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Things Kids DON'T do on a cruise ...


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Seems like the majority of folks on these boards have something negative to say about kids on a cruise. I personally don't have any problem with them. Here's a quick a list of things kids don't do on a cruise. Can you think of any more?


1. Kids don't smoke cheap cigars or cigarettes in the presence of non-smokers.

2. Kids don't get so drunk they need friends to help them back to their room at night.

3. Kids don't take twenty minutes to get through the buffet lines, because they simply have to have one of everything.

4. Kids don't embarrass you by making foul-mouthed complaints to the stewards because their room is too warm or too cool, or the beds aren't soft enough, or the bathroom is too small.

5. Kids don't care what time they get to eat.

6. Kids don't complain about the food, they just forget it, and get something else.

7. Kids don't take up much space in the whirlpools like that 350 pounder with the blisters on his feet.

8. Kids don't stand around complaining during the mandatory lifeboat drill, ie... they understand what "mandatory" means.

9. Kids don't block your view of the screen in the movie theatre.

10. And finally .... most kids don't stink, have foul breath, cough loudly, or blow their noses in the dining room.

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Gave serious thought to shoot down a lot of those reasons, but will just consider tahe list in jest....as a similar listing by a certain late night comedian.....


Happy cruising....

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I am the mother of four boys so I have to chime in here.. and this is in jest because I adore my boys.. (right now they are fighting over Pringles and I am pretending they don't exist by hiding my head in my computer armoire : ) Dad is taking a day off he is enjoying the pleasure of being refferee)..


1. Kids don't smoke cheap cigars or cigarettes in the presence of non-smokers.


But they do lecture total strangers on the evils of smoking while I try to marshal them back next to me and slap my hand over thier mouths. I do want to raise non smokers but I also beleive in personal freedom.. something they will learn about as they earn it.


2. Kids don't get so drunk they need friends to help them back to their room at night.


But they do watch TV and will, in a nice restaurant, the only time you have had a glass of wine in months ask "Mom are you an alcoholic because you drink?" in front of your in - laws. Gee thanks for that one son... let's hope I forget it before Christmas.


3. Kids don't take twenty minutes to get through the buffet lines, because they simply have to have one of everything.


no, but they will take 20 minutes to go through because they don't like anything. Then whine about not having a hot dog. I am glad more lines are getting kid friendly food.


4. Kids don't embarrass you by making foul-mouthed complaints to the stewards because their room is too warm or too cool, or the beds aren't soft enough, or the bathroom is too small.


No, but they will parrot any and every swear word they have ever heard just when you don't want them to :)


5. Kids don't care what time they get to eat.


They will however become little monsters if they are hungry.


6. Kids don't complain about the food, they just forget it, and get something else.


Uh huh... I don't have a come back for this one but I can say that in my expereince this is not exactly correct ; )


7. Kids don't take up much space in the whirlpools like that 350 pounder with the blisters on his feet.


No but they will make a crack about the weight of the person in the pool.. something I find horrible.


8. Kids don't stand around complaining during the mandatory lifeboat drill, ie... they understand what "mandatory" means.


No but they will complain loud and long that they cannot actually get in the lifeboats.


9. Kids don't block your view of the screen in the movie theatre.


They just talk and talk and talk through the whole movie. This could just be my kids.. they get it from my husband.. who is not allowed to go to movies with me anymore.


10. And finally .... most kids don't stink, have foul breath, cough loudly, or blow their noses in the dining room.


no, they just make fart jokes.


THey can be obnoxious little twerps... But darn it I absolulty adore mine. Just when I am ready to cook and eat all of them they will pick me a bunch of Dandlions and tell me how much they love me. Bless em.

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Kids don't:


  • Ask how much you paid for your cruise
  • Demand compensation for missing a port.
  • Reserve deckchairs with a book or a towel all day long
  • Smoke cigars on the balcony next to yours
  • Worry about "privacy on my balcony"
  • Order extra lobster
  • Try to touch you inappropriately in the steam room
  • Reserve entire rows of seats in the Theatre
  • Have loud conversations in the Ocean Bar about their medical conditions
  • order Meatloaf!

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Nancy, in line with your post:


Some friends of ours got a ride with another family at a soccer tournament and when the other couple started arguing about driving/map reading, our friends tried to laugh it off to reduce the tension in the van. Shortly thereafter, our friends' eight year old said "Oh, my parents fight too, but usually after they've been drinking." And then the car was silent.


Kids say the darndest things.

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Seems like the majority of folks on these boards have something negative to say about kids on a cruise. I personally don't have any problem with them. Here's a quick a list of things kids don't do on a cruise. Can you think of any more?


1. Kids don't smoke cheap cigars or cigarettes in the presence of non-smokers.

2. Kids don't get so drunk they need friends to help them back to their room at night.

3. Kids don't take twenty minutes to get through the buffet lines, because they simply have to have one of everything.

4. Kids don't embarrass you by making foul-mouthed complaints to the stewards because their room is too warm or too cool, or the beds aren't soft enough, or the bathroom is too small.

5. Kids don't care what time they get to eat.

6. Kids don't complain about the food, they just forget it, and get something else.

7. Kids don't take up much space in the whirlpools like that 350 pounder with the blisters on his feet.

8. Kids don't stand around complaining during the mandatory lifeboat drill, ie... they understand what "mandatory" means.

9. Kids don't block your view of the screen in the movie theatre.

10. And finally .... most kids don't stink, have foul breath, cough loudly, or blow their noses in the dining room.


What is your defiinition of a kid? Someone under 3? Baby goats, maybe? If kids are humans under 18 or 16 or even 14, I woud disagree.


1. I've seen it happen, sad to say.

2. I've seen it happen, although not on a cruise ship because I can't stay up as late as they do.

3. No. They take the 20 minutes because they have to (a) examine everything very closely, then put it back while making a face or (b) pitch screaming fits because peas are on the buffet and they don't like peas.

4. They don't embarass ME, but I have heard plenty of ungracious complaints by kids, usually when they are emulating their parents.

5. If that's true, then why do families with kids try soooo hard to get early seating?

6. See No. 3.

7. It's not the size of the kid, it's the size of the cannonball. And the fact that they don't look where they're going when swimming.

8. Really? Mom, why do I have to wear this goofy outfit? Mom, I'm hot. Mom, can we go to the pool now? These words have never been said?

9. No, but the pieces of flying popcorn do.

10. Oh come on. Have you really never witnessed a belching contest? And high-pitched shrieking doesn't count? Then there's the coughing -- quietly, but right in your face. By the way, just Saturday I was at a parade where the kids in the crowd were buying and promptly using stink bombs, apparently with their parents' approval. :p

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I will be 18 on our next cruise and I disagree with most on the first list. I dont mix well with kids my age but people older then me.


1. They smoke. Trust me they do. I dont. Not to say never but have not unitl now.

2. Course they drink. What world are we living that some kids wont drink

3. They dont take 20 mins cause they get the same all the time. Pizza Hot dogs, Hamburgers, Pasta. I tell my friends I eat Cavier, lobster, sushi, calamari and they freak out. They dont want to try other things plus they have no manners and skip the lines.

4. R u sure about that. Cause I have before. And dont even get me started with complaines at dinner an for dressing up.

7. Not by one 350 pounder but by 4 or 5 130 pounder together at once

I wont even say anything about others, I am 17 and will be 18 in June. I know these things for a fact. Now dont get me wrong, some kids a very polite, But the general crowd of kids ruin it for the rest. But I have friends and cousins who have done plenty more then those listed. I dont like to be rued. I want the same respect I give towards others. As far as I am concerned, That list if like 10% accurate, by my experiance. Now I will get a ton of "I AM WRONG REPLYS". I might wrong but I am not the only one who would say this and I fall into that age as well so I would know

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I will be 18 on our next cruise and I disagree with most on the first list. I dont mix well with kids my age but people older then me.


1. They smoke. Trust me they do. I dont. Not to say never but have not unitl now.

2. Course they drink. What world are we living that some kids wont drink

3. They dont take 20 mins cause they get the same all the time. Pizza Hot dogs, Hamburgers, Pasta. I tell my friends I eat Cavier, lobster, sushi, calamari and they freak out. They dont want to try other things plus they have no manners and skip the lines.

4. R u sure about that. Cause I have before. And dont even get me started with complaines at dinner an for dressing up.

7. Not by one 350 pounder but by 4 or 5 130 pounder together at once

I wont even say anything about others, I am 17 and will be 18 in June. I know these things for a fact. Now dont get me wrong, some kids a very polite, But the general crowd of kids ruin it for the rest. But I have friends and cousins who have done plenty more then those listed. I dont like to be rued. I want the same respect I give towards others. As far as I am concerned, That list if like 10% accurate, by my experiance. Now I will get a ton of "I AM WRONG REPLYS". I might wrong but I am not the only one who would say this and I fall into that age as well so I would know


I don't know what to say, accept "MAYBE THIS WAS NOT AIMED AT OLDER TEENS!" We all know many teenagers forget every manner ever taught for a few years - especially when parents aren't around! Many teens are more rude to staff and more disrespectful of those around them than the most obnoxious adult. I personally think the OP was acurate in many instances and a little optimistic in others with his very positive outlook on KIDS! I would assume he was speaking of the under 15 crowd.:)

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Nice to see all the replies. Actually, I was just a little bored waiting on our cruise, and thought I would see how many responses I could get to a rather controversial topic. Let me see if I can answer a few questions brought up in earlier posts ...


1. Age - When I say 'kids', I'm talking about the 4-12 year old group. Teens are a whole different subject!

2. When I make a statement about 'kids', it applies to the majority. there are always exceptions to every rule, so I agree that there are some kids who may smoke, drink, etc.... but certainly not the majority of them! In fact, very few of them in the age group I mention.

3. The point of this thread was to show how EVERYONE can do things that annoy others on a cruise. But, I take exception to those folks who arbitrarily think kids ruin a vacation for adults. How much fun would the world be if we never took kids anywhere out of fear they might offend someone else?

4. I whole-heartedly agree hat parents should be responsible for their kids behavior. I don't allow mine to wander freely throughout the ship. I wish other parents would control theirs as well.


Ok, let's have some more fun and forget the kids. What are the top few things that ADULTS do on a cruise that ruin the experience for others? I'll tne in tommorow to see what eveyone comes up with. See ya.

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Adults don't:


  • Run the corridors at 2 am, knocking on stateroom doors
  • Run the corridors at 2 am, removing breakfast-order cards and other mail
  • Roam the ship in packs of 4 or 5, vandalizing artwork and equipment
  • Scream bloody murder down the promenade deck at their friends, telling them to "wait up while I take a dump!"
  • Run on the promenade deck, pushing little old ladies aside if they get in the way
  • Pee off their parent's verandah deck if the parents aren't there
  • Try to order booze and then whine, loudly, and threaten the Filipino steward with charges of attempted molestation if they are told "no." (yes ... I know of a case in which this actually happened)
  • Kick the person in front of them if they're in the way at the Taco bar
  • Take dozens of photos that are not of them and put them in the discard slot
  • Flick boogers at their sister/brother in the Lido Restaurant
  • While there are not many 350 pound children, they do tend to congregate in the hot tubs in groups of five or six wiggling, screaming, SQUEELING, 80 - 120 pound brats.
  • Have lungs that will generate squeals that can and will break glass
  • Whine about having to dress up (ooops ... sorry, I forgot ... some do :D )


Now, the above being posted, let me switch to a moment of serious honesty. I love children. I truly do. My often quoted and referenced remarks, like "Children should be seen and not heard ... and preferably not seen" is just a pose ... a game ... with me (as anyone who has actually experienced me around kids knows). It's usually the parents that allow things, like the above, to take place. I blame parents for children who behave badly ... and I don't care if it's a 5 year old or a 17 year old.


Can and do adult behave badly. You BET ... I've seen horrible behavior from adults on some HAL cruises, and I've shared some of those stories here on this board. But I've also seen EVERY ONE of the above on cruises over the past 14 years. In short, there are always going to be adults AND children who behave like monsters. We can dwell on their poor behavior, or we can attempt -- as the Andrew Sisters used to sing -- attempt to "accentuate the positive."


In the end, I prefer the latter.

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Ok, let's have some more fun and forget the kids. What are the top few things that ADULTS do on a cruise that ruin the experience for others?


Didn't you already provide that list within the context of what kids don't do?? ;)

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10. And finally .... most kids don't stink, have foul breath, cough loudly, or blow their noses in the dining room.


Well...as much as I love kids I can't agree with this. ;)

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Adults don't:

  • Run the corridors at 2 am, knocking on stateroom doors
  • Run the corridors at 2 am, removing breakfast-order cards and other mail
  • Roam the ship in packs of 4 or 5, vandalizing artwork and equipment
  • Scream bloody murder down the promenade deck at their friends, telling them to "wait up while I take a dump!"
  • Run on the promenade deck, pushing little old ladies aside if they get in the way
  • Pee off their parent's verandah deck if the parents aren't there
  • Try to order booze and then whine, loudly, and threaten the Filipino steward with charges of attempted molestation if they are told "no." (yes ... I know of a case in which this actually happened)
  • Kick the person in front of them if they're in the way at the Taco bar
  • Take dozens of photos that are not of them and put them in the discard slot
  • Flick boogers at their sister/brother in the Lido Restaurant
  • While there are not many 350 pound children, they do tend to congregate in the hot tubs in groups of five or six wiggling, screaming, SQUEELING, 80 - 120 pound brats.
  • Have lungs that will generate squeals that can and will break glass
  • Whine about having to dress up (ooops ... sorry, I forgot ... some do :D )


Never sailed with Carnival, eh?:D

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Holland America Line -- The ADULT Line


Celebrity May Be "X" But We are "XXX"


Try our HAL Phillips Screwdriver: Milk of Magnesia and Orange Juice, so you can have your personal Smoothie every day: no strain, no pain.


Adult movies every night. Watch Shirley Temple and Bojangles go dancing up the stairs, hand in hand, as he puts her to bed. And then ... ??


We wheel out the best of the entertainers you knew as kids. And there's hardly any swearing, because almost all the words you hear today weren't invented then.

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