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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Most of my discussion is centered on food right now...because there just isn't a whole lot of Zumba going on. And food is what I can deal with right now...


Today, I started to install a fix in our walk-in pantry. Ya'll know that I'm in a rental...in a new state...and here in GA, they are huge fans of that wire shelving EVERYWHERE. I really dislike this wire shelving. Anyway...I found a great tip in the Family Handyman magazine that I checked out from the library. To make wire shelving more friendly for smaller items (like in a pantry)...install pegboard to fit on each shelf...use a small cable tie to secure the pegboard. Pegboard is inexpensive, so this is a great fix for a rental property as well. here's a link to the idea:




My pantry is already more user friendly...and having a kitchen that is more user friendly means easier cooking and cleaning, which translates to healthier eating.


My food experiment for this week...


We had a spiral ham for Christmas. If you've ever had one...you know that the spiral cuts end toward the end of the bone. And it's difficult to get the ham off the bone at that point...based on a previous Mom experiment...this is what I did:


I purchased one of those 15 bean variety mixed bags for soup. I soaked the beans over night in the crock of my big crock pot. In the morning, I added the bone in ham with all the meat on it...as well as a couple of other chunks that were saved. I added water that had been previously saved from boiling potatoes one night and boiling sweet potatoes a different night. (This water seems to contain good nutrients...likely several water soluble nutrients, so I've taken to saving this water to use in my broth making.) I also added bone broth from a container that I didn't freeze because it wasn't completely full. I also added:


chopped onion

minced garlic

1 T dried oregano

3 bay leaves (mine are old and small...)


Cook on high for about 4 hours.


Them I removed the ham chunks and bone. I took a bunch of the beans/liquid and pureed it in a blender and added it back to the crock pot to make the broth have a bit of body. The ham shredded like pulled pork and I cut the longer pieces and added it back to the pot. I decided to chop a huge carrot and some celery. I lowered the heat to low, which isn't that low on my new crock pot. About an hour later, I added a one pound bag of chopped collard greens (stems and all) to the crock pot (these were on sale for 50 cents at my local store!).


After the greens had softened somewhat, I reduced the pot to warm. The soup needed pepper IMO...and was pretty tasty. No added salt needed with all that ham, but it wasn't too salty with the addition of all that no salt added cooking water/broth.


This was easy easy. It sounds like several steps...and maybe they could have been consolidated, but I was kind of making this up as I went along.


The bean mixture did come with a seasoning packet that I did NOT use. The packet had soy and whatnot in it...and so I wasn't really interested in it. Anyway...the bean mixture was under $3.00. The ham was basically left over. The cooking water was cheap...onions, carrots, celery, garlic...and cheap seasonal greens. This made a TON of soup. My big crock pot FULL.


I love soup...and I've been so cold here in GA (I know everyone in the north is so much colder...BUT...I'm not used to it...and the houses here are more equipped to deal with heat rather than cold, so I'm having a bit of a struggle this winter)...if anyone else has great, inexpensive, nutritious soup ideas...I'd love to here them.


Meanwhile...still waiting for my pedometer to come to me. It has shipped. I'm involved in several challenges for steps. I'm actually excited to wear it during a Zumba class and see how many steps I make.

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Got my pedometer for the Virgin Healthmiles program. VERY excited for this. I am a competitive person and the way that they have this set up is pretty fun. You can challenge other users. Because I am so social...I have already joined several groups (hello. I found several Zumba lovers groups!) and have been challenged already. This helps everyone earn Healthmiles.


Anyway...I got my pedometer in the mail today after 5pm and now I have logged over 12K steps! We went for a family walk for about 30 minutes...then I did my own Zumba class. Ladies...that was almost 7K steps in one hour of Zumba! With that and the walk, I was so close to the 12K milestone that I just HAD to do some more songs so that I could hit 12K...and I did.


I am feeling a bit achy...it's the first class that I've done since the beginning of November *gasp* I'm achy, but it's a good achy. Hello hips and shoulders. OMG. Caps lock OMG. LOL. (Anyone watching this season's Biggest Loser?) Oh...and my ribs! I worked it tonight. I feel so good...

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The good news is that I wasn't actually sore this morning! Yay! I wondered if I would be after such a long hiatus.


I'm telling you...this pedometer has really sparked life in my whole day. It's making me want to get up and move just to see the numbers go up. And the fact is that you share your numbers with others when you do these challenges...and I guess this is very motivating for me. Because I want to WIN. LOL!


I finally finished the pantry project today. And wow...SO nice.


The weather has finally warmed up a bit here...high 60s. Ah. I'm such a wimp, but I'm really not prepared with my wardrobe. I don't own any pants for working out. Or rather, I didn't until yesterday. I bought two pairs of pants at Academy where that kind of thing is really inexpensive. This has really helped me to be able to get dressed in something appropriate and be able to do some Zumba...I realized that I was feeling not so motivated because I didn't want to change into any of my other workout clothing because I would be too cold. No excuses now.

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So I have totally figured out how I broke through that plateau I was on when we moved. The deal was that I was very worried that, in losing my teaching schedule, I would gain weight again.


In the month of June, when I was only teaching two 45-minute classes a week...I was almost ALWAYS on the move. Literally, packing, disassembling, organizing, and doing all those things that you do when you move. Basically, if I was awake...I was active. Not only was I concerned about going from 9 classes a week, but also I was concerned about getting everything done that needed to get done. I would take brief internet breaks. Brief. And I would take breaks to paint my nails and do self manis and pedis.


SO. Fast forward to today. And this whole pedometer business.


It's after dinnertime, football is on...we have already gone on a walk today. I look at my pedometer and I only have about 6100 steps. I need at least 7K to get a decent benefit on my upload... I will admit that after doing Zumba two days in a row, I was thinking I should take a break...and the family was pretty messy and I could get some laundry going...and deal with some dishes. So I started doing what I'll call "puttering around" and casually dealing with household chores.


And then I saw how many steps I was getting.


And I decided that I could definitely hit 12K AGAIN for the third day in a row if I just kept puttering around doing household chores. And the deal is that I realize that this is pretty much what I was doing with moving. Moving was more vigorous at times with heavier lifting...BUT...essentially...I was ACTIVE and not just sitting on the computer or watching TV.


It really makes a huge difference to just MOVE instead of sit.


And here I am...and again...my legs are kind of achy...and I'm actually hot...we've had beautiful weather today...high of 72!! And I'm understanding even more what Margaret mentioned much earlier regarding the idea of just being more active in general.


And I'm excited about that, you know? Because I am seriously using this pedometer as motivation to keep active and regain lost ground.


I do believe that Monday should be the first day that I log more than 20K steps...since I should teach a class that morning and get a bunch of housework done that day. Talk about motivation to do stuff around the house! I need that too! LOL!

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Sharing recipes:


Caught the last 10 minutes of "Giada at Home" yesterday. Watched her make this dip and knew that it would be a hit in my house.




You do need a food processor to make this dip. How I adapted the recipe for my family...


I substituted spinach for the arugula (I didn't go shopping before making this today and I DID have spinach). I also did half Italian parsley and half cilantro.


This dip is really good. You can control the oil to make it more or less thick, of course. The way I made it, it was also a great dip for veggies. We ate it with corn tortilla chips instead of the pita chips. It was the big hit I thought it would be. And it stayed green for a long time (unlike guacamole).


Avocados are SO good for you:




Beans are also good for anti-inflammatory. The greens with spinach, parsley, and cilantro is excellent as well. Lemon. Garlic. Olive Oil. This is an excellent, healthy dip. Enjoy!

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I had one Zumba class this month, and then I hurt my back, so I haven't been getting any exercise at all. It makes it more of a challenge to meet my calorie count for the day, AND I'm going stir-crazy. This week I literally did nothing but sit at my desk at work for 4 hours and then come home and lay around. Lay around and think about food!


Yesterday I had some leftover broiled flounder from Friday's dinner, so I made fish salad with mayo, lemon juice, garlic, and carmelized onion. I cut rye bread into triangles, plopped on some fish, and toasted them under the broiler. Yum. And I made this salad from my 500 Salads book, it was delicious and a nice clean taste to balance the fish. I used my mandoline to slice everything very thinly:


Apple & Celery Salad (serves 4)


2 apples, sliced

2 celery stalks, sliced

1 fennel bulb, sliced

4 T chopped walnuts (I don't like them, so I used pecans)

1/2 freshly shaved Parmesan


for the dressing:

2 T mayonnaise

1 T cognac

1 T ketchup

2 T lemon juice

cayenne pepper to taste

salt and black pepper to taste

2 T nut oil or canola oil (I left this out completely)


Loosely mix the apples, celery, and fennel in a large bowl, and arrange on four plates. Scatter walnuts and parmesan shavings over each serving.


Mix the dressing and season to taste. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and sprinkle with freshly gound pepper. Add a few drops of nut oil and serve immediately.



I bathed the apples, celery, and fennel in a bowl of lemon juice while I made the dressing. Then I drained them and tossed with the dressing, and sprinkled the nuts and parmesan on top at the end. I debated adding raisins but I didn't. For guests I think I would place it on a bed of lettuce, maybe red leaf or arugula.


Variations in the book include substitutions: hazelnuts, manchego cheese, firm pears.

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Oh Margaret, so sorry to hear you hurt your back. That salad sounds yummy...the dressing sounds a bit odd to me, but then, I don't really know what Cognac tastes like...I know apples and celery are good together. Mom used to make tuna salad with apples, celery, and carrots all chopped up in it...I LOVE that.


I've been doing really well with my pedometer. Haven't done too much Zumba but I have done many steps. Today will be my first day to not hit the 12K mark. It's been raining all day, so we couldn't go for our walk and I just wasn't up for Zumba at home today.


I did quite a bit of shopping errands today. DS's b-day is Thursday. He'll be 12! We have a fun bit planned for his b-day day and then a family LAN party this weekend. His aunt and her husband are even driving up from Florida for it. It should be a good time.


I still haven't taught my own class yet. Have to do more marketing to get the word out that there is a class so some students will come!

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My morning class has been changed to an evening class. The studio owner/manager admitted that perhaps we should have started there as she already has one evening Zumba class and the ladies that currently attend that one want more. I'm thinking...uh, yeah...if you already have students that want more, why wouldn't you start a new class then?


I think it was because there aren't a ton of instructors available during the day and she wanted to try to grab a new market. It will take time to get that together though. I'm thinking about having a big demo class. And having a lot of time to market it. Something that didn't really happen yet.


Anyway...I admit that I'm not thrilled with the new time, but I'm excited to teach. Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7:30 to 8:30. Ugh. That's late to me, but I've noticed that it isn't unusual out here in the backwoods. I think it just takes that long for people to get home from work and deal with what they need to deal with before working out.


The new classes start next week.


Hope everyone is doing well.

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Anita, congrats on the new class, yay! It isn't uncommon here for classes to begin 7-7:30 or even later. It's amazing how you walk in tired from the day and leave all happy and calm. I always sleep so well on Zumba nights.


I found a wonderful chiropracter, and my back is feeling better already, but the best news is he told me to resume my usual activities. So, Zumba on Sunday! Woo hoo! I've missed it so much.


This last month, not having been able to work out, my weight loss has been stalled. Even though I'm meeting my calorie count, the lack of activity has had a significant impact. So, if you think you can lose weight by just cutting back on food, I'm a textbook case of YOU'RE KIDDING YOURSELF! Seriously, without exercise or activity of some kind it's pointless. I have been lucky to at least maintain what I've done so far.

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I'm with you on thinking that is late. I hate that my Monday night class is 6:30-7:30, I prefer the 6-7 or 5:30-6:30 but realize that not everyone works from home like I do. My gym had some morning classes that were hard to fill. Looking forward to Zumba tomorrow. I missed last night because my son had surgery on his wrist yesterday. I was all set to go to class and he got sick and couldn't move his arm out of the way because of the nerve block. Needless to say a trip to the drug store for clean bandages was needed instead. YUK. We are leaving Friday for our cruise so I want to go 4 nights this week.


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

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I'm sore everywhere, but I don't care because I got to Zumba today!


My back survived the class just fine. In fact, I think it was good for it. I think I learned the fifth or sixth version of Waka Waka that I've done since I started Zumba last May (new teacher for me today).


Ferguson, I hope you have a great cruise! We're gearing up for more snow tomorrow. Some warm weather sure sounds good about now....

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I'm sore everywhere, but I don't care because I got to Zumba today!


My back survived the class just fine. In fact, I think it was good for it. I think I learned the fifth or sixth version of Waka Waka that I've done since I started Zumba last May (new teacher for me today).


Ferguson, I hope you have a great cruise! We're gearing up for more snow tomorrow. Some warm weather sure sounds good about now....


Yeah, snowing here right now. Sure hope Zumba isn't cancelled, I need it tonight.


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

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Today is my first evening class. The instructor that teaches the Monday night class couldn't make it, so I actually covered for her class last night. It was a good class...there were only two students. Myself and the owner/manager. I guess some students have kids in sports and sometimes can't make class... I guess there are normally more. Maybe if they couldn't come last night, they'll come tonight?


I did make a couple of adjustments to my playlist...


I smashed the first two warm up songs together in a free music editing program called Audacity. And I made the beat of these songs 130 BPM because they seemed just a little bit slow...not too bad...but just a little bit slow. I like this software...it's free...and it's pretty easy to use.


And I exchanged two of the songs and rearranged the order. It's going to be interesting to see if either of last night's ladies come back. I don't know if working out two nights in a row for someone trying to get back into the groove is too much. Regardless, I know I'll have two students...my SIL and MIL are coming to class. Should be different. SIL has never done Zumba and didn't respond well to the DVDs...so we'll see what she thinks about the class. I took my MIL to her first Zumba class at that church class...and she enjoyed it.


We'll see how it goes. :rolleyes:

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I must admit that I'm a bit sore today...after two days in a row after not having worked out in so long. I had thought about going to a Toning class with an instructor that I met recently and hung out with at the Toning training...BUT...since I'm teaching tomorrow night...AND since we are under a severe wind advisory for the time of the class (and a tornado WARNING right now)...I'm thinking that it's a great day to do laundry. :rolleyes:


I wonder if anyone else experiences a bump up in weight when they first start working out? Mom does. I do. It can be so frustrating, but I finally read a reasonable explanation for the phenomenon and I am comforted by the information. This also relates to how everyone comments on an idea of "you're just GAINING muscle..." Yeah, right.


Do you know how hard it is to gain muscle? Seriously GAIN muscle? You have to be eating a specific nutritional profile with an EXCESS of calories and an overload of weight on your muscles that causes your body to use the available nutrients from your extra calories to BUILD MUSCLE to meet the excessive demands that you are placing on your muscles.


There is a difference between gaining muscle and getting stronger...and I'm sure that this is what people are really meaning when they say "gain muscle"...but technically, this isn't correct. You can strengthen your muscle fibers as they currently exist. You can activate muscle fibers that are usually somewhat dormant and increase your muscle UTILIZATION, especially by doing movement that is out of the norm of your typical day...consistently...like in Zumba class.


How often do we walk sideways? Lateral movement is not our common way...we walk with linear movement...that is forward and back. Lateral movement is the sideways movement...and IDK about everyone else...but my inner and outer thighs are definitely not as toned and strong as my quads and hams. I take off Zumba for a bit...and then going back...it's like HELLO! to all those muscles that aren't used in my daily life.


Now here's the part about seeing weight gain that doesn't relate to BUILDING muscle mass. What is that weight? When you increase the demand on your muscles through non-resistance exercise...and you feel yourself getting stronger...which you very well can be (remember stronger doesn't necessarily mean bigger and more)...your muscles do have to do SOMETHING new to meet the new demands that you are putting on them. What do they do? They INCREASE their stores of glycogen and water. THIS is the first weight gain. Glycogen and water weight...because your muscles are storing more in order to meet the new demand on them.


I'm not arguing that you can't add muscle weight over time...that you increase the actual weight of your muscle fibers over time and repeated use...through exercise similar to Zumba...without adding BULK. I'm just talking about the sooner than later weight gain that can throw people for a loop...because common sense says that it can't really be increased muscle...and it isn't. Is it a part of lean body weight? Yes. Does it have a positive effect on your body composition? Yes. Is it actual MUSCLE weight? No.


I was just very encouraged by finding this information. And I wanted to pass this along.

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Hi Ladies,


it´s been a looooong time.

I´ve not been to a Zumba class in 9 month due to work, de-motivation...

I´m willing to give Zumba another try, and hopefully my right knee is up to the task.

So I´m heading to class early next week.

I believe there are tons of muscles I´ve not used in soooo long.


We´ve booked a Celebrity cruise and I´ve read that they are offering Zumba on there ships. Anyone done one of these cruises?


Take care.

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Hi Ladies,


it´s been a looooong time.

I´ve not been to a Zumba class in 9 month due to work, de-motivation...

I´m willing to give Zumba another try, and hopefully my right knee is up to the task.

So I´m heading to class early next week.

I believe there are tons of muscles I´ve not used in soooo long.


We´ve booked a Celebrity cruise and I´ve read that they are offering Zumba on there ships. Anyone done one of these cruises?


Take care.





I just returned from a fabulous cruise on Celebrity Eclipse and we had a fantastic Zumba instructor onboard. I've had other cruises where the class was advertised as "Latin-inspired," but these classes were advertised as Zumba. And, when I went to the first class, I was so thrilled to see that cute Zumba instructor in her very cute Zumba workout clothes and I knew that I was in for a REAL Zumba class! :D


As I said, she was fantastic. There were definitely some challenges to doing Zumba on a cruise ship... as you will experience. There is some getting use to the ship's movement and doing some of the turn around steps in Zumba. The classes were held in two locations: either the area on the pool deck right in front of the pool itself or in the Sky Lounge (keeping in mind that I was on a S-class ship).


I spoke with the Zumba instructor and she shared with me the details of her contract with Celebrity. BUT, she also said that Celebrity was looking into having a licensed Zumba instructor as part of the staff onboard. It was unclear whether the Zumba instructor would fall into the gym staff OR the life activities staff. At the time of my sailing, Zumba was part of life activities so the Zumba classes were scheduled by the Cruise Director's staff... and they were free. There was a possibility of the classes being scheduled by the gym manager and that might mean that they would be held in another type of venue and there was a possibility of a fee... similar to the yoga classes that are offered onboard.


Anyway, it was great fun to have Zumba as an activity. Classes were scheduled for two times a day.. mornings around 10:00am and afternoons around 3:30pm. But keep in mind that the scheduling is definitely ship specific. We had classes on all the sea days (it was a 2-week sailing) and one port day. Everything was at the discretion of the Cruise Director.


Welcome back! Talk with us and we'll help with your motivation. :)


Anita! Great information about weight gain when first working out. That info makes me feel SO. MUCH. BETTER. :cool:

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Kasi!! It's so good to see you post. It's funny how you think about people you've never officially met and wonder how they are doing... My move has resulted in my not regularly attending or doing Zumba since June 2012!! I'm right there with you. It's time to get after it again though...


A couple things have happened...


First...the lady running the studio that I was starting to teach at has decided to close. So no classes for me.


Next...I'm talking with a teacher at DS's school about having a Zumbathon to benefit one of the school's students who has bone tumor in her knee...it is like a form of cancer and she is getting ready to undergo surgery where they are going to take her ankle joint and lower leg bones to reconstruct her knee area. She will then have to learn how to live with a prosthesis lower leg.


Next...I gave into a horrible desire to eat a breakfast sandwich from Starbucks on Friday morning. DH gets every other Friday off and we decided to go there for lattes...and I just really wanted one of those sandwiches. Within the hour, my face swelled around my lips...something weird happened to my lip line...my face swelled around my eyes...you couldn't see my eyelid in the middle because my upper brow/lid area was hanging so low...my hands swelled...my ankles swelled...my face became totally itchy...and everywhere else where you might have "thin skin" was itchy. :eek: I have had a taste of wheat just a couple times since the beginning of November. This was the first time I had wheat on an empty stomach...and I believe I had a serious reaction to it.


So that kind of brings it home to me that, yes, indeed...I need to consider myself allergic...and just learn to deal and not get it into my head that I can gradually add it back into my diet.


I woke this morning with my face still feeling a bit on fire...I think that is a histamine response...I felt a bit like I had a sunburn but my skin wasn't hot.


So I have decided to aggressively make a change. What has worked for my family in the past...and something I have mentioned before...is the Fat Flush Plan. The author also has a book I enjoy called 24-hour Detox. It is an 11-day program whereby you eat a very specific diet rich in liver and colon loving/healing foods to prepare yourself for a 24-hour juice fast. Then you have a 3-day recovery with more specific foods intended to replenish your body from what you have done with the 24-hour fast. We have done this once before and it was excellent.


This is the program for anyone interested:




Following these 11 days, we will do the 2-week Fat Flush Plan. This plan is basically reducing ALL potential allergen foods while eating ONLY veggies, 2 fruit servings, 2 eggs, 2 servings of protein (preferably lean and/or salmon), and 2 servings of either olive or flaxseed oil. All the while you drink lemon water in the morning and a week 100% cranberry juice water solution everyday.


What I am excited about here is that my newest cookbook (Thanks MOM!) by Marcus Samuelsson called The Soul of a New Cuisine which is all about African cuisine is well suited for this type of eating. And after two weeks, when you can start to add back certain foods to test your response (like beans, rice, etc.)...this book has many recipes for that as well.


So I'm sitting here planning my shopping excursion tomorrow because I need to go to a specialty grocery store (it's a Whole Foods) that sells bulk spices because that is so much cheaper and I need to buy so many to do the recipes in this book. I'll also have to go to my local Kroger for other food because I can't afford to pay the prices of everything at the Whole Foods store.


It's going to be an interesting time...


Since I don't have classes of my own on a schedule...I've been planning out the different gyms and facilities around here that offer a free pass for however many days and when they offer Zumba classes to maximize my free pass. I'm planning on doing a pass and maxing the classes at the location...and then hopefully being inspired to do some work of my own...then do another pass and get some class time (I do love to be social)...we'll see how that goes. I'm going to go to the YMCA first. I just have to figure out when.


Tomorrow will be spend in major preparation for the week to come. We will just be watching the Super Bowl while we take care of business. I think I'll be more interested in the commercials than the game itself...


Hope everyone is having a great weekend...off to plan!

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Mom recently told me about an analogy from whatever book she was recently reading...the idea IS this...


If you don't have two oars in the water...you just go around in circles...and you don't get anywhere...


In terms of health and fitness goals...the two oars are diet and exercise... you have to eat right and you have to move right.


Right being what is productive toward whatever your personal health and fitness goals are.


When I first started, I was doing pretty good with two oars in the water...


Then I went pretty lax on the diet...


Then I ALSO went pretty lax on the exercise...


With NO oars in the water...I was swept downstream away from my goal...


The whole wheat thing has been a hard thing for me to wrap my head around. I think it was just too much on top of this move. I couldn't really deal with it. The one thing that we DID do was to stop eating out as much. Food became very strange...and we often just ate from the fridge...from the pantry...until we were full. Not really a well planned meal...


But now I am feeling very motivated on the food end of the deal.


And today...I decided that I would motivate myself for exercise.


I decided.


Because I don't know about ya'll BUT...when I haven't worked out in a long time...I certainly don't FEEL like working out. Especially in the cold. Etc etc. I could list several excuses... all valid. BUT...


I knew that I needed to overcome all these excuses ON PURPOSE.


I DECIDED today to work out.


I made my own playlist...


I picked out songs that I haven't done in forever...songs that I don't have full routines too...songs that I did FEEL like doing IF I was going to do this.


Here's my list:


Algo Me Gusta De Ti by Wisin & Yandel and more

Follow the Leader by Wisin & Yandel and JLo

Plane to PR by Daddy Yankee and Will.I.Am

La Langosta (Merengue)

Meniando La Cola (Salsa)

Mirame (No Controles) (Cumbia)

Prrrum (Reggaeton)

Pegate (Merengue)

In A Search (Reggaeton)

Gangnam Style (Korean Pop)

Que Buena Tu Ta (Merengue aka Arms From Hell)

Wepa (Latin Pop)

Pegate Mas (Electro Merengue)

No Piensas en Mi (Reggaeton)

Cuando Me Enamoro (Bachata)

I Need to Know (Cha Cha)

Caminando Por La Calle (Rhumba Flamenca)


It was a great work out and while there were times when I was like :eek: and wishing that I had company... I thought of something else...


I really do want to be physically fit. I really do have a mental image of myself that I want to see IRL. If I don't do something toward the goal, I won't ever reach it.


So I better do something about it.


So I MADE myself do it. And I'm feeling very happy that I did.


I'm going to "go to class" on Friday too.


I've been having a great time in the kitchen. The planning of all this activity has been very time consuming, but the family has really been enjoying the fruits of my labor. The cookbooks that I have been using lately are:


The Soul of a New Cuisine


Jerk Seasoning is fabulous. The jerk chicken recipe needs more time to marinade or to be otherwise tweaked. The roasted veggies in that recipe are FABULOUS, but I learned that I don't love parsnips, OR I had unripe and bitter parsnips.


The Whole Foods Cookbook


The Cilantro Lime Rice is versatile. I served it with the above jerk chicken. Then I served it with the Havana Beans recipe to recreate Taco Bell's Cantina Bowl (I know, I know...but that is actually a pretty tasty dish.)


Mexican Everyday


I recently used the Cilantro Lime dressing from here in my Cantina Bowl recreation. Very good pairing with my current flavor profile.


I also recently tried some Weber brand seasonings. I don't know who really made them...it's rather bizarre that a grill manufacturer is producing seasonings, and somewhat appropriate all at the same time. For ease of use and taste, I give kudos to the two I tried. The "Kick'n Chicken" spice mix sold in the spice section and The "Garlic and Herb Seasoning" in a "Just Add Juice" seasoning packet sold in the packet section where all those envelopes of single use seasonings are sold. You add fresh squeezed lemon to the packet. That one is the one that I used most recently to recreate that Cantina Bowl.


I need to check out my fridge to see what all needs to be cooked before too much more time passes. I know I have some leftover chicken in there that needs to be eaten as well as some kale that will go yellow soon...


Margaret...any great new salads from your book?


Hope everyone else is doing well. It's shower time for me.

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Hi, Anita et al! I've been off the wagon and so only lurking on this thread.


I totally understand what you are saying about the 2 oars in the water, and also about getting in the routine.


For me, and I'm sure I'm not unique in this - it really is so hard to get into the mindset of watching what I'm eating and making sure to get my workouts in regularly. Then even once I'm in it, it's SO easy to slip back. I have to work hard to remind myself that even though I gained 15 lbs in the past 1/2 year, I lost 32 before that, so I CAN do it again. Since my cruise in October I lost much of my resolve, sunk deeper at every holiday (centered around food and drink and too busy to workout)...until the standard New Years resolution to get back on track.


So I went back to Weight Watchers, went back to Zumba (well, that took me longer, only the past 2 weeks have I finally increased back up to 3X per week), and even bought a coin hip scarf to really make me pay attention to moving my hips and core. I felt SO good the first 2 weeks of WW - I had full resolve, made the best food choices, found it so easy...etc., and was rewarded with a 5 lb weight loss. But now I'm already slipping into bad habits - 'sneaking' food at night (who the heck am I sneaking from....myself only!) and now it's only a few ounces down every week. EXCEPT for this week - the scale moved the other way.


OK, enough of me whining about why it's so hard to stay on track, I've got it out of my system, and I will try to participate more here to help me stay accountable to myself.

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It's really, really tough business. I don't know why. I just know it is and it's something that we can't fool ourselves into believing is easy. Because it simply isn't.


Part of me thinks that we have (we meaning society) lost our support groups in so many ways; we've isolated ourselves in front of smaller and smaller computer-type screens; we're trying to do so much "on our own" and that makes it doubly difficult.


I hear everything that you're saying. I, too, have had "something" happen to my brain that has just shaken me up and made me turn to more comfort activity; I will share that I find myself reaching for something more "comforting" than healthy to eat; reaching for another glass of wine in the evenings; and finding it difficult to get back to my Zumba routines. I haven't really even felt much like talking on this thread, which is unusual for me. I know that part of my problem is that I don't like the things that are going on politically and I got super depressed by the election in November. I'm not saying this to engage in conversation about that aspect... just to bring up a point about how things that are "out of our control" seem to affect us in ways that throw us way off balance for the things that are "in our control." The weird thing is: that extra glass of wine? and that extra Tablespoon of mayo? well, it's also in my control to have a salad instead of opening up the can of tuna and making a sandwich instead. The difference, of course, is that the tuna can is way easier in terms of energy expenditure, because I feel very tired. And, the extra glass of wine doesn't seem like such a good idea when I'm sweating at night because my body is throwing off the toxins. AND, it might be contributing to the feeling of being tired.


Wow, your comments just brought up a world of bottled up emotions out of me! I haven't been posting because I felt like all the words I had were dealing with negativity and I didn't want to be THAT person on this thread.


But, I'm going to turn this around. I'm just going to say that we all need to just shake ourselves up and get back to business. From whatever we have had happen that has prompted us to do a little bit of backsliding... whatever that "thing" is... we can get back to the truth of eating nutritionally sound food and "dancing as if no one is watching."


And, if we form a sense of community, even if it is "virtual," then that's a GOOD. THING. for us to do.


I am currently trying to motivate myself to get back to some strength training exercises. The pictures that were taken on this last cruise (in December) told a story that I didn't like to see. What?!? has happened to my posture?!? Wow, I need to work. on. that! And, I don't like the muffin top that I'm getting around my middle when I wear pants that actually fit my bottom. So-o-o-... I've done the "research" (yes, it was a procrastination because I already know what I'm supposed to do) and I've put together a routine that should get me started.


Let's see: my excuses have been: it's too cold! I don't have the proper bra support! My favorite Zumba instructor is being subbed and I'm going to pout about that! My shoes aren't giving me the support I need! My hair looks terrible! It's not Monday! OK.... whatever.


Hope everyone is feeling motivated. Yeah, Anita! Way. To. Go. I'm going to Zumba tonight. OK, I said it... so I'm going to hold myself accountable and get back with it. I'll post tomorrow and tell the truth... because I DECIDED to GO! Yeah!

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So, I went to Zumba last night... but I can't say that i loved it. This instructor just didn't have the choreography or the music that really gets me going and makes me love the exercise that I'm doing...


So... I am going to go to some other instructors which is the fabulous choice that I have. Being a member of a gym with 10 locations in the area... and all within relatively short distances of time and travel... when you think about it that is quite a blessing.


I do have 3 instructors in close range that I can go to that I've been to before and know that I have a love/like relationship with; so I do have Tuesday night, Friday morning, and Sunday morning covered. I just need one more instructor that I can use as a swing in and out of situation for those weeks when I feel like doing a bit more.


I just couldn't quite make myself start the weight lifting routine quite yet. Today I have errands to do; I need to shop for a dishwasher (of all things), and I have some other, equally boring, type of errands to run.


Woop. Woop. It's Thursday! Hope everyone is feeling great today. I think I'm going to go to Whole Foods and buy the cookbook that Anita talks about. The Cilantro Rice recipe sounds good to me. Cilantro is such a good herb for liver health! I've seen it listed as a Master Detoxification agent; the statement is that "Cilantro functions as a form of natural chelation therapy, helping to detox the liver and remove heavy metals from the body." FYI, everyone!:D

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I'm so happy to activity on our thread again! I just have to say...


Hey Judi! I'm very glad you posted again. I feel like we are all in the same boat...we were motivated for a while, lost it for a bit, backtracked a little, but not all the way! *whew*, and are like, okay...time to get back to it.


I am sore today! Not so sore that I can't move...but that kind of "hello rarely used muscles!" sore.


I'm the kind of person that has to concentrate on the process. I have finally learned this about myself. I get too caught up in the destination, the end result...and if I don't get there quickly enough...then I end up with too many unfinished projects around the house. I also seem to underestimate the amount of time it takes to do something...and so I overextend myself, as well...trying to do too much all at once. So I have to learn how to enjoy the process...give it the time it deserves...and focus in on those things that really need to get done. And THEN start the next thing...


So I've given myself permission to just do the two workouts this week. Yesterday and tomorrow. It's how I started back in Sept 2010. Good for you, Judi, that you got back up to 3X/week. That's fantastic and I can understand what a great achievement that is. And meanwhile, I'm trying to start the changes that need to be made...


Yesterday, I managed to cook the things that I had purchased to satisfy the requirements of the prequel to the fast. Things I am not used to purchasing, therefore, I'm not used to cooking...and usually end up throwing away because the rotted in the fridge.


Kale...the best way that I have found to use kale is in the soup called Lentil Sausage Soup in the Whole Foods Cookbook. The recipe actually calls for spinach, but since the recipe is so HUGE and it takes a while to eat...I find that a heartier green holds up better over the next few days that we eat on the soup. I've also used collards.


I didn't care for the way a certain chicken dish came out and didn't particularly want to eat the leftovers. So I made a curry and cut up the chicken into that. I find that any stir fry is a great way to eat a rainbow variety of veggies. The sauce is always the key... I like curry and so I am working on that.


Meanwhile I'm visually feeding on things that will help motivate me to eat right, etc. I just finished watching a documentary called "Hungry For Change." SO much good information in that. Not necessarily a ton of new info, but a new perspective on info that I know or have heard...and definitely some good take aways. I'm having my son watch it and if DH doesn't watch it with us when we do...I want him to watch it too. I'm actually looking forward to watching it multiple times because there is so much info packed into the film. I highly recommend watching it because it is very informative and provides some motivation without condemnation.


I particularly like one segment where they are encouraging viewers to ADD the things to their diet that they SHOULD be eating. The advise is to NOT replace anything in their current diet, but to just start eating these things that they really should be eating. They anticipate that these healthful things will eventually crowd out the unhealthful choices...and it won't be such a struggle to make improve your diet with this methodology.


There were actually SEVERAL take aways from this documentary. I highly recommend watching it. It's available on Netflix.

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I'm the kind of person that has to concentrate on the process. I have finally learned this about myself. I get too caught up in the destination, the end result...and if I don't get there quickly enough...then I end up with too many unfinished projects around the house. I also seem to underestimate the amount of time it takes to do something...and so I overextend myself, as well...trying to do too much all at once. So I have to learn how to enjoy the process...give it the time it deserves...and focus in on those things that really need to get done. And THEN start the next thing...



Wow - reading that really struck a nerve...that describes me to the tee and I don't think I was at the point of understanding that and voicing it like you did. I feel so bad for my neat and organized husband that I have all these 'piles' around the house. Notes for our next cruise (or all the real house work gets ignored because I'm researching on the computer all the time), piles of papers meant to be scanned since I bought a scanner to supposedly go paperless. The video capture device that I bought when the kids were home for Thanksgiving watching their old baby videos and I realized I have to get those off the deteriorating VHS tapes...sitting with the pile of tapes waiting for me to finish the dining room painting and redecorating I started at Christmas, so I will have room to work since my desk is piled with the scanning non-project. Yikes!!!!


So, since you've identified one of my 'issues' my next step will be to follow your suggestion to focus on it, enjoy the process and for me, NOT start a new project until it's complete.


Going back to your other comments and observations. Interesting that at Weight Watchers last month the goal was to work at adding a vegetable and fruit at every meal...as you said, ADDING the things to your diet that you SHOULD be eating. I think I did pretty good at that this month. I bought the big bags of baby carrots, grape tomatoes, grapes, baby sweet peppers, etc., bagged them all into portion sizes and put them where I couldn't miss them in the fridge. Now the trick will be to keep it up and let it become a habit with no effort!


The focus for this month at WW is moving more. I used your '2 oars in the water' analogy at the meeting - thanks for that, I got a 'bravo star'! Oh, BTW, Anita, your goal of Zumba 2x a week is perfect. I only just transitioned to 3x a week - I went from none to one to two first.


They are really pushing this ActiveLink device they sell for $39.95, but then there's a $5/month fee to have it link to your WW account and personalized website. I guess the device tracks all your movements - I heard it was more effective for monitoring Zumba than some other devices. It converts them to WW Activity Points and also helps you set goals. I'm on the fence if I really need that, but I know I'm frustrated with WW & Zumba because it's hard to figure out the AP for it.


My latest thinking (I don't know if it's because I'm cheap or because I need a reward to reach my goal!) is to wait until I reach my goal weight, at which time WW will become free to me again as a lifetime member, and THEN buy the device. I have 10 lbs to go to be at the top of the acceptable range for my height. If I really do it right it shouldn't take too long. Besides getting to that point for the long-term, I have several events this year coming up every 3 months where I want to look and feel great - our next cruise, my 40th High School Reunion, DD wedding.


To enhance the 'movement' side of things - I think I already mentioned I started wearing the coin hip scarf - I can see the difference in my waist line already from concentrating on making that thing shake and shimmy! I also realized after wearing my Nike Musique shoes for over a year that the tread was almost gone, and that I've worn the outside of the soles pretty well. That really struck me how much pronation I have. My younger sister used to be 'knock-kneed', when we were kids we looked like our legs were spelling the word OX when we stood together!!!:D



Last week I was going to ask here about recommendations for Zumba shoes, but I decided myself on Ryka Studio D shoes. When I opened the box there was a blurb on it about the Q-Angle that women often have that causes that pronation, and that this shoe addressed that and the stability of the foot. I thought that was hype...until I put them on! I always thought I had absolutely no balance, could never do yoga cause I can't stand on one foot without falling, and even when doing the Charleston last week in class I wobble all over when I'm on one foot. I tried doing that in THIS shoe and amazing!


I wore them for the first time to last night's class. It felt like they were already broken in perfectly, light as air, and my balance was SO much better.


Hope anyone to the north fares well - we are just south of the snow line and are only expecting rain.

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OMG...Judi...Piles! I have piles. :o In moving, I really decided to get rid of my piles...and so I have WAY fewer piles now because I released myself from many of them. But that is so funny because I really relate to that. A LOT.


I did a little research on that device you mentioned. Based on what I read, I don't recommend it at all. I'm not entirely familiar with the methodology WW uses so bear with me as I try to relate what I've read.


First, the device has a baseline level of activity that you have to meet each day before it starts tracking activity to contribute to your AP. Therefore, if you get up in the morning and hit your Zumba class first thing, you may not get ANY AP credit for that class because it is using the activity that it tracks during that class toward your baseline level of activity. Once you satisfy your baseline level of activity, THEN it starts to add AP. SO, if you are really wanting to figure out your AP for your Zumba classes, the way that this device tracks your activity during the day could be more frustrating than helpful depending on WHEN you attend Zumba.


Second, once you start using the device, the device rules and you cannot override any mistakes that it makes to correct what you believe should be additional AP points. I've heard that people are unable to adjust the info that the device tracks. If you forget to put the device on, OR let's say you change clothing mid-day (or after a workout)...and forget to put the device on again...you have no recourse for manually entering AP points because you are now dealing with this device.


Last, it doesn't seem to have a secure way to attach. I saw lots of reports of lost devices. Devices that quit working, etc. It seems like a crap shoot on whether or not it's worth the money...especially $60 annually for the privilege of the frustration.


I have this special pedometer through my DH's work that tracks my steps and also the minutes that I spend doing more than 135 steps per minute. While this device is pretty cool, and somewhat motivating toward being more active throughout the day...I don't recommend it for Zumba because the things it tracks don't relate well to Zumba movement. Using steps per minute to track a more intense activity works for runners but not for Zumba where intensity is often stepless (i.e. squats, intense arm work, shimmies, etc.)...and your heart rate can be soaring even as your feet are virtually planted in one place.


Therefore, I highly recommend that you get a heart rate monitor (HRM). This will be the absolute BEST way for you to measure the intensity of your Zumba classes. I know that this is definitely Mom's area...she got a new one somewhat recently and did a lot of research on it. So, I will defer to her and let her chime in to report her research into that...


Meanwhile, it may take a bit of figuring and building a history to analyze for you to figure out how your average HR, max HR, time your HR is above whatever level, and the reported calorie burn translates into AP points. I think that you will be better served by doing this though for the long run. This will be the best way IMO for you to get the AP you deserve for your Zumba. Things will remain in your control and be more reliable IMO.

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I've been reading the thread all week, and thinking OMG we are all in the same boat at the same time. Motivation lately has been hard for me. The weather makes me want to curl up on the couch with a book and some M&Ms. Keeping to a routine has been hard, and I reeeaaallly need a routine to be able to fit in my workouts. Piles, all I can say is yep! Got some of those too, and the too-many projects they represent. Weight loss = flat for the whole month of January. PMS = derailed my whole diet last week and I'm 51 for goodness sake! Make it stop!


One of the thoughts I've had this weekend is that I am too linear in my expectations, i.e. my road to thinner will be straight up like a graph, and go from "bad Margaret" to "good Margaret." There is so much self-judgment in that approach, don't you think? Why are we so hard on ourselves?


Today I thought I would start thinking of my health as ocean waves crashing on the beach. Sure, sometimes they surge in, and sometimes they retreat. But, the ocean and the beach are always there, and if I am in tune with the cycle maybe I will find some kind of equilibrium that lets me be my healthy self without all the self-defeating voices in my head when life is difficult.


I also think I've learned a lesson or two from this last month of semi-injury. First, I think my back injury is telling me I need to work on my core. I work my back a lot to prepare for ski season, and I think it is creating an imbalance between back to front. So, I got my Pilates band out and I plan to do 10 mins in the morning at least 5 days a week. I got the ok from my fabulous chiropracter to resume my weight training as long as I'm "sensible." He presumes that is possible, ha ha.


The second thing I learned about myself has been kind of hovering around for a while without my being able to articulate it. In effect, though, it is that when I was a dancer my body was the tool with which I made my art and did my job, so I took very good care of it. When I retired I abandoned that idea and ignored my body for a long time. But in truth my body is still the tool with which I do my "work," and my work is my life, regardless of what actual job I have. If I want to be happy and productive and travel and love and all the other things I want to do and be, then I need the best tool possible for the job. So, I feel a renewed commitment to taking care of myself and all that that means.


As for Zumba, I have some classes now that I truly love. They are so much fun and I leave feeling so good both physically and mentally. I wish I could do it every day!


Salad of the week - no salad from last week because PMS girl was busy eating peanut butter sandwiches :) - Pear Salad with Walnuts and Roquefort:


1 bunch arugula

1 bunch watercress

4-5 T roughly chopped walnuts

4 oz. (1/2 cup) Roquefort, crumbled

2 ripe pears

raspberry vinaigrette:

1 clove garlic

6 T olive oil

4 T raspberry vinegar

1/2 - 1 T honey

salt and pepper to taste


Wash the greens and place in a bowl with the walnuts and half the Roquefort cheese. Prepare the vinaigrette, add to greens and toss well.

Peel the pears, core and cut into slices. Add to salad and toss gently. Arrange on plates and sprinkle remaining cheese on top.


I couldn't get raspberry vinegar, so I bought a prepared dressing. It was fine but a bit too sweet, so I'm going to continue looking for the vinegar to make my own because you can adjust the honey to make it more or less sweet. Also, they didn't have roquefort, and DH won't eat bleu cheese, so I used feta. Finally, if you are a lazy cook like me, you can buy the greens in the bag; I used a mix with some frisee and that made for a very pretty plate. I can't wait to have this salad in the summer with a very cold Reisling, or maybe a nice Prosecco. Manga!

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