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Hi Tiffany!


Most of us here on the EARTH thread have studied this website:




Curt's system corresponds with traditional seasons like so: FIRE/spring, ICE/winter, EARTH/autumn, AIR/summer.


There is also the classic CMB website but IMO their self-analysis is very cursory:




Our guru diva Anita will be able to help you with a fuller explanation and she is the best at analysis. To start, I found it most helpful to look at the pictures of the people on these websites and find celebrities whose coloring is most like mine, and see what season they are. That was a good start for me.


You can google fashion season color analysis and you will get lots of sites to look at.


If you look back on this thread and the FIRE thread, you will see that we post pictures of ourselves A LOT to get feedback. Anita has posted some very helpful picture-taking tips.


We have a lot of fun. We break the "color rules" sometimes and don't judge. If you don't want to post pictures, we don't mind. We're just trying to be our best and enjoy our clothes, whatever they may be. :)

Thank you so much for answering me! Your pictures are all so incredible and this all actually makes a lot of sense!!!

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Thank you. I really feel good right now, and I look forward to continuing this journey that I'm on.


I had my physical yesterday, and my doctor thinks I'm doing really well. He loves that my blood pressure is down and everything. I really get so much incentive from knowing I'm on the right track.


It's kind of nice that for the first time in many, many years, I'm not bothered by how I look in a swimsuit.


This weekend will be my husband's birthday. Normally, all four of us go out for a wonderful and fun dinner. It will be a bit different this year, in that my daughters are going to visit their dad in Chicago. He is not doing very well, and it's important for them to see him. I'm sure we will go out to dinner after they are back, but for the first time in ages, just my husband and I will be going to dinner!

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Laurie, I couldn't picture how the necklace on that suit would work. It helps to see it on, and I like it a lot. Also, you look FAB! Even more important, I'm happy for you that your physical results were so positive.


Happy Birthday to your DH. My husband and I have the same birthday, and we always go out somewhere nice just the two of us. It feels a bit like our anniversary, and they are exactly six months apart. So, we get two fancy romantic dinners evenly spaced in the year.


I enjoyed seeing your cruise dresses. The new jewelry to go with the gold shoes is perfect. I hope you take lots of pictures for us. :)


Melody, your girls are so pretty and so young looking! You are too so it's hard for me to imagine you with children in their 40s.


Tiffany, I'm wondering if you have any thoughts about your best colors?


My DH went back to work this week. He's doing half days so he can travel non-rush hour. I went with him the first day to be available if he had any issues. While he was working I got some new jeans at L&T and went to the Picasso sculpture exhibit. It was like a vacation day! I really enjoyed it.


I can't believe I have to go back to work next week. I feel like I need a vacation first.:eek:

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Just wondering if anyone else found TVF recent "wearing unflattering colors" posts amusing. I know she doesn't believe in color theory dressing, but it seems egregious that she doesn't acknowledge that a color doesn't look the same on all people. JMO.


I still love her core idea. My next cruise is one where I don't think there will be much re-wearing, though. It is just going to be too hot and (hopefully) too active. There may be some sink-washing but with careful packing I'll be able to fit what I need for 7 days in my suitcase.


If you saw how much room was left after DH packs a pair of shoes in a carry-on, you'd understand why we always check bags. I'll never be able to use those threads about packing for 30 days in a roll-aboard. :)

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Just wondering if anyone else found TVF recent "wearing unflattering colors" posts amusing. I know she doesn't believe in color theory dressing, but it seems egregious that she doesn't acknowledge that a color doesn't look the same on all people. JMO.


I still love her core idea. My next cruise is one where I don't think there will be much re-wearing, though. It is just going to be too hot and (hopefully) too active. There may be some sink-washing but with careful packing I'll be able to fit what I need for 7 days in my suitcase.


If you saw how much room was left after DH packs a pair of shoes in a carry-on, you'd understand why we always check bags. I'll never be able to use those threads about packing for 30 days in a roll-aboard. :)


I found TVF posts amusing until I realized that I could use that information on my upcoming cruise. Her idea about using strong colors on a navy background caused something to click in my pea-brain and I have a new outfit for my upcoming cruise. I bought a navy maxi skirt and 3/4 sleeve lace sharkbite tunic to coordinate with BFF's daughter's summer wedding. I haven't worn it since because I knew the color wasn't the best for my FIREiness. Last night I tried my bestest Meet & Greet light peach scarf and matching jewelry. Taa-daa!--new outfit that looks as if I had planned to wear those colors together all along. It doesn't look as good it might with a nice aqua, but it's worthy of being my 2nd formal outfit.


We are flying Southwest for our upcoming cruise and I have decided due to length of the cruise, heat and activities, I will check a bag this time. My OCD tendencies have mellowed a little with age and medications, but the idea of allowing my outfits out of my control for even a little while is a bit disconcerting. When I first cruised, we drove to port. When we began flying, it never occurred to me that my luggage might be lost. Now I know it is a real possibility. I'm taking two separate color schemes and think I'll pack one color scheme in my check luggage and the other in my roll aboard. I can't give up total control.


Sure glad to hear that your DH is on the mend so soon, Margaret. My DH had rotator cuff surgery last January. I thought it would be horrendous. He took only one pain pill the night we were home from the hospital because I insisted. He was a real trooper. Did all the rehab as instructed and hasn't looked back. I hope it is that way for the two of you.

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Margaret, your husband's recovery has been amazing. My sister's first hip replacement is Wednesday, and I will be at the hospital with her. She is feeling very nervous. At the same time, she is looking forward to getting some relief, and being able to walk well again.


I love cruise planning. My husband and I went to the mall today. We had a few returns to make and I wanted to stop into one store. It was overall a fairly quick trip, so I didn't get to look for summer clearance leftovers. I think I may have better luck online because our mall is so big, that our quick trip to a few stores took a long time. Between the gym and the mall, and I'm over 13,000 steps today. We have another mall a bit farther away, but still easy to get to. However, they lost a major tenant and then the property was seized for back taxes, and sold. Slowly, everything has been moving out. If we head in the opposite direction, there is another mall...maybe too small. Lol, I sound like I'm being picky, but I don't mean to. If you get a chance, google Destiny USA and you can see just how big the mall is. There is great variety there.


The funny thing about The Vivienne Files is that I've never enjoyed reading what she writes. you know how some people pick up a magazine and just look at pictures without reading any of the articles? That is the approach I take with TVF. I get a lot of great info out of using core pieces and how to expand a wardrobe. I don't utilize it for cruises very much, just because I wear dresses for dinner, and during the day, I usually end up too hot and sticky to re-wear much. But it is really good for building up a work wardrobe.


I do appreciate everyone's kind words on my progress. It feels good both see and feel the difference that exercise is making.


I wasn't so sure about the necklace either, Margaret. I've never really worn jewelry with a swimsuit, so I wasn't sure how I felt about an attached necklace. The nice thing is, if I decide I don't like it, I can remove it fairly easily. It would have been nice if it had been detachable to begin with, so that you could wear it with or without.


I can't imagine packing in just a carry on or whatever...I too have that issue with my husband and his shoes. He brings these sandal like shoes he has, then his dress shoes. Sometimes, he likes to bring these casual shoes he has as well. They take up a lot of space! I'm not a sneaker person, but I will need to pack or wear those in order to go to the gym.


For my February cruise, my needs are different than the later cruise in June. In February, it's a 5 day cruise with two port days. Those port days will be spent in bathing suits. It's all about R&R for us, and it will be relaxed and fuss free, overall.


In June, I think we may do the All Access (behind the scenes) tour like we did on Enchantment. We still haven't finalized our excursion yet. We will likely do Bernard's Tours in St. Maarten, so that is most of the day and involves sight seeing and shopping and the like. Labadee will just be a beach day. But the activities onboard will be very different. We plan to zipline for sure, and there is the boardwalk and Central Park. Fun!


I can't remember who is going where....


Margaret, your cruise is in March, right? Panama Canal? Debbie and Kim are going to...?? Then we've got Pam's amazing adventure. I'm so excited for photos!


In June, I have

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We're off to Hawaii for a week then cruising from Hawaii to Vancouver (5 sea days) in April. Started booking excursions today (while it was snowing heavily & about 5 degrees). We're on Celebrity Solstice


No more carryon for me, yup, DH shoes. Keen sandals, dress shoes & sneakers (2 pairs 🙄) if he decides to do some serious running, & he might with that many sea days. I'm going tropical, not staying with any real color scheme this time, lots of brights. Melody

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Laurie, I recall reading a post from Curt talking about shorts length. Something to the effect of how the length of shorts didn't correlate to age, but rather to what was flattering on someone...and how it may surprise people that sometimes, shorter shorts were way more flattering on a more mature person than longer shorts. I am sure that Curt wasn't talking about short shorts...just shorts that might not necessarily be Bermuda length.


I love the swim suit. Is the necklace attached at the front? Or will it flop all around? Personally, I love the idea of some built in jewelry with a swim suit. I keep thinking about some ladies that I saw on a cruise that were wearing jewelry with their swimwear. They had earrings and necklaces. It was a good look and appropriate, but not something I had thought of before because, seriously, I would NOT wear my jewelry to a pool.


Even a cruise ship pool.


But their jewelry wasn't precious. It was just appropriate and it added a bit of bling and fun to their swimwear...and I recall thinking that I needed some specific designated swim wear jewelry. Like I had "work out jewelry" that I would always wear for teaching Zumba. Funny, but it makes a big difference. And when you designate jewelry to be only worn for a work out, well...it works. And there's no guilt or worry over what kind of damage you are doing to the jewelry.


At least for me.


Because I'm like that.


I would be looking for some smaller hoops that would be self closing? The kind that have that lever that snaps into the hoop itself? Nothing that would get too caught up in hair or anything. But something to add that bit of shine and bling to around your face, especially if your hair was wet.


A stud could work.


Especially if it mimicked the beads? I think I'd consider whether or not the back could get lost easily. There are those backs that have the attached plastic area with the metal part? Those stay in better for me.


I lurve the color on you! I think that if you could find a great wrap around skirt cover up thing...maybe something in a great wine/red pattern? That would be FAB! That top on the suit is so NORMAL...you could totally get away with wearing that suit all around the pool, the buffet, etc.


You look great Laurie!


Your body shape has really changed. I don't know your measurements (don't need to!), but it appears as if your proportion has changed and you look so much more balanced than previously. I wonder if some of your "rules" have changed for dressing...OR if you have just nailed a great look that achieves the balance!!


I will definitely be traveling vicariously this year. We have nothing planned until Thanksgiving week of 2016. NOTHING. And it's too bad too, because DS has a week off in February, a week off in April...but the summer is short...and then marching band begins all over again...way too soon...they have shortened the summer and made a more "balanced" school year, so our school begins AUGUST 1!! OMG.


I know you can't believe I'm talking about FALL 2016 already...


But band camp starts two weeks before school...


And leadership a week before that...


So basically summer ends the week of July 11. UGH!!






All I can say is that there better be some serious vacation pictures coming my way...


Happy 65th birthday Melody! We have two January bdays in our family...both DH and DS.


So. I've been doing a watercolor painting "class" with my friends. One friend is an accomplished watercolor painter and she has lead some classes in other places she has lived and she has been doing one for a few of us. We meet once a month at her house. So I had to look through my photographs to find a landscape that would be suitable for the inspiration for a painting for next month (we meet Monday and she will help us determine which photo would be best at this stage based on complexity)...


Anyway...I looked through a whole series of photos of me backpacking and camping...


And my hair is terrible.




And my hair is headed right back into that horrible land of flat and heavy and hanging from my face...:eek:


And I JUST had a hair cut...


So I need some more inspiration because it's very distracting...this heavy, flat, hanging hair of mine.


While I figure out what I'm going to do, I'm going to go on a total braiding binge and take inspiration from "Vikings" (which I LOVE...but it's probably a little violent for those that can't tolerate that sort of thing (that's you Mom)) and have some play with my hair in a way that I haven't had since, oh, IDK...teen years? Before that even?


Also in the meantime...I'm doing very well on my 2016 goals, which sounds ridiculous considering that we are 10 days into the new year...BUT...it's true. It's boring, but there was a major familial achievement today with regards to food and eating out, or rather, eating in, and so I'm feeling really good...


Even if Hoyer is the worst QB EVER!!

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I get the giggles when I look at the picture of me in the swimsuit. You can tell I just got home from work and threw on the swimsuit to try it on. I have those lines on my legs from knee highs, and I didn't even think about my pose or anything. It's not the most flattering picture.


I think what makes this swimsuit work so well is that there isn't a bunch of added fabric in the form of ruching, or layers and the like. At the same time, there is enough of fabric in the straps to create a breakup of all that skin...


It's more the choice of a good swimsuit than anything else that makes me look smaller and more balanced. I've been studying the picture a lot, in hopes of being able to really utilize this for future purchases. I do think that they types of exercises you choose to do affect your body shape, although not everyone would agree with me. I'm closer to be proportional than I was, but I'm still top heavy.


The necklace part is loose. I'm undecided how much I will like that, but at least it will be easily removable if it doesn't work, and I think the bathing suit will still look nice without it. I like the added detail, as it picks up on something I like to do - start with something classic and not fussy, then adding a unique detail.


I've often thought about jewelry with bathing suits. When I see a gold or silver chain with a pendant, or these metal based bracelets, I'm not certain I love it. I do think something like an Alex and Ani bracelet, maybe a few of them, is a nice look. but I hate seeing all those chains all twisted after someone gets out of the water. I've been unsure how to approach jewelry with bathing suits, but I do like the idea. Sometimes I see bangle bracelets that are plastic, without looking too cheesy, that I think would look nice. I'm not sure about a necklace though.


In other words, I really like the idea, just haven't figured it out yet!!!


I don't wear jewelry when exercising, other than my Fitbit bracelet or my wedding rings. Some of the trainers wear bracelets, those type that are made from thread and tie on? I'm not describing them very well. They look great, but I'm concerned that they would get sweaty, and you can't just wipe them off.


I do love the idea of wearing hoops, and they would definitely be the way you described because I wouldn't want them to catch on anything. I have some different ones in goldtone that I don't wear a ton, but that I may bring along as an accent to my swimwear. I think that would be fun. I have a pair of gold ball earrings that are basic, inexpensive costume jewelry. I could always try those, because if I did lose one, it wouldn't be like they were expensive or anything. I also have a pair that has a gold ball earrings that have a gold drop. They're small enough to work, but would really set that swimsuit off.


I should look for a sarong, as I really would like that for that particular swimsuit. A lot.


Wow, band requires such a great deal of devotion, from both your son and you! It is really a family affair. I know that where my girls went to high school, marching band was a very big deal, but they weren't in band so I didn't give it a whole lot of thought. One daughter was actively involved in a school accredited dance program and musicals throughout the year, the other was in symphony and orchestra. They required a lot of time and attention, but I had heard that marching band was much more stringent.


I do hope that maybe a tax refund or the Powerball comes your way, and you will be able to squeeze in a short cruise or trip before the fall. If it's Powerball, you can add a LOT of cruises. ;);)


I got my hair cut not long ago, because I was long overdue. But it's not quite right. I think I had more layers previously. I do have the overall shape and length figured out though, and I feel better about that. Usually, i get my haircut and within a few weeks, I'm thinking about trying a different style next time I get it cut. Then I go in and by then, my brain is all muddied from overthinking and I either have it cut too short or leave it too long. It's nice to at least understand the best length for me. It's a start.


This morning, I got out the new shorts along with the ones I had that fit, and a bunch of tops and so forth. I didn't take any pictures, but I'm pretty certain I've got my wardrobe all figured out. I know, 6 weeks ahead, ha.


It's amazing what you can realize when you start to thing about your choices, and you think about an outfit that works (or swimsuit!) and start asking yourself if you are getting the same effect with the outfits you are putting together.


I found myself pairing a darker top with a lighter bottom. One pair of shorts is a darker olive green, and I had a mid tone orangey type shirt with it. I then grabbed my darker olive green shirt and put it with it. I wasn't really looking for a monochrome look, but I was thinking about how this could serve as my canvas, and a scarf or really fun necklace could be the paint. (I must made a similar comparison on the fire thread...bear with me, it seems like a good way to explain my thoughts)


I also tried on the shirts and took a good look n the mirror regarding fit and length. I have not added accessories yet, but I noticed that I have an olive green, khaki/sand thing going on with the bottoms. I realize that I have these sandals, that have a bit of a snake print on them that will look great with at least half the outfits. There is a rust shirt (or two) in the group, so it is really coming together nice. There is an oddball peacock blue that says earth to me that I like to wear, and a warm, dark purple shirt, but the other shirts seem to be playing off the rust and olive green.


Maybe I've been looking at TVF too much. I only look at the pictures, really. They're great for ideas. I hate reading about a $200.00 shirt or about putting cool and warm together, etc. Anyway, I feel like this works much in the same way...there are a few colors all coming together to mix and match. I even have scarves, a few of them, that could be worn with a number of the outfits if desired.


I love football. My husband could take it or leave it. We watch a lot of college basketball, including the NC vs. Syracuse game yesterday. Syracuse put up a good fight! They just feel apart a bit at the end.


You know what I was thinking about over the weekend? Luggage. I'm wondering sometimes if part of our packing issues stem from heavy luggage with a lot of filler in them. I love my luggage, and it isn't really old or in need of replacement. But I might start looking for some things, or at least studying them for down the road. For example, my carryon looks big enough to hold quite a bit, but if you put a pair of shoes or sandals in there, it isn't going to hold a lot of clothes. It wasn't even big enough for a weekend trip to Lake Placid.


I will say that because of the weather and big changes in the temperature there, I brought along more clothes than I normally would for a long weekend.


Even the tote bag that I put under the seat gives me conniptions. I don't like it when everything falls to the bottom and I can't find things. I like having some dividers and pockets and the like.




My husband and I will be going to the Dinosaur BBQ for his birthday dinner later. That is what he chose, and I love it there so that is easy enough. We are picking up my daughters at the airport at midnight. It's going to be a long day at work tomorrow! Yikes! My husband gets up at 5:30, and I get up at 6:00.

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I have a good sized Vera Bradley tote (with a strap that fits over my carryon roller bag so it can't slide off). I always hated that everything just jumbled in it. Then I thought, what about a packing cube? I now have two small packing cubes (one has a complete outfit & other has swimwear & extra lingerie ) & a divider that creates vertical holding space as well. I'll try to remember to snap a picture when I have it packed. I was very proud of myself. The bag is basically grey with pink & yellow hibiscus on it. I had to buy a matching envelope purse, pill case & cosmetic roll up (that I'll use for costume jewelry) to use up a credit...darn [emoji41]. Ive already decided on my travel wardrobe for April (!). Greeny-yellow tank top with matching cotton sweater hoodie & my black slacks that have zippered pockets & my multicolor shoes. Now the rest of the 2-1/2 weeks are to be set... I could be ready to leave tomorrow, but we're still 105 days out (anxious much?). Melody

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Melody , I have two Vera Bradley carry on. The first is a large tote that is the perfect size to go with my carry on suitcase for a five day trip . It basically carries my medicine , cosmetics & kindle . The other one is the Vera Bradley weekender . It would be fine on it's own for a week -end trip or as an add on to my suitcase for longer trips .It has that strap that goes over the handle & it is so light . If you look in my attic it looks like a grave yard for carry on's . I have a lot that I tried & they just did not work .

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Sally, I think that's what this is, the weekender. I also have the diaper bag (yes, really! It's a great size but a bit small for a long trip (that one is shades of blue flowers). I've finally given up my Briggs & Reilly, it was just too heavy.

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I second Melody's thought about using packing cubes with your carry on tote, Laurie. I generally use a large tote for my personal item...it doubles as our beach bag. I have several "bags" that I use to sort and organize my things in that bag...not necessarily packing cubes, because some of the things in there have designated bags or rolls (jewelry, cosmetics, electronics, etc.).


My carry on luggage is that Motherlode Backpack from eBags. I carefully considered the purchase and ultimately went with the backpack because it offered the most packing space for the dimensions with no wheels, etc. Also, when I considered the thought of European travel, after talking with Mom and Dad, it seemed to me that I would appreciate a backpack more than a roller bag there.


For cruising though...the Motherlode does have a roller bag version. I really love this bag and how easy it is to pack and organize.


Yesterday, we went to see the Habsburg Splendor exhibit. Thoroughly wonderful. I'm so glad that the info came to my attention before it moved on. It's been here since October and is closing next weekend, then heading back to Austria.


We were able to take advantage of the monthly free admission day to the High Museum of Art here. This is another part of our 2016 plan...to do such things and especially to attempt to do such things on the available discount days.


There were 93 pieces in this exhibit. A lovely size actually...such a great variety of items. It wasn't until the end that I was thinking about how much my mind was blowing with everything. Mom offered the idea that this would be a great "test" of whether or not European touring of such things would be enjoyable.


Must say. LOVED it.




I could see the need for careful planning for Europe, because too much of this and you wouldn't be able to appreciate the things you saw. I could see needing a day off of museum touring at least...I was thinking that the day following a museum tour would need to be more experiential. Take a cooking class or something...drive in the countryside and get out of "civilization." Tour a winery? IDK...something different.


The only photograph I took was of a woman wearing an amazing gray cape coat. WOW. So lovely. I took a couple sneaky photographs of her...which I won't share because that's weird. I was thinking that if I were to try my hand at sewing an overcoat, a cape style coat seems a likely choice. I'd have to look at it again...but I think it was a zipper closure, not buttons...I think I'd do better with that...it would ultimately look more polished. I need more practice with button holes.


I wore sweater tights under a mid-calf length skirt with my knee high lace up boots. I also wore a tank in the same color as the skirt and a Zenergy pull-over hoodie in a dusty rust color. It looked a bit like wearing the hoodie over a dress. I thought it was a fun little outfit...and surprisingly warm to wear tights and a skirt.


Which is good. It's only 22 degrees this morning.:eek:

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It is 52 in sunny Florida this morning .


Anita , Your post brings up travel styles . When I lived in New Jersey I loved to travel to a beach but know that I basically live at a beach I love to do travel that includes museums and historical sites .Luckily we both enjoy it .You are right . After a few days of intensive museums you need to just do something fun . We have tours for all of our stops in Europe except one day when we are going to wing it .Have lunch in a sidewalk cafe & do some shopping .

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Well, I think I read that he temp is around ten degrees with windchill. I will have to check. The doozie is, we are getting a storm between Tuesday and Wednesday that will bring 12-18 inches of snow. It just so happens to be the day of my sister's hip replacement. I'm already terrified to drive on it!


Anita, your outfit sounds perfect! Visiting a museum made me think of he time we visited the Corning Glass Museum. It was the most overwhelming thing ever. It was huge, with thousands of things. I just couldn't take it all in.

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Laurie, I know what you mean about the Corning Glass museum. That's also one of the many reasons we love Celebrity. Some of their Solstice class ships have the Corning Glass shows aboard, I can watch those for hours, especially at night & on sea days. Melody

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So excited & had to share. We booked a concierge guarantee on our Hawaii cruise, got a C3 (lowest level of concierge); ah well , roll the dice. It was in a pretty good location, left it alone. Today I'm on the phone with Celebrity (cause, all of a sudden I've become a Jr!, uh no...) Tyson (great name), says I can fix that. Does & says I notice you're in a C3, where you're Elite I can move you to a C2 at no charge. I said, I didn't think any were still available. He said Im showing two. I asked where & one of them is one of our most favorite cabins. So, for zero cost we were moved to a much favored cabin (opposite the library on the hump with a large balcony). So happy!


Then. He says, you've had a lot of trouble with this Jr thing popping in (& making it so I can't view my reservations), let me give you another $200 of OBC! I'm doing a happy dance now, DH asks what's going on & Tyson is laughing on the phone. It was a very good day (& I've already got the changes in writing! Woo Hoo! Melody

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Way to go Melody! I don't know what the Jr thing means but congrats on the upgrade and the hump balcony. Sweet.


I decided to order the coral dress from JJill because the sweater was also available. Reviews said the armholes on the dress were large so I thought I might want it. The dress is great and fits me very well including the armholes. The sweater is going back because the dye lots didn't match and it was bugging me. So, I think I will order the green dress too. I imagine them looking cute for dinner with some sandals and nice jewelry, but also to throw over a swimsuit or for lounging. It's just the right weight cotton that it is very lightweight but not see-through or shapeless. Versatile. Thanks Sally.


It turns out I have a large scarf that could work as a shawl that goes perfectly. One of the joys of sticking to a palette where things can mix and match. :)


Museum sensory overload is a real thing. I love museums, and I go often, but I always have a plan on what to see. After about two hours, it is hard to "see" anything anymore. I recently went to the MoMA to see the Picasso exhibit, and while I was tempted to see more, I left and went to lunch. It was just enough. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is sooo big that when I take guests I usually choose a selection of galleries depending on age and interests, and that's what we see. Same with the Museum of Natural History. Just too much stuff to get the most out of a random visit.


When we've traveled in Europe, we try to mix up museums with other things so it's not just museum, museum, museum. So, in Paris, you go to the Louvre, take a ride on the Seine. Visit the Rodin Museum, walk through the Tuileries. See a palace, then visit Galeries Lafayette. Go to the army museum :rolleyes:, have coffee and crepes near Notre Dame. OMG I want to go to Paris now!




Today was my first day back at work. Some good developments are keeping things interesting... not money, but professional connections that are making me happy. And I think I'm going to be published soon. :) I'm continuing my adversarial relationship with Outlook, though. Argh.

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