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All things EARTH...

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Oh no...who says you can't get to know someone through the internet?. Your mental image is spot on...I put the accessories on and walked around the store wearing my finds as I found them...it was part of what made me realize that I WOULD wear it...I left the Vera Wang necklace BECAUSE I didn't feel 100% comfortable walking around the STORE wearing it and I was looking for something that would work for me on a more everyday level. I made my purchases and then took off all the tags and put them all on in my car outside! LOL!


Waaaayyy too funny!


Should we post pictures of accessories after we have decided whether a top/outfit is a definite color match for us? Although, with my limited accessories, I won't have too many pictures to post :D You either have or are developing such a keen sense of style, can you send that through the 'net??????

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So, how did you go about deciding the accessories that you were going to look for? i.e., did you want a corset belt because (a) you thought you'd look better in a wider belt style overall or (b) you thought this particular outfit would look good cinched with a corset belt? Did you just want a chunky necklace and went looking for the right color or did you think that a chunky necklace would go better with that particular neckline and you went looking for the best color fit?


I understand the other decision: like once you got the chunky necklace you had to match the earrings to the style of that necklace, for example.


But I was wondering about the beginning process. Because, for example, today I went out looking for accessories because I have something "in my mind's eye" that I think would look good. Of course, I wasn't able to find anything close to my vsion! So where did that vision come from?!? IDK, maybe I "saw" something similar years ago? Who knows?


Anyway, I'm a little baffled by the first place to start. Accessories... I have to admit that I've thought of them as a little bit of a pain.


Oh! I saw necklaces that were so long I think I could have kicked them while walking! Seriously? They're getting that long now? OK, I exaggerated, but only slightly. They were long enough to skim the bottom of a tunic top length.... imo, way, way too long. Truly annoying length and I probably would end up strangling myself on a chair in a restaurant! Strangling myself in a public place.... funny... but not desirable.

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I am moving on.


I don't want Debbie to feel pressured. I am feeling like she needs a bit of breathing room. And we need to keep our head of steam going, and be distracted by a new conversation or two...




I am posting my blues...I went through ALL my clothes...there were two exercise shirts that I KNOW aren't EARTH...I did not include these shirts...there is one jean shirt that I am pretty sure is not warm denim, but I decided to include one photo of it...and I have a new Zumba shirt that is in the color tone of two other shirts of mine...I decided to include this one as well...even though I don't really think it is EARTH either...I do this ONLY because I have six...that is, 6...yes...SIX blue shirts of ANY kind of blue...denim, aqua, blue, navy...anything that could remotely be called BLUE.


Here is my first photo. (Please note: I made the effort to try to fold all these shirts so that they are all the same size, and thus, have the same space in the photograph, so one wouldn't be more prominent than another because of size. I also used a "fill flash" which seemed to be a fair representation of the colors IRL. These are on my breakfast nook table with no interior lights on. South facing windows at 2:33 pm ;) )




A1 is my Zumba shirt

A2 is a spaghetti strap tank from Forever 21

A3 is a wrap style cardigan sweater

B1 is a V-neck knit shirt from JCPenny

B2 is a sleeveless denim

B3 is a denim jacket from Chico's


I am identifying my shirts so that later, when I take pictures, it will be easier to put it all together which shirt is which...little identifiers like "spaghetti straps" and "sleeveless" in order to assist in conversation beyond bingo as well.


The Zumba shirt, A1, is in the same tone here as the other "teal" colors...but it seems brighter and perhaps clearer. The sleeveless denim, B2, looks very cool compared to all the other colors. Right away, I can see that these don't go as well in the all together as the others do, so I take them out, and take another picture...


(Please Note: If in the process of taking photos, you are able to determine that something isn't going...and you are there and IRL and can make changes...please move forward with the editing and just teach us all a lesson about the colors in your wardrobe.)


Here is my edited color party:




Doesn't it look really, really BLUE?


I decide that I should include my color cards so that there is a control in these photos...and I will do this through out my continuing parties now. Because we are going for a blended look here, I believe that it is beneficial to see the whole of the color cards...this way we don't get too focused on any one color swatch...this is the way Curt designed these cards to be used...for BLENDING purposes, not just matching...and since blue isn't even a color on my cards...I took this shot:




And I am immediately amazed at the difference in the colors...because this photo is a MUCH better representation of these shirts that the previous, very BLUE photo.


NOW...in this photo, I think you can see that cardigan is more aqua than sky blue...it looks pretty good with a lot of the other colors on my cards...I think I might like it best with a complementary orange toned color? OR if I had just the right green?...of the two more teal like colors on the bottom row...B1 leans more toward blue while B2 leans more toward green in the spectrum of "teal." The denim jacket looks awesome with every single one of my colors...you can just imagine it over a shirt of any color on the card...it is a fabulous neutral for me.


Please Note...even though I described all those shirts above and assigned them labels...the edited photo is now THE photo...I will only take pictures in these four shirts.


Here are the questions regarding MY blues...


1. Is B1 too blue to be a good color?

2. Let's verify that the other blues DO look good at all...

3. I'd like to figure out what looks good with this cardigan sweater. (The answer to this, may have to occur after a different color party though...so we'll see about this one.)


Almost time to go get DS from school. Have to pay up on the dues for chess club and sign up to volunteer at least 3 times during the year at the after school meeting. Big tennis night tonight too...so I will not be posting personal photos yet.


If this were someone else's color party...I would suggest that you limit your color party to someone between 4 (hopefully, you have at least 4) shirts up to 8 or 10 MAX. To begin with. If you can...then edit as you go along...so us your progress...like if I had another two shirts that I could put into this mix...I could take another photo and see if I could edit them out or not...this is a lot of work ladies, but if you pace yourself through your clothes, you may be surprised by what you can learn by not overwhelming yourself and ourselves with too much to look at all at once.



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I am moving on.


I don't want Debbie to feel pressured. I am feeling like she needs a bit of breathing room. And we need to keep our head of steam going, and be distracted by a new conversation or two...




I am posting my blues...I went through ALL my clothes...there were two exercise shirts that I KNOW aren't EARTH...I did not include these shirts...there is one jean shirt that I am pretty sure is not warm denim, but I decided to include one photo of it...and I have a new Zumba shirt that is in the color tone of two other shirts of mine...I decided to include this one as well...even though I don't really think it is EARTH either...I do this ONLY because I have six...that is, 6...yes...SIX blue shirts of ANY kind of blue...denim, aqua, blue, navy...anything that could remotely be called BLUE.


Here is my first photo. (Please note: I made the effort to try to fold all these shirts so that they are all the same size, and thus, have the same space in the photograph, so one wouldn't be more prominent than another because of size. I also used a "fill flash" which seemed to be a fair representation of the colors IRL. These are on my breakfast nook table with no interior lights on. South facing windows at 2:33 pm ;) )




A1 is my Zumba shirt

A2 is a spaghetti strap tank from Forever 21

A3 is a wrap style cardigan sweater

B1 is a V-neck knit shirt from JCPenny

B2 is a sleeveless denim

B3 is a denim jacket from Chico's


I am identifying my shirts so that later, when I take pictures, it will be easier to put it all together which shirt is which...little identifiers like "spaghetti straps" and "sleeveless" in order to assist in conversation beyond bingo as well.


The Zumba shirt, A1, is in the same tone here as the other "teal" colors...but it seems brighter and perhaps clearer. The sleeveless denim, B2, looks very cool compared to all the other colors. Right away, I can see that these don't go as well in the all together as the others do, so I take them out, and take another picture...


(Please Note: If in the process of taking photos, you are able to determine that something isn't going...and you are there and IRL and can make changes...please move forward with the editing and just teach us all a lesson about the colors in your wardrobe.)


Here is my edited color party:




Doesn't it look really, really BLUE?


I decide that I should include my color cards so that there is a control in these photos...and I will do this through out my continuing parties now. Because we are going for a blended look here, I believe that it is beneficial to see the whole of the color cards...this way we don't get too focused on any one color swatch...this is the way Curt designed these cards to be used...for BLENDING purposes, not just matching...and since blue isn't even a color on my cards...I took this shot:




And I am immediately amazed at the difference in the colors...because this photo is a MUCH better representation of these shirts that the previous, very BLUE photo...it makes me feel like these shirts are all definitely in harmony with each other, even though they all look way more blue in the photo than IRL.


NOW...in this photo, the color are back to looking like the first photo...the cardigan looks pretty good with a lot of the other colors on my cards...I think I might like it best with a complementary orange toned color? OR if I had just the right green?...of the two more teal like colors on the bottom row...B1 leans more toward blue while B2 leans more toward green in the spectrum of "teal." The denim jacket looks awesome with every single one of my colors...you can just imagine it over a shirt of any color on the card...it is a fabulous neutral for me.


Please Note...even though I described all those shirts above and assigned them labels...the edited photo is now THE photo...I will only take pictures in these four shirts.


Here are the questions regarding MY blues...


1. Is B1 too blue to be a good color?

2. Let's verify that the other blues DO look good at all...

3. I'd like to figure out what looks good with this cardigan sweater. (The answer to this, may have to occur after a different color party though...so we'll see about this one.)


Almost time to go get DS from school. Have to pay up on the dues for chess club and sign up to volunteer at least 3 times during the year at the after school meeting. Big tennis night tonight too...so I will not be posting personal photos yet.


If this were someone else's color party...I would suggest that you limit your color party to someone between 4 (hopefully, you have at least 4) shirts up to 8 or 10 MAX. To begin with. If you can...then edit as you go along...so us your progress...like if I had another two shirts that I could put into this mix...I could take another photo and see if I could edit them out or not...this is a lot of work ladies, but if you pace yourself through your clothes, you may be surprised by what you can learn by not overwhelming yourself and ourselves with too much to look at all at once.



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I am moving on.


I don't want Debbie to feel pressured. I am feeling like she needs a bit of breathing room. And we need to keep our head of steam going, and be distracted by a new conversation or two...




I am posting my blues...I went through ALL my clothes...there were two exercise shirts that I KNOW aren't EARTH...I did not include these shirts...there is one jean shirt that I am pretty sure is not warm denim, but I decided to include one photo of it...and I have a new Zumba shirt that is in the color tone of two other shirts of mine...I decided to include this one as well...even though I don't really think it is EARTH either...I do this ONLY because I have six...that is, 6...yes...SIX blue shirts of ANY kind of blue...denim, aqua, blue, navy...anything that could remotely be called BLUE.


Here is my first photo. (Please note: I made the effort to try to fold all these shirts so that they are all the same size, and thus, have the same space in the photograph, so one wouldn't be more prominent than another because of size. I also used a "fill flash" which seemed to be a fair representation of the colors IRL. These are on my breakfast nook table with no interior lights on. South facing windows at 2:33 pm ;) )




A1 is my Zumba shirt

A2 is a spaghetti strap tank from Forever 21

A3 is a wrap style cardigan sweater

B1 is a V-neck knit shirt from JCPenny

B2 is a sleeveless denim

B3 is a denim jacket from Chico's


I am identifying my shirts so that later, when I take pictures, it will be easier to put it all together which shirt is which...little identifiers like "spaghetti straps" and "sleeveless" in order to assist in conversation beyond bingo as well.


The Zumba shirt, A1, is in the same tone here as the other "teal" colors...but it seems brighter and perhaps clearer. The sleeveless denim, B2, looks very cool compared to all the other colors. Right away, I can see that these don't go as well in the all together as the others do, so I take them out, and take another picture...


(Please Note: If in the process of taking photos, you are able to determine that something isn't going...and you are there and IRL and can make changes...please move forward with the editing and just teach us all a lesson about the colors in your wardrobe.)


Here is my edited color party:




Doesn't it look really, really BLUE?


I decide that I should include my color cards so that there is a control in these photos...and I will do this through out my continuing parties now. Because we are going for a blended look here, I believe that it is beneficial to see the whole of the color cards...this way we don't get too focused on any one color swatch...this is the way Curt designed these cards to be used...for BLENDING purposes, not just matching...and since blue isn't even a color on my cards...I took this shot:




And I am immediately amazed at the difference in the colors...because this photo is a MUCH better representation of these shirts that the previous, very BLUE photo...it makes me feel like these shirts are all definitely in harmony with each other, even though they all look way more blue in the photo than IRL.


NOW...in this photo, the color are back to looking like the first photo...the cardigan looks pretty good with a lot of the other colors on my cards...I think I might like it best with a complementary orange toned color? OR if I had just the right green?...of the two more teal like colors on the bottom row...B1 leans more toward blue while B2 leans more toward green in the spectrum of "teal." The denim jacket looks awesome with every single one of my colors...you can just imagine it over a shirt of any color on the card...it is a fabulous neutral for me.


Please Note...even though I described all those shirts above and assigned them labels...the edited photo is now THE photo...I will only take pictures in these four shirts.


Here are the questions regarding MY blues...


1. Is B1 too blue to be a good color?

2. Let's verify that the other blues DO look good at all...

3. I'd like to figure out what looks good with this cardigan sweater. (The answer to this, may have to occur after a different color party though...so we'll see about this one.)


Almost time to go get DS from school. Have to pay up on the dues for chess club and sign up to volunteer at least 3 times during the year at the after school meeting. Big tennis night tonight too...so I will not be posting personal photos yet.


If this were someone else's color party...I would suggest that you limit your color party to someone between 4 (hopefully, you have at least 4) shirts up to 8 or 10 MAX. To begin with. If you can...then edit as you go along...so us your progress...like if I had another two shirts that I could put into this mix...I could take another photo and see if I could edit them out or not...this is a lot of work ladies, but if you pace yourself through your clothes, you may be surprised by what you can learn by not overwhelming yourself and ourselves with too much to look at all at once.



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To expand on the bottom paragraph of above...


I would try to limit your first shot at a color party to 6, 8, or 10 items. Something that allows you to take a good picture, where the shirts are a decent size within the picture, so you can see how the colors relate to each other. Don't worry too much about whether they look accurate to real life. See if the relationship between the colors is showing up. Like in mine, how one was looking way more bright...one way more cool...


Edit...add new shirts to the mix, if you have them...see if you can decide if the new shirts belong...


Continue on in this process until you have a good mix of shirts that you THINK look like a good color party...and may include a couple of shirts that make you go Hmmmm...not sure...I want to know.


I think that coming at the color party study from this angle will help us get the most out of this.


And yes, it's a bit of work. But it's kind of fun...:D

Edited by Anita Latte
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I can answer this question fairly easily...


You see...I got this squishy middle?...and in order to get clothing that will stay up through the day...I have to buy it a little bit tighter "straight out of the dryer" so to speak...and when I wear a shirt that is slightly fitted...there is this very unattractive bump that happens at the waist band?...It's all looking pretty good from shoulders down...then the tighter waist band...the shirt hides the flaw above the waist band because it is looser there...then the shirt hitting the hips...and highlights the sudden bump right after the waist band...I figured that a big old corset style belt would seriously help hide this flaw...


I was right...


Here's the problem:




Not a good look...BUT...with a big ole corset belt:




Looks better to me...I don't have a perfect figure...but I'm proud of my progress...and I refuse to add weight to myself with baggy clothes.


I also read that the corset belt could help turn a shapeless sundress:




Comfy...but not too flattering...into something that has a waist:




And thus...you can have definition to your waist in the shadows under a cardigan (here's that brown one that I recently bought):




I think this is a nice look.


SO. I knew I wanted a corset belt to help deal with unsightly waist band bulge, define a waist with shapeless sundresses (and anything else shapeless, I guess), and to make a statement under a cardigan or other overshirt style layer.


OMG...I just saw all the duplicate posts...


Let me just say that I got an error after all those attempts...and they never showed up!...too bad I can't edit those...ah well...

Edited by Anita Latte
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the corset belt looks really cute. I especially love the sundress/belt/sleeveless cardigan. the browns looks really nice.


I would like to see pictures of you in all of your blues. It's interesting that your EARTH cards don 't have any blue. it makes me wonder what other colors that aren't on your cards may be. that thought has never occurred to me:confused:


thanks for the guidelines for the pictures. it is a lot of work but, also fun and such a great learning tool!

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You bring up another good point---denim and it's place in our seasonal colors. It's something I've had a lot of trouble "seeing".I think that's another color we should discuss and look at. Anyone else think that's an idea???

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I hope I don't start speaking in a foreign language here...


There IS some difficulties with trying to print realistic representations of the POSSIBILITY of a color...print media comes from a combination of four colors...cyan, magenta, yellow, black (CMYK)...if you have a color printer, generally, the color ink cartridge contains the CMY portion...and the black or K portion is a separate cartridge.


There is a limitation with CMYK.


And this is how companies like PANTONE get an edge in the market. Because a PANTONE color is an ink color that has been specially mixed and is GUARANTEED to look the same EVERY time it is printed.


Let's take Target for example. The store. The branding. Think about TARGET RED. I would put money on the idea that TARGET RED is a specific PANTONE red. It isn't a mix of CMYK that results in a red color...which can change depending on the print lot...(kind of like how a dye lot can change).


Think about any store where you buy paint...the kind to paint your walls...they have several different colors of dye that they add to the gallon of paint to come up with the color that you want. If you use more than one gallon of paint to get the job done...they recommend that you use a little of each gallon in each tray to avoid the slight differences that can, and mostly will, occur in each different mix.


Four colors to mix together for printing is limited...and not ALL colors can be represented. It's one of the reasons why the color cards need to be used as NOT a matching tool...although that's helpful, if you can find it...but a BLENDING tool...because not all the colors that are POSSIBLE are represented on the color cards. That would be an insane endeavor that would require a PANTONE color for every color swatch.


At the time that I last worked, commercial printing was a max of 6 colors...It allowed for the necessary CMYK plus two PANTONE colors on any print job. So if you think about a brochure or a flyer...then all the pictures advertising all the products are created using the typical CMYK ink...BUT...all the areas that contain the information and logos for the store would also include at least one PANTONE color (think Target red)...possibly two, if the logo required two colors...like PEPSI...which is blue and red.


If you think about all the different colors that are on your color cards...the most excellent representation of color on the cards would be to pick out the specific PANTONE color for each color swatch...The cards would have to go through a printing press way too many times for that to be a realistic thing to do. I believe these cards are printed on a 4-color press...and so, not every color can be represented.


Which is why...you HAVE to understand the concept of...


warm and muted

cool and muted

warm and clear

cool and clear


And understand that you can a version of every color that will fall into each color palette. PANTONE is a part of fabric production...so every color has the possibility of coming to life.


And begin to learn how to use your color cards to not just match colors...but to find colors that WORK, or BLEND, with your color palette. Earth blue exists...it's just very hard to print.


As for denim in on the Fire side...I just don't have blue...so it made sense to me to include it with my blues...I don't have blue, aqua, teal, etc. etc...I have the complement...orange, rust, coral...IN ABUNDANCE...so my party there will be way more extensive than a Fire party. I think you just have to figure out where denim fits in best with your clothing...have you found Fire navy? (I think it's hard to find, it all looks like Air to me) Do you have many denim tops? If you are talking about wondering about denim BOTTOMS...then I think those need to be treated all on their own...I didn't touch what I have...and I do have a variety there because I inherited what Mom shrank out of, in addition to my current ownership. And we should address that later...IMO.


I really hope this all made sense. :)

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When the boards are messed up like this, where it shows a post.. but you can't see it... or where you have posted... but it doesn't show up....


then to verify that the post is there... or to read your post... you just have to hit the Reply button and you can read the post that isn't being shown on the board.


Typically, whenever another post is made... then your post, that was being hidden, will show. Weird, huh?

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You bring up another good point---denim and it's place in our seasonal colors. It's something I've had a lot of trouble "seeing".I think that's another color we should discuss and look at. Anyone else think that's an idea???


I had a quick minute before DGD wakes up to try to catch up reading at least. Thanks for the tutorial, Anita, the process step-by-step helps me tremendously. I think I've been trying to find how I can make every color blend rather than trying to refine the group as a whole and thereby remove or weed out. Hard to explain with my fingers, but helps in my thought processes about this whole procedure. THANKS!!


Kim, I think everyone could do one of two things, just like some of us will need to have more than one blue party, i.e., blue, teal, aqua....we could add a fourth party of blues if necessary. Others of us may be able to include denim choices in their blue party like Anita has done.



So, should we post our parties with all representatives of a color and let everyone help with the steps.....post as Anita has done showing the steps we have taken to reach our decision.......or edit to what we think is the finished product and post for everyone to then give their opinions? KWIM?I want to be clear what our methodology is before I post.



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I'm glad the step by step helps out. It's the reason why I did it.


My thought is this. When you gather your first 6-10 shirts, you want to be sure that you are grabbing shirts that you BELIEVE are your color, as well as other shirts that maybe you just like and HOPE are your color, and perhaps a shirt or two that is driving you crazy because you can't figure out if it's your color or not. Take a picture of what you have gathered.


IF you can make a determination from looking at that picture, then do it. Especially since you are there IRL and can interpret what the picture shows about your shirts the best. Edit and continue on. And just teach when you post.


If there is any disagreement about a step taken...like, I don't know...I don't think you should have edited that one shirt...I'm sure people will speak up. It's like quality control in the process that is also beneficial to others to see just for the sake of seeing it.


IF you can NOT decide anything about your shirts based on that first picture, then post it and let everyone help with the steps. Just be sure that the picture you post is focused and that the party isn't so big that she shirts are so small and the whole thing is a bit overwhelming. It may take longer this way...but getting help to go through and weed out is a benefit to doing this.


So let's be clear...if you have 12, 15, 20+ shirts that could be called blue...you need to break that down...you can't post ALL representatives of a color and get help because it is too difficult to do...you have to limit what you choose to show in the beginning to the 6-10 shirts.


If you have to go through several different groupings in order to evaluate ALL your shirts in a color...then so be it...or break down your color into manageable groupings and have a more defined color party...like Mom suggested breaking down blue...I think you just have to do what seems the most logical thing to do based on the clothing you own. And you don't have to show everything if you don't want to, of course. Like I left out my exercise shirts...even though I wear them a TON...OR...you could limit your clothing to the current season OR potential cruise clothing...however you want to do it.

Edited by Anita Latte
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You bring up another good point---denim and it's place in our seasonal colors. It's something I've had a lot of trouble "seeing".I think that's another color we should discuss and look at. Anyone else think that's an idea???


I think that the texture of fabric does a lot to change its natuire in the component of being a clear/bright color. I think that there is really no such thing as clear/bright warm denim. However, I think that there is a denim that is muted, warm... obviously, as Anita looks fabulous in denim. Right there, I think we FIRE ladies know that we're just a-wishin' and a-hopin' that we could find a denim. ICE can wear that deep, dark inky blue/black denim. So I think there's a clear/bright, cool denim. And obviously, a cool, muted denim... in the pastel blue denims.


Well, we can wear denim... as a basic neutral that doesn't reflect light upon our facial skin tone! I guess for me this means that if I want to have gray legs then I can wear a denim skirt! LOL.


Anyway, I have a denim top that I'll take pictures of... when the time is right. Wow, I am so hoping that I don't go completely gray! But, I do wear that denim as an overshirt, jacket-type of piece. So maybe it won't mute a collar out? And I can get away with it?


Otherwise, we all know what will happen, right? Anita just adds more fabulous denim to her closet! Well, we'll see.


Anita, I know that you won't give up your Zumba top. Sometimes, in a situation where you have to dress in a particular style or "uniform" so to speak, we have no IRL choices but to wear outside our color palette. I'm wondering about the cooler, sleeveless denim top. Are you putting that top into a discard pile now that you've analyzed and decided not to take a picture in it?

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This was very interesting for me to do.


Before I post my photos, I'm going to talk a bit about my methodology here. Why? Because EARTH blue isn't really on my color cards. I KNOW it exists...in my heart...I know...it's out there somewhere...BUT...since I can't say for sure that any one of my blues was a trued EARTH blue...I took a control photo along with all these other photos. I picked one of the green shirts that everyone liked from the last party...the one I affectionately call Baby Poop Green. ;)


AND...because I felt like the sleeveless denim was an AIR denim...I decided to photograph myself in that as well...so I could see if any of the blues in my supposed color party had the effect of AIR instead of EARTH. Just to verify.


SO. Here we go. My EARTH blues:




Here's what I see:



A2...not quite as healthy

A3...pale and slightly jaundice

A4...pale and slightly jaundice




So I test the ONE healthy blue:




I am taking these photos indoors in front of a window...so they aren't exactly alike in coloring, BUT...both have the healthy glow doing on IMO.


So I grouped all the other ones, including that cooler sleeveless denim:




And sure enough...it would appear that I purchased two AIR teals...the effect of the aqua cardigan isn't the same...so I don't think it is completely wrong...BUT...I wouldn't say it's great. And now, if you are like me...you might be looking at that sleeveless denim photo and thinking to yourself...there's something about that photo...it almost looks like the best of that bunch...


So...lest you actually think that is a good looking photo of me, I made this grouping:




IMO...the warmer, darker denim is just way better. Mom, to answer your question...that sleeveless denim is definitely going into the give-a-way pile. I think the two teal shirts are also headed in that direction.


The question is...should the cardigan also go? I haven't really had a chance to wear it since I bought it on clearance and we have had such a hot, long summer. The tags are still on it! I wonder if you can tea dye a sweater?


Edited to add: I was just talking with Mom...and she is wondering if that cardigan would look good on her. Maybe the off in the photo is actually me going slightly gray and getting overpowered by the color. Isn't it hard to determine clarity of sweaters? The texture throws me off...so maybe I actually found a clearer sweater...we'll see if Mom goes gray when she visits me in November. I won't mess with the sweater until then.

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No blue...


I just realized that I don't have ANY blue...I have my exercise blues...BUT...I don't have any blue!!!!


How could this be? I used to think Navy was one of my best colors? What in the world?


You know what I think? I think we have to learn what we look like when we look good. It's like we get so used to seeing all these pale people in black..."black looks good on everyone"...that we don't understand what a healthy person looks like...and when we look healthy...we may actually think we look BAD...


Here is my case in point:


I just had to take more photos...I grabbed this navy dress that I used to think looked good on me, once upon a time ago...I have kept it because it was very flattering style...and I grabbed two of DH's blues...just to test...and of course, I took a control for this new round of photos...




I look pretty red in that green shirt, but MAN...my eyes are popping...the whites of my eyes are WHITE...and I am totally the focus of the shot...I bet that a professional photo or a different camera setting could help with the redness of my skin...but check out the blues! UGH...What made me think that I looked good in that blue dress?


I don't mean to confuse any one...I hope this isn't confusing...I am just AMAZED...I'm learning a lot here...and this is really helping to let go of the final few items in my closet that I haven't been able to let go of...bye bye blue dress!


Edited to add...if you are wondering...I think A1 is EARTH, A2 is ICE, B1 is ICE, and B2 is AIR.

Edited by Anita Latte
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Anita, you are right. We do have to relearn and educate our eye.


I think the reason that you thought you looked so terrific in the blue dress is because of the effect that the color has on your eyes; your eyes are (imo) being affected by two things. One is, of course, the color of the tops. But, and here's a pretty important point, I think: the other reason that your eyes are looking good is because of the contrast of the paleness of your skin. Because these blues are washing you out so bad, then your eyes do become the focus of your face. Do you kinda sorta get what I'm saying and seeing?


I'm not advocating; I'm just reasoning out why we make some of the purchases that we do and why we thought that we looked good... in the past. When you put on that blue dress, you didn't see the overall effect that it had on your whole self... just the effect on your eyes.

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I just posted these comments on the FIRE thread and thought I would post here too. I really like the effect the dark denim has on you. You look FAB.


I also agree with your assessment on your/DH's 4 top and the seasons. I don't like the nave on you and I agree with Pam that it does make your eyes shine a different color/look. When I look at your eyes in your baby poop green top, they are absolutely glowing and your overall look is just so pretty.


Nice way to post and weed out.

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Good morning ladies!


I know you are thinking :confused:...black color party?


Well...one of the things that I have thought is that certain blacks weren't that bad on me...I even took a couple of Mom's sleeveless blacks home with me, thinking that I could wear them with a couple jackets of mine to make them work. Mom even agreed..."Not that bad." I also thought that a great EARTH jacket would "make it work."


While all you ladies continue to deal with your blues, your aquas, and your teals...I thought I would deal with my black, since I doubt any of you really doubt how lovely (NOT) ya'll look in black. But I need to see it for myself on myself and put this doubt and wondering that I have to rest once and for all.


You see...I HATE laundry. I really do. And I LONG for an organized life and house. Everything has a place and everything in its place to my LIFE GOAL. And I want a closet filled with clothes that all make me feel wonderful.


And I have been finding that the more I concentrate on color in general, when I put on something that I THOUGHT was flattering in style or cut...OR had other happy associations (like where I bought it), I discover that when I look in the mirror, I don't feel good if the color is wrong. And I take those right back off and reach for something else.


I'm sick and tired of this happening...granted, it doesn't happen that often...but I am weeding out the things that it DOES still happen with...sometimes I don't even know why (like that one green jacket).


So. Without further ado...me in black...


I had to find a new place in the house for photos because of time of day...and, as always, I took a control photo:




Compared to what happens to a FIRE lady when she wears black...black on EARTH is "not that bad." Perhaps you can see that the black in B1 is VERY cool black (not all blacks are created equal right?)...and all the other blacks...well...I think my skin looks a little dead...and you can see that I was up too late again last night...my puffy eyes are more pronounced...not that you can't see that in the green shirt...but good grief...the green is just SO MUCH better...


So I tried to do the jacket idea:




And it didn't work.


I was very curious about the dress with the brown in the print...it's a great fabric for travel, but it is too big for me now...it isn't worth altering...that dress is headed for the "to be turned into a skirt pile" because the brown/black print goes very well with a certain sweater I own and all my brown shirts.


Otherwise. Bye bye black. I won't miss you.

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Good morning ladies!


I know you are thinking :confused:...black color party?


Well...one of the things that I have thought is that certain blacks weren't that bad on me...I even took a couple of Mom's sleeveless blacks home with me, thinking that I could wear them with a couple jackets of mine to make them work. Mom even agreed..."Not that bad." I also thought that a great EARTH jacket would "make it work."


While all you ladies continue to deal with your blues, your aquas, and your teals...I thought I would deal with my black, since I doubt any of you really doubt how lovely (NOT) ya'll look in black. But I need to see it for myself on myself and put this doubt and wondering that I have to rest once and for all.


You see...I HATE laundry. I really do. And I LONG for an organized life and house. Everything has a place and everything in its place to my LIFE GOAL. And I want a closet filled with clothes that all make me feel wonderful.


And I have been finding that the more I concentrate on color in general, when I put on something that I THOUGHT was flattering in style or cut...OR had other happy associations (like where I bought it), I discover that when I look in the mirror, I don't feel good if the color is wrong. And I take those right back off and reach for something else.


I'm sick and tired of this happening...granted, it doesn't happen that often...but I am weeding out the things that it DOES still happen with...sometimes I don't even know why (like that one green jacket).


So. Without further ado...me in black...


I had to find a new place in the house for photos because of time of day...and, as always, I took a control photo:




Compared to what happens to a FIRE lady when she wears black...black on EARTH is "not that bad." Perhaps you can see that the black in B1 is VERY cool black (not all blacks are created equal right?)...and all the other blacks...well...I think my skin looks a little dead...and you can see that I was up too late again last night...my puffy eyes are more pronounced...not that you can't see that in the green shirt...but good grief...the green is just SO MUCH better...


So I tried to do the jacket idea:




And it didn't work.


I was very curious about the dress with the brown in the print...it's a great fabric for travel, but it is too big for me now...it isn't worth altering...that dress is headed for the "to be turned into a skirt pile" because the brown/black print goes very well with a certain sweater I own and all my brown shirts.


Otherwise. Bye bye black. I won't miss you.


I'm not a fan of the black on you. It just seems to make everything (skin tone, eyes and hair look the same. You look super good in the baby poop. I'll bet no one has ever said that to ya, have they :eek: It compliments everything about you.

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Welcome Cholla!


You couldn't have picked a better time to figure out that you are EARTH! The stores are teaming with EARTHY colors right now because of the Autumn season and the fact that for fashion, it does seem like there is something of a correlation between what the current season is and what colors are available.


As you are going through your closet, feel free to join in on all this color party fun. There is nothing quite like trying to go through the process yourself to really help you train your eye.


I'm recovering today...brain dead and for once, or twice LOL...short on words. I'm excited for you though, getting the answer and being at the beginning of this is great fun. New excitement is always welcome as it helps to invigorate all of us as we continue to learn and shop and strive to look our best. :)

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