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daughter in hospital,suppose to cruise dec 5th legend,what to do?


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ok well we were a displaced splendor passenger,we had to rebook outta tampa,wich we could not afford.and on thanksgiving my 5 year old went in for a emergency appendectomy.our wonderful pediatrician told us since last sunday that she had stomach flu,WRONG!!!!surgen believes it must have burst somewhere around monday night or tues early morning.she is currently fighting a pretty bad infection from the abscess they also found.breaks my heart seeing my 5 year old in that much pain,its just not fair.so needles to say we will not be able to make are sailing date.this is a complete nightmare for us,emotionaly and financially.

now we are in a very bad situation as we were not able to purchase the cruise ins due to $$$.carnival has gladly offered a refund of $86 per person pn the booking,very generous dont you think.lol.this was to be are first cruise and i guess its just not ment to be.does anyone have any advice on what we might be able to do??please help!!!!thanks:eek:

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yea after the extra airfare and hotel we just had no money left,even though i did try to call but was 3 days to late i think on there 14 day cancellation policy.just wish they could do something since we had to reschedule to tampa.i still want a cruise i dont want a refund,just cant go while my daughter is ill :(

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yea after the extra airfare and hotel we just had no money left,even though i did try to call but was 3 days to late i think on there 14 day cancellation policy.just wish they could do something since we had to reschedule to tampa.i still want a cruise i dont want a refund,just cant go while my daughter is ill :(


Totally understand! Thank goodness this did not happen while you were cruising...one can only imagine how expensive that would have been :eek:



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The only option is trying to call Carnival and pleading your case to someone else. I have really never had much sympathy for people who do not purchase the insurance and then when something happens expects the cruiseline to help them. However, after saying that, since they did have you redo your cruise maybe they should help you out some with allowing you to change your cruising date.


Good luck and I hope your daughter starts feeling better :).

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get a letter from your child's doctor stating she is forbidden to travel during the cruise time then write a letter to Carnival explaining the situation along with the doctors letter. Sometimes they will give you a future cruise credit. It worked for me, years ago I had a miscarriage 3 days before we were to set sail and we had no cruise insurance. They gave it to us for use at a later time.

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The only option is trying to call Carnival and pleading your case to someone else. I have really never had much sympathy for people who do not purchase the insurance and then when something happens expects the cruiseline to help them. However, after saying that, since they did have you redo your cruise maybe they should help you out some with allowing you to change your cruising date.


Good luck and I hope your daughter starts feeling better :).


I am sorry and I hope the child recovers quickly. If DH and I can't buy insurance we don't sail!!!!!!!;) After all it is a 'very small' amount when compared to the cost of the cruise. :confused:

Luv's Crusin'

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First off, hope dd has a fast recovery. Kids are amazing - they bounce back quite quickly -much faster than we do. That being said, what is done is done - the op doesn't have insurance, and that is that. No reason to beat them over the head about it. They asked for help, not lecturing.:rolleyes: I would call Carnival first thing Monday a.m., explain the situation, and ask what to do. If I didn't get the help/answers I wanted from that person, I would work my way up the chain of command. The person you get on the phone might give you the standard "sorry, nothing we can do for you" answer. (I would forget about sending a letter - if you were due to cruise on the 5th, they wouldn't even get to it, or respond to it before you were due to cruise.) I would speak to a supervisor, and offer to FAX them a doctor's letter stating dd had emergency surgery, you were a displaced Splendor passenger who had booked this cruise, etc. Get them the letter immediately - a fax takes 10 seconds! Get the # of the person who was helping you, and have them CALL YOU to say they got the fax. (I sometimes fax things while on the line with them, and they immediately tell me they got the fax in their hands) Document everyone you spoke with - time and date, and everything you spoke about. THEN send it in a certified letter stating the situation, and thanking them (if they helped you with your situation.) Don't give up if the first person says no. You will probably get a vacation specialist on the phone when you call - they pretty much just book cruises. You need a guest relations resolution specialist. ASK, ask, ask. Don't give up. Be patient, keep a cool head, and keep thanking them. They will hear you are upset - your child is in the hospital! Good luck!:)

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Here's the proper procedure to follow in these situations:


From your PVP or TA, get the address and mail stop code for Carnival Cruise Lines RESERVATION ADMINISTRATION. This is the department that handles this type of situation and who has the authority to make decisions.


For documentation purposes, they will require a letter. They will not accept phone calls or emails. On your letter explain the situation and provide supporting documentation. Be objective and stick to the facts. They receive tons of letters of this kind and they need to sort out bogus claims many times filled with "emotion" which is why its important to follow these guidelines.


Keep in mind that you're not entitled to a refund, but they may provide a CREDIT that you can use towards a future cruise good for one year.Decisions usually take a few weeks so be patient.


Finally, I know it's a bit late for this piece of advice, but next time, check out outside insurance companies. Several websites like Insure My Trip offer side by side comparisons of various policies and are normally priced at a fraction of Carnival's. For our last booked cruise we found a policy which was priced at $49 TOTAL (not per person) for a family of three!


Hang in there! Things will get better!

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I guess I'm the optomist. Recovery of your child is on the way, though overwhelming at this time. Children of that age recover at a rate faster than adults. By next Sunday, she'll likely not even act as if she'd been through surgery. Of course only you will see her progress. So, if nothing including airfare is refundable, a trip is still possible, (not guaranteed, but possible)

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I guess I'm the optomist. Recovery of your child is on the way, though overwhelming at this time. Children of that age recover at a rate faster than adults. By next Sunday, she'll likely not even act as if she'd been through surgery. Of course only you will see her progress. So, if nothing including airfare is refundable, a trip is still possible, (not guaranteed, but possible)



I believe this is possible too! My dd's appendix burst several years ago and she was up and around in no time. She was 32 at the time. Your dd has age on her side.

I know it is very stressful and upsetting to have a child in the hospital. They are always so pitiful.

You still have a week before the cruise so there is still time. Just take your energy now and focus on your dd.

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First off, hope dd has a fast recovery. Kids are amazing - they bounce back quite quickly -much faster than we do. That being said, what is done is done - the op doesn't have insurance, and that is that. No reason to beat them over the head about it. They asked for help, not lecturing.:rolleyes: I would call Carnival first thing Monday a.m., explain the situation, and ask what to do. If I didn't get the help/answers I wanted from that person, I would work my way up the chain of command. The person you get on the phone might give you the standard "sorry, nothing we can do for you" answer. (I would forget about sending a letter - if you were due to cruise on the 5th, they wouldn't even get to it, or respond to it before you were due to cruise.) I would speak to a supervisor, and offer to FAX them a doctor's letter stating dd had emergency surgery, you were a displaced Splendor passenger who had booked this cruise, etc. Get them the letter immediately - a fax takes 10 seconds! Get the # of the person who was helping you, and have them CALL YOU to say they got the fax. (I sometimes fax things while on the line with them, and they immediately tell me they got the fax in their hands) Document everyone you spoke with - time and date, and everything you spoke about. THEN send it in a certified letter stating the situation, and thanking them (if they helped you with your situation.) Don't give up if the first person says no. You will probably get a vacation specialist on the phone when you call - they pretty much just book cruises. You need a guest relations resolution specialist. ASK, ask, ask. Don't give up. Be patient, keep a cool head, and keep thanking them. They will hear you are upset - your child is in the hospital! Good luck!:)


I agree! I'm sure if you speak with someone who has the authority to help you...they will. Hope your little one is feeling better and it all works out for you!

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At 5 years old a stomach bug is what would come to mind, it is unusual that it would be her appendix. Medicine is not a perfect science.


I too would plead my case to the cruise line and sending a picture of a sweet little 5 year old surrounded by handmade cards that say "Get well soon so that you can enjoy your Cruise" wouldn't hurt either. All the best to you and your family.

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OP, how is DD this morning? Is she home?


Like some other posters here, we've seen our kid bounce back within a week. DD was 11, the appendix never burst, and the removal was laproscopic. She went in early in the morning and came home that afternoon.


You should know tomorrow morning if your daughters recovery is tracking like ours and if the risk of infection as past. If not, contact the specialist as previously suggested. They have similar folks at the airlines who can help you too.

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Is your DD sutured (needing removal?) Or is she glued? Like others have said, all may not be lost yet. My hunnie had emergency surgery on his appendix and although he was on antibiotics, still tender and couldn't have gone on lengthy excursions I think he would have been able to cruise just fine after a few days. If it looks like you won't be able to get any refunds or credits, it's something you might consider talking to the surgeon about. Who knows, the Dr. may think is would be fine. Or maybe not :(


Regardless, best of luck dealing with Carnival concerning this, and I hope your daughter gets well real fast, poor baby.

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I agree that you should still attempt cruising if the dr says it is okay. Kids are very resilient. She could lay in bed at home moping about the cruise she is missing or she could be chilling on the sundeck by the pool with a shirley temple in her hand. I would skip excursions but a vacation on a cruise ship doing nothing is still awesome.

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Like some other posters here, we've seen our kid bounce back within a week. DD was 11, the appendix never burst, and the removal was laproscopic. She went in early in the morning and came home that afternoon.


You should know tomorrow morning if your daughters recovery is tracking like ours and if the risk of infection as past.If not, contact the specialist as previously suggested. They have similar folks at the airlines who can help you too.



A five year old with a burst appendix and intra abdominal abcess and current infection is a serious complication. This isn't your garden variety appendix surgery and since the child is still in the hospital, it's reasonable to suppose she won't be able to make the trip.


I agree with others who have told you to keep trying - I like the idea of sending the photo. Carnival is not obligated to give you anything back, particularly in the absence of trip insurance, but that doesn't mean that they WON'T. Keep trying, and I imagine you'll find a rep with a soft spot for kids who will do better than the small refund you've been promised.


Good luck-the most important thing is that your daughter gets well. The rest is small stuff.

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Did you have insurance for the Splendor cruise then wouldn't it transfer over for the cruise from Tampa?? Or did you just not buy insurance at all??


I am not sure I would take the advice of people on a message board regarding something as important as your daughter's health...if you don't have trip insurance I am not sure you would be able to get it now it might not cover an "existing condition">> what if she got sick while on the cruise?? what then?


sad to say this is why many of us buy insurance, it sounds like you didn't buy it for the first trip so really the change in ships is not the reason you didn't buy it?? Ship happens...insurance softens the blows...always good to have even on short cruises.


Just a thought...if you did take her on cruise and God forbid need to use the on board doc for anything it costs a lot and has to be paid, your regular insurance may re-imburse but if money is that tight how would you cover that??


Either way I hope your little one has a speedy recovery and is feeling better

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thanks for all the advice,as this was going to be are first trip we really didnt know much about the trip insurance.i guess i should have read the fine print alittle closer,another bad habit of mine.as someone stated we definatetly are not looking for some one to feel sorry for us or have sympathy,simply tryin to get some advice.to some cruises are a dime a dozen,but for us and are family its a huge expense that we were barely able to manage.the airfare was pretty much are spending money,we had to ebay several items for some extra cash.we also are going to have a pretty hefty bill from the doctor as well.i wil try on monday one more time and see if i can talk to anyone higher up the chain.would the guestsolutions be able to help?


and no my daughter is not home yet,im actually getting ready to drop my 4 year old off and head over.this was a pretty bad case of appendicitis.they think she was ruptured for 24-48 hours before she had her surgery.shes been running a fever of 103-104 since her operation,and are worried about the temp,her white blood cell and lactic acid number are very high as well.no blood work yesterday,suppose to do it today to check her numbers.my wife just called but they couldnt find a vein,shes getting badly dehydrated.i will keep you guys post and thanks for the avdice as ell as the concerns.




all that pain and still smiling,i love her so much.

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^^^^Bless her heart. Will send good thoughts her way and yours for a speedy recovery.


I'd send a photo of that pretty little girl to Carnival (though I'd probably send one in which she looks miserable, not smiling bravely, lol). I bet it would tug on the heartstrings of the person who receives your letter.:)

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thanks for all the advice,as this was going to be are first trip we really didnt know much about the trip insurance.i guess i should have read the fine print alittle closer,another bad habit of mine.as someone stated we definatetly are not looking for some one to feel sorry for us or have sympathy,simply tryin to get some advice.to some cruises are a dime a dozen,but for us and are family its a huge expense that we were barely able to manage.the airfare was pretty much are spending money,we had to ebay several items for some extra cash.we also are going to have a pretty hefty bill from the doctor as well.i wil try on monday one more time and see if i can talk to anyone higher up the chain.would the guestsolutions be able to help?


and no my daughter is not home yet,im actually getting ready to drop my 4 year old off and head over.this was a pretty bad case of appendicitis.they think she was ruptured for 24-48 hours before she had her surgery.shes been running a fever of 103-104 since her operation,and are worried about the temp,her white blood cell and lactic acid number are very high as well.no blood work yesterday,suppose to do it today to check her numbers.my wife just called but they couldnt find a vein,shes getting badly dehydrated.i will keep you guys post and thanks for the avdice as ell as the concerns.




all that pain and still smiling,i love her so much.


YIKES! Ok, I take back everything I said, except "POOR BABY." That infection sounds pretty bad and even though I am pretty darn brave, I wouldn't be brave enough to take my child on a cruise so soon either. I still hope you can work everything out and get a refund or credit though.

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I am Canadian so I don't know if this applies to you, but I put everything on my Visa card which by chance has a trip insurance on it at not cost extra. Did you put anything on any of yor creidt cards and would they have this type of insurance on any of them.. Just a thought. if so contact them they may be able to help you out.


PS hope you daughter get stronger every day, they will amaze you how quickly they do bounce back.

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.I will try on monday one more time and see if i can talk to anyone higher up the chain.Would the guest solutions be able to help?


I know that you want a quick resolution and hopefully more money back right away, but unfortunately, that won't be the case.


I don't want to be cold, but although this is your child and you're personally affected by this situation, yours is one of maaaany that Carnival hears about on a daily basis. Plenty of passengers need to cancel because of illness, accidents, death of a family member, etc. Expecting Carnival to "have a heart" for each one is (unfortunately) not going to happen. That's why they have procedures in place and getting an answer will take time.


Guest Solutions won't be able to help. Reservation Adminstration WILL. Go back to POST 10 for proper procedures. Save yourself some aggravation and frustration...

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