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Freedom of the Seas-Western--1100+ pictures/video-July 10, 2011 sailing

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Thank you so much for sharing your family and vacation with us. I feel like I know each of you. I won't be on the FOS until 9/30/12 to celebrate my 30th wedding anniversary but I'll keep coming back to your review and the time will fly by.


Thanks again for taking the time to do the review but mostly for allowing us to share your vacation with you.



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awesome review & pics...it must have taken you a long time...thanks for doing it.

we sail in 39 more days on the FOS....if you have the compasses' date=' we would love to have a copy: our email is: dollyataurora@roadrunner.com


the Compass daily activities are posted at the beginning of each day. I can email them to you if you still want, but it's the same thing. (it's the only part my husband scanned...as the rest of it was hilighting the day's activities and the operating times of different venues around the ship)


I won't be on the FOS until 9/30/12 to celebrate my 30th wedding anniversary but I'll keep coming back to your review and the time will fly by.Teri


Congrats on 30 yrs together!



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I am really enjoying the food pictures...sometimes from the menus you can't tell what you're

going to get. Thanks to you, I know.....I think ixnay on the seafood salad Grand Cayman night, because that looks like raw something with the shrimp. Wouldn't have know that.

Thanks a million.


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I am really enjoying the food pictures...sometimes from the menus you can't tell what you're

going to get. Thanks to you, I know.....I think ixnay on the seafood salad Grand Cayman night, because that looks like raw something with the shrimp. Wouldn't have know that.

Thanks a million.



i think it was smoked salmon...my husband didn't care for it & he likes salmon! (altho, you could probably just order shrimp cocktail instead ;) )


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I COMPLETELY understand why you are mesmerized by the color of the ocean and the wake patterns of the ship. I used to serve in the USN, and one of the most incredible things of being stationed on a man of war that went to sea, was the awesome beauty that the ocean IS! It is impossible, anywhere else to see that shade of blue, and the incredible beauty of the foam that comprises the wake of a ship moving through the water!

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thank you so much for your mesmerizing and informative posts! i'll be on the freedom in 41 days and it looks like the biggest problem i'll face is deciding what to do...so much to choose from! and i want to do all of it! flash mob - woo-hoo!

thanks again!

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WOW!! Ryansmom, your posts are awesome! I was going to ask about the menus, but I found them in another post. You are the best for sharing so much of your cruise with us. Our next cruise is in December of course on Freedom. I am in Georgia, and since Port Canaveral is so close to us, we usually plan every cruise for Freedom from Canaveral, and we always stay at the Residence Inn right there at the port too. We have done this cruise so many times, and take a lot of stuff for granted. Reading posts like yours makes me all happy inside because it is almost like taking that very first cruise all over again.



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Day 15 -- Friday, July 15


Cruise Day 6 -- Cozumel, Mexico


Today's Compass.


This morning was another day we could sleep in. This was not by choice, as we had an excursion booked. However, when we returned to our cabin yesterday after our snorkeling trip, we had a message on our phone. The message informed us that our Segway/Snorkeling excursion we had scheduled for today, that we had booked and paid for prior to the cruise, was canceled. The reason given to us was that the vendor had not renewed their insurance policy in time. Now, I'm not sure what "in time" means? Does that mean that it is renewed but not by RCI's deadline and they were canceling? Or, does that mean that they didn't have any insurance at all? Regardless, we find it hard to believe that RCI did not know this sooner than 24 hours prior to us doing this excursion! :mad:


After we found this out yesterday, we tried to book another snorkel excursion, but the ones we wanted were sold out. The other excursion that we had a slight interest in would have cost us about $300. More than what our canceled excursion was. We decided for that money, we weren't all that gung-ho on it and skipped it. Looking back, we should've done it. It absolutely sucked to be in port on a beautiful, sunny day and have nothing to do. (Unlike last year when we stopped in Cozumel there was a tropical depression over the area and it poured rain the whole time we were there.) So the score is: Cozumel-2. Us-0. :(


I also do not like RCI's policy when the canceled the excursion. I had purchased (& paid it off) weeks before the cruise using a different credit card than I was using on the ship. They would not credit back the same card, but instead gave it back to us in on board credit. I didn't want that because now I wasn't getting rewards back on everything we were charging on the ship. And of course, when I went to Guest Relations to find out how much we had spent onboard up to this point, all they kept saying was we had a credit of $xxx.xx. NOT what I wanted to know!smiley-angry023.gif Finally, they printed me a statement itemizing all our purchases, something I could have seen on our account on the tv in our cabin. We were annoyed with the whole situation and how RCI handled it. So, we decided to try and make the best of the day.


We figured we'd at least go ashore. So after grabbing some late breakfast in the Windjammer, we just walked into port. Pic of Freedom. We ended up walking down to the Puerta Maya pier, where we docked last year. We strolled around the shops there. I wasn't looking to buy anything, we just strolled around and looked in the stores. Very different vibe when it's not pouring rain out.


Here are some of the pictures I took from the Puerta Maya pier: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and the one picture my son took. smiley-rolleyes008.gif


We left there and saw them offering carriage rides. Ry said he didn't want to go on one, so we didn't. We started walking back toward the pier we were docked at, and walked a little past it. There really wasn't much around there.


More scenic pictures from Cozumel: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Back at the pier, they seem to be building a new shopping area across the street.


After taking some video and a couple pictures, we went back to the ship. We were really annoyed about our excursion being cancelled last minute. It was a wasted day in port. More pix on the way to the ship: 1, 2 and 3.


As soon as we got back onboard, I took a picture of Deck 1...a/k/a I-95. It truly is a busy hallway!


And, as we've been doing each day, we went up to the top deck to take some pictures. We could see across the water to the mainland this year. We couldn't do that last year when we were here because of all the rain. We took our pictures and then decided to go to the pool. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we figured the ship would be relatively empty, so we got swim duds on and headed to the pool.


Cozumel from the top deck: the two Carnival ships Conquest & Valor were in port with us, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, there was also a Norwegian cruiseship docked at the next pier, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and looking down at the dock.


I'd never been in a pool on a cruise ship yet. Today was the day. I found one chair in the shade and the rest in the sun. We put our towels and stuff on our chairs and went to Sprinkles for some ice cream. Sprinkles was right behind our chairs, while the self-serve soda machine was on the opposite side of the pool.


We hung out at the pool for awhile. Randy took a lil nap in his chair in the shade. Ryan swam in the pool. I laid in the sun on my chair and in the pool. I was surprised the water was so warm! I had read it wasn't sea water, but didn't make the connection it'd be warm and not chilly because of that. It was refreshing and not crowded at all! Ry had a good time. While I was sitting at the pool and he was in the pool, he asked me if I thought the rock climbing wall was open. I said I didn't know and thought about it for a second. I asked him, "Why?" He said to me, "I don't know. I was thinking of trying it." This surprised me. Only because he is deathly afraid of heights. He LOVES rollercoasters but does not like heights otherwise. As a matter of fact, he went to a classmate's birthday party back in the fall at the local rockclimbing place here at home, and he never got more than 3 foot off the ground! I was shocked he wanted to give it a try...but I would certainly support his decision. Randy swam in the pool too and hung out with Ry for awhile.


Some pool pix: 1, 2, 3, us hangin' out with 4 Ryan and 5.


It was probably 3:30-4:00 and Randy said he was hungry. He suggested we go to Johnny Rockets for a late lunch. I was surprised because he said he wasn't going to pay to eat at any of the specialty places while we were there. I asked him if he was sure and he told me he was craving a real beef hamburger. I wasn't going to argue because I wanted to try their milkshakes and we don't live near a Johnny Rockets at home. So we gathered our stuff and went to the room to change and went back up to Johnny Rockets.


Somehow along the way, I have pictures of the Promenade and Vintages. And, the one picture of Ben & Jerry's...again. Maybe we stopped so Ry could fill his soda cup? (And, I loved the colors the bridge changed.) We promised Grumpy we'd take lots of pictures of Vintages for him. Since nobody was in Vintages, this was a good time to get pictures of the inside: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13.


After changing, we got to Johnny Rockets about 5pm. They seated us right away and brought out our menus. Menu pix: Beverages, Appetizers, Burgers and the rest.


Right away we ordered 2 milkshakes and Ry's soda using his soda card. They explained it was unlimited appetizers and an entree and dessert. I don't know how anyone could eat much more than that... THAT was filling enough! He brought out my vanilla shake and Randy's strawberry. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it was nothing special. I could get the same shake at home. He then brought out our unlimited onion rings and fries. The guys ordered burgers and I ordered the chicken sandwich. Our server was nice enough to offer to take our picture.


We had finished off the fries and onion rings, and our server brought out more without asking. I didn't have any more as I wanted to save room for my lunch. Our burgers and chicken club sandwich came not too long after the second round of appetizers. They thought their burgers were good, my chicken sandwich was pretty good too. We had a nice view of port while eating, and made sure to take our pictures: 1, 2, 3 and 4.


They offered two desserts: apple pie a la mode and oreo sundae. I ordered the apple pie (even though I was full, I wanted to try it) and Ryan ordered the Oreo sundae. Both were pretty good and we all sampled both.


We had a leisurely lunch. We were here about 45 minutes. The service was great and prompt! We used our C&A coupon for the milkshakes and the total bill was $20.03. It included $.68 gratuity on the $4.50 milkshake, and he did such a good job, we left him $5 extra.


We were getting ready to find our next adventure when we heard a ship's horn sound. We went to the other ship of the ship and realized one of the Carnival ships was preparing to leave. We were going to stay over there to watch it leave, but it started raining! Ahhh....now THAT is the Cozumel we know! smiley-happy088.gif


We stayed outside on that side of the ship to wait the rain out. We found a checkerboard and tic-tac-toe, but the cabinet containing the pieces to play was locked. Oh well, I wasn't going out in the rain to the sports deck to ask for the key!


We just started walking...with no particular place to go. We just wanted to avoid getting wet in the rain. It wasn't raining long and before we knew it, it stopped. It maybe rained 10 minutes?? Not long at all.


We must have gone by the casino some part of the afternoon, because I have these pictures from it: 1, 2, 3, the beloved 3 card poker table that our family pretty much confiscated on last year's cruise and I had to take a picture of the floor. I don't know why, but I just loved this floor!


Eventually, we found ourselves on the Sports Deck, now that the rain had stopped. We checked the rock climbing Wall, but it was closed due to the rain. Bummer. Oh well...we're up here, let's play a round of golf: here and Ryan's shot. We played our round of golf, and now the rockwall was open! Of course! But, the line was pretty long and it was getting close to time to get ready for dinner. We decided to skip it and try tomorrow.


Walking around, we came across an empty pingpong table. We found a set of paddles and Randy and Ry played. Or, tried. It was super windy and that little ball would just fly anywhere! It was quite funny to watch them try and play. It wasn't a serious game...more of a 'fun time spent together' thing.


By now, it was time for us to depart Cozumel. We went over to the side to watch us leave. Apparently there was an excursion running late coming back, and we watched all the people walk from the boat they returned on, back to our ship. None of them in a hurry, of course. We stayed to watch push off from the pier in Cozumel. It didn't take long for the Captain to get us to cruisin' speed.


After we left and were on our way, I decided to go back to the cabin and get ready for dinner. I told the guys to give me a half an hour before they got back to the room to get ready themselves. Turns out, while I went back to get showered, they had gone to the helipad while we were sailing out of Cozumel. Wouldn't you know, I missed a fabulous sight! They saw dolphins jumping in the water at the front of the ship. Not just swimming around and showing a fin, but literally jumping up out of the water! With the sun it was hard for Randy to get video of it, but the important thing was that they got to see it. How cool. :D These were the only decent pictures he could grab off the video: here and here.


Back in the cabin, I got showered and ready for dinner. It was casual night. About a half an hour later, the guys returned and I sent Ry into the shower first. It didn't take too long to get ready tonight. Matter of fact, we had some time beforehand, so we went up to the Windjammer to check out the Jade offerings. Some pictures (of course) on our way up to Windjammer: looking up in the elevator, looking down on the Promenade: 1, 2, 3 and 4.


Grumpy had inquired specifically about the sushi offered. We told him we'd check for him. Since the sushi offerings weren't many, I took some pictures for him. There were other offerings, but not a whole lot. Kind of disappointing if you're looking for oriental food.


After our quick stop at Jade, it was back down to the dining room for dinner. Tonight's menu was: Vitality, Appetizers, Entrees, Pairing Recommendations and Desserts.


We ordered: the caprese salad, creamy roasted garlic soup and minestrone to start. Everything was delicious as usual.


I also ordered a Fruity Friday drink-of-the-day with dinner tonight. It was very good and I liked the souvenir glass.


For dinner we ordered: garlic tiger shrimp, black angus top sirloin and chicken marsala. Ryan got mashed potatoes every night with his dinner also. Weird, I had no idea he liked them that much? We don't have them at home...which would explain why he ordered them every night. As usual, everything was delicious. The head waiter even came by and shelled the shrimp for us. That had to be the first time the head waiter has ever done anything for us except to drop by one night and introduce himself!


After dinner, we ordered dessert: the chocolate mint cake (which wasn't bad considering it was sugar-free), low-fat angel food cake and the warm chocolate cake. All not bad, but the warm chocolate cake does not hold a candle to the warm chocolate cake on Carnival. (Probably one of the only things I think Carnival did better!)


We went to the photo gallery after dinner tonight to check out our photos. We lingered here a bit and then went to Studio B (ice rink) for the 80's Dance Party. It wasn't really a dance-as-you-please thing. Some staff were on a stage and dancing certain moves, which everyone would then copy. The whole thing was only supposed to last about 45 minutes, then the Quest show was going to be starting. The played some old 80's stuff. Madonna, Wham! and a few good rock songs by Def Leppard, AC/DC..... We didn't dance, just watched.


We were there for one another reason. After the dance party was over, but before the Quest game started, was going to be the flash mob dance. Remember I went yesterday afternoon for the rehearsal? We were told what song to listen for to get on the dance floor. We were given all our instructions the afternoon before. I wasn't 100% perfect on the moves, I always had trouble with the end parts...but, for only learning it and practicing it for 40 minutes, we didn't look too bad as a group. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I did it. Crossed it off my bucket list. Here would be that video.


Now what to do? We chose to go to the arcade to have some fun with Ryan again. We took turns playing him at air hockey. The kid puts up a good game! First he played against me, then he played against his Dad. Then he showed us this game he played a few times during the cruise. He was very good at it. But, he plays games like that at home online, so I would expect him to be a good shot.


After being at the arcade for awhile, and finishing up his credits, we went outside to check out the moon. It was a beautiful night out and we sat up at the helipad for awhile.


After we oohed and ahhhed at the moonbeams reflecting off the ocean, we headed down to the Promenade to stop by the Cafe for cookies and milk for bedtime snack. We each got one cookie (Ryan got two)...just enough for a snack. We took it back to our cabin where Ryan climbed up into bed and enjoyed his snack while watching truTv.


It was about 1am when we called it a night.


Tomorrow is our last day. A sea day. No need to get up early tomorrow. We can sleep in.



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I COMPLETELY understand why you are mesmerized by the color of the ocean and the wake patterns of the ship. I used to serve in the USN, and one of the most incredible things of being stationed on a man of war that went to sea, was the awesome beauty that the ocean IS! It is impossible, anywhere else to see that shade of blue, and the incredible beauty of the foam that comprises the wake of a ship moving through the water!


My husband is that way too. Altho a 4 yr stint in the Navy after high school, he was never stationed on a ship or near any water. He worked on planes and ended up in TN and TX! Yeah...he wasn't happy about it. (that's why only 4 yrs) But, I must have counted at least 3 or 4 different shades of blue in the water.....



thank you so much for your mesmerizing and informative posts! i'll be on the freedom in 41 days and it looks like the biggest problem i'll face is deciding what to do...so much to choose from! and i want to do all of it! flash mob - woo-hoo!

thanks again!


lots to do! ...or...nothing at all :D the beauty of cruisin....


My DD's are enjoying your review pics and videos. Now DD 9 wants to ride the Dragon Coaster.


she would love it! She's old enough to go herself...or with a free passenger ;) Ryan is 12.5 and he liked it. He said he didn't think he could go 'all day', but maybe 2 or 3 times.

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You are 100% correct about those uncomfortable seats in the movie screening room. I squirmed all through the movie. But, that's the only complaint I could find about the whole ship.


i quoted this to reply.... :confused:


Anyhow...exactly. It was probably the ONLY complaint I found on the entire ship also.


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Hi there! I have been reading your trip review over the last couple of days and I must say bravo to you! I have enjoyed viewing your photo's too, you have a very nice family that looks as if you enjoy being together and having fun. Reading your review is helping me to count down the days until I once again board Freedom of the Seas on Oct. 2, 2011. Keep up the good work and thank you for your time and effort in posting your vacation here! :)

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Hi there! I have been reading your trip review over the last couple of days and I must say bravo to you! I have enjoyed viewing your photo's too, you have a very nice family that looks as if you enjoy being together and having fun. Reading your review is helping me to count down the days until I once again board Freedom of the Seas on Oct. 2, 2011. Keep up the good work and thank you for your time and effort in posting your vacation here! :)


Have a great time! Wish we were going somewhere warm Oct 2nd...but, I'll just have to settle for celebrating our anniversary here at home. Think of us!


What an awesome job!! I've enjoyed your pics and stories. Looks like we are going to change what snorkeling we were going to do. Much thanks for all the hard work you have put into this. Happy cruising!!


What were you going to do? Are you changing your Cayman plans? Glad I could help :)





Almost finished next day.... Trying to finish up and I'm painting the family room... :rolleyes: Hoping tonite or tomorrow I will have the next day posted.


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