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Am I wasting my hard earned dollar???????


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Seems to be alot of negative comments in general about NCL and freestyle cruising that I have read in various places on the web. Things like no service in the cabins, long lines for dinner, unfriendly crews. I am booked on the Spirit, leaving in 63 days, so I can't cancel my trip. I am booked in a suite that is supposed to have concierge and butler service if I choose to use it. I'm getting VERY worried that I am wasting my money on this cruise. Just got back from seeing the ship docked in New Orleans. I have only cruised on Disney before NCL and I must admit the Disney boats look much cleaner and better kept on the outside than the Spirit. Someone tell me I'm not wasting ALL of my money!!!! Will anything on the cruise be positive????


The cruise will be what you make it. I for one have never encountered the problems you mention above. (I once worried about Holland, and let me say my worries were unfounded and I had a wonderful cruise)

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Seems to be alot of negative comments in general about NCL and freestyle cruising that I have read in various places on the web. Things like no service in the cabins, long lines for dinner, unfriendly crews. I am booked on the Spirit, leaving in 63 days, so I can't cancel my trip. I am booked in a suite that is supposed to have concierge and butler service if I choose to use it. I'm getting VERY worried that I am wasting my money on this cruise. Just got back from seeing the ship docked in New Orleans. I have only cruised on Disney before NCL and I must admit the Disney boats look much cleaner and better kept on the outside than the Spirit. Someone tell me I'm not wasting ALL of my money!!!! Will anything on the cruise be positive????


I can only relay my experience. I was a loyal Carnival cruiser having cruised with them 9 times in 8 years. Found an absolutely great price on a eastern carribean cruise last Presidents Week and had a fantastic time. NCL is now my cruise line of choice.


Go with an open mind and have a good time.

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I just got off the Celebrity Solstice in Dec, I just got off the NCL DAWN in October, I am pretty objective, there was no comparison between the two ships and the food in the dining room, it was Solstice hands down, can you quanitfy your statment? I was eating rack of lamb, lobster, medallions of beef cutlet on the Solstice and enjoying an indoor pool enclosed by glass, reserved for adults only, there is no smoking allowed in your room on the balcony, or in the casino on Solstice. Now I think the ncl product is ok but it did not compare to the Solstice. What is your frame of reference?


How did they compare pricewise? Celebrity always seems to be more expensive when I've compared the two.

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NCL is great for the price. Their suites have better perks than any other line. You get what you pay for. If you want the greatest food, want to be pampered, and have candy on you pillow, NCL is NOT the line for you. All in all, for the price, NCL is worth the money you pay.

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I think the recent show on CBS sums it up. I have been on NCL along with every other mass market line and Disney. When people ask I say the service on NCL is indifferent. And I think it is VERY telling that the CEO on the show kept calling the passengers "customers" and not "guests". It is subtle but that really sums up the difference between NCL and the quality and the service from the other lines for me.

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Sorry for any perceived ganging up on you. Please don't regret posting your concerns. If you haven't done alot of surfing on this site, you've not yet learned how strongly some fans of some ships feel about negative postings about their beloved vessel(s). I've been on plenty of cruises on most of the major lines and as you'll see, I tend to cruise with NCL the most....especially in recent years with their Freestyle concept. Ironically, I've reported in here that my recent Spirit experience was among my very favorite cruises to date. I think you'll love the Spirit. She is not the newest nor the largest in the fleet, but we all thought she had the friendliest crew on the seven seas! I always go out of MY way to meet and get VERY CHUMMY with my cabin staff as soon as possible. It may be hard to learn their names, but I find it's well worth the effort. I always stop when passing them in the corridors to ask about their day or their plans when in port. They don't leave the ship often, but when they do, they're eager to tell you their favorite bar or beach. I've never been on a cruise where we didn't capture snapshots with our cabin staff and favorite waiters. Put yourself in their shoes. Wouldn't you give special attention to folks who went out of their way to treat you like a human being rather than a servant? Folks who say that they never lay eyes on their cabin stewards surely are not looking very hard. They can always be found inside the cabin with the open door along side their supply cart. Just stop for a second and introduce yourself and say hello daily after that. You will not be wasting your money on this trip....but you have to adopt the right mind set. The cruise lines are in business to make money. Passengers can be very pushy. Bad weather is bad weather. Just make up your mind that you're going to have a blast....even if someone steals your deck chair...even if someone saves too many deck chairs....even if the specialty dining rooms, photographs and drinks are a bit too expensive....even if it rains all week. I've seen alot of changes in the industry through the years, most of them would be considered more negative than positive, but I still think it's the best vacation concept and best value around.

Happy Sails!

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I've shared with you my personal and subjective feedback on NCL as we've sailed 8 times with her ships over the past 10 years, and introduced others in our extended circle of families & friends to the world of cruising and Free Style dining - and all of them are very happy. My niece came back from a Carnival cruise and sworn to never sail that line again, ever.


We always find excellent housekeeping services in the (inside, OV and balcony++) cabins, short or no lines (not counting a 3 minutes wait for being escorted to our requested table for 2 or 4, try that on RCCI) for dinner, and smiling & friendly crews including the officers in the corridors/stairs & elsewhere.


If you opt for the speciality restaurants with reservations, you will find exceptional staff that consistently go above & beyond to cater to your wishes - and most, if not nearly all, of them delivered excellent services as they do not differentiate whether you are booked for an inside cabin on the bottom deck, obstructed oceanview, or guaranteed balcony shared by 3 adults, etc. - they are hard working & very courtesous at all times. These folks earned good money on a comparative basis in their country of origin, and they do this for a living - and if services aren't up to your expectations, you need to and should speak to the manager and officer in charge as soon as you can - and they will address it and get it right while you are still onboard. Try doing that with your favorite airline when your luggage is lost on arrival or your flight was delayed for 2 hours & there aren't confirmed seating for the next 72 hours .... (you get the idea, hopefully)


NCL, like every other cruiselines, had to deal with challenging economic times and scale down their products while continuing to make it enjoyable for the cruisers - and for the money spent, it's well worth it especially if you are a smart shopper & see a true valued-added bargain when you see one. ;)


We didn't do a single sailing in 2010 as we vacationed abroad twice, and DH wanted to make sure that we get to do some true relaxation & good time this year, without the airport hassles and all - so we seized a last minute true bargain, our bags will be packed soon & we sail in about 40 days with NCL again at our homeport for a winter getaway into the warmer climate, yeah! :D



P.S. Might I suggest, along with others, that if you haven't done so - read some of the NCL reviews written by seasoned veteran cruisers of all ages & background on this board/forum - ignore those on other website links. Mega-tons of tips & info written by fellow passengers that tell it all.

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Seems to be alot of negative comments in general about NCL and freestyle cruising that I have read in various places on the web. Things like no service in the cabins, long lines for dinner, unfriendly crews. I am booked on the Spirit, leaving in 63 days, so I can't cancel my trip. I am booked in a suite that is supposed to have concierge and butler service if I choose to use it. I'm getting VERY worried that I am wasting my money on this cruise. Just got back from seeing the ship docked in New Orleans. I have only cruised on Disney before NCL and I must admit the Disney boats look much cleaner and better kept on the outside than the Spirit. Someone tell me I'm not wasting ALL of my money!!!! Will anything on the cruise be positive????


Ignore the judgementalists, unfortunately they are rife on these boards and some even resort to flaming posters who dare criticise NCL.


We have sailed on nine differing cruiselines, including NCL (3 times, but not on Spirit). Never booked a suite, but we have explored the suites/courtyard area during changeover day on B2B cruises. They are stunning, and have a reputation for being the best around in suite category.....you will not be disappointed in that regard/ Because you have a butler/concierge, there are no concerns around cabin service.


If your chosen dinner time is between 7 and 8pm, yes there will be "lines" but you will be given a bleeper enabling you to walk anywhere on the ship. What I generally do is go down to the restaurant 15-30 minutes before my dearest is ready and head back to cabin, which means that she has a very short wait at worst, sometimes the bleeper goes before we leave cabin! In other words waits can be managed to suit your purposes, and have never been a problem to us.


Friendliness of crews....think about the fact that (likely) your friends and family, like mine, are all different. Some smile easily and are friendly, others not so naturally but that does not make them unfriendly or unhelpful. In our experience 90% of NCL crew members are friendly and want to provide the best cruise experience for you. Also we find that a high proportion of guests treat the crew like low class servants who should bow to their every whim....we struggle with people who take that attitude, and maybe they are the ones talking about "unfriendly" crew!


Ship appearance from outside...Personally more interested on the inside. Many people I know who appear outwardly beautiful have less than beautiful character. In other words it is what people are inside that makes the real difference. In a ship context, it is the inside that will make the cruise for you. Berlitz, a subjective cruise critic, with no axe to grind with any cruiseline rates the Spirit a very attractive ship. We have read his critique of every ship we have ever sailed on, and what he writes is accurate.


You will enjoy your cruise thoroughly, I am sure of that.

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I just got off the Celebrity Solstice in Dec, I just got off the NCL DAWN in October, I am pretty objective, there was no comparison between the two ships and the food in the dining room, it was Solstice hands down, can you quanitfy your statment? I was eating rack of lamb, lobster, medallions of beef cutlet on the Solstice and enjoying an indoor pool enclosed by glass, reserved for adults only, there is no smoking allowed in your room on the balcony, or in the casino on Solstice. Now I think the ncl product is ok but it did not compare to the Solstice. What is your frame of reference?


Their frame of reference is based on their opinion much like your frame of reference is based on your opinion.


If you come up with a quantitative way to measure such things we would all love to hear them. Until then, people are going to have differing opinions about their cruising experience, and it does not make you right and them wrong or vice versa.



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Seems to be alot of negative comments in general about NCL . Someone tell me I'm not wasting ALL of my money!!!! Will anything on the cruise be positive????


I have not been on NCL since 2007 and am looking forward to my upcoming NCL cruise in what 53 days [ 2/26/11 ] having cruised on other lines in between depending on what I want to do and where I want to go, but one thing I can tell you as others have, if you want to enjoy your hard spent money on vacation and it is a cruise as in this case, I plan on having the best time my wife and I can. It is a get away for my wife who works, I'm retired and there is no point getting away with a negative feeling.


I have enjoyed every cruise, every cruise line, they all offer something different and that is what we enjoy, somthing different each time out.


Happy cruising

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First I want to say, I am glad you posted your question so please do not regret posting it. It is a legitimate question and it gives all of us NCL fans a chance to sing her praises!


Here are some of the things I love about NCL: freestyle cruising, outdoor eating, super comfy beds, friendly staff, nice ship layouts, the food is yummy and thier is something for everyone, and the price is right for us!


Here are somethings to keep in mind: reviews are subjective. The avergage person is only motivated to write a review when they have a bad experience. As others stated, cruises (like any vacation) are what you make them.


Here are some tips that I find helpful to combat some of your concerns:

1. Be nice and smile to the crew and they will be your best friend.

2. If lines or a wait are a problem at dinner, you can either make reservations to the MDRs ahead of time, or try to go a little before you are hungry and when they give you a pager and tell you there is a wait, take the pager and take a nice stroll around the veranda deck :) This is how we have combated this in the past. In the end, I will take freestyle with small waits anyday over traditional dining. Most times this is not an issue anyway.

3. Keep your expectations realistic: some people go into vacations with these crazy expectations and then when they are not met they are dissappointed. It sounds like that is not the case with you and honestly I think NCL is going to exceed your expectations.

4. Keep in mind that NCL is trying to foster a more relaxed atmosphere with the freestyle cruising, so you will not get 24 hour fanny kissing that you may (or may not) find on other cruiselines. This does not mean that service is poor or lacking. It is just more laidback. I find the NCL service to be friendly, respectful and more then adequate to allow me to have a good and relaxed time.


Please let us know how it went, write a review, I am looking forward to hearing how you found NCL. I hope you have a wonderful time! Happy Sailing!

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Well, I certainly think I have struck some "nerves" with my posted question. Let's let this topic RIP!

Happy Cruising!!:D


Some folks take their loyalty to a product they're happy with very deeply. It's like when you have a favorite restaurant in town, where everything is always exactly the way you love it. Most of would get a little offended if someone came along and said they heard it was awful and would likely be a waste of money.


When I was a kid, my dad used "Esso" gas, and my Uncle used Texaco. They frequently nearly came to blows over which was better.

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Seems to be alot of negative comments in general about NCL and freestyle cruising that I have read in various places on the web. Things like no service in the cabins, long lines for dinner, unfriendly crews. I am booked on the Spirit, leaving in 63 days, so I can't cancel my trip. I am booked in a suite that is supposed to have concierge and butler service if I choose to use it. I'm getting VERY worried that I am wasting my money on this cruise. Just got back from seeing the ship docked in New Orleans. I have only cruised on Disney before NCL and I must admit the Disney boats look much cleaner and better kept on the outside than the Spirit. Someone tell me I'm not wasting ALL of my money!!!! Will anything on the cruise be positive????


Well let's get this straight? You say there are many negatives, but have you looked for the positives? Have you read the reviews here on CC in the review section about the NCL ships and particularly the Spirit? As for wasting your money, think about it this way, you have already spent the money, can not cancel and get your money back so what would be worse, not cruising at all or cruising on a line that isn't the same class as Disney? I would never put much faith in a totally negative review. Take them with a grain of salt. I saw one yesterday. Three reviews on the same ship, all last month, 2 gave the ship a 5 star rating, one gave it 1 star. The one star had some misinformation. Now, you could choose to worry by believing the 1 star or you could read the positive 5 Star reviews. I would probably throw out the 1 Star review. if it was a 3 Star with both negatives and positive that would be a little different.


Are you going to experience the same catagory of cruising you did on Disney? No, you have chosen a mass marketed, mid priced cruise line, Disney is in a class of its own. This does not mean you will have a bad cruise but it will be different, that is for certain.


We have cruised every major mass marketed lines and a few others, we have yet to have a truely bad cruise experience, though a few were not memorable in a totally positive way. You can get bad service on any line, it is the luck of the draw. Normally, especially in a suite your service will be outstanding. As for waiting in long lines, by having a suite you should not have to wait at all, just have a reservation ahead of time.


Unless you are very unlucky, you will never find a crew on any line as friendly as NCL and as for clean cabins check CDC, the Spirit just recieved a 100% for cleanliness. This is something few ships ever recieve so why you would say Disney looks cleaner is beyond me.


If you are expecting the worse you will be looking for it and will come back feeling you did waste your money, if you go with the attitude, this is going to be a fun and exciting experience I am sure you will have a great time.



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I just got off the Celebrity Solstice in Dec, I just got off the NCL DAWN in October, I am pretty objective, there was no comparison between the two ships and the food in the dining room, it was Solstice hands down, can you quanitfy your statment? I was eating rack of lamb, lobster, medallions of beef cutlet on the Solstice and enjoying an indoor pool enclosed by glass, reserved for adults only, there is no smoking allowed in your room on the balcony, or in the casino on Solstice. Now I think the ncl product is ok but it did not compare to the Solstice. What is your frame of reference?


I think you are forgetting one very important thing: you are talking about 2 totally different classes of ships. Oh, BTW, you can get rack of lamb in the main dining room on NCL one night as well as Loster. No, the Dawn does not have an indoor pool but remember it is an older ship compared to the Solstice. The Sotstice is the top of the Celebrity line. Trying to compare the 2 is like trying to compare the Mercury or the Century with the Epic.



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I can't answer that question for YOU....I can say that WE think every dollar spent, and it's hefty since we sail in a suite, is worth it....if you are in a full suite [not mini], the perks on NCL are fabulous...starting when you arrive at the port. Even if there are crowds and it's a mess, keep asking....where's the concierge line? show me how to get to the concierge!! You should have expedited check in and then be able to wait in relatively comfort and then be escorted onto the ship, probably directly to lunch in Cagney's. Make sure the butler shows you how to use your Lavazza....ask the concierge for any dinner reservations you want.....There will always be negative reviews. Some people are just unable to be grateful and/or satisfied. Sometimes bad stuff or bad staff happen, but YOU don't have to let that ruin YOUR cruise...deal with it and move on. I've noticed that the suite passengers have many fewer complaints....yup, some butlers aren't as good as others, but HEY!!! you have a BUTLER!!! If it's really unacceptable, talk to the concierrge. You can make your cruise as fabulous and as worth the $$$$ as you choose it to be. :) We just got off the ship in Dec and are going again in May.

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Seems to be alot of negative comments in general about NCL and freestyle cruising that I have read in various places on the web. Things like no service in the cabins, long lines for dinner, unfriendly crews. I am booked on the Spirit, leaving in 63 days, so I can't cancel my trip. I am booked in a suite that is supposed to have concierge and butler service if I choose to use it. I'm getting VERY worried that I am wasting my money on this cruise. Just got back from seeing the ship docked in New Orleans. I have only cruised on Disney before NCL and I must admit the Disney boats look much cleaner and better kept on the outside than the Spirit. Someone tell me I'm not wasting ALL of my money!!!! Will anything on the cruise be positive????


I'm pretty sure that you will be wasting your dollars, hard earned or otherwise. The thousands of people that cruise on NCL every week and the huge numbers that cruise on NCL multiple times must be willing to accept overpriced and second rate products. I know that I am and that would be why we will be sailing on NCL again in the next couple of months. Our new TA is at overpricedcrappyvacations.com

Really....Relax and enjoy.

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I can only relay my experience. I was a loyal Carnival cruiser having cruised with them 9 times in 8 years. Found an absolutely great price on a eastern carribean cruise last Presidents Week and had a fantastic time. NCL is now my cruise line of choice.



Good to know...considering my entire history is on Carnival, and I will be sailing the Gem in about a week. :)

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Lit a fire, didn't ya? :D


I can't speak for NCL as I've only sailed RCI, but am interested in a couple of the NCL ships and itineraries. Before both of my cruises I, too, read and was slightly freaked out by the bad reviews and whining. Both times I was pleasantly surprised by the ships and the experience.


Where they "perfect"? Nope, but I am a positive person and planned on and had a great time. I'm confident you will too.:cool:

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I think you are forgetting one very important thing: you are talking about 2 totally different classes of ships. Oh, BTW, you can get rack of lamb in the main dining room on NCL one night as well as Loster. No, the Dawn does not have an indoor pool but remember it is an older ship compared to the Solstice. The Sotstice is the top of the Celebrity line. Trying to compare the 2 is like trying to compare the Mercury or the Century with the Epic.




You're right there's no comparison.....the Century is much better...:p

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Seems to be alot of negative comments in general about NCL and freestyle cruising that I have read in various places on the web. Things like no service in the cabins, long lines for dinner, unfriendly crews. I am booked on the Spirit, leaving in 63 days, so I can't cancel my trip. I am booked in a suite that is supposed to have concierge and butler service if I choose to use it. I'm getting VERY worried that I am wasting my money on this cruise. Just got back from seeing the ship docked in New Orleans. I have only cruised on Disney before NCL and I must admit the Disney boats look much cleaner and better kept on the outside than the Spirit. Someone tell me I'm not wasting ALL of my money!!!! Will anything on the cruise be positive????


I agree with the other posters, if you go into the cruise with a negative attitude then all you will get out of it will be a negative cruise. I always go into the cruise with the attitude that I am going to have a good time, even if I am going to do nothing. I am booked on the Spirit at the end of the month and I am looking forward to the trip. This will be my second time on the Spirit and even though she is an older ship, she is still special. The crew was extremely helpful and even though it was spring break they did a great job. I always look at bad reviews as someone looking for something wrong and then complaining about it in a review. I also take raves as someone being a cheerleader, especially when they haven't been on other lines. Go looking for a good time & you will find it every time.



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We always go on every cruise with the idea that we are going to have an amazing time and meet amazing people including the crew....

You get back what you give out....We always make it a point to talk to the crew, find out their story, etc, and guess what? We always get amazing service!!


We've come back to NCL over the past couple of years, and have had great experiences! We like the Freestyle cruising, since we're not formal, fussy people, and it's nice not to have schedules....If you pay attention to the video screens, you will not have to wait long at any restaurant....

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