshold between the ship and the dock.


The only giggle I had during the waiting period was watching people picking up the 'prohibited items' in the box. We really wanted to see who was going to show up for the handcuffs....but they never came for them.

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My husband has embarrassed himself TWICE.. :rolleyes: Cant believe he did it twice but he left his sail pass card in the pants from the night before that got packed in the luggage.

TWICE he couldnt "ding" out when leaving the ship... Horrible time to get hung up. when trying to get off the ship.


the first time they made a bit of an issue of it.. The second time they just let him go..

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I don't even know if I want to tell the entire Internet of my stupidity, but if it helps one person in not repeating my blunder it might be useful.


On Monday November 8th as we went through security to embark on the Century, my husband had his swiss army knife taken. Duh, you can't have that packed in your carry-on. They handed him a receipt so he could pick it up at the end of the cruise and off we went.


Fast forward to yesterday as we got off the ship and I offered to run into the security office and reclaim his knife. Once at the counter the girl asked me for ID. I reached into my purse and to my horror, I realized that I'd left my wallet right outside the safe in the cabin. PANIC!!


I'd like to note that I have never ever left anything behind on a cruise ship before. I always look in all the cabinets, drawers and under the bed prior to leaving. I just didn't look around the safe area as my husband had grabbed our passports and I didn't even think...


Anyway, I knew I was going to be stuck standing in that little area while someone retrieved the wallet and brought it down through customs. That's if the wallet was still there....and that's if someone was honest enough not to pilfer through it and grab the couple hundred dollars that was inside.


An hour and a half later a celebrity representive arrived with my wallet in hand...contents intact. Thank goodness we weren't trying to rush for a plane!! Also thank goodness that my husband had been stupid enough to pack a swiss army knife in his carryon or I never would have thought to look for my purse till hours later.


Just a lesson in not leaving something behind...security at embarking and disambarking is tight and there are only a few who can cross the threshold between the ship and the dock.


The only giggle I had during the waiting period was watching people picking up the 'prohibited items' in the box. We really wanted to see who was going to show up for the handcuffs....but they never came for them.


You are not the only one. I boarded Summit in Bayonne on Oct. 24, and the safe was locked. I tried everything to open it, but it was locked. I told the steward, and he said he had several that were, and he had reported them. They came and opened the safe for the people across the corridor, and later, just before the muster drill, they came to open mine. Someone in a black uniform. He turned to go out the door as the safe door drifted open, and in i looked...and saw a big fat wallet! I leaned out the door and said 'Wait! Wait!'. He started to say something, and I said 'There is something in it!' He came back and reached in and took out the wallet, the long women's type that has a zipper compartment plus snap fold area for cards. He opened the card part. looked, grunted and said 'oh', and then 'Let's put this back, and call security to come get it'. So he put it back in the safe, locked it, and left. They hadn't come back when I went to drill, but when I came back, the steward said they had come and got the wallet. I hope the shore team got the wallet returned. EM

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Lucky your husband saved the day ;).


Just to make you feel better, here is a true story that occured on a cruise earlier this year. Some guy followed instructions too closely when he packed all his stuff the night before. Let me emphasize-ALL his stuff. The next morning, he had nothing to wear except his regimental small clothes. His wife was running around panicking-they couldn't open the shops for her to buy him anything. They finally scrounged a pair of pants and shirt I think they were from a crew member.


On our last cruise, I was getting my suitcase out from under the bed and noticed some stuff tucked back in the corner. Turns out it was a bra and panties. Hello Dolly ;). Another time we happened to feel behind the safe and found two money belts-empty. Good thing they hadn't left their money in them.


A few years ago, we sat down at a table in the pool area as we waited for the cabins to clear and spotted what was obviously a very expensive estate diamond ring under the table. Of course we turned it in, and the lady who lost it was reunited with her ring after a bit of panic-luckily it wasn't found by a dishonest person.


Thanks for sharing your moment :).


Happy Sails to You


OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl

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It's easy to be dumb on the last night or morning. I packed all my shoes the night before. Fortunately, the Concierge was able to get me a pair of slippers to wear off the ship in Bayonne. Quite a sight getting to the bus from the terminal and then walking to the parking lot w/ our luggage. At least it was better than barefoot.

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Don't feel too bad I left my and my ds's Seapass card in my pants and then put them out with our suitcases in the hall the night before disembarkation - not to be realized until we were walking down the gangplank the next morning. I felt so stupid and the look dh gave me was priceless :eek: (yikes)

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I've done thoughtless things like this on ships and at home. (Twice I left my purse in the grocery cart in the store parking lot). I have to say that I must be under a lucky star or something because for the most part people are very very very honest and I've always gotten everything back. Maybe it's Karma because when I find something I'd never think of keeping it if it isn't mine. I think most of us are like that.

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One time my family was flying out west for a RC cruise and my sister left her wallet in the pocket of the seat in front of her. She realized and had to go back through security. Luckily she made it.


I must be really observant. I've found wallets and credit cards on multiple occasions. Always turn in. I can only imagine how awful I'd feel if I'd been the one who lost those items!

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I try so hard not to forget everything and it is always up to me to remember. Several years ago, DH and I stayed at a hotel and used the shuttle the next morning. As I got out of the shuttle, he handed me his cup of coffee and DVD player he always carries. Of course this filled up my hands. Got everything to curbside check in as the shuttle driver pulled away. The curbside checkin attendant asked for our ID and as soon as I reached for my purse, I realized I didn't have it! The black purse blended with the black bus interior and, of course, my hand were full with my DH coffee and DVD player. I did a dash through the airport to the bank of hotel phones and called to explain what happened. They contacted the shuttle driver who did a U turn and came right back. Good ending to a bad start. To this day I do not let my DH leave the hotel with anything but our luggage.

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Okay, as long as we're confessing, years back we were going on a New England/Canada cruise. We stayed at the hotel the night before. We left and got on the ship. As I was unpacking, I discovered that we had no pills. I called the hotel but couldn't get through to housekeeping. When I was finally able to get through and they found the pills we were on our way. I was really panicked but the ship's Concierge was helping me. The hotel agreed to overnight the pills to the Boston's port representative. But, that Monday was Patriot's day and no mail service. Fortunately, one of our tablemates had the really necessary pills and gave us a few. Then, I was able to call the dr. who called in a prescription to a CVS in Boston. Our wonderful Concierge went to the CVS to pick up the prescriptiions so we could go on our excursion. We were able to pick up our pills when we returned from the cruise. What an adventure!

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Oh, I'm not feeling so utterly stupid now, LOL!! Seriously, I felt like the dumbest girl in the earth sitting there waiting nervously for them to locate my wallet and bring it to me. I have to say, the security people were soooo nice about it and the Celebrity rep apologized to me that it had taken so long for them to get it off the ship!!

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Here's a true story to cheer you up. We were waiting to disembark a couple of years ago and were sitting in the cafe near the Guest Relations desk. A couple came down in their PJ's and bathrobes quite upset. Seems they had packed all their clothes in their suitcases, put their luggage out in the hall late in the night as instructed, and only in the morning figured out they had nothing to wear off the ship!

When we remarked to one of the staff that we could only imagine how embarrassing it must be to leave the ship in your PJ's, he said that we would be surprised at how many times this occurs.

We wondered if later they returned the bathrobes. :D

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Here's a true story to cheer you up. We were waiting to disembark a couple of years ago and were sitting in the cafe near the Guest Relations desk. A couple came down in their PJ's and bathrobes quite upset. Seems they had packed all their clothes in their suitcases, put their luggage out in the hall late in the night as instructed, and only in the morning figured out they had nothing to wear off the ship!

When we remarked to one of the staff that we could only imagine how embarrassing it must be to leave the ship in your PJ's, he said that we would be surprised at how many times this occurs.

We wondered if later they returned the bathrobes. :D


As told by a Cruise Director

As mentioned, Packed all clothes.

Tried to disembark using a ships towel

It was confiscated

He had little to declare.

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Not a cruise confession, but a travel one... Packing to leave Vegas, I did not do my usual "look through every drawer" routine because husband had complained that it makes him feel like a little kid. You see where this is going...


In the cab on the way to the airport, he started looking for his keys. They were nowhere to be found. We got to the airport and unpacked everything. I mean EVERYTHING. No keys. He works retail and had the store keys on his ring, so it was more than the average freakout. Called the hotel, housekeeping had not found them. I had my keys with me so we could get into the car and the house, so we proceeded through security and to the gate. During this time, hotel security called saying they had found them, but there was not time for him to get a cab to the hotel and back again.


Happy ending though. We were traveling with my brother and SIL who were on a later flight out, so were able to pick up the keys from hotel security and fedex them to us when they got home.


Morals: Don't leave your keys at home just because the other person has theirs. And don't take your work keys on vacation with you. :eek:

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Just a travel issue, I left my Vera Bradley travel organizer with all my toiletries and jewelery hanging on the back of the bathroom door in Niagra Falls/Canada. We were on a trip through the North East. I discovered that it was missing in Lake George New York. I called the Hotel and within a week it was delivered to my door along with someone else's PJ's. Oh well it is just good to know that there are honest people. It keeps me optimistic.:)

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Another travel story. We were on a driving trip to the northeast and I had packed enough of my husband's pills for the trip up, having asked him to make sure he packed his Atenonol (because I wanted to give him some responsibility). The first morning in the hotel where we were staying for a week, I couldn't find his pills and after a bit realized he had totally forgotten to pack them. By the way, this is Sunday and there are no Medi-Quiks in that area.


So I was fuming and decided to do some laundry at the hotel's laundry room. I was just about finished when a man came in and asked where he could buy some soap. I said "use mine; I have plenty." He thanked me and offered to pay me. I laughed and said, "No, but if you have some extra Atenonol, I'll take that." He was a doctor who flew up for a wedding, and wrote a prescription for us. Can you imagine!


But it gets better. Next door to the hotel was a Rite-Aid but the pharmacy was closed because the pharmacist's wife had died the night before and the back-up pharmacist had worked his quota of hours and therefore the pharmacy had to close. But they sent us to another Rite-Aid several miles away where we were able to get everything we needed.


Now I take charge and check and double check.

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We once got a Fed-Ex package from a hotel we'd stayed in a number of times before. Inside was a pair of men's shorts that would have been too small for my husband (and they were ugly -- lol) and a pair of streaked men's underpants -- ewwwww and also not my husband's.

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A few years ago we were eating breakfast in the dining room on disembarkation day when we heard our tag color announced to depart from the ship. We finished eating and I accidentally left a sport jacket on the back of the chair. I realized my mistake when we were getting our luggage. I tried to get back on the ship, but of course they wouldn't allow that. One of the ship officials had me fill out a form and she said they would try to find the jacket and ship it to me. She also told me that they "would probably not find it" and that when finally did find it, it would be donated to the Salvation Army. So there's someone in Miami walking around with a nice navy blue sport jacket. :rolleyes:

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Ok- this is not a cruise one but it's funny - or at least it is now- DH would shoot me if he knew I put this here (lucky for me he doesn't read the boards!).


We were in Orlando for my DH's R&R from deployment. At the time we were not married and not engaged either. He had made all these arrangements for a very special evening. Even went to visit my parents before leaving so I was a little suspicious. To make a long story short he proposed at dinner. He had gotten a limo for the ride to dinner and we were riding back to our hotel. When we arrived he got out and went to get his credit card out of his wallet to pay the driver and nothing! He could not find his wallet. We looked all through the limo and still couldn't find it. Luckily- I had not taken my purse (but he also had my driver's license in his wallet) so I was able to go get my purse and pay the driver.


We called the hotel where we had dinner and they didn't find the wallet. Even drove back and looked ourselves and nothing. He was so upset and to top it all off he had the concierge put 4 dozen roses in the hotel room with rose petals and candles and I basically got to see them and turn around to go look for the wallet. We never did find it so we spent 4 days in Orlando with no identification which limited what we could do. He was so disappointed but I told him I was thrilled with how thoughtful he was and it would make a great story down the line!!! But now- I constantly ask him if he has his wallet!

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I thought of something that might make some people smile. This happened in 1954 when I was stationed in Metz, France in the USAF. My wife is of Italian background and still had some relatives living in Italy. We decided to visit her cousin in Milan, and since gasoline was selling in Italy at around $2.50 a gallon, and we had gas coupons from the PX that cost 16 cents per gallon, I decided to put 2 or 3 "Jerry cans" filled with gasoline in the trunk of the car (stupid, but I was young at the time). We stopped for the night in Basel, Switzerland. The next morning I went down and put some gas into the car and went back to the room before checking out to wash my hands. About two hours on the road, my wife asked me what time it was. I looked at my wrist and NO WATCH. I then realized that I left my ROLEX watch on the basin in the hotel's bathroom. We stopped at the next town and I called the hotel. Well, the clerk told me that the chamber maid found the watch, and if I would give him my address, they would mail it to me. When we got to Milan and told this story to my wife's cousin, she said it was a good thing I didn't leave it in a hotel in Italy, or I wouldn't have seen it again. Believe it or not, I still have that Rolex watch after all these years, and it runs great.

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We've definitely made mistakes with packing items into luggage the night before disembarkation. When my sister and I were younger, we went on a few family cruises. On our second cruise, my dad packed all of my sister's shoes in the luggage and put it outside our door. Didn't think to ask for slippers in the morning! She just left the ship without any shoes on... she was only 12 and didn't really care! But we always do a shoe check before putting out luggage!

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We once got a Fed-Ex package from a hotel we'd stayed in a number of times before. Inside was a pair of men's shorts that would have been too small for my husband (and they were ugly -- lol) and a pair of streaked men's underpants -- ewwwww and also not my husband's.


You got my package:eek:

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We've definitely made mistakes with packing items into luggage the night before disembarkation. When my sister and I were younger, we went on a few family cruises. On our second cruise, my dad packed all of my sister's shoes in the luggage and put it outside our door. Didn't think to ask for slippers in the morning! She just left the ship without any shoes on... she was only 12 and didn't really care! But we always do a shoe check before putting out luggage!


I am interested in your screen name

1) Al Gore Mannie

2) Algorithm Mannie

3) Agoraphobia Mannie

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We THINK we're saavy travelers- but maybe not lol


1. left my camera on the table in the dining room on the last night, on the Westerdam. Not at lost and found in the am. Instructions were to call Celebrity office, when I got home, which I did. She said, not very convincinly that they'd look for it. I knew that camera was gone, so we bought a new one. Old camera arrived fed ex right after we'd bought the new camera.


2. Once my husband left his wedding ring in the nightstand at a Comfort Inn in Atlanta.

Called the hotel. Maid found it, mailed it to us.


3. Just arrived at JFK after 2 weeks in Ireland. All the gifts in the "purple" bag, which my husband left on the sidewalk, while waiting for the hotel shuttle. Figured this out while on the shuttle. They called the next shuttle to look for it, and said they would bring it to the hotel for us. Can you believe it was STILL on the sidewalk at JFK, and it was returned to us in tact.


We always count our bags, try to be careful yada yada yada. We're always aware, and it still happens.


Luckily there are still many honest people around to return our stuff!

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