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First time cruise on Queen Mary

Jody Ellis

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An 18 year old woman wearing this costume on the QM2 Hoilday cruise to the Caribbean would be ill advised. Remember that we are most noticed for the longest time while dining. When seated at the table: what is visable is from the neck to the waist. Imagine what this dress would look like to others seated at the table? Not quite the message that most women want to convey, despite what fashion designers advocate.


Hmmm, I hadn't thought of that. But then there is Hollywood tape; which I imagine Miley is wearing underneath the bust.


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Hello Jodie,


I am sure you will have a great time. I notice from local prom photos that lots of our local young ladies have lately gone for very full styles which would be difficult to pack.

We had two lovely young ladies at our table with their mothers a couple of years ago and they went for very simple elegant styles- both short and long. I personally, if I was younger would love to wear a soft, slim fitting style - a bit like Pippa Middleton's - I would have to wear an underskirt though so it skimmed over my rear :D

Just see this holiday as an opportunity to sail on a beautiful ship with your loving family- best wishes to you and your brother.



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Hmmm, I hadn't thought of that. But then there is Hollywood tape; which I imagine Miley is wearing underneath the bust.



Her posture in that photo drives me crazy. the girl should stand up straight! Now I wonder if she was afraid the tape wouldn't hold?

(sorry if this comment is indelicate :cool:)


I have seen women wear full-skirted gowns on a cruise. There were quite a few on our Christmas cruise, and some of the women had flown to NYC from England. How they packed those full gowns mystifies me. I had the luxury of a short drive from home, and I didn't attempt to take something like that with me.


But they did look gorgeous!

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Hi Jodi, we went on the QE in the summer and there were 200 children on board and quite a lot of them were in the 14 to 18 range.

They seemed to be having a great time using the Teen zone with PS3, Macs, Guitar Hero etc etc, music / juke box, films and then in the disco when it opened at 10.

There was always group chilling around the pool enjoying each others company.

My 8 year old and her 11 year old cousin were quite jealous, as they had been relegated to the Kids club for 7 - 11 year olds which was a bit like school with arts & crafts and treasure hunts! they would rather have been playing music and the games consoles.

Echo the comments re dress code above, dark trousers and nice tops for elegant casual with summer / evening dresses for more formal nights.

Have a great time. Gillian.

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Hi my parents have booked a christmas cruise on the Queen Mary around the Caribbean. We haven't cruised before and don't know what to expect. Neither my brother or I really want to go as we think its a holiday for older people. I am 18 and my brother is 15.


What can we expect on the cruise? Is it all bingo and snobby older people?


It's a 15 day cruise and I understand you have to dress up for dinner. What does everyone wear in the evening? I don't know what to pack for formal evenings etc. What are they. Also what do you wear on normal evenings.


Any help would be great seeing as I have to go on this holiday even though I would rather stay at home with my aunt and her family.


Thanks Jody


Hey Jody, it just occurred to me that you made no mention of the fact that the ship departs from NYC, and you expressed no interest in that port which is rather unusual. Also curious that you don't know what to pack - did your parents really not give you a clue? Since you have logged on to this board, I'm sure you know how to navigate various threads, which if nothing else provides all you ever wanted to know about dress codes.


Anyway, I am sorry that you won't get to stay at home with your aunt and her family. Perhaps your parents will reconsider and comply with your wishes.




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Hi Jody,

I took my first cruise at 19. It changed my life. It was the most amazing time I had ever experienced. I fell in love with the open ocean and big ships and the amazing, friendly vibe of a ship full of happy vacationers.


Of course I do not know you or what is enjoyable for you, but I can tell you that unless you are DETERMINED to have a bad time, you will have a good time on Queen Mary 2. There will be plenty of young people around and (at least on our Transatlantic cruise on QM2) the older folks were wonderful and kind and down-to-earth and open minded, as well. Since you are sailing the Caribbean, you may have a different crowd than we had, but if you encounter a snobby person (my personal pet peeve and the only thing that has been able to put a damper on any of my cruises), just write them off, move along, and find a nicer crowd. I usually smile and feel sorry for them and thank my lucky stars that I am fortunate enough to not be like that.


The ship is amazing and beautiful and packed with fun things to do. I will try to find my daily schedule if you would like some examples.


From your post, you seem like a young person who is intelligent, maybe a little on the introspective side. I can tell you that for me, the incredible hugeness of the sea and the night sky were amazing and insipiring. One of my favorite things to do on a cruise is to go up to the topmost deck, forward on the QM2, and look at the stars. Trying to find the place where the open sky meets the open sea is truly humbling. There were also awesome dancers, an hilarious acting troupe, wonderfully informative and entertaining lecturers onboard, and lots of music and dancing.


And these are just comments about the ship! If you like the beach scene, tropical islands, etc. those are a bonus. The beach isn't really my thing, but I always like to walk around, try to get away from the cookie cutter shops and get a sense of some of the local flavor. Perhaps your family has excursions that they have in mind.


I would love to give more information, if you are interested. I have to go this morning, but will check back to see if you have gotten this reply. The clothes thing is easy. I will give you my take on the situation in another post.


I am excited for you and your brother and parents. As an 18 year old, this may also be one of your last vacations as parents and children. That may not seem like much at the moment, but in the future you may look back fondly on that aspect of it.

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You'll be fine it never is as bad as you expect, I have 4 daughter's a bit older than you but you just sound like them. We holiday in the Maldives a lot and the girls aways thought it was a boring holiday full of 50, year olds. That was until we got them to come with us one year and they are now in love with our bit of paradise.


Also 2006 we were returning from Oz on a flight from Japan to UK and I was sat next to a 80 somthing lady who I expected to sleep all the way and be a bit boring (sorry shouldn't presume) anyway she was one of the most intersting people I have ever met and I will never forget her and her interesting tales on that flight and I will add my partner called her my drinking partner she love a G & T.


So the moral of those 2 stories is you will love it as long as you open your mind to experiencing something different and I am sure you will remember it for a very long time.


Finally we are doing the first leg of the same trip Southampton to NY our first cruise and we are really not sure what we are letting ourselves in for but friends have convinced us we will love it.

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I want to fit in if I have to go so any tips would be appreciated



Relax it is a Christmas cruise, there will be kids on board. We did this cruise last year, I am a 49 yr old woman and it was not the line for me, however, our kids had a blast. There are very few organized activities for your age groups, however I would highly urge you to go to the very first teen meet and greet. From there you will get to know who else onboard is your age, and let the games begin! Our kids had a group of about 80 teenagers that hung out by the sollarium pool and ping pong tables from morning to night. We are from the Jersey Shore yet the kids(13 and 16) still skype with their friends from last years cruise, from England, France, Florida, California and Alaska. Remember a bad day on a cruise always beats a great day at work (or school in your case). Dinner is formal, grab a suit or two and a tuxedo, you can change it up by getting different colored ties and cumberbundts. Think prom night!:D

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Sunbathe all day,get drunk in the evening and party with the crew.


posters encourage different things, including... getting drunk


Not to further burst poor Jody's bubble, but as this is a round-trip New York sailing the drinking age onboard will be 21.

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Not to further burst poor Jody's bubble, but as this is a round-trip New York sailing the drinking age onboard will be 21.



Hi fishywood. I think the drinking age of 21 applies only until the ship departing from NY reaches International waters...then the bar and the Casino is open to 18 year olds.


A few hours after that, the ship hits the open seas. Within a day or two, there is potential for squalls in the Caribbean. And from my personal observation, QM2 handles whatever the sea throws at her very well. However, I would not recommend drinking to excess unless one wanted to make the trip by rail :eek:

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Salacia, I believe you are correct. I know I have read in one of the brochures/voyage guides I posess (saved to a different laptop than I am using right now) that voyages which enter and exit US waters multiple times will for the sake of clarity observe the legal age of 21 the entire time. Likely this would apply to the Hawaii or New England sailings rather than the Caribbean.


And your by rail reference leads me to recall this ancedote from the QM2 last month: a fellow American I met at lunch told of a Brit he was chatting with becoming confused and seemingly offended when he used the phrase tossing your cookies for the after effects of drinking and/or seasickness. Had to wrack my brain all through lunch before the actual expression that the poor chap thought he was hearing occurred to me (one which I don't think the board police would allow).

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Maybe I'm naive, but the OP doesn't sound like a troll to me. This is her only thread, so she doesn't seem to be trying to gin up anything. She's new here and asked a question. At least, most posters tried to be encouraging.


Have a great cruise, Jody!


Jody has had some great encouragement and advice on this thread particularly -not as much on her other threads - but has not been very active since her post despite our obvious concerns for her well-being.

I do hope that she comes back to tell us if we are still in tune with the needs of teenagers who don't want to holiday with their parents (aunty must be good fun ;)) and that she posts a review. As we keep saying, Jodie, enjoy the experience!

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Not to further burst poor Jody's bubble, but as this is a round-trip New York sailing the drinking age onboard will be 21.


Not that the QM2 staff seem to care, they happily handed my 12 yr old son several glasses of champagne on NYE! Also the keg by the ping pong table was never shut off when the bar closed at say 7:30pm, so it was basically a free for all. This last fact I did not know until we got home. I questioned our daughter (who is not a drinker) about how her friends seemed to be so drunk alot of nights, the answer, Free Beer!:confused:

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Hi my parents have booked a christmas cruise on the Queen Mary around the Caribbean. We haven't cruised before and don't know what to expect. Neither my brother or I really want to go as we think its a holiday for older people. I am 18 and my brother is 15.


What can we expect on the cruise? Is it all bingo and snobby older people?


It's a 15 day cruise and I understand you have to dress up for dinner. What does everyone wear in the evening? I don't know what to pack for formal evenings etc. What are they. Also what do you wear on normal evenings.


Any help would be great seeing as I have to go on this holiday even though I would rather stay at home with my aunt and her family.


Thanks Jody


Hello Jody,


You should count your blessings, it should be a marvelous trip. You are very lucky. And I am sure your parents want you with them at that time of the year.


I never saw a lot of young people on the QM2 but there are always some of them and you will have ample opportunity to meet them I am sure.


The QM2 is a beautiful ship and even more beautiful at Christmas time I hear. As far as your formal dress, I don't think it would be very much different from any other adult--afterall, you are 18, isn't that considered an adult in the UK? Perhaps your mother would have helpful hints about that as she will need to dress formally as well.

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Hi fishywood. I think the drinking age of 21 applies only until the ship departing from NY reaches International waters...then the bar and the Casino is open to 18 year olds.


A few hours after that, the ship hits the open seas. Within a day or two, there is potential for squalls in the Caribbean. And from my personal observation, QM2 handles whatever the sea throws at her very well. However, I would not recommend drinking to excess unless one wanted to make the trip by rail :eek:


Yes, you are right. When I did transatlantic before I met a couple of 19 year olds. They could drink on the crossing but for the time we were in US waters they weren't served. I felt really sorry for them actually! Seemed a little bizarre to be able to drink one day and not the next but rules are rules. :rolleyes:

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Hi my parents have booked a christmas cruise on the Queen Mary around the Caribbean. We haven't cruised before and don't know what to expect. Neither my brother or I really want to go as we think its a holiday for older people. I am 18 and my brother is 15.


What can we expect on the cruise? Is it all bingo and snobby older people?


It's a 15 day cruise and I understand you have to dress up for dinner. What does everyone wear in the evening? I don't know what to pack for formal evenings etc. What are they. Also what do you wear on normal evenings.


Any help would be great seeing as I have to go on this holiday even though I would rather stay at home with my aunt and her family.


Thanks Jody


Hi Jody,


My wife and I were on the Queen Mary 2 last winter break. It too, was a 15 night cruise. My wife is a High School AP English teacher and I'm a retired high school science teacher, so I kind of have an idea about teenagers.:)

First off, leaving out of NYC is the best! I hope you get to spend some time there before, or after, the the cruise?

There will be a bunch of teenagers on the cruise, as it's winter break for most everyone. Most will be from the US, but there will be a few from the UK.

The ports will be warm; think beach time; snorkeling; sailing..., The ship is huge and full of things to do for every age. It has an indoor pool, a couple of outside pools, sun decks, a planetarium, and way too many places to eat!

If you try to make it an adventure and have a positive outlook, I'm sure you will enjoy your holiday!


We will be on a couple of different ships at the same time, but in a way, I wish we could do the QM 2 again!




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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Jody

We will be on the same cruise as you and we have a young lady with us - she is quiet a bit older than you at 23 - however I am sure she would be happy to spend some time with you around the pool or in the G32 nightclub - we always finish the evening there.

Hayley will be boarding at NY with her Mum and Dad - and will have a fab-u-lous selection of outfits for the cruise - she has already bought a leopard print jumpsuit for one of the semi formal nights!

We have planned a number of shore activities including swimming with dolphins, snorkelling and a boat trip out to a reef to swim in stingrays.

Please let me know if we can help further - and we hope to see you around the ship.


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If you do ever come back to this thread Jody, just wanted to say my two teenagers (16 and 13) absolutely LOVED the QM2 recently .I showed them the teens club thing,but there was so much else to do they weren't interested in it....hope you enjoy!

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Hi Jody,

I think you will be pleasantly surprised by all the activities available onboard the QM2. We were scheduled to take the Christmas cruise but, unfortunately, had to cancel. Besides the excellent library and book discussion group, lectures, planetarium, afternoon teas, there is the gym where I workout almost everyday. I am a runner and there is a place to run outdoors. Don't be afraid to talk to some of the older passengers. Some have had interesting lives and you will be fascinated by some of their stories. Don't worry about the dress code. Yes, you do want to look great but I sailed on two Thanksgiving cruises and found people dressed less formally than I would have expected. Bring your iPad or laptop and record your thoughts about the cruise. It may be helpful for others in your age group and young families considering a future Christmas cruise. Personally, I love the ship and am looking forward to my next QM2 cruise.

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Hi Jody

We will be on the same cruise as you and we have a young lady with us - she is quiet a bit older than you at 23 - however I am sure she would be happy to spend some time with you around the pool or in the G32 nightclub - we always finish the evening there.

Hayley will be boarding at NY with her Mum and Dad - and will have a fab-u-lous selection of outfits for the cruise - she has already bought a leopard print jumpsuit for one of the semi formal nights!

We have planned a number of shore activities including swimming with dolphins, snorkelling and a boat trip out to a reef to swim in stingrays.

Please let me know if we can help further - and we hope to see you around the ship.


Hiya Mayzee, thanks for taking the time out to respond. I am not really looking forward to the cruise and would like to hang out with people around my age. Hopefully your 23 year old friend won't think me too young.


Never having been on a cruise before what are the things to pack so I don't stand out for the wrong reasons. Any help you may be able to give would be great, thanks again Jody:)

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If you do ever come back to this thread Jody, just wanted to say my two teenagers (16 and 13) absolutely LOVED the QM2 recently .I showed them the teens club thing,but there was so much else to do they weren't interested in it....hope you enjoy!


Hiya, Thanks for your response. What did your kids do for fun on the ship? I am trading it. Especially the posh formal nights, Jody:)

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Hello Jody,


You should count your blessings, it should be a marvelous trip. You are very lucky. And I am sure your parents want you with them at that time of the year.


I never saw a lot of young people on the QM2 but there are always some of them and you will have ample opportunity to meet them I am sure.


The QM2 is a beautiful ship and even more beautiful at Christmas time I hear. As far as your formal dress, I don't think it would be very much different from any other adult--afterall, you are 18, isn't that considered an adult in the UK? Perhaps your mother would have helpful hints about that as she will need to dress formally as well.


Just don't know what to pack or what to do to stop me from being bored when I am on board for two weeks, Jody:o

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