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At the risk of getting too personal, your last post just made me sad.


As women, if I had one sincere wish for everyone, it would be to stop being our own worst critics. When I look at your pictures, I see a woman with an enthusiasm and energy for learning, acquiring knowledge, questioning, searching… positive uplifting…


It's OK to understand that we need to strive to be the very best of ourselves. That's OK. But… it's just not OK to beat ourselves up; to look into the mirror and see only our flaws.


We need to love our body. Our body needs to know that we love it cause we want to stick around and experience this wonderful life on this marvelous planet. And our body allows us to do that! It's our body that gets us close to the people we love and gives us the sensations that are so incredible: the sun on our face, the wind in our hair, the taste sensations of a delicious bite.


Yes, I'm getting introspective.


When we go on a journey of self discovery, and I think that taking these awful pictures (and they ARE awful for Pete's sake) is really difficult to do… and sharing them with the world is just an added layer of stress… that can open up a window of opportunity for us to begin to feel some negativity. BTW, there is a HUGE part of me that wishes Curt would delete my "before" picture from his website! Anyway, it's an eye-opening exercise that we have to accept as being really, really hard. But working through the exercise takes you to a place of confidence. That's the goal: to reach a place where you can choose options that will bring out your personal best. It's the face that we want to share with the world. In a subtle way, it does change your internal landscape, as well. Because it provides you with a tool that allows you to have a hit of self confidence when you become aware of your passing reflection throughout the day. That's just the goal. Achieving self awareness to enhance self confidence.


Well, this is my opinion.


I have a fantastic, wonderful positive Role Model in my life. Although she is no longer with me in physical form, my Grandma Mary had the best life philosophy. She told me, "Pam, one day you will look in the mirror and an old woman will be looking back at you. Today, that happened to me. I am 92! What am I going to look like when I'm 100?" She told me her 80's didn't make her feel old!


Final thought. It's just really difficult to look at ourselves without an inner voice criticism. Sometimes it's really hard for me to share pictodiaries. The only reason that I do is because I'm "sharing" so that others will share too! The give and take here is what it's all about for me and what keeps me coming back to read what everyone has to say.


Part of me thinks that maybe I shouldn't post this as… maybe I haven't stated what I mean in the right way… so I hope that my words are just gentle whispers and not harsh shrills…


It's been loads of fun for me, getting to know you. I hope that you've had some fun with this process as well.

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. Maybe its pre-menopausal hormones, maybe its just tough accepting the fact that I am getting older. More likely its the fact that I know I have not been putting my all into my fitness program and I should be further along than what I am. I am eating well, yes, but have not been on the rower for 2 weeks! Why is it we can so easily not live up to a promise that we have made to ourselves when I would never think of doing that to others?? Ok, done feeling sorry! On the rower when I get home!


Thanks Ladies for supporting me and trying to help me figure this one out!


Be easier on yourself ! We all slack off now & then in the fitness department . Your face looks great & your chin is just fine . Frankly , I have a hard time seeing the color differences on anybody except Pam . I also feel that besides color we need to find a style that fits our life & stick to it . I am through menopause but it was a trying time of my life . I could not make a decision & I cried a lot . I am so glad that time is long gone . You have a great smile so let that shine through!

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I'm going to chime in here too. We are who we are, and we need to love who we are. We will have good days, and bad days. Every once in a while, I make a post about something not looking good, not fitting right, etc. All I can see when I post a picture is what is wrong. I'll ask myself why I loved something when I tried it on, and now I see a picture and think how awful it is. Then I go on to tell myself that I deceive myself because I want to look good and then reality sets in when I see a picture and I was totally wrong. The outfit looked awful.


You know what it really is? We react with emotion initially. we love it. We hate it. Then we get a way to capture something for more than a moment. A picture. We then let ourselves get critical and we find everything we possibly can wrong with it.


I'm learning now that pictures will do that. Give them time. Start looking for the good as well as the bad. You will be amazed at what you love about yourself. I love the color of my eyes. They're almost olive, aren't they? And because I am working out, I like the way my shoulders and arms are slimming up. Yes, I can focus on my under the eye dark circles, or the flubbery stuff my middle still has. You know, that lack of a defined waist! But there is good in me.


You are beautiful, Lauri. Hey, and your name is an awful lot like mine, isn't it????? :D:D:D:D

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Margaret, you are right about the neckline. That is the reason I tried both of these. There is an "offset" created by the shoulder area, and I don't think it's a bad look for me. It isn't my best, but it isn't bad. I honestly feel that with a great dress that has a lot of pluses, it's worth looking into. I also feel that because I'm a bit smaller in the chest area now, I feel a bit better. I wanted to say that I'm more proportional, but along with my bra size decreasing, so has my waist and hips. I think it is that my chest isn't as overwhelming, somehow. It can be really hard to find things that fit me.


I want to try both of the dresses back on, and get pictures. Whether I keep them or not, the feedback I get helps me to see what works best. I admit that I'm finding myself really intimidated by all the adjustments I need to make to my clothes. I sew, but all the linings, finer fabrics and tight stitching make this harder than I thought. I already divided things into two groups - one for my tailor, one for me. But the expense will have to be worth it for certain dresses.


My three Lightinthebox dresses are the biggest test, because they are fully lined and have boning in them. All three need the kind of adjusting that may prove to be too expensive. Some I know will not cost too much, and are well worth it, such as my newer olive one shoulder dress.


I have one dress that I feel strongly about "saving" and that is my short red dress.


I've been working on trying to decipher blues and purples. Those can be hard. I am looking at that convertible dress website, and looking to see about posting pictures from there, as there are both warm and cool blues and purples, muted and clear colors. It's a good way to differentiate.


Anita, thank you for your comments. It can be hard to see things differently on each of our computers.


Lauri, are you near a Dressbarn? They currently have a knit tank top in a great fire red. Give it a try.

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I love these ladies!!


Lauri...I think you are beautiful.


We have all shared enough photos to be able to see beyond what is actually captured in a single moment. We can all look at our own photos and focus in on the negative things...but those of us out here are not doing that when we see each other's photos.


It can feel that way...because we are in a process of critique and analysis...and basically, we are in a process of elimination. And we are striving for that break through moment that gives the big ah-ha. And until we reach that moment, the process can feel a bit negative...and sad.


I can understand that! But don't live there.


Mom spoke well what I would wish to say.


Margaret said too...kudos to you for motivating yourself toward positive goals.


In my mind...that IS the purpose of the journey. Stay there. Stay in the moment of loving on yourself and wanting to do better for yourself all while not being down on yourself on the journey.


I feel a great connection with you Lauri because you are doing prior to your 50th birthday what I tried to do before my 40th. The desire to get healthy and fit...and the desire to be more purposeful with the wardrobe building resulting from needing new clothes form weight loss. Thinking that learning about this color stuff will help with that wardrobe planning and help to feel even that much better about yourself.


Funny enough...my color identification was just as unclear. So I REALLY feel a connection with you on that too! Curt had me taking so many pictures, OMG...I was buying all kinds of colors trying to get photos that would help him see what he needed to see to be able to make the determination.


So really, I understand.


Please stay positive.


I understand about being the photographer. So if you don't have any photos that are good to look at, take some. Get one with you and your DH. Get your kiddos in there. These don't have to be serious photos...take what you need to get a variety of people in there so that you can see how your skin compares...and hopefully, there will be at least one contrast in there that will point us more definitively toward Earth or Fire.


Then we can pick two Kohl's shirts or Target shirts (they usually have a good selection of tanks/tees that would help) and get you an epiphany photo to make any negatives resulting from this process all recede and go away.


Lauri...this is fun. Really, it is. Mom said it...she sees an enthusiastic learner...I do too. I don't see anything negative at all.


If anything, I see cheekbones that are spectacular...and beautiful tawny eyes...and hair with so many different colors in it...I know it shines in the sunlight. And someone that is so used to smiling...they have grumpy face when they are told it would be better to try to have a more neutral expression.

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Margaret...I HAVE missed you!


My knee is okay. I came back from the TA cruise all full of motivation and determination...and I did something that aggravated my hip on the other leg. And by aggravated, I mean that I had a hard time just walking and doing other normal things.


So I have suffered a major set back in my PT. My only consolation to myself is the fact that I have a long distance view of this process and believe that I can recover lost ground and then some. I'm trying to get motivated to get at it again...there's been great pressure on my schedule with school starting Monday (yes, TOMORROW) and DS entering high school and him being my only and being all wrapped up in him and my Mom role.


I'll be happy for school to start...for after school band practices and other obligations that will actually give me a long uninterrupted day and time to refocus my energies on myself toward the positive. Because a major side effect of all these injuries has been some serious weight gain, some depression because I lost my stress-relieving, live in the moment, give my mind a rest time with Zumba, some self negativity because I'm not doing and haven't been able to do what I wish I was doing, and the realization that I also need to tackle some hormone issues through some diet choices (like gluten-free and laying off certain other carbs that are wrecking havoc with my emotions too) and the fact is that I'm not too enthused for making the diet changes, except that I do want to feel better...


So I feel the new season opening tomorrow and I'm hoping that it will be the start of good things coming again...


DH wants to help me get the basement set up better today so that will be fun to work on and get ready for what I hope to be doing. We have a room down there that has the potential to be a great yoga (and similar exercise) space.


Getting the bathroom reorganized and beautified in its simplicity has also helped me to feel more like taking care of myself. It's easier to do the simple things like washing my face and doing a "beauty ritual". I am super messy washing my face...water goes everywhere...and because the counter was somewhat cluttered...it was a mess that wasn't easy to wipe up...and so, smart me, would avoid that issue by not really washing my face well.


Lauri...we did have a good time with the band. The kids were working hard on their show and we got to see the marching and playing of Acts 1 and 2...and they played the music of Act 3, which they haven't worked on too much.


You said you worked with the uniforms! My good friend will be the Uniform Mom next year. This year, she is the apprentice and working closely with the Uniform Mom. They do that...have the next year's person shadow and work with the current person. She wants me to be her apprentice next year so that I would be the Uniform Mom in two years' time.


This year...I get to take care of the towels! LOL. There are towels that the band sits on in the bleachers to protect the uniforms from the effects of sitting on metal or concrete bleachers. The uniforms are polyester (total 70s throwback) and they pill and can get problems (like swimsuits do), so the towels protect the uniforms. I get to make sure that we don't lose any towels and that my washers get them washed each week between the games. Yay!


My friend did this last year.


Last night was also the section show down and the talent show. And the dinner. DH and I haven't made too many friends, especially couple friends...it's all a process and it takes time to build relationships. But we have the foundation for that with many other band parents and we are excited to have these opportunities to get together and get to know these other moms and dads more.


So yes. It was a great evening.

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Member123/Anita's Mom


Isn't that what we are put on this earth for? To get personal?


Thanks for doing so and being compassionate with me in my (very short lasting) moment of weakness and self-doubt! You are so right, it is hard to post un-made up (and not smiling!!!) pictures on a website when as a society we strive to put our best foot forward everyday. I have always taken pride in my looks even though I have carried around some extra lbs. I am very much a Pollyanna in life and typically have a very strong self esteeem! But, for some reason this little project has hit me in a weak spot!


Thanks for your encouraging words!


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Be easier on yourself ! We all slack off now & then in the fitness department . Your face looks great & your chin is just fine . Frankly , I have a hard time seeing the color differences on anybody except Pam . I also feel that besides color we need to find a style that fits our life & stick to it . I am through menopause but it was a trying time of my life . I could not make a decision & I cried a lot . I am so glad that time is long gone . You have a great smile so let that shine through!


Thanks Sailor Sally, I need to cut myself some slack. I have accomplished a lot over the past few months so I should be proud and keep on moving!


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I'm going to chime in here too. We are who we are, and we need to love who we are. We will have good days, and bad days. Every once in a while, I make a post about something not looking good, not fitting right, etc. All I can see when I post a picture is what is wrong. I'll ask myself why I loved something when I tried it on, and now I see a picture and think how awful it is. Then I go on to tell myself that I deceive myself because I want to look good and then reality sets in when I see a picture and I was totally wrong. The outfit looked awful.


You know what it really is? We react with emotion initially. we love it. We hate it. Then we get a way to capture something for more than a moment. A picture. We then let ourselves get critical and we find everything we possibly can wrong with it.


I'm learning now that pictures will do that. Give them time. Start looking for the good as well as the bad. You will be amazed at what you love about yourself. I love the color of my eyes. They're almost olive, aren't they? And because I am working out, I like the way my shoulders and arms are slimming up. Yes, I can focus on my under the eye dark circles, or the flubbery stuff my middle still has. You know, that lack of a defined waist! But there is good in me.


You are beautiful, Lauri. Hey, and your name is an awful lot like mine, isn't it????? :D:D:D:D



Yes!! And we are both awesome!!


Now you guys are making me tear up from all the warm fuzzies you are sharing!



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I love these ladies!!


Lauri...I think you are beautiful.


We have all shared enough photos to be able to see beyond what is actually captured in a single moment. We can all look at our own photos and focus in on the negative things...but those of us out here are not doing that when we see each other's photos.


It can feel that way...because we are in a process of critique and analysis...and basically, we are in a process of elimination. And we are striving for that break through moment that gives the big ah-ha. And until we reach that moment, the process can feel a bit negative...and sad.


I can understand that! But don't live there.


Mom spoke well what I would wish to say.


Margaret said too...kudos to you for motivating yourself toward positive goals.


In my mind...that IS the purpose of the journey. Stay there. Stay in the moment of loving on yourself and wanting to do better for yourself all while not being down on yourself on the journey.


I feel a great connection with you Lauri because you are doing prior to your 50th birthday what I tried to do before my 40th. The desire to get healthy and fit...and the desire to be more purposeful with the wardrobe building resulting from needing new clothes form weight loss. Thinking that learning about this color stuff will help with that wardrobe planning and help to feel even that much better about yourself.


Funny enough...my color identification was just as unclear. So I REALLY feel a connection with you on that too! Curt had me taking so many pictures, OMG...I was buying all kinds of colors trying to get photos that would help him see what he needed to see to be able to make the determination.


So really, I understand.


Please stay positive.


I understand about being the photographer. So if you don't have any photos that are good to look at, take some. Get one with you and your DH. Get your kiddos in there. These don't have to be serious photos...take what you need to get a variety of people in there so that you can see how your skin compares...and hopefully, there will be at least one contrast in there that will point us more definitively toward Earth or Fire.


Then we can pick two Kohl's shirts or Target shirts (they usually have a good selection of tanks/tees that would help) and get you an epiphany photo to make any negatives resulting from this process all recede and go away.


Lauri...this is fun. Really, it is. Mom said it...she sees an enthusiastic learner...I do too. I don't see anything negative at all.


If anything, I see cheekbones that are spectacular...and beautiful tawny eyes...and hair with so many different colors in it...I know it shines in the sunlight. And someone that is so used to smiling...they have grumpy face when they are told it would be better to try to have a more neutral expression.



Oh, come on now! I am working today (on my lunch break), sitting in my office, laughing and crying! Thank you for the great compliments!


You are right about grumpy face. My DH kept telling me not to smile so that is when that really grumpy face showed up! He died laughing, telling me how much he loved me! Now, that is a blessed life!


Thanks Anita. So, your colors were hard to determine too? Glad we can be kindred spirits instead of you guys thinking I am a nut job! All better!


Back to work for me! I will dig through pictures when I get home.

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SI LOVE the wonderful energy each lady has that responds here. It occurred to me reading all of today's comments that I wonder how many others out in cyber-land that read and never post needed to hear what this group had to say today.


Ya'll are the very BEST friends. I still think often about how special it was to me that Anita, Kim (FIRE's Joby) and Pam travelled last year for our Meet n Greet. I will never forget it. I just wish I could have felt better and been a better hostess. I never knew pleurisy could be so debilitating.


So, Lauri, I decided to post two pictures. One with my great FIRE scarf and the other with DH's rust T. I wasn't as diligent with sunscreen on myself as I was with the grands at the water park yesterday, so the red nose is very fresh. But, I think you can still get an idea how gray EARTH colors make me look. I look very ill. If it's not apparent enough, ya'll let me know and I'll take a couple more in a few days when the Rudolph nose recedes.


Aww, heck! Those pictures weren't good at all! I run outside and see what I can come up with. Back in a few. --Debbie

Edited by aoknkentucky
Shoot! The pictures weren't as good as I thought.
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Hi Lauri,


Just want to pop over and say that I am really enjoying this and watching the process with your journey. Love your enthusiasm and your photos!


I am a FIRE and I love our colors--so glad that's what I turned out to be. I was mis-told 30+ years ago that I was an AIR so I dressed in pastels that I now look back on and see how WRONG it was! I am fortunate in that Curt said I was a text book case of FIRE--reddish/blond hair, porcelain skin w/some freckling, and light blue/green eyes.


Have fun in the process :)

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Take Two. Here's another shot at this. Here you go, Anita![ATTACH]357807[/ATTACH][ATTACH]357808[/ATTACH]


I swear! I don't know what happened here. The pictures weren't blurry or such bad quality when I took them on my screen! I am sooooo bad T posting pics. Sorry.

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Hi Lauri,


Just want to pop over and say that I am really enjoying this and watching the process with your journey. Love your enthusiasm and your photos!


I am a FIRE and I love our colors--so glad that's what I turned out to be. I was mis-told 30+ years ago that I was an AIR so I dressed in pastels that I now look back on and see how WRONG it was! I am fortunate in that Curt said I was a text book case of FIRE--reddish/blond hair, porcelain skin w/some freckling, and light blue/green eyes.


Have fun in the process :)


Hi Joby

Thanks for coming over and checking in! I have been reading a lot of the Fire thread and love all your cute skirts, outfits and hats! I think I am starting to learn fire colors from your pictures!

When I look at Member123 and your pictures, you both have a lighter complexion and strawberry blondish hair whereas my hair is much darker and my complexion more sallow, I think! I love the bright Fire colors but I bet I will end up earth! I have to find some good pictures to post and buy some tops in good earth and fire colors!

It has been a process!


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(The fence color is correct in the peach scarf picture.)



I can totally see how much warmer and softer your complexion looks next to the peach! That's what I need...a color that makes us all say, Aha!

So, you are a fire too. And you look like you have more of my coloring than Anita's mom (Pam?) or Joby (Kim). Hmmmm.



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Oh, yes, Lauri, you and I have nearly the same hair color. I am one of few dark-haired FIREs, I think. My hair has been highlighted twice since winter, so it appears even lighter than natural would be. Hairdresser is trying to blend blonde in so gray isn't quite so obvious. Here's a picture from the winter.



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I'm sorry! I HAVE to DO THIS! :D


I want Lauri to see a good, representative picture of you because I do think that there's a lot of similarity in your coloring. In fact, we FIRE ladies seem to be all over the place when it comes to a particular "look" which is why I think that some of us had such a hard time coming to terms with our "diagnosis," back in the day.


I love this picture of you. OH! Nuther thing I wanted to say. You were a perfect hostess! I didn't even notice that you were feeling a bit under the weather. Shame on me for sitting on my butt that weekend! Such wonderful memories… out on the lake; your SIL is hysterically funny; great food and wonderful companionship; color, color, color talking, talking, talking….


Here's a picture from a trip report Debbie did back in November. Wonderful trip report.



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I'm sorry! I HAVE to DO THIS! :D


I want Lauri to see a good, representative picture of you because I do think that there's a lot of similarity in your coloring. In fact, we FIRE ladies seem to be all over the place when it comes to a particular "look" which is why I think that some of us had such a hard time coming to terms with our "diagnosis," back in the day.


I love this picture of you. OH! Nuther thing I wanted to say. You were a perfect hostess! I didn't even notice that you were feeling a bit under the weather. Shame on me for sitting on my butt that weekend! Such wonderful memories… out on the lake; your SIL is hysterically funny; great food and wonderful companionship; color, color, color talking, talking, talking….


Here's a picture from a trip report Debbie did back in November. Wonderful trip report.




Gorgeous picture! Debbie, what color are your eyes? When you read the description of fire it is usually a lighter eye color, at the darkest, light hazel but my eyes are pretty dark, at least a medium hazel. Yours look blue, which makes sense with fire.


I am trying to load some pics but both our desktop and our laptop are having issues. Oh why did we ever load Windows 10!!! I do have a photo in my office of a get together with old work chums and I am standing right next to a gorgeous redhead. And it's funny when I look at the picture now I really notice the quality of people's skin (pink or golden) especially a group pic with 15+ women. I will scan that photo and send it to you by email, Anita. My family will be ok with me posting pics but I do not want to overstep my bounds with friends.



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Post #3752 is my hazel FIRE eye. It was taken by a friend with an attachment for her iPhone called a macro (or something like that-IDK). My eyes look green, blue or gray depending upon what I am wearing. I never knew I had a yellow in my eyeballs at all.


I tried to get a picture of my granddaughter's eye and also DH this weekend. When I got as close as the picture I posted of my eye, the picture blurred and wouldn't focus. My husband's eyes are clear medium blue with no yellow. Maybe white/silver as secondary color. Very cool blue. Gorgeous. We always said granddaughter had his pretty blue eyes. She just turned 7 and this summer her clear blue eyes are becoming darker and my yellow halo is beginning to appear. I wish I had the attachment gizmo so I could get a close/close up of my sweet DGDs eye.

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Post #3752 is my hazel FIRE eye. It was taken by a friend with an attachment for her iPhone called a macro (or something like that-IDK). My eyes look green, blue or gray depending upon what I am wearing. I never knew I had a yellow in my eyeballs at all.


I tried to get a picture of my granddaughter's eye and also DH this weekend. When I got as close as the picture I posted of my eye, the picture blurred and wouldn't focus. My husband's eyes are clear medium blue with no yellow. Maybe white/silver as secondary color. Very cool blue. Gorgeous. We always said granddaughter had his pretty blue eyes. She just turned 7 and this summer her clear blue eyes are becoming darker and my yellow halo is beginning to appear. I wish I had the attachment gizmo so I could get a close/close up of my sweet DGDs eye.


Oh yeah! That is a gorgeous eye! That is definitely a beautiful light hazel whereas mine is more hazel, orangey brown. I can see yours looking so many colors depending on your clothing choices!

I have so many new friends I can't keep your eye pictures straight!


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Been really enjoying the past couple of days postings. Lauri, you're working toward 50, I'm working toward 65 & still haven't figured out colors. Thought I was Fire, but starting to think I'm Earth. I was a medium auburn with light-medium green eyes, now silver (but eyes didn't change)


I've put 40 lbs on with all these foot surgeries , trying to come back, but the older you get the easier it goes on & harder it comes off , sigh. My thyroid isn't being real cooperative either, ah well, such is life & sure beats the alternative! Melody

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Been really enjoying the past couple of days postings. Lauri, you're working toward 50, I'm working toward 65 & still haven't figured out colors. Thought I was Fire, but starting to think I'm Earth. I was a medium auburn with light-medium green eyes, now silver (but eyes didn't change)


I've put 40 lbs on with all these foot surgeries , trying to come back, but the older you get the easier it goes on & harder it comes off , sigh. My thyroid isn't being real cooperative either, ah well, such is life & sure beats the alternative! Melody


Like you, even if I do not come to a definitive answer of whether I am earth or Fire, I hope I will have trained my brain and my eye to see what looks good on me. Hanging out with all of you, seeing your photos and your shopping choices is very inspiring! I definitely have learned that I need to be more open in my color choices. I am going to try on bright yellows and mustard yellows, deep greens and army green and not just assume they wouldn't look good!


How long ago were your foot surgeries? It really takes a lot to recover. I had my first when I was a sr in high school and have three more since then. Bunions and hammertoes! Being off your feet for 6 weeks weakens your body so much. Then you walk funny because your feet hurt and then you mess up your alignment and your hips or knees start to hurt! I am left with toes that don't bend well and feet that only feel good in New Balance and orthotics! Thank goodness I wear scrubs and sneakers every day to work!


Take care of yourself in your recovery! One day at a time! And yes, it certainly beats the alternative!



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Lauri, learning about color and what looks good on you is fun. I have a few pictures to post, and I'd like to get everyone's feedback.


I need to point out that I don't yet have a new strapless bra so the one I'm wearing is big. It is kind of padded so I think I will look a tad smaller on top with the right sized bra. I may try to get a new one this week.


So this is a lesson in style too as well as color.




I think that even though this dress is loose, the slinky nature is not doing me any favors. It could just be the way the light was reflecting off of it.





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