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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Plus you would think that before you began to criticize another instructor or post incorrect info about instructors like green cards and such, that you would have a little bit of manors.. .


WOW, Southern Girls Rock - maybe you should think about YOUR 'manors', or as we say further north....MANNERS.


Although I don't post on this thread often, I always read it, mainly because I love Zumba, 'Anita' has such a positive outlook, and really understands what Zumba is all about. I admire the thought and research she puts into everything she does, and I learn a lot from following this thread - both for Zumba and all-around health and life outlook.


SO, maybe you need to go back, re-read this thread, and if you're truly a Southern Girl you owe her an apology.

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What an incredible achievement. On January 5th 2011, Anita posted her first post on this incredible, positive, uplifting thread! On June 12th 2013, Anita posted some comments about struggles she was having in adapting to a new type of teaching environment.


On November 10th 2013, someone hiding behind the anonymity of a screen name and a nebulous location decided to spew venom and hatred. Isn't that remarkable? That we went for 1,050 DAYS with nothing but support, love, caring, positive energy and concern for all posters in this world that is increasing in its methods of attack on others?!? I just find it to be remarkable.


And when the attack occurred... in my experience this poster will never return to face the consequences of actions... Anita was able to respond with grace under fire and received immediate support from the lovely ladies on this thread.


What WAS this?!? I just had to look this up because I was gobsmacked by this attack. That quoted post was on June 12th of this year. What happened here? I know, for a fact, that this poster could NOT have read this thread from its inception. If so, they would have known better than to spew their venom. So, what made this poster go back 6 months to pick up a post... like jumping into the middle of a conversation and stating an opinion without having any orientation to the nature of the views being expressed by others... and form such a negative perception that they had to (1) become a cruise critic member (2) find an "appropriate" screen name (3) formulate an articulate response designed to engage in dialogue and foster a new friendship? After all, that's what people with MANNERS do?!? People who live in "manors" however; I'm not sure about them unless the "manors" are made of glass. We all know those glass "manors" can wreak havoc upon a person's sensibilities.


Gotta go. Visualize Whirled Peas. Great T-shirt. Seriously. World Peace.

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Judi! Nice to see a post from one...and one that was so nice to read. Thank you!


And beware! The cub has been attacked, the mama bear has come out! :D I love my Mama. :)


One thing that has been such great fun for me following this eating plan is the great variety of food that we have been eating. I guess I appreciate having some sort of boundary on the food...in some way, it is incredibly freeing to have these limits...because it puts a limit on the searching that I do for a new recipe or an old recipe that I haven't made in a while...anything that will fall within the guidelines for the day...and so the search for the answer to the age old question, "What's for dinner?" becomes a fun look for what fits as opposed to the too open ended "What am I in the mood for?"


I don't recall if I shared going to the farm to pick up the pumpkins and winter squashes and fun and interesting gourds for decorating for Thanksgiving...anyway...I could buy a butternut squash for $2 total...which is a huge savings compared to the grocery store price. I knew I wanted to try soup...


I was watching "The Chew" the other day, folding laundry...and I haven't watched this before but it was entertaining to have on to listen to while being otherwise occupied...and Michael Simon made a butternut squash soup that everyone raved over...I knew I had to make it...and it fits perfectly with Phase 3 days of this Fast Metabolism Diet eating plan. I did have the benefit of watching him make this dish... My butternut seemed smaller than the one they used so I added a decent sized sweet potato to the mix...I just cut it to the same size as the squash. I used olive oil only because butter isn't allowed on this eating plan. I used Red Curry Paste from Thai Kitchen for the curry seasoning. I've made this twice now...I used 3 tsp the first time...I let them heap a bit the second time...and the heat was still subtle...perfect actually for still enjoying the flavor of the soup.




This soup is so seasonal feeling! I need to see where else I can purchase squash...I think there is a winter farmer's market around here somewhere...the squash just seems too expensive in the stores.


Oh. I also used Light Coconut Milk, because that's what I had. It was fine. I used the 365 generic Whole Foods brand. And I served it with chopped cilantro on top. Super duper yummy!

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Margaret...your shoes look great and read great. I wonder why they are specifically saying use for jazzercise? And not other forms of aerobic dance fitness? I wonder what it is about jazzercise that requires a different kind of shoe?


I used to wear Ryka Transitions and I loved those but I blew the mesh out at the pinky toe fairly quickly, so I decided I needed a sturdier shoe so that I didn't have to replace them so quickly. I actually just bought a new pair of insoles for my shoes...but the only work well with the Zumba brand pair...I have to find different ones for my Nikes.


So glad that you could find good shoes that work well for you...it makes all the difference in the world.

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I have to say I find SGR's posts mystifying. She certainly has a bee in her bonnet, though it's hard to know what it is (the poor writing doesn't help). In any event, Anita doesn't need me to come to her defense, since she has already done so herself, and very eloquently I might add.


Anita created, maintains, and fosters this wonderful forum. The welcoming and helpful tone it has is all due to her. That she shares her thoughts, analyses, and discoveries about herself as a teacher is a very generous thing and we all benefit from it, and are grateful for it.


As a Big Apple girl, I must admit that my first draft was, shall we say, less restrained. But I am making an effort to be as polite as my southern lady friends. :) I love you girls!

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Margaret...your shoes look great and read great. I wonder why they are specifically saying use for jazzercise? And not other forms of aerobic dance fitness? I wonder what it is about jazzercise that requires a different kind of shoe?


I used to wear Ryka Transitions and I loved those but I blew the mesh out at the pinky toe fairly quickly, so I decided I needed a sturdier shoe so that I didn't have to replace them so quickly. I actually just bought a new pair of insoles for my shoes...but the only work well with the Zumba brand pair...I have to find different ones for my Nikes.


So glad that you could find good shoes that work well for you...it makes all the difference in the world.


I really am hit or miss with shoes... I just kept trying on shoes until I found some that felt right. You should have seen me back in the day when I had to buy pointe shoes! OMG. I am concerned about wear, though, since a previous pair of Rykas I had just for the gym seemed to lose their support pretty fast. My Blochs, which have the turning spot, are much more slippery and I can only wear them to one of my classes and not the others (different locations). I like the soles on these much better.


I Zumba-ed around the store a bit, and I liked how light-weight they are. I have never done Jazzersize so I don't know why these would specifically be mentioned for that activity.

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My advice with the Blochs is to tie them a bit on the snug side. Since the arch is more flexible than a fitness shoe, you want the arch snug to your foot so the front and the back don't have separate play.


One of my t's has them and he wipes the soles clean before class to keep from slipping. I haven't tried that but it seems like a good idea.

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I had Bloch split soles. When they fit my foot, they were really good. They were a little bit slippery for doing things like squats and you had to be careful whenever you did a move like side salsa because they do have a tendency to be slick. After I lost enough weight that my foot lost it's spread (it did the same thing when I was pregnant...I gained a half size or so in length and a bit in the width), the shoes not longer fit me as well. I knew that I had to stop wearing them when I almost rolled my ankle from the poor fit. So I second what Margaret says...make sure the fit is on the snug side.

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I wore the shoes to class this morning, and they were......ok. I do find it easier to move and spin in them, but there is something about the last that is not quite perfect for my foot. Perhaps after a few more classes (I did 6 over the last week) I might like them better.


I would like to say they the instructor who teaches our Wednesday class is totally awesome. She is an amazing dancer, who is a joy to observe, so lithe and graceful. Although she is not Latin American, she definitely has the Latin rhythm (unlike the Sunday girl). She also adds so much to the choreography that she really makes our classes fun.


Over these last 6 classes, there have been 5 instructors, and it is interesting to see the differences. I like them all in different ways, and appreciate the different music that each provides. Although she is a lovely person, I have to admit that I least like the Sunday girl who is very enthusiastic but whose timing really sucks on the Latin rhythms. :p


I hope that zumba is popular for many, many years, because for me there is no other form of exercise that is so much fun.

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I've been SO off-track the last couple of months:mad:. Much of it was for good reasons - my oldest DD was married last month, and all the activities leading up to it. I was very disappointed with myself that when I bought the dress to wear to her wedding I said I'd feel more comfortable losing at least 5 lbs (at the time I bought it I was 10 lbs over the high normal BMI for my height), and instead GAINED 5!:eek:


Since we've been back, I began missing several of my regular Zumba classes, got even MORE off track with over-eating (I'm a nighttime binger) and have gotten to where I feel bleeech more often than not.


Taking away some of my motivation even more was when I noticed that my favorite Zumba leader Pauline was no longer on the updated schedule at the gym. I immediately FB messaged her. Good for her, but bad for us - now that her youngest has left for college she decided to go back to school to study Massage Therapy, and with working full-time SOMETHING had to give.


Her last class was Tuesday. It was SO much fun - a real celebration...all the favorites, great energy. We went for 1 1/4 hr (usually her class is 1 hr), and we were having so much fun we could have continued! Her class was on Tuesday, and I worked hard to never miss that one.


A couple of weeks ago when I was trying to get out of my funk and kept finding excuses to miss the gym I decided to at least do the Wii Zumba Fitness 2 game to get a workout. That's when I found out that DH had inadvertently thought the basket that held the belt for the game was part of the Goodwill pile! Rather than just buy a new belt, I had my eye on the Zumba Core game for the Wii, and figured that would be best to get since it comes with the belt. I managed to score a slightly used set on Ebay for $14!


So far I've used it a few times, and really like it. The choreography feels familiar and easy to follow but doesn't seem like it will be boring...and I really worked up a sweat with one of the 44 minute (medium length) workouts. They used Bob Marley's 'Jammin'' for the cool down song - I thought that was a brilliant choice!


Even with Pauline gone and it being dark when I usually head to the gym, I'm hoping to get my butt in gear. Changing my eating habits right now seems harder than the fitness part, especially with holidays coming up. The gym will be doing a 2 hr Zumbathon on Wednesday to raise money for the Red Cross for the Philipines. Funny how I can Zumba for free several times a week, but jump at the chance to pay money for a Zumbathon! But it's fun with several different instructors taking turns, and I actually won something at the last one...just as I was saying I never win anything at raffles.:)


As far as the shoes discussion - I had Nike Musiques (I forget which number...III?) for almost a year, and really liked them, but eventually the mat floors they have at one of the fitness rooms wore out the tread on the circle on the ball of the foot, and that became dangerous on slicker floors. My current shoes are Ryka Studio D's, and I really like them. They're light but I feel that they give me good support.


So now I think I rambled enough to make up for not posting here very often!

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Judi...I so sympathize. When things beyond your control change your routine...from a once in a lifetime event (wedding) to your favorite Zumba instructor leaving...these things can really zap your motivation. And until that motivation gets turned on again by SOMETHING...it can feel like such an uphill battle to get back into a groove...or find a new groove! I hope that something comes your way quickly.


Mine has hit for me. I'm in love with my Curves ladies all over again. :D We had class today and it was just so fun. We hit that point today...that point where I'm not the NEW instructor...I am THEIR instructor...and the songs are ones that they already have formed attachment to...I hear them say "I LOVE this song!" and during several songs...they let loose verbally now that the songs aren't so new...and they feel comfortable enough with the choreo to stop thinking about it so hard? and just enjoy the moment. I hear them laughing and talking to each other...DURING the songs.


I love that kind of moment.


I'm teaching my first Saturday class there. It may be an occasional thing. I think a lot will depend on how the ladies respond...the owner of Curves needs the additional money that the ladies pay to do Zumba to help offset the cost of paying me. I'm thinking that if it is a big hit on Saturday...then it might become a regular class...like once or twice a month. A lot of the ladies that are coming are very excited to take my class, I hear...they are teachers and so they can only go to daytime classes when school is on break.


I noticed today that the ladies were each reimbursed a $1.00 for the cost of the class...I guess Pam will make the class $2 instead of $3 if there is high enough attendance. And this is so smart of her...because these ladies may come back on Saturday...and the incentive of the discount if more ladies attend? Very smart. IMO. I'm excited.


And NEXT Tuesday...Mom will be in class with me!!! Woot woot! Because she is coming to visit me this Saturday. YAY for the holidays!


So here is a little piece of advice that someone famous in the world of fitness said or wrote...I can't recall WHERE or HOW I came by this information...or WHO is the source, but here it is.


When you are trying to get motivated and into a new health routine...that is what you eat and what you do...don't put any energy into trying to STOP whatever you believe is "bad." That is very difficult. Instead...focus your energy on STARTING to do what you believe you should. That is...if you need to drink more water...focus on that. If you need to eat more veg...focus on that. If you should work out, find that one day a week that will work for you to start. As you get further down the road of incorporating better habits...time passes and you start to feel good about the good things you are doing for yourself. And then you can focus on other changes...the stopping or changing of other habits. And in theory, this is an easier way to make permanent changes because you aren't trying to do two things at once, that is the stopping and the starting...you are just doing one thing at a time.


Remember the long run. It's a marathon...little steps.

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I have to say that starting a new program the first of Nov. has helped me keep it together during this very food oriented time of year. I started the beachbody T25 program on the first of Nov. and am down 9lbs and 7 inches so far and am in the middle of week 4 of the 10 week program. I think will help me keep track of my eating during the upcoming holidays and get me in shape for my Feb. cruise. In addition to this 25 minutes a day 5 days a week I'm doing Zumba 2 or 3 times a week and walking at lunch. Last week I had over 72,000 steps on my fitbit and tracked just a little over 30 miles. Zumba is still my first love but mixing it up a bit doesn't hurt.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, 9 pounds, way to go! It took me almost three months to lose that much!


I have very much stalled in the weight loss department, hovering in that gray zone between sizes where nothing truly fits well, and losing then gaining the same two or three pounds over and over. I find that the end of semester rush plays havoc with my food choices and I don't have the time to offset those choices with more exercise. I wish I could smooth out the stresses on my time a little better.


Sometimes you hear the right thing at the right time, and Anita's quote really hit home for me because I've been trying the Super Foods Rx diet (somewhat, given my food sensitivities) and what I've learned is that to fit all the foods in within my calorie limit for the day, I really don't have leeway left to eat any empty calories. An example is eating a yogurt and berry afternoon snack instead of a couple cookies or a handful of chips. So I've been trying to think of it as adding to my health, rather than foregoing a treat. I won't deny though that some days it's hard to give up my afternoon oreos!


As for being the "new" instructor, I finally feel like part of my classes now and not the "new" student. Since I'm not the main demographic in some form or another for any of the classes I'm in, it feels especially nice to be included like one of the regulars now. THe other day a couple of the women even commented on how much weight I've lost since I started, and it made me feel really good. :D


Being a student myself makes me think more about my own students and their relationships both to me and to the other students in the class, especially because we have students coming into the program every semester, not just in the fall like a traditional college student does where they're all new at the same time. Establishing the class's dynamic is really a collaboration, I think.

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Can anyone recommend a good zumba video. I've been doing a zumba gold class for 2 years. I've never been to a regular class but I do know that our instructor definitely has us elevated above the normal gold pace. We've had substitutes and can't believe how s l o w they are.

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  • 3 weeks later...

seamare...welcome to the thread. So sorry that no one has responded. I didn't because I don't have any video recommendations. The only video I've seen is the Cardio Party video...and I wouldn't recommend that.


I'm teaching this morning. Enough ladies signed up for classes for both Christmas Eve and today, New Year's Eve, for there to be class on these Tuesdays. Very exciting!


I have a new teaching schedule starting the second week of January. I'm adding two 30-minute classes at Curves that aren't Zumba. You have to understand the Curves circuit to make sense of this...but I will lead the platforms in body focus moves. Each week we will focus on either arms, legs, or core. And continue to rotate through. The ladies do not have to follow what I am leading...it's just a benefit of Curves membership that I am there to offer a bit of guidance on the platforms 2X/week. So I do this Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon.


So I teach SOMETHING Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.


So I need to even out my week. My friend finally joined the Y, too. So there are 3 of us now...so we might coordinate. I know that I enjoy the Friday morning yoga class.


I'm feeling that New Year energy...and am ready to kick the pursuit of health and fitness into high gear. School/work doesn't start up again until next week. I'm going to use the remainder of this week to set goals and plan.

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Happy New Year greetings to all!!!!


I've SO fallen off the wagon for the past several months - anything good for me (exercise, food plan, getting plenty of sleep and water, etc) has not been a priority. Even the good advice from 'Anita' for taking it one step at a time didn't snap me out of it.


So, here I am on New Years Day, with the resolve IN MY HEAD for a new beginning (even knowing that New Years resolutions are mostly broken), but not in my heart.


But if I don't get out of my rut, I'll be miserable, so I want to reconnect with everything that gets me motivated; this board being one of them!


Anita, I'm going to piggyback on your new year energy and kick myself into high gear too! I have a bigger leap than you to get there (Congrats are in order for the niche you've carved out for yourself!!!), but I'm tired of not having that energy.


There's a pot of Hungry Girl 'growing oatmeal' on the stove, and I think my physical activity for today will be cleaning out my art room (currently serving as the 'junk room'). I think I'll move my wii game there and that will be my 'woman cave'! I use the wii for the dance and Zumba games ( I got the Zumba Core a few months ago, and really do like it). I also just downloaded YouTube to it, and created a playlist of Zumba videos that I like - it wasn't bad doing that, but I want to figure out how to select the order so I don't waste time between songs picking the next one out.


DH just started a new job where he has to work every other weekend, and I think that will end up being good for me...without him to snuggle with in the morning I'll get myself out to the Saturday and Sunday morning classes, and I can't use as an excuse that I'm ignoring him as I start to clean out my closets that also are an extension of my cluttered mind!


For seamare - sorry, I also couldn't make a recommendation. Even though I like the Wii game (I also have one of the Just Dance games and Zumba Fitness 2), I don't think it's as much fun as having a good DVD would be. What I DO like about them is that when I'm doing them regularly, it's a good way to track the time and calories spent.


I'm in my late 50's but don't think I'd enjoy a purely 'Gold' class. I guess as you're finding, there's a wide gamut of what level it's really taught at...we get the same thing at our gym where only the standard Zumba classes are given. Some instructors are high energy AND impact, some are more athletic, and few are as thoughtful as our OP here in creating a good balance. I'd rather modify the moves for my own limitations than feel like it's too slow.


Cheers to a Happy and Healthy New Year!

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Hi everybody,


I love Zumba as well. Got addicted at a tryal gym course. The gym was however too expensive to maintain, plus the times of the classes didn't fit with my work schedule. But I didn't want to quit and now I am a proud owner of the Zumba core game for Nintendo Wii. I love it...maybe not quite as much as an actual class, but still loads of fun. I have to admit that I abandoned any sporty activity for the last 3 months though. But after the weight shock of the holidays, I'm freshly motivated to loose those pounds and inches again --- lol 7 months to go until the next cruise...so still enough time to get fit again! I started yesterday and my muscles kill me today. But it's a good pain.


Go Zumba!



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Hi everybody,


I love Zumba as well. Got addicted at a tryal gym course. The gym was however too expensive to maintain, plus the times of the classes didn't fit with my work schedule. But I didn't want to quit and now I am a proud owner of the Zumba core game for Nintendo Wii. I love it...maybe not quite as much as an actual class, but still loads of fun. I have to admit that I abandoned any sporty activity for the last 3 months though. But after the weight shock of the holidays, I'm freshly motivated to loose those pounds and inches again --- lol 7 months to go until the next cruise...so still enough time to get fit again! I started yesterday and my muscles kill me today. But it's a good pain.


Go Zumba!





It is a blustery, snowy day here and not safe to drive. The holiday schedule has really disrupted my zumba regimen and I miss it. A zumba Wii would be very helpful on days like today. :)


What part of Germany are you in? I have a lot of relatives in Germany that I cannot communicate very well with. :o

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Hi everybody,


I love Zumba as well. Got addicted at a tryal gym course. The gym was however too expensive to maintain, plus the times of the classes didn't fit with my work schedule. But I didn't want to quit and now I am a proud owner of the Zumba core game for Nintendo Wii. I love it...maybe not quite as much as an actual class, but still loads of fun. I have to admit that I abandoned any sporty activity for the last 3 months though. But after the weight shock of the holidays, I'm freshly motivated to loose those pounds and inches again --- lol 7 months to go until the next cruise...so still enough time to get fit again! I started yesterday and my muscles kill me today. But it's a good pain.


Go Zumba!






Welcome! OMG, now I don't have to feel like a stalker, now that you've discovered Zumba and have spoken with us. I've been reading your trip reports and feel like I know you and Tanja and Tarik! Bet you didn't expect this when you posted on here, right?!? You just never know whom you're going to bump into!


We talk about all sorts of things on this thread, mostly about health, nutrition, healthy lifestyle goals and, of course, Zumba. It was such a happy moment when I saw your post this morning. Because of your trip report, my DH and I are going to visit Monserrat in September AND (I could have kicked myself) we never went into the cathedral in the Gothic Quarter! I couldn't believe your amazing pictures of the interior so we're definitely going to visit that as well. Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to attend a service at Sagrada Familia (cause I'm not Catholic, but I really want to visit during a service). I just wanted to take an aside, for a moment, and say Thank You for including such vivid details in your Barcelona visit. Helped me immensely.


Let's see; I think that I remember that you're a vet, right? So you probably know all about magnesium oil? Anyway, that is Anita's latest "find," is the ability of magnesium oil to help loosen tight muscles and assist with muscle healing from over exertion and stress. But, you're right.... the muscle soreness is a GOOD feeling cause you know you achieved it doing exercise that ultimately is good for your body.


Happy New Year Everyone!

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Hello and Happy new year for all of you.


I´m finally Walking normally again, even though I´m far from being able to Dance.

By now it´s 30 min per day on my wii Balance board and added to that some core strengthening and yoga moves.

I hope to be able to try out the wii zumba games that are stored in my desk in a few weeks.


It´s good to see new People on here in Addition to all the old addicts to zumba.


We are going on a western Europe cruise in April Goal 1 for 2014. I really hope to transform some blubber into muscles by than.


Take care everyone.

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It is a blustery, snowy day here and not safe to drive. The holiday schedule has really disrupted my zumba regimen and I miss it. A zumba Wii would be very helpful on days like today. :)


What part of Germany are you in? I have a lot of relatives in Germany that I cannot communicate very well with. :o


Lol, it's January in Germany and we don't have frost at all. Quite unusual...but I LOVE it! Sorry you guys have such mean weather. We live in Eberholzen, which is a 500 souls village about an hour south of Hannover.



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Welcome! OMG, now I don't have to feel like a stalker, now that you've discovered Zumba and have spoken with us. I've been reading your trip reports and feel like I know you and Tanja and Tarik! Bet you didn't expect this when you posted on here, right?!? You just never know whom you're going to bump into!


We talk about all sorts of things on this thread, mostly about health, nutrition, healthy lifestyle goals and, of course, Zumba. It was such a happy moment when I saw your post this morning. Because of your trip report, my DH and I are going to visit Monserrat in September AND (I could have kicked myself) we never went into the cathedral in the Gothic Quarter! I couldn't believe your amazing pictures of the interior so we're definitely going to visit that as well. Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to attend a service at Sagrada Familia (cause I'm not Catholic, but I really want to visit during a service). I just wanted to take an aside, for a moment, and say Thank You for including such vivid details in your Barcelona visit. Helped me immensely.


Let's see; I think that I remember that you're a vet, right? So you probably know all about magnesium oil? Anyway, that is Anita's latest "find," is the ability of magnesium oil to help loosen tight muscles and assist with muscle healing from over exertion and stress. But, you're right.... the muscle soreness is a GOOD feeling cause you know you achieved it doing exercise that ultimately is good for your body.


Happy New Year Everyone!





:)Great to see you here.


You're welcome! I had so much fun writing those reviews. You'll love Montserrat and the Cathedral for sure. I'm still bummed that we didn't get to see the Monestary from the summit. Oh well, another time maybee.


Magnesium helps to replenish the muscles and so avoids cramps. Don't really need that for the small animals though (and I only treat those)...but I do know they use that for very active horses as well.


I'm not so much into diets and so forth. I pretty much eat what I like....but try to increase my fitness through physical activities like Zumba or horse back riding. Sigh -- well I do try to cut back on the holiday cookies now.



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