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OFFICE closing, lost job, balance due next week..

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I'm not sure what you should do, but I went on vacation. I worried about the rest when I got back. But, I lost my job Christmas Eve. And for me life is just too short. Everything worked out in end - for me. It really is a personal decision between you and your family. When it happened to me, it happened at a time when I had a 6 month old, but certain things were taken care of (ie housing, food, car). If you can live on your wife's salary for a couple of months till you get a new job, then I would go for it. It's very difficult to tell someone what they should do, when it really depends on how you look at life and only you really know what your finances are like.

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I hope that this topic is really for you to vent, and to not really ask our opinion. Because well frankly our opinion is really worth nothing. Since you asked, my advice would be to get your **** out of your *** and discuss this in a mature manner with your wife. JMHO.:D **** and *** was done for dramatic effect and were not intended in a derogatory manner. :D ;) I am working on developing a little drama in my online attitude, it seems to be so appreciated in others postings describing puerile muck. :D



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I have a similar situation in a different way:


I booked my cruise a year ago, actually the exact same week as yours, on the Mariner.

I just paid off the cruise last week which was due next week, from savings I had put aside for it years ago. Also my sister has booked a cabin on the same cruise, as it is a celebration for my 50th birthday.


The problem is the distributor I was working for went out of business due to hurricane damage 6 months ago, and I have been waiting to go to work for another distributor during that entire time.

The new company is now bringing me in on April 1st...finally their hiring freeze came off 2 days ago...but I won't be eligible for vacation in June now. I have asked for the time off and explained the situation but they will "let me know".


Very frustrating....but given the choice of cruise vs. job I want, (though I am assuming both myself and my sister will suffer penalties for canceling), I will indeed have to cancel.

Unless the new company decides to have a heart...sigh...



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There would be absolutley no hesitation in my mind....I would cancel and when things straighten out, then cruise. I would never be able to enjoy myself thinking about the money I had spent and how long it might be before the job situation reversed itself. JMO

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This is one of the most assinine questions I have ever seen someone ask of strangers. It is your life and your family at stake here, why are you asking strangers for advice about this situation. The sad thing would be if you took anyone's advice other than your closest family members.


Good Luck


I couldn't disagree with you more. Redwings isn't asking people to make the decision for him, but merely asking for opinions. Someone here might have a suggestion which he hadn't considered. There's nothing wrong with ASKING. He may benefit from someone's experience. If advice from strangers helps him make a well-thought-out decision, that's great. If not, no harm done. In fact, SAVVYRIA (a job recruiter) here even offered to help him.


REDWINGS - I'm sure after getting people's opinions, you'll do much soul-searching and talking to your family. Then, only you will decide. BEST OF LUCK to you and your family.

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I honestly cannot believe the number of people who suggest taking this cruise. Unless your wife's salary, and your savings can cover you for 6-10 *MONTHS* of unemployment, then you should not go (an average length of time that many people stay unemployed). Remember, mortgage and credit companies have heard every tale of woe out there and are not moved especially if you spend money on a *LUXURY*.


I read your stats differently. As a 12th time cruiser, this won't be the "Vacation of a Lifetime" its just another vacation. As an engineer myself, I can tell you that there are thousands of engineers, many of whom are excellent finds, who are looking for jobs (many of whom are still in old jobs while looking for new jobs). Companies have their choice and will choose one that will be able to do what they need. If they need someone to start right away in two weeks and work on a project with a deadline, they are not interested in finding someone who needs to take a week off. So, then are you going to cancel when you will lose the deposit 50% of your cruise or all of it? Teach your kids a valuable lesson that you have to act responsibly when hardships crop up. Cancel now while you can get a full refund. When you get a job, negotiate some time off, if you can, and then schedule another cruise. Vacations To Go has a great 90-day ticker with great deals for the last minute cruises.


But trying to explain that you went on this cruise after you lost your job and are having trouble paying the mortgage or getting clothes for the kids will get you no sympathy. But, your wife should have more say in this than anyone else. Also, anyone who you *MIGHT* borrow money from if you do not have a job in 6-months, like parents.

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I couldn't disagree with you more. Redwings isn't asking people to make the decision for him, but merely asking for opinions. Someone here might have a suggestion which he hadn't considered. There's nothing wrong with ASKING. He may benefit from someone's experience. If advice from strangers helps him make a well-thought-out decision, that's great. If not, no harm done. In fact, SAVVYRIA (a job recruiter) here even offered to help him.


REDWINGS - I'm sure after getting people's opinions, you'll do much soul-searching and talking to your family. Then, only you will decide. BEST OF LUCK to you and your family.



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To all:

Just curious: The OP and myself included, as I have the same week to cancel, what IS our penalty for canceling this late? Ouch...but better than losing the job...sigh...:(



And added note to OP:

You may also find yourself in my situation with finding a new job just before your cruise. Just something to keep in mind. Good jobs are better than cruises that can be rescheduled. Such is life. :)



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The OP was just asking for advice - no need to jump down his\her throat !!


If I knew I had enough money in the bank to keep everything paid up at home I would go without a second thought.


Take the unemployment if you need it as the other poster said but just to clarify - The government nor the employee pay the unemployment tax- The employer does!!!


Best of Luck



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To all:

Just curious: The OP and myself included, as I have the same week to cancel, what IS our penalty for canceling this late? Ouch...but better than losing the job...sigh...:(



And added note to OP:

You may also find yourself in my situation with finding a new job just before your cruise. Just something to keep in mind. Good jobs are better than cruises that can be rescheduled. Such is life. :)




Island lady, if your clock is telling the tale of your sailing. I think you are outside the penalty period. Which I think is 70 days. So you can cancel the cruise portion without penalty. IE get all of your deposit back. Your TA may charge you a fee, mine charges $25 per person but waives it the next time you book with them. Your airfare could be problematic, and if you prepaid hotel on Hotwire or Priceline or other you may be out that as well. Since you are close to your 70 day window(I am not sure of the day window it used to be 60) you should make a decision ASAP!


Good luck.


look ma no drama was added to this post!:D



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I always think one should take the positive approach to matters like this. Be reasonable but also be positive. Don't cancel the cruise, work like h*ll to find a new job, even an interim job to keep a cash flow and go. On the bright side, if you don't find a job by the cruise, you can alway jump off the ship, just don't miss any insurance payments!


O Stretch :D

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Island lady, if your clock is telling the tale of your sailing. I think you are outside the penalty period. Which I think is 70 days. So you can cancel the cruise portion without penalty. IE get all of your deposit back. Your TA may charge you a fee, mine charges $25 per person but waives it the next time you book with them. Your airfare could be problematic, and if you prepaid hotel on Hotwire or Priceline or other you may be out that as well. Since you are close to your 70 day window(I am not sure of the day window it used to be 60) you should make a decision ASAP!


Good luck.


look ma no drama was added to this post!:D





Ahh...thank you so much!! :)


Yes, my clock is correct, and I am still at just over the 70 days. No problem with airfare...I live only 5 miles from the port. And my cats don't mind that I bunk in with them the night before the cruise ;) So no hotel to cancel, either.


I will be trying to get a "yes or no" from my new employer in the next week. Wish me luck they say "yah"...!!


To the OP:

Good luck to you on what ever you decide, and good luck on finding a new job. Hopefully everything will work out.




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If it were me,I would go.You may have to give up a few of the extras but I am sure you will have a great time .Plus,when you do land that new position you might not be eligible for time off for a full year so enjoy the time with your family now.




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Lets look at this a bit outside the box. If you are set on the cruise in June, cancel this cruise and book a 3 or 4 night cruise instead. You can also cancel the June cruise and book in September or October when the rates are close to half as expensive as in June. You can rebook your airfare and pay a small fee. You can also book a 3 or 4 night in the fall to save even more. If your new employer doesn't give you paid vacation by the fall, you can always take it as unpaid leave.


My wife and I have a fall back plan if one of us loses a job. Granted it involves selling the house and moving back home but we would find a way to take the vacation. Nothing like kicking yourself while your down. Go cruise and enjoy.

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You have read several suggestions by now, two pages of posts in fact, and I feel almost all of them have very valid ideas. The real decision must and will be made by both you and your wife. I personally have my own opinions but will not voice them as they are what I would do with my own situation and it is realistically no where near your's. Only you and your wife know your personal situation.


Whatever YOU AND YOUR WIFE decide will be the right decision, there is no REAL right or wrong answer to this question. Best of luck in your decision and your employment search.


Tim & Crystal

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See, I knew a fellow Michigander will understand.

This has been a tough year for us. However, if this was just a cruise I would cancel in a moment. But this is her 40th b-day preset and she definitely needs the vacation.

[Just as an update, I have had a couple of interviews already and one of the prospects looks promising].

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[Just as an update, I have had a couple of interviews already and one of the prospects looks promising].


Congratulations Redwing, and best of luck! :)


My two cents: for a TWELFTH cruise, with children at home, and without stable employment?? Definitely not worth it. I understand the need for vacation, and for birthday celebrations, but a cruise is not the only way to accomplish this. It has been suggested that sometimes you need to 'throw caution to the wind' . . . that may be true, but not when the stakes are such things as your house payment, your utilities, your credit ratings etc. I'm sure the kids would be disappointed, but they would also learn some valuable lessons about financial responsibility, self-discipline and delayed gratification. I enjoy pampering vacations as much as anybody, but if there were ANY possibility that our kids or our future would suffer for them . . . just not worth the cost (more intangible than tangible IMHO).


Besides, it's entirely possible that you have a great job lined up in the next few weeks, and you can always re-book a cruise. In any event, best of luck to you! :)

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Now I feel really bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know how depressing that would be, because my husband took me on a cruise this past December for my 30th bday, and if we could not of gone I would have been so depressed. He would have felt terrible also. This is a really tough call.... Only you can make the decision....

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See, I knew a fellow Michigander will understand.

This has been a tough year for us. However, if this was just a cruise I would cancel in a moment. But this is her 40th b-day preset and she definitely needs the vacation.

[Just as an update, I have had a couple of interviews already and one of the prospects looks promising].


hmmm...small world!! :D Born and raised Michigander here too, transplanted to Florida. Your cruise is the same week as mine, and mine is also a birthday celebration! The big 50!! (Will be a good birthday even if I have to cancel...sigh..:( )Happy birthday to your DH too!


Once again good luck to you, but also be aware of the new prospects as to what looks like is happening to me. They may not give you the time off so soon.



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Speaking for myself, I would definitely go. Our family has also had a lot of "issues" to deal with this past year or so (the unexpected death of my husband's sister, MIL diagnosed with ovarian cancer, my mother diagnosed with terminal lung cancer). We decided at the last minute to take the 2/20 Mariner cruise with our two girls, 9 & 12. Both my husband and I have had salary cuts in the past year, and we were worried about leaving our parents alone for a week, but we decided we needed to do this for our family. It was the best week we have ever spent together, and I have no doubt that our children will remember it for the rest of their lives!! Life's too short...have faith that things will work out. They always seem to!

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I too, would cancel. To spend that kind of money now would be reckless and you won't enjoy yourself on vacation anyway. It's not to late to cancel and be made "whole".


If the cruise were totally paid for and you would lose money if you canceled, my opinion would be different. Just remember, most of us are two paychecks away from living on the street.


Speak for yourself, I am not in that group, as I am sure many others aren't. Just have to plan for that rainy day.


I would go, if you have the money to tide you over, and it does not put you into a tailspin. But then I have never been out of a job for more than 2 weeks. Of course this is a new economy we are dealing with too, and I have not had to look for a job, so not sure how hard it is since.....well, you know.


You can specifically tell the new employer that you have a family vacation planned and tell them the dates you will be gone. Of course you won't get paid for time off, but I think if you put it out there from the get-go, you will get the time off. I always have anyway.......

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