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How fun to read this today! Margaret...your Style Statement sounds like you...and I can see how that would be rather difficult to translate into a fashion style. Basically, you like whatever you believe is beautiful...whatever that may be...Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all...and so this could be very frustrating in some respects. And I could also see how what you perceive to be beautiful ALMOST includes a bit of the odd...something that takes it a bit out of the realm of strictly traditional beauty...and how you can find beauty IN things that others may not as well...it goes on and on and while I think about it...it totally sounds like you!! Thank you for sharing.


Laurie...I'm flat out amazed at how quickly you could get through that book! :eek: Seriously. It's wonderful though! I can see how your statement is you. Very much so. I think it explains how you have such a good eye for your accessories and what you can do to pull an outfit together. Also...the way that you talk about our group here...not that we argue or fight...but I can see that peacekeeper in you.


Well. I debated sharing my own so quickly after reading Margaret's earlier. Sometimes I feel like we can enjoy a post and all take time to digest the information before adding more information to the mix...but upon reflection, I decided that Margaret might appreciate some reciprocation and having something to think about also...so here's mine.


My Style Statement is:




Remember how I said that I had an initial reaction of not really relating to my own thoughts about one of my words? But reading what the actual definition of the word is...well...by definition alone, if not demonstrated in my style...I do embody the Sophisticated aspect of my statement. If you have your book, go ahead and read what it says...that's me. OMG.


For me, Sophisticated means that I constantly desire to learn. I have an undying thirst for knowledge. I LOVE to read. Getting a library card is usually one of the first things that I do in a new place. I have a great desire to travel. (I wish I had more ability in that direction...but time will tell.) And I feel my best when I take what I have learned and can actually apply it to my life...and I feel even more amazing when I can help others because of what I have learned.


In the past, sophisticated called to mind a very urban feel...not necessarily modern...but a kind of timelessness in style...something that would always look good...that's so SOPHISTICATED. But now, I realize, that anytime that I apply what I have learned to my choices...that is sophistication. Yes. Quality is so important. But not paramount. I have come to understand when it is acceptable to accept a lesser quality.


Ah. Treasure. It isn't only for the things that I have inherited. That I treasure items because of sentiment. I truly appreciate the value of things. Good lord. I TREASURE my boxes. I appreciate their worth. Their value. And I take care of them. Nothing bothers me so much as people who treat their things with neglect. People who do not appreciate things. Treasure translates into my obsessive recycling, my daily phone calls with my Mom, my Great Grandma's paintings, and that special bath item that I will save for that special occasion. (This is the highly negative manifestation of treasure...SAVING things for a special occasion.)


So, how I have learned to give myself a break...DH has to keep saying to me "Just do it." Stop planning and just do whatever I keep trying to plan. Planning is researching and learning and trying to apply what I've learned to the best of my ability. I have high expectations of my ability and so...sometimes...I just need to give myself a break...and start doing. Learn along the way too and not just in advance. AND...to understand my own limitations. Yes...there is usually a BEST way...but there is also GOOD ENOUGH. And I can have a hard time settling for good enough...because I generally research myself to death to learn BEST. And this is how...when I learned my Style Statement...I could give myself a break.


And this is how I could understand why I have saved things for so long. I have birthday cards from all my different grandparents from when I was a child. Letters. And I used to save things with the idea that I would make a wonderful scrapbook of all these things. And so I started to buy scrapbooking stuff. But it turns out...I HATE scrapbooking. OMG. NOT my fav. NO. I actually just like my cool box that I bought. I looks like a treasure chest of all things...and I have my things in there. And when I feel sentimental...I go through the box. And I read the letters and look at the cards. They don't need to be organized in some album. And I really don't want to make the album either.


So. That's my probably overly long rambling. But I"m in low spirits. So please excuse me. My kitty has not been well. I'm very sad about this. And writing all this down has helped me to think about something else...something positive. And on that note...I just finished Diana Galbadon's latest Outlander book. OMG. I think it's book 8! LOVE my Kindle. But I need a new book now...I think I'll go search for one.

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Anita , Sorry to hear about your kitty . You have inspired me to buy the style statement book . My style is coastal cottage . I always liked that sort of shabby chic look . I live in Florida on Sarasota Bay in an elevated house . I love to mix fun elements( an antique hobby horse ) with basic furniture & there are never too many pillows . My house has lots of red accents and is homey . As for my wardrobe since I no longer work it is pretty casual . Lot's of JJill & some chico's . I can't wait to get the style statement book and see what this translates to .

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"And this is how I could understand why I have saved things for so long. I have birthday cards from all my different grandparents from when I was a child. Letters. And I used to save things with the idea that I would make a wonderful scrapbook of all these things. And so I started to buy scrapbooking stuff. But it turns out...I HATE scrapbooking. OMG. NOT my fav. NO. I actually just like my cool box that I bought. I looks like a treasure chest of all things...and I have my things in there. And when I feel sentimental...I go through the box. And I read the letters and look at the cards. They don't need to be organized in some album. And I really don't want to make the album either."



That totally describes me to a "t"! My DH is also always telling me to ,"Just do it!" LOL! Sorry to hear about your kitty and that you are a little down in the dumps. That's why you all haven't head from me too much in the last few days. I get that way a lot of times when vacation is over and done with. But the DH is so in tune with my feelings that on Sunday he asked me to help him out by going online and finding a hotel in Vegas for his annual business trip. I got to go with him for the first time last year and we had a ball when he wasn't working and I had a great time on my own while he was working. So, it was his way of telling me that we have a three-day trip to Vegas coming up in September. That has lifted my spirits.


It's so interesting being on this thread. I love hearing from all of you because I can relate to you all so much. I feel like I'm a little bit like each of you in some ways. I'll be going to the bookstore tonight to get my Style Statement book and can't wait to get started on it.


No pictures yet, waiting for the DG to have some spare time for me. She's busy taking some summer classes and works as hostess at a local, upscale, Italian restaurant in the evenings. But I'll get to it. As you all may have guessed by now, I'm quite the procrastinator. It drives the DH nuts especially since the DS takes after me in this regard. LOL! It's not a great trait but it's not all that bad either. It just is what it is.


We had a very busy weekend but it was a lot of fun. One of our dear friends is running for Mayor of West Hollywood, CA. He's a great guy and we went to a fund raiser at his house on Sunday. There were quite a few of our other friends there so it was a fun afternoon. Sat. night we went to see the musical, "Bye Bye Birdie", which was a local production and quite a lot of fun too. We went with a couple that are friends of ours and had dinner before the play. The woman is someone that I just love. She and I used to work together at one of the biggest entertainment law firms in LA. We always had some great times shopping during our lunch hours. Thank goodness she moved out here near where I live so we "do lunch" at least once every other week. We'll either hang by her pool or go shopping locally. We always have a great time. She's the best. We do nothing but laugh the whole time we're together.


Okay, then, I guess I'm just a big blabber mouth today...LOL! I'll let you all know what my Style Statement is when I find out myself. It will be my turn to share.


By the way, Anita, if you have any questions at all about Carnival...I believe it's you that's going on a Carnival cruise right??...my mind is failing me at the moment. Anyway, feel free to ask me any questions as our last 4 or 5 cruises have been on Carnival. If you haven't sailed Carnival before it will be very different from most any other cruise line you've probably been on except for NCL, which with very few differences, is much the same. It's a very casual way to cruise. It's no frills for sure. But we've always had a great time on each and every one of our cruises. We're not very picky and so our expectations are always right in tune with cruising on Carnival. We cruise mostly for the price and itinerary and so far for the last several cruises Carnival has met our needs. We aren't loyal to any one cruise line. It's just which line we can afford at any given time and where it's sailing to. So that just gives you an idea of what we're about. I'd love to take a river cruise sometime. My friend that I went to the play with...Rona...and her DH are going on one in Sept. She wants me to come over and help her pick out outfits for her. God help her! LOL!

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Anita , Sorry to hear about your kitty . You have inspired me to buy the style statement book . My style is coastal cottage . I always liked that sort of shabby chic look . I live in Florida on Sarasota Bay in an elevated house . I love to mix fun elements( an antique hobby horse ) with basic furniture & there are never too many pillows . My house has lots of red accents and is homey . As for my wardrobe since I no longer work it is pretty casual . Lot's of JJill & some chico's . I can't wait to get the style statement book and see what this translates to .


Ah...my kitty. Sigh. Hopefully, we'll get some results from the blood test we did yesterday to see if we can nail down what is really wrong...


Have fun with your Style Statement book! I must admit that it was a little overwhelming for me at times...it's a very thoughtful thing...and if life isn't exactly roses at the time that you are going through some of the questions...well...it was emotional for me at times. But I'm so glad that I did it.


My house style is a mix too...my ideal style is what they call British Colonial. I love the look of more traditional furniture...solid, heavy, wood...in a tropical setting with furnishings that soften the whole thing and touches of travel and or "collecting" in the mix. Not a bunch of accessories though...just enough. This may or may not be influenced by the fact that I have so much inherited furniture...many antiques that fit in perfectly with this look.


The word homey is interesting...I would never call my house homey...but I am very at home in my home...especially the new home. There are things about the house we just moved into that I absolutely LOVE and almost can't believe that I've lived without for so long. Homey is almost one of those words that is in the eye of the beholder. KWIM?


Yes, mousey...we are going on our first Carnival cruise. At this moment in time...I have an analogy for the Carnival cruise line. At Disneyworld, there are different "levels" of resorts on site...value, moderate, deluxe, and vacation home. We have stayed in all but the vacation home (but we have stayed in other timeshares). Each are special in their own way...and all have a place in a vacation, depending on your vacation. Right now...I think Carnival is like the values at Disney. I've shared this with DH and DS...we'll see if that's accurate in September!


I'm a big time keeper of things. I've gotten very good at trimming the fat, so to speak...so that I save only those things that are most meaningful to me. Obviously...with all the moving that I have done...I don't really want to keep more than what is absolutely "essential" and while nothing is essential, for real...it is meaningful to me. But I also translate this into keeping things that are in working order and not just replacing something to replace it.


For instance...I still have the stereo system components that I was given for Christmas and my birthday in high school. And I still have the original boxes with their Styrofoam inserts and the manuals. So my CD player is...mmmm...about 25 years old. I have issues with waste, in general...and so I'm also not one that upgrades other things unless it is absolutely necessary to do so. I'm so sad because I think the HP LaserJet 4+ might have finally bit the dust. And yes, my family was the original owner of this printer...it's beast and a workhorse and I'll be so sad if I can't fix it. This too, is like 25 years old.


Almost time for Zumba!

Edited by Anita Latte
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It's so interesting to read all this. I'm a sentimental person, but I can't say I really save. For example, a few years back when my younger brother didn't have much money come in, he made a cutting board out of wood, and used one of those...engravers, the ones that burn the wood? and he engraved "Laurie's Kitchen". It was primitive, but means the world to me.


One thing though, I grew up in an apartment and then my home of over 16 years had no useable attic or basement. There was also limited closet space. As a result, I really couldn't save things. It's a bit different here with the home my husband and I share. His parents left him a lot of nice things. But I'm not a fan of clutter, so I'm always trying to thin things out. The picture I posted of my living room above contains things that I'm sentimental about. There is a picture on the far right that is a painting his mom had. My husband is pretty sure it's quite old. The shelves all contain things that are filled with memories and sentimental value.


Margaret, I definitely see the beauty in your pictures. You do see past what is on the surface. I look at that picture with the hall, and I see the chandelier, the different color choice, the rug. It makes me think on a different level. It's hard to explain, but I study those pictures, and the elements that are in them. Just like the tree hugger picture, and the polished nails.


Anita, I made myself be very blunt with those questions. My mind set was that it was my book to write whatever I pleased! A few questions stumped me. I've always been a day dreamer, but never a dreamer in the sense of goals and what I would be when I grew up, what kind of wedding I'd have, etc. So, questions such as what my dream job would be totally stumped me, until my husband commented about how much I love it when we go for a ride and I can look at houses, or go to the Parade of Homes we have here, where the brand new custom homes have an interior decorator come in and completely finish the interiors. I guess I've never thought about it because my parents worked in factories, and I just went to work when I was done with high school. I didn't have the funds for college; I just did what my parents did. My life had very much changed over the years, and my success at work I contribute to my parents' work ethic they instilled, and being in the right place at the right time.


Getting back to my home though, it's a combination of what my husband loves and what I love. And he and I can be different at times. I work hard though at trying to blend what we like to create a happy medium. I actually painted the living room about 4 or 5 times in 8 years before we settled on that golden tone. I get a little freaky sometimes that we have two tables in the room that don't blend, in my opinion. We also have non matching lamps. Those are my husband coming through, lol. The table and lamp to the right were his mother's.


Some of my answers felt like I was just blurting out what came to mind, and sometimes it shocked me. It was very truthful though. That book brought out that sort of response and I wasn't expecting it.


Anita, how old is Toby kitty? Do you think it could be age related?


A completely different topic here...but it relates: I have leadership training at work. A group of do in order to help better ourselves in our management roles. I was telling the person who trains us about the Style Statement book. I explained that I thought I would learn more about my person tastes in clothing, hobbies and my decor, than anything else. I did learn all that, but I learned a lot about myself as well. How I do things. Just like I try to find a happy medium for our living room design, I try to find a solution for the different personalities we have at work, and how I can help them all work together.

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Margaret, I've been meaning to ask...why do you hate our bathroom so much? I've been trying to guess, and the only thing I came up with was that it was plain white. :rolleyes: Hey, I'm guessing!


I can't seem to get over the picture of the hall in that midnight blue sort of color. Then I think of the unexpected loveseat style chair around a table, and then I ponder the dancers.


Your pictures were a few pages back, Anita. Now that I have the words and descriptions, I'd like to go back and look at them again.


Isn't it funny how we can be affected by words? You were bothered b sophisticated, and I was bothered by elegance. I would say I look for elegance - I'm always trying to "pull myself together" and create a certain look or feel. Do you find you are very selective, Anita? I'm not certain why that question came to mind.


I didn't quite explain the picture of Donna Reed, or the Grand Canyon. Donna Reed and many other actresses from that time era always struck me as elegant, strong, refined, timeless...and then I saw her necklace in this photo, and it hit a note with me. The Grand Canyon is just so....peaceful. We took that picture at sunset, and I remember feeling like there was nothing to distract me - no problems, big or small. I just took it in and felt so balanced, and placid.

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Do you find you are very selective, Anita? I'm not certain why that question came to mind.


I am beyond selective. Selective seems casual and rather lighthearted compared to what I can go through in a decision making process. Not that it is agony...don't misunderstand...but I will weight things in almost every decision that I make. I rarely make a casual decision.


Grocery shopping can be a painstaking process if I am having to buy something for the first time. I am an obsessive label reader. And I will stand and debate the labels of products. I know a lot of information regarding nutrition, etc., and I have a lot of opinions as well regarding quality and I feel obligated to always apply what I know in whatever situation is appropriate. Then I might have to weigh the cost benefit analysis on what I am buying...because I have to work within a budget. If what I can afford doesn't meet with my approval, then I have to make an alternative plan. It's one reason why I do not often purchase anything that is "premade." For instance, it has taken me FOREVER to find salad dressing that I am willing to spend money on. The beauty of it all is that once I come to the conclusion, I rarely have to think about that decision again.


Also...depending on the longevity with which I perceive that I will have to live with a decision...and the confidence that I have in my criteria for making a decision will greatly affect that decision. Sometimes...the money aspect will play a greater part as well. For our latest furniture purchase...we have an account with a store...they were having an INSANE 0% financing option...50 months to pay!...and so we went to that store...I knew what I wanted in general...and basically was able to make a decision immediately. But we did go all over the store and compare and compare and then decide. It wasn't like I could just see something and say...that's it...without further investigation. For the new family room seating...I was concerned first with non-leather (pokey cat nail resistance), second with size, third with the style of the back of the sofa (must have an attached back for me), and last with the color. Most everything is this store is very reasonably priced so that wasn't really a consideration I needed to worry about.


Funny, huh?


I may post pictures again. Because I didn't really post pictures with any focus in mind.


What is going on with my kitty is not age related. Well...I believe that it is a combination of having to recover from two fairly major surgeries within 4 days of each other as well as having to deal with the emotional/psychological stress of the moving situation. He just got very stressed! And some of that lack of easy recovery could be age related...meanwhile...we are doing what we need to do to get food into his body and fluids. It's a bit of a hassle to be honest...but it's worth it and I believe that what he is dealing with will pass if we can just help him through this. He has moments in his treatment where his sweet self shines through and so I think if we can get past this bit of misery, he will rebound.

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It sounds like Toby Kitty should do well with the TLC you are giving him. Pets can be like people, in that they need love and reassurance. You are taking good care of him. When we got back from vacation, my dog was sitting on my lap after giving me all these kisses and his little heart was pounding...for a long time. It really stressed him to have us gone for a week.


When my husband and I choose things together, it does tend to take some time. We are combining two different styles and tastes. There have been times when he would pick one thing and I would pick another, but we weren't happy. Now we work hard to find things that we both can relate to somehow. It is much better to be in a room and say "I like the sofa and chair in here" than to say "I love the sofa and hate that chair!" At least for us.


We really struggled with our bathroom remodel. It has a lot of white in it now, and I don't like too much white. I do like that timeless white subway tile look, or bead board, but I need color. I offset the white with a stronger color on the wall, and I framed artwork that my daughters had done. I desperately wanted a shower curtain, but my husband wanted glass, frameless doors. We ended up with the doors. :( It was a lot of work to do that remodel, but well worth it. We definitely want to do the half bath soon. We've only had all the stuff for about 4 years now...


Anita, your grocery shopping habits are good ones. I look at labels a lot as well. I do have to buy processed foods, but I avoid it when I can. We have a grocery chain that is only in this NY area called Wegman's. It almost have a cult following. That is where I shop. They have some rice/grain type combinations that I buy, as they are all natural. I will use vegetable or meat stock and spices to create my own sides. I just can't do that all the time. It needs to be a combination of healthy, quick and hopefully, not as processed. That can be so hard sometimes! It's especially hard if I work late.


I think our pictures that we choose say a lot about us. I think it would be fun for each of us to post something such as a wedding dress that we each love and feel we can relate to, or what our first choice would be for a casual skirt, or scarf, or whatever...it is interesting to see how are style translates to choices. The fun thing with pictures is that we don't have to factor in cost because we aren't buying anything! No one will know if it is a $150.00 dress or $15,000.00 dress. But some of us may know right off who the designer is, while others of us are just caught up in the lace or whatever.

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It really stinks that I'm missing such a great conversation. Mom went into the hospital early last week and they wouldn't release her except to assisted living, so I literally packed up my dad and moved him in four days so that she could come home this week. She came home to the new apartment yesterday and is doing fairly well.


I have about two weeks until the house closing to help them go from a three bedroom two bath lake house to a one bedroom apartment. The garage alone is pretty scary! My mom's decorating style is Victorian cottage with a little Florida mixed in. There are knicknacks and little tables with little vignettes EVERYWHERE. It is very pretty but incredibly daunting to sort and pack. Wish me luck.


Anita, I'm thinking of the Treasure part of your SS: you and my mother would get along like a house on fire. :)


Now that Anita and Laurie have shared your SS I can totally see how they suit you both. I related to Anita's struggle with her first word because it took me some time and some reading to settle on Beautiful, in part because it's such a generic kind of descriptive. I really thought carefully about the other similar words that cropped up in my writing, like exquisite, lovely, and elegant. True to my SS, I really preferred Exquisite Eclecticism because the alliteration appealed to me and sounded... beautiful. :) But in the end the very broadness of beautiful as an adjective is what made it my word. I think Exquisite has a rarified connotation that doesn't suit me.


As to my comment about feeling like I don't have "a" style, it was so funny to google my two words and have so much about the eclectic styles in decorating and architecture come up. So, in fact, I DO have a style, I just didn't recognize it as one. Truly a lightbulb moment.


Laurie, what I hate about my bathroom is everything. It is an extremely generic old NY bathroom with pale gray 4" tile (I hate gray) and an old dingy mosaic floor (hate grout). It has a nasty flourescent light, the tub is damaged, the toilet is cheap, and the trim is shiny black. Ugh. It has no storage and the cheap faucet always leaks. It is the condo's original bath so it is 50+ years old. Every year for the last few years I've wanted to rip it out, but something always crops up and I just don't have the time or energy. What's also annoying is that because bath reno's are so messy, it has put off other work we need, most especially paint and flooring. Here's hoping it will happen in 2015!


Mousey, I'm so glad you had a fun cruise. It makes me reconsider a shorty out of NY just to have a little getaway.


Sally, I have family in Sarasota and have been going there since I was a little girl. I know exactly how beautiful your view is, lucky you! We stay on Crescent Beach and always have to visit St. Armand's Circle.

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I just wanted to add a comment about my photo with the loveseat and chairs. Obviously I love that room because each item in it is interesting unto itself in addition to being beautiful together. But a not obvious reason is because I can imagine my friends and myself around a table like that, eating and enjoying ourselves. I really love my friends and a good meal with lively conversation is one of my favorite things to do, one of life's beautiful experiences, something I crave if I go too long without entertaining. :)

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I feel for you dealing with elderly parents at a distance .My Mom is 98 and just went into an independent facility three years ago . Before that it was one crisis after another with a lot of flying back & forth . Once she got settled in her new place she loved it and does not understand why she fought the move for so long .

I can also relate to your bathroom story . My bathroom is older and I was going to gut the whole thing but we are probably going to move in a year or two to a smaller house . My house is large and elevated so it is three stories with a long staircase to the living area . Gary has bad knees & I have bad asthma so the steps are getting to be too much .Anyway back to my bathroom after talking to a real estate agent who recommended not guting it we have decided to just tweek it . New toilet ,sink , frameless shower door & new faucet.Hopefully we will do this in October since Gary is having knee surgery in September .

I like St. Armand's but I think downtown Sarasota may be giving St. Armand's a lot of competition .

Hope your Mom gets better & that they both like the assisted living facility .

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Oh Margaret. I can relate only too well to having to sort and pack and basically empty your parent's home. OMG. I wish I could help you! As odd as it is...I do seem to have a bit of a knack for that type of work... Big hugs to you too...


I was posting over on the Fire thread...talking to Debbie about her outfit idea...and I realized that I myself have had issues with wearing things that I really want to wear...love the look...it's totally my "style" according to my statement, but because it's a bit unfamiliar to me...I feel awkward and I go back to "safe" exercise clothing a lot.


So yesterday...I got out my probably slightly too bright deep coral maxi skirt...paired it with a forest green tank top...and wore a lovely filmy scarf with a cream background and flowers that tie the two colors I was wearing together. And I got two compliments on my outfit yesterday! One was from a teacher at DS' school who said that I always have such accessories, etc., and something complimentary about my hair, which I thought was a total joke because I'm growing my hair out and I think it looks like a mess...and my best way to style it is to make it as messy as possible. I recently starting watching "French Kiss" with Meg Ryan...and my hair kind of does like hers in that film:




I'm thinking that it's about time to have my hair shaped again...and I think I might bring this to my hairdresser's attention because it is a fun hairstyle.


It was interesting to feel how I felt wearing two colors instead of a neutral and a color or a color and a pattern. It is a bit like baring your soul to wear something that is new and seems to be more like "you." I'm trying to not let the unfamiliarity of this stop me from doing it. Also, I'm trying to not let the fact that I'm not very happy with my body's shape to stop me either.


Meanwhile...As I was wearing skirt...I was deciding that I was definitely going to buy a pair of these:




If you haven't read the "Do you wear a slip?" thread...this website was posted there. It's an overshare, but my thighs do touch...and it can be uncomfortably warm to wear a skirt and have all that skin to skin contact...these look like a great alternative to biker shorts or some other compression type garment to wear under a skirt. Finding 100% cotton slips, etc., is almost impossible these days...and I'm going to get at least one. I'm debating getting a few. Cotton dyes really well...I might get more than one so that I can dye the others so that they aren't WHITE.


Today, I got out my leopard skirt and the shirt that goes so well with it. I don't like it. It looks nice enough. The shirt has a detail at the neckline that I've decided I don't like on me. I often try to wear this shirt, but rarely do. I decided to make myself wear it today...and I think I'll be seeing if Mom likes this shirt when I see her in September. The skirt is fine, I think...I think it might be better for a FIRE lady than an EARTH...


Tonight, we are going to Jazz on the Lawn. A bring your own chair outdoor event. I'm going to change before going...because I don't want to wear a shorter skirt...maybe not a skirt at all. So I'm going to go get ready for tonight!

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I love this thread. It's like getting together for coffee with your best buddies. :D


Margaret, I was thinking about your comment regarding the table with the loveseat and chairs, and while it appealed to you. In my case, my home is a very huge thing to me emotionally. A lot of what you see in our home are things we've done ourselves,or spent a great deal of time planning and saving for. I feel so safe and like myself when I'm home. At first glance, the pictures look a bit formal. But I will say, my feet go up on the ottoman and my girls, puppy, and I watch "Say Yes to the Dress". Well, puppy doesn't watch, he just sleeps on my lap!


The other time I can really, really feel relaxed is on vacation.


It must be very difficult with your parents. When my mom was sick, I moved her in with me. I'd make her breakfast in the morning, and get this little cooler ready with a big lunch for her. I'd still come home at lunch, to check on her and make sure she was okay. Then from dinner on, I cared for her until she ended up back in the hospital. It is very trying. Fortunately, the move part was easy because she was already in an apartment and had given away a lot of those little knick knacks. I have a younger brother who had very little at the time, so he was very happy to acquire some furniture, even if it was old. Have you considered an auction service? The can hold a sale right in the house, and really get rid of a lot for you. I'm not sure how well that would work in such a short time frame though.


Anita, I can relate to what you and Debbie have been saying about clothing. What I love about cruising and the dining rooms is that I get to dress up a little, and not feel out of place. At work, I wear jackets and boring business clothes. I try to find ways to incorporate my own sense of style, but it never quite gets there. I have been wearing dress pants to work for a very long time, and every time I want to wear a dress, I fear being completely out of place when I do. We have one person (the one I'm reading "Coping With Difficult People" for) who will make all sorts of comments such as "What are you wearing a dress for?" or "Oh, you're so important now you need to dress up more?" I'm just not up to being hassled about it. I hope to get up the gumption soon to just go ahead and wear a dress. Isn't that the silliest thing?


Sailor Sally, do you get nice weather all year where you are in Florida? It sounds so beautiful to live in Florida. As much as winter wears me down, I do love having four seasons. My favorite is fall...I love the colors, the beauty, and the peacefulness I associate with it. The first snowfall is pretty, and I love having a white Christmas. I just get tired of it a bit fast. I think because it gets dark so fast, and we often stay home a lot more.


Anita, I would bet you could wear your hair like that. I think it would be so much fun for you. Your outfit sounds really nice. I just got a maxi skirt and I'm debating a bit. I'm having trouble finding the right tops to wear. I think I'm leaning towards a neutral tone. I want a warm beige....something or another. I tried on a gauze like top, but I didn't like the fullness in the arms on it. I have the right color in my current wardrobe, but they are work shirts, except for the one I wore with my purple shorts on the cruise.


Anita, I have to say...your mom cracks me up. I love going over to the fire thread and reading her posts, or when she chimes in here.

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Oh,Anita...I too have the same problem when I wear skirts and dresses too. When I first clicked on the link, I thought of bloomers. Isn't that what they used to call those? I didn't know you could still find them. I think I may order a pair or two myself. I got myself down to a size 2 once (fad diet sort of thing) and my darned thighs still touched! It's quite uncomfortable at times.

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I agree Laurie...I have such fun reading and talking on this thread! If Margaret hosts the Meet next summer, I would think you could go! It would be pretty close to you, I think. And, yes, Mom cracks me up too...


So last night. Jazz on the Lawn. OMG. Fantastic. What a great thing. There is a historic house, built by the eldest son of the founder of Coca Cola. A large Tudor mansion with GROUNDS, and this is now owned by the County, managed by Parks and Rec. There is an outdoor amphitheater on the grounds...not huge, but very nice sized. Bring your lawn chair or blanket and a picnic and enjoy. WOW...some of these people knew how to pack an awesome picnic!


Wine. Cheese. Olives. Hummus. Fun salads from the specialty grocery stores. I saw someone took the time to wrap cantaloupe slices in prosciutto. People brought little tables. You can bring whatever you want. General admission. Come as early as you want and enjoy the mansion and the gardens.


It was a lovely evening. Yay that there was no rain. As expected...some people were more and less dressed up. What I wore:


A pair of loose fitting capris, chocolate brown. A tight tank in an AWFUL EARTH color that looks FABULOUS on me (It's the one that I couldn't take a bad picture in from way back when...). I have a sheer sleeveless shirt that I wore over that. It's like a very tight mesh? It is a lovely pattern of teals and browns with some sparkle. It's an A-line tunic like shirt...very flattering...and yay...it's not too full so that I don't look pregnant in it! (Sometimes that happens to me with certain A-line styles. I wore T-strap sandals. I did my makeup. I did my hair. I was feeling very SOPHISTICATED. LOL.


I like loose flowy pants. Laurie...I was thinking about what you said about posting about wedding dresses and other things that appeal to us and make a connection with our style statements. Here's the funny thing I realize about my style...it's likely to keep changing...as my knowledge grows...as I learn and get exposed to new things...this will influence what appeals to me.


I was looking at wedding dresses. My wedding dress was a total princess dress. It's what I wanted. Tight bodice with some sparkle. Sleeves. Even for my July wedding. The dresses didn't look bridal to me without sleeves or strapless. And a big filmy skirt. I had a detachable train. I loved my dress. The photographer got pictures of me twirling in circles in my dress on the lawn. I was married outdoors next to a river. It was beautiful.


Anyway...now I wouldn't wear that kind of dress AT ALL. I couldn't imagine having worn anything different 17 years ago...but now? If I were to pick out a wedding dress, this is the one that has stayed with me since you first posted Laurie...I went searching...and this is the one that is etched in my memory:




I think I'm also attracted to her stance? It's very dancelike posing to me? In my mind...this is a caught moment as she is dancing around. I love the pants...I love the added material to be skirt like over the pants. I'm not crazy about the strapless top? But overall...THIS would be my dress. Except that it would have to an off white...more creamy color...more EARTHY. ;)


edited to add...maybe even GOLDEN in the color? Like a lovely muted, antiqued kind of GOLDEN cream color!

Edited by Anita Latte
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Laura ,

I am orginally from Pa. & New Jersey so I do miss the seasons a lot especially the fall & Christmas in Florida never feels like Christmas . Quite a few Christmases we spent eating on the deck . My daughter lives in upstate New York so I do visit the seasons . I appreciate Florida in the winter when the warmest thing I wear is a sweater & no boots ever. We do have seasons here hot ,not so hot & cool . It is nice to drive 40 minutes to a port but after awhile it gets boring so we end up flying & cruising New England or Alaska .

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We have spent Christmas in Florida for the past 18 years or so, since my parents moved there (and after their retirement began spending the winter there). Before that I had to fly into Detroit, many times during a blizzard. The first Christmas in Florida, after we opened presents and had lunch, my sister and I went out to play tennis! After that, we never minded not having snow. :)


Are we talking about a wedding dress we would wear now? I love my wedding dress, but I would never wear it at my age. It was my mother's from 1958, and it's a real princess kind of gown. By the time I wore it, it had mellowed to a lovely ivory. It has tiers of embroidered silk organza down the back. If I had to buy it today, I could never afford a fabric like that. At the time I was working in the garment district n NYC, so I was able to take some photos in and have my veil custom made. I didn't want to wear pearls (my Style Statement in action) so I wore my grandmother's Austrian crystals and had crystals in my headpiece. It makes me happy just thinking about it.


If I was going to pick a gown for my current age, it would be this. I love the ease of the cut, yet how elegantly the French lace ups the formality:


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If I was going to get married again this would be my dress . I am older and this would be my third wedding . I was married at 22 and divorced at 32 . I really did not care for that gown or the marriage . I got remarried at 38 in a pink tea length dress . Great dress and great marriage unfortunately I was widowed at 51. I now have a long term boyfriend but am not interested in marriage . If I was this would be my dress .

Edited by Sailor_Sally
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Gosh, I haven't posted a wedding dress picture yet! I'm on my phone now- we are about to get a storm so I'm not going to turn on the computer just yet. I will post one soon!!



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I have been lurking on this board (rarely posting) for years. Somehow I have missed the author of the style statement book. I am very interested in reading it and joining in on your discussion. I have recently started wearing some very different styles and realized that wearing these "different" clothes make me feel more me than all the normal stuff I have had for years. So now I am really intrigued by the style statement.

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I had trouble finding the wedding dress I have been admiring, but this one is extremely close. The main thing for me would be to have this in a soft gold color:




And I just can't help it, have a necklace picked to go with it too. :D




Some of the necklaces on this particular Etsy site have a different curve, and you don't really see the chain. But, I loved the colors and interest in this one. They aren't cheap, and quite honestly, I've wanted one for quite some time now. I check this site out regularly, and I have been for the past 3 or so years. They do seem quite bridal, and that is what they are marketed for. I guess I will have to watch them, and if one comes along in just the right colors, I will find something to work with it!

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Cholla, please join in at any time! The more the merrier. I love seeing all the fresh perspectives.


By the way, I found a few other necklaces that I may like even better than the one I posted. She will make a custom necklace for you, if you want. I would go with soft peach and gold tones, and throw in a touch of something a bit darker, like a topaz type gemstone. I guess I'm a bit weird to want my a necklace to take charge of the wedding dress, you know?

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Anita, your choice has a definite confidence and sophistication. I can envision this choice for you. It is flowy and seems to have a comfortable look to it.


Margaret, I really like the fabric of the overlay a lot. This style would fit you well, based on what I have seen in your cruise attire choices. It also has a designer artistry to it that I would associate with you.


The main concern I have with the choice I posted is that the bottom would be rather full for me. I think I would rather see it in an A-line bottom than one with gathers. I was looking diligently for a dress I saw not long ago, and couldn't find it for the life of me. I think I'm more excited about that darned necklace, lol. It fascinates me.


Here is my dress from when I married Brian 7 years ago.



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