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We may abandon carnival !!


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Lets see, food was good, service good, not great shopping, and u will not take carnival again because you missed your flight due to a natural disaster. Do us all a favor , and stay home.

I'm with you Renza....Don't let the door hit the OP in the behind on the way out.....All the more room for people who can roll with the punches.....Dennis

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I can't believe you're upset because you missed your flight. So far CNN is reporting that 1300 people have died because of the earthquake and tsunami at least you have a home to go home to. People in Japan have lost their home and their loved ones. Talk about self abort I think the trophy should go to you. You think you had it bad think about the people in Japan. Put yourself in their situation.

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To the OP, I find this posting so dsgusting that I wish it would just go away, (note to mods). It's a disgrace to think that you were inconvienced because you were late! For Christ's sake, there was a terrible disaster ocurring and you have the odasity to think of only yourself, you should be ashamed of yourself. God speed to those in Japan.

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Carnival was completely unaware of when the port would open so they tried to keep their guests, including international, comfortable by not asking them to sit for two hours in a lounge. While this might have moved things along for YOU, it was deemed more comfortable for all. I'm sure information was spotty at best about the weather and conditions at the port and Carnival made the best decisions they could at the time. I read from your report that one international guest held everyone up, how is that Carnival's fault?


I'm sorry YOU found the CD's voice annoying. I understand it can be frustrating to have your plans delayed but your self entitled attitude is disturbing to say the very least. I'm not sure if you or I were in charge we could have handled anything any better.


In the scheme of things missing a flight or even a whole airport of people missing flights is very minor compared to entire villages being swept into the ocean, families being devastated and people dying from this incident. If this makes you switch cruise lines, do so. You will get no empathy from me more of a get real and gain some perspective.

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As others have said, there is no use gathering the non US citizens, if the customs agents can't board the ship. That is who checks them, not Carnival employees.


Normally the ships get in about 6am and they are able to board then. My Canadian friends had to meet in the lounge at 0630 when we sailed the Spirit last Oct.


Prayers to those affected by this terrible disaster.

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Everything was great till the end. We turned on CNN the night before leaving and the news of Japan and the tsunami was just reported. Lots of prayer went out to them and amazing news footage, Early wake up and they announce that the waves are headed to our port and we will be delayed 1 ½ hours staying out to sea for safety. No problem we’ve all been told to book after 12:30 flights ours was at 1 pm. We are told we can stay in our rooms. There is thick fog, fog horns and rolling waves coming at the ship but not causing much more than slight movement. Kind of spooky. Jen the cruise director is giving out this information with the most irritating voice you can imagine. Than we start to get announcements from the captain, that we will be out longer and that the ports have all closed. We will be even later maybe 11 or 11:30.

Now we are asked to leave our rooms at 10:30 and wait. Still getting little news just that voice say “it’ll be just a but” Than at 11:30 they start call for the international or green card people to go to the lounge… why just now.. They than can’t seem to fine a number of them.. Now we are getting into port. People who had early fight called to change them to 1 pm flight and they along with us see it will really be cutting it close. At 12 pm they start call for 1 person to show up for clearance. He is nowhere to be found but a ship load of people are kept on board for another hour. We now have all missed our afternoon flight. Time to start calling the airlines. Southwest will change flights no charge NOT because Carnival held up the ship past the open port at 11am but due to the tsunami . Other airlines are charging people and angry is rising. They find the guy and than start taking people off the ship about 1 pm. All through this we hear that terrible voice giving no information just that “ it’s be a bit longer”.

So our BIGGEST complaint is that Carnival made a bad situation extremely worse. HOW they should have called and cleared and had those people In the lounge and all accounted for by 8 am! Not waiting till we got to the port. We all could have been off the ship by 11:30 instead it was 1:30 people standing in the hallways since 10:30 and may elderly people in distress. Many people missing flights and having added expense for air and maybe hotels now. Not only was it our inconvinced (the airport was a mad house) but also the people getting on. They were at the pier at 11am and were lined up for 2 city blocks with their luggage they were not happy, hot and tired.

Yes we will cruise again, planning now for one with our parents, we will NOT be going Carnival as they seem to be getting into not just the Walmart stage but the a cheep convince store.


i was b!+c4!n6 and moaning about the rain and flooding yesterday morning until i turned on the news.


not sure what a cheep convince store is, but your issues pale compared to all that happened yesterday.


i wonder how many japanese would be wincing in horror at your complaints, from inconvenience to a cd's voice.


good God. i am embarrassed for you. too bad He didn't put his hands on the earth to divert the waves to you could reach your plane.

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Now for the not so good.

Everything was great till the end. We turned on CNN the night before leaving and the news of Japan and the tsunami was just reported. Lots of prayer went out to them and amazing news footage, Early wake up and they announce that the waves are headed to our port and we will be delayed 1 ½ hours staying out to sea for safety. No problem we’ve all been told to book after 12:30 flights ours was at 1 pm. We are told we can stay in our rooms. There is thick fog, fog horns and rolling waves coming at the ship but not causing much more than slight movement. Kind of spooky. Jen the cruise director is giving out this information with the most irritating voice you can imagine. Than we start to get announcements from the captain, that we will be out longer and that the ports have all closed. We will be even later maybe 11 or 11:30.

Now we are asked to leave our rooms at 10:30 and wait. Still getting little news just that voice say “it’ll be just a but” Than at 11:30 they start call for the international or green card people to go to the lounge… why just now.. They than can’t seem to fine a number of them.. Now we are getting into port. People who had early fight called to change them to 1 pm flight and they along with us see it will really be cutting it close. At 12 pm they start call for 1 person to show up for clearance. He is nowhere to be found but a ship load of people are kept on board for another hour. We now have all missed our afternoon flight. Time to start calling the airlines. Southwest will change flights no charge NOT because Carnival held up the ship past the open port at 11am but due to the tsunami . Other airlines are charging people and angry is rising. They find the guy and than start taking people off the ship about 1 pm. All through this we hear that terrible voice giving no information just that “ it’s be a bit longer”.

So our BIGGEST complaint is that Carnival made a bad situation extremely worse. HOW they should have called and cleared and had those people In the lounge and all accounted for by 8 am! Not waiting till we got to the port. We all could have been off the ship by 11:30 instead it was 1:30 people standing in the hallways since 10:30 and may elderly people in distress. Many people missing flights and having added expense for air and maybe hotels now. Not only was it our inconvinced (the airport was a mad house) but also the people getting on. They were at the pier at 11am and were lined up for 2 city blocks with their luggage they were not happy, hot and tired.

Yes we will cruise again, planning now for one with our parents, we will NOT be going Carnival as they seem to be getting into not just the Walmart stage but the a cheep convince store.


I couldn't blame Carnival if I were on this cruise. I think all cruise lines would have been faced with this problem due to the Tsunami. Everything about your cruise sounded great except for debarkation and I don't think you can really blame Carnival for this.

The Paradise was docked at their normal time yesterday in Long Beach. They had no problems. Have to wonder what happened with the Spirit? :rolleyes:

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You may have missed our point! We are NOT complaining about the issue with Japan and yes we all are praying for them . We know safety is the first factor in any of this and yes being kept to sea is correct and the right thing to do.They had said you'll be in port at 11:30 and debark immediately.No problem there BUT they had us at the port for hours just sitting there w/o even saying the estimated time to leave is...(or advising those less traveled to call for plane changes) . (it was 2 hours later 1:30 and no announcements) We travel all over the world and have encountered all sorts of delays but have at least been given some information.

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i missed the part that told us why you should be unhappy and decide too never cruise carnival again.


i am not sypathetic too the people of japan that went through the earthquake, have loss of lives , the explosion near the nuclear plant, humans seriosly injured and their whole lives drasticly changed forever. no, they are not important too anyone since you had too go through such a huge inconvenience. :rolleyes:


but i still put you on the top of my list for the people i feel sorry for during this horrible tragedy.

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You may have missed our point! We are NOT complaining about the issue with Japan and yes we all are praying for them . We know safety is the first factor in any of this and yes being kept to sea is correct and the right thing to do.They had said you'll be in port at 11:30 and debark immediately.No problem there BUT they had us at the port for hours just sitting there w/o even saying the estimated time to leave is...(or advising those less traveled to call for plane changes) . (it was 2 hours later 1:30 and no announcements) We travel all over the world and have encountered all sorts of delays but have at least been given some information.


even if there's none to give. i was watching john heald post in real time yesterday, and they just didn't know......


i guess being told "we don't know" over and over would have helped you somehow.

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[quote name='planb'] [COLOR=red][B]Than at 11:30 they start call for the international or green card people to go to the lounge… why just now.. They than can’t seem to fine a number of them..[/B][/COLOR] Now we are getting into port. People who had early fight called to change them to 1 pm flight and they along with us see it will really be cutting it close. [COLOR=red][B]At 12 pm they start call for 1 person to show up for clearance. He is nowhere to be found[/B][/COLOR] but a ship load of people are kept on board for another hour.[/quote]

Did you ever stop and think that maybe this is a situation that frustrates Carnival more than you? They have a schedule too. It takes a great deal of time for them to debark one cruise, refresh supplies, and embark the next cruise. Having to wait for the rare international folks who don't pay attention to when they are called for immigration is an inconvenience to them as well. So why blame Carnival?
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[quote name='planb'][SIZE=4]You may have missed our point! We are NOT complaining about the issue with Japan and yes we all are praying for them . We know safety is the first factor in any of this and yes being kept to sea is correct and the right thing to do.[/SIZE][SIZE=4]They had said you'll be in port at 11:30 and debark immediately.[/SIZE][SIZE=4]No problem there BUT they had us at the port for hours just sitting there w/o even saying the estimated time to leave is...(or advising those less traveled to call for plane changes) . (it was 2 hours later 1:30 and no announcements) We travel all over the world and have encountered all sorts of delays but have at least been given some information. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Actually I read your post completely, have excellent reading comp skills and surmise that your point is that you didn't debark on what you felt was on time. You don't know if this was Carnival's fault or not. Perhaps they didn't know what the time was, I don't know. Perhaps they had not been cleared by the custom's office yet. You stated that at 11:30 those folks with flights at noon were told to start rescheduling so some sort of communication was going on other that just a bit longer. In any type of situation like this there are going to be ways to improve but at the time people do the best they can do. You appear to be a very self centered person. Note I did not say were but appear because of your style of writing and the way you notated the story. If this situation colors your opinion of Carnival nothing we say or do will change that. Please enjoy your cruises on another line. May they never have to face a weather issue that impedes your travel in anyway.
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Unfortunately this was an unforseen situation and with the tsunami threat there was no way that ship was getting in on time. It was probably a chaotic situation at such a busy port and the information coming out of there was changing all the time. No big company would want their ship anywhere near shore with a tsunami threat. Frankly I'd be more angry at the airlines for charging to change flights with such extenuating circumstances.
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[quote name='planb'] Yes we will cruise again, planning now for one with our parents, we will NOT be going Carnival as they seem to be getting into not just the Walmart stage but the a cheep convince store.[/quote]

[SIZE=3][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]WOW, are you serious ? That final line is quite the slam against CCL especially due to an extraordinary situation beyond their control..... :confused:[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=3][COLOR=black][COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]HOLY MOLY.... [/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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I usually don't reply to this kind of post, but this really ticks me off. I was watching the news and the newsanchor said he had emails from viewers wondering about cruiseships. He said they were SAFER at SEA then docked. Sorry Carnival was so worried about your safety, that they inconvienced you.
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What this says to me is that when people do book airlines it is important to give time for emergency delays but in the case of Tsunami and weather it is anyone's guess what flight time is a good flight time. You certainly gave plenty of time for normal hangups like security etc so had weather cooperated you would have been fine as you note. Travelers can't see what conditions will arise when they come and go but this may be a good example of why we may have to start not just thinking of coming in a day before cruises but also leaving the day after.

I can understand your stress. I do think if they had removed everyone from the rooms earlier some people would be complaining about that as well. They could have done a better job probably but whatever they do will upset someone where delays are concerned. I think what you have described can happen with any line given the right set of circumstances. You were there and you were the one upset so at a minimum I'd let Carnival hear what you feel as they may even get something out of it where policy and procedures can be streamlined. Don't feel alone but don't waste your ideas to better the procedures either. Do contact Carnival. If they feel you are reasonable or have a great idea it may help them revisit it and help you remove the bad taste this left. Good luck.
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The weather is beyond anyones control. You can't make fog leave when you want it to. No reason to not cruise Carnival again because of a snafu with fog and a break from the normal routine on debark/embark day that could throw everyone off schedule.

If you want to know of true chaos, think back a year and some ago when the Conquest was sitting and waiting to enter the port at 6am and couldn't because of thick fog in Galveston. The ship got clearance to enter the port at around 4pm that day, ya 4pm. Rest assured EVERYONE who had flights missed their flights and those waiting to get on the ship would be equally ticked off. The ship offloaded and loaded as fast as it could, but then the fog rolled in again and kept the ship from leaving until close to noon the following day....They missed a port because of that unscheduled weather delay....

I would be annoyed, but sometimes the cruise lines does the best they can, so cut them slack. All cruise lines have the occasional snafu and do their best......much like when the Glory was to leave St. Thomas for San Juan at 6pm only to still have us tied up well after 7pm because something was wrapped around the ships propeller and a diver needed to be called to clear the blockage......good thing San Juan is a very short trip away from St. Thomas...
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interesting reading someone else's pov on the same cruise:

(name removed for privacy).

[I]We were on the spirit as it was delayed coming into port. The captain and CD did a great job informing us and allowed us to settle back in our cabins and played a movie in the versailles lounge and had CNN in the ma...[/I][I]in theatre. We took the extra time to eat and spend more time on the balcony.

John, thank you so much for arranging the private meeting with the captain. everyone thoroughly enjoyed the encounter. We had captain Vito and the hotel manager Ron Ness. Mr Ness. was very touched and arranged for the photo shop to create 8x10 signed photos of the captain, hotel director and son

This was our best vacation ever and the entire crew is to be commended especially those in camp carnival and our dining room staff of Nina and Jasmina. We were sooooo touched by the kindness that was shown by everyone[/I].
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