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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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So. I've been needing a new warm up FOREVER...I mean FOREVER...I still can enjoy the same old warm up that I've been doing...BUT...I know that I need a new one. So I ordered the Warm Up and Cool Down CD/DVD from Zumba for some help and inspiration. I did the main warm up from that DVD with my corporate class Tuesday...I thought it was okay...the song was very long...over 6 minutes...and kinda boring?...but it was okay...I did enjoy the movement and the way that the moves were layered...


I tried that warm up again last night at the rec center...and I definitely didn't love it. UGH...I thought the song was done...and I acted like it should have been done...but it wasn't...and I just looked at everyone and made a crack about how I was SO DONE with the song...hit track forward and kept going...


So today...I REALLY needed a new warm up for my corporate class...I had been thinking about it all yesterday...I woke up this morning just after 5 AM...couldn't get back to sleep...gave up on sleep and starting thinking about the warm up...thinking about different songs...etc...


WELL. There is a song...a VERY repetitive song...and when I was first working with it to see if it would work for me...I just couldn't get past how repetitive it was...BUT...by this very nature...it makes the PERFECT backdrop for this style of warm up that I learned on the CD/DVD. And I did it today in my corporate class...and I LOVE IT!!! They loved it too...which is really fabulous...and they admitted that they also didn't love Tuesday...but today...that rocked...so...yay!!


Gonna do it at Curves tonight too!! FINALLY...a song to replace Good Feeling by Flo Rida!!! I'm so excited!!! Sometimes it's hard to find songs that get you pumped up, KWIM? Here it is:


by Enrique Iglesias feat. Pitbull and the WAV


Meanwhile...I was asked again today if I've lost more weight...I was asked this past Saturday...but again...I'm just wearing capris that FIT me properly...but I may have to do some measuring and get on the scale again...it has been a while...

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Hmmmm....looking for a stretch song for tonight's Curves class...I found "Georgia on My Mind" by Michael Buble...LOVE HIM...I know the ladies love his voice too...so we'll see how it goes...could be a total bomb...BUT...I'm taking advantage of the situation for an easy pick on the stretch song tonight.

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The latest, the greatest...posted TODAY...I know this is Beto's voice...I guess he is adding singing to his skill set? All I can say is he IS hot...:o;)



You may be seeing this is a Zumba class you attend...especially after the Zumba convention in August...

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So I weighed myself this morning...


And yes, it would appear that I have lost another 4-5 pounds since April 21. My body fat percentage also went down by 0.6%. I've lost maybe a half inch at the waist? and not much of anything at my hips...I've lost a BUNCH right at the belly button level (which is much lower on me than my natural waist)...here's the big reason why people were thinking I lost a bunch more weight...that belly button level measurement lost about 2 inches! My silhouette has really changed then...it's a more gradual slope from my waist to my hips now...that love handle bump has really gone down! No wonder I've been having such issues with my britches!!! LOL.


Woot woot!!

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At Curves this week...I've been using "Last Dance" for a warm up...it's perfect not only because it honors Donna Summer but also because this is my last week teaching at Curves and the rec center. I'm not doing this at the rec center though, but it isn't as appropriate for that class...


Today was a kind of crazy Zumba day for me...at my corporate class, the two instructors that are going to be taking over the classes there visited. They are team teaching, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday, and they can cover for each other if necessary. They came to see the set up and the get a feel for the class. They were very nice. The one girl described herself as "boot camp" Zumba, doing lots of squats and jumping jacks...I thought, WOW, jumping jack girl is going to LOVE you! LOL. She had to leave for end of the year stuff happening with one of her kids. The other instructor stayed throughout the whole class. It was kind of nerve wracking to have them be there...you know? But the one that stayed gave me a really nice critique, complementing me on my non-verbal cuing style...that was really nice. I've never met them before, but we are all friends on Facebook now and will be working together to make a smooth transition...I'm looking forward to that.


Tonight they through me a going away party at Curves. Very emotional for me. I held it together pretty well during the gathering...we did 30-35 minute class...then we had cake and other snacks...they presented me with an amazing going away gift and a card everyone signed. The instructor that is taking over the Tuesday night class was also there. I've met her before...she taught the CPR/AED cert class that I took. She is a sweetheart. She was very complementary as well...saying that the class was a lot of fun...good variety.


Please excuse me while I share these feel good comments...


Like I said, it's been an emotionally charged evening for me...


I realized how much I really care about all these ladies...how much I've looked forward to seeing them week after week...the great atmosphere at this particular Curves...and I know that I'm going to miss them so much...I've been teaching there now for a YEAR...literally ONE YEAR. Wow. It's been an amazing experience...so much growth over the past year.


Anyway...I'm posting this for Mom's benefit too...tonight was a really nice little playlist:


Last Dance: Donna Summer (warm up)

Bailando Por El Mundo: Juan Magan feat. Pitbull and the WAV

Baila Esta Cumbia: Kumbia Kings

Que Buena Tu Ta: Zumba Fitness Cover

Take Your to Rio: Ester Dean

Boro Boro (Radio Edit): Arash

Smooth EDIT: Santana

I Hope You Dance: Lee Ann Womack


It hits all the right notes...great variety in movement.


Hope everyone is doing well. Like I mentioned...this is my last week teaching in two locations. Two more rec center classes. One more Curves class. Wow. DH comes home for a long weekend on Friday! I haven't seen him in four weeks. So looking forward to it. And next week is the last week of school.


We have finalized our moving plans. We will be moving the last weekend in June...and will be in Georgia the first week in July. We are moving into the basement with my SIL...but there is light at the end of that tunnel...as we anticipate moving out in December, if not before.


I will still be teaching for one more month at my corporate class. I'm so glad for that. It'll keep me sane and provide welcome stress relief for the month of packing ahead.

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Yes, it is soooo hard to say goodbye to our students. Mine eventually go back to their homes all over the world and I never see them again. I always wonder what and how they are doing. I try to be philosophical about it, but sometimes it is disheartening not to see the fruit of our teaching before our eyes every day, and some of them I just miss.


So, I've been doing Zumba for five weeks now, and I've had four different teachers! Our Wednesday sub was lots of fun, very dance-y. Lots of core work, isolations, body rolls! and some Adele. Very hard, very fun.


Well, I've been avoiding the scale this month, so I finally decided to weigh myself this morning. I haven't lost anything. Bummer.

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Tomorrow morning...Saturday...is my LAST public Zumba class. :( I'll still have my corporate class BUT...the time has come when I will no longer be teaching at either the rec center or Curves. So sad. I admit I'm a little concerned about what could happen going from 9 classes a week to only 2! :eek:


Anyway...it was very difficult for me to put together this very last playlist. There are songs that ladies have stated they like so much, that they will miss from my class...and so I have tried my best to balance this against other songs that I like a lot too...my list is a little long...but here it is:


Moves Like Jagger: Maroon 5 (warm up)

Good Feeling: Flo Rida (warm up 2)

Waka Waka (Esto es Africa): Shakira (Latin Pop/Calypso)

Zoomer: Les Jumo (African inspired)

Baila Esta Cumbia: Kumbia Kings (Cumbia)

Danza Kuduro: Don Omar & Lucenzo (Kuduro)

Zu Bailaito: Zumba Fitness (Quebradita)

Jai Ho: Slumdog Millionaire Soundtrack (Bollywood)

La Vida Es Un Carnaval: Zumba Fitness (Salsa)

Dame (Touch Me): Zumba Fitness (Cha Cha)

Pegate: Grupo Treo (Merengue)

Que Buena Tu Ta: Zumba Fitness (Merengue/"Arms From Hell")

Take You to Rio: Ester Dean (Pop)

Boro Boro (Radio Edit): Arash (Bollywood/Bhangra)

Cuando Me Enamoro: Enrique Igelias (Bachata)

I Need to Know: Marc Anthony (Cha Cha/Cool Down)

Feeling Good: Michael Buble (Stretch)


Like I said...class is going to run a bit long...but I just couldn't figure out what I would want to cut out...and it's only long by a minute or two...:o:rolleyes:


Anyway...DH came home last night. He is here until Monday night...he will be back in GA for work on Tuesday. But we are having a great weekend. I just figured out my playlist and wanted to post it. Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend.

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I hope your last class goes well and you have fond memories of your time, teaching there.


I was to Zumba class last night. Annie is finally well enough to give about half a lesson and has a sub for the rest.

I received my new dance shoes yesterday and trief them at class. I bought block wave shoes and have to get used to the new form. but am amazed how well they glide.


Anyways, we are off to northern germany for the weekend.

Take care.

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Anita, you are such a caring and conscientious teacher. You clearly put a lot of time into plannng that amazing playlist -- no wonder your students are sad to have you leave.


Hope you are having a great weekend.


I abandoned Zumba yesterday in favor of waterskiing. Yes, it's finally warm enough! But, we have to get up early to get the smooth water, so, no Zumba. At least I have it for a rainy day backup plan now.


I did have a moment when I was actually not sure whether I wanted it to be rainy or sunny - Zumba or skiing? I LOVE skiing and wait all winter for the chance to go back to it, so that shows you how much I'm addicted now to ZUMBA! If my knees could take it, I would do it every single day.

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Anita, you are such a caring and conscientious teacher. You clearly put a lot of time into plannng that amazing playlist -- no wonder your students are sad to have you leave.


Hope you are having a great weekend.



I totally agree with this. Even Adrienne with (the instructor who just left) who 'acted' so caring, the fact that she didn't think ahead of her playlist and just browsed through her ipod between songs was very frustrating. Sometimes she'd pass over something I really liked, and then I'd be disappointed with her selection. Although we haven't gotten the permanent replacement, all 3 that have filled in come totally prepared, and although some of them do a 45 minute class (Adrienne's was 1 hr), I realize I get a better workout in that time since there is less break between songs. And I guess I can see now why the gym let her go early - she has been trying to get me to join her new gym through FB messages. Her gym is almost twice the cost of my gym. Although I don't always care for how they do things at my gym, I have to admit I get a lot for what I pay for - all the cardio, weight machines and free weights, unlimited classes, tanning (I only use it to very gently get a base before a cruise - I KNOW it's not good for me, but better than getting burnt in the Caribbean sun), and 2 locations.


The other day DH was able to join me at the gym, so I did the treadmill and weights instead of a class to workout alongside him, and realized how I really need to add that back to my workout and not JUST do Zumba. It does work out different muscles.


Anita, I really like when you post your playlist, because when I look up some of the songs I think I'm not familiar with I find that I do know them but just not by name. So songs like Boro Boro and Pegate, which are some of my favorites now have identities!

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Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend. Anita, I'm so glad you get to spend it with DH!


I'm recovering from yesterday - a whirlwind day...College graduation for DD#2. What a beautiful day for it! She'll be living at home during the summer doing an internship while she tries to figure out the next stage of her life, and I'm hoping to get some mother/daughter Zumba time!


I find that beginning to get to know some of the Latin Zumba songs is really making me want to learn Spanish. (I took French in school and was terrible at it). A couple of times this week I've put on the Spanish radio station while driving, and am actually surprised at how much I can understand (mostly food words during ads for restaurants...FOOD I understand in ANY language!:D:D:D)


ALSO, I'm not sure how to explain this, but I think you all are the best ones to understand since cruising is what has gotten us to this thread....


Cruising and even the time spent planning a cruise is my Zen, happy, relaxed state. In the past couple of weeks we've spent more time planning our April 2013 cruise out of San Juan, and have been researching where to stay and what to do for our pre-cruise time. We've been there twice on port stops, and something about Old San Juan 'speaks' to me and DH. So researching our pre-cruise visit has been lots of fun.


I began noticing that during the Spanish songs in Zumba class that I start daydreaming about being in San Juan and also the Bolero (Latin) bar on the Allure that we sail on in October 2012. So not only am I having fun dancing, but I'm also at other 'happy places'!


Even funny things like discovering Caipirinha cocktails on our last cruise, and then DANCING to the Caipirinha song make that connection to cruising!

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Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend. Anita, I'm so glad you get to spend it with DH!


I find that beginning to get to know some of the Latin Zumba songs is really making me want to learn Spanish.


ALSO, I'm not sure how to explain this, but I think you all are the best ones to understand since cruising is what has gotten us to this thread....


Cruising and even the time spent planning a cruise is my Zen, happy, relaxed state. In the past couple of weeks we've spent more time planning our April 2013 cruise out of San Juan, and have been researching where to stay and what to do for our pre-cruise time. We've been there twice on port stops, and something about Old San Juan 'speaks' to me and DH. So researching our pre-cruise visit has been lots of fun.


Sorry for the chop job on the quote, but I was just wanting to talk to you a little bit about the Spanish/San Juan conversation. I really, really think that knowing just a little bit of the language of the country that you're visiting adds such enrichment to the experience of travel. I know that Anita shares this one memory as being a giggle and a highlight to our recent vacation, in Cozumel. We were at Nachi Cocum, which is a beach resort that provides such a wonderful experience (imo). But, the waiters there can be limited in their English and some people find them to be less attentive only because they are a bit reluctant to speak English, at times. I find that if you attempt to speak Spanish to them, they appreciate the effort and it breaks their feelings of being shy at their limited English... because, quite frankly, they know English WAY better than I know Spanish!


Anyway, we got some hot salsa delivered to us with our lunch and, boy, was it hot. So when the waiter came by (want to call him Jose, but don't know if that's correct), I pointed to the salsa and said, "muy caliente!" He laughed and Anita said "jalapeno?" and Jose responded, "no, habanero." So we all gasped which made Jose laugh out loud... it was just one of those travel moments that make the experience so great and wouldn't have happened if we hadn't tried to converse with Jose in Spanish.


I've got a bunch of other stories just like that one in various places: speaking German to a German couple in Venice, speaking Italian to an Italian in Rome, speaking French in Paris.... and by "speaking" I mean just saying a few words and phrases... but getting the job done! I know just enough to be dangerous! LOL. But I really do want to be fluent in a few different languages. That's one of my goals...


I just wanted to express my support at your idea of learning Spanish. And to say that I think that we're going to be able to move our vacation to a sailing, from San Juan, in June 2013... on the Jewel of the Seas. It will depend upon SIL's work schedule... anyway, anything you come up with in your research (and your current knowledge of San Juan) would be wonderful to hear!


So, to keep this about Zumba... hmmmm... I'm doing Zumba this week! LOL. :D

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Sorry for the chop job on the quote, but I was just wanting to talk to you a little bit about the Spanish/San Juan conversation. I really, really think that knowing just a little bit of the language of the country that you're visiting adds such enrichment to the experience of travel. I know that Anita shares this one memory as being a giggle and a highlight to our recent vacation, in Cozumel. We were at Nachi Cocum, which is a beach resort that provides such a wonderful experience (imo). But, the waiters there can be limited in their English and some people find them to be less attentive only because they are a bit reluctant to speak English, at times. I find that if you attempt to speak Spanish to them, they appreciate the effort and it breaks their feelings of being shy at their limited English... because, quite frankly, they know English WAY better than I know Spanish!


Anyway, we got some hot salsa delivered to us with our lunch and, boy, was it hot. So when the waiter came by (want to call him Jose, but don't know if that's correct), I pointed to the salsa and said, "muy caliente!" He laughed and Anita said "jalapeno?" and Jose responded, "no, habanero." So we all gasped which made Jose laugh out loud... it was just one of those travel moments that make the experience so great and wouldn't have happened if we hadn't tried to converse with Jose in Spanish.


I've got a bunch of other stories just like that one in various places: speaking German to a German couple in Venice, speaking Italian to an Italian in Rome, speaking French in Paris.... and by "speaking" I mean just saying a few words and phrases... but getting the job done! I know just enough to be dangerous! LOL. But I really do want to be fluent in a few different languages. That's one of my goals...


I just wanted to express my support at your idea of learning Spanish. And to say that I think that we're going to be able to move our vacation to a sailing, from San Juan, in June 2013... on the Jewel of the Seas. It will depend upon SIL's work schedule... anyway, anything you come up with in your research (and your current knowledge of San Juan) would be wonderful to hear!


So, to keep this about Zumba... hmmmm... I'm doing Zumba this week! LOL. :D


I agree with you about knowing some of the language enriching the vacation. I'm very lucky that DH fluent in Spanish (HS Spanish and 35 years in the Food Service business). Like yours, our trips to Cozumel have been enhanced by his conversations with the taxi drivers and staff where we visit (yay for Nachi Cocum!). On our cab ride back to the ship on that vacation he asked the cab driver for a recommendation for our NEXT visit to Cozumel for a similar experience, so we went to Mr. Sancho's AI this year. I understood SOME of their conversation when they slowed down!


When I took French I could read a full novel in French, and write fluently, but could never understand it spoken or speak it myself easily. (I'm very visual. It's rare for me to make a spelling error on paper but I can't do a spelling bee, I used to be able to do pages of math equations on paper, but can't add numbers in my head):eek:


DD is fluent in German, and before doing Study Abroad there she took a summer course that immersed them in the language. They couldn't even email their parents in English. I got good at Google Translate, but did manage to keep in touch with her for the summer.


As for San Juan, although we haven't made our plane reservations yet, we're assuming we'll have one day pre-cruise, hopefully to get there early enough to have all afternoon, evening and the next morning for visiting.


We've settled on the Hampton Inn - equally convenient to the airport, cruise port, beaches, AND Old San Juan. We heard there's a public bus that will take us from the front of the hotel into OSJ for 75 cents. We LOVE to take public transportation when we can to get that flavor of the island....did so in Nassau, Montego Bay, and Bermuda so far.


We're travelling with friends who love history, so we'll take them to one of the forts. We already toured San Cristobal, so will probably recommend El Morro for them. That would lead us into walking along Paseo de la Princesa. Really comfortable walking shoes is the key to OSJ! I love just wandering and coming upon some amazing outdoor sculptures, or turning the corner and being at the top of a hill looking out over the water.


I'm glad you've found another cruise to replace your April 6 one. That really made me angry!


OH, and keeping this back to Zumba :p- Monday's Zumba class is cancelled, I will be going to Zumba on Tuesday and Thursday, and maybe Wednesday.

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DH just left...well, it's been a couple hours now...and he just landed back in GA. We had a great weekend. I miss him already. I'm currently in the land of distraction...the World Wide Waste of time...trying to take my mind off this departure day...which is always the worst right? I have 5 weeks until I see him again. We have his flight booked. The rental truck is reserved. We will be celebrating Independence Day and our anniversary in GA this year.


NEXT year though...we will be on the Jewel!! Woot Woot! A very similar itinerary to the Brilliance cruise. We will all have to talk about San Juan because this is going to be something else...flying there to go on a cruise. I must consult with SIL and her husband...they sailed out of San Juan at the end of March on Celebrity. We will all have to talk this...


I am the OP of this thread...and I approve this topic of conversation. ;) LOL!!


Speaking of Zumba...this week is the first week that I only teach 2 classes. Today, I did not teach at Curves in the morning or the rec center at night. Instead, I ate fast food Mexican...TWICE...and went swimming...where I admired my blue pedi in the midst of the sparkling pool and greenery of the surrounding park...I have the pink nose to prove it. So does DH and DS. :( I'm teaching my corporate class tomorrow! YAY!


And it's almost time for bed. I admit that I'm pretty ready to call this day done...I don't like departure day. :(

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I think the vacation feel to Zumba songs is part of the appeal of Zumba...IF your instructor picks those types of songs that is. There is a lot going on in the Zumba world where many instructors pick more familiar songs...personally, this is not my fav...I prefer the more exotic songs that make me think of margaritas and beaches...steel drum bands and mariachi bands...silks and desert tents...etc etc.


A funny thing is happening for me...this is my first week of only having the two Zumba classes...my shorter 45 minute corporate class. I haven't had a chance to talk with the ladies that attend there quite as much as I have in the past. Schedules have been crazy for them and they have arrived late and leave quickly...but this week, I've had a chance to talk more...and I think that I have let a couple influence my song selection too much. I've never let it get too out of hand, you know...because I wouldn't do that...but I have let it go too far in a direction where this class hadn't felt too much like ME...not that it should...it should reflect the students...but I don't think that I was forming a very accurate impression of my students.


And it turns out that the ladies who have continued to attend through thick and thin are more like me that I was originally giving them credit for. So I'm going to be working on some new songs this weekend...getting some good workout time in, in the absence of an actual class...and giving my song selection and choreography some serious thought.


Meanwhile...I continue to work on the house. My current goal is to get it clean enough to take some nice pictures for my landlord to use to market the house. We are praying for someone to come in earlier in July so that we can get a rebate on that month's rent. And also...we are praying for a rental to open up in Georgia...DH is feeling a bit abused in his current situation. He vented quit a bit to me last night. Apparently he is the only one who works in the kitchen...so everyone is asking if they can eat his chili, eat his bean salad, eat his strawberries...etc etc...and he is feeling obliged to say yes to these inquiries...when he really wants to say...you know...the grocery store is 5 minutes away...


Speaking of...I've renewed my efforts for home cooking. First, I have a freezer and a pantry to empty. I've determined that the only food stuffs I will move are spices. Second, I need to be careful of my intake since I have drastically changed my Zumba class schedule. Third, I have a young son that needs my help and needs me to cook him healthy food.


In this process I have tried a couple of convenience foods from my local Kroger store. I can recommend two now.


1. They call them enchiladas and they are sold in the deli section in a refrigerated cooler type case where the hot food is sold...like the rotisserie chicken. I would call them saucy burritos...they take a flour tortilla and stuff it full of shredded rotisserie chicken. Cover it in enchilada sauce and shredded cheese (you can pick some of this off). Whatever fits in one of their designated oval shaped packages is $0.99!! These things are HUGE and sometimes they put two smaller ones in one package. See if your Kroger sells the premade pico de gallo for $1.99 and grab a bagged salad. If you heat up the enchilada, add dressed lettuce and a pile of pico to the plate, you will have a traditional Tex-Mex meal...without the beans and rice, of course. The way that the locals would eat this is to spread the pico all over the "enchilada" and eat them together in a bite. Same with the lettuce. CHEAP and convenient...and nutritionally not too bad.


2. Tyson Fajita Kit. It has marinaded beef with onions/peppers, grated cheese, and tortillas. It is skillet ready. Everything is in vacuum sealed packages and it is sold in the meat case. Mine were reduced for quick sale and also had $1 off stickers on them...so I picked this up for $3.49!! It has 6 tortillas and WAY too much cheese and too few peppers. LOL. But for the price, this was a handy dandy one skillet meal. Because of the calories listed, I let DS eat two with limited cheese and I ate one more stuffed one. I did use the pico I purchased with this also. Used the left over tortillas for eggs tacos this morning. Could have had steak and egg tacos...because they was some left over meat and veggie also. Maybe tomorrow. The veggies were fine...the beef was decent enough...nothing special...it wasn't too salty...it actually was a little peppery?...the tortillas were a little dry but that is to be expected...so overall...a nice deal for another easy cheap meal. My thoughts are that the fat and calorie count on the package for one fajita (310 calories) was largely for the cheese...they expected you to use a full one ounce portion of cheese (112 calories)...which we didn't...and I know that the tortilla should be about 110-130 calories...so just do one overstuffed one...limit cheese...add more veggies and call it another decent cheap and convenient meal. Not something you want everyday...BUT...in the interest of giving yourself a break...much better than other fast food alternatives.


Mom is traveling today! Today is the last day of school. It's only a half day. DS and I are celebrating with the Indian buffet for lunch. DS has a 7-hour birthday party to attend tomorrow...so I'll be getting a bunch done around here...hope everyone has a great weekend.

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I agree with everyone who says that they like music that reminds them of vacation. I think that's why I like Onda so much - it makes me think of the sea. :)


I've been substitute teaching in the mornings these last two weeks in addition to my job (which includes my own classes), so my fitness plan went completely out the window. Last week I missed my gym days and all I did was Wednesday Zumba. So frustrating!


This weekend we were away, but I did get to do laps in the hotel pool on Sunday, and today I did my usual gym routine. Tomorrow is Zumba day, Thursday another gym day, Saturday Zumba again. I'm trying to get back on track. When the semester ends next week I'm going to start a weekly routine of 2 Zumba classes, 2 gym days, and then our usual weekend sports. I really want to drop some weight before our cruise in November.


Our Costco currently has Sweet Chili Lime chicken kabobs - 150 cals. I cooked them on my George Foreman grill. Very tasty! I find that with a really flavorful food like that (they have a bit of a bite), I don't want to eat as much of it. We mostly eat chicken and fish (DH doesn't like beef or pork) so I'm always looking for new options for dinner.

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Hey Ladies! The packing has taken over...and my thoughts and actions are consumed with everything relating to the big move.


I am ruthlessly sorting through things as I prepare for packing. This process does still continue...and I realize how lifestyle can be a help or hindrance to health and fitness goals. Time is the precious commodity...what takes time? Anything and everything that is a responsibility takes time. As I go through all my stuff...I realize that moving stuff is like buying it all over again...sure...it's a discounted rate...but there is a cost to packing, moving, unpacking, organizing, and caring for anything that is moved...and so...


If you read my Earth thread...and how I went through my closet...deciding if I would purchase each and every piece of clothing I owned...I have been, in essence, doing the same thing with my stuff. STUFF should be a four letter word...which I guess it is in some movies...LOL...and as such...;)...it needs to be thrown away if it does not fit into the goals of promoting a healthy lifestyle. I realize that somewhere along the lines I have been blessed...ahem...with the "what ifs?"...and the need to try to prepare myself for "what if" and I have moved "what ifs?" however many times now...and THIS TIME...they are hitting the recycling, the donation pile, or the trash...because I am no longer willing to take on the responsibility of these things that MAY or may not ever be used.


To get done what I want to get done in the time I want to get it done...I have 3 weeks. :eek: This coming Monday is a special bulk junk trash pick up day...and that's a major deadline for me as well.


But things are going well.


We have been doing a lot of swimming. I try to do laps during "adult swim." OMG...it's hard work to swim continuously for any length of time...the little 10 minutes for adult swim feels endless as I do my laps...freestyle in one direction...breast stroke in the other...and I'm PANTING. Holy cow. Using muscles in a new way for sure. I hope all my activity is enough to make up for my change in class schedule.


I tell you what...I have really been watching the food. Not so much WHAT as HOW MUCH...and I try my hardest to stop at the point of satisfied...but not stuffed. Sure I could eat more...but do I really need to? This is the hardest thing. I really like food. And there's something about eating. I like it. A LOT. LOL. So it's a challenge for me to reign myself in, so to speak.


Tomorrow is ZUMBA!! I have a new warm up song...it's called "Back In Time" by Pitbull and it's from the Men In Black 3 movie. It has the refrain from a song from Dirty Dancing. I like it. Did it Tuesday. Doing it tomorrow.


Hope everyone is doing well. Thinking about you all, even if I'm a little quieter in this busy season.

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This Wednesday in Zumba was so fun! We said goodbye to two old dances, Fruta Fresca (which I love, si si si) and Waka Waka, which I had never done and really liked so it's kind of disappointing that I won't get to do it more. Typical student, I'm very attached to my favorites!


Saturday class was interesting - we had the sub again, she did much better this time. My main complaints with her are 1. her warmup is so confusing, it's hard to get warm when you're standing there trying to figure out what's going on (and it's not just me); 2. she doesn't always remember her choreo, so the transitions can be murky and we founder a bit; and 3. she does this one slowish song in the middle and she's always off the count -- to me that is a sign that the music is too slow for the step, or likewise that step needs faster music, since she's always on count the rest of the time. I drives me crazy being off the beat! I don't like the placement of that song in the lineup anyways, and I added my own arms to keep my heart rate up. I probably drive her crazy.


Arms are so important. I don't think just holding them up like a club girl counts as arms.


Here's another weird thing, maybe others can weigh in about what's typical. My Wednesday teacher talks to us a lot, in between songs, during songs to give directions, sing along, get everyone pumped. We clap along sometimes. My Saturday teacher (the sub) doesn't talk at all, she just points once in awhile. It's a very quiet class, no whooping or clapping. Very different dynamics between the two.


What is your class like?

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Unfortunately my instructor right now is a guy. He is very aerobic but does no dance moves and basically nothing with the hips at all. He never changes his songs and does the same 5 or 6 moves to each one. He is getting very boring and I love it when we have a sub. Looking for a new class close by. The owner of the gym says she is going to talk to him but it's been several weeks and nothing yet. Every week he keeps questioning why his class count is dropping. Dude, open your eyes.

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I tell you what...I have really been watching the food. Not so much WHAT as HOW MUCH...and I try my hardest to stop at the point of satisfied...but not stuffed. Sure I could eat more...but do I really need to? This is the hardest thing. I really like food. And there's something about eating. I like it. A LOT. LOL. So it's a challenge for me to reign myself in, so to speak.


And that's the problem with a cruise! Stopping at the point of being satisfied when there are so very many tasty food bits to try. Why is it that our bodies will allow us to continue to put in calories that we don't need? OK, I know the answer is "for our survival," etc., but I think it's an engineering flaw! LOL.


It's so interesting to be on a cruise with unfit people. Now, please, don't think that I'm being judgmental or that I'm being "catty," because what I'm really trying to do is just have a discussion. These people are eating hoards of food and talking about taking the stairs instead of the elevator... and most of them say that they don't gain on a cruise or that they gain very little.


I can tell you that there is no way that I can take a cruise and NOT gain weight. Because my lifestyle just can't be matched on a cruise. I burn about 4000+ calories a week in Zumba classes at home. I eat about 9000 calories a week in normal meals... at home. Usually my breakfast will consist of a nutritious smoothie OR a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries. I have a small tuna sandwich with veggies for lunch. I usually have a lean protein and veggies for dinner. I do have a few lattes a day and a few glasses of wine a night.


Contrast that with a cruise week! I have as much for breakfast on a cruise as I probably eat in an entire day at home. Leisurely walking around and happily dancing on a dance floor (where I certainly don't break a sweat) is just not going to duplicate my exercise time at home!


This cruise was off the charts... the food was incredible! Absolutely delicious. I didn't indulge so much that my pants wouldn't button... or that I felt unhappily stuffed. But, I didn't turn down anything that I really wanted and that included Cosmopolitans during lounge happy hours.


Result was a 4.1 lb scale increase. The first morning of being back, I dropped 1 lb. This morning, I dropped .6 lb... AND I did 2 hours of Zumba yesterday! Burned 1818 calories on the heart rate monitor! Eating normal.. for me...


the body is a wondrous machine. I know that I'll settle back into whatever the body wants to be as I settle back into my routine. Having the week off was wonderful, splendid fun and I so enjoyed myself!

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Here's another weird thing, maybe others can weigh in about what's typical. My Wednesday teacher talks to us a lot, in between songs, during songs to give directions, sing along, get everyone pumped. We clap along sometimes. My Saturday teacher (the sub) doesn't talk at all, she just points once in awhile. It's a very quiet class, no whooping or clapping. Very different dynamics between the two.


What is your class like?


When I first started Zumba, I really needed a class like your Wednesday's. Now, all of my classes are like your Saturday. When the first note sounds on the Zumba playlist, we just hit it hard for an hour. There's no real talking from the instructor as my instructors give hand cues. There may be some whooping in class, but it's more rare than usual.


We had a sub that reverted back to the breaks between songs, giving a breakdown of the moves that we were going to do, etc. I absolutely was out of my mind during that class because I couldn't believe how LONG it felt. I kept glancing at the clock and thinking that this class was never going to end. I haven't experienced those feelings in a Zumba class in quite a long time. The classes that go nonstop are just hours that fly by and I can't believe that we're doing a warm up when the time comes!


Yesterday, I did 2 hours of Zumba because an instructor that I adore was subbing for a Zumba Toning class that starts right after our regular Zumba class ends. I thought I'd just stay for the class (especially since I'm getting back into exercise from an indulgent vacation week). I had done one Zumba Toning class and thought it was terrible. Last night's class was THE BOMB! It was so MUCH FUN!


I tell you what... Zumba is so instructor dependent.


@fergusonvt: One of the most FUN Zumba instructors that I had was a guy. Unfortunately, he moved... fortunately his class was taken over by an instructor that I LOVE. I'm going to a class tonight that is being led by a guy and the reviews on him are quite the rave. So I'm excited. If you don't LOVE your instructor, get going to find one that you do. Zumba is too beneficial and too rewarding to be discouraged by a person that you can't enjoy. Don't make the mistake of thinking that guys aren't good; it's just that you have run across ONE instructor that you don't care for. Lesson learned; find another ASAP! IMO.

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Hi Ladies,


I´m pretty unmotivated regarding Zumba, our classes are so packed that you are always in danger of colliding with the next dancer...


I´m taking classic dance lessons with DH on friday night. Two more classes to go, and even though we took the beginners class, we are so advanced that we are doing most of the intermediate steps by now :)

Pays off to refresh what you thought was long forgotten. Turns out my feet have a better memory than my brain.


And some more good news.

We have acruise scheduled for july. A week up to Norway aboard HAL Rotterdam. That´ll be a series of firsts:

First time Norway, first time HAL...


I´m sorry that I´m not so communicative right now, I don´t spend that much time in front of my computer...


Take care

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Hey Ladies! The packing has taken over...and my thoughts and actions are consumed with everything relating to the big move.


I am ruthlessly sorting through things as I prepare for packing. This process does still continue...and I realize how lifestyle can be a help or hindrance to health and fitness goals. Time is the precious commodity...what takes time? Anything and everything that is a responsibility takes time. As I go through all my stuff...I realize that moving stuff is like buying it all over again...sure...it's a discounted rate...but there is a cost to packing, moving, unpacking, organizing, and caring for anything that is moved...and so...


If you read my Earth thread...and how I went through my closet...deciding if I would purchase each and every piece of clothing I owned...I have been, in essence, doing the same thing with my stuff. STUFF should be a four letter word...which I guess it is in some movies...LOL...and as such...;)...it needs to be thrown away if it does not fit into the goals of promoting a healthy lifestyle. I realize that somewhere along the lines I have been blessed...ahem...with the "what ifs?"...and the need to try to prepare myself for "what if" and I have moved "what ifs?" however many times now...and THIS TIME...they are hitting the recycling, the donation pile, or the trash...because I am no longer willing to take on the responsibility of these things that MAY or may not ever be used.


To get done what I want to get done in the time I want to get it done...I have 3 weeks. :eek: This coming Monday is a special bulk junk trash pick up day...and that's a major deadline for me as well.


But things are going well.


We have been doing a lot of swimming. I try to do laps during "adult swim." OMG...it's hard work to swim continuously for any length of time...the little 10 minutes for adult swim feels endless as I do my laps...freestyle in one direction...breast stroke in the other...and I'm PANTING. Holy cow. Using muscles in a new way for sure. I hope all my activity is enough to make up for my change in class schedule.


I tell you what...I have really been watching the food. Not so much WHAT as HOW MUCH...and I try my hardest to stop at the point of satisfied...but not stuffed. Sure I could eat more...but do I really need to? This is the hardest thing. I really like food. And there's something about eating. I like it. A LOT. LOL. So it's a challenge for me to reign myself in, so to speak.


Tomorrow is ZUMBA!! I have a new warm up song...it's called "Back In Time" by Pitbull and it's from the Men In Black 3 movie. It has the refrain from a song from Dirty Dancing. I like it. Did it Tuesday. Doing it tomorrow.


Hope everyone is doing well. Thinking about you all, even if I'm a little quieter in this busy season.


I hope your packing is continuing to going well. It really is so much work sorting through everything, and I'm the WORST about not letting things go...'you never know when you might need that'! Even at work today at one of my clients I replaced several very old beat up network cables with newer cables and had a hard time throwing the old ones away:o.


DH talks sometimes about moving to Florida (mostly to be closer to more cruise ports...lol), and the thought about all the closets and 'crap' to go through is overwhelming. I know - it sounds like I ought to be on 'Hoarders', but it's really not that out of control :rolleyes:. Luckily I have lots of good storage spaces in my house, it's just that I'm a sentimental fool!:D


It's amazing how when you think you're in decent shape but then do a different type of exercise you find....you're not! Not really, but with the issues with our Tues/Thurs Zumba class still having subs or being cancelled I've gone back to using the treadmill and the machines at the gym. My aerobic capacity is better since doing Zumba, but I can feel I'm working different muscles, especially using the incline.



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