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This night was our second formal night. I already shared my photos which I actually took on this night.


Our next port was St Thomas. And we were tired again and wanting to relax. So we didn't get off the ship again. More of the same clothes...exercise...swimming...


For dinner this night...we ate at one of the specialty restaurants called Qsine. Very fun. Think tapas but from all around the world. You actually order from an iPad. These icons represent different countries and representative food:




You select an icon and you see the description:




This night...I went back to my maxi skirt...with the more dark coral sleeveless shirt and my scarf...the men in the family all wore their sport coats:




And I did share this already over on my other thread...but here's my awesome DS in his sport coat and bow tie singing "Fly Me to the Moon" on the band Karaoke night on the second formal night:



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Anita, that is going to be quite some cruise on the Allure! I love sea days, but I'm not sure what I think about 9 in a row. I think that is because my longest cruise, or any vacation, has been 7 days. I think I would find 9 days very relaxing. I would be using my Nook, the gym, going to trivia, enjoying those adult beverages....and I'm really enjoying the gym, something I never thought I would say. I don't have a huge attention span when it comes to equipment, so I can change up what I do. I love the cycle, I usually do about 3 miles every time I'm at the gym, along with using a lot of the other equipment.


I'm so fascinated by the sea life in your pictures. What type of camera did you use? We loved swimming with the stingrays. It was fun feeding them, and they are so much bigger than what I expected, and heavy too!


I love the idea that they provide life jackets if you want them. some people snorkeled at the second stop when we swam with the stingrays, and I think they provided them there too. The staff was great to interact with.


I get what you mean about making your own sea day. The sun takes a lot out of you. I remember being in Bermuda at Horseshoe Bay. It was breezy, but not awful. However, they wouldn't rent us an umbrella because they said it was too windy. We put a ton of sun screen on, but the heat from the sun was awful! I am thinking that is how you felt, but with a sunburn too, right?


I think one of the best things about vacation is just doing what you want!

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I believe your mom's transatlantic was on Oasis. If so, Allure is the sister ship so she can probably tell you all about what to expect. There is a lot to explore.


The restaurant you went to sounds like a lot of fun. Do you have a limit to how many you can try? It's a neat concept. My husband is a bit of a meat and potatoes kind of guy, so I'm not sure if it would be his thing or not.


I'd like to try Celebrity at some point. I think we would like it.


Your son looks so handsome in his jacket! I like that he isn't too shy to get up and sing. That is really neat.


You got a lot out of your skort, and it looks really nice! I love skorts. I have a few of them. Yours looks really nice with your top and sandals.


It has been very challenging for me to figure out clothing for my upcoming cruise. I'm used to warm weather and lots of shorts!


I will be back in St. Maarten when I'm on Allure. I recall a restaurant named Rosemary's in the main downtown area that was so good! I think I recall the beach area.

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Mom and Dad did the Oasis TA last year. They enjoyed it so much that they booked the Allure. So yes...they are pretty familiar.


Our first cruise ever (back in 1990 was on Royal) and then the 40th bday cruise was Royal...then 2 Celebrity cruises and the one Carnival cruise. It'll be interesting to go back to Royal again...I'll definitely report and tell you my thoughts comparing the lines. I'll have done 2 Celebrity, 1 Carnival and 1 Royal in one year! OMG!


Qsine was interesting. It was a bit frustrating...the way that they dealt with the food allergies that we have going on. So I have some negative feelings about that aspect of the evening...however, the fun presentation of the food...and the food itself...very good. You can order as much as you want...but you get more full than you might think you would...even with the small portions.


One option was a sirloin option that was excellent. I can't recall the exact name...but it was a take on a painter's pallet. The steaks were served in the mixing of the paint area...and around the one side of the pallet were shot glass sized cups that had different steak condiments...a potato mash, a mac n cheese, a demi-glaze, a sauteed mushroom, and a creamed spinach. The steaks were served to order...even if the table requests different temperatures for the steak.


The restaurant itself is kind of "Alice in Wonderland" with different chairs and slightly off beat decor...for instance, the ceiling light fixtures were lamps and table lamps attached to the ceiling and thus, hanging upside down. Very fun.


DS was a bit nervous but he likes to perform and he gets over it...and he got up there and did it. We watch Star Trek Deep Space Nine on Netflix and we love the Vic Fontaine lounge program on the holodeck. He sings a lot of Sintra but he sounds more like Tony Bennett. Anyway...when we saw the one song on the list...he went for it.


That skort is definitely a good one. I wouldn't mind having it in the olive green color as well. I might have to watch for a sale to grab it.


For St Maarten, when you exit the water taxi...the beach front is literally just that. Not really a lovely beach...but not a horrible beach by any means...and certainly convenient and EASY. We didn't explore downtown at all otherwise...my leg/knee was working hard on this trip with all the walking all over the ship which was more activity than I have done since my injury first occurred...I was more tired than I would have been otherwise for sure...so this did have an affect on our plans.


I think that if I were to go back to St Maarten, it would be interesting to try to go to the French side. The all aboard was pretty late that day...and when I was researching the area, I discovered a couple of fabric stores on the French side of the island that only sell fabric imported from France. That would be amazing. I'm not really ready to get any new projects and also, I read that the fabric can be expensive, so it would take being ready for such a thing.


I'm looking forward to all the sea days. It sounds very relaxing and focused on just feeling good...doing some PT...reading...hanging out...no cares and no worries. A good Momma vacation.

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Anita, I look forward to hearing all about Allure!


I think it is neat too that you have sailed on different cruise lines. At this point in my life, I have enjoyed Royal so much that I don't really have the inclination to try other lines. I have thought about Celebrity a few times, and I think that will happen sometime in the future. Just not now.


I was really hoping that in addition to our upcoming cruise in May, we would be able to do something in the fall. I think we may still be able to, but it won't be a cruise or anything big. I think it may be a three day stay in Lake Placid. Because we are looking at the fall, the weather could go either way. We've done this a few times before, but it's been a few years since we last went back. it is great to see the foliage there, and we find it really relaxing. The downside is that I find it pricey to take a long weekend. I suggested to my husband that we look at maybe taking some vacation time and going on a Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, that sort of thing. The price of the hotel literally doubles on the weekend!


I've also considered a girls cruise of me and one or both of my daughters. However, they are both not in the position financially right now to pay for cruise fare, flights, etc., along with taking the time off from work. They are both at jobs that give you just under 35 hours so that they have no benefits. One of them is being trained for a management position, so she will be okay at some point. The other is trying hard to get into the field she went to college for.


But I digress!


If I was able to pay for both of them, I'd be able to pay for my husband and I, etc. Some years are easier than others. I have no complaints though! My husband is working overtime tonight, and he emailed me between the end of the regular work day and when his overtime event was beginning. The school where he works is having a bus trip at the end of June to a Mets/Reds game. He wanted to know if I wanted to go. Sure! It sounds like a lot of fun! I would be totally besides myself to be able to see the Red Sox, but I will take this. I very much cherish, appreciate, and feel blessed to be able to do things such as this.


I agree, Anita, when you can, grab that olive skort from Athleta.


It's funny, because I spent some time on Sunday night coming up with a spreadsheet for clothing. I don't do that a lot, but I am finding the weather for my trip to be more complex to plan for. Some things won't be decided until I see the forecast just before we leave.


Victoria, BC is steadily colder. That day there, I'm planning for warm attire in layers. On the other days, I am leaning towards crops, with layers as needed.


I'm totally confused on shoes, simply because of what I typically wear.


One of my outfits can easily be changed, but it's a definite "what if" outfit. Long story short, but my daughter picked up something for me at Eddie Bauer, and she decided to get a smaller size. :eek: Yes, I can take them back. But I was happy to see how close they are to fitting me. I could actually wear them if I wanted, but I would like them to be looser. So, I tried them on tonight and they are looser...just not loose enough.


Who knows by mid May? Maybe they will be fine.


I have decided against the more fall like outfits, and have some fun things lined up. I have pictures taken and ready to post, but I will wait on those.


Anita, I've been to St. Maarten and St. Thomas on a previous cruise, and I enjoyed them both. I believe it was St. Maarten where I held all the sea creatures and fed iguanas on a tour. It was a lot of fun.


And having some time to yourself is a great thing. I think you are going to have a great cruise! You mentioned one stop - where is it at?

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I've been enjoying your review of your cruise and the great pictures. You look so happy and relaxed in all your pictures which is exactly how I think everyone on vacation should look. I love your fashion choices and you look so nice in all of them. Your DH and DS are so handsome. You yourself have a really pretty face...it lights up when you smile. I'm so glad that you and your family had such a great time on your vacation.


OMG...lucky you getting to go on another cruise so soon! I hope it's another great time for you. Please take more pictures!




I was born and raised in FL and never learned how to swim!:eek: But on our first trip to Hawaii many years ago the DH was so wanting me to try snorkeling with him that I took the plunge and dog-pedaled my way around. I became addicted to snorkeling. It wasn't until a couple of years later on a trip to Cancun that I first used a "snorkeling vest." It was life-changing. I was able to stay in the water longer and go into deep water off a boat without any fear of drowning. I've always used a vest to snorkel since then and I just love it. I hope you give it a try someday because what you'll see in the water will awe you. I've snorkeled all over Hawaii, Mexico, and all over the Caribbean in all of the places that Anita went to and more and I've seen the most amazing sea creatures and landscape I ever thought I'd see. So again, I hope you'll seriously give it a try.


Good news everyone!


As I've mentioned before, my DB and SIS, the DH, and I have started a "thing" where we take road trips whenever the DH travels to FL with me. He surprised me and is going with me in May. I didn't think he would be able to because of the cost of airfare but we had accumulated some air mileage that is paying for his ticket. Yea! Anyway...today my DB called and said that this time we wouldn't be taking a road trip...we're going on a boat trip! Yes, the DB is going to take us on his boat (he has a nice sized motorboat) and cruise us over to Mount Dora where he says we'll dock and there will be lots of places to eat and shop. I'm so excited!!!! I've been wanting to visit Mount Dora for a couple of years now. They are well known for their many vintage and thrift shops which the DB, SIS, and I love to poke around in. I can't wait! We'll be going there the end of May after we get the DS off to his Global Cohort in Argentina. This FL trip is the weekend after we send him off so it will take my mind off of the DS's leaving for 9 weeks. I think that's part of why the DH decided to go with me. He's very thoughtful and kind that way. I was supposed to go to FL at the end of this month but he asked me to wait and see if he could go with me. I really believe he planned it this way because he knows I'm going to be really really sad to be away from the DS for so long and that I'll be worrying about him being so far away. It's so nice of the DH to do this for me. Lucky me.

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Mousey , You will love Mt.Dora though I have no idea how you get to it by boat since it is in central Florida above Orlando .


Anita , Have a great trip !


Laurie . I was in Vancouver in may and it was chilly . I wore long pants & a lightweight jacket . Make sure you pack layers . Think early fall in the northeast .

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Mousey , You will love Mt.Dora though I have no idea how you get to it by boat since it is in central Florida above Orlando .


Anita , Have a great trip !


Laurie . I was in Vancouver in may and it was chilly . I wore long pants & a lightweight jacket . Make sure you pack layers . Think early fall in the northeast .


Sailor Sally,


It's not land-locked as there are two boat docks with direct access to Mount Dora that feed off of various lakes and canals. We'll probably be coming in from Lake Eustis from the North. I'm really looking forward to visiting all the vintage stores and the boat ride is going to be so much fun. There are so many canals and lakes in FL and it's so much fun when my brother takes us out on his boat and we travel on them. We've seen gators and all kinds of awesome birds. There are also lots of funky hidden restaurants that you can dock at and have a nice lunch. I'm so excited that he's decided to do this as he hasn't taken his boat out in awhile. Gas prices have been so prohibitive but now it's a little better so we're going on a "Boat Trip." Yea!

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I was in a greenhouse that sell clothing (yeah, I know.. they sell Crocs, bags and jewelry too) and saw a number of items that made me think of this thread. I am not an Earth person (think I am Ice) but I thought you ladies might appreciate spring or summer clothing that didn't look like fall clothing. This is the link to some of their tunics:




I really liked what I saw but unfortunately, they were not my colours although the website had more choices for me. The buyer for this particular boutique/greenhouse must be an Earth person because a lot of her stock seemed to be earthy.

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Anita, I agree, you look so relaxed and enjoyment just flows out of your photos. I love this outfit and it seems very "you." That skirt seems very versatile... with these colors I really noticed the colors in the skirt. Later when you wear it with the coral top it picked up the darker colors more and gave it a bit of a different look at least in the pictures. Interesting. That green bathing suit is a wonderful color for you. I have trouble finding good greens. Since you got your metallic oxfords I've been seeing them everywhere!


Laurie, you should definitely try snorkeling. With the snorkel vest you really don't need any swimming skills. Most of the ships excursions are very, very good at dealing with beginners, and you can get out whenever you've had enough.


Yes, we do have a laundry at the lake. Years ago when we had our first cottage, I didn't, and it only took a month of carting all the sheets, towels, beach towels, and clothes back and forth for me to get myself to Sears and get a set. So, on the weekend I'm spoiled. With all the houseguests we get it makes for lots of wash, so it's really necessary.


This weekend will be the first normal weekend I've had in five weeks: first we had the cruise, then Passover was a crazy working weekend, and last weekend I was in Seattle for my nephew's christening. Me=happy godmother. Work has been frantic with extra hours for everyone. So, I'm looking forward to taking a breath and getting caught up around here. Seattle was actually colder than NY and very windy, I was glad I had my new lightweight packable down jacket.


Packing was interesting because even though it was a short trip we had various activities planned: a hike, shopping, church, a nice dinner out, relaxing around the house, and I squeezed in a Zumba class (very fun). Add in the chance of spit-up and wet diapers and I took more clothes than I normally would for just three days.


I love hearing about the different experiences you all have on your cruise lines. We are looking at the fjords cruises and trying to be open to trying something new. We just have to be willing to give up some perks on Princess.


Anita, love your son's jacket. We are sci fi buffs and and enjoyed DS9 when it was new.

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Danni, I only took a quick look at the website, but those colors are mostly ice. I do sometimes find some stores go by themes, and garden centers tend to have an earthy look to them. we have one here that doesn't carry clothing, but they do have some sandals and clogs, and décor. They tend to go with lots of browns and earthy colors.


Margaret, I'm glad you posted those Pottery Barn links. I never would have thought to look there for something like this. I do think the animal print one may work for me. I find it hard to find something that handles my bigger necklaces though. As it turns out, I kept a little box that an order from Etsy was sent to me in (the seller wrapped the items in tissue paper, and put them in a little gift box) that I sometimes use. I would rather be able to have them in something where I can see them easier, and not worry about them tangling.


I use a standard jewelry roll for most other things, but since I like bigger necklaces, it has become trickier to pack them! I am thinking that with statement necklaces being so popular now, someone is going to catch on and make something just right for them.


I'm still trying to figure out if packing cubes are for me. I think that they would be exceptionally useful for those trips where we fly in for a cruise and stay and extra day or two before or after. I love the idea of not having to unpack everything and it would make certain items so easy to find. I think I need to visualize the sizing better and just get out a measuring tape so that I can really think about them.


I'm off today, as I decided to take a vacation day to prime and paint the mudroom. Tomorrow we are helping someone do some packing after going to the gym, so I knew I wouldn't get this done without the extra day.


While I'm giving the primer a bit more time to dry, I thought I would post some pictures for you all. I think I'm really figuring some things out. I'm liking my choices for my upcoming cruise, but I do see too that I'm really lost on shoes. I want a good walking shoe, that isn't necessarily sporty. I do think that since I have worn Keds in the past, I would like to get a pair to use as a casual base, but I'm still looking for other ideas.


Anyway, I was about to post some pictures, but Photobucket is acting up on me today so I will post them after I paint.

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Let's see if Photobucket will cooperate now!


I posted this outfit before. I think this is my outfit for Catalina Island.




If I get a pair of Keds, I think I will be wearing those. However, I don't object to wearing these:




I could also wear a pair of walking sandals there. The brown ones look really beat in this picture, but they are actually just fine when I'm wearing them.




For the first day in San Francisco, I have the following outfit in mind. The scarf is a much springier look, but still with our colors:




Those are crops, as the temp there should be fairly nice. The layers should help me if it is cooler first thing in the day. Shoes? Maybe the Skechers? Once again, I'd rather wear Keds, I think.

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For my second day in San Francisco, we will be doing a train ride that takes pretty much the whole day. It has a multi course lunch with wine pairings, and it travels through the Napa Wine Valley. This is my outfit for that day:




I'm proud of myself, as earlier this year, those ankle pants were too tight. Now they are loose. Here is a bracelet from St. Maarten that I want to pair with the outfit. I have different things that will work, but I really want to wear this one.




The next day is a sea day, I believe. We will be on our way to Victoria, BC, which will likely be notably cooler. So I'm thinking....what will the temps be like on a sea day? Most info that I have gathered indicate that it will be kind of cool. So I have an option, below:




This is iffy, because those pants don't fit yet. I think they will though. Here are a few necklaces I'm thinking about wearing with the outfit:


IMG_3055_zpse8pgq56m.jpg And the Skechers or Keds will work. I have a feeling I won't be wearing a sandal.


For Victoria, this is what I have chosen. I'm wearing jeans for sure that day, unless the anticipated weather tells me something different.



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I haven't posted a boarding outfit yet, because San Diego seems to run a higher temp than the places we are sailing to, and I haven't decided yet. Also, I have something that I really want to wear on the cruise that I haven't put together yet. So, I might change something out. Plus, I didn't show the pic of the brown and ivory top with the brown straight jeans.


I really like that outfit, I just keep going back and forth because of weather. If it appears to be cooler than anticipated, then I may need to make changes. If it warmer than expected, then some of these things may work better than others.


This is really tricky to figure out!


I'm pretty sure I know which dresses I'm taking, but I will finalize that soon. I asked my husband if he wanted to do any specialty dining, and he said yes. I may dress up a bit more that night.

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This is the sweater I'd really like to wear. It is a very muted orange in real life but I took the picture with my phone so it looks bright.




Am I silly to like this? I was going to take it back but then I tried it on again. It was a clearance deal with extra off so it was only $18.00. I think it's fun and a nice departure from my more serious clothing.




Whatever I wear flying to San Diego I will

Also wear home. I have something in mind. I could even go with the olive/brown/oatmeal outfit. If those cropped pants fit, lol.

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Laurie, all your outfits are divine.


I love the orange sweater. You could wear that with so many of the things you've already chosen. I think orange, like coral, is way more versatile than one might initially think, especially with a cute bracelet like that one from St. Marten to tie things together.


I found these yesterday but they didn't have my size, they look like a very comfy walking shoe with a bit of pizazz:




I was shopping for jeans yesterday (successfully!) and also bought these. I have to shop for shoes early in the season or I'm out of luck, so I was happy to find something comfortable but cute:




They were at L&T but they only carried taupe and navy.

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Happy sailing Anita!




Love, love, love the animal print wrap dress that is so much my style right there! I love all your choices!




I love the Anne Klein slip-ons...so stylish. That's exactly the type of shoe I'm wearing these days. I just got a pair in white lace for the summer. I've been wearing the heck out of my black leather ones with the silver studs all over them. These type of shoe is so comfortable for me. I plan to check out the Sketcher Walk N Go slip on style. They come in all colors and all kinds of prints.




Here's a little tip for what it's worth...I'm going to San Diego next week and when I looked up the weather forecast...it's going to be cool with 10% chance of rain. I had planned outfits earlier this week for weather in the mid-to-high 70s and now I find that the high when I'm going to be there is in the high 60s. Now, that may be warm for some but for me...having lived my whole life near the ocean in either FL or CA...that's cool. So this weekend I'm going to have to rethink my choices for my short trip. So again, we should always remember to check the weather for where we're traveling too close to the time we leave in case there's a quick change in temperature at the last minute. That's what just happened to me. No biggie, I go with the flo. LOL! I just want to GO!

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