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Lengthy 3/6 Spirit Review (Not Positive)


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386 miles in a straight line? Is there a nautical route they need to take?
Aside from a few extemely minor adjustments in tenths of a degree or a few revolutions on the props to avoid shipping and oil rigs, no. It is basically a straight line. The only 'curves' were the Mississippi delta which I already explained that they where moving at 14 knots on.


It's done
What's 'done'?


I don't expect that reimbursement is an option. It was an unusual situation, not the normal routine.
When on board, I was told by a man at the reception desk that all expenses would be covered by NCL. Now it is down to $150 pp.


I would like the captain and crew to be able to handle an unusual situation. And it isn't all that unusual.


All the information that I have is that the ship could have made New Orleans on time even with the med evac. Why didn't we? If it was a mechanical problem then my pre-paid for insurance will handle it.


As the OP stated, the window is closing for NCL to come forward with some explanations and considerations for their guests.

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absolutely! :)
I do not consider waiting in line for three hours to get off a ship an adventure. YMMV.


It's pretty funny when you think about it. Our lifeboat drill for the whole ship with a bunch of newbies took only 30 minutes. But, well.... to disembark that's gonna be all afternoon. The system is broke.


Look. We are really pretty easy to please. I've traveled a fair amount, just got back from Costa Rica last April. Been to Belize before, Guatamala, Mexico a few times and all over the USA.


I don't mind an 'adventure' of the type that you propose as long as I have a little bit of information and am able to make my own choices. NCL gave me neither on the last two days of this cruise.


Sure a cruise can be an adventure. But it should not be one where you basically are just worried it you will get home on time. That is not an adventure to me. I went on this cruise because I expected to NOT to have to plan quite as much. I expected good food would be available. I was wrong. I expected that I would be informed of what was up. I was wrong. I paid for it, so that was what I expected. I was wrong.


The last day on the Spirit was similar to being stuck in any airport for a day with no money (remember, we could not buy so much as a coke or sandwich) with the added bonus of having no idea if you could make your flight or book a hotel room.


I kept telling myself, well at least we are not on the coast of Japan where 10 of thousands of people have died, so we have that going for us.

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OP.. I have to say I am very impressed with your review. Unlike some that were on your cruise you actually pointed out the positives you had during the week. I know in the title of your thread you put (not positive) but I found your posting to be VERY positive in ways. The VAST majority of the cruises people take never encounter Spring Breakers, medical evacs or a cruise ship running out of food or beverage. If you take away those from your cruise, basically you have a bit of mold/mildew in the shower. Most cruisers would never have a chance or a reason to speak with upper ship management but would only interact with the front line crew which you are saying was evident they were hard working, etc. I believe if someone read your review and took away the parts that pax almost never encounter, they would see it was a good cruise after all. I felt in reading your review it told what kind of a person you are.. fair, objective, patient, etc. VERY unlike some of the postings some people from that cruise have shared, even wishing harm or ill will to the company and it's employees. I think that shows more about themselves and their attitudes than it does anything else. Just like your review, again just IMHO, shows what kind of a person you are. Not only your original posting, but the way you have responded to others that have posted on your thread.


I am so sorry your vacation ended like it did. I am sorry for all of the pax that had this happen on their vacation and especially for the family who lost a loved one. I'm just glad to read your review where I felt like you gave props where they were deserved and wrote about the not so nice parts as well. Thank you for sharing your vacation with us all. 8-)


One thing I will say that seems to be very consistant in a negative light for NCL is when situtations like this Spring Break cruise happen. NCL just doesn't seem to have a grasp on onboard communications and how important they are to the pax. If there is one thing I have read consistantly about issues with NCL when situations like this happen it is bad, poor or no communications at all.


Also, as big of a fan as I am of Kevin Sheehan, the CEO of NCL, if the drink packages was truely his idea, I would have to say to him.. shame Kevin, shame.



Is this normal? I thought cruise food was supposed to be good to real good. This food was mediocure at best.



(This was our first cruise. Probably our last on NCL).


I have very few complaints with the cruise industry as a whole, but you have hit on one of mine. If I blame the cruise industry for anything across the board it is how they make people feel like they will be getting four or five star dining through out the ship, amazing buffets, etc. It is complete bunk. Of the cruises we have been on we have had great food, and not so great food. Some cruises the food was more consistantly better than on other cruises. The days of the four and five star quality food are over for the mainstream cruise lines. Now you have to book a high end cruise line to get that kind of food. Cruise lines, in this economy, have had to make cuts to stay in business, and unfortunately food is one area they have had to "trim the fat" as much as they could. Don't take that statement wrong though.. I have blamed cruise lines and their advertising for this general misconceptions for years.. years before the economy took a turn.




You're missing the point. Our flight was booked for 10.5 hours after scheduled disembarkation. We did not make it. IF we had been given a resonable estimation of when we where going to REALLY dock, we could have changed it. Instead, we where lead to believe that we would be able to make our flight.


Sure 'stuff' happens. We will be asking NCL why the ship only averaged 11.5 knots for the last 368 nautical miles of the journey (the distance after the med evac). There is probably a very good reason. There is some 'stuff' that they are not telling us. I want to know what it is.


- wouldn't you?


Unfortunately you can keep trying to find some hidden issue, or you can go on your way, but I can promise you that the only answer you will ever get is that the reason for the delay was a medical emergency. As long as any cruise line has that as a reason, anything else would be extremely difficult to get as a reason for delay because the medical emergency pretty much takes any liability out of the cruise lines hands. This is not only true for NCL, but would be true for any cruise line.

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I have been reading over and over again in this thread and others to get insurance without commenting. Well, now I have to comment. I have gotten insurance in the past. One time when my husband, who had been cancer free for years, was diagnosed with a recurrence. Yes, we got our money back, but we had to jump through hoops to get it. Then, a few years ago, I got travel insurance through Delta (NW) when I was traveling with my daughter-in-law and grandson. Just before we were to leave (like the day before), my daughter-in-law found out her mother had a brain tumor and her time was short. My daughter-in-law decided to stay home with her mom. Who could blame her? The insurance company refused to reimburse me for the airfare stating that it was a pre-existing condition. Yes, it was. Her mom knew, and her doctor knew. But we didn't know. Didn't make a difference to the insurance company. I swore then that I would eat the money before I ever got travel insurance again.

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I have been reading over and over again in this thread and others to get insurance without commenting. Well, now I have to comment. I have gotten insurance in the past. One time when my husband, who had been cancer free for years, was diagnosed with a recurrence. Yes, we got our money back, but we had to jump through hoops to get it. Then, a few years ago, I got travel insurance through Delta (NW) when I was traveling with my daughter-in-law and grandson. Just before we were to leave (like the day before), my daughter-in-law found out her mother had a brain tumor and her time was short. My daughter-in-law decided to stay home with her mom. Who could blame her? The insurance company refused to reimburse me for the airfare stating that it was a pre-existing condition. Yes, it was. Her mom knew, and her doctor knew. But we didn't know. Didn't make a difference to the insurance company. I swore then that I would eat the money before I ever got travel insurance again.


When we take out travel insurance on a trip that we have paid a good bit of money for we always go with a policy that is "cancel for any reason", just to cover situtations like that. It is usually more expensive but worth it in the long run. Most of the times when we take out travel insurance we take it out just as a back up to our own health insurance incase of medical evac, and if that is why we are taking it out, we only focus on that specifically when looking at a policy. We really do not even take that out any longer as we both have lucked out with great medical insurance that would cover the evac with a low deductiable. There are SOOOO many options for travel insurance you really do have to know exactly what you are buying. Based on your experience, I can't say that I blame you for having a bad taste in your mouth when it comes to travel insurance.

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I'm curious as to why spring break is the only time the OP's schedule allows for a cruise. What sort of job only gives you Spring Break off?


Anyway, everyone knows that Spring Break equals drunk college kids. The OP actually had the gall to complain about people drinking too much! I say mind your own business. If you don't like the people at the bar, go to another bar.;)

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You're missing the point. Our flight was booked for 10.5 hours after scheduled disembarkation. We did not make it. IF we had been given a resonable estimation of when we where going to REALLY dock, we could have changed it. Instead, we where lead to believe that we would be able to make our flight.


Sure 'stuff' happens. We will be asking NCL why the ship only averaged 11.5 knots for the last 368 nautical miles of the journey (the distance after the med evac). There is probably a very good reason. There is some 'stuff' that they are not telling us. I want to know what it is.


- wouldn't you?

I agree with you 10 1/2 hours should be sufficient.

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Ok so I missed it..big deal the reason I chose not to comment on anything else was because of snarky comments that people on this forum seem hell bent on making...


I missed it my reading comprehension is just fine...


Then I will amend my answer to read, perhaps if this is the only time you can vacation, that perhaps you should try a land vacation, as this is not the optimum time to be on a cruise ship.


Slot addict what you should have said was..." If this is the only time you can go, you deserve what you get." It almost sounds like they want the cruiseline to make the ship spring break free just because that is when they can go, and quite frankly, who the heck are they to think they are that special? The bottom line is, sorry your schedule sucks, but such is life. If I only have my lunch break to go to the Registry and there is a two hour waiting period but my lunch is only a hour, do you think they give a rats behind if I am late for lunch? If they want to stay away from spring breakers either find a vacation that doesnt sound like spring break material, change their vacation times, or deal with it. NCL has every right to make as much money as possible, and if that is by serving spring breakers so be it. Their three grand is nothing when they are making 50 grand off them sorry to say.


And as for the original poster who decided to be ignorant and point out your apparent lack of reading comprehension, what a jerk.

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I do not consider waiting in line for three hours to get off a ship an adventure. YMMV.


It's pretty funny when you think about it. Our lifeboat drill for the whole ship with a bunch of newbies took only 30 minutes. But, well.... to disembark that's gonna be all afternoon. The system is broke.


Look. We are really pretty easy to please. I've traveled a fair amount, just got back from Costa Rica last April. Been to Belize before, Guatamala, Mexico a few times and all over the USA.


I don't mind an 'adventure' of the type that you propose as long as I have a little bit of information and am able to make my own choices. NCL gave me neither on the last two days of this cruise.


Sure a cruise can be an adventure. But it should not be one where you basically are just worried it you will get home on time. That is not an adventure to me. I went on this cruise because I expected to NOT to have to plan quite as much. I expected good food would be available. I was wrong. I expected that I would be informed of what was up. I was wrong. I paid for it, so that was what I expected. I was wrong.


The last day on the Spirit was similar to being stuck in any airport for a day with no money (remember, we could not buy so much as a coke or sandwich) with the added bonus of having no idea if you could make your flight or book a hotel room.


I kept telling myself, well at least we are not on the coast of Japan where 10 of thousands of people have died, so we have that going for us.


and some can see the other side of the coin. stuff happens, of course it would have been a complete pain to experience what happened that last day, but I also understand how it must have been for the crew. Do you think they enjoyed hearing a bunch of screaming passengers...



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And as for the original poster who decided to be ignorant and point out your apparent lack of reading comprehension, what a jerk.


Semantics being important, I want to point out that *I* am the "original poster" of this thread, and I posted no comments regarding anyone's reading comprehension.


As many negative reviews do, this thread has seemed to spark some personal attacks. I find that unfortunate and I'm sorry for those involved.

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and some can see the other side of the coin. stuff happens, of course it would have been a complete pain to experience what happened that last day, but I also understand how it must have been for the crew. Do you think they enjoyed hearing a bunch of screaming passengers...



I'm sure there where probably some screaming passengers, though I wasn't one, nor did I hear any. I understand that the front line is sometimes uninformed, and situations are out of their hands.


So many are missing the point. If the captain and crew had informed people of what was going on in a timely maner, there would have been less unhappy customers. And now, at the end of the cruise, I am hoping to be reimbursed for missed flights etal (as I was told I could). Though it's starting to look like they are going to blame the med evac for everything, and I may not get reimbursed.

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and some can see the other side of the coin....


....Do you think they enjoyed hearing a bunch of screaming passengers...



Although I admire your positivity, I'm not sure the staff's personal feelings are relevant. I felt terrible a lot of them missed their day off in New Orleans too. I felt terrible the restaurant staff were having to deal with so many over-served, unruly passengers. I don't like *feeling terrible* on vacation, generally.


Its clear these situations do not happen everyday--because the staff, while friendly and eager to please, had simply NO IDEA how to handle any of the situations.


A trivial example: one of the dining reservation boards was having problems and was showing the "Blue Screen of Death" for most of the cruise... common sense says, "turn off the screen" instead of advertising your hardware is going bad... we laughed... but its indicative of how the line handled most problems: Smile and Ignore it. (Btw--humorously-- the dining reservation boards showed "disembarkation will start shortly!" at 8am...)


Frankly, I'd love to see people begin sharing experiences when something unexpected and bad happened to you (not someone else) on NCL--and NCL proactively fixed the situation for you.


(Not "I had to wait in line 30 minutes for a table at a restaurant onboard and they gave me a bottle of wine." I'm talking an example of something unexpected where they had to show creativity and a genuine concern for your continued patronage...)

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Frankly, I'd love to see people begin sharing experiences when something unexpected and bad happened to you (not someone else) on NCL--and NCL proactively fixed the situation for you.


(Not "I had to wait in line 30 minutes for a table at a restaurant onboard and they gave me a bottle of wine." I'm talking an example of something unexpected where they had to show creativity and a genuine concern for your continued patronage...)


Ya know what... I like that idea enough, I started a new thread for it. Have at it folks. The thread title is, "NCL Saved my Vacation".

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Semantics being important, I want to point out that *I* am the "original poster" of this thread, and I posted no comments regarding anyone's reading comprehension.


As many negative reviews do, this thread has seemed to spark some personal attacks. I find that unfortunate and I'm sorry for those involved.



Matthew, this post was not meant for you...this was for a poster who didn;t like my reading comprehension...

All threads for some reason spark negative remarks and if my original answer seemed insensitive to your plight, I am sorry.

But I will go with my original response...if spring is the only time you can cruise, then I would suggest that you choose a different type of vacation. I don;t find that you will find many lines who do not cater to the college set...Personally, I think the drink package was over the top...

College students have one objective, to get drunk and stay drunk for their entire vacation, ok maybe thats two objectives..If ever I even thought about cruising in the spring..Cruise Critic has put an end to that notion...I have read enough over the years to know that this time of year is very unpleasant for cruisers...

Sorry you had a bad time and I hope someday when you can vacation at a different time of year you will enjoy a different experience..

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Back to the OP - I noticed on your signature that you cruised the Gem and only gave that ship a "Fair Rating" what happened on that cruise?


I have only had one bad experience in all the cruises that I have taken, I am wondering what would rate a cruise only fair...and to be fair...you also gave RCL's SOS a fair rating as well..

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A trivial example: one of the dining reservation boards was having problems and was showing the "Blue Screen of Death" for most of the cruise... common sense says, "turn off the screen" instead of advertising your hardware is going bad... we laughed... but its indicative of how the line handled most problems: Smile and Ignore it. (Btw--humorously-- the dining reservation boards showed "disembarkation will start shortly!" at 8am...)
Heh. Also trivial, but was a little strange.... The Ships log computer that you can see in your room on the TV was not reset for DST.


When they did reset it, it was pushed ahead 2 hours instead of 1. About an hour later, It was reset to the correct time. Opps.. I bet that confused a lot of folks.


It was just another thing to sadly shake your head about.

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I've submitted this as a member review as well--but since there has already been quite a bit of conversation in a thread here about this particular Spirit sailing (3/6 - missed Costa Maya, late Cozumel arrival, medical evac, slow/very late disembarkation), I would post it here. Having followed Cruise Critic for years and being an avid reader of reviews, I have attempted to limit my criticism and praise for elements I believe are within NCL's total control only.


We're age 30 and 32, we've cruised during spring break for the past 3 years since it is the only time our schedules allow. We love a party-filled environment as much as we like a good book and a spa treatment.


I've read all of recent reviews of the Spirit and NCL--and its like we were on completely different ship and line on the 3/6 sailing.


We took this NCL Spirit cruise as part of the Mardi Gras BearCruiseUSA 2011 voyage.


I will start with the positives for each topic:


1) The Bear Cruise USA portion was fantastic. The organizers and fellow travelers were a pleasure. The ports and impromptu gatherings provided for many many lasting memories to be made. Getting ON the ship was a breeze.


2) The "front line" staff of NCL seem to be the most friendly, hardest working, and eager to please staff on the seas.


3) The NCL Spirit is a beautiful ship. The size of it was just about perfect for a group of our size--you could get away when you wanted, and easily find each other when you wanted as well.


4) Cagney's was the perfect "last evening of the cruise" restaurant--great service, amazing steaks, and the Oysters Rockefeller is not to be missed. We left smiling.


5) Liquor prices were reasonable. We greatly enjoyed 2-for-1 martinis in Champagne Charlie's nightly. The professional entertainers there were extremely talented as well.



Now for the negatives. As a rule, my husband and I have a good sense of humor about all of this. That said, I've worked most of my professional life in service industry jobs; all of these complaints are absolutely inexcusable. Not only does NCL know about the issues, but their senior management on the ship were downright apathetic and defensive about complaints raised.


1) If it were not for the memories our group made in the preceding 6 days, disembarkation would have ruined the cruise. An emergency medical evacuation delayed our arrival back into New Orleans significantly. NCL handled the resulting delay abysmally. NCL did not openly communicate what resources were available to find alternate travel plans nor did they provide accurate estimates when we would disembark.


At disembarkation, we watched as guests pushed and shoved for 2 hours following the call for guests to (voluntarily) "carry your own luggage off the ship". We experienced similar serious delays on Princess last year disembarking in Puerto Rico, but the entire time Princess apologized profusely. At the end, we were thanking the Princess staff for their professionalism and hoping to return soon. NCL did not once use the words "I'm sorry" or "we apologize" in their announcements. Continually, we heard "We understand there have been delays and we thank you for your patience." That irks me most of all. A sincere apology is free.


Note: there were several public areas where passengers were instructed to wait for disembarkation. The restroom facilities near these areas were in deplorable condition. No toilet paper or paper towels, evidence of previous guests, puddles on the floors, etc.


2) Although the front line staff is friendly and eager--they are either woefully understaffed or provided inadequate resources to complete their jobs.


A perfect example: when we returned from shore in Roatan around 3:30pm, we wanted food. The buffet was offering only finger sandwiches(??), so we went to the Blue Lagoon. It appeared many others had this idea too. It was a madhouse. A server, Gemma, was incredible--she was balancing her duties at the adjacent bar with assisting servers deliver food in the Blue Lagoon. Still, even the best intentions and enthusiasm couldn't make up for only one restaurant being open, and running out of menu items. Each time we returned from port, it was as if NCL was downright surprised that people might be hungry after a long day of activities. The servers were helpless, and managers we talked to were unapologetic.



3) Such a beautiful ship should not have mildew/mold in the cabin showers and toilets that don't flush until 10 minutes after you press the button. We should have brought this to our cabin steward's attention. However, wasn't he the one cleaning the shower and the toilets? I'm sure he also noticed the stains on the fresh sheets he was putting on our bed. We didn't see him in the hallway to tell him, and we weren't going to go out of our way to complain about little issues that were merely another sign of what we knew: staff can only be enthusiastic and friendly for so long before frustration makes them stop trying.


We understand the ship is the oldest in NCL's fleet. It is not showing the signs of age, it is showing the signs of neglect.


4) We strongly suggest you order 2 or even 3 entrees at the Windows dining room if you choose to dine there for dinner. At least 1 of them might be edible. Entire plates of food were terrible: often cold or just badly-prepared. We had gnocchi that were hard as ping pong balls. Pasta was always overcooked; sauces were bland. A tortilla soup had ONE strip of tortilla in the whole bowl, the rest was broth. I'm not making this up! Seafood tasted fishy (old). A table-mate described a vegetarian dish one night as "curry abuse". Breakfast was the only meal we would recommend eating in Windows, and even then it appeared just to be plated food from the buffet.


We tried Shogun (for a charge), which we had loved on the NCL Gem last year, but it was a disappointment on the Spirit. Our group reservation for 12 was treated as an imposition. Although some food was tasty (spring rolls, shrimp, bbq spare-ribs), most was cold or flavorless (street noodles, mongolian braised beef). It was not worth the up-charge. The "floor show" was entertaining like a train-wreck. More on that in #5 below.


5) While liquor prices were reasonable, there was a huge problem with college-aged adults on spring break being over-served.


NCL reportedly sold unlimited alcohol packages for $250 to several groups of college students. NCL then proceeded to continuously over-serve those guests to the detriment of other's enjoyment of their vacations. At Shogun, we watched as a college student slammed his fists against his table and yelled loudly. The young man then proceeded to drink until he was unable to keep his eyes open. Around the time he placed a linen napkin over his face and swayed back and forth in his chair, he was served a glass of white wine. Later, the individual was served a glass of sake before being unable to find the door to exit the restaurant. He was allowed to wander unescorted through the cruise-ship yelling at other passengers.


In what way is NCL being a responsible vendor of alcohol? More than once, these college-aged students were seen sleeping in the hallways because they couldn't find their rooms.


The ship ran out of Pina Colada mix on the second day of the cruise. They went on to run out of rail rum, rail vodka, Bud Light, Fosters, and Dos Equis to name a few. The NCL front-line staff profusely apologized; the managers shrugged and offered a more expensive beverage.


Any time we brought up a concern about a clearly intoxicated guest being served additional alcohol, the front-line staff said they already knew about the problem and suggested we speak with a manager. When we spoke with a manager, they were quick with an excuse and continued serving the drunk guests. Eventually we stopped complaining to staff, and started sharing our poor experience with fellow guests--our experience was shared by many of them as well.


Near the last day of the cruise, the ships executive staff were made available in an open meeting with guests. The management team's response to the overwhelming chorus of dissatisfied passengers was, "Well, it IS spring break."


Well, it IS our money, and we will always choose your competitor in the future. NCL… you're now free to "Whatever."


though I may not totally agree with you and I have heard from more than one source that the drink card was more like $375 not $250, I think you have given the review the way you saw it and I do not think you are being too negative. I do think anyone who sails during Spring break has to expect some of what happened. As for talking to others who shared your feelings, this always happens. When someone has a strong view of something, negative or positive, it isn't hard to find others that will agree with you.


I have noticed both of your NCL cruises (I am not counting the Norway as that isn't what cruising is like today) haven't meant with your approval. Maybe you are right, NCL isn't for you. There is a reason there are so many cruise lines.



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Back to the OP - I noticed on your signature that you cruised the Gem and only gave that ship a "Fair Rating" what happened on that cruise?


I have only had one bad experience in all the cruises that I have taken, I am wondering what would rate a cruise only fair...and to be fair...you also gave RCL's SOS a fair rating as well..



"Fair" isn't bad in my estimation. Fair means "not excessive or extreme, average".


Nothing of note happened on the Gem. Food was decent cruise-ship fare. Le Bistro was amazing one night, was ehhh another. Nothing stood out as more than your average cruise honestly. Enjoyed the thermal suite, disliked the congestion in the atrium.


Sovereign of the Seas was maybe the second to last voyage before she left the RCCL fleet. Good food, decent staff, ship in decent condition, sewage smell in all the hallways. Really rough seas made it an "Adventure" *wink*. (Interesting to note: it was somewhat of a Booze Cruise: 4 days, cheap from Port Canaveral... had a wonderful time--not once did a drunk naked man in the steam/sauna area yell loudly that the shower was occupied...as happened on this cruise... that was right after that same young man broke one of the wooden planks in the sauna.)


To get a Good, it needs to stand out.

To get a Great, our socks need to be knocked off.

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I was also on the Spirit during the March 6th sailing and I agree with you.

My biggest aggravation was the ship WAITING on missing passengers at EVERY port. I have never been on a cruise where the ship waited on the cruisers. So not only were we late leaving all the ports, but we had the medical emergency. I can understand being late because of an emergency. At debarkation I was told the ship also had engine trouble. Communication was a big issue.

Our room was also very noisy and yes I did complain. Our room was 11009 right beneath the Galaxy of Stars bar. The very first time I complained was to the head of that department when he came around to our table at dinner. Then I went to the front desk to check on it Thursday and there was NO RECORD of my complaint. Imagine that! The answer was to send me some cheese and wine.

After missing Costa Maya a Q&A was held. One of the officers got defensive and angry when someone mentioned how much alcohol was being given to the college kids.

I will stay away from NCL and from spring break.


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... At debarkation I was told the ship also had engine trouble. Communication was a big issue.
Did a member of the ships crew tell you this, or a guest. It matters to me because I also believe they had engine problems, and if they did, our cruise insurance should pick it up.
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It was said by the porter and some people in Customs. Not a crew member. They also announced to those trying to board that there were engine troubles. Also I didn't hear about the death until I was off the ship. Terribly sorry for the loss.

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OP says:

The ship arrives many, many hours late.

Initially, no information given out.

False information later given to the passengers.

Shops and restaurants suddenly closed down.

Vomiting from drunks on the dance floor.

Drunks lost, sleeping and blocking the halls.

Obviously very drunk, but continually served.

Fighting and profanity.

Signage not working for restaurant hours.

Toilets not flushing.

Mold and mildew in the shower areas.

No towels or bath tissue in public toilets.

Bathroom floors wiped down with bath towels.

Long lines. No helpful information.

Planned rides and taxis waiting for additional hours.

Flights missed. Many extra hours to get off of the ship.


And the OP gets belittled by the NCL loyalists. The OP is questioned on why she takes a vacation during spring break. The Cruise Critic alumni are concerned about the poor, overworked crew. The OP should cruise at another time of year. The OP should take a different kind of vacation. The OP should ignore drunks. It's not NCL's fault. Yada, yada, yada.


I’ve been around the block a few times and I’m a frequent visitor to Cruise Critic. I just don’t usually post. But this is an exception.


It’s so easy to insult the OP, isn't it, cheerleaders? I can see the caliber of the NCL clientele. The shorts in the dining room attitude. The baseball cap style for dinner. The OP see's someone running around nude? So what. You're on vacation and NCL isn't responsible for stuff like that. And they want the OP to look the other way concerning drunkenness. After all, the OP chose the wrong week and you know how college kids are!! They say mildew in the bathroom won’t kill you. Come on, OP, life isn't perfect, you know. (No, OP, the cheerlearders know it wasn't mold that you saw....you're again mistaken). And they think if you’re a few hours late and miss a flight, so what....you’re on vacation anyway and that’s still better than being at work.


When I see the previous cruise history of the loudest and nastiest writers concerning this thread, it’s easy to understand why they love NCL. What they fail to realize is that NCL is the WalMart of the cruise industry. Hey, cheerleaders, read the reviews, the travel articles, the travel club posts, etc. Even most travel agents will attest to that statement. There are no five star ships in the NCL fleet. Less that 10% of those who have ever cruised have cruised on NCL. Put another way, over 90% of cruisers have not and will probably never cruise on NCL. What does that tell you?


And to all you NCL loyalists who berate those who dare come on this site with an opposing view, remember the old adage that you get what you pay for. If you were truly seasoned travelers, you would know that there are so many better run companies than NCL.


They're barely making it. Sure, this story and the many others; struggling along on one or two engines weeks ago and being dishonest about it, fires and missed ports, no air conditioning last year, handicapped cabins given to those not entitled, toilets overflowing, sewer odors in hallways, and the lies and poor judgement calls hurt them.


But the biggest problem for NCL are the words and articles from the many unhappy customers who tell their family, their friends and their co-workers. That's their biggest problem.


And don't forget NCL's failures at customer service and relations at home and while aboard ship. Like the 10% offer that must be used in less than one year or it's void. No other cruise line has ever offered that with such a short time frame. Some passengers just can't plan that quickly for a variety of reasons. The customer service of NCL is horrible and well known.


And you people making fun of, insulting and belittling anyone with a complaint about your beloved NCL lets everyone else on cruise critic know just what type of customers the cruise line really attracts.

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OP says:

The ship arrives many, many hours late.

Initially, no information given out.

False information later given to the passengers.

Shops and restaurants suddenly closed down.

Vomiting from drunks on the dance floor.

Drunks lost, sleeping and blocking the halls.

Obviously very drunk, but continually served.

Fighting and profanity.

Signage not working for restaurant hours.

Toilets not flushing.

Mold and mildew in the shower areas.

No towels or bath tissue in public toilets.

Bathroom floors wiped down with bath towels.

Long lines. No helpful information.

Planned rides and taxis waiting for additional hours.

Flights missed. Many extra hours to get off of the ship.


And the OP gets belittled by the NCL loyalists. The OP is questioned on why she takes a vacation during spring break. The Cruise Critic alumni are concerned about the poor, overworked crew. The OP should cruise at another time of year. The OP should take a different kind of vacation. The OP should ignore drunks. It's not NCL's fault. Yada, yada, yada.


I’ve been around the block a few times and I’m a frequent visitor to Cruise Critic. I just don’t usually post. But this is an exception.


It’s so easy to insult the OP, isn't it, cheerleaders? I can see the caliber of the NCL clientele. The shorts in the dining room attitude. The baseball cap style for dinner. The OP see's someone running around nude? So what. You're on vacation and NCL isn't responsible for stuff like that. And they want the OP to look the other way concerning drunkenness. After all, the OP chose the wrong week and you know how college kids are!! They say mildew in the bathroom won’t kill you. Come on, OP, life isn't perfect, you know. (No, OP, the cheerlearders know it wasn't mold that you saw....you're again mistaken). And they think if you’re a few hours late and miss a flight, so what....you’re on vacation anyway and that’s still better than being at work.


When I see the previous cruise history of the loudest and nastiest writers concerning this thread, it’s easy to understand why they love NCL. What they fail to realize is that NCL is the WalMart of the cruise industry. Hey, cheerleaders, read the reviews, the travel articles, the travel club posts, etc. Even most travel agents will attest to that statement. There are no five star ships in the NCL fleet. Less that 10% of those who have ever cruised have cruised on NCL. Put another way, over 90% of cruisers have not and will probably never cruise on NCL. What does that tell you?


And to all you NCL loyalists who berate those who dare come on this site with an opposing view, remember the old adage that you get what you pay for. If you were truly seasoned travelers, you would know that there are so many better run companies than NCL.


They're barely making it. Sure, this story and the many others; struggling along on one or two engines weeks ago and being dishonest about it, fires and missed ports, no air conditioning last year, handicapped cabins given to those not entitled, toilets overflowing, sewer odors in hallways, and the lies and poor judgement calls hurt them.


But the biggest problem for NCL are the words and articles from the many unhappy customers who tell their family, their friends and their co-workers. That's their biggest problem.


And don't forget NCL's failures at customer service and relations at home and while aboard ship. Like the 10% offer that must be used in less than one year or it's void. No other cruise line has ever offered that with such a short time frame. Some passengers just can't plan that quickly for a variety of reasons. The customer service of NCL is horrible and well known.


And you people making fun of, insulting and belittling anyone with a complaint about your beloved NCL lets everyone else on cruise critic know just what type of customers the cruise line really attracts.


Redimed, I absolutely agree that the loyalists will endlessly attack anyone who criticizes or complains about NCL (as well as first-time posters-- take cover!) no matter how legitimate the gripe. I've been on the receiving end myself, and I've also posted about their behavior. However, I just finished my first NCL cruise, on the much-maligned Epic, and it was so great that we have just booked a second cruise on her (and FYI, I don't like Walmart, but I LOVED this ship:)). Our fellow cruisers were lovely, too. I don't think that you successfully make the point that there are some bullies on this site by insulting anyone who dares to cruise NCL . The two groups are only tangentially related, and "the calibre of the NCL clientele" is not represented by the cheerleaders in my experience. There are so many helpful people who are generous with their knowledge on CC, and they are also NCL customers.

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