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All things EARTH...

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These pictures were taken at the same time on the same day so I can't account for the lighting differences. However, I live in a condo so I had to take them indoors by the west-facing window which might account for it.


I will also add that I have makeup on, which I wear to cover my rosacea. The rosacea can disguise the fact that I actually have gold undertones in my skin. My Korean students laugh at how yellow I look after the summer.


I think my best colors are 1A, 3A and 3B. They are more teal than blue and muted not bright. They bring out the dark blue of my eyes without competing with it.


I think the worst are the cool blues in 1B (with gray! what was I thinking) and 3B.


I think the blue in 1C and turquoise 2B are way too bright.


The navy T in 2A is just blah.


I have mixed feelings about the print in 2C because while I think the individual colors are too clear for me, it is a great travel shirt because it goes with a lot and doesn't show dirt (we do a lot of hiking).


I look forward to hearing some feedback!

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How fun to see all these blues. I just saw this today. I only have 15 minutes before I need to get DS from school and then a busy tennis/Zumba filled evening, but I know how it is to post and wait...so I'm trying to write a quick note here.


First, the difference in the lighting of the photos is something that we see all the time here. The auto settings for adjustments on today's digital cameras are at work here...you can almost tell the temperature of the colors your are wearing based on the appearance of the background. What is happening is that the camera lens is making adjustments to the color balance (think old time TV adjustments) because it doesn't like what it is seeing (it isn't blending) and so we get the real difference showing up in the background.


So actually, one way to know whether or not a photo is blending into your true coloring is to see how accurately the photo is portraying the IRL colors of your walls. This phenomenon was mentioned on Curt's blog when he took a picture of a Latin man in Earth v. Ice for before and afters, if you want to look that up.


So, with that info, we can look and see that serious camera adjustments are occurring here.


Since this is our first real look at you! :), it is difficult to know what you look like when you are at your best. And with a hard find, Earth blue is difficult to nail, it would be great to have a control photo...green, rust, marigold...brown...something that was a definite, no questions asked Earth color...so we can use that as a sort of control to know what your skin looks like with Earth colors.


At a glance, my fav is C3.


Here's why...you have real skin color...a healthy pink without being overly pink (I'm not loving A1 or B1 for that reason...too pale pinky skin). It's not monotone skin like A2 or C2. Your eyes are a standout. It's the first thing my eye goes to when I look at that photo. The whites of your eyes are bright and white and clear and different from your skin (as they should be). Yes, your chest is pink, but it's not the stand out pink that looks so different from your face like in many other photos here. And obviously the camera really likes what it sees here because even the painting on the wall behind you looks the best in this photo, which shows me that there is little auto adjustments happening.

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Hi Margaret,


I'm a FIRE (and no expert in my own colors) and not an EARTH :)


My vote goes to C-3 also. Not only do your eyes look beautiful, skin looks great and, I also notice that your hair looks so nice and bright too.


I think Anita has a really good point in suggesting that you take a "control" picture for reference. Could you, would you, please?????

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DH (a much better photographer than I) gave me a mini-lesson on white balance, so I have a better understanding of what went wrong with the colors in my blues. I am going to venture beyond the comfort of auto mode - OMG - and try to retake some of these. Wish me luck.


Since my favorite chocolate brown tshirt died a recent death by kitten, I will have to pick something out of my closet for a control. You are right, I should have done that.


BTW, I have to say these are generally terrible pictures of ME, what with the messy hair and the odd angle b/c my arms are too short to take a proper pic. I think I will dig out our tripod the next time :). It was a fun experiment, however.


Looking at the wall behind me for the most correct color, I would have to say B3 is the most true. In comparison I realize some of the others are way way off.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Oh Earth ladies, two words -- coat shopping! I vowed to myself, NO BLACK, but oh the limited choices. What did I end up with?


Raincoat - black with a copper collar and cuffs, not too horrible but not optimal either, from Burlington Coat Factory. The copper does frame my face nicely, though, and looks good with my hair.


Wool coat - tan with brown buttons from Macys. My favorite caramel coat is raggedy and I SO wanted a brown coat but no dice. I found a beautiful muted green one, but not in my size. Still, at least it's not black.


My New Year's Resolution - no black, except to replace worn work staples like pants.



There is always a compromise between color and cut. I'm very short-waisted so any style with a belt looks terrible on me. That eliminates about 80% of the coats this year, or so it seems.


Any lovely Earth holiday gifts? DH bought me some beautiful small citrine earrings, VERY earth!

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@Margaret...all the encouragement in the world that could be offered to you to kick the New York black out of your wardrobe I hereby send your way! I can only imagine the challenge that this will be.


I'm not positive, but I believe that black became fashionable in big cities largely because it was very sensible because of how dirty the big cities could be...something about coal dust and the soot from gas lighting...not to mention actual filth that accumulates whenever large populations inhabit small geography. For practical purposes, you'll want to find deep, chocolate browns as well as so dark as to almost be black greens and plums. It's a great resolution though...just give yourself time to actually make the purchases.


I've had a much easier time with this because of where I live and the fact that I don't have to have a corporate wardrobe. The only black that I have purchased since knowing I was an Earth is in exercise clothing...but this is where I generally purchase a great variety of non-Earth colors, because Zumba Fitness doesn't generally design clothing in Earth colors.


I received several Earth gifts from Mom and Dad. I'll have to take some time to post some pictures. I want to start going through my wardrobe for serious cruise wardrobe planning now, so the pictures will definitely help with that.


I got a lovely pair of earrings to go with my brown formal dress.


I also got an absolutely BEAUTIFUL multi-strand Venetian glass bead necklace scarf. I have never seen anything like it; it must be shown in a photo.


I got this shirt from Cache:


Can't you see how great this shirt will look with BROWN bottoms? Or camel. Or tan. Or cream. Maybe rust? Definitely denim. The black doesn't do anything for this shirt...and it is FABULOUS. You can't see the sparkle in it...it is SO going on the cruise...


I also got a very fun a-line animal print skirt. Mom got one for herself as well. We are planning on having some fun creating outfits with the skirts, showing how Earth and Fire could use the same basic clothing item to create element appropriate outfits.


Mom also brought that green print shirt to give to me.


I'm going to be ready to hit the ground running with photos very soon. I have some serious wardrobe analysis to do. I also have some clothing repair and alterations that need to be done. Now that I have achieved a measure of success with my fitness goals, I'm getting more picky about the way that clothing fits. The two Chico's shirts that Mom has given me now are both slightly big and boxy; Because they aren't more fitted around the torso, they add about 5-10 pounds to my frame...they need help...even though I really like the fabric...I hate the way they fit, so I have work to do there.


As part of my own resolutions for the New Year...I've decided that I need to become more of a do-er and less of a hopeful planner/dreamer. Anyone reading my thoughts on the Zumba thread has read this in more detail. Included in this goal is the idea that I have sewing skills. I have aspired to be a person well able to sew my own clothing. I have thoughts about even designing my own clothing, as I find that I have such a hard time finding ready-made clothing that I can really love as is. I have sewn simple garments for Mom, fewer for myself. I have decided to start the pursuit of this idea of my best self with regards to being a seamstress with clothing repair and alterations.


I have several basics that I have found that took a long time to find, and now they don't fit properly, and rather than try to find them again, I'm going to try to alter them. Included on this list are:


The aforementioned Chico's shirts (2)

An aforementioned brown/black dress into a skirt

Tan corduroy pants

Khaki Bermuda style twill shorts

Swim suits (2)

Zumba cargo pants


This is just off the top of my head. But these are specific and I am sure I will find more as I go through my wardrobe.


DH also has some clothing items that I am going to try to alter for him.


Anyone else have any clothing related resolutions?

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I'm feeling oh so chic today...I may not look as chic as I feel...but I'm feeling it, so I'm sharing with everyone!


Because seriously...SOMEONE...has to start posting some pictures around here.:rolleyes: So we can get this ball rolling!!


Prior to Christmas, I bought myself a couple of scarves. Now I'm not a scarf person...but I'd like to be. I think that it would be oh so lovely to have the style that would wear a fun scarf to spruce up an everyday outfit with a bit of fun.


So today was the day for me to experiment with the scarves.


For the first go around, I wore that coral shirt Mom gave me with a matching (but slightly darker) cardigan sweater...and I just threw on one of the scarves that I bought that has the orange/coral/reddish colors in it. No big. But it was fun and added a little something...


And then I ate salsa with lunch. :eek:


And I dripped on my coral shirt (I had removed the sweater and scarf at home). And I had to clean my shirt immediately lest a permanent stain set in on this shirt that is oh so perfectly matched to a skirt that I am going to wear on my cruise...*gasp*.


So I needed a new shirt to wear...


And since I am going to a little award ceremony tonight at DS' school...and I don't have to wear Zumba clothing...


I decided it was time to play...


I picked out a trusty V-neck t-shirt. In a fabulous EARTH color. ARMY GREEN. To wear with the jeans I already had on. I was wearing my colors...but my outfit was BORING...


So I grabbed the green pattern scarf with the gold thread running through it and set to work to play. I ended up wrapping the scarf around a necklace that was my Grandmother's. The necklace is a green beaded necklace with alternating smaller gold beads. I played with that concept for a while more...then I added a brooch that was also my Grandmother's...something I love but have never figured out how to wear...and then I grabbed the earrings Mom and Dad gave me from their cruise travels that coordinates perfectly with the brooch...and voila!




Jeans and a T-shirt with a little style!




I haven't quite decided where exactly I want to wear the brooch...I like one side and I also like straight down the middle (but I didn't take a photo of that look) which has more of a tie kind of a look. This is something for me to definitely play around with a bit more. And now that I see the photos...I'm thinking that I might want to put the brooch on the opposite side and hide the pocket of my shirt...


And with the scarf looks off-white...almost cream colored in person...the fact that it is photographing whiter is making me think that it could use a bit of a tea-stain...which I don't think will adversely affect the gold threads at all...


Which just goes to show you how helpful it is to take these photos...I think I might have to do the down the middle look...




Which I like even better!!!


Good grief! SOMEONE needs to clean that mirror in the guest bath room...I guess you can see what happens when you have 7 people visit your home over the holidays. "MAID SERVICE!!!"




That's me.


Shhhh....no one goes in there really every other day of the year...;)


What I love most about this outfit is the fact that I am wearing things that I love that I inherited and have never been able to figure out how to wear. BUT...I've ALWAYS wanted to wear...


But I don't do that any more...as anyone who has been reading my postings on this forum know...


And I just wanted to share this work in progress with all you lovely ladies. I'd add a smilie but my image limit has been reached. LOL!!

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quote from Anita:


I got this shirt from Cache:


Can't you see how great this shirt will look with BROWN bottoms? Or camel. Or tan. Or cream. Maybe rust? Definitely denim. The black doesn't do anything for this shirt...and it is FABULOUS. You can't see the sparkle in it...it is SO going on the cruise...


Love LOVE this shirt! and your green scarf experiment too. I used to wear scarves a lot until I entered hot flash land and now I can't wear anything around my neck, sometimes even just jewelry will set me off :(


As for sewing, I used to make costumes all the time so altering things is easy for me and I do it all the time with things I buy for the color that need a tweak on the fit.


I mean to get back to those blues soon, but I discovered My Publisher and I've been doing photo albums of our last two big vacations. I'm OBSESSED with page layouts and backgrounds! It's so much fun.


I picked up a few earthy things for myself when I was Christmas shopping, I'll have to show you those too! In the meantime, here is a photo of my dress from our party in October with my friend Lori in mauve (she knows her colors, I think).


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok. The countdown clock is getting SERIOUSLY close!


So I am getting SERIOUS about putting together my cruise wardrobe.


I literally tried on every article of clothing that I own yesterday. Let me say this...losing weight is EXPENSIVE. Despite all my best efforts to make smart purchases, there were several items that hit the alterations pile yesterday. Several items finally hit the giveaway pile.


And in the end...I am left with very little in the way of clothing. I have NO SHORTS. I have 3 skirts (and one of those needs repair). I have several dresses. I have the dining room covered and then some. Shirts have been the most recent purchase...I basically own tanks. And more tanks. And more tanks. And a couple of short sleeve knit shirts.


Knowing that the weight loss will continue, I'm trying my best to purchase the least that I can. Meanwhile, I'm struggling to find a "look" that I can own in my everyday life...which includes a whole lot of laundry, cleaning house, dishes, cooking, errand running...and the while dealing with heat and humidity. Did I mention that my air conditioning was running yesterday? We're talking high 70s and over 80% humidity people. I can't relate to snow in the north at all.


SO. Here are the purchases that I am trying. I'm going with Altheta because of their awesome return policy:


Basic Skirt. The color is called "Cargo" and it is described as an olive, khaki, baby poop kind of color in reviews. Sounds like perfect EARTH, eh? Moisture wicking, quick drying, wrinkle resistant, UPF 50+...material described as "Featherweight stretch." Skirts are welcome everywhere on ship...and I'm hoping that this neutral will be a go to kind of color. Hoping that the kicky skirt will be comfortable, unlike typical pencil skirts.



Basic Shorts. The color is "Safari" which may actually be a bit cool, but I know better than to rely on the pictures too much. Reviews call it an army color, so it could be a decent neutral. They are stretch rip-stop nylon. I love nylon shorts for warm weather.



Shore Excursion dress. Made from the same material as the skirt. And in the same color. Fast drying being the main attraction of this dress.



Layering Garment. Not a cover-up, but something to wear with all my tanks that could help with air conditioning, evening breezes, etc. The color is called "Haystack" and could be total bomb if it has that green tone to it. Reviews are mixed between the green undertone and an amazing gold color, so it could depend on the dye-lot. Hopefully, I'll get a gold one!



Long-Sleeved Cover Up. I own things that could be used as a bottom kind of cover up...but nothing to shade my arms. I thought this cotton gauze would fit the bill perfectly for that. The cotton should dye well, which is my plan. I just have to figure out what color, but the white should lend itself well to this plan. I like the easy breezy style:



So, hopefully I got the sizes right! UGH. Meanwhile...I've been checking out sandals. I need flat sandals that can be considered casual without being athletic, KWIM?

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Dillards is having an INSANE sale right now. Beginning today, take an extra 30% off all clearance merchandise (which is already 65% off!).


I scored!!! At least, I got one really great thing. The verdict is still out on the other pair of capris I bought...and I really have to make up my mind quickly as the return period is only 3 days with this sale.


I bought a pair of Eileen Fisher cargo capris in baby poop brown! Debbie, I know you will know what I am talking about when I say that I am making serious headway on a "Not So Crazy 8s" in my baby poop neutral! LOL!!! Especially if the Cargo color from Athleta IS baby poop as one reviewer commented.


Here they are:




I know it isn't very exciting...casual wear...but this is what I need. Here is the REALLY crazy part...I had to buy...what for it...what for it...drumroll...a size SMALL!! OMG OMG OMG. I'm thrilled with this purchase. I'm not sure that the above photo really highlights how flattering these are compared to other styles. I'd have to take other photos to show the difference. I have spent some time recently checking out this site:




Which has been very enlightening. It turns out that I have a straight shape, which is, according to the site, the most common shape. My bust and hips are pretty equal and I don't have a defined waist. :p I've never understood why certain things have looked good on me, but this site has helped me to understand certain things.


These cargos are supposed to look good on me because they add visual weight to my lower half which helps to visually create a waist. I've always thought that I needed to have details like visible pocket seams, etc., to help break up the space, so to speak...I didn't think about it as visual weight...I've always thought that I should avoid things that add volume because I've been heavier for most of my adult life...but funny enough...things with volume have been my favorite things as I look back on my wardrobe...


I didn't have a whole lot of time to mess around with shopping today...I was trying to be focused...but I'm interested in doing some shopping where I experiment with some of the recommended shapes and styles for tops. I feel like this is the next level. I've got the color thing down (at least, I know what I'm supposed to buy and I work more and more on how to identify my colors that aren't baby poop, army green, rust or marigold). Now it's time to focus on fit as well...so that I can avoid what has happened recently...buying things in my color, but having them not really make me feel great in the end.


I did also find a great necklace and earring set at Dillards. The cool thing is that it isn't technically a set, but they work. I was also shopping at Target and I found a pair of earrings to go with my plum cocktail dress and another pair of pearl-like earrings on major clearance for $3 and change (I have SEVERAL strands of all different kinds of pearls, real and fake) so I'm excited about the earrings. I'll post pictures of those when I figure out what I'm going to wear with them.


OH. I also got a new pair of shoes. I've been eyeing a certain style from Jambu for a long time:




and I found these on clearance at Target for $7.58!!!




I've tried these shoes on in another brand called White Mountain...it makes me think that the same company in China is making all these shoes...whatever...they are very comfortable...look like sandals when you wear them.


Anyway...slowly rebuilding my wardrobe and getting ready for the cruise. :)

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Dillards is having an INSANE sale right now. Beginning today, take an extra 30% off all clearance merchandise (which is already 65% off!).


I scored!!! At least, I got one really great thing. The verdict is still out on the other pair of capris I bought...and I really have to make up my mind quickly as the return period is only 3 days with this sale.



Anyway...slowly rebuilding my wardrobe and getting ready for the cruise. :)


You look FAB, Anita! SCORE!

Enjoy your cruise. I'm in NYC helping my Mom with her recovery from a hip replacement. She's doing well. I'm exhausted :)


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Anita, wow, Oh Wow, OH WOW! You look amazing!


Aren't you just tickled to death every time you realize in your mind--I look pretty darn good. You should be proud of your hard work and the visible accomplishment. I'm sure the health advantages are over the top also.


Thanks for the site. I've been trying to make the best decisions for my new clothes purchases and am very interested in the right body shape for me. I'll check out the site you mentioned but please pass along any others you find, ok?


I like your choice of baby poop as one of your neutrals. I thought I'd be taking a capsule wardrobe on my last jaunt, and I did use chocolate brown and creme, but I would have been happier if I had taken less rather than more options. I should have and could have used fewer accent colors. The next time, I will try to do better.


I have three swimsuits in completely different color schemes. One is South Sea Blue (deep aqua blue), one is brown and ivory, and one is a beautiful FIRE red-violet. The problem with the last suit is that the pattern includes lovely EARTH olive green leaves. I purchased it when the FIRE thread and my weight-loss journey was new. The suit still fits and as much as I paid for it, I will keep using it until I am swimming in IT.


In hindsight, if I had taken brown and ivory as my base colors with coral and the aqua blue, I would have had plenty of options and taken fewer pieces. However, I only had one dress that wasn't used and we didn't do our normal "go, come back, I need a shower right NOW" activities either. SOo, maybe I planned fairly well, iDK.


After seeing your scarf, Anita, I thought I should share that I took one red pashima, one bright green scarf, one red-reversible to brown scarf and one gold scarf, all sheer which could have been used as pashminas or as scarves. Again, whether a capsule of 8 or 15, scarves and different jewelry really helped make many different outfits with minimum space in the suitcase. Your new green scarf will be a great asset and WTG on using the vintage jewelry. I Love that idea. I have several family pieces that I like to use, but am afraid I look "ole lady". You have given me a reason to pull out the old jewelry boxes again. --Debbie


PS. I just realized that newcomers may not know that I am a FIRE friend here on the EARTH thread. Please disregard my color choices and insert your favorite EARTH colors instead when reading this post. -D

Edited by aoknkentucky
FIRE on the EARTH thread!
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Anita, you look amazing, and congrats on that size "s". Everyone says weight loss should be about taking care of yourself and feeling healthy, but those numbers do count for something in our culture! Good for you, keep it up!


I love all your new purchases. Building a wardrobe around brown is very practical, in addition to being attractive. I think it is a color that works well in both warm and cold climates and we are just lucky to be EARTH girls that look good in it. BTW love the shoes too.


I'm using our cold winter weekends to clean out closets and generally organize around here. This week I went through all my costume jewelry, pruning and reorganizing. I rediscovered my grandma's beautiful brown rhinestone Trifari pin and put it on my new tan coat. With my leopard silk scarf and brown gloves I at least look pulled together when I'm outside.


As you know, I vowed not to buy any black this year. I've been slowly relegating my black shirts (oh my, I had no idea how many I had!) to gym or PJ duty and pulling out more colored t's to wear on a daily basis. I have to say, it is so much more fun.


I was just reading on Vivienne Files about her vow not to shop. I have WAAAAY too many clothes. Still, I can't imagine not shopping. :)

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Jane, Debbie, Margaret...thank you so much for the compliments. I've been working on making a change in my body for quite a long time time now...since Sept 2010...and I'm still on the path...I haven't reached goal, but I have come very far and it's nice to read the compliments.


Mom is funny...she's like, what size is that top? Yes...the top is a little big...I could go down a size, but it's not horrible...just not as flattering as it COULD be if their were less fabric around me. :rolleyes:


Oh Jane, I hope your Mom's recovery is quick. I can only imagine the difficulties and I'm sure it IS exhausting.


Debbie...I have been going round and round about what to do for my cruise wardrobe. I really love the way Vivienne can show all the different variations that you can do with those crazy 8 wardrobes and then adding the accent colors.


I think that if I am to be successful, I need to really follow that formula and THEN build on it. If I think objectively about my own wardrobe challenges, I realize that I have always had too few very basic pieces. I get excited about patterns and color and designs. One of the smart purchases I made in my replacement clothing was to find that pair of neutral Bermuda shorts from Aeropostale. I wore those with everything...so it slowly dawns on me that when I am shopping, those basics that I need so badly look a bit boring compared to all the "fun" clothes on display...and I need to have a plan to get those basics FIRST.


I don't know if I can get an entire crazy 8 with a single color this quickly...but my goal is to get one of neutrals, for sure...and then to add in the accent colors. I have some tank tops (ya'll have seen them)...and two colors are very close (but not perfectly matched) to my new capris...fortunately one of the colors is that one that I can't take a bad picture in! I think the tone on tone could work though.


So I COULD have


1. Cargo capris

2. A-line cargo skirt

3. Cargo shorts

3. Halter A-line dress

4. Tank 1

5. Tank 2


To perfectly complete the basic wardrobe according to her guidelines, I would need to have at least one over layer in a similar neutral and maybe another shirt. I do have one more shirt that might work. I don't think the gold over layer on order really qualifies, but we'll see. My shipment should be here Monday. I might play with what I own now today and take some photos.


Margaret...how exciting to rediscover and find a use for the things you already own. I'd love to see a picture of you in your outer garments. It sounds lovely. It IS fun to play with our clothes.


I was looking more at the ShopYourShape website...and now I understand why I loved this one shirt and would wear it at every opportunity. It was the perfect style for me. Everyone, if you are in the process of losing weight...play with your measurements a little bit...I am about 3 inches off in the waist from a different shape...instead of straight, I would be an hourglass...and fortunately, most of the same rules apply to the shapes of clothing for both. But it's something to keep in mind if you are trying to extend the life of your clothes through shifting body measurements.

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One thing I noticed on my recent trip is that didn't plan enough for the air-conditioning. Im not sure if it was the recent weight loss or i just didnt take the right stuff, but several times I wished I had another neutral sweater, or a long-sleeved shirt, or anything that was warmer. Every time I grabbed my ivory sweater, I remembered Pam's pictures where she said her pictures all looked like she was wearing the same outfit because the outer shirt/jacket was what was seen in so many shots.


Sounds like you are well on your way to completing your crazy 8, Anita.


Jane, hope your mom continues to improve and you can catch up on your rest.


Margaret, WTG with closet clean-out. It is what I SHOULD be doing.

Edited by aoknkentucky
Smartphone posted before I was ready. Really smart.
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Debbie...You really should clean out your closet. I tell you what...having gone through this exercise AGAIN...and getting my clothing pared down really has helped me with this recent Friday's purchase. Sadly, the great bargain chocolate brown capris that could be dressed up or down and SHOULD be so wonderful...just...aren't. I know now that they will fall into that category of clothing that you put on and immediately take off again...they just don't fit right and there is a weirdness in the crotch that can't be fixed...I'm taking them back tomorrow. And it's easy to do actually, because I am understanding more and more what I like to wear, what I feel good in, and because I have so few choices, I am being more picky about what I am giving myself to choose from, if that makes sense to read.


I have to admit that I thought it would be very boring to dress the way that Vivienne prescribes, with such basic clothing...but I played today and, surprisingly, it is NOT boring...in fact it is the very opposite of boring.


I definitely have 3 pieces of my crazy 8.


1. the capris

2. the tank (A1 in my green collage)

3. the 3/4 sleeved shirt (A3 in my green collage)


So I put on the tank and the capris. Very slimming...wearing such similar colors head to toe. LOVE that. Then I grabbed a golden colored jacket. Nice. Then my jean jacket. A scarf. Four different chunky statement necklaces. It goes on. I realize that I was creating so many different looks. And then, if I were to focus on a hairstyle...like pulling my hair all back and wearing a wide band or scarf around my head...that would be a totally different look than having my hair hang down...etc. So even if all I changed was the jewelry...if I also changed hair style...that would really help me look different in just the same shirt.


FAR from boring. Easy and fun.


I have to say too that I am LOVING studying about shopping for your shape. I wonder if everyone would feel comfortable sharing what shape they are so that we could share more info about that?


At this time, I will just say that I now understand WHY I keep taking off the muted patterned Chico's shirts that Mom gave me and grab an inexpensive Henley style shirt instead. When the website says that my type needs to add visual or actual weight to my upper half while keeping my waist area simple. The buttons on the Henley do just that...it's a detail in that upper area that adds visual weight. So it doesn't have to be a big deal. The Chico's shirts are too balanced...NO details...it will be an interesting experiment to see what I can come up with to add that visual weight.


I'm on the look out for a short sleeved shirt, maybe with buttons?, maybe 3/4 sleeves again? maybe a woven fabric instead of a knit? in this color tone. Could take a while to find...

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I have to say too that I am LOVING studying about shopping for your shape. I wonder if everyone would feel comfortable sharing what shape they are so that we could share more info about that?





I'm game. Haven't had time to study what it means yet (& I just went from my memory of my recent measurements)... But I came out as Top Hourglass I think that's what the site called it. If I slightly reduce the bust measurement, I come out as straight...I think the Top Hourglass description makes sense, except that they assume I have upper body length is proportional to my legs. That's not the case with me. I'm very leggy and short-waisted. This makes me wonder if the advice will totally apply to me. I'm between 5’5" and 5’6" and wear a 32" inseam.



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I'm feeling oh so chic today...I may not look as chic as I feel...but I'm feeling it, so I'm sharing with you


Which just goes to show you how helpful it is to take these photos...I think I might have to do the down the middle look...




Which I like even better!!!


Good grief! SOMEONE needs to clean that mirror in the guest bath room...I guess you can see what happens when you have 7 people visit your home over the holidays. "MAID SERVICE!!!"




That's me.


Shhhh....no one goes in there really every other day of the year...;)


What I love most about this outfit is the fact that I am wearing things that I love that I inherited and have never been able to figure out how to wear. BUT...I've ALWAYS wanted to wear...


But I don't do that any more...as anyone who has been reading my postings on this forum know...


And I just wanted to share this work in progress with all you lovely ladies. I'd add a smilie but my image limit has been reached. LOL!!


Sorry to be so late to the party, but I really like the look with the brooch in the middle. I do think I'd like it even better if the scarf was a bit shorter. Maybe by wrapping it around the necklace a few more times? Nice fashion flair added to basic wardrobe essentials :)


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So I have exhausted myself with online shopping this evening. I can't even begin to name all the different sites that I have looked at from the bottom of the barrel like Forever21 to definitely out of my price range, but I just wanted to see if it existed, Neiman Marcus (seriously people pay THAT for clothes?). I saw a skirt for over $2400.00!!! And NO, I didn't misplace the decimal point.:eek:


I have two things that are high on my shopping list.


1. Another shirt that is similar in color, if not the same as my new cargos to help complete my Crazy 8. I finally understand the benefit of this. I have seen some extremely cute shirts. OMG...REALLY cute shirts...BUT, I understand now...and I finally have a Zumba analogy!


I know Mom will get this...getting a cute patterned, colorful top is a bit like a Top 40 warm up song. It's very recognizable. It's good for a while...but then it gets old very fast...and you are sick of it and ready for something new. But a shirt in your neutral is like Ven a Cumbiar...it's got great rhythm, a fun sound, you don't really understand the words, the movements are easy and fun to do, and every time it comes on, you just enjoy it. It isn't so distinctive that you get sick of it. It's a great pace, it can go just about anywhere in the playlist.


Do you know why those types of shirts are hard to find? Because you WON'T go out and buy new as quickly. They sell us the Top 40 shirts so that we keep replacing our clothing. So this is going to be a chore. I'm going to wear my new cargos tomorrow to the mall and I am on a HUNT.


2. The other thing I am looking for is a skirt to wear with my new Cache top...the animal print montage. I have an A-line skirt and the shape is spot on. It's what the shirt needs to be flirty and fun because the long sleeves cover so much skin...needs a bit more leg to be balanced. Good luck on that one too. I'd prefer something in cream or gold or bronze as opposed to the brown...I think it'd be more spring like.


The hunt commences in person tomorrow.

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Happy Hunting, Anita. I find it so difficult to find the most basic of basics. The ruffled, or latest gimmick top is everywhere I turn.


My body shape is Straight also. Well, the site did say it was most common. I think I understand your comment about the Zumba music. E-V-E-R-Y song we do each week is an unknown song for me, so I'm always happy to do the same songs week after week.


I think I also understand about visual weight. I have learned lately that cowl-neck, v-neck, and drape-neck styles are MUCH better than crew-style. I think that gives me the visual weight on top that I need. It draws attention up.


The blanket statement I have come to hate is that the wrap-dress looks great on all body shapes. Not on this body. I look awful. Boobs all hanging out of the "v" and that belt wraps around me all right --making me look like a sack of potatoes with a grass-string tied around the middle. Soooo not a good look.


I need tops (never tucked) that end where my leg joins my trunk. A dark wide belt IS NOT something for this gal. The only belts I wear are in belt loops and hidden behind my hip-length tops. However, a jacket with a set-in waistband is a wonderful piece of clothing for me. It gives that waist definition that I need.


Skirts that end barely below my knees with detail of any kind at the bottom are the best. Appliques work or several 3-4 inch kick-pleats around the bottom. That follows the visual weight for the bottom half of me, right? I really, really like skirts because they show off my legs. I'm not especially happy with the way my knees are beginning to look, but that's an age and gravity thing, I'm sure.


Jane, I'm the opposite of you. My torso is long and my legs shorter. Not by much, just enough that I need to hem everything I buy. Petite pants are too short if they shrink any tiny bit at all or if I try to wear anything other than flats. Average length pants are too long no matter how high a heel I try to wear. Well, I don't have any heels that are more than 4 inches. I'd break my fool neck!


Thanks for the tips on tying scarves, Anita.

Edited by aoknkentucky
spelling - "tieing" - really? REALLY? Time for this chickie to call it a night.
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Thanks for all the good vibes ladies! It was the most empowering day shopping EVA!!!


There is nothing like having a definite purpose and mission when you are shopping to really help you feel more productive and like, even if you aren't finding what you want, you know you aren't missing something somehow because you are so focused on what you are looking for. Does that make sense.


Anyway...I was not able to find a short sleeved shirt...HOWEVER, I did find a cardigan sweater. An AMAZING cardigan sweater. I can't find it online, of course, so we have to wait for actual pictures, which I don't have time for this second, because we are headed out for team tennis.


I also found a scarf and a pair of earrings that match each other and go with this not so crazy 8.


I also found a pair of earrings to go with a shirt/outfit that needed earrings bad. This is the beauty of having become so aware of my different outfits and what they need. Mom, this is the animal print skirt and chocolate brown tank with the detail at the neckline.


AND...I might have found a pair of pants to go with the Cache shirt. MAYBE.


I have many pointers for shopping, but first I just wanted to say that I feel like I had a very successful day today. I think the only other time I have ever been so focused is when I have been "jean shopping"...I'll have to share more later...I just wanted to report on my finds!:)

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Awesome, Anita!

Can't wait to see pic of cardi and rest of report :)

Not typing too much right now. Don't know if I ever mentioned my bad fall after DD1's wedding -- day before we left for 2 weeks in Europe. I was trying on sensible low brown shoes in the Lord & Taylor shoe dept at local mall. Heel got caught in hole in tile floor. Badly twisted & sprained L ankle and went down, full- force onto marble floor. Landed on bent R elbow! Dislocated both elbow bones and broke off bone (Coronoid process). Was lucky in that they were able to finally knock me out in ER to do "Closed reduction" (to put bones back into place.) Left bone chip in place. Put me in very uncomfortable metal splint from below wrist bone to underarm. Put on soft cast and had me wearnamsling 24/7. Forgot to do much for ankle, simce it wasn't broken. PT later told me an ankle break would've healed faster than my sbadly tretched out ligaments/sprain.

Got home from ER at 8:30 PM and left for JFK at 2:30 the following afternoon. Long flight to Prague, even on Oxycodone. Spent a couple of days mostly resting in Prague hotel room, then spent a week on riverboat skipping excursions, Used wheelchair in airports and for 3 days in Paris. Areas of Europe we visited not at all wheelchair-friendly!


Had to stop formal PT and do home program since we left to spend Christmas with family in Antigua :). From there, accompanied my Mom to NYC for hip replacement surgery. I"m still with Mom in NY helping with recovery.


Phew...exhausting to even type out.



Anyhow, I've

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