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Cairo, Egypt excursion

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Has anyone been on a cruise going to Cairo in the past few weeks or going in the next few months? My husband and I are getting ready to book a cruise and one of the main places we want to go is Cairo. We're worried that we may not be able to stop there with everything going on with the government there.



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Has anyone been on a cruise going to Cairo in the past few weeks or going in the next few months? My husband and I are getting ready to book a cruise and one of the main places we want to go is Cairo. We're worried that we may not be able to stop there with everything going on with the government there.




Depend on when you are planning to go. We had a plan to be in Alexandria on April 24th & 25th, 2011. But our boat is going now to Istanbul. If possible wait till it is safe to go there. We wanted to go but safety first!

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Has anyone been on a cruise going to Cairo in the past few weeks or going in the next few months? My husband and I are getting ready to book a cruise and one of the main places we want to go is Cairo. We're worried that we may not be able to stop there with everything going on with the government there.





Some cruise lines have cancelled Egypt for the rest of the year,NCL JADE is returning to Egypt in april 2011.we are booked on the october 15 cruise to Israel & Egypt.


we stop for 2 days in Egypt & Israel .We have booked our Egypt overnight with ramses tours.

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This will depend on your cruise line. Thomson's resumed trips to the pyramids and Luxor from March 3rd, but that was from the Red Sea. Holiday makers from the UK are flying out to Luxor again.

The big lines usually travel from Alexandria on the Med, and so far don't seem to have used this port yet.


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Thank you for the info! We are booking on RCCL leaving Rome October 3. We figured things would be calmer by then but you never know. Worse case would they refund us any money or re-route to somewhere else? May I ask what you are doing on your excursion with Ramses and how you booked it? We're looking at doing the 2-day excursion through the cruise and you see most of the big sites and it's $500 a person. I'm not sure of that's normal or not butnit does include a hotel for the night. Normally we book our excursions ourselves but just a little nervous about doing it in The Med.


Also, I called RCCL and they said that they are still going to Egypt now as scheduled but like I said things can change.

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Aussie Cruiser:


Thanks for the NCL Jade info. We are booked on the cruise after you (leaving Italy October 26th), and I have been trying to find out if NCL is going to cancel for the rest of the year.


This is such good news, as the primary reason for booking this trip was Egypt.

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Thank you for the info! We are booking on RCCL leaving Rome October 3. We figured things would be calmer by then but you never know. Worse case would they refund us any money or re-route to somewhere else? May I ask what you are doing on your excursion with Ramses and how you booked it? We're looking at doing the 2-day excursion through the cruise and you see most of the big sites and it's $500 a person. I'm not sure of that's normal or not butnit does include a hotel for the night. Normally we book our excursions ourselves but just a little nervous about doing it in The Med.


Also, I called RCCL and they said that they are still going to Egypt now as scheduled but like I said things can change.

Hi Stephanie, I was booked on a June cruise with RCI that was scheduled to stop in Alexandria but the port was changed to Istanbul. When that happened, I changed cruises to a concurrent shorter one and added my own 5-day land tour in Egypt, which will begin after the cruise. I booked it, as you are planning to, with one of the many excursion tour companies I've read about here on CruiseCritic posts.


First of all, I must say that I follow the news as well as anyone and I am not at all convinced that Egypt is unsafe at this time. I am planning on being there in June, if things remain as calm as they are right now. Right now, there are many tourists in Egypt who agree with me, and are enjoying Egypt with no restrictions. The tour companies and Egyptians, as a whole, want people to come back to Egypt and are doing their utmost to make sure that happens:


The White Revolution, as Egyptians are now calling it, was largely a peaceful affair and the thousands of tourists who were in the country even then, while it was happening, were untouched by the demonstrations.


I, for one, say: Go ahead and book your cruise. If you don't, you will simply be at home next November still making the same wish that you could someday go to Egypt.


To be practical, though, my main precautionary suggestions would be to make an alternative plan - in case the port gets cancelled (if Egypt's a deal-breaker) - and make sure you have trip cancellation insurance on flights and cruise.


Best of luck!:cool:

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Thank you for the info! We are booking on RCCL leaving Rome October 3. We figured things would be calmer by then but you never know. Worse case would they refund us any money or re-route to somewhere else? May I ask what you are doing on your excursion with Ramses and how you booked it? We're looking at doing the 2-day excursion through the cruise and you see most of the big sites and it's $500 a person. I'm not sure of that's normal or not butnit does include a hotel for the night. Normally we book our excursions ourselves but just a little nervous about doing it in The Med.


Also, I called RCCL and they said that they are still going to Egypt now as scheduled but like I said things can change.


We are doing ramses overnight option 1, We have been to Egypt before & this tour covers the best sights.


Regards price we are paying $260 p/p for 6 people.i have seen others quote $260 p/p with nile blue.also highly regarded for 2 people on there own.


The good thing about a private tour is you can go inside the pyramids to view them,the cruise line tours don't have the time to do this,as they want to steer you you towards the


This price is tour & hotel,there is a list of optional extras river cruise.solar boat,mummy room,camel ride,sound & light show etc

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Thank you both for all the info. I sent a request to get info from Ramses tours. The overnight I tour seems to have everything and if its half the price thats even better. One more question...I know you mentioned that this tour includes going into the pyramids, but on the website it says it is not included. Is this something extra you were able to add?

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Thank you both for all the info. I sent a request to get info from Ramses tours. The overnight I tour seems to have everything and if its half the price thats even better. One more question...I know you mentioned that this tour includes going into the pyramids, but on the website it says it is not included. Is this something extra you were able to add?

Hi Stephanie, you can pretty well customize your tour as you would like with Ramses. If you want to go into a pyramid at Giza, the tickets have to be bought onsite on the day of your visit, so most tour companies will say that's extra; but they will certainly make the purchase for you. Not every Pyramid at Giza is accessible for inside visits.


I have a suggestion, though, about going inside a Pyramid. The Pyramids at Giza are almost always surrounded by hoards of tourists and those tickets to get inside can be hard to get, as there are a limited number sold every day. If you want the experience but would prefer it to not be quite so crowded or difficult, here are a couple of great options:

- If you ask Ramses to include a visit to the Red and Bent Pyramids at Daschur, you can go inside the Red Pyramid and quite often you are either alone or with very few others. The Red Pyramid is the third largest Pyramid in Egypt and is just a few feet shorter than Khafre's Pyramid at Giza. Its inside chambers have very similar features to those of the Pyramids at Giza, including a large vaulted, corbeled ceiling in its two main chambers.

- If you also ask to visit the Djoser (Step) Pyramid at Saqqara, you can usually get to visit the inside of the Pyramid of Teti, which although smaller than the others, has a burial chamber filled with inscriptions from the Book of the Dead and resembles far more something like you can see at the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. The inside chambers of the Pyramids at Giza and Daschur are actually quite bare and featureless. The Pyramid complex at Saqqara also has far fewer visitors than you'll find at Giza.


By visiting Saqqara, Daschur then Giza, especially in that order, one gets the complete picture of the history and evolution of the Pyramids. But if you think that's oversaturation and want to leave room for more of Cairo's other sights, leave out one or the other. But don't be afraid to ask the people at Ramses about what can be done in 2 days. They can help build an itinerary that will get you to see most of everything you want.


By doing a Google search, you can find lots of videos that will give you a preview of what there is to offer at both Saqqara and Daschur.


Good luck!

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Thank you both for all the info. I sent a request to get info from Ramses tours. The overnight I tour seems to have everything and if its half the price thats even better. One more question...I know you mentioned that this tour includes going into the pyramids, but on the website it says it is not included. Is this something extra you were able to add?


According to the info emailed to me by Ramses, they will add on going inside for $6 per person. The description of it didn't appeal to me too much but I had a feeling they may be trying to discourage it so I am interested to see what those that have done it thought.

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Hi Stephanie, you can pretty well customize your tour as you would like with Ramses. If you want to go into a pyramid at Giza, the tickets have to be bought onsite on the day of your visit, so most tour companies will say that's extra; but they will certainly make the purchase for you. Not every Pyramid at Giza is accessible for inside visits.


I have a suggestion, though, about going inside a Pyramid. The Pyramids at Giza are almost always surrounded by hoards of tourists and those tickets to get inside can be hard to get, as there are a limited number sold every day. If you want the experience but would prefer it to not be quite so crowded or difficult, here are a couple of great options:

- If you ask Ramses to include a visit to the Red and Bent Pyramids at Daschur, you can go inside the Red Pyramid and quite often you are either alone or with very few others. The Red Pyramid is the third largest Pyramid in Egypt and is just a few feet shorter than Khafre's Pyramid at Giza. Its inside chambers have very similar features to those of the Pyramids at Giza, including a large vaulted, corbeled ceiling in its two main chambers.

- If you also ask to visit the Djoser (Step) Pyramid at Saqqara, you can usually get to visit the inside of the Pyramid of Teti, which although smaller than the others, has a burial chamber filled with inscriptions from the Book of the Dead and resembles far more something like you can see at the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. The inside chambers of the Pyramids at Giza and Daschur are actually quite bare and featureless. The Pyramid complex at Saqqara also has far fewer visitors than you'll find at Giza.


By visiting Saqqara, Daschur then Giza, especially in that order, one gets the complete picture of the history and evolution of the Pyramids. But if you think that's oversaturation and want to leave room for more of Cairo's other sights, leave out one or the other. But don't be afraid to ask the people at Ramses about what can be done in 2 days. They can help build an itinerary that will get you to see most of everything you want.


By doing a Google search, you can find lots of videos that will give you a preview of what there is to offer at both Saqqara and Daschur.


Good luck!


This is so helpful. Thank you!

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We are doing ramses overnight option 1, We have been to Egypt before & this tour covers the best sights.


Regards price we are paying $260 p/p for 6 people.i have seen others quote $260 p/p with nile blue.also highly regarded for 2 people on there own.


The good thing about a private tour is you can go inside the pyramids to view them,the cruise line tours don't have the time to do this,as they want to steer you you towards the


This price is tour & hotel,there is a list of optional extras river cruise.solar boat,mummy room,camel ride,sound & light show etc


Not saying private tours aren't better, but I do want to say that we went inside the pyramids with a HAL tour in 2006. They gave us the choice whether to go inside or not, we did and loved it.


I'm very disappointed that Celebrity has canceled Egypt for the year. Our cruise isn't until October. Now when I hear other cruiselines haven't canceled, or did and added it back, I'm doubly disappointed.


Unfortunately there are too many reasons why we can't cancel and book something else -- besides the fact that there's no guarantee that any other cruiseline will keep Egypt either.

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Not saying private tours aren't better, but I do want to say that we went inside the pyramids with a HAL tour in 2006. They gave us the choice whether to go inside or not, we did and loved it.


I'm very disappointed that Celebrity has canceled Egypt for the year. Our cruise isn't until October. Now when I hear other cruiselines haven't canceled, or did and added it back, I'm doubly disappointed.


Unfortunately there are too many reasons why we can't cancel and book something else -- besides the fact that there's no guarantee that any other cruiseline will keep Egypt either.


Can you please describe the experience of going inside the pyramids a bit?

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Can you please describe the experience of going inside the pyramids a bit?


It was definitely one of the highlights of my life, without a doubt. As our group got into line, we handed over all cameras, bottles, etc. to our tour guide (who waited outside for us). As we entered, there were tiny lights along both sides of the walkway, and the walkway was steep so we had to be very careful how we walked. Also it's very narrow. As we were going down, others were coming up. I kept touching the walls and pinching myself, I couldn't believe I was really inside a pyramid -- a life-long dream of mine. :)


At one point, the lights went out :eek: and we were in total darkness for several feet. This was the only time I felt nervous, but thankfully it didn't last. My husband is claustrophobic, but he really wanted to do this and did great!


When we got to the bottom, there was a large open area, we were able to spend a few minutes down there before climbing back up. I would do it again in a heartbeat! You do have to be in relatively good shape, as it can be hard on your back and legs. In some places you can't stand completely upright.


Hope this has helped some -- I encourage anyone who wants to, to do this. :)

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It was definitely one of the highlights of my life, without a doubt. As our group got into line, we handed over all cameras, bottles, etc. to our tour guide (who waited outside for us). As we entered, there were tiny lights along both sides of the walkway, and the walkway was steep so we had to be very careful how we walked. Also it's very narrow. As we were going down, others were coming up. I kept touching the walls and pinching myself, I couldn't believe I was really inside a pyramid -- a life-long dream of mine. :)


At one point, the lights went out :eek: and we were in total darkness for several feet. This was the only time I felt nervous, but thankfully it didn't last. My husband is claustrophobic, but he really wanted to do this and did great!


When we got to the bottom, there was a large open area, we were able to spend a few minutes down there before climbing back up. I would do it again in a heartbeat! You do have to be in relatively good shape, as it can be hard on your back and legs. In some places you can't stand completely upright.


Hope this has helped some -- I encourage anyone who wants to, to do this. :)


Thank you so much. This is very helpful. I would like to do it but I'm a bit nervous about our ability to handle it physically. My sister doesn't like steep steps, not sure how she'll feel about this incline or the darkness! And neither of us have the best backs. But you have given me something to think about. You only live once!

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Thank you so much. This is very helpful. I would like to do it but I'm a bit nervous about our ability to handle it physically. My sister doesn't like steep steps, not sure how she'll feel about this incline or the darkness! And neither of us have the best backs. But you have given me something to think about. You only live once!


You're welcome! It's more of a ramp with cross-boards, than steps, and was hardest on the legs/knees as we were going down. It was dark only in the area where the lights had gone out -- we heard later that we were just "lucky" that day. :D I really think the thrill of being there overcame any feelings of claustrophobia or discomfort for us. Our tour guide, on the other hand, was happy to see us off and wait for us. She said she had no desire to go in. ;)


The good news is I'm pretty sure you can turn right around and head back up and out if you find it's too difficult. I remember seeing a few people do that. We were 55 and 58 at the time -- it wasn't too hard for us, but not the easiest either. :)

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HAL last Friday cancelled stops in Egypt for the rest of the year. We are going instead to Crete and Cyprus. I am not surprised as we were going to Egypt shortly after the elections are scheduled in September.

If it is really important to you to go to Egypt, I would look carefully at the cancellation conditions. We have to pay in full three months ahead and lose at least 25% then if we cancel.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We are doing ramses overnight option 1, We have been to Egypt before & this tour covers the best sights.


Regards price we are paying $260 p/p for 6 people.i have seen others quote $260 p/p with nile blue.also highly regarded for 2 people on there own.


The good thing about a private tour is you can go inside the pyramids to view them,the cruise line tours don't have the time to do this,as they want to steer you you towards the


This price is tour & hotel,there is a list of optional extras river cruise.solar boat,mummy room,camel ride,sound & light show etc


We were on a ship tour in November and we went inside one of the Pyramids. Our guide gave us the option as there was not a huge line up when we got there. One thing I found out about Ramses from people who used them, is that they are really a clearing house for private operators and depending on who your have your experience can be absolutely fabulous or as one couple on our cruise pointed out in their review absolutely hair raising. Also when we left Cairo all the vehicles left together private or ship, in fact the ship buses were the first out of the compound. We were on the Jade and the hotel NCL put us up in was first class all the way. We looked at both options and decided to go with the ship just for the added security. We had a security guard on our bus who actually intervened an a couple of situations where an elderly couple were absolutely surrounded by people trying to sell them stuff.


I don't want to sound to negative about Ramses because many on our cruise thought they had a terrific tour.

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While I have not visited Egypt while on a cruise but rather we did a 15 day tour with Gate 1 last November, I have some insight.......


if, and I hope you do, get to visit........ plan to try and cram as much in as you can. YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY. There is so much to see and experience and it is not like any other place. We flew into Cairo from JFK and spent 3 nights there. We were go-go-go almost the whole time and still so much left to see for next trip !!!!! We enjoyed the pyramids, solar boat museum (a must see as far as I am concerned) as it is right behind the large pyramid, the sphynx, the Citadel and Cairo museum. All in one day :eek: Then out to Memphis and Saqqara for the step pyramid and its complex. We enjoyed the papyrus factory too and bought 1 large gorgeous one and received a free one. We stayed at Le Meridien which is so convenient and was a nice hotel. I will say "Don't go to Egypt for the food" as it is just so-so. Watch out for mummy tummy.....it got me 3 times in 2 weeks - but its not as bad as to do more than slow you down a bit...... buy Antinal at the nearest pharmacy when you arrive OR just ask at the hotel desk. It is very cheap and WORKS GREAT ON MUMMY TUMMY.


We were fortunate to also visit Luxor, have a 7 day Nile cruise, Aswan and also a day trip to Abu Simbel. At the end we spent 2 nights in Hurghada at an all inclusive on the Red Sea. 15 days of wonderful !


Hope you get to Egypt.....it was such a wonderful experience for us. We loved everything. I only hope for a brighter future for the people there.

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