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Will a Rose by any other name get on the ship?


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Ok, here's my problem. Say my name is Mary Colleen Smith on my Birth Certificate and passport but I am calle Colleen everyday, always have been, always will be. Pre 09/11 I always booked flights and other travel documents as Colleen Smith. Post 09/11 I was advised by travel and booking agents I should make travel reservations under Mary Smith. As you were supposed to book in the name as it appears on your passport.


I'm getting really tired of being called Mary when I'm travelling, I am not Mary Smith, that's my cousin. I get weird looks when I sign off my card receipts as Colleen Smith when my cruise account card says Mary.


Friends booked our next cruise for us and booked us by our everyday middle names (hubby has the same probelm). I'd like to leave it this way. I think that when they say you must book using the name exactly as it appears on your documents they mean you can't use any nicknames like Rob if it says Robert on your passport or Tony if it's Anthony.


So has anyone out there tested my theory and booked their cruise or flights using their middle name if that's the one they are called by? Run into any problems?


And please, you future parents out there, let this be a warning to you, never call your child by their middle name!

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In the US your flight boarding passes (and cruise documents) must have both your first and middle name. So yes, there is something about Mary and if you want to test the system, don't expect much flexibility or sympathy.


Really? All the times I've cruised and flown into the US and other countries, I don't recall being "required" to use both names. My friend was able to book using only one given name, sems strange to me that if both name "must " appear that they would let you book with only one. And when I"ve made bookings myself I've asked that both names be put on the document so as my middle name would at least be on the document.


Is there a link where this requirement is mentioned, is this a requirement of US immigration or TSA do you know?

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Really? All the times I've cruised and flown into the US and other countries, I don't recall being "required" to use both names. My friend was able to book using only one given name, sems strange to me that if both name "must " appear that they would let you book with only one. And when I"ve made bookings myself I've asked that both names be put on the document so as my middle name would at least be on the document.


Is there a link where this requirement is mentioned, is this a requirement of US immigration or TSA do you know?


The business of having to use your first and middle names was instituted a number of months ago. It was written about quite a bit. And yes, when you go through security, you must have the correct names. How do I know? Because something similar happened to my sister, when the TA didn't spell her middle name correctly. It's Anne, but they spelled it Ann. The TSA person would not allow her to go past security until she went back downstairs to the check in area and had them change the name on her boarding pass.


My mom's real name was Maryanna, but for years she only went by Maryanne. When we started cruising with her, she had to make all reservations via her real name and not the one she'd been using for years. The TSA people are very strict on this, and so are the people who check you in for your cruise. If your documents don't exactly match your passport, they could refuse you boarding.


I'm not sure how your friends booked your cruise, and why they didn't use your legal name, but it will cause trouble for you when flying or trying to board the ship. When you book a flight on line, they absolutely make you type in your first, middle and last names. Same for when you print out your cruise documents on line. They make you use all three names.


US Immigration will be strict on this. If they see anything of a discrepancy they will take you aside and question you, a lot.


No one in authority cares that you don't like your real first name. It's your legal name and that's the one you MUST use for your flight boarding passes and your cruise documents.

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I even find the information on that site ambiguous. For Example "Small differences in the name on the boarding pass and ID, like middle initials, should not impact your travel. It is not uncommon for the information printed on boarding passes to differ slightly from the information on IDs, depending on the boarding pass printing practices of individual airlines."


And then in their "Secure Flight Passenger Data Definitions" for First Names they have written "Secure Flight allows for first initial only; however may cause a higher occurrance of Inhibited responses" I would interpret that to mean I could use M Colleen Smith but if the TSA guy was having a bad day, he might decide to give an inhibited response, whatever that is :rolleyes:



Your choice is very simple. Either your name on the passport is the same as your reservation, or don't plan to travel. Legally, your name is Mary Smith.


Actually, the name with which I sign all documents, legal and otherwise, including my passport, is Colleen Smith, that would lead me to belive that is my legal name.


The business of having to use your first and middle names was instituted a number of months ago. It was written about quite a bit. And yes, when you go through security, you must have the correct names. How do I know? Because something similar happened to my sister, when the TA didn't spell her middle name correctly. It's Anne, but they spelled it Ann. The TSA person would not allow her to go past security until she went back downstairs to the check in area and had them change the name on her boarding pass.


My mom's real name was Maryanna, but for years she only went by Maryanne. When we started cruising with her, she had to make all reservations via her real name and not the one she'd been using for years. The TSA people are very strict on this, and so are the people who check you in for your cruise. If your documents don't exactly match your passport, they could refuse you boarding.


I'm not sure how your friends booked your cruise, and why they didn't use your legal name, but it will cause trouble for you when flying or trying to board the ship. When you book a flight on line, they absolutely make you type in your first, middle and last names. Same for when you print out your cruise documents on line. They make you use all three names.


US Immigration will be strict on this. If they see anything of a discrepancy they will take you aside and question you, a lot.


No one in authority cares that you don't like your real first name. It's your legal name and that's the one you MUST use for your flight boarding passes and your cruise documents.


I see on the TSA website this came into effect Nov 1, 2010, I did fly and cruise in Novemebr but used both names so I wouldn't have realized this was the new "law".


I''ve always been aware that you had to have the correct spelling and not use nicknames. I would be using my proper name. And it's not that I don't like my first name, it's simply the fact that I have been called Colleen since the day I was born, not Mary. I am not Mary Smith, I have never answered to Mary Smith, I am Colleen Smith. Actually my last name isn't Smith, just an example LOL.


I have considered having my name changed legally to Colleen Mary just to save the agro. I may just do that.

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I can't imagine THAT many people will be calling you by name during travel, after looking at your passport/BC, or whatever. Once you're at your destination, you tell them what name you wish to be called, and that's what they'll do!

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I even find the information on that site ambiguous. For Example "Small differences in the name on the boarding pass and ID, like middle initials, should not impact your travel. It is not uncommon for the information printed on boarding passes to differ slightly from the information on IDs, depending on the boarding pass printing practices of individual airlines."


And then in their "Secure Flight Passenger Data Definitions" for First Names they have written "Secure Flight allows for first initial only; however may cause a higher occurrance of Inhibited responses" I would interpret that to mean I could use M Colleen Smith but if the TSA guy was having a bad day, he might decide to give an inhibited response, whatever that is :rolleyes:





Actually, the name with which I sign all documents, legal and otherwise, including my passport, is Colleen Smith, that would lead me to belive that is my legal name.




I see on the TSA website this came into effect Nov 1, 2010, I did fly and cruise in Novemebr but used both names so I wouldn't have realized this was the new "law".


I''ve always been aware that you had to have the correct spelling and not use nicknames. I would be using my proper name. And it's not that I don't like my first name, it's simply the fact that I have been called Colleen since the day I was born, not Mary. I am not Mary Smith, I have never answered to Mary Smith, I am Colleen Smith. Actually my last name isn't Smith, just an example LOL.


I have considered having my name changed legally to Colleen Mary just to save the agro. I may just do that.


Wow. I've always gone by my middle name, too, but for booking purposes I've always used my LEGAL first, middle, and last name. This name is on my Passport and DL. Hate my first name too, but never considered having it changed!! Over the years, I learned how to answer to both names. No problem! I think you're being too picky.

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I can't imagine THAT many people will be calling you by name during travel, after looking at your passport/BC, or whatever. Once you're at your destination, you tell them what name you wish to be called, and that's what they'll do!


Not during flights but during cruises and coach tours, yes, constantly. From check-in "Welcome back Mary, we're so glad to have you back with us Mary" to the room steward who has taken the time to learn my name from his list of room occupants to the wait team in the dining room to the cashier in the casino, to the bartender or server who does a double take when the signature on the slip does not match the name on the card. And if their first language is not english I often get a blank stare when I say "Please, call me Colleen".


The TSA link wrp96 provided strictly speaks of the "Secure Flight" program. I don't mind booking flights in my full name, it's only a bother if they page Mary Doyle cause they want to give me an bump up to first class and I don't respond because I don't recognize the name as mine :D


Edit to say I found where they include "vessels" as well, I assume this would include cruise ships.

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Your legal name is the one on your birth certificate. In these days of heightened security I would not want to draw attention to myself over such a minor incovenience. Nobody cares what you are called on the ship. My kids call me Mom, my husband calls me sweetie(ok only sometimes, other times he may have a completely different name in mind but he is a smart man and keeps it to himself :)) Honestly, it is not worth it...


Enjoy your cruise...

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Wow. I've always gone by my middle name, too, but for booking purposes I've always used my LEGAL first, middle, and last name. This name is on my Passport and DL. Hate my first name too, but never considered having it changed!! Over the years, I learned how to answer to both names. No problem! I think you're being too picky.


Once again, I do not hate my first name. And I'm not considering changing the name, just the order. If you think wanting to be called by my proper name picky, then I'm guitly as charged. On my DL my name is Colleen Mary.


Geez by some of the reactions here you'd think I was trying to smuggle liquor on board or something LOL. That, I don't do.

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No judging here. Just want you to have the best experience and having mismatched names may cause more stress than it's worth. Weigh the pros and cons.... Whatever you decide. I hope you have a fantastic vacation.


I see you are from the East Coast. If I were to say anything about my experience dealing with down easters. They are a lovely, open, friendly, trusting people who are not as uptight as us Ontario folks... Enjoy your cruise Colleen..;)

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Your legal name is the one on your birth certificate. In these days of heightened security I would not want to draw attention to myself over such a minor incovenience. Nobody cares what you are called on the ship. My kids call me Mom, my husband calls me sweetie(ok only sometimes, other times he may have a completely different name in mind but he is a smart man and keeps it to himself :)) Honestly, it is not worth it...


Enjoy your cruise...


I will get the names on the cruise reservations changed to our full names as they appear on our passport, I wasn't aware of the new TSA rules because I was following them by default before. So thanks to all for supplying the correct information, it's been an education.


My intention was not to flout the rules, I just wanted to find out if I could use my "real" name. Perhaps I'll just get a tee shirt made up saying "Call me Colleen" :p


I'm still considering the name order change thing. Anybody know if I write it that way on my marriage certificate when I get married in July if that's considered a legal name change? No wait, that's a question for another forum ;)

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Ok, here's my problem. Say my name is Mary Colleen Smith on my Birth Certificate and passport but I am calle Colleen everyday, always have been, always will be. Pre 09/11 I always booked flights and other travel documents as Colleen Smith. Post 09/11 I was advised by travel and booking agents I should make travel reservations under Mary Smith. As you were supposed to book in the name as it appears on your passport.


I'm getting really tired of being called Mary when I'm travelling, I am not Mary Smith, that's my cousin. I get weird looks when I sign off my card receipts as Colleen Smith when my cruise account card says Mary.


Friends booked our next cruise for us and booked us by our everyday middle names (hubby has the same probelm). I'd like to leave it this way. I think that when they say you must book using the name exactly as it appears on your documents they mean you can't use any nicknames like Rob if it says Robert on your passport or Tony if it's Anthony.


So has anyone out there tested my theory and booked their cruise or flights using their middle name if that's the one they are called by? Run into any problems?


And please, you future parents out there, let this be a warning to you, never call your child by their middle name!


I know exactly how you feel, because we have the same problem. My DH was registered and christened/ baptised Michael John (for a foolish reason involving a maiden aunt who had to be placated). However, all his life he has been known as John.


Since 9/11 and since the universal introduction of computerisation of records, he has had to put up with being called Michael by people who don't know him.


Unfortunately, as others have pointed out, you (and we) are stuck with it. You now have to put your full legal name on reservations, whether for flights or cruises. So, "my" John is routinely called "Mr Michael" by staff on flights and cruise ships.


I agree. It is annoying. We've got used to it now and make something of a joke of it. When I want to tease, I call him "Mr Michael".


The only way around the problem is to change your name legally, which will then involve changing all your identity documents as well. We thought that was too much bother and cost and decided to just live with the situation. We do always have to remember to book all travel under DH's full legal name, though.


I fully agree with your advice to parents - call your child by the name he/ she will be using. Michael John (aka John), John Doe III, and John Junior will thank you one day! :D

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No judging here. Just want you to have the best experience and having mismatched names may cause more stress than it's worth. Weigh the pros and cons.... Whatever you decide. I hope you have a fantastic vacation.


I see you are from the East Coast. If I were to say anything about my experience dealing with down easters. They are a lovely, open, friendly, trusting people who are not as uptight as us Ontario folks... Enjoy your cruise Colleen..;)

I went away and lived in Toronto for 10 years, came back east 20 years ago but still find myself getting that uptight Ontario feeling LOL.


I see you're departing the same day as us just a different cruise line. I don't know why I always end up cruising in November when in the middle of FebruaryI'm gasping to get somewhere warm and snowless but have used up all my travel budget *sigh*

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I know exactly how you feel, because we have the same problem. My DH was registered and christened/ baptised Michael John (for a foolish reason involving a maiden aunt who had to be placated). However, all his life he has been known as John.


Since 9/11 and since the universal introduction of computerisation of records, he has had to put up with being called Michael by people who don't know him.


Unfortunately, as others have pointed out, you (and we) are stuck with it. You now have to put your full legal name on reservations, whether for flights or cruises. So, "my" John is routinely called "Mr Michael" by staff on flights and cruise ships.


I agree. It is annoying. We've got used to it now and make something of a joke of it. When I want to tease, I call him "Mr Michael".


The only way around the problem is to change your name legally, which will then involve changing all your identity documents as well. We thought that was too much bother and cost and decided to just live with the situation. We do always have to remember to book all travel under DH's full legal name, though.


I fully agree with your advice to parents - call your child by the name he/ she will be using. Michael John (aka John), John Doe III, and John Junior will thank you one day! :D


I glad to know someone knows what I'm talking about!


We do joke about it too.

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I even find the information on that site ambiguous. For Example "Small differences in the name on the boarding pass and ID, like middle initials, should not impact your travel. It is not uncommon for the information printed on boarding passes to differ slightly from the information on IDs, depending on the boarding pass printing practices of individual airlines."




A small difference would be something like Anna vs Anne, and even then can get stick. Completely omitting a first name is not considered a small difference.

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A small difference would be something like Anna vs Anne, and even then can get stick. Completely omitting a first name is not considered a small difference.


In the definitons they did mention something about using a first initial, so I thought maybe M Colleen Smith. Make me feel like a tycoon like J Paul Getty :D

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My mom also used her middle name. You could tell the people who didn't know her because they called her by her real name.


Everyone on the ship called me Mrs. ____ at first and then the second night, the waiters asked what we would like them to address us by.

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Once again, I do not hate my first name. And I'm not considering changing the name, just the order. If you think wanting to be called by my proper name picky, then I'm guitly as charged. On my DL my name is Colleen Mary.


Geez by some of the reactions here you'd think I was trying to smuggle liquor on board or something LOL. That, I don't do.


My legal name is Margaret....I have been known as Peggy (a common nickname for Margaret) my entire life.....however my DL, passport, Military ID, Credit cards, paychecks, insurance, anything official are all in my legal name. Which means my Doctor, Denist etc all have to use Margaret on their records but call me Peggy when they are talking to me. I have never had a room steward or butler call me Margaret once I tell them I prefer Peggy. I would venture to guess at least 60% or more are not known as their legal name. And if you miss out on a upgrade because you have not learned to listen for both names, then shame on you!


Have fun when you eventually try to collect social security because all your mixed up ID's are going to cause you a lot of pain! I know, I used to work there. You are really asking for trouble.

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Try having one of "those" last names. For example: Van Wilder or Le Doux. Back in the day, Driver's License computers and the Social Security Computer could not seperate the name so they squished them to Vanwilder and Ledoux. So birth certificate and passport has Van Wilder or Le Doux, but DL and SS card have Vanwilder and Ledoux. Guess I am covered for the airline cause if the ticket has it squished, use DL. If seperated, use passport. Interestingly enough, my cruise info for this next cruise has it both ways depending on which part of the booking I look - Carnival's computer did it all on its own.


Most people are aware of this occuring and even say, "oh, you have one of 'those' names" and even today - half our bills/credit cards/legal papers/bank records, etc. have it seperated and half have it squished. I haven't had an issue anywhere yet, but haven't flown since before the new air travel change.

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...And if you miss out on a upgrade because you have not learned to listen for both names, then shame on you!


Have fun when you eventually try to collect social security because all your mixed up ID's are going to cause you a lot of pain! I know, I used to work there. You are really asking for trouble.


"Shame on me"? Really? Did you not see the smiley face, it was a joke. Glad I won't be trying to apply for social security in the U.S. then. My dad was in the same boat all his life going by his middle name yet no problem when it came time for him to collect his Canada Pension.


spongerob, it was more an expression of surprise, not questioning your being correct, guess you can't hear inflection, and I should have used ! instead of ?, my bad. Yes I could have googled it, I'm the google queen but I was trying to hear of personal experience and get discussion going. I mean that is what these boards are for is it not? I was surprised to hear that this was a new rule, I usually keep pretty current on these things but then it had been a couple of years since I travelled to the U.S. before November 2010.


Thanks to those who supplied answers and shared stories, as I said earlier, I will be sure to have Mary Colleen Smith on my cruise documents and not Rose ;)

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