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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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;) It's not my fav either...but I feel like trying to reward the one student that came with something special. Not sure this routine will ever make it onto another playlist! but since I don't have a hard time learning routines...I will make the effort to do this one. And I'm pretty sure that she'll forgive me if I totally mess up...maybe I'll make her lead it! LOL. She seems like the kind of student that would remember the whole thing if I could just get her started...:rolleyes:



Of course. It is easy to please the class when there is only one student. :D She might be flattered if you let her take the lead. You teach in several places and are learning to adapt to the class. Kudos to you for trying hard to please.


I do find that the Latin songs that I love the best are all the hardest on my knees. They have lots of knee pumping action, more intricate steps and sharp turns. One teacher, who favours more American music, always has us dripping with sweat, but her energetic routines seem to be easier on my faulty body parts. Lots of wild arm movements and hip shaking. Perhaps this is based on the fact that our Latina teachers were professional dancers in their own countries and our Canadian teachers are more athletic.


I go to 4 classes a week and enjoy that each instructor has her own music and style.


All of our teachers are good about asking what we want to hear.

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The one student that came to class on Monday morning and I were talking a bit. At the end of class, she told me that she had lived in San Diego and Miami and that she had gone to Zumba classes in both places...and did I know that song? Get Nasty and then she made this stuttering, dj scratching-like sound following the "Get Nasty" lyric.


And I was all like :confused:.


But apparently, I'm not the only instructor to have this reaction...


But I found it! It was released 10 months ago!! OMG. But apparently, she really liked that song and she was having a hard time finding it. I found it in about 2 seconds, but then, I'm getting pretty good at finding Zumba songs. I wonder how she was looking? And if she really looked that hard...


Anyway...It's older, obviously, but anyone ever done this song?



Most of the routines shown are a very, very close, almost exact representation of one of the choreos that Zumba gave to us with the song. Instructors aren't supposed to post that choreo...it's against our agreement with Zumba to do so...but they continue to post proprietary choreo...ah well. It's why I'm not linking to any particular choreo to that song...but odds are that if you see it...then that's the choreo you have done because it seems very popular from my searches.


I'm going to play this song for the Wednesday morning class! I appreciate when people have songs that they love and want in class. So this makes me happy to have this little project. I think the song seems like it could be fun in class but is rather annoying to listen to. Margaret, based on earlier comments, I'm pretty sure your Latin dancing lovin' class would not appreciate this one. LOL!



We are doing that song right now. Not my fav but several instructors at our gym use it. I don't mind doing some current hits but really like the latin/Spanish music better.

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Oh, you're going to laugh out loud, for real. I listened to Getting Nasty because of your comment that this might be a Kisha type song... well, no... it's LAURA, on a SUNDAY morning! Ha! I never really listened to the lyrics, but this is one of her fav songs and we must do it almost every Sunday class for the last few months, even. I do modify quite a bit in the song because I just can't do those knee jolting jumps, and I really don't have quite the rhythm or speed to do most of those pumps. But, it is a high energy song that I don't mind.


Of course, there's a line of difference between "don't mind" and "love!" Right? Last night was such a lovely Zumba time. Kisha brought back some oldies, but goodies... those songs that you just love everything about! Danza Kuduro, and a few songs from that time frame. Moving on to I'm Sexy AND I Know it! to If You're Sexy and You Know it!... which were just fun. And that song about the tea (looked it up, it's called Drop and Roll)..


Anyway, Just a fun, fun class. But, OMG, as I've mentioned before... I've got to get some more Zumba into my week. I'm just wrecking myself; terrible calf cramps last night! We're having extreme, extremely hot weather right now; I know that cramping can be attributed to dehydration. I'm really trying to drink water all day long, but maybe I just can't keep up with this heat!... don't know.


Bottom line. Great class last night. I wouldn't say that it was mostly Latin based rhythms, though. Just fun, fun songs and fun movements to them.

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Oh that's horrible! That's actually something that I actively pray for...that no one would be hurt during my class. I'm very surprised that the injury would require being taken away in an ambulance...what in the world happened? So sad.


Well...no one showed up today for the Zumba class I was subbing. It's okay. I guess the one student tried to go to class yesterday and the sub that was scheduled for yesterday didn't show...and who knows why she didn't come back today? I left a note for her about that song, since she obviously wanted to find it but couldn't.


Preparing to leave town this weekend. Going to Disney! Woot woot!

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Oh that's horrible! That's actually something that I actively pray for...that no one would be hurt during my class. I'm very surprised that the injury would require being taken away in an ambulance...what in the world happened? So sad.


Well...no one showed up today for the Zumba class I was subbing. It's okay. I guess the one student tried to go to class yesterday and the sub that was scheduled for yesterday didn't show...and who knows why she didn't come back today? I left a note for her about that song, since she obviously wanted to find it but couldn't.


Preparing to leave town this weekend. Going to Disney! Woot woot!



She said she wasn't doing anything special, no twisting or anything, and the knee just popped. She could not put any weight on it at all and said it was extremely painful. She is 30ish and athletic.


Although doctors and hospitals are all free here, ambulances are not and she said it would cost her $250. I had thought the gym might pay for reasons of liability, but no.

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Here we go again...


No one showed up at the Pole Dancing place. One of the two regulars had contacted the owner to say she had a migraine. She and her friend (the two regulars) usually come together in the same car, so I figured the other wouldn't show up alone. The most excellent part is that the owner asked me to continue to hang out and she paid me for my time, even though no one came. Which is a most excellent way to do business...I was very happy.


And I headed over to the gym class, which is actually my class! And we had a great workout. I think the ladies really like my style...which makes me very happy. This is such a late class...I do take the time to do a nice cool down section. I consider the last four songs to be my cool down...that's about 15 minutes. The first is an abs/squats workout. Nice and slow squats that make you concentrate. Prrrum, for those that know the song. The ladies like it. They like the chance to work that core. Then my Bachata with some toning moves. Then my Cha Cha that is just kind of sexy and groovin'. Then the static stretch. And by the end...your mind is mush.


Or at least mine is. LOL!


But I'm not buzzy. And I made a comment about that...and judging from the clapping at the end of class...I'm thinking that we had a good workout and that they like this ending. Because ending class at 8:30 really is late. Seriously.


And I'm officially on vacation from teaching until July 9!! I'm gonna work on some new material. The latest ZIN release has some great songs. I really like the one Mara song I referenced earlier. The choreo on the release is different from the video...and I like it. It's fun to do.


We leave for Disney Saturday...gonna do a lot of walking! We come back Tuesday. So I'll be out for a bit. I hope everyone is doing well.


I can't tell how much progress I am making in reality. I find that small differences in measurements and weight aren't as telling as the fact that I am fitting back into some of my Zumba cargo pants that I couldn't wear before I started teaching again. So I know that SOMEhow, I'm making progress. I hope everyone else is able to see something.


I read your progress Ferguson on a different thread. Congrats on making the eating habit change! These are the things that make the long term difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How is everyone? Hopefully, you are having a great summer. You being collective, of course.


All I know is that I am able to wear clothes that I couldn't before. So I'm very happy about this.


About Zumba...I had a great vacation. I decided to go to the Tuesday morning Church Zumba class this morning. It has been a while since I went...DS was awake with breakfast in his tummy, so I felt okay going to class. None of the Brits were there. None of the other friends of the Brits were there. In fact...there weren't very many people there at all. I think this is a summer thing...




I must admit to a bit of an ego boost when some of the ladies were excited to see me...thinking that I was teaching that morning. The instructor is decent. She just has weird music. But she likes it, KWIM? So you have to think that the ladies that continue to come enjoy it... Again, it's hit and miss with me...I mean...I did a Zumba routine to the Scorpion song "Rock You Like a Hurricane." :eek: In a txt msg conversation, the instructor shared with me that she just LOVES rock in Zumba. Ok then.


Different strokes...


Meanwhile, at the Pole Dancing place...no one showed again...and I wasn't sorry again. And it may be that the owner makes some changes. We'll see what happens there.


Meanwhile again...I've been asked back to teach at the place where I was going to teach Zumba followed by Zumba Toning. I've been asked to cover both classes again. Very excited! I'm hoping that I can actually teach the Toning class.


AND...I'm needed again to cover at least one class at the end of the month at the Church.


I'm finding my place in the world of Zumba...


In other news...summer continues. We were so thrilled by our kayaking experience that I embarked on a huge research project regarding the possibility of owning our own kayaks. The rental was reasonable but at the same time...I wondered what the cost of ownership would be. With kayaks, the cost of ownership involves not only the kayak itself, but the transportation of said kayak, or two, which can be very, very pricey, especially if you are trying to ALSO pack a lot of camping gear...


So I made the executive decision that inflatable kayaks were the thing for us. Based on reviews, I ordered some surprisingly affordable kayaks, one single and one tandem. Also some WAY more comfortable life jackets for us all. And we are going to be taking them on their maiden voyage in two weekends. Again. Very excited. We are going to spend two nights camping and kayaking at our leisure.


One of the greatest changes that has happened to the family is the ability to eat happily from home. It's been a challenge to decide that there wasn't really an alternative...we've scrounged a couple of nights...and made do with whatever we could find...and in this process, I have discovered some good tricks of the trade...


Here's today's trick...


I think everyone should strive to know what to do what every potential meat/poultry purchase possible...so that you can take advantage of "manager's specials." And here are my recent lessons learned...


IF you brine turkey legs for longer than a week, they will be really, REALLY salty. LOL! Seriously. They were dirt cheap, as the saying goes...and so I snagged them and decided that I would attempt to recreate Renaissance Festival turkey legs...or the best alternative to them possible. Brining was the first step...and somehow...I just couldn't deal with the legs until they had brined for WAY too long. They are salty as all get out...BUT...the flavor is good...for all the other seasoning that is...so I talked to Mom because I still have 4 of these...and I hate to toss them. So next, I'm going to try incorporating them in place of ham in a split pea soup. I'll report after the experiment.


Turkey thighs make GREAT tacos/burritos. The original recipe is in the Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cookbook. I adapted it:


1 small onion

1 cup of salsa

1 can of chopped tomatoes

2 T chili powder

2 T Worcestershire



with 2 large turkey thighs. Takes 3+ hours in the crock pot on high. I removed the turkey and used a submersion blender on what was left in the crock pot. I shredded the turkey. I reserved a lot of the liquid but added enough to give that stewed effect. Not sure what to do with the liquid...but I'll think of something.


This was a great meal. Super tasty. And easy.


Again, hope everyone is having a great summer!!

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How is everyone? Hopefully, you are having a great summer. You being collective, of course.


with 2 large turkey thighs. Takes 3+ hours in the crock pot on high. I removed the turkey and used a submersion blender on what was left in the crock pot. I shredded the turkey. I reserved a lot of the liquid but added enough to give that stewed effect. Not sure what to do with the liquid...but I'll think of something.


This was a great meal. Super tasty. And easy.


Again, hope everyone is having a great summer!!


The flavor profile in that liquid feels like it would lend itself to adding some amazing flavor to something like a Cauliflower Mash. Have you ever cooked that? I was trying to find techniques that would allow me to get more bone broth into your Dad, so I used bone broth in the method of making the mash, but I think that liquid would be absolutely wonderfully tasty.


You just separate the cauliflower into its florets; put them into a saucepan with the liquid and simmer until the florets are tender. You should only use enough liquid so that the florets are slightly submerged, but that the liquid will be able to be absorbed into the veg. You don't want soup! Take off heat and melt some parmesan cheese (if you want) into the mixture; just mash with the tines of a fork or masher; season to taste. This was a rave dish; we ate with salmon, but the flavor profile would have stood up to flavorful meat, as well.

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I'd say the flavor profile ended up being a lot like enchilada sauce? Cauliflower mash is a good idea! I don't know that I would use ALL sauce...maybe a portion with bone broth? Just to add flavor?


I think this sauce might freeze well. What do you think? I poured the reserve sauce into a 32 oz jar and it didn't quite fill it, but...still a lot of sauce. Then again...I'm entertaining this weekend. The SIL/BIL from Florida is coming and I guess we are hosting another LAN party on Saturday. My goal is to figure out super cheap party food. DH is going to talk to everyone about the expense. After last night...I was thinking taco bar? I'm going to base the menu on whatever managers specials I can find. ;)

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I have to say...teaching last night? I taught two classes after not having taught for two weeks...and I almost felt sick afterwards. :eek:


My energy was fine, but I think I need to bring a quick bite or something to eat right afterwards, because by the time I got home...just after 9 PM...I was feeling very off. I ended up doing the exact same playlist for both classes. This was not intentional. Before, I did two different lists...and the higher intensity songs would concentrate on different muscle groups...same with some of my toning type songs. By the time I got home, it felt like my core was cramping in various spots...I was so hungry but my tummy felt so small, it was like I was having a hard time eating...




I slept great! :D


Teaching two classes again tomorrow morning...it should be better though. One is Zumba. One is Toning. We'll see if I actually teach the Toning class this time. Today I have to try to remember all the Toning routines. And I'm getting ready for some serious entertaining this weekend...my SIL/BIL arrive tonight and the party is tomorrow afternoon! Gonna be busy!


I hope everyone has a great weekend.:)

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I'd say the flavor profile ended up being a lot like enchilada sauce? Cauliflower mash is a good idea! I don't know that I would use ALL sauce...maybe a portion with bone broth? Just to add flavor?


I think this sauce might freeze well. What do you think? I poured the reserve sauce into a 32 oz jar and it didn't quite fill it, but...still a lot of sauce. Then again...I'm entertaining this weekend. The SIL/BIL from Florida is coming and I guess we are hosting another LAN party on Saturday. My goal is to figure out super cheap party food. DH is going to talk to everyone about the expense. After last night...I was thinking taco bar? I'm going to base the menu on whatever managers specials I can find. ;)


Anita, how about using this sauce as a base for chili? Since you cooked turkey, I immediately thought of adding chicken, green chilis, chicken broth and white beans for chicken (white) chili or making regular chili by adding ground meat, chili beans and maybe a can of Rotel. I would definitely use that sauce. It's sounds too good to let it go to waste, especially with company coming. --Debbie

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It's nice to see the Z-family here..;)


╔Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨♥¸PEACE, ZUMBA •.♥♥•♥♥•♥


║╚╣║║║║╩╣ ♥´& HAPPINESS TO¯`•.

╚═╩═╩═╩═╩ ♫. THE FUN CRUISERS!! ♥•♥


The Fun Goes ON!

Fun Dance ZUMBA Friends & Family Cruise Fest!

Cruisin the Hawaiian Islands

Nov 25- Dec 10, 2013,

15 days aboard the Grand Princess


The ZUMBA Fun Cruisers will once again dance in

gleeful, hands-wavin’ and samba-shakin’ unison. The congaline will be

on in festive Hawaiian style. HOT HOT HOT it'll be..with U!!


Yes, we hope to be body boppin' to get the calories crashin' on this cruise. See Princess Zumba vid:


It's San Francisco roundtrip to Lahaina, Maui- Hilo, the Big Island-

Nawiliwili, Kauai- Waikiki, Oahu, Ensenada, Mexico.

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Anita, how about using this sauce as a base for chili? Since you cooked turkey, I immediately thought of adding chicken, green chilis, chicken broth and white beans for chicken (white) chili or making regular chili by adding ground meat, chili beans and maybe a can of Rotel. I would definitely use that sauce. It's sounds too good to let it go to waste, especially with company coming. --Debbie


Ooooo! This is a great idea!! This is it. I don't have Rotel but I keep Muir Glen Fired Roasted Tomatoes in the pantry. That'll work. I think I could stew the chicken in all that liquid and then shred it. Oh my. I'm excited! I'm trying this tonight to see how much it makes. This might be what everyone gets for something more filling at the LAN party tomorrow. I think it will stretch pretty far if served with some rice! Thanks Debbie!

Edited by Anita Latte
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Cruisin the Hawaiian Islands

Nov 25- Dec 10, 2013,

15 days aboard the Grand Princess


The ZUMBA Fun Cruisers will once again dance in

gleeful, hands-wavin’ and samba-shakin’ unison. The congaline will be

on in festive Hawaiian style. HOT HOT HOT it'll be..with U!!


Hey El! Welcome to the thread!


I would LOVE to take a Zumba themed cruise! I hope you have so much fun on it! You'll have to share all about it!

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Our zumba instructor was saying this morning that she also teaches zumba to a class where everyone is in a wheelchair. That would be interesting to see and I imagine very exciting for the participants. :)

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I'm recording this here so that I can reference it again...because whatever you want to call what I made turned out AWESOME!


1.5 sweet onions, diced (I had a half left from making salsa, so I grabbed a smaller one)

1 large garlic clove, minced

1.5 T chili powder

1 t dried oregano

1.5 t ground cumin

5 chicken breasts, boneless, skinless

Leftover turkey taco liquid

Up to 1 quart of chicken broth (I only had to use a little from the box in some other recipe, it was mostly full)

2 15-oz cans Muir Glen no salt added chopped tomatoes

3 15-oz cans Great Northern beans

1 15-oz can's measure of frozen corn

1 small can of fire roasted chiles

2 heaping T of chipotle in adobe sauce puree (I just puree the whole can and keep it in the fridge to measure out in recipes)

Salt and Pepper to taste


I used my Caribbean Blue pot Mom! I can't remember how big it is... It's a covered pot.


In that, heat cooking oil (I use coconut oil) and cook the onions and garlic until transluscent. Add the dried spices. Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper and add to cover the bottom of the pan. ( I had to crowd them in...but they fit). Sear the chicken breasts on both sides. Add the turkey taco sauce and chicken broth. You basically boil the chicken in this liquid until it is thoroughly cooked. Remove the chicken. Add the beans. Shred the chicken. When the beans are heated through, puree about one third to one half of the liquid and bean mixture in a blender. Return to the pot. Adjust the salt and pepper. Add the shredded chicken to the pot. Add the tomatoes with their liquid. Adjust the seasoning. Add the canned chiles. Add the frozen corn. Add the chipotle puree.


I had this simmering for over 5 hours. The beans really plumped up, the corn really plumped up. It has a very subtle heat. The amount of chipotle puree is relatively small. We served this with crushed corn tortilla chips. YUM!!


Btw...it completely filled the pot. There wasn't a full inch between the top of the chili and the top of the pot. I fed 9 adults and my son that eats like an adult. We ate it ALL.


If I were to serve this JUST for my family...I would also add some avocado!


This was DELISH. And since the chicken breasts were on sale for $1.99/pound...it was relatively cheap for feeding so many people. Highly recommend!

Edited by Anita Latte
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Back to report on ZUMBA!


I was asked to cover a Zumba class and a Toning class following again. It was the same studio that I taught it during the winter. (I remember how cold it was the day I taught!) And if you recall...about half way through the Basic class I was hoping that I wouldn't have to teach the Toning class. :o And I didn't at that time...


But I did yesterday! YAY!


Two ladies came to the Basic class. The adult daughter, who regularly attended classes at the studio, brought her Mom in for her first time. The Mom had been able to participate in an intro to Zumba class that someone did at her church. She had enjoyed that and so she decided to come to the studio to try her first "real" class. I was excited because I think I happen to be an especially great instructor for newbies...I've been the instructor for SO MANY people's first Zumba class. And it WAS awesome. The Mom had a great time...she was challenged...but at the end, I could tell that she felt like she had ACCOMPLISHED something and was feeling really good about her work out.


They left. BUT...three other ladies came to attend the Toning class...AND they were planning on attending the "Butt and Gut" class immediately following the Toning. :eek:




It's almost embarrassing, how much I sweat? Fortunately, I remembered to bring a fresh shirt to change into inbetween the classes.


For a first class...I was proud. I did not do the routines perfectly. But we kept moving and most importantly, we were safe. It was a great thing to be able to get through that first class and I know what I would like to do to improve for the future.


I received compliments on the class too. So that made me feel very good. :cool:


I was asked to sub again at the other dance studio (the one I decided I didn't want to teach at as a scheduled instructor) for tomorrow morning. But this is the last morning that our guests will be with us and we are all going to have an early lunch with DH at Sweet Tomatoes before they leave to drive back to Florida...so I couldn't cover that class. :( Ah well.


I'm going to be working on a new warm up tomorrow. Oh my. I almost dread this. I really do. It's so hard to find a new song! I know it seems like yesterday that I was looking...but it was early last month, or even late May...so it's really time to change up the warm up song. *sigh* As always...suggestions appreciated!

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I have to say, I never really notice the warm-up song, I'm usually focused on the warm-up itself and whether it's working for me. Ditto the cool-down.


That chicken dish sounds delicious! It reminds me of Seven Layer Dip, you should call it Seven Layer Chili (apologies to Sheldon Cooper). :) I have been to busy for a new Salad of the Week, I've just been recycling all the ones in my toolbox. Also, I'm up to the chapter in the book on warm salads, which just aren't appealing in this heat.


I've been busy with family stuff and my workout routine has been very hit or miss. In the last four weeks I've only had 3 Zumba classes. Even though I've been working at being active and meeting my calorie counts, I haven't lost any weight in quite a while. It makes me realize and appreciate what a cornerstone Zumba is in my weight loss plan. I go back to my usual class tomorrow night, and I'm so excited! I went last week but there was a sub. She was ok, but inexperienced, and it was clear that my latin ladies were groupthinking "not enough salsa!"


The week before I took the Monday class for the first time, and it turned out the instructor also does the Insanity workout that the gym just began this month. So, lots of jumping jacks, which I can't do, and more jumping in general than I'm used to. Cross that one of my list of possibles.


Wow, that Zumba cruise sounds like fun! If I could I would totally do a cruise like that. I always go to the gym on sea days, and one of the things that was so fun about our Australia cruise was Zumba every day at sea. What a great way to start the day! I wish my gym had morning classes, especially now that its 97 degrees every day!

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Great name Margaret! Seven Layer Chicken Chili! I love it!


Funny about your Latin ladies... I see listings for subs needed and some instructors will specify MUST be 80% Latin...sometimes they will talk about how much their students love a certain rhythm too...or hate a rhythm, like NO Hip Hop. Your instructor should do that and give her subs a clue. LOL.


Tonight I taught at the Pole Dancing Studio. I think tonight was one of the best nights I've had teaching there. There was a new student. It was her first Zumba class EVER. For tonight's playlist, I went back to my old warm up mix. I brought back some songs that I was teaching earlier in the summer but not recently, removing the ones that I was getting rather sick of...it felt like a more dancy class to me? Less fitness moves, I think. I think it went over very well. The new lady enjoyed class and talked about coming back next week, so I was happy.


The room was way too hot though...OMG :eek:. The list was good though...it was a decent intensity given the heat in the room.

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Bucket list for the summer physical activity includes doing the following at least once:


1. Kayaking (first time!) CHECK! CHECK!

2. Tubing (first time!)

3. Canoeing

4. Overnight Camping CHECK! CHECK!

5. Backyard Party with Badminton, Table Tennis, and Bocce Ball.

6. Disney walking! (hopefully!) CHECK!

7. Beach trip


How about everyone else?


There are only 3 weekends left of summer! :eek: Well...summer vacation anyway. I've been wondering what to do... I've been thinking about an end of summer party... The problem is the rain. There has honestly not been much opportunity to have a backyard party this summer. Unfortunately, our backyard has a lot of mud because the previous renter's did not maintain the yard and it is now a rehabilitation work in progress. Therefore...the idea of a backyard party is even more challenging. Hmmmm.


I don't think we are interested in canoeing now. We love the kayaking too much, and since we bought ourselves some kayaks...I'm thinking that we will pass on the canoeing.


Beach trip and tubing though... Hmmmm.


How is everyone else doing on their summer to do lists?


I'm teaching two classes again tonight. I'm going to remember to bring a small bite to eat right after the second class. It takes me about 30 minutes to get home from that class and I think that's too long to wait. Last week, I wasn't feeling so good by the time I got home, so this week...I think I'll try to bring a small Greek yogurt. Not changing anything for tonight. Going to do the exact list I did on Tuesday at the Pole Dancing Studio. I think I'll just do the same thing I did last week at the gym. There's only been one girl that has gone to all of my classes at the gym. Everyone else has come and gone (it is summer) and so I'm not feeling the need to make changes since no one has really repeated my routines too much yet.


We leave for camping tomorrow! So excited! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Hi Anita,


It's good to see that you are back at enjoying and teaching Zumba.

I've been having a motivation issue and kept myself from going to class.

And now i won't be going back at all.

I broke my ankle in a nasty fall Monday night and it will take month to be able to walk again.

By now no one can say wether i'll re-gain enough flexibilty and stability in my ankle to be able to dance again, if ever.


Due to this injury all my summer plans are falling flat

And i'm pretty down.


Sorry, just had to share it with someone.


So, take care and enjoy.



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Kasi! I was so excited to see that you posted...and I'm so sorry to read such terrible news. :( I've never broken anything...when I was younger, I sprained my ankle bad enough that I had to wear a hard cast splint and walk on crutches for a while. Oh Kasi...I can only imagine how you feel. I pray that you can recovery quickly and that the healing process is unhindered. I pray that you will regain flexibility and stability so that you can dance again.


You may be surprised as to what can happen. My instructor, Kelly, used to be a gymnast. She deals with bone on bone in one knee. Amazingly enough, her body has produced something that helps with cushioning that. The doctor's were very surprised. And she has spent so much time dealing with the problem knee...it's because she had so many surgeries when she was younger that she deals with bone on bone...that she actually feels more confident with that leg than the other, simply because she has spent so much time rehabilitating it.


I know your spirits may be down now. It's perfectly understandable. But I hope that something will spark within you so that you gain motivation and enthusiasm for the recovery process. I pray that happens.


And even such as it is...it's really good to hear from you. I've been wondering how you have been.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have mentioned that we are fortunate to have several Latin instructors who were professional dancers in their home countries. One girl has the most exquisite balance and posture - today I learned that she was a trapeze artist with a circus. :D

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Hi Ladies,


thans for the encouraging words.

I´m staring to feel more energized than I did in the past few days,

however the left ankle is still sore and hurts like hell.

It´s awful to sit at home and not being able to do much or reach one of the other floors.

I´m spending my day watching tv, surfing the net and cooling my ankle.


Hopefully you have more fun in your summer time.

I received my cancellation receipt for my zumba classes in the post today...

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