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Rccl minor sailing potential issues?

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as the mother of a now 25, 19 and 16 year old son, son, daughter, I have to tell you that my kids are extremely experienced cruisers and they have always managed to have a wonderful time with other teens on the ships, especially my daughter. Yes, they have dancing/parties for the teens and the ships do try to organize so that the 13 year olds are not hanging on the 17 year olds. You will have a really good time and I don't think that your friends will ditch you to go off to the clubs. You will be surprised, if you are nice and friendly, how many of the girls will hang out with you and your friends up on the decks and in various other spots on the ship.

Don't go looking for trouble before you even get a feel for what will be available to you on the ship. Enjoy yourself and the experience of being in the Mediterranean. By the way, what ship will you be on and when? We are sailing again this summer on Grandeur. Oh, if you are on the same ship at the same time, stay away from my daughter!:eek:

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To give a different perspective, on every cruise I've been on I have despised the teen clubs - not because of the facilities, the atmosphere was very nice (though it felt somewhat dumbed down), but because of the people. On the last one there was this 15-year-old making constant racist and homophobic jokes, and it about made me retch. Needless to say, I did not come back to the teen program that cruise.


But that does not mean you should try and sneak in where you aren't allowed; you'd be screwed if they caught you and threw you off the ship at the next port. Real friends won't ditch you. Try Boleros, or one of the post-dinner parties in the Centrum. You'll dance plenty :)


And don't sweat the rude people... sometimes they're just like that on the internet. People can be real holier-than-thou types, pretending they never did anything against the rules as a teenager... lol

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as the mother of a now 25, 19 and 16 year old son, son, daughter, I have to tell you that my kids are extremely experienced cruisers and they have always managed to have a wonderful time with other teens on the ships, especially my daughter. Yes, they have dancing/parties for the teens and the ships do try to organize so that the 13 year olds are not hanging on the 17 year olds. You will have a really good time and I don't think that your friends will ditch you to go off to the clubs. You will be surprised, if you are nice and friendly, how many of the girls will hang out with you and your friends up on the decks and in various other spots on the ship.

Don't go looking for trouble before you even get a feel for what will be available to you on the ship. Enjoy yourself and the experience of being in the Mediterranean. By the way, what ship will you be on and when? We are sailing again this summer on Grandeur. Oh, if you are on the same ship at the same time, stay away from my daughter!:eek:


I am going to be on Liberty of the Seas from June 18-25!!! Thanks for the advice, appreciate it!

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Please also keep in mind that adults are not allowed in the teen areas, much like teens are not allowed in the adult areas. You should plan for that as well. I know planning activities with split groups is hard, but there are plenty of spaces that will accomodate all of you.


Especially on Liberty. That ship is massive.

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Look pal, you asked for feedback. You said it would be greatly appreciated. I gave it to you. I gave you facts. Truth is, you are 17 years old and will still be so when the ship sails. That puts you in the proper age group for one of Royal's Teen programs. As much as you like to think you are grown up, or want to act that way, the fact remains that you are still a minor. Security around the clubs will have little patience for someone who wants to keep looking at avenues to sneak in. You deserve what I said to you because even after people told you that you were SOL, you kept pressing the matter with other "possibilities" that could grant you access to the clubs. If you get in, consider yourself lucky. But as hard as it would be to get in, it will be just as hard to stay in. Not only is security at the door, they are also inside the clubs. They will, of course, try to enforce the rules with as little confrontation as possible. But they have little patience. If you do not comply with their first request, they will not hesitate to put you in a chicken wing and march you straight for the door. If you are lucky, someone on the outside will open that door before you get there. Otherwise, you might find yourself kissing glass for a few moments. Did I see them manhandle a lot of people? No. But I did see it happen. They take their job very seriously. Next time, don't ask a question if you are ready to handle the answers.



Give me a break.

This is about the most silly response I have ever seen on this site.....

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I certainly agree with all of the points you made here. I know that it will be EXTREMELY hard to get in but I'm gonna die trying (the first time haha). I am just trying to find a crafty way to enjoy time AFTER HOURS on the ship with my friends, something that you feel to just flat out deny. I am not pestering anybody, merely exploring the options that I have in order to get into the club. Your assurance that I belong in the "kiddie program" speaks volumes to the maturity level I am dealing with. Thanks for the help but I will look to other valued CC members for advice. Have a good day, Scottee.


Dude, I've enjoyed plenty of after hours on the ships and I cannot stand the night club. I recently turned 31 but even in my 20's I hated it. It's loud, obnoxous, and feels like a dungeon. The pool deck has fun activities, and so do other bars that you won't be carded at. Give it a shot getting in - can't hurt, but I'm tellin you, your'e not missing a thing.


Is there at least like a teen dance night or something? I want to go dancing one night haha!


There's usually a teen dance event before the club opens... I think it goes until lie 10 or 11. Don't stress it too much - there's plenty of other things to do.

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Is there at least like a teen dance night or something? I want to go dancing one night haha!


Yes, actually. THere is usually a night when the disco is open for teens. Not all night, but for a while at least. However, when it's open for teens, it's closed to those OVER age, so your friends probably won't be able to join you.

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Please keep in mind that your Aunt is legally responsible for anything that you do on this cruise. So if you deliberately crash the disco, and especially if you involve your 18 year old friend, your entire party could be put off the ship at the next port. That means being stranded with no airfare and no refund of the unused portion of your cruise. Is it really worth risking that just so that you can party? Seriously? Perhaps your group should have waited until you were a little bit more 'grown up'?

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Bucahenze, if I remember correctly, this is your first cruise. I just wanted to make sure your aunt has gotten a notorized letter from your parents, giving her permission to take you on this cruise. If you don't have that letter, you will have problems even getting on the ship to begin with, let alone worrying about dancing.;)


Have a great cruise.

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Give me a break.

This is about the most silly response I have ever seen on this site.....


This coming from you? Seriously? You complain about all the people on this site that love to tell people "No" yet every post you make is filled with negativity and disrespect for others. Take a look in the mirror next time before you spew your crap. But then again, if anyone on this site would know anything about silly, I am sure it would be you.

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I certainly agree with all of the points you made here. I know that it will be EXTREMELY hard to get in but I'm gonna die trying (the first time haha). I am just trying to find a crafty way to enjoy time AFTER HOURS on the ship with my friends, something that you feel to just flat out deny. I am not pestering anybody, merely exploring the options that I have in order to get into the club. Your assurance that I belong in the "kiddie program" speaks volumes to the maturity level I am dealing with. Thanks for the help but I will look to other valued CC members for advice. Have a good day, Scottee.


You are more than welcome to take your advice from others here. However, many are saying a lot of the same things that you simply don't want to listen to. As another poster has pointed out, your aunt is responsible for everything you do aboard the ship. If you break the rules, not only do you pay the consequences, but so will she. Is it really worth risking being thrown off because you want to try to sneak into the club? If you want to talk about maturity, then start showing it yourself. There are other things that all of you can do together "AFTER HOURS" that doesn't involve you having to attempt breaking the rules. There is nothing mature about a 17 year old trying to sneak into the club. You don't want to hang with the other teens, then fine, don't. You may think you are too mature for them and that's fine. But why put the rest of your party at risk?

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People on this site love to tell others "No".

Every ship is different and so are the circumstances. You might or might not, wait till you get there.

Drinking is pretty easy for under 21...


I don't recall him saying that he wanted to drink... rather that he wanted to get into the club.

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We have to 17 year olds going on our cruise in July. They don't want to go to the teen clubs, and in fact are a little unnerved at the idea of a 14-15 year old girl passing themselves off as 17 or 18. They asked about the other clubs and we told them they would not be able to slip past security...at all, under any circumstances. They thought about the embarrassment of being told to turn around, and have decided they will find something else to do onboard. Security is just doing their job. Sorry.

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Well I haven't cruised on RCCL, but I've cruised on DCL as a teen twice when I was 14 and 17(teen club on DCL was awesome, dance party every night) and I've cruised DCL 18-23 years old 11 times. Now on DCL they are pretty strict about the night clubs, if your 17 or under you can't get in, but they don't let adults in the teen club either, but I know there are other activities for families to do, so I'm sure RCCL has that as well. So really no reason to try to get into somewhere you wouldn't be allowed, just go places your allowed to go. I never understood why teens try to always sneak in the night club, when I was 17 yeah I wanted to sneak in, but I didn't and wait and to tell you the truth that made the first cruise when I was allowed in the night club or adult areas that much better

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I am so glad that you appreciated my advise. Here is some more: You will be going to some awesome ports and it will be warm which means that you will be tired at the end of everyday not to mention the jet lag. Relax. I know that the first year we did the Med. my oldest was 22. He spent more time with us and in the gym than clubbing. Then, when he was 23 and we did the Greek Isles, it was basically the same thing but that time, he would bring girls back to the room that he and his 17 year old brother shared! I have often seen groups of older teens/younger twenties hanging out together on the top decks of the ships. Believe me, "kid talk" is universal and everyone wants to hang out, especially with people they may never see again. LOL! Just keep control of yourself and be safe on and off the ship.

You and your companions will have a wonderful time. Enjoy!

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I've never sailed with RCI before but a quick question - do sea passes have photos? I know they have a photo which comes up when you swipe them for embarkation but is this photo checked by the security at the club?

If they don't couldn't your 18 year old friend enter and then another member of your party bring his sea pass back out to you to use to get in?

I struggle to understand why the cruise ship wouldn't make an exception and let you in. I guess the 18 year old door policy is to maintain an adult atmosphere and as you're only a month out surely management have some common sense. It isn't as if you're asking to drink ;) (which 18 year olds would be able to do on a European cruise anyway!).

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Everyone keeps mention that younger people will be 'carded' by staff - what card are you referring to?!


I'm 26 but look quite young so at home I often get asked for ID when buying booze. As a result I always carry my driving licence with me for proof of age. But for Cruising purposes, do you just mean my Sea Pass, I assumed it would show my age? Or will I need my DL with me too? As I wasn't planning on taking this with me, it's just something else I could lose!


Thanks in advance...

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Everyone keeps mention that younger people will be 'carded' by staff - what card are you referring to?!


I'm 26 but look quite young so at home I often get asked for ID when buying booze. As a result I always carry my driving licence with me for proof of age. But for Cruising purposes, do you just mean my Sea Pass, I assumed it would show my age? Or will I need my DL with me too? As I wasn't planning on taking this with me, it's just something else I could lose!


Thanks in advance...


Yes I believe that if you look anywhere close to the age they will ask for photo ID as well as your seapass card.

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Everyone keeps mention that younger people will be 'carded' by staff - what card are you referring to?!


I'm 26 but look quite young so at home I often get asked for ID when buying booze. As a result I always carry my driving licence with me for proof of age. But for Cruising purposes, do you just mean my Sea Pass, I assumed it would show my age? Or will I need my DL with me too? As I wasn't planning on taking this with me, it's just something else I could lose!


Thanks in advance...


I have previously cruised on RCI and Princess and on both cruiselines have been required to show photo ID as well as SeaPass to get into the nightclubs. In fact on several occasions the doorman was only interested in looking at the photo ID. I suppose because you could be carrying someone else's SeaPass (for example I always carried my Mum's so that I could charge proper alcohol... back in the days of beer and wine only for 18-20s). I am also 26 and look young so I will be taking my driving licence with me as I would rather carry that than my passport... losing that abroad would be a real disaster!

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I've never sailed with RCI before but a quick question - do sea passes have photos? I know they have a photo which comes up when you swipe them for embarkation but is this photo checked by the security at the club?

Sea passes do not have photos. However, on my past Serenade sailing, there was a station set up to the entrance of the club that is exactly like those used for embarkation. They swipe your card and your picture comes up on their display.

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Everyone keeps mention that younger people will be 'carded' by staff - what card are you referring to?!


I'm 26 but look quite young so at home I often get asked for ID when buying booze. As a result I always carry my driving licence with me for proof of age. But for Cruising purposes, do you just mean my Sea Pass, I assumed it would show my age? Or will I need my DL with me too? As I wasn't planning on taking this with me, it's just something else I could lose!


Thanks in advance...


I have never seen someone asked for a picture ID while on the ship. However some are saying they have seen it. I also look(ed) young and in my late 20's would still get carded quite often when going to bars. However, on the ship I was only ever required to show my Sea Pass card. I would still bring your DL and store it in your room safe until needed.

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