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I have to jump in here and say that you were probably bloated because of a histamine response to the sun burn. A sun burn is technically an allergic reaction to too much sun. If you ever have one that is very itchy and painful, take an antihistamine to relieve the itch and pain. I'm really on top of what can cause inflammation lately...allergies are definitely at the top of the list.


Back to studying your pics!

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The sunburn is an odd thing...if you noticed, my face is fine and so were most of my legs, with the exception of a small section above the knees. I actually applied it a few times! It was windy in Cococay. and my husband and I determined that the sunscreen was probably blowing away instead of landing on my skin because it was the spray type. With my face, I sprayed it on my finger tips and applied it that way. I hate sunburn, and I was so mad that I got one even with sunscreen! We are going to buy the lotion next time, as much as I hate applying it with my fingers. It's more important to be protected.


I loved the animal print sandals. Can you believe I almost didn't bring them? Then I realized that they went with so much. It is a giraffe like print, and I got them at Bon Ton on clearance for something like $8.00. I just love those things.


I agree that a more saturated color works better on me. That is why I wish the coral scarf had worked, it would have been good at the neckline with that light peach shirt. Unfortunately, it was too cool. I tried tea staining it and it helped, but not enough. I was going to try and tea stain it again, but ran out of time before I needed to pack.


I was looking for a metallic gold color for my fingernails, and ended up with more of a regular gold. I thought I would do something that would be different for me, and it worked pretty well with all my dresses.


You are probably right about the bloating being a histamine response. It was annoying!

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I'm sitting here laughing because Anita beat me to the punch! I saw your sunburn and just gasped out loud... LAURIE... OMG... and then I didn't have to say anything because Anita just... like she said... took the words right out of my mouth! ;)


I will continue to enjoy your pictures and come back and tell you my favorites, but I know right off the bat that I LOVE the "most casual" dress on you. I think the neckline is fabulous...


I'm so glad that you're posting your outfits. And I'm so happy for you that you managed to get onto that ship! I was sure concerned for you... how wonderful to be in the Caribbean instead of dealing with all the weather at home. Although... again... that sunburn! :eek:

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Anita and Anita's mom, you both think the way I do. I was so mad that I ended up with a sunburn. I work with this lady who goes tanning all the time, and she tries to tell me that a tan will cure all that ails me, so to speak. I keep telling her that I don't agree, and that I believe in protecting my skin from the sun and from a tanning booth as well. At least as I age, I won't have that leathery skin!


I always put on sunscreen before leaving the ship, and this time, I put it on the minute I got to Cococay. That could have something to do with it too. I'm out of practice, it's cold here!


Anita, I thought it would be warmer where you live now than it is. I've lived here my whole life, and I still haven't quite learned to adjust to the cold well. I could do without it!


Anita's mom, that casual dress is one I picked up at Dress Barn. My daughter works there and gets a great discount. It had all the right colors. Even though it is a looser fit, it doesn't "tent out" and lays really nice.

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Laurie, I love love love all your outfits. You look great! I especially like you in those red dresses, but then I love me some red. :)


Your formals -- yum. Everything is working: the hair, the makeup, the jewelry, the colors, the styles. Just lovely. How did it go with the train? That's a beautiful photo of you, so elegant.


I'd comment more, but I'm sick as a dog. Off to take my second nap of the day.

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Thank you, moegr. I was very happy with my clothing and jewelry choices.


Margaret, I'm sorry to hear you are sick! I really loved my formal dresses so much. The train, well...it got stepped on a few times! I think that is I hem the front up just a bit, then I will be fine. It isn't a huge train, but it is a pain when you have to hold the front up sometimes when walking. I am thinking of just getting the shoulders of the dress taken up, and then having it hemmed up more in the front. I really love the style and color so much.


Since none of my formal night pictures show the entire brown dress, I went back to our personal pictures, and here is one my husband took:




Anita, the brown short dress I wore on the first dress is a good shade of brown. I think what makes me feel so-so about the dress is the fit of the top. I try to balance out my body, and I'm top heavy. I am wondering if it would have looked better if the top wasn't so loose.

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I googled tonight and came across an interesting website which you may find interesting. It is called Joy of clothes dot com and it discusses the different body shapes such as apple, pear, inverted triangle, rectangle, hourglass etc. It goes into detail as to how to determine which shape you are, and if you read further, there are suggestions as to how to dress your shape. Mention is also made of short legs, long legs, average neck, short or long neck....anyways, it makes for informative reading.


With the colour theory discussed here plus knowing your own body shape and how to purchase clothes to enhance your own shape, I would think many of us ladies willl have our eyes opened.


This is a great thread (but I am an Ice) but I do enjoy seeing the various photos posted.:D

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Anita, the brown short dress I wore on the first dress is a good shade of brown. I think what makes me feel so-so about the dress is the fit of the top. I try to balance out my body, and I'm top heavy. I am wondering if it would have looked better if the top wasn't so loose.


Laurie...ok, I feel almost strange writing such the critique that I'm about to write because it is somewhat odd to stare at someone else's body and study away...BUT...you don't look top heavy to me...I mean, you aren't flat...but I think you are very proportional looking...I think you look more like the full hourglass in the site that cruzisme referenced.


(Thanks Cruzisme! That site is similar but different from the other one, dress your shape.)


That brown dress doesn't show off your waist at all. I actually like the fit of the dress across your bust area, but then it's too blousy under your bust. I'm wishing that it had more of an empire waist...or at least some sort of waist...maybe a belt would help? The sleeve length is really nice...it goes below the widest part of your bust, which is very flattering...and I like the peekaboo sleeve...it's nice to show skin without having it be sleeveless. I would explore different belt options...like the multiwrap belts, a kimono like belt, a scarf, a corset belt...wear the dress shopping and try a bunch of looks. A dress like that is so easy...I love dresses like that. It just isn't the most flattering fit at this time.


I think my favorite of the non formal dresses is the high-low one. That dress needs to go dancing and it looks great on you. :)


edited to add: Margaret...so sorry to read you are ill. I hope you get better quickly.

Edited by Anita Latte
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I am learning a lot about my body shape, and how to dress to flatter it more. One of the issues I run into is the same as most people, in that I can only buy so much at a time. What I did is go through my clothes, and try to bring the best options. Sometimes too, I just can't find the right things.


I love the high low dress a lot. That was so easy to wear, and so easy to pack too. I love the coral and green skirts, and the denim skort. I love the dark brown shorts. I loved the formals. I know I've mentioned it at least a few times, but I felt so confident about those!


The brown dress is rather blousy on top, and it overshadows my shape. I think that you describe what I'm trying to say in a much better way, in that defining the waist area creates a proper silhouette. The gold/ivory dress has a similar issue, but it's not as bad because the dress isn't overly full.


I was kind of mad about that bloat, because that red dress is awesome. It has a v neck and works well to give me a balanced look. As I lose weight, it should get better! I hate losing the slow way, but I know it is the best way for me.


You know what else is interesting? When you look at your shorts and say, "these are the wrong color, but they are a good fit" and then you say "these are a great color but a bad fit!" I chose the right color over the fit. I think I could have left the purple shorts home, brought along the sand ones, and put on this really neat shirt I have in this muted, silky adobe color. With the sand being away from my face, I could have gotten away with it. Plus,. the lace shirt, as much as I adore it, doesn't look as nice as the adobe one. More saturated colors are better, and the neckline, fit, and length are excellent.


Here is a picture, not from the cruse, but of a shirt I wore a few nights after dinner when I was cool:



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Oh, Margaret...I have a thing about red too. It did not take any arm twisting to buy a cruise dress for Valentine's Day.


I need to think outside the box more, like with the print shirt in the picture above. I find myself always wanting to buy the same colors.


How are you feeling?

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Laurie, the last posted top is really flattering on you. The colors are good and I think the sleeves suit you too. This top would also look good with your light toned slacks or shorts.


I agree with Anita re the short brown dress. The peekaboo sleeves add interest but maybe the fit needs a bit of work. Your legs are shapely and I suggest that your skirts/dresses end at the knee rather than mid- calf.


Draped tops are very flattering for your shape with a v neck.:)

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A pictodiary does so many good things. First and foremost, it allows me to share with all of you. It also allows me to see myself in a way I just can't see in the mirror.


The more I look at certain pictures, the more I pick up on things. The brown dress is well loved, but due to the nature of the style above, I may or may not be able to alter it successfully. I have some ideas, so I may just pin it and try it back on to see before I actually do anything. Even though the champagne top has a similar styling to the top of the brown dress, I think it works better, because It looks more tailored and less blousy. Food for thought!


I shortened a lot of my shorts recently, and the coral skirt as well. I can't believe the difference it makes when the hemline falls in the right place. Even if I don't have this nailed down yet, I can assure you that the dark brown shorts, coral skirt and caramel colored shorts all look way better than they did.

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I finally feel better now, thank you for the well-wishes. I knew I was getting sick for two days before it actually hit me. I'm just glad it wasn't the flu!


A pictodiary does so many good things. First and foremost, it allows me to share with all of you. It also allows me to see myself in a way I just can't see in the mirror.



Laurie, I'm so glad you feel this way. I have found it to be so helpful even though I wasn't NEARLY as well put-together as you. For me it seems to strip away the force of personality and the movement of the fabric to let you just focus on form and color. It is hard to put yourself out there like that, but I'm so glad you did.


I've been thinking about your brown dress too. I can see all that there is to like about it. But, there is a reason skinny jeans are back in force all of a sudden, and that is because the larger, flowier tops that they're showing now all need the balance of a slimmer bottom. I'm thinking now of your champagne top/green shorts picture, where the narrower bottom gives you some shape to balance out all the fabric in the top. I like your denim skort for that reason, too. I picture that brown dress with a slim column skirt, maybe.


Don't think I spend all my time watching TV, but on Oprah someone once said on one of her fashion-oriented shows that the thinnest part of a larger woman is the ribcage right under the bra strap, so that is where your dress should be fitted. That brown Evan Picone dress that I wore was cut that way, and it was always one of my favorites. Not that you are in any way a large woman, but I think part of why I was drawn to all your red dresses is that they are fitted in all the right spots and really give you a nice silhouette. Both your formals are that way too. (I have to say that hi/low dress fabulous!)


I agree with Anita that maybe you are more balanced that you think you are. You look fantastic. :)

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It can be awkward at times to post pictures of myself, especially if I'm not happy with the way I look. At the same time, I realize that it is easy to be critical of ourselves. Most of the time, the more I look at a picture, the more I start to see the good things.


I openly admit that the first thing I see in any picture is the boobs. When it's not the first thing I see, then I ask myself if it is because there is something distracting me, or if I feel I look more balanced out. I felt very balanced out in my formals, and many of the other dresses and outfits.


I can honestly say I felt better about how I looked than I have in a long time! I love too to be able to plan out the whole outfit, and give thought to shoes and jewelry. I almost left those animal print sandals home, and one of the best things I did was toss them in at last minute. I wore themn quite a bit, and they were so comfortable.


One of my goals for this summer (that will carry over to my next cruise) is to get some better fitting shorts, and some more sandals. My gold sandals were great to wear, but I wore them 5 nights out of 7. I think a slightly shorter heel (they aren't high, but at the end of the day, your feet get tired) will keep me in my dinner outfit longer, and give me some variety. I really need more casual sandals as well.


There was a picture I posted during the summer of an outfit that had caramel ankle pants. I had these wonderful sandals with this little wedge, and I could wear them all day, all night. The darned things broke! :mad:

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Here are three formal dresses I like. The first one I've been watching for a long time now. I like the color shown, which is called Ruby. It's hard to say what the color would look like in person though. The style may not work for me, but there is something about this dress that I just love.




then there is this one. I would adjust it a little in the front to make it less revealing. Colorwise, I'm not sure. It's hard when you have about 3 color choices, even though the website offers about 15-20 color choices.




I've looked at this one also.



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Holy cow Laurie, I love everything about this ruby dress! The color and the style which I bet would look super on your figure!


The other two are not colors I would go for....not sure but I think I might be an ice....I really should go do the color cards. However as an earth I'm sure they would look good on you.


But that ruby dress.....you gotta get it! Are mermaid bottoms still in? I would hope so cos it is just gorgeous....and priced very reasonably.



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I love that red one too, and the second one also. That color is gorgeous, so subtle but if it's the right shade it'll do wonders for your skin, make you glow.


The third one, I wonder about all the horizontal detailing in the waist area, with the pleating, and the belt, and the corset-like piece below that. It's a pretty dress but it definitely wouldn't work for me. The back view is lovely, I kind of wish the front were a little simpler though. JMO.

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Anita, this is for you. I'm seeing these EVERYWHERE, and they make me think of you. :)




My eyes were immediately drawn to #7, and of course they are $800!!! Oh well, suede shoes and a rainy spring don't really mix, do they.

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Thank you, moegr. I was very happy with my clothing and jewelry choices.


Margaret, I'm sorry to hear you are sick! I really loved my formal dresses so much. The train, well...it got stepped on a few times! I think that is I hem the front up just a bit, then I will be fine. It isn't a huge train, but it is a pain when you have to hold the front up sometimes when walking. I am thinking of just getting the shoulders of the dress taken up, and then having it hemmed up more in the front. I really love the style and color so much.


Since none of my formal night pictures show the entire brown dress, I went back to our personal pictures, and here is one my husband took:




Anita, the brown short dress I wore on the first dress is a good shade of brown. I think what makes me feel so-so about the dress is the fit of the top. I try to balance out my body, and I'm top heavy. I am wondering if it would have looked better if the top wasn't so loose.


Welcome home, Laurie! I've been enjoying your posts but haven't had time to chime in.

You look wonderful in your cruise clothing and accessories.! It must feel great! I especially LOVE this brown formal. It's so elegant and flattering on you :) That necklace is also great; love the way it forms a "V" to echo the neckline of the gown!

One of my other favorites is the last casual dress from Dress Barn. That print is so Earthy!

Sorry about the sunburn. I'm so careful about sunscreen, but I occasionally find I've "missed a spot" and really burn. The other thing I've become somewhat neurotic about is checking expiration dates on my sunscreen. I'll only buy bottles that list the exp date because my brother once got a pretty bad sunburn while using old, cheap, off-brand sunscreen from Ocean State Job Lot.

I do like the spray kind for the middle of my back, when nobody is around to help me, but the lotion seems to cover better.


Thanks for sharing all these pics with us; it's really inspiring to see how you've grown into our color palette!


Edited by JaneStarr
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There's something very Bowie-like about this dress that I find appealing.




This actually appeals to me (surprisingly), but I couldn't wear it. Think it works better on a less busty, longer-waister, younger woman....but I do like it :cool::D

I also really like that Ruby dress that Laurie posted.


Edited by JaneStarr
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Here are three formal dresses I like. The first one I've been watching for a long time now. I like the color shown, which is called Ruby. It's hard to say what the color would look like in person though. The style may not work for me, but there is something about this dress that I just love.




then there is this one. I would adjust it a little in the front to make it less revealing. Colorwise, I'm not sure. It's hard when you have about 3 color choices, even though the website offers about 15-20 color choices.




I've looked at this one also.



I really love the 1st dress' cut and color (if it is as it appears on my monitor). I think you might have a problem with the second dress. It appears to me that the cups aren't "deep" enough. The 3rd dress is pretty, but I'm thinking there might be too much going on in the mid-section. Not sure.

Does this company send swatches of the material? How else can you check the color? Maybe it's because I'm on my iPad, but I couldn't figure out how to get the dresses displayed in different colors. As a matter of fact, I couldn't tell which color name was displayed in the pics. I must be missing something :confused:


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I love the ruby dress as is. As to the second one, I was thinking about what color would look good. I would love to have no repeats in the color of my formal night dresses, but since there is a limited offering of earth colors, it's hard. I was thinking of maybe chocolate. It will give me ample space in the bustline, you just have to make sure you order the right size. I always check the size chart. I have ordered a total of 4 dresses from here, with no problem.


The third dress is a bit busy in the waist area. I don't think it will flatter me very well. I like the dress to look at, but I would imagine that would end up pretty bulky in the middle.


Jane, you can't display the dresses in the different colors, they just choose one color to feature. They do have a color chart, and they show the color in the different fabrics. I think you can order color swatches too, but I haven't done so as of yet. I have a dress in gold, chocolate and clover. Two of the formal dresses you see are from this site. I just got the gold one a short time before my cruise, but it needs adjustments before I'm ready to wear it.


Terry, over a length of time there were three dresses I went back to over and over. One was the clover dress you see in the formal pictures I posted, one is a gold dress that I haven't worn yet, and this ruby mermaid dress is the other. I'm just itching for it.


As a side note, I just have to say this: I kept thinking I made a mistake with the brown dress, that it wasn't as flattering as I thought it was. I look back now, and wonder why I thought that? I really do love the style, and I think it was quite flattering.


Margaret, those wedge sneakers are cute, I"m just waiting for my daughter to tell me she wants a pair! I remember that post Anita made with wedge sneakers a few months back.


And that dress...those high necklines are really in style lately. I agree with Jane, you need to be rather flat chested. I like that uneven hem, it adds a lot of interest. I'm going to go back a page shortly, you posted some other good pictures a few days ago.

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Hey Laurie...


I have discovered that looking at dresses for other people is very difficult. It's one thing to see them ON other people...but looking at them on a model brings up all kinds of interesting thoughts for me regarding Style Statement issues.


The RUBY dress. The description says that the color shown is Burgundy but it doesn't look like the burgundy swatch to me...it does look more like the ruby swatch. I think this dress would be flattering on you. The straps at the shoulders are wide set, which is supposed to be very flattering for those of use with a bigger bust. The overlapping "wrap" across the bust would be very nice. The figure hugging dress will show your waist. I think that the gathering will help disguise any bumps and bloats that may happen while cruising. Have you ever watched Project Runway? The shine of satin fabric shows every imperfection...which is one reason why I think that the camera wasn't as kind as your memory of the one fitted red dress...the shine on the dress creates effects in a photograph that you don't see as easily IRL...but I think this dress would be more like your brown formal.


The GOLD dress. I think this dress is beautiful. I would have a hard time with a train. If you didn't want to bare some serious cleavage, what would you do? If you were comfortable and had a great bra...then this dress would seriously show off the girls, because that looks like a deep V. The chiffon is more forgiving in showing imperfections but it isn't as supportive all at the same time. I think the cap sleeve is nice too.


Margaret...I keep looking at those wedge sneakers. I even tried a pair on in a couple different places. They are surprisingly comfortable for heels. Unfortunately, will my current weight gain, I just don't have anything to wear with those shoes...and I seriously wonder what I would wear with them.


I'm having a bit of a clothing crisis, not only because I have gained so much weight that I can't wear any of my bottoms that aren't yoga like pants...but also because the clothing I have still wouldn't really be appropriate for the weather we are experiencing. I just can't believe how cold I am here. I moved here with one pair of jeans and one pair of cargo pants...a couple pairs of capris...and a plethora of shorts. My long sleeved shirts were only 1 cotton long sleeved shirt and 1 cotton blend sweater...with several cotton hoodies. I'm just totally not prepared for winter weather to last more than 4 days at a time. LOL!

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